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True Ghost Stories:

Real Black-Eyed Kids

By Zachary Knowles
Real Black-Eyed Kids—Copyright © 2017 by Z. Knowles

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First Recorded Black-Eyed Kid Encounter ............................................................ 8

The Young Mother and the Puppy ........................................................................ 10

Our Parents are Coming ........................................................................................ 12

Harry the Truck Driver ........................................................................................... 15

The Girl Scout ......................................................................................................... 17

The BEKs and the Marine ...................................................................................... 19

We Just Want to Use Your Phone ......................................................................... 21

View from the Outside ........................................................................................... 23

The Kitten ................................................................................................................ 25

Encounter at a Skateboard Park ........................................................................... 28

Lost Baseball .......................................................................................................... 30

A Second Visit from a BEK .................................................................................... 32

We’ve Come to Collect You ................................................................................... 34

Looking for a BEK .................................................................................................. 36

Cannock Chase ...................................................................................................... 38

Black-Eyed Man ...................................................................................................... 41

Late One Halloween ............................................................................................... 43

Good Samaritan Scared to Death ......................................................................... 46

Sleep Well ............................................................................................................... 48

Black-eyed kids, often abbreviated BEKs, are a terrifying, mysterious phenomenon
encountered by many individuals across the world. While many claim the
appearances only started after a specific online post in the 1990s when a journalist
shared his terrifying experience, those who have researched the subject know the
sightings go back much further than that. While there are many people who enjoy
debunking BEK stories, you can be sure they aren’t among those who have
encountered an actual BEK.

Consequently, what makes a BEK encounter? Well, a pair of children between the
ages of 8 and 16 (although there are also encounters with black-eyed adults, too) will
typically approach you. You’ll immediately note something unsettling about the
children: it could be their odd clothing, their strange way of speaking, their mature
way of expressing themselves, or perhaps their strange haircuts. A strong sense of
danger begins to build as you interact with these, seemingly, harmless kids.

The pair usually need access to either your home or your car and become
increasingly insistent if you deny them. Their tone will become demanding and
authoritative. As you begin to feel more and more threatened, it seems like an
outside force is compelling you to open your door–be it the door of your car or the
door of your home, to these strange, demanding, creepy young people. Not to
mention, they seem to be relentless in their demands, which more often than not
include the need to contact their mother so she won’t be worried.

At some point during the encounter, you’ll get a very clear look at their faces. What
you see will haunt you for the rest of your life: their eyes are completely black. They
are not black contact lenses or dilated pupils; the pupils, iris, and sclera (the whites
of the eyes) are all black. The effect this sight has on you is beyond disturbing. A
sense of terror will envelop you, but at the same time it will likely take all the will
power you have to refuse them access. One individual eyewitness you will read
about in this book described it as a predator-prey type of hypnotic effect, like a frog
unable to flee a snake intent on devouring it.

Most people, however, are able to refuse the BEKs access to their home or car…but
not everybody. One of the saddest BEK stories comes from a mother who ran into a
gas station to pay for her gas, only to come out and discover a strange child in her
car with her young son. As she approached the car, she saw the stranger’s eyes–
completely black and glinting evilly in the sunlight. She feared for her son’s life as
she ran to the car, flung the door open, and pulled him out and away from the
inhuman child. Running with her son back into the gas station, they found safety
behind the glass door, but looking back to her vehicle she noticed the BEK was
gone. She questioned her son and he informed her the boy asked if he could get in
the car so he let him in. A few days later, her son became seriously ill and was
rushed to the hospital. He remained hospitalized off and on for several months, and
then mysteriously recovered. Doctors were never certain about a diagnosis;
however, his mother was certain her son’s illness was related to the black-eyed child
her son let in the car.

Another disturbing story depicts the unusual power that BEKs seem to exert over
people. A mother and daughter were cleaning a church, going about their normal
routine, when there was a knock at the locked door. Upon inspection, a teenage girl
stood at the door, asking to use the church bathroom. The mother let the young
woman in without a second thought. To the mother’s horror, she found herself in the
church office calling her husband to pick her up, which would effectively leave her
daughter in the church alone, a very strict rule the duo had to never be in the church
alone for safety reasons. When the mother realized what she was doing, she quickly
hung up the phone, ran to find her daughter, and the two waited outside together
until her husband came. What kind of mysterious power did the teenage girl possess
to almost override a mother’s most basic instinct–to protect her child?

Are you ready to experience some true stories of chilling encounters with BEKs?
Turn on the lights and prepare to be frightened because you never know who is
lurking around the corner…or if they have eyes.
First Recorded Black-Eyed Kid Encounter
The first publicly shared BEK encounter occurred in 1996, though it would have
probably died away quickly had it not happened to a well-respected journalist from
Abilene, Texas. Here’s the story that brought BEKs to the world’s attention.

Paying a Cable Bill

Local journalist Brian Bethel was in a partially lit parking lot between 9:30 and 10 pm,
parked in front of an office next door to a movie theater. He sat in his car while he
finished filling out a check for his monthly Internet service bill, using the light from the
neighboring theater marquee to see, intending to drop off the payment in the
overnight drop slot at the provider’s office door as soon as he was finished.

