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Phil. Constitution, RA.6713, Peace and Human Rights Issues and Concepts and
Environmental Management and Protection.
1.) It provides citizenship through blood relationship.
CA: Jus sanguinis.
2.) It provides citizenship by the place where a person was born.
CA: Jus soli
3.) How many times may a Senator be elected consecutively according to Article VI,
Section 4 of the Constitution?
CA: 2 ( twice )
4.) In section II of the Declaration of Principles, the Philippines renounces _____as an
instrument of national policy.
CA: War
5.) How many times may a President be elected consecutively?
CA: 1 ( only once )
6.) In accordance with Art.III Sec.15 of the Constitution, the privilege of writ of habeas
corpus shall not be suspended EXCEPT for the cases of:
CA: Invasion or rebellion
7.) It is the power of a President to postpone the execution of death penalty.
CA: Reprieve
8.) It is the power of a President to reduce sentence imposed to a lesser punishment such
as from death to life imprisonment.
CA: Commutation
9.) The first word written in the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
CA: We
10.) A presidential veto can be overridden with a _____ vote of both Senate and House of
CA: Two-thirds (2/3)
11.) It is a vote of people expressing their choice for or against a proposed law.
CA: Plebiscite.
12.) It is a vote to ratify or reject a certain law passed by national or local legislative
CA: Referendum
13.) What is regarded by the State as the primary social economic force?
CA: Labor
14.) If a plaintiff is a minor who is a victim of rape case, the state may invoke such right
to protect the victim's rights in case of her incapability to prosecute the case. What is this
CA: Parens patriae
15.) Who has the sole power to declare the existence of war as provided for by Art. VI,
Sec.23 of the Constitution?
CA: Congress
16.) According to Art.VII, sec.3 of 1987 Constitution, what is the minimum age
requirement of a presidential candidate?
CA: 40 yrs.old
17.) The House of Representatives shall consist of not more than ____ members in
accordance with Art.VI, sec.5 of the Constitution.
CA: 250
18.) Who was the President of the 1987 Constitutional Commission?
CA: Cecilia Munoz-Palma
19.) It is an inherent power of the State to take private property for public use in
condition of paying the owner of a just compensation.
CA: Power of eminent domain.
20.) Who is the third highest government official in the Philippines?
CA: Senate President
21.) Right to freely publish and say whatever pleases to do based on Art.III, Sec.4 of the
CA: Freedom of expression.
22.) Inherent power of the state to enact laws in relation to persons and properties.
CA: Police power.
23.) According to the Art.VII, Sec.I of the Constitution, all the executive power shall be
vested in the ___.
CA: President and Cabinet members.
24.) Which body has the power to hear and decide on all Impeachment cases?
CA: Senate.
25.) It is the right and obligation of qualified citizens during elections to vote.
CA: Suffrage
26.) Under which branch of the government do the Senators, Senate President, House
Speaker and House Representative do belong?
CA: Legislative.
27.) It is considered as the lower chamber of the Congress.
CA: House of Representative.
28.) Who among the following cannot be removed from office by impeachment?
A. President Rodrigo Duterte
B. Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista
C. Rep. Sonny Belmonte
D. Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales
E. Vice-Pres. Leni Robredo
CA: C. Rep. Sonny Belmonte
29.) It is considered as an accessory penalty to an impeachment case.
CA: Perpetual disqualification from holding public office.
30.) It is considered the prime duty of the Government.
CA: To serve and protect people.
31.) The Article in the Constitution which defines all the territorial boundaries of the
CA: Article I
32.) A body created under 1987 Constitution to investigate acts or omission of any public
officer which appear to be illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient.
CA: Office of the Ombudsman.
33.) Which of the following is considered nepotism based on Art.VII, Sec.13 of the
A. President appointing his college professor as Secretary to Education
B. President has 3 children who are local officials.
C. President appointed his fellow in fraternity as Chief of PNP.
D. President appointed his third degree cousin as the Ombudsman.
E. President appointed his drinking buddies as cabinet secretaries.
CA: D.
34.) How long immediately before the next presidential elections and up to the end of his
term, is a President not allowed to make appointments?
CA: 60 days ( 2 mos.)
35.) Which among these bills does not come from the House of Representatives?
CA: Amnesty.
36.) Tax paid on one's right to transmit property at death and measured by the value of
such property?
CA: Estate tax.
