Writing Task 3 Carlos Sevilla-FBI-VAN PDF

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Carlos Andrés Sevilla Castellón Language Arts EFL 25/02/2023 4A

Writing task no. 3

❖ ¬ Describe a person from history that you admire and say why you admire them.
 ¬ 150 words.

- Send to lorijean@cela.edu.mx

Mr Karl Marx
I admire Marx by many for his contributions to political philosophy and social theory. Here are a few
reasons why:

Critique of capitalism: Marx is most well-known for his critique of capitalism. He argued that
capitalism is an exploitative economic system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the
working class. He believed that workers are alienated from the products they produce, from the
production process itself, and from their fellow workers. Marx argued that workers should own and
control the means of production, rather than being exploited by capitalists.

Historical materialism: Marx developed the theory of historical materialism, which argues that
social and economic systems are shaped by material conditions, such as technology, resources, and
the environment. He believed that history is driven by class struggle and that changes in the mode
of production lead to changes in social relations.

Influence on political movements: Marx's ideas have had a significant influence on political
movements around the world, including socialism, communism, and labor movements. His critiques
of capitalism and calls for worker empowerment have been central to many political campaigns and
social justice movements.

Academic influence: Marx's work has been studied and analyzed by scholars across many fields,
including sociology, political science, economics, and philosophy. His ideas continue to be relevant
to contemporary debates about social inequality, economic justice, and political power.

Of course, it's worth noting that not everyone admires Marx, and there are many criticisms of his
work as well. Nonetheless, Marx's ideas continue to be influential and important to many people.

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