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Computational investigation of heat transfer on the surface of engine

cylinder with fins of different shapes and materials
P.L. Rupesh a, K. Raja a, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj a, M. Pruthviraj Bharmal a, Pandey Aditya Ramjatan b
Veltech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 600062, India
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems India Private Limited, Bangalore 560027, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In everyday life the use of vehicles has expanded immensely for some ventures and house hold applica-
Received 1 July 2020 tions, likewise the running time of engine cycle is exceptionally long. Thus because of the consistent run-
Received in revised form 9 November 2020 ning enormous measure of heat is produced. At the point when this heat isn’t appropriately disseminated,
Accepted 13 November 2020
the engine gets more fragile very soon and life of the engine declines because of the heat development. To
Available online xxxx
build the life of the engine, heat dispersal is expanded by giving fins at external of engine chamber. The
shape of the fins and the material used for the fin increases its heat dissipation capacity and in turn
increases the cooling of the engine for proper functioning. The present work focuses on the design of fins
Two stroke engine
of circular and tapered shapes for a 2-stroke engine. The temperature distribution and the heat dissipa-
Circular fin tion along the fin surface of two shapes has been observed by a steady state thermal analysis. Alusil and
Tapered fin Silumin has been selected as the fin materials and a computational evaluation has also been done using
Silumin FEM. A better shape of the fin along with a suitable material has been selected based on the results
Thermal Conductivity observed by FEM and on comparison with the existing shape and material of the fin.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Developments-2020.

1. Introduction Yet at the same time great measure of heat is left inside the engine
which If not evacuated the engine gets more fragile very soon and
An engine is a gadget which changes one type of vitality into life of engine declines because of heat extension. To manage this
another structure. Heat engine is a gadget which changes the sub- heating issue, cooling framework becomes possibly the most
stance vitality of a fuel into heat vitality and uses this heat vitality important factor [1–4]. The greater part of the cutting edge inside
into helpful work. Heat engine can be extensively delegated as a) burning engine are fluid cooled which is a very perplexing frame-
Internal Combustion engines b) External burning engine. In light work and sending such framework on a bike engine method adding
of number of strokes, the engine can be delegated I) Two stroke more weight to it alongside extra expense. To keep the cost low, a
engine ii) Four stroke engine. In two stroke engines, the cycle is fin- basic yet proficient framework is used in a bike known as Air-
ished in one insurgency of the driving rod [2–3]. Ports are available cooled framework Fig. 1.
in two stroke engines and they are utilized in bikes and cruisers. For making air cooling proficient, both engine chamber and
head are secured with metal fins to advance cooling. Air cooled
1.1. Air cooling using fins engine follow basic instrument of direct progression of air on to
the engine to expel the heat from engine body. To make this cool-
The running time of engine cycle is long due to the gigantic ing procedure snappy and effective, engine body is expanded uti-
expansion in the usage of vehicles has expanded gigantically for lizing metal fins which builds the surface zone. Increasingly
some businesses and house hold applications in day to day life. surface region helps in accomplishing better air contact on to the
Because of this ignition, parcel of heat is created – halfway heat engine coming about improved heat expulsion rate. In specialized
is conveyed of engine during the fumes stroke as waste gases. terms, conduction makes the heat stream from engine chamber
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering for
Sustainable Developments-2020.

Please cite this article as: P.L. Rupesh, K. Raja, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj et al., Computational investigation of heat transfer on the surface of engine cylinder with
fins of different shapes and materials, Materials Today: Proceedings,
P.L. Rupesh, K. Raja, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

and head to the metal fins [5–6]. When a bike begins rolling, nat-
urally cool air moves over the engine fins and expel the heat by
straightforward convection process.
To decrease the heat extension, the engine packaging is made
by utilizing either Aluminium or carbon steel. Aluminium fins are
utilized for regular bike engines forward-thinking. The utilization
of combination materials gives another measurement to engine
cooling with much impact in heat dispersal [10–12]. The effective-
ness of the fin can be enhanced by the following factors:

 Contact Area, Perimeter, Thermal Conductivity and Heat trans-

fer coefficient must be greater than unity Fig. 2.
 Use of Materials with large thermal conductivities.
 Increase in the ration of Perimeter to Contact area.