37.) The President shall notify ____ of every contract entered into in accordance with
national economy provision, within 30days from its execution.
38.) It is known as the fundamental law of the land.
CA: Constitution.
39.) It means retroactive effect of a law, making an act punishable even if it was
committed before the act punishing it was passed.
CA: Ex-post facto law.
40.) It is also known as the "pork barrel".
CA: Priority Development Assistance Fund.
41.) Who has the authority to recommend nominees for the members of the Supreme
Court and judges of the lower courts to the President?
CA: Judicial and Bar Council.
42.) What may be classified as as alienable lands of public domain?
CA: Agricultural lands.
43.) How many votes are needed for the Congress or a Constitutional Assembly to
propose amendments or revision of the present 1987 Constitution?
CA: 3/4 ( three-fourth )
44.) Art. VI, Sec.25 of the Constitution provides that a special Appropriation Bill shall
specify the purpose for which it is intended and shall be supported by funds actually
available and shall be certified by which body?
CA: National Treasurer.
45.) Elective or appointive public officials or employees are prohibited to accept any kind
of present, compensation or any title of any kind from any foreign government without
the consent of ____?
CA: Congress.
46.) No person who has succeeded as President and has served as such for more than ___
years shall qualified for election to the same office any time.
CA: 4 years.
47.) Art. VII, Sec.18 of the Constitution gives what position in the Armed Forces of the
Philippines to the President?
CA: Commander-in-Chief.
48.) Any member of the Supreme Court must;
CA: Have been a judge of a lower court for 15 yrs. Or more.
49.) Citizenship acquired by legal process.
CA: Naturalization.
50.) Which of the following may disqualify a person to run as Vice-President?
A. 70 yrs.old on the day of election
B. Has Filipino parents but born in the U.S.A
C. A registered voter
D. Able to read and write
E. Lived in abroad 9 yrs.preceeding the election.
CA: E.
51.) Which of the following is NOT qualifications of a registered voter?
A. A citizen of the Phils.
B. At least 18 yrs.of age
C. Have resided in the Phils.for 1 year
D. Have resided in the place where he will vote for atleast 6 months.
E. Must be able to read and write.
CA: E.
52.) The following are blessings of democracy provided by Art II, Sec.5 of the
Constitution EXCEPT:
A. Peace and order
B. Promotion of general welfare
C. Education and Health
D. Protection of property
E. Protection of life and liberty
CA: C.
53.) It is a process by which Filipino people can directly propose a law.
CA: Initiative.
54.) A voter's name shall be deleted from the official voter's registration list for failure to
vote in how many elections?
CA: Two preceding elections.
55.) When is the deadline for filing income tax returns every taxable year?
CA: April 15.
56.) According to Art.II, Sec.1 of the Constitution, the Philippines is a ____ and _____
CA: Democratic, Republican.
57.) It is an agency which shall function as the independent planning agency of the
CA: National Economic Devt.Authority.
58.) The following are reasons for a voter to be disqualified EXCEPT:
A. Any person who has been sentenced by final judgment to suffer imprisonment for not
less than one year.
B. Any person who has been sentenced by final judgment of having committed rebellion,
sedition, firearms laws.
C. Insane persons declared by competent authority.
D. Any person who is 18 years old at the time of voter's registration.
E. Any person who is not able to vote for two consecutive elections.
CA: D.
59.) No bill passed by either of the HOR or Senate shall become law unless it has passed
____ readings on separate days, and printed copies thereof in its final form have been
distributed to its members three days before its passage.
CA: 3
60.) It is considered the National Language in the Philippines.
CA: Filipino.
61.) R.A.6713 covers all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Temporary employees.
B. Non-career employees.
C. Private contractors
D. Elective and appointive officials
E. Military and police personnel
CA: C.
62.) The Commission on Human Rights has all the following powers and functions
A. Prosecute human rights offender.
B. Investigate all forms of human rights violation.
C. Exercise visitorial powers over jails and prison.
D. Recommend measures to promo human rights.
E. Adopt and implement its operational guidelines and rules on procedures.
CA: A.
63.) From the time of separation from the Govt.service, public officials are prohibited
from accepting employment in any private enterprise previously regulated by their office
for a period of ____.
CA: 1 year.
