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Godless and demoniac civilisation

If society is godless then it is a demoniac society.There is no in between.The vedic god Vishnu has
2 pairs of arms, one holds lotus flower,one hold conchsell for devotees and another hand hold disc
and another hold club to annihilate demons.If you have to choose what you will be devotee or
demon.You have say I am not a demon though you eat meat but for godly people Brahamanas and
Vaishnavas you are a demoianc.If a man eats animal then he is animal.His brain is so dull and
coverd by darkness of Maya, the material or illusiory energy he can't differentiate between what is
wrong or right.Actually when we are born we are all covered by Maya and ignorace.Hence we need
to approach a bona fide guru as he will remove darkness of Maya and ignorance by a torch of
Knowledge.Who is a bona fide guru?Guru is a spiritual master who teaches what god has spoken in
text like Bhagavad Gita and what is written in Vedas.Vedas are authoritive text for human
civilisation and its not for animal civilisation.One must not question what is written in vedas as that
will be considered foolish.Vedas are like law book which gives us instruction to follow for
successful,happy and prosperous life.Certainly vedas doesn't say go and jump from a
mountain.Vedas teaches things before you commit a mistake and regret.People in india have been
following Vedas from ancient time infact the whole indian civilisation is based upon vedas.It is said
there 4 types of learners.The most intelligent learner is one who learn by following what superior
people like parents,teachers or law says.Second most intellient learner is the one who learns by

There are 3 modes of material nature which all living acts upon.One may think his activities done
by him but that is not the fact.His activities controlled by 3 modes of nature.Mode of goodness is
where you can get knowledge like what is a fact and illusion,what is wrong and right,what is
human life and animalistic life etc.It has happiness too.Mode of Passion is makes you want achieve
fame,prestige,have romantic relationships.It is full of miseries and illusions.You are very susceptial
to grips of Maya when you are in mode of Passion.And the last mode of nature is the mode of
ignorance.When you are in mode of ignorance you are inert,lazy, and thing you do result in
foolishness and madness.For instance taking drugs,drinking alcohol,eating meat,commitiing crime
etc.To become happy you need to be intelligent like Brahamana and be in mode of happiness coz it
has happiness as affirmed by Lord Krishna.The thing about Bhagavad Gita is, it is perfect and
without mistake and it is timless.What ever lord Krishna has spoken in Bhagavad gita is practical
and can use apply it in your life to live intelligent and happy life.Remember being intelligent is
being happy.And you have to sought intelligence from guru,Lord krishna via Bhagavad gita and
vedas.If what its said in vedas or Bhagavad gita or by guru was impractical and did not work in real
life life it would have disappeared long ago.

We have to remember people especially in India were formerly we so spiritual advanced.Even up

until my mother generation they had good know of soul and law of Karma which are advanced
science.I still remember my mother telling me about not to do bad thing as law of karma will get
you and how soul leaves body after we die.If you backtrack generation before my mother
generation like my grandmother generation then they were more advanced in spiritual knowledge
and had staunch faith on it.Like to so if you go century after century you will be people more
spiritual advanced but not material advanced.Finally 5000 years ago when the Lord Krishna was
present on this earth, imagine how much spiritual advanced they were.They were full of knowledge
and intelligence.Then their society is so advanced like they would not need police to police the
society.The law of karma was so much instilled in their minds that they knew if they committed
crimes,sin,steal or hurt anybody the law of natured would punish them in next life after death.Since
people didn't do bad thing to each other the society was happy.They didn't do bad thing to animals
like cow what to speak of to humans.

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