Pulkit Sagara et al [7] break down the heat move rate by chang-
ing the shape and surface harshness of fins. The model was made
by fluctuating the shape and harshness of the blade. The conse-
quences for the heat move through blades in bike and other engine
power vehicles by changing the geometry were additionally con-
templated. Raviulla et al [8] investigated the heat properties of Fig. 2. Types of fins.
the engine by differing geometry, material of chamber fins. It
was found that at the point when fins work with enormous tem-
perature contrasts between the blade base and the encompassing effect of perimeter to contact area and the usage of alloys with high
liquid, the impact of temperature-subordinate heat conductivity thermal conductivity on the heat dissipation capacity of fins.
of the fin material must be remembered for the investigation if
its heat presentation is to be assessed correctly. An endeavour is
2. Design of engine model
made to re-enact the heat move utilizing CFD for various shape
and geometry of Fins to dissect impacts on pace of heat dispersal
2.1. Existing design
from blades surfaces by Mohsin A. Ali1 et al [9]. In this work, the
blade geometry was changed to improve the heat move rate at var-
The engine cylinder with rectangular fins has been designed
ious speeds. N. Phani Raja Rao et al [10] break down the heat prop-
using CATIA as shown in Fig. 3. The dimensions of the cylinder
erties by fluctuating geometry, material and thickness of chamber
and the fins has been measured from Honda Shine engine. The
blades. Transient heat examination decides temperatures and
specifications of the engine from which dimensions are measured
other heat amounts that differ after some time. The analysis was
were given in the below Table 1.
carried out by dissecting the chamber fins utilizing Aluminium
Alloy A204 material and furthermore utilizing Aluminium amal-
gam 6061 and Magnesium composite which have higher heat 2.2. Engine model with taper & circular fins
The present work deals with the design of engine model with From the influencing factors of fin effectiveness, one of the fac-
fins of circular and taper shapes. The existing model of engine with tors is increase in the ratio of perimeter to contact area. The engine
rectangular fins was also designed. The fins are assigned with alu- cylinder has been remodeled with fins of taper and circular shape
minium material for existing model and the taper and circular fins to study the effect of the ratio of perimeter to contact area. The 3D
are assigned with Alusil and Silumin. The FEM results focus on the model of these designs has been depicted in Fig. 4. as shown below.

Fig. 1. Internal Combustion engine (a) schematic view; (b) real image.

P.L. Rupesh, K. Raja, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Properties of Aluminium.

Properties Values
Youngs modulus 80 Gpa
Poisson’s ratio 0.33
Density 2770 kg/m3
Thermal expansion 23 ⁄ 10 6K
Specific heat 87.5 J/kg K
Thermal conductivity 204.2 W/mK

Table 3
Properties of Silumin & Alusil.

Properties Values
Fig. 3. 3D model of engine cylinder with fins.
Silumin Alusil
Youngs modulus 85Gpa 100Gpa
Table 1
Poissons ratio 0.34 0.34
Engine Specifications.
Density 2730 kg/m3 2760 kg/m3
Parameters Specifications Thermal expansion 19 ⁄ 10 6.K 19 ⁄ 10 6 K
Engine Type Air Cooled, 4 Stroke, BS-VI Engine
Specific heat 145 1 145 J/kgK
Displacement 124 cc
Thermal conductivity 175 W/mK 180 W/mK
Max Power 10.74 PS @ 7500 rpm
Max Torque 11 Nm @ 6000 rpm
No. of Cylinders 1
Cooling System Air Cooled
Compression 10.0:1 Table 4
Stroke 63.1 mm Input parameters.
Bore 50 mm
Parameters Values
Engine Cylinder Temperature 750 °C
Ambient temperature 35 °C
3. Material assignment Heat transfer Coefficient 20 W/m2 K

3.1. Existing material

composition of silica varies with the composition of Aluminium,
The existing model of engine cylinder with rectangular fins was there arises the alloys of Aluminium. The effectiveness of fins also
assigned with properties of Aluminium. The structural and thermal increases with the usage of materials with higher conductivity. The
properties of Aluminium are given in the below Table 2. Aluminium alloys with silica have higher thermal conductivity
than pure aluminium. In this regard, two aluminium alloys: Silu-
3.2. Selection of new materials min (80.2% Al; 10% Si); Alusil (75% Al; 20% Si) were assigned as
materials for the fins. The structural and thermal properties of Silu-
The strength and the physical properties of all the metals min and Alusil has been tabulated in the below Table 3. A process
become higher if their composition is mixed with the composition which includes following three stages is required to enrich the
of other materials in low (or) high quantity. In this way, When Alu- alloys of aluminium (a) heating of alloy extremely to eutectic tem-
minium is mixed with Silica, its properties were enhanced. If the perature; (b) quenching and (c) age hardening.

Fig. 4. 3D model of engine (a) taper fins; (b) circular fins.

P.L. Rupesh, K. Raja, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Existing Model (a) Temperature distribution; (b) Heat flux.

Fig. 6. Taper fins with silumin (a) Temperature distribution; (b) Heat flux.