64.) The following constitutes due process of law EXCEPT:
A. The accused shall be tried before a competent court.
B. The accused must be given a fair and impartial trial.
C. The accused must be allowed to use all legal means to defend himself.
D. The judgment awarded against the accused must be within the authority of the law.
E. The accused must be denied of public legal assistance.
CA: E.
65.) Which of the following does NOT exemplify commitment to public service?
A. Exposing graft and corruption.
B. Reporting hazards to health in the community.
C. Preserving public property and domain.
D. Using office supplies economically.
E. Using public discretionary.
CA: D.
66.) Entrepreneurial activities of govt.employees may be allowed provided all of the
following conditions EXCEPT?
A. Not done during office hours.
B. Not done within the required 40 hour a week period.
C. Not conflict with the official functions of the employees.
D. Do not require the use of govt.resources and facilities.
E. The income from entrepreneurial activities does not exceed half of the employee's
annual income.
CA: E.
67.) The obligation of govt.officials and employees to be at all times be accountable to
the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity,
competence, and loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold
public interest over personal interest IS KNOWN AS
CA: Public service.
68.) Free voluntary service refers to services rendered by civil servants without ____.
A. Liability
B. Obligation
C. Recognition
D. Compensation
E. Eligibility
CA: D. Compensation.
69.) Which norm of conduct is described by the statement "Public officials and
employees and their families shall lead modest lives appropriate for their positions and
A. Professionalism
B. Commitment to public service
C. Nationalism and Patriotism
D. Responsiveness to the public
E. Simple living.
CA: E.
70.) Every is required to develop, update regularly, and make available to
the transacting public ______.
A. The names and action officer.
B. The performance target
C. The directory of officials.
D. The service guides.
E. The rates of service fees.
CA: D. The service guides.
71.) Jaywalking, throwing garbage anywhere, vandalism, not waiting in line and tardiness
are manifestation of ____.
A. Lack of sense of propriety.
B. Lack of punctuality.
C. Disregard for others people's propriety.
D. Disorderliness.
E. Lack of discipline.
CA: E.
72.) The main purpose of waste segregations is to _____.
A. Export recyclable materials.
B. Reduce collection costs.
C. Prevent water pollution.
D. Turn waste into resources.
E. Prevent floods.
CA: D.
73.) An environmental impact assessment ensures that ____.
CA: A project has no negative environment impact.
74.) Which of the following is the MOST damaging effect that a cement industry can do
on the environment?
A. Destruction of aquifers.
B. Displacement of farmers.
C. Destruction of landscape.
D. Lowering of soil productivity.
E. Pollution of air.
CA: C.
75.) The dominant source of air pollution in the Metropolitan area is ____.
A. Industries.
B. Garbage disposal.
C. Domestic sewage.
D. Electric power generations.
E. Motor vehicles.
CA: E.
76.) Sorting garbage is necessary to _____.
A. Prepare garbage for special garbage treatment.
B. Separate things that can be solved.
C. Separate things that do not decay or burn.
D. Enable recycling or reuse.
E. Reduce the volume of solid waste.
CA: D.
77.) Coral reefs are of great importance because they ____.
A. Take many years to grow.
B. Possess natural beauty.
C. Help recycling calcium.
D. Can be harvested and sold for high costs.
E. Serve as haven for young growing fish and small aquatic animals.
CA: E.
78.) A rainforest is a ______.
CA: Forest in the tropics.
79.) Planting variety of crops on a piece of land is more advisable than planting only one
kind of crop because _____.
CA: The soil is enriched.
80.) Farmers migrate to the uplands primarily because of _____.
CA: The more fertile soils in the forest area.
81.) Watershed may be protected through _____.
A. Draining wet lands.
B. Dredging river.
C. "Kaingin" system.
D. Planting trees.
E. Straightening streams.
CA: D.
82.) The ozone layer is vital in the preservation of life on earth because it protects us
from the harmful effects of ____.
A. Infrared rays.
B. X-ray.
C. Visible-spectrum.
D. Ultra-violet rays.
E. Gamma rays.
CA: D.
83.) Which of the following best describes the importance of forests?
A. They provide oxygen.
B. They are good source of timber.
C. They are rich sources of water.
D. They serve as habitat to wildlife.
E. They protect us from typhoon.
CA: D.
84.) This heavy metal is emitted by gasoline fueled vehicles and is potentially poisonous
substance that is particularly harmful to childen. According to the World Health
Organization ( WHO ), inhalation of this substance can severely affect a child's behaviour
and decrease intelligent quotient among children with high levels of concentration on the
blood and bone marrow. This metal is ______.
