Urban Governance

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186 Town Planning and the Political Culture of Planning

6.5 Good governance

Being the city nature too dynamic, the role of governance is very important.
Most people use the word 'govermance as a synonym of 'government'. But,
govemance is of course a different concept from government. The various
view points of 'governance' hinder a unique and recognized definition. The
complexity of governance is difficult to capture in a simple definition.
However. one simple definition of governance is "the art of steering societies
and organizations." According to Global Urban Research Institute (GUR).
"Governance refers to the relationship between the state and the civil society,
between the rulers and the ruled. the government and the governed"
(McCarmey et al.. 1996).
The concept of govemance is not new; it is the art of public leadership.
There are three distinct dimensions of governance the form of political regime,
the process by which authority is exercised in the management of a country's
economic and social resources, and the capacity of governments to design.
formulate. and implement policies and discharge functions (GDRC, 2006). It is
as old as human civilization. Simply govermance means the process of
decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented or not
implemented. Governance can be used in several contexts such as corporate
govemance. international governance, national governance and local
governance (UN-ESCAP. 2006). Since governance is the process of decision-
making and the process by which decisions are implemented, an analysis of
governance focuses on the formal and informal actors involved in decision-
making and implementing the decisions made and the formal and informal
Structures that have been set in place to arrive at and implement the decision.
At the national leve!. in addition to the above actors., media. lobbyists.
intemational donors. multi-national corporations, etc. may play a role in
decision-making or in influencing the decision-making process.
Government is one of the actors in governance. Other actors involved in
governance vary depending on the level of government. In rural areas. tor
example, other actors may include influential land owners, associations or
peasant farmers, cooperati ves, donors, media, NGOs. research institutes
religiousleaders, financial institutions. political parties and the military etc.
he situation in urban areas is more complex. Fig. 6.5 provides tne
interconnections between actors involved in urban governance
All actors other than government and the military are grouped together as

part of the "civil society". In some countries in addition to the civil society.
organized crime syndicates also influence decision-making. particularly 1
urban areas and at the national level. Former Secretary-General of the Unitu
Nations, Kofi Annan had delivered his parting message to the wor
community in December 11, 2006 at the Truman Presidential Museum
Library conceming good governance. Annan's parting message to the wort
Urban Planning System and Local Level Planning in Bangladesh 187

and particularly to the American people. was one of accountability and

responsibility. Recalling Truman's leadership in the founding of the U.N, the
Secretary-General would lay out principles of global governance for the 21st
century and argue that America's founding principle of accountability of
govemors to the governed must apply also to those who exercise power in
today's world. Annan emphasized the need for accountable leadership at the
national level but also at the global level. where the U.S. continues as
Truman's day to have
extraordinary power and therefore special
responsibilities. It must have the wisdom. and the humility, to exercise these
responsibilities through a multilateral system in which power is shared and
States are accountable to each other for their
conduct (Truman Presidential
Museum & Library. 2006).

The Urban Elite

shape the city-formally and informally
National/provincial well organized
government decision
makers, appointed local
decision makers, formal
business decision makers

Elected local Mafias

officials Media

Middle level Trade unions
government office
nationai and local
education providers
& expert, private
Daily wage earners, low
sector employees, NGOs, CBOs evel government
CSOs, PVOs employees, workers in
the informal sector,

The Urban Middle class:

The Urban Poor
uninterested suffer the most
disorganized are exploited
has the greatest
potential to bring about change beginning to get organized

Must be strengthened, activated and given

space so as to empower them

Fig. 6.5. Urban actors and urban

Source: UN-ESCAP, 2006

6.5.1 Principles of good governance

Perhaps the most basic and important principle of good governance is that a
nation's political institutions be democratic. The right of every person to
speak freely about his government is a basic human right. one that arises
from every individual's worth as a human being, as has been recognized by
Town Planning and the Political Culture of Planning
nations all over the world. According to Paula Dobriansky (2003
Development cannot flourish where people cannot make their voices ard.
human rights are not respected, information does not flow, and civil socio
and the judiciary are weak. She outlines five key principles of
mentioned below.
govemance what are

Free and fair election

Free and fair elections are open and transparent to all people without
discrimination based on sex, race or ethnicity, and are unrestricted hu
government coercion and interference. The right to free and fair elections
should be guaranteed by appropriate constitutional or legal safeguards, as
only with honest elections can govemments be held accountable to their

Independent judiciary and the rule of laww

An independent judiciary allows citizens to seek protection of their rights and
redress against govermment actions. These limits help making branches of
government accountable to each other and to the people. All branches of
government also should be willingly bound by the rule of law which is the
basis for business formation and the establishment of capital markets, which
underpin economic development.