Fig. 7. Taper fins with alusil (a) Temperature distribution; (b) Heat flux.

P.L. Rupesh, K. Raja, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 8. Circular fins with silumin (a) Temperature distribution; (b) Heat flux.

Fig. 9. Circular fins with Alusil (a) Temperature distribution; (b) Heat flux.

4. Results & discussion engine cylinder head and a minimum temperature of 560 °C was
recorded at the fin tip. The heat transfer is maximum at the base
The above material properties are assigned to the fins of the of the cylinder and it was recorded as 1.7  106 W/m2 and at the
engine and the FEM analysis is carried out based on the input surface of the fin, it dissipates and the heat flux was 7922 W/m2.
parameters such as temperature at the engine core (or) inside
engine cylinder surface, Ambient temperature around the fin sur-
4.2. FEM results of taper fins with Silumin
face and the heat transfer coefficient whose values are shown in
below Table 4. As the combustion takes place inside the engine
Fig. 6 depicts the change of temperature and heat flux at differ-
cylinder, the temperature inside the surface will be the maximum.
ent locations of engine cylinder with taper fins of Silumin material.
As the engine is air cooled by the extended surfaces, convection
The maximum and the minimum temperature at the cylinder sur-
plays a vital role.
face and the fin surface were 750 °C and 483 °C respectively. The
The results of FEM analysis for the existing and proposed design
heat dissipation from the engine cylinder to the fin tip was
models has been depicted as images in the following sub headings.
1.7  106 to 4014 W/m2.

4.1. FEM results of existing design with Aluminium 4.3. FEM results of taper fins with Alusil

The temperature distribution and the heat transferred per unit The temperature distribution and the heat transferred per unit
area of the engine cylinder with aluminium fin of rectangular cross area of the engine cylinder with Alusil fin of taper cross section
section has been shown in the above Fig. 5. The analytical results has been shown in the above Fig. 7. The analytical results show
show that a maximum temperature of 750 °C was recorded at that a maximum temperature of 750 °C was recorded at engine
P.L. Rupesh, K. Raja, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 10. Heat flux Vs. Fin Models.

Fig. 11. Tip Temperature Vs. Fin Models.

surface and the fin surface were 750 °C and 551 °C respectively.
Table 5 The heat dissipation from the engine cylinder to the fin tip was
Heat flux and temperature. 1.7  106 to 6100 W/m2.
Shapes & material of Fin Heat flux (W/m2) Temperature (0C)
5 4.5. FEM results of circular fins with Alusil
Rectangular fins with Aluminium 1.78  10 560
Taper fins with Silumin 1.88  105 572
Taper fins with Alusil 1.58  105 604 The temperature distribution and the heat transferred per unit
Annular fins with Silumin 1.91  105 640 area of the engine cylinder with Alusil fin of annular cross section
Annular fins with Alusil 1.85  105 642
has been shown in the above Fig. 9. The analytical results show
that a maximum temperature of 750 °C was recorded at engine
cylinder head and a minimum temperature of 568 °C was recorded
cylinder head and a minimum temperature of 480 °C was recorded at the fin tip. The heat transfer is maximum at the base of the cylin-
at the fin tip. The heat transfer is maximum at the base of the cylin- der and it was recorded as 1.7  106 W/m2 and at the surface of the
der and it was recorded as 1.7  106 W/m2 and at the surface of the fin, it dissipates and the heat flux was 6076 W/m2.
fin, it dissipates and the heat flux was 4067 W/m2.
4.6. Comparison of heat flux and temperature with shape and material
4.4. FEM results of circular fins with Silumin of fins

Fig. 8 depicts the change of temperature and heat flux at differ- The value of heat flux at the surface of the fin and the temper-
ent locations of engine cylinder with circular fins of Silumin mate- ature at the fin tip obtained from the FEM analysis has compared
rial. The maximum and the minimum temperature at the cylinder between the fins of different shapes and materials. Figs. 10 & 11
P.L. Rupesh, K. Raja, N.V. Sai Deepak Raj et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

depicts the variation of heat flux with the shape and material of fin Declaration of Competing Interest
in the form of a graph. The values have been tabulated in the below
Table 5. The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
The graph depicted in Fig. 10 shows that the Annular fin trans- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
fers heat from engine cylinder to fin surface at a rate of 1.91  105 to influence the work reported in this paper.
W/m2 than the rectangular and taper fins. The annular fin with
silumin material shows a higher heat transfer than annular fin with References
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Deepak Raj: Visualization, Investigation, Writing - review & edit-
ing. M. Pruthviraj Bharmal: Visualization, Investigation. Pandey
Aditya Ramjatan: Software, Validation.

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