A. Cadmium.
B. Iron.
C. Mercury.
D. Silver.
E. Lead.
CA: E. Lead
85.) BONUS
God is good all the time God is good!


Here are some tips and trivias that I can share:
How to beat the clock?
Professional Level: 170items
Time: 3h & 10m
Subprofessional Level: 165items
Time: 2h & 40m
Tip 1: Now pa lang familiarize yourself sa 20 item personal Qs para mabilis ka maka-
move on sa Test Proper.
[Sample] DIRECTION: The 20 items that follow are on some information you are to give
about yourself. All these will hold strictly confidential. Please be honest and accurate
when answering. Each item is followed by several possible answers. After each item
number on your Answer Sheet, blacken fully the circle whose number corresponds to the
answer that specially pertains to you.
1. Sex:
1. Male 2. Female
2. Civil Status:
1. Single
2. Married
3. Widow/Widower
4. Separated/ Divorced
3. Highest Educational Achievement:
1. Second Year College 2.Third Year College
3. Fourth Year College
4. College Graduate
5. Postgraduate
4. Year of Last Attendance in school:
1. Before 1999
2. 1999-2005
3. 2005-2010
4. 2010-2015
5. 2015 to Present
5. Location of School of last Attended
1. Metro Manila
2. Luzon (outside Metro Manila)
3. Visayas
4. Mindanao
5. Abroad
6. What honors did you receive when you graduated from college?
1. Summa cum Laude
2. Magna cum Laude
3. Cum Laude
4. None
5. Not Applicable
7. Present employment:
1. Government
2. Private
4. Unemployed
5. N/A
8. Type of present job:
1. Professional/Technical/ Scientific
2. Trades and Crafts
3. General Clerical
4. Others
5. Not Applicable
9. Number of times promoted from January 2000 to present times.
1. Never 2. Once 3.Twice
4. More than two times
5. Not Applicable
10. What was your performance rating for the last rating period in your last rating period
in your office?
1. Outstanding
2. Very Satisfactorily
4. Unsatisfactorily
5. Not Applicable
11. Do you have the following first level eligibilities: Second Grade, General Clerical,
Career Civil Service Professional, Municipal
or Provincial Clerk?
1. Yes 2. No
12. How many times have you taken the Career Service Professional Examination,
Excluding this examination?
1. Never
2. Once
5.More than 3 Times
13. For what reason you’re taking this examination?
1. Entrance to government service
2. Change of Status of appointment
3. Promotion
4. Achievements
5. Others
- - For Government employees only - -
14. Category of Government office where employed
1. National Government
2. Local Government
3. Government owned/controlled corporation
4. Constitutional Office
5. Not Applicable
15.Status of present appointment in the government service
1. Permanent
2. Temporary
3. Casual/Emergency
4. Contractual
5. N/A
16. Years of Experience in government service.
1. Less than 5 years
2. 5-10 years
3. 11-20 years
4. 20 years above
5. N/A
17. If offered appointment in the government service, are you available? When?
1. Yes, Immediately
2. Yes, after 1 year
3. Yes, after 2 years
4. Yes, after 3 years
5. Yes, after I finish my studies
18. If offered appointment in the government service, where do you prefer to work?
1. Metro Manila
2. Luzon (outside Metro Manila)
3. Visayas 4. Mindanao
5. In Nearby Place in my house
19. For what type of work do you consider yourself best qualified?
1. Accounting
2. Budgeting
3. Management and audit analysis
4. Records Management
5. Research/ Report Writing
20. 1. Statistical Work
2. Stenography
3. Supply Management
4. System Analysis and Design
5. Others
Tip 2: Kapag di mo alam ang answer, move on muna then balikan kapag may time pa!
But be sure to never leave a number unanswered, sayang! So now pa lang, learn how to
answer your Reviewers under Time Pressure para di ka ngarag sa exam day. Online
Timed Assesments will greatly help your accuracy. Do it atleast 2x a week especially for
Reading Comprehension and Analogy.
Know thy Enemy..
