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let's turn in our bibles to john chapter 5, john chapter 5, and let's read verse 39

and 40, and then verses 45 to 47, john chapter 5 ,and we'll begin with verse 39.

Here jesus is speaking to a group of jews, and he says to them, you know
you're searching the scriptures, and notice what they were looking for in
scripture, it says there in verse 39,

you search the scriptures ,for in them you think that you have eternal life, so why
were they studying the scriptures ,because they thought that by studying the
scriptures ,they could what ,they could receive eternal life ,but what were they

the center of the scriptures, jesus ,so they were studying the scriptures
without jesus, do we have the danger of studying the scriptures without jesus,
i believe so, you search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life
and these are they which testify of me, and then he says in verse 40 ,but you are
not willing to come to me, that you may have life,

yeah you're studying the bible, but without discernment, without finding the
treasure, without finding me jesus is saying ,so once again the purpose of bible
study , to encounter the person of the bible,

the purpose is to form an intimate personal relationship with jesus christ,

it's not information merely information is important, it's not merely information,
it is transformation, through the power of jesus christ,

and then let's go to verse 45 through 47 ,do not think jesus says that i shall
accuse you to the father, there is one who accuses you, moses ,in whom you
trust those you trust moses but moses is your accuser,

why, verse verse 46, for if you believe moses ,that is what moses wrote, you
would what, you would believe me, for he wrote about me,

but if you do not believe his writings ,how will you believe my words,
and so the important aspect of this particular lesson, we've studied many many
different details , taking a bird's eye view, the important thing is ,that the
purpose of the study of the word of god, is to encounter jesus christ ,and that's
why we need to pray ,
when we open the book we need to pray, give me a vision of jesus, show me
jesus, help me to fall in love with jesus, help me to walk with jesus, our study of
the bible must always be christ centered ,not information centered ,when we
deal with bible prophecy ,

and with end time events ,we always have to look at how that impacts our
relationship with christ,

how it impacts the world's relationship with christ ,because bible prophecy is
centered in jesus christ, it's not merely being able to say well this is going to
happen and then this is going to happen and then this is going to happen, it's
like the three young men who were thrown into the fiery furnace,

it's having that faith in christ ,that when the crisis comes ,we will remain
faithful to jesus ,because we know him ,to be our personal savior and lord,

that's what it is all about ,so i pray that as we have studied this lesson, and once
again i underline please look up all of the verses,

there is a gold mine of information in all the verses ,we're only able to scratch
the Surface, here in the class, make sure you go back this afternoon
review ,don't get ahead of me don't read the lessons for tomorrow,

and the next day, go it'll take enough time for you to look up all of these
references and see, how they point to what we have studied ,so let's remember
to form this personal relationship with christ ,by relishing his Word, by enjoying
his Word, by eating and digesting that wonderful word
Nunca os conocí, apartaos de mí, practicantes de la ilegalidad, sabéis que la traducción
practicar la ilegalidad, es en realidad sólo una palabra en griego, es la palabra anomias, que se
traduce en primera Juan 3 4,

transgresión de la ley, así que lo que Jesús realmente está diciendo aquí, es apártate de mí, tú
que transgredes la ley,

i never knew you ,depart from me, you who practice lawlessness ,you know that translation
practice lawlessness, is actually only one word in greek, it's the word anomias, which is
translated in first john 3 4,

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