Two Boys
As he was engrossed in filled out the information on his check, there was a knock on
his driver’s side window. Looking up, he saw two young boys standing next to his
car. One boy was approximately nine-years old and the other was about twelve-
years old. The eldest had an olive complexion with dark brown, curly hair while the
youngest had ginger-colored hair with a pale, freckled complexion. They both wore
hooded pullovers that partially obscured their eyes.

Their Request
Brian didn’t roll the window down, but he could hear the older boy clearly. “We came
here to watch the premiere of Mortal Kombat, but we left our money at home. Will
you give us a ride home?” He claimed at the time he knew his fear did not make
sense, but it was so strong he couldn’t ignore it or pass it off. He hesitated, looking
through his window at the boys’ faces partially obscured by their hoodies, but they
seemed harmless. Not to mention, the request seemed innocent enough, but it was
rather strange in the 1990s for two boys to attempt to get a ride with a total stranger,
but this didn’t explain the fear he felt. Brian glanced up at the theater marquee and
realized Mortal Kombat had already been showing for an hour. He knew something
was off immediately.

“It won’t take long,” the older boy said, looking down with his eyes still obscured by
his hoodie. “We’re just two boys. We won’t hurt you. We don’t have a gun.” The
boy’s tone was jarring; he sounded like a young boy, but his manner of speaking was
odd and had an unnatural rhythm.

Thoughts were racing through Brian’s mind. Why would those words even come out
of the boy’s mouth? How did he know Brian was afraid of them? And who in their
right mind would be afraid of two boys like this?

An almost uncontrollable urge came over Brian to open the passenger door for the
boys to get in, but the terror he felt in his gut stopped him. Suddenly, the boys looked
up and made eye contact with Brian—who would never be the same again.
The Eyes
For the first time, Brian got a clear look at their eyes—completely black without
pupils, irises, or sclerae—only darkness. The terror Brian felt flooded his entire being
as he muttered some excuse, slammed the car into reverse, and tore out of the
parking lot like a bat of out hell.

He remained unnerved for hours. When he drove by the theater the next day, he
remembered Mortal Kombat had already been on for an hour when the boys had
approached him. They were lying to him about being there to watch a movie. What
had been their reason for approaching him? What would have happened if he
allowed them into his car? What did they really want?

He later posted his story on a private chat room online; from there he discovered just
how many people had encountered these mysterious black-eyed children.
The Young Mother and the Puppy
A young mother, who will be referred to as Diane, described her encounter with a
pair of black-eyed kids, which began when her new black Labrador puppy began to
bark frantically in the middle of the night. Her experience bears many similarities to
the stereotypical black-eyed kid encounter, but with the addition of a very upset pet.

Frantic Puppy
It was around 3 am when her new dog awakened Diane. Assuming the puppy had
just heard someone in a neighboring apartment or perhaps some animals raiding the
trash, she got up out of bed to reassure him. Diane noticed, however, that his
barking was directed toward the front door. In what she later admitted was an act of
stupidity, she decided to open the door to show the puppy there was nothing to be
afraid of, after all, no one had knocked or rang the doorbell. Diane assumed there
was no one outside— she assumed wrong.

As Diane walked closer and closer to the door, the puppy began to growl and snarl
even more menacingly. The instant she placed her hand on the doorknob, the dog
began to whimper. Diane paused, deciding it might be best to look out the peephole
before she opened the door.

A Peek Outside
While the dog cowered behind her legs, having grown completely silent, she looked
through the peephole and saw two young people. One was a teenage girl about 16
with long, honey blonde hair that hung down her back and was cut into blunt bangs.
Dressed in jeans and a sweater, she was holding the hand of a four-year old girl that
looked enough like her to be her little sister. The little girl was clutching a stuffed
giraffe under her arm and was looking at the ground below her.

The BEKs
The older girl looked directly at the door, focusing her eyes on the peephole as if she
knew Diane was looking out. Diane felt like they were making eye contact, but
shrugged off the ridiculous thought and took a closer look at the children.

At first glance, they looked utterly harmless, but as she peered through the peephole
she claims a sense of dread and terror fell over her like a heavy blanket. She had no
rational explanation for her fear and no explanation for how the girl seemed to know
she was standing there, either.

As Diane squinted though the peephole to study the older girl, she noticed
something very disturbing about her eyes: they were dark black, as if they were all
pupil without any white showing at all. The porch light caused them to glisten
menacingly through her honey blonde bangs.

An Eerie Conversation
“We have to use your phone.” The elder sister ordered. “Our mother is worried.” Her
voice was mature and demanding, with a tiny hint of impatience, and loud enough to
be heard through the thin, wooden apartment door. Diane began to slowly back
away from the door, almost tripping over her terrified puppy.

“We are not going to hurt you. If we were going to hurt you, we would have done so
already. I will ask again—may we use your phone?” Her tone was much more
insistent this time, almost hostile and rife with irritation.

How did she even know someone was on the other side of the door? And how did
she sense Diane was backing away?

Overwhelming Urge
Diane said later she felt an irresistible force drawing her toward the door, as if the
blonde girl on the other side was hypnotizing her. It took a great deal of effort not to
unlock the door and let the pair in, even though every fiber of her being was
screaming, “Danger! Danger!”

