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Explanation: In this article, it discusses about how open-air minibuses have been

pinpointed as a major pollution source. Since they keep on distributing carbon

emissions which are caused by the vehicles in the main roads. The minibus firm boss
Freddie Hernandez was planning to force them off the road. He also argued that the
vehicles must be replace by new and safer greener bus. We all know that these
vehicles with bright decorations, pictures and slogans, are commonly known as the
“Kings of the Road” and are the most popular form of public transport in the country. But
despite on how popular these are, it still needs to be replaced as soon as possible. The
program they want to implement can benefit not just the people itself but also the
environment. However, there are still struggles with how the upgrade would cost
especially the increase of high fuel prices. Pushing them into debt through hefty loans
and maintenance issues.

Explanation: So far, as to the program, there are already 60% of elderly jeepney have
been replaced. The drivers and operators are now forced to sell their cherished buses
at a cheaper price without having an argument with the government since they can’t do
anything about it. The government approved the list of those buses to be replace, but
the cost would lead up to 2.8 million pesos each. Some bus operations and corporations
are now struggling to meet all the repayments and interest on top of fuel costs and so
as to the worker’s salaries. Most of them were suffering on how big the cost will be, and
he even said that some newly imported buses had transmission problems. The supplier
of those vehicles doesn’t even respond to their concerns regarding on the problems of
the vehicles. And those vehicles will remain unused and unprofitable.

Explanation: For some of the small-time operators, this modernization could lead to
more loans and also the risk of bankruptcy. With the upgrade program under scrutiny,
transport workers urged the government to rethink and have considerations regarding to
the situations the drivers and operators are experiencing. They said they are not against
on the modernization but if only the government could look at the bigger scale, they
might rethink it if they would continue it or not.

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