Tip 1: Fully understand the Scope:
In English & Filipino
* Vocabulary
* Grammar & Correct Usage
* Organization of Ideas
* Analysis/Synthesis
* Word Analogy
* Data Interpretation
* Logic & Abstract Reasoning
* and Numerical Reasoning
In English & Filipino
* Vocabulary
* Grammar & Correct Usage
* Organization of Ideas
* Analysis/Synthesis
* CLerical Ability
* Spelling
* and Numerical Reasoning
Gen. Info on:
* PH Constitution
* Code of COnduct (RA6713)
* Peace and Human Rights Issues & Concepts
* Environmental Mgmt and Protection
Tip 2: Study with a Strategy
Here are some effective tips from ReviewerCivilServiceExam para maging matagumpay
ang pagkuha mo ng Civil Service Exam:
On VOCABULARY: The Verbal Aptitude questions will not include highfalutin words.
Usually, the exam will only include commonly-used words in news articles, features, and
editorials which most people find slightly confusing.
On MATH : The exam will cover basic math lessons which you have probably already
encountered when you were in high school (or perhaps even earlier). Usually, there will
be questions involving Prime Numbers, Integers, Odd and Even Numbers, Absolute
Value, Place Value, PEMDAS operations (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication and/or
Division, and then Addition and/or Subtraction), Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages
(Interest Rate Problems and Sale/Discount/Profit Problems). There will also be Algebra
questions in the form of Work Problems, Time and Distance Problems, and Age
On GRAMMAR: The exam usually includes questions that will require you to fill in a
blank in the sentence with the appropriate word from a given set of choices. There are
also Sentence Error Identification Questions. To ace this section, know the various parts
of speech. Review rules in subject (noun or pronoun) and verb agreement. The golden
rule is that if the subject is singular, then the verb should also be singular. If the subject is
plural, then the verb should also plural. That being said, you should learn how to find the
subject in a sentence and how to determine if it is singular or plural. Know how indefinite
pronouns, collective nouns, modifiers, conjunctions, and compound subjects work with
verbs. In addition, make sure you know the different tenses of verb and how they are
formed – simple tenses, progressive tenses, perfect tenses, and perfect progressive tenses.
On WORD ANALOGY: The exam will include Single- and Double-Word Analogy
Questions. To ace this part of the Civil Service Exam, you have to learn how to form a
strong bridge sentence (a sentence that links/ that shows the relationship between the two
given words).
On LOGIC (For the Professional Level Exam): There will be ‘Finding the Best
Assumption’ and ‘Finding the Best Conclusion’ questions. For the Assumption
Questions, learn how to do the Negation Test (Test if a statement is an assumption
required for an argument by simply negating it). In the case of Conclusion Questions,
learn how to draw and interpret a Venn Diagram. It will also help if you can explore
syllogistic fallacies which are usually taught as part of your Philosophy subject in college
or in high school.
On READING COMPREHENSION: Learn how to find the Main Idea of the sentence
and how to separate it from the supporting details. Also, you have to know how to find
the meaning of words based on Context Clues (how they were used in the paragraph).
On PARAGRAPH ORGANIZATION: Be familiar with the different types of paragraph
structures (Process, Cause and Effect, Argument, etc.). Read about Sequence Adverbs
(first, then, next, finally, etc.), Transition Words, and Conjunctions (and, if, but, etc.) too.
Also, learn how to use the answer options as your guide in forming a coherent paragraph.
On NUMBER SERIES: Be familiar with the common number series patterns (Prime or
Odd Numbers, Squares or Cubes, Square Roots or Cube Roots, Pattern in differences,
Pattern in adjacent/consecutive numbers, Complex Patterns). You can always start by
finding the differences between two consecutive numbers in the series and then repeat the
same process until you see a pattern you are familiar with.
On GENERAL INFO: Read the Philippine Constitution and the Republic Act No. 6713.
There will also be a few questions on Environmental Conservation, Territorial Disputes,
and Indigenous People.
PRACTICE READING to improve your verbal aptitude: If you are not a big fan of
English literary fiction, make it a habit to read periodicals – and with that, I mean actual
periodicals like news sites and magazines – not personal blogs and social media posts
which usually have a lot of grammar mistakes. Read whenever you have the time to do
so. Read when you’re stuck in heavy traffic along EDSA. Read when you’re on your way
to school or to your office. If you come across a new word and you’re unsure of its
meaning, check with a dictionary app like Merriam-Webster. Once you know its
meaning, try to use it in a sentence or two.