With great effort, she turned and ran for her bedroom, her frightened puppy right
behind her. She slammed the door behind her, picked up her baby, and turned out
the lights. Clutching her baby tightly to her chest, she could hear the older girl call
out to her one more time, then silence.

Her mind began to race. What if she had let them in? What did they want? Who were
they—or what were they?

The next morning, there was no sign the girls had ever been there, but the memory
remained in Diane’s mind. To this day, she is unnerved whenever she hears
someone outside her apartment late at night.
Our Parents are Coming
One of the most frightening black-eyed kids stories to date involves a couple who
allowed a pair of BEKs into their home causing an aftermath of their encounter.
Many people wonder what would happen if BEKs entered their home—Paul and
Brenda Wilson found out firsthand.

Paul and Brenda lived in a stereotypical small town off a rural dirt road deep in the
country up North. Their home was isolated and without streetlights the darkness was
almost overwhelming. They never felt afraid out there, however, until one particular
winter night.

It had been snowing for several hours and Brenda wasn’t exactly surprised when
someone banged on her front door at 2 am. As she peeked out the bedroom
window, she assumed someone’s car had broken down and their home had been
the first sign of life. This happened often enough for it not to surprise them when
someone knocked on their door at an unusual hour.

As she peered out from behind the curtains, Brenda noticed the motion detector
lights were on and she could clearly see a pair of footprints coming from the dirt
road. The snow on the road showed no indication of car tracks, though, and she
couldn’t see a car stopped on the road. She could, however, make out two small
figures standing at the front door.

Everything was quiet and silent as the snow slowly fell outside, then the banging
continued as Brenda woke up her husband Paul. Paul dressed and answered the
door with Brenda standing behind him.

The Children
On Paul and Brenda’s front porch stood two young children—a boy and a girl, both
about eight-years old. Brenda noticed they were not dressed for winter weather and
normally her first instinct would have been to rush the little ones inside to warm up,
but she felt a strong hesitation. Something was just not right about the children.

Their haircuts were strange and out of fashion, the boy with some sort of outdated
bowl cut and the girl with long hair and short, blunt bangs. Their clothes, too, seemed
unfashionable for the time and they wouldn’t make eye contact with Paul or Brenda.
Nonetheless, that wasn’t enough for the couple to deny a pair of children into their
home on such an icy cold night.

Paul invited them into the house while Brenda rushed into the kitchen to make some
hot cocoa for them. As she heated the water, she could hear Paul asking the
children about their parents.

“Our parents will be here soon,” said the girl in an almost singsong voice. It was
unnatural and jarring, but Brenda couldn’t quite pin down why.

“What happened? Did their car break down?” Paul continued.

“Our parents will be here soon,” she repeated as she and her brother sat down on
the sofa, Paul sitting across from them in his favorite chair.

“Was there an accident?”

“Our parents will be here soon,” she repeated.

Brenda was terribly unnerved by their appearance, behavior, strange answers, and
something else she couldn’t quite identify, as was Paul. They weren’t the only ones,
though. As she busily prepared the hot cocoa, she realized three of the family cats
were nowhere to be seen, which was quite odd. They usually had to chase their
rather friendly cats away from the guests.

Only one cat was present; Percival stood in the doorway leading to the living room
where the children sat. His dark fur was raised along his spine as his tail pointed
downward and poofed out to twice its normal size. He hissed at the children and
began to stiffly walk sideways further back into the kitchen until he was out of their
line of sight.

Brenda walked around him, carrying two mugs of cocoa into the living room, puzzled
by the cat’s odd behavior. She was taken aback when she noticed Paul was sitting,
leaning forward with his head in his hands, his face was contorted in terrible pain.
She quickly set the mugs down on the coffee table in front of the children and knelt
down by Paul. “I’m dizzy, that’s all,” he said to Brenda.

Fear and Darkness

As she turned to the children, they finally made eye contact. Their eyes were
abnormal, just as in the other sightings of BEKs. The girl stood up, pulling her
brother up with her. “We need to use the bathroom,” she stated in the same
singsong voice.

Brenda, still kneeling by Paul, pointed through the kitchen to the bathroom in the
hallway. As they walked away, she looked into Paul’s face. She could tell that he,
too, had seen their eyes. As she began to say something to him, his nose began to
bleed profusely, though he never had a single nosebleed in his life.

Brenda rushed into the kitchen to grab some tissues when the power in the house
went out. Thrust into extreme darkness—the kind of darkness that only people who
live in the country are familiar with—Brenda felt around on the kitchen counter for the
tissue box, but sensed movement and realized the children were standing in the
doorway of the kitchen. For an instant, headlights from a car pulling into their drive
silhouetted them. She saw their shapes, standing side-by-side, holding hands and
facing her. Unspeakable terror gripped her and she felt imminent danger and froze.

The Parents Arrive

“Our parents are here,” stated the girl, as she and her brother walked passed
Brenda, into the living room, and out the front door leaving it gaping open.
A cold breeze blew in as Brenda found her way to Paul and together they rushed to
the to the front window. They saw the children, illuminated by car lights from a sedan
idling in their snow-covered driveway. Standing at the front of the car were two very
tall men dressed in dark suits. As the children approached the men, they opened the
back doors of the car.

