PSY354 Script Marker Comments Jan21

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SEMESTER: January 2021

Script Markers’ Comments

PSY354 Counselling Psychology in Singapore

General Comments

• Please correct typo errors.

• The Study Guide is NOT a primary source and should not be cited.
• Get the names of theorists or people mentioned in the scenarios right.
• Read the questions carefully and answer ALL the parts.
• Descriptions of all the stages of a theory are unnecessary if the question only
asks for ONE stage.

Question 1

• Both parts of the question should be answered.

• A therapist’s dislike for a basic modality should not be reason for transferring
a client to another counselor. The counselor should seek training and
supervision in a fundament therapeutic modality if she/he is not adequately
competent in using the modality.
• Weak answers were vague and descriptive and did not provide a discussion of
the issues.
• Weak answers also left out the management aspects required.
• Students need to be clear of the facts in the given scenario, e.g., the client did
not agree to have a joint session with her mother.
• One mistake observed was the the view of ‘being ethical’ as a personal
characteristic. Ethical practice for a counselor goes beyond personal
• Ability to maintain confidentiality is also not a personal characteristic. That is
a given in counselling. An example of a relevant personal characteristic is
‘possessing integrity’.

Question 2

• Student need to read the question carefully. It is not necessary to link every
part to the same scenario.
• Some answers tended to reveal a weak understanding of concepts (e.g., Stage
• When referring to a model (e.g., Kohlberg model), use the description given in
the seminar slides for consistency even though there are several versions
available online.
• The most common mistake in answering Assignment 2 was not including
therapy goals.
• Conceptual errors include confusing ‘therapy goal’ with ‘therapy method’ or
modality, e.g., CBT or PCT.
• Goals should be specific, e.g., “be a better person” is too vague.
• Explanations need to be clear e.g., how strategies during pandemic relates to
Stage 5.

Question 3

• The proposed plan has to be specific to each presenting issue in the scenario.
• Some student mistakenly understood that the question was asking for a
therapeutic modality to be used, e.g., CBT or SBT. The question asked for
practical help for the client and his family and how different agencies can help
• Student need to specify the VWO they have chosen to highlight.
• MSF is NOT a VWO.
• The second part of the question was about how the VWO helps the overlooked
population and what else can be done to help them.
• Average quality answers did not go beyond discussing the VWO’s existing


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