PRACTICE SOLVING MATH PROBLEMS to improve your numerical aptitude: Get a
high school level math textbook and practice solving word problems. Remember that
YOU CANNOT USE A CALCULATOR come the examination day so you really have
to practice manual computations. The more you get acquainted with Math Word
Problems, the easier it would be for you to discern what number sentences should be
formed and what math formulas may be needed.
Be careful in placing your decimal points and zeroes when finding the solution though.
Tip 1: Know your Strenghts and Weaknesses AS EARLY AS TODAY. Yun naman
talaga ang point ng CSE, it is an Aptitude Test, to measure YOU kung pwede kang
maging Public Servant! Hindi mo kailangan maging matalino or Math Wiz, ang
Tama na ang mga posts mong hindi ginagamitan ng Common Sense kasi yan
nagpapakalawang sa utak mo.
Remember: APTITUDE means
* capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something
* readiness or quickness in learning
Tip 2: USE ANYTHING OR EVERYTHING as your REVIEWER! Sky is the limit ang
material na pwede mong kuhanan nang knowledge. Hindi excuse ang Free Data kasi
daming libro na natago ng Nanay mo nong HS or College ka. Hindi lang sa Internet
nakukuha ang info, huwag kang tanga, pero if may net ka din naman, use its full
potential. Answer online exams, search and download good Reviewers or Reading
materials. Watch amazing YT videos.
Tip 3: (Bato-bati sa langit, ang tamaan pangit. ) Nag-Member ka dito cause you need
help. Hindi ka Moderator, hindi ka Admin so tama na ang kaka-bida-bida mo sa pagsagot
kung kailan ang last day at ano ang requirements. Mag-Focus ka! Mag-Review ka!
Hayaan mo sila kasi nandito naman kami for them. Ang obligasyon mo ay kunin dito ang
pwede mong makuha. Don't worry, kapag pasado kana at sa Gobyerno kana nagta-
trabaho, araw-araw kang sasagot at tutulong pero for the meantime -HELP YOURSELF
Work Hard
Tip 1: REVIEWERS?! SEARCH!!! Huwag kang ASA sa bigay or patak ng ulan.
magsisimula ang pangrap mong maging KAWANI NG GOBYERNO at ayoko na yung
magse-serve sa akin sa SSS balang araw ay yung tamad na "pa-send naman ng Reviewer
sa Messenger ko oh".
We will help you pero tulungan mo muna sarili mo.
Tip 2: Matuto kang magbasa ng maayos. Huwag kang tatanga-tanga sa binabasa mo lalo
na kung Tagalog naman ang nakasulat. Intindihin mo agad kasi malaking bagay ang
Reading Comprehension sa Exam, paano kana kung English?
Tip 1: Have a fixed Study Time or study routine. Hindi kailangan na sobrang bongga, it
can be as simple as 1 topic everytime nasa byahe. Or 1 topic every 5-8PM. Or depende
rin sa’yo kung saan mo maiisingit at kung gaano ka kabilis maka-absorb ng topics.
Tip 2: Read, read, read.. Review, review.. Practice, practice, pratice..

USAGE (1 of 3)
1. Accept, Except
Accept is a verb meaning "to receive."
Except is a preposition meaning "other than."
2. Adapt, Adopt
Adapt means"to change."
Adopt means "to take as one's own."
3. Advice, Advise
Advice is a noun meaning "opinion"
Advise is a verb meaning "to give an opinion to."
4. Affect, Effect
Affect is always a verb meaning "to influence."
Effect, usually a noun, means "result." Occasionally, EFFECT is a verb meaning " to
bring about or to cause."
5. Ain't
Ain't was originally a contraction of "am not." It is not considered standard English.
(Avoid in all writing and speaking.)
Nonstandard: Vic ain't ready yet.
Standard: Vic isn't ready yet.
6. All ready , Already
The two words "all ready" are used as an adjective meaning "ready ". Already is an
adverb meaning "by or before this time" or "even now."
7. All right , Alright
Alright, though it is seen more and more frequently in print, is not considered a correct
spelling. Make sure that in your own writing you always use the two-word form.
8. Anywhere, Everywhere, Nowhere, Somewhere None of these adverbs should ever end
with an -s.
9. Bring , Take
Bring means "to carry from a distant place to a nearer one." Take means "to carry from a
nearer place to a more distant place.
Ex. Bring those books here, please.
