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Carlos Andrés Sevilla Castellón Language Arts EFL 25/02/2023 4A

Writing task no. 1

❖ ¬ You are a little annoyed with a friend of yours who has not been able to meet you for a long
▪ ¬ Write an email complaining to them about this and trying to persuade them to fix a date.
 ¬ 150 words.

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Missing Email
Carlos Sevilla <> Sat, 25 feb 2023, 7:21

For: Rossana

Hello, it’s been a while…like 3 years I may say.

I can still remember everything we talked about when we first met and everything, we did the
day we hanged out; even when keeping all type of communication, I got to say that our organization
for all those dates we’ve planned were not the best.

Perhaps what we could do in order to really meet up and spend some time together should be
something simple. What if I go to your house or what if you come to my house? My parents know
you and your parents know me pretty well, so I don’t see where’s the problem.

In any case you consider something better for the occasion or if you believe there won’t be an
opportunity to meet soon, you can always feel free to let me know and we can plan it for someday
else, but I would really like to share a moment, take some pictures, and we could even go buy
something sweet.

With lots of love,


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