Brenda and Paul watched as the children and then two men got into the dark sedan
and drove away into the dark, snowy night.

It would be thirty minutes before the power came back on at the house just as
mysteriously as it had shut off; they never found a reason for the outage.

Over the next few months, three of the cats went missing. Percival, the cat who had
hissed at the children, was found dead in a puddle of bloody vomit on the kitchen
floor. The vet’s only explanation was he had died because of a hemorrhage though
he never showed any signs of illness before the children’s visit.

Paul developed regular, intense nosebleeds. The only cause his doctor could find
was dry sinuses. Brenda, too, developed nose bleeds and both suffered dizzy spells
for months. Paul was also diagnosed with very aggressive melanoma skin cancer,
despite having never spent much time in the sun or in a tanning booth.

Fortunately, the symptoms eventually went away and Paul was able to recover from
the skin cancer. To this day, Brenda is certain everything that happened–the cats,
the nosebleeds, the dizziness, the skin cancer, was all due to the mistake of letting a
pair of BEKs into their home.
Harry the Truck Driver
Not all BEK stories involve children. In this story, you’ll hear the disturbing tale of a
black-eyed adult that terrified a street-smart truck driver late at night.

A Pretty Girl
Harry was a charming, but levelheaded, truck driver. While he was visiting a casino
near the truck rest he stopped at for the night, Harry struck up a conversation with a
very pretty Native American woman serving drinks.

As the evening wore on, their conversation grew friendlier. After exchanging names
and the like, she told Harry her shift would be over in a few hours and she would love
to meet him out in the parking lot if he would bring some beer. Delighted at the
prospect of spending more time with this enchanting and beautiful young woman, he
quickly agreed.

After buying a six-pack of beer, he waited in the parking lot near the front door of the
casino. Around the time she was supposed to get off, he headed out to the back of
the building to meet her; however, he couldn’t find her. People kept coming out,
obviously getting off work, but she was not among them.

An Older Woman
He did encounter a much older Hispanic woman in the parking lot who acted as if
she knew him, even calling him by his name. He didn’t recognize her, but she
recalled talking to him earlier in the evening and they were supposed to meet out in
the parking lot. Harry didn’t know what to make of her behavior and noticed she
wasn’t carrying any keys or a purse, which puzzled him, too. It was as if she was just
getting off work, but he hadn’t seen her in the casino–or anywhere, for that matter.

He told her he didn’t know her nor did he want anything to do with her for she was
making him very uncomfortable. He quickly headed back to his truck, trying to shake
off the weird feeling he had.

He changed into his sleeping clothes and decided to call it a night with a book he
had been wanting to read. It seemed his much-awaited rendezvous with the Native
American woman was not meant to be.

A Disturbing Woman
Just as he settled in, there was a loud banging on the door of his truck. Harry
described the type of banging you’d hear if someone was trying to wake you up
because your truck was on fire. He quickly opened the curtains and rolled down the
window only to see the beautiful Native American woman he had been looking for all

Something was very wrong with her appearance, though. She was disheveled, silent,
and her movements were rigid, almost robotic. As her eyes met Harry’s, he realized
they were completely black. It was as if her entire eyeballs were made of a shiny,
black material. Startled, he turned on all the lights in his truck, certain his eyes were
deceiving him. Her eyes, which had been a most beautiful shade of brown earlier
that night, were still black and the blackness seemed to extend around her eyes, too.
He said it was a blackness that seemed to suck all the light into it.

That discovery was scary enough, but that wasn’t what upset Harry the most. What
was most disturbing was the way his hand was reaching for the door handle to let
her in, despite the fact he was terrified of her appearance and had no intention of
letting her into his truck. It took all the will power he had to keep from opening the
truck door and letting this woman in. “No!” he choked out weakly. He barely even
had the strength to speak. She did not say a word, nor had she said a word the
entire time she was standing there.

Harry rushed to get his truck roaring to life and pulled away. What he saw that night,
however, would haunt him for the rest of his life, not to mention he studiously
avoided that truck stop for the rest of his career.
The Girl Scout
Betty was about ten-years old when she encountered what she later believed to be a
pair of black-eyed adults. This occurred in the 1960s, long before the first black-eyed
kid story ever reached the public eye and before movie-goers had seen black sclera
contacts like those seen at the chilling end of the original Stepford Wives.

Sales Were Down

Betty was busy going up down the neighborhood trying to sell some Girl Scout
cookies, but business wasn’t doing well. Though she was young, she was by herself,
which wasn’t unusual for that era, and had visited just about every home in her local
neighborhood, but continued to face rejection. Frustrated, she turned the corner onto
an unfamiliar street.

She noticed a car pulling into a driveway across the street from where she was
standing. It looked like three people were in the car and she was certain that surely
one of them wanted some Girl Scout cookies. She hurried across the street as fast
as she could and arrived beside their car just as the group was getting out.

Elderly Couple
A woman in her mid-thirties got out of the driver’s seat as Betty approached, then
helped an elderly couple out of the back seat. They were tall, thin, and seemed quite
feeble. Betty decided that, of the three, the elderly couple might be the most likely to
have pity on a cute little Girl Scout and purchase some cookies.

She hurried up and greeted them, but the couple turned around at the same time
and looked at Betty. Their wrinkled faces broke into a huge smile as they leaned
closer to Betty.