Take these forms to the principal's office.
10. In, Into
In- refers to position. Into- suggests motion.
Ex. The plates are in the cabinet.
Let's go into the next room.

Here are some effective tips for Civil Service Exam:

On VOCABULARY: The Verbal Aptitude questions will not include highfalutin words.
Usually, the exam will only include commonly-used words in news articles, features, and
editorials which most people find slightly confusing.
On MATH : The exam will cover basic math lessons which you have probably already
encountered when you were in high school (or perhaps even earlier). Usually, there will
be questions involving Prime Numbers, Integers, Odd and Even Numbers, Absolute
Value, Place Value, PEMDAS operations (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication and/or
Division, and then Addition and/or Subtraction), Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages
(Interest Rate Problems and Sale/Discount/Profit Problems). There will also be Algebra
questions in the form of Work Problems, Time and Distance Problems, and Age
On GRAMMAR: The exam usually includes questions that will require you to fill in a
blank in the sentence with the appropriate word from a given set of choices. There are
also Sentence Error Identification Questions. To ace this section, know the various parts
of speech. Review rules in subject (noun or pronoun) and verb agreement. The golden
rule is that if the subject is singular, then the verb should also be singular. If the subject is
plural, then the verb should also plural. That being said, you should learn how to find the
subject in a sentence and how to determine if it is singular or plural. Know how indefinite
pronouns, collective nouns, modifiers, conjunctions, and compound subjects work with
verbs. In addition, make sure you know the different tenses of verb and how they are
formed – simple tenses, progressive tenses, perfect tenses, and perfect progressive tenses.
On WORD ANALOGY: The exam will include Single- and Double-Word Analogy
Questions. To ace this part of the Civil Service Exam, you have to learn how to form a
strong bridge sentence (a sentence that links/ that shows the relationship between the two
given words).
On LOGIC (For the Professional Level Exam): There will be ‘Finding the Best
Assumption’ and ‘Finding the Best Conclusion’ questions. For the Assumption
Questions, learn how to do the Negation Test (Test if a statement is an assumption
required for an argument by simply negating it). In the case of Conclusion Questions,
learn how to draw and interpret a Venn Diagram. It will also help if you can explore
syllogistic fallacies which are usually taught as part of your Philosophy subject in college
or in high school.
On READING COMPREHENSION: Learn how to find the Main Idea of the sentence
and how to separate it from the supporting details. Also, you have to know how to find
the meaning of words based on Context Clues (how they were used in the paragraph).
On PARAGRAPH ORGANIZATION: Be familiar with the different types of paragraph
structures (Process, Cause and Effect, Argument, etc.). Read about Sequence Adverbs
(first, then, next, finally, etc.), Transition Words, and Conjunctions (and, if, but, etc.) too.
Also, learn how to use the answer options as your guide in forming a coherent paragraph.
On NUMBER SERIES: Be familiar with the common number series patterns (Prime or
Odd Numbers, Squares or Cubes, Square Roots or Cube Roots, Pattern in differences,
Pattern in adjacent/consecutive numbers, Complex Patterns). You can always start by
finding the differences between two consecutive numbers in the series and then repeat the
same process until you see a pattern you are familiar with.
On GENERAL INFO: Read the Philippine Constitution and the Republic Act No. 6713.
There will also be a few questions on Environmental Conservation, Territorial Disputes,
and Indigenous People.
PRACTICE READING to improve your verbal aptitude: If you are not a big fan of
English literary fiction, make it a habit to read periodicals – and with that, I mean actual
periodicals like news sites and magazines – not personal blogs and social media posts
which usually have a lot of grammar mistakes. Read whenever you have the time to do
so. Read when you’re stuck in heavy traffic along EDSA. Read when you’re on your way
to school or to your office. If you come across a new word and you’re unsure of its
meaning, check with a dictionary app like Merriam-Webster. Once you know its
meaning, try to use it in a sentence or two.
PRACTICE SOLVING MATH PROBLEMS to improve your numerical aptitude: Get a
high school level math textbook and practice solving word problems. Remember that
YOU CANNOT USE A CALCULATOR come the examination day so you really have
to practice manual computations. The more you get acquainted with Math Word
Problems, the easier it would be for you to discern what number sentences should be
formed and what math formulas may be needed. Be careful in placing your decimal
points and zeroes when finding the solution though.

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