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Reconstruction The Freedman’s Bureau: Est.

by Lincoln
What was the purpose of the Freedman’s Bureau?

List some of the contributions of the Freedman’s Bureau:

 __________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________

President Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan

Part of Johnson’s Plan Effect of Johnson’s Plan

Why were postwar problems were more severe in the South than the North?

As you learn about the Civil War Amendments, write a 10 word summary of
that Amendment.
Black Codes
Civil War 10 Word Summary What was the purpose of the Black Codes?
13th Amendment Rights Given to Blacks Rights Restricted from Blacks

14th Amendment

15th Amendment
Draw a picture illustrating from the point of view of a “sharecropper”
explaining how the system of sharecropping in the South kept African With my nose I…….
Americans in poverty. I have heard…..

In my heart I felt…..

With my mouth……

With my hands I……

Complete following the Odd One Out:

Agree or Disagree: Read the following statement and state

whether you agree or disagree. Provide support for your

“Overall, Johnson’s plan was effective at reconstructing the South.”

_________________________________________________________________ President Andrew Johnson Sensory Figure:
_________________________________________________________________ Based on your knowledge and notes about President Johnson and his
_________________________________________________________________ Reconstruction plans, complete the sensory figure.
Radical Reconstruction Plan: 3 main points

How do you think black suffrage would affect representation

in Southern States?

Hiram Rhode Revels: Who was he???

The main argument related to the 14 Amendment was: _________________________________________________________________
(circle correct)
❶ Ending slavery

❷Recognizing black as equal citizens

❸Outlawing the Black Codes

President Johnson’s Impeachment

Why did Congress impeach Johnson? What was the outcome of the
“Worse than Slavery” The Election of 1876
Circle elements in the photograph that support the idea that the South under The election of __________________________________ in 1876 led to
Reconstruction was “worse than slavery”. the end of Reconstruction.

What number was the ultimate cause of the decline of Reconstruction?

❶ The violence of the South

❷ President Grant’s term ending
❸ The military being removed from the South
❹ Blacks started to move north to escape the KKK

Write a one sentence summary for the following key

concepts about Jim Crow Laws.

Conservative Resistance
What was the main goal of the organization known as the Ku Klux Klan:
Old South New South

Using your knowledge, compare the South (socially, politically, economically) before and after the era of Reconstruction.

Reconstruction Era Policies in the “West”

In each box, illustrate or bullet the main effects of the following legislative acts.

Homestead Act (1862) Morrill Act (1862) Dawes Act (1887)

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