She froze in abject terror. Their eyes! She couldn’t stop looking at their eyes! They
were black, almost cavernous, like the time her older brother had pushed her doll’s
eyes back into its head. The couple kept leaning closer and closer to her face until
she could feel their icy, pungent breath on her cheeks. Betty was terrified, but she
couldn’t move. They seemed to stare at her with those hollow eyes and continued to
smile without saying a single word. Their faces were so close to hers they were
almost touching, but Betty seemed paralyzed and helpless. She couldn’t help but
stare into the darkness of their eye sockets.

The young woman that was with the couple grabbed them by the arms and pulled
them back away from little Betty. She kept repeating, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” as she
pulled the couple up the driveway towards the house. The couple meekly followed
her, their backs turned to Betty.

Suddenly Betty regained her composure and took off running back to her own
neighborhood. She said never in her life had she run as fast as she did that day.
She dashed into her house and found her mother in the kitchen. Betty didn’t say if
she ever told her mother what happened, but she did say it was a long time before
she went out to sell any more Girl Scout cookies. She never saw the couple again,
either. However, the memory of their eyes would haunt her for the rest of her life.
The BEKs and the Marine
Jody Fontaine was a Marine stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina when he
had a disturbing encounter with some BEKs. When an encounter is enough to scare
a Marine, you have to wonder exactly what is behind it.

A Knock at the Door

Jody lived on the third floor of the infantry barracks, which were setup like a typical
motel with open walkways along the outside of the building and rooms on the inside.

Trying to get some rest after a long, hard day, Jody was watching a movie and
dozing intermittently. It was the weekend, but he was home because he was too
broke to go out. Half asleep, there was a knock on the door so he stumbled across
the dark room, expecting to see his roommate at the door, especially since he was
notorious for forgetting his keys and arriving home quite drunk.

The Children
When Jody swung the door open, instead of seeing his tall, olive-skinned roommate,
he looked down and saw a pair of children; he immediately thought it odd for two
little kids to be standing outside his door on the third-floor walkway in the middle of
the night.

Jody said as Marines they had been taught to always listen to that little voice in your
head that warns you – it can save your life. That little voice he had learned to trust
was, as he put it, screaming at him to close the door. His first instinct was terror–a
most unusual reaction to a couple of kids.

As he stood there for a moment trying to make sense of the emotions he was
experiencing, he noticed something most disconcerting about the children: their eyes
were completely black–no color, no white, just darkness.

Jody ignored the voice in his head and asked the children what they were doing out
at that time of night.

“It’s really cold out here. We want to come inside and read.”

A strange request he thought and their manner of speaking wasn’t quite normal,
either. The voice in his head kept shouting a warning. His mind struggled with their
request and wondered where their parents were and why they wanted to come in to
read of all things.

He leaned a bit forward to look out onto the walkway, yet didn’t see anyone else. He
then looked once more at the kids, hoping the black eyes would prove to be a trick of
the light. They had taken a step toward him and it made him very uncomfortable. He
then made eye contact with one of them and suddenly felt a pulling sensation, as if
those dark, dark eyes were drawing him in. He couldn’t take his eyes of the children.
Predator and Prey
Jody said it was like their black eyes were drawing him in, almost hypnotizing him
like the old wives’ tale about snakes mesmerizing their prey so it won’t escape. A
wave of utter terror swept over him as if a predator was eyeing him and he needed to
run for cover immediately.

Instinctively, Jody slammed the door shut and locked it. He stood there in his
darkened apartment, almost paralyzed with fear, as the children once again began to
knock on his door. Thenceforth, the window began to rattle and Jody stepped back
further into the shadows, struggling to regain his composure.

After approximately five minutes of knocking and rattling (that seemed to last for an
eternity), there was silence. The next day, Jody checked around and no one in the
area saw any children that night.
We Just Want to Use Your Phone
Ariana of Belfast, Northern Ireland had a disturbing encounter with a pair of black-
eyed teenagers when walking home late one night. Here is her disturbing story.

Headed Home
Ariana lived in a rather rough part of town and was extra alert when walking home
from a friend’s house late one summer night. She was used to some degree of
danger in her neighborhood and always tried to stay aware of her surroundings and
who was around, especially at night.

This night, as she approached her building, she noticed two teenagers standing
nearby the walkway. They wore hoodies to obscure their faces, but seemed
harmless enough. However, Ariana suddenly had a very bad feeling about them–the
kind you don’t ignore. Her pulse quickened and she reached in her purse for the
pepper spray keeping her hand on it, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. It
might not stop an attacker, she reasoned, but it would at least slow them down and
give her a chance to get away.

Things Get Strange

As she walked by the hooded pair, she saw with her peripheral vision how they
simultaneously turned to face her. It was like they were moving as one, connected

Suddenly, one of the teens spoke to her in a very mature manner for his apparent
age. “No need for that,” he said, “we just want to borrow your phone.”

She wondered how he knew she had her hand on the pepper spray in her purse,
after all, she hadn’t pulled it out and her hand could be on any number of things,
from her keys to her cell phone. How did he know she had something to protect
herself with?

She glanced in their direction and could clearly see their faces, which contained eyes
that were completely black, the sockets filled with deep darkness. Terror gripped
Ariana and her heart began to pound. Her initial feeling of danger intensified tenfold.
She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, she was in serious danger.

Ariana raced to her front door and could hear their footsteps as they followed her.
They continued to ask to use her phone, saying, “Please, miss, our mother will not
be happy if she does not know where we are.”

Ariana continued to run for her front door, their odd, singsong repetition of the phrase
following her. Ariana fumbled with her keys as the teens got closer and closer, still
asking insistently to use her phone. Finally, her door unlocked and she practically fell
inside. She whirled around, slamming the door shut, and leaned against the door to
catch her breath, her mind racing.
Then the knocking started and another wave of terror swept through her. She turned
carefully to peek through the peephole, knowing what she would see. The boys were
on her front step, staring at the front door intently, as if they could see her through
the wooden door. They continued to ask, in a mature, unnerving way to use her
phone. “We won’t hurt you,” one of them said. “We don’t have any weapons to hurt
you with,” added the other. “Just let us in to use the phone.”

Ariana jerked the door open, ordered the boys to get away from her apartment, and
then slammed the door shut quickly. She locked it securely and called a friend to
come over. When the friend arrived, the boys took off quickly.

To this day, Ariana will not go to bed without first checking the peephole at her front
door, just in case they black-eyed teenage boys have returned.
View from the Outside
Anna was just a teenager and out later than most teens in the U.S., but she couldn’t
sleep and found solace in walking around her middle-class neighborhood. This was
what she was doing one fateful night when she happened to stumble upon a pair of
BEKs trying to get an elderly man to let them in his house.

Late Night Walk

Anna had finally grown weary of walking and decided to head home at about 1 am.
As she turned a corner, she happened to notice a pair of young boys talking to an
elderly man. His front porch light was on and she could clearly see the fear in the old
man’s eyes as he spoke with the boys. Puzzled and curious, Anna slowed down to

“Please let us in,” she heard the taller of the two boys say. They both seemed to be
about 12-years old. “We have to call our mother or she will be worried,” he

She thought it odd the old man would not let them use his phone. Then she realized
a chill creeping over her. There was something off with the boy who was speaking;
he had a unnatural tone for a kid, filled with confidence like someone much more
mature, and even though he said “please” it came across as an order or a command
rather than a polite request.

A sense of unease continued to grow and Anna seemed hypnotized by the whole
encounter. The elderly man seemed terrified and helpless, but certainly not the kids.
Unconsciously, Anna cleared her throat.

A New Victim is Sighted

As she did, all three turned to look at her. A sense of dread suddenly overwhelmed
her and she wanted to run, yet she seemed frozen to the spot. The old man took the
opportunity to quickly slam his door shut and turn off the porch light. The boys didn’t
even look back, rather turned their full attention to Anna.

She knew she should run and she knew her father had left the side door unlocked for
her in case she needed to get inside in a hurry. Still, she couldn’t seem to move her
feet, nor could she take her eyes of the boys. They began to walk toward her, the
street illuminating their faces for her to get a clear look at them.

She instantly wished she hadn’t seen them so clearly. Their eyes were all Anna
could focus on; they were completely black as they stared at her, emotionless and
silent. She was so distracted by the sight, to this day she can’t remember how they
were dressed or what they looked like.
Fear and Lies
They relentlessly walked toward her and Anna continued to be rooted to the same
spot. The closer they came, the more fear she felt.

“We have to use a phone,” one of them said coming within a few feet of her.

“I don’t have a phone on me,” Anna lied. She stumbled a few steps backward,
thankful she finally seemed to move. Her first instinct was to run for home, but she
didn’t want them knowing where she lived. Her mind raced, trying to figure out what
to do.

“Please, can we come in your house and use the phone? We need to call our
mother,” the other boy stated. It was like they knew she was thinking about making a
run for her house. Fear began to morph into terror and this dawned on her.

“Um, listen, I don’t live anywhere near here,” she stammered. “My ride ditched me
and I’m looking for a phone, too.” She hoped they would believe her lie.

The first boy spoke again: “Please help us. We need to be let in.”

Those strange words chilled Anna to the bone and she questioned why they needed
to be let in. Once again her mind was racing, trying to figure a way out of this
situation without leading them to her home. “I have some change…I can give you
some money for a pay phone.” If they just needed to make a call, Anna reasoned,
they would take her up on her offer. But they didn’t, which scared her even more.

“No, forget it,” they said, turning away. A wave of relief flooded over Anna.

She walked away slowly and deliberately in the opposite direction of her home. She
purposely headed three or four blocks in the wrong direction, carefully keeping a look
out for the boys. After she felt certain they were not following her, she headed back

As she passed the elderly man’s house, she saw him standing at his door with the
porch light back on and holding a baseball bat. She kept going, picking up speed
until she was almost home. In a final rush, she ran for the side door, practically fell
into the house, and locked it securely behind her. She quickly made her way to the
front window to look outside and was relieved to see no one in sight. It would be
several months before she would take a late night neighborhood walk again.
The Kitten
Harry was a rough-and-tumble guy who enjoyed his normal his life in Australia and
was big enough to take care of himself no matter what came his way, or so he
thought. An incident over an escaped kitten opened his world to the BEKs and he
would never view life quite the same again.

A Knock at the Door

It was about one o’clock in the morning when Harry, who was up late watching a
movie on television, heard a knock at his front door. As he reached the front door, he
flipped the switch to turn on the porch light and heard the bulb blow. Frustrated, but
not at all concerned, he opened the front door to see who was outside, leaving the
screen door in place. As the door opened, he also noticed the streetlights up and
down his street were all out at the same time, another rather odd occurrence.

An Innocent Pair of Boys?

As his eyes adjusted to what little light there was, he saw two teenage boys about
13-years old. One was standing on the porch, while the other stood behind him on
the walkway. The boy on the porch seemed to be the spokesman for the pair. Harry
looked them both over; they wore khaki cargo pants with white t-shirts and ball caps.
The lead boy seemed to be a bit older and was wearing a green ball cap over a
mess of medium-length, curly, brown hair.

“G’day, mate. We were wondering if we could get our little kitten out of your
backyard,” the older boy asked Harry.

Something Off
Harry was immediately taken back. No one in his part of Australia actually used
“G’day, mate” as a greeting. Not to mention, the kid’s accent was off, too. Yet that
wasn’t all that concerned Harry. When he was that age, wandering through a
darkened neighborhood and knocking on a stranger’s door would have been the last
thing he would have been doing. He immediately began to suspect their motive as
an uneasiness began to spread over him.

“I’ll tell you boys what, let me take a look in my backyard and I’ll bring your kitten to
you.” He began to step back from the door when the boy spoke again.

“No, mate. She’s afraid of strangers. We have to do it,” replied the older boy.

The other boy chimed in, too. “We must insist that we get her,” he said.

For a moment, Harry began to consider letting them in despite the uneasy feeling
and strange vibes he was getting from the pair. He didn’t like their tone or their
explanation for why they needed to be the ones to retrieve the kitten, either. Plus,
their request was more of a command and had an ominous tone to it.

“How old are you two?” Harry asked. It was almost like something was making him
stall for time before he followed his instincts, which told him to close the door.
“We’re 16, mate,” replied the older boy.

“Oh, come on. There’s is no way you two are 16!” Harry replied. He saw the boys
visibly tense up.

“Look mate, we really need to come in and get our kitten.” The older boy’s voice had
taken on a threatening tone, suddenly become very hostile and demanding.

Harry still couldn’t bring himself to close the door. Instead, he rebuked the boys for
their attitude. “Look, kids, you can forget being rude if you want your kitten back.”

“Sorry, mate,” the spokesman of the two quickly apologized. “Please, we need to get
our kitten back.”

The younger boy added his plea, “Please, let us in. We can’t come in unless you let
us in.”

How Did They Know

A chill ran up Harry’s spine, as he grew more and more suspicious. He began to
glance over them for a concealed weapon of some sort, though it was very hard to
see in the limited light.

To his shock, one of the boys said, “We don’t have any weapons on us.”

How on earth did they know that was what Harry was thinking? His uneasiness
increased, but he still couldn’t bring himself to close the door.

“Does your mother even know you’re out this late?” he asked, not quite why he was
still engaging with the boys when everything in him had begun to scream danger.

“Come on, mate. Let us in,” said the younger of the two.

“Our mother will be angry with us if we don’t bring the kitten home,” added the elder.

Problem Solved?
Suddenly, the perfect solution seemed to come to Harry’s mind. “Tell you what, boys.
Give me your mum’s phone number and I will call her tomorrow and bring the kitten
over if I find it. Just let me get some paper,” he said. He turned slightly from the door
to reach a pen and paper nearby when he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, the
older boy step right up the screen door.

Things Get Serious

Harry turned to face him and this time the boy was close enough for the light from
Harry’s entryway to reveal the boy’s facial features. He had a strange, sadistic grin
on his face and in the place of eyes there was only a soul-chilling darkness.

“Get away from my door now!” barked Harry as he took a step back so he could
close his front door. Before he could get the door closed though, the older boy
leaned slightly forward, almost touching the screen door with his nose, and said,
“We’re just kids. Let us in to get our kitten.”

Harry slammed his front door shut and shouted through it, “I’m calling the cops if you
don’t get off my porch now!” He fumbled for his phone and then looked out the
window to see if they were still there, his heart pounding like a jackhammer.

The boys were gone from the porch and the walkway and Harry did not see them
anywhere on the dimly lit street. He quickly ran to make sure they weren’t in his
backyard, which they weren’t, but he had no idea how they could have disappeared
so quickly.
Encounter at a Skateboard Park
Bobby, a 15-year old boy, ran into a pair of BEKs at a skateboard park, a most
unusual place to encounter a BEK one would think.

The Park
Bobby’s home away from home was undoubtedly the skateboard park just a stone’s
throw from his house. His mother was working very late one night in particular, so
Bobby stayed out at the park until 10 pm.

As he sped through the park, completely engrossed in practicing some new moves,
he noticed a pair of younger boys off to the side. Most of the kids out this late were
older teenagers and he happened to be one of the younger ones. He didn’t pay
attention to the boys until he slid to a stop near them.

A Request
As he reached down to pick up his skateboard, he noticed the oldest was about
twelve years old and the youngest was about eight. They both were wearing black
shorts, graphic tees, and ball caps. Standing beneath one of the park lights, their ball
caps shaded their faces so Bobby couldn’t see any detail.

As he rose up with his skateboard in hand, the eldest boy spoke to him. Just the
sound of his voice caused chills to turn down Bobby’s spine. “Can you take us to
your house? We need to use a phone.”

Bobby was puzzled; most people had smartphones now. Bobby wondered why he
didn’t just ask to use a cell phone. Bobby was reaching into his pocket to pull out his
phone for the boy to use when the boy shifted beneath the park lamp, causing the
light to fall on his face.

Not Contacts
Bobby let out an involuntary gasp as he saw the boy’s eyes were black–not brown,
not dilated, but totally black. It dawned on him that they were contacts, so he
complemented them. “Those are cool contacts! Where did you get them?”

In a haughty, impatient tone, the boy replied, “They are not contacts. Where do you

A sense of danger began to sweep over Bobby. He slowly placed his phone back
into the hip pocket of his jeans and took a step back. “Sorry, can’t help you,” he said.
He turned away, placing his skateboard back on the concrete when he felt a hand
aggressively grab his shoulder. A voice followed: “We need to go inside. We cannot
unless you take us to your house.” The tone was arrogant, demanding, and hostile.

Fight or Flight
He didn’t quite know why or how, but he knew this pair of boys was a threat to his
safety. Bobby’s fight or flight response kicked in and he combined the two
approaches into one. He moved his skateboard to the other hand, raised his fist, and
hit the older boy square in the face.

In an instant, Bobby was back on his board, speeding for home, but taking an
indirect route in case he was being followed. He kept checking back over his
shoulder and was certain they hadn’t followed him.

At least he was certain until the next day, while working on his homework at the
computer. He felt like someone was watching him and glanced out the window.
There he saw the two boys, staring directly at him on the other side of the window.
Lost Baseball
Josh was about 10-years old when he encountered a pair of BEKs in his front yard,
insisting their lost baseball was in his backyard.

Home from School

Josh had just arrived home from school around 4 pm, weary, but looking forward to a
snack and TV time before his parents got home from work. He walked up to his front
gate, opened it, stepped inside, and closed it. However, when he closed it he
discovered a pair of boys on the other side.

His mind raced for a few moments questioning how they could have appeared there
so suddenly. He looked them over; they both had on sweaters, jeans, and ball caps.
He noticed their clothes looked a little odd; they weren’t dressed like the boys at the
public school he attended and they sure didn’t dress like the boys at the local private

The older boy was about 13-years old and the younger approximately ten. The older
boy intimidated Josh by his size and age alone. There was something else that
made Josh uncomfortable, but he wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe it was how they
seemed to be looking at the ground while standing right on the other side of the gate
from him. However, true to the manners he had been taught by his parents, he said,
“May I help you with something?”

The Baseball
The older boy responded, still looking at the ground, by saying, “Our baseball landed
in your backyard. We need to come in and get it.”

Josh felt a little bit relieved. “Oh, I’ll run back there and get it for you!”

Before he could take a step, the older boy replied. “Let us in to find it.”

Something about the way he said it, as if he was the adult telling Josh what to do,
didn’t set well with him. Plus, something deep inside of him told him not to open the
gate for them. It was like something bad would happen if he did. Josh began to feel
afraid, but he held his ground. “I can go in the backyard and get it for you. It will only
take me a minute,” he replied.

The Eyes
Both boys raised their heads and looked Josh in the face. He saw the awful black
depths that were present where their eyes should be. The hair on Josh’s arms and
the back of his neck stood up as if an icy cold wind had just blown across him. The
sense of danger and fear intensified, but he hesitated. It was like he couldn’t take his
eyes off their lack of eyes and he realized his hand had just begun to reach for the

Instantly, he jerked his hand back, turning to walk away.

A voice full of hostility barked at him, “Let us in!” Another voice, pitched a bit higher,
chimed in, “Let us in now!”

Josh broke into a run, quickly unlocking the front door and rushing inside. He locked
every lock he could find on the front door, threw his backpack down, and dashed into
the backyard.

No Baseball
He hoped–he really did hope–he would find a baseball, which would mean he wasn’t
in any danger and they were just rude and bossy. He searched the small, bare
backyard feverishly, but he didn’t find a baseball. They weren’t after a baseball, so
what where they after?

Josh ran back into the house and peered out the front window. They boys were still
standing at the gate, staring directly at the window he was peeking out of. Terrified,
Josh rushed upstairs to the safety of his own bedroom. He closed the bedroom door
behind himself, propping up his wooden desk chair beneath the doorknob for added
security. He slowly crept over to the window. He lifted the edge of the blinds and
looked at the front gate.

They were gone. There was no sign of them anywhere and they hadn’t had time to
run out of his line of sight from the second floor window.
A Second Visit from a BEK
Josh was a 260 pound, 6’ 7” member of the Armed Forces, fearless and sensible.
What makes his experience so different is that he encountered a single BEK instead
of a pair and he encountered that same BEK more than once.

A Late Night Knock

It was fairly late at night when there was a knock on his door. At first Josh thought it
was his neighbor, with whom he shared a bathroom. He hopped up