Freedom ofspeech and press

To function properly, a just and democratic society must have a free
exchange of information and ideas. This is best realized in the creation of a
free and open press and the freedoms of speech and expression. which form a
part of the MCA's (Millennium Challenge Account) eligibility criteria of
political rights and civil liberties. A free press provides voters with the
information they need to make informed decisions.
Absence of corruption
Good governance also means the
absence of corruption. To presc the
integnty of democracy, this
governments must strive to rid themselves o
Corruption because it damages economic development and
the abilhty of
reforn, i the
developing countries to attract foreign investment, af a *
of democratic hands
institutions, and concentrates power in the o
Government investment in basic
Good govenance also social services e o p l e a n d work

requires governments invest in their peo or

to preserve the welfare of

their citizens, without regard to
ge educatio
ethnicity. Governments should devote resources to
and combating poverty. healu economic

They should strive to create an

environment where people can find
jobs and establish business
Town Planning and the Political Culture of Planning

6.5.2 Characteristics of good governance

the operations or government. Govermance refers

Govemance is more than
the business sector and all other instittutionc
how civil society. govemment,
their alfairs. GOvemance systems need to ona
bodies interrelated to manage e
at all levels, from the local and national. to the transnational and global
good govemance only ensure the overall national development, This o d
govemance has eight major characteristics (Fig. 6.7). t is particinatoory.
consensus onented. accountable. transparent. responsive, eftective and
efficient. equitable and inclusive and follows the ule of law. It assures t
corruption is minimized. the views of minorities are taken into account and that
the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in deciSion-making. Participation
Participation by different strata of society is a key cornerstone of good
governance. Participation could be either direct or through legitimate
intermediate institutions or representatives. It is important to point out that
representative democracy does not necessarily mean that the concerns of the
most vulnerable in society would be taken into consideration in decision
making. Participation needs to be informed and organized. This means
freedom of association and expression on the one hand and an organized civil
society on the other hand. Rule of law

Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced neutrally.
It also requires full protection of human rights. particularly those or

minorities. Impartial enforcement of laws requires an independent judreiy

and an impartial and incorruptible
police force. Transparency
Tansparency means that decisions taken and their enforcement are done
manner that follows rules and regulations. It also means that informato
reely available and directly accessible to those who will be atrecic
atcisions and enforcement. It also means that enough informato
provided through simple understandable forms and media. Responsiveness
Good governance requires that institutions and processes try to seIv
stakeholders within a reasonable timneframe. Consensus orientedd SOCiety. Good

There several actors and many view

reach a
points in à givc
governance requires mediation of the different interests in SO
Urban Planning System and Local Level Planning in Bangladesh 191

broad consensus in society on what is in the best interest of the whole

community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad and long-
term perspective on what is needed for sustainable human development and
how to achieve the
goals of such development. This can only result from an
understanding of the historical, cultural and social contexts of a
given society
or community.

oriented Rule of law

Accountable Effective and
Governance efficient

Transparent Equitable
and inclusive


Source: Chowdhury, 2006

Fig. 6.7. Characteristics of good governance. Equity and inclusiveness

society'swell being depends on
ensuring that all its members feel that
have astake and do not feel detached trom the they
requires all groups, but particularly the most vulnerable, of society. This
have opportunities to
improve or maintain their well -being.
192 Town Planning and the Political Culture of Planning Effectiveness and efficiency

Good gOvemance means that prOcesses and institutions produce results that
meet the need of society while making the best use of resources at their
disposal. The concept of efficiency in the context of good governance also
covers the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the
environnment. Accountability
Accountability is a key requirement of good governance. Not only government
institutions but also the private sector and civil society organizations must be
accountable to the public and to their institutional stakeholders. The question,
who is accountable to whom varies depending on whether decisions or actions
(taken) are intermalextemal to an organization or institution. In general an
affected by its
organization or an institution is accountable to those who will be
decisions or actions. Accountability cannot be enforced without transparency
and the rule of law. Accountability hierarchy must be well defined as well as
coordination of various government and non-govermment organizations must

be well defined.

6.5.3 Good governance in Bangladesh

Good Governance is hardly discernable in the context of present Bangladesh.
There are several factors and issues that are constraining the very process of
good governance. The major factors are corruption, inefficiency
bureaucracy. politicization of administration. non-observance of the rule of
law etc. The main issues and problems for ensuring good governance in

Bangladesh are as follows: Corruption and poverty
Corruption is a big obstacle in the way of good governance in Bangladesh.
to the
Corruption has become rampant that Bangladesh currently belongs
world's leading corrupt nations. It slows down the investment and growtn
and prevents a fair distribution of national wealth and broadens gap betwee
or nc
ich and poor. Poverty is endemic in Bangladesh. It emerges as one
important impediments of growth and development in Bangladesn.
Alter stay1ng at the bottom of the list for five successive years
2001-2005, in 2006 Bangladesh has been ranked 3rd from below togc
With Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Guinea who d
Scored same points. According to TI, the fact that Bangladesh no m a n c e

Occupies last place in the table is attnbutable more to the poorer pert as

levels in Bangladesh
of several other countries than to a drop in corrupuon ioned

such. In fact. among Asian countries Bangladesh has been l to


together with Myanmar and Cambodia where the lack of politiecal

Urban Planning System and Local Level Planning in Bangladesh 193

strengthen anti-coTuplion institutions has perpetuated rampant corruption.

ndermining improvements in quality of life for the poorest citizens. The CPI
CoTuption Perceptions Index) ranks countries annually in terms of the
degree to which coItuption is perceived to exist among public officials and
noliticians. It is a composite index prepared through a poll of polls using -

corruption-related data from a number of expert surveys involving business

leaders and analysts. It als0 includes assessments of country experts living
within and outside the country concerned. Inefficiency of bureaucracy

Bureaucracy in Bangladesh is not efficient in
administration. Bureaucrats are hardly accountable and management
transparent to the
people. Thus lack of accountability can be attributed inter-alia to
bureaucratic corruption and hence there is no effective mechanism to make
them accountable and transparent. Political interference in administration
There exists a serious crisis of
political interference in administration mostly
by the influence of party in power. Thus nepotism becomes
administration is always unfair.
widespread and Nepotism
Nepotism is another severe curse in our politics and administration. The
Tulers give privilege and under advantage to their family members, kith and
kin on
public resources depriving the majority of the people at large. Improper and non-observance of the rule of law
n Irue and real sense of application of rule of law in Bangladesh follows a
COurse of selective and discretionary application. It is said that laws are there

these are applied only in favor of privilege people or class. As a result

Justices suffer and denied to the common people. Improper use of resources

nere is an improper use of resources in some of the departments of the
EOvernment. However, the fund flow is not used properly in local
EOvenment bodies. Thus it causes sufferings of service deticiencies in the
Ocal grasS root level areas. Ineptitude of political parties

fMo ver there are more than 100 political parties in Bangladesh but a very
O r them have definite ideology or programmes to be followed. Though
ne parties have ideologies and programmes, the leaders often defy
194 Town Planning and the
Political Culture of Planning

them for their own gain. Each major party 1s headed by a person who is
ot the party, including the formation of
omnipotent in the management
central and executive committees. Another impediment to the growth of
democracy is the hereditary or dynastic element in the party leadership.
Political parties are considered safe abode tor criminals. terrorists, and
extortionists. for these types of people are always given sheiter in parties,
Moneyed people devoid of any leadership quality or connection with the
people are given position in parties. In election time people who amassed
wealth through whatever means are given preference to be candidates who
may not be so wealthy but otherwise dedicated to and committed to having
checkered political career. The recent endeavor of the Caretaker Government
is urging the political parties to improve their party manifesto and become
transparent in their internal administration.

6.6 The pledge in Bangladesh constitution favoring local governance

Before entering into the topic it seems appropriate to define the term local
governance. Local governance is defined as "the totality of processes (or
functions) which contribute to the development of a specific area as well as
the norms necessary for mediating a harmonious integration of actions"
(Jacob. 1994).
The concept of local governance itself has undergone important changes
in the recent past. The decade of the 1990s in Bangladesh has been termed as
the decade of democracy when democratically elected governments were
established. Growing interest and support favoring an autonomous and
integrated local government system geared towards a system ot
accountability and transparency based on participatory and representative
democracy. Although there are differences of opinion as to the
implementation of particular modalities of such local governance. there exisS
a consensus in the civil society of Bangladesh and within a broad range of the
poiitical spectrum that local governance is an essential element of good
govemance. This should be promoted and this is a necessary factor ol

economic growth and development (Rahman, 1999).

A broad range of reforms in the area of public administration undertakc
by successive govemments in Bangladesh have put in place a system ot ioc al
govemment which had gradually evolved into an important component of
national governance. The prelude to Bangladesh constitution. the prineip
which provIde its basic foundation and the articles which explieate those ng
provides a clear guidance on the role, structure and process for the autono

local govenment in Bangladesh. The constitution states that "local govertu

in every administrative unit of the Republic shall be entrusted to bOu
Composed of persons elected in accordance with law"' (Article 59-00
preamble to the constitution emphasizes the democratic process as a venici

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