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COVIDiary: Rewrite

Rewrite, write again, I consider our situation right now as a series of crumpled coupons

were in we write bad and good memories of this “Pandemic Season”. So, it is indeed a

must to write again all of the good and even bad memories so that we can reflect on

what we have been through this pandemic. So I present this series of poem chapters

created during my pandemic sequences. I face a lot of struggles specially in my

academics, but at the same time I learned a lot of lessons upon growing up. I present

this narrative through writing poems sharing my experiences, my struggles, my

depression chains, my anxiety strings and more.

Chapter 1: April 2020 (Throwback)

_During this time Luzon wide lockdown, GCQ and we are strictly following the rules and

regulations of the government. And by that time before I was hoping that we will be

back to normal after a couple of weeks but it ended up months and years.

Title :“Keep it Safe”

No more trembling hands in the midst of happy smiles

Don’t touch your face, and use a mask to disguise

Never stand too close keep distance as always

Don’t you dare step in a crowded place.

A virus is amongst you and me maybe

It’s roaming around our land so please stay, don’t flee

It contaminates and does us harm

By the simple touch of our hands.

Dark days are fast approaching indeed

We have to be aware, hygiene is our shield

To this demon who waits and kills

You can’t breath, you can’t talk it clear.

Our world is now at war with an enemy that’s unseen.

But we can beat the invader if we all keep our hands clean.
Chapter 2: August 2020

_During this time we celebrate my birthday, on the night before my birthday I wrote this
poem. And later on they use this piece in a contest.

Title: “BANE”

Scared of going outside where breathing

Creates a path that leads to dying

You wouldn’t like to engrave

That cold stone which is your grave

It was all happy go lucky in 2019

But misery happened because of covid-19

Struck with the sudden storm that carried disaster

We faced the World in a new perspective of life’s chapter.

All was concerned and terrified about the unprecedented calamity

Confronting and surviving the harsh and unbelievable reality

Although we are free, we are confined to our very own house

That seemingly little by little turns into a place called the jailhouse

To be safe from the contaminated particles outside I wear a mask

Waiting for someday that a cure would be finished being fused in the flask

All of us are in pursuit of finding new and creative ways to pass our time

Being safe and following protocols wouldn’t even cost you a dime

Nothing has changed in the everyday routine except the isolation

The tasks continued consistently in a cycle of repetition

The days have passed with nothing but sorrow

People have waited for a better tomorrow

Life has become a contest of endurance

Where time becomes a key for perseverance

Everything’s at peace by the end of 2019

Yet we began the year with war, fighting the unseen.

CHAPTER 3: December 2020

_During this, it has been 9 months of struggle and online class is ongoing, I got to busy
at times, I felt depressed and knowing that it’s December season, it’s the saddest
Christmas that I’ve been through. But still I’m hoping that we can get over and we can
adjust this new normal.

Deathly Hallow

There, it roams, the dementor of mine

Live in doubt; I’m afraid I lost track of time

Unseen, unheard, it affrights me well

Purest malice, eerie silence our safety to dwell

Thy battle began not long ago

A microbe, a virus, a relentless foe

Blighted; it trampled thy sacred shore

Ne’er had l seen such evil before

Thy horrendous conflict lead deaths astray

Myriad innocents burned day by day

Thy mourn of the dearest aches us thy most

Brought thy invisible foe that hunts like ghost

Tracks left any, none can be seen

This malice of ours, how long has it been?

Jobless, starving, the impact's a dread

No food to serve, only tears to shed.

Thy Pearl of the Orient fell upon abyss

Robbed our wealth; brought us grief a demeanor’s kiss

The men of my nation, befallen alas!

With none to touch, none to hold

Thy warm longing nights, now have gone cold

No more hugs to linger or lips to kiss

Old days in life oh, what I miss!

The moments we shared are nothing but memories

The past that we have are pictures and stories

Isolation the fear and depression

What would life be, without physical connection?

Fruitless pedagogy in online learning

Students Professors; both are suffering

Eyes, always sunken, due to radiation

A miracle perhaps, would fall into our nation!

Thy quarantine period made people realize

There are things in life that must be prioritized

Social distancing, proper equipments, rubbing alcohol

Rules and regulations, follow them above all

No matter how hard this pandemic could be

You should always choose to be happy

Believe in those who have knowledge for power

Believe in our mighty frontliners

Wands for syringe; robes for masks

Such powerful spell only they could cast

They who are guided by the Almighty

Bring us hope; a sun shining brightly

Let us patiently wart for a cure

For now, stay inside; be secure

Keep your faith steady and always pray

Our nation will soon heal someday

A patronus will shine brought by our faith in Christ

And thy promised land of morning will rise

Thy foe be fallen left not shadow

Filipinos will conquer the Deathly Hallow.


_Fast forwarded during this month, I personally saw how COVID 19 is so dangerous
because by this time my mom and my dad, my parents my only parents have struggled
and experience Covid 19 severe and thankfully we, their children did not experience the
same thing but I’ve been through depression, I almost kill myself because of my
personal problems, I also had a struggle in my academics, I did not do anything
because I’m too tired everyday, and my mom and that have been struggling in the
hospital fighting for that virus. I am a mess. It’s the most “Job-like trial” I have ever
experienced in my whole 20 years of life. By this time, I did not do anything but to sleep
and eat. I did not do any of my modules so until now I’m still behind. This time I realize
that I’m a trash. I am finding my worth but I didn’t. And on the following month June
2021, my mom and dad survived it, with lot’s of prayers and miracles. But my brain has
been exhausted and until now I’m still coping from my drowning moment. I am still

Done and Gone (The Finale Poem)

We started as one

Ended up with thousands gone

Nothing will ever be the same, so they say

For the new normal is now the way

Long distance was never supposed to be a set up

Look at us, two meters have us feling trapped

Masks now are our everyday outfits

And education goes on through online meets

Industries keep crashing by the minute

Numbers can now mean nothing, can it?

This virus, as fast as gossip

Has us at our breaking tips

Each day a disaster rather than beginning

Or whatever you may see as fitting

What keeps us going is what trends

Every single one too much to comprehend

Some wish to live like this much more

In the comforts of a home, not the outside chaos

Others only wish for their lives before

With all of nature’s calm, not the virtual noise

It’s a different story for the needy

The workers, the poor, and the homeless in society

Their lives have been turned around

Constantly seeking for safe and sound

This plague we ignored,

Gave us no options to hold

Death became a frequent visitor

To a friend, a loved one, a neighbor

To family, it will be world-tearing

To strangers, it’11 be just another story-telling

This crisis unveiled the most corrupt of systems

Rendering most to be down and helpless

It’s the same dilemma, the same blow

Today and a hundred years ago

Still, most people choose to be blind

A reason the country stays behind

Nonetheless, we all strive

To fight the battle of being alive

Day by day there is progress

And we will stop at nothing less

As we work hand in hand

Until peace and victory is heaven’s grant.

Now with thousands gone,

Tell me, when do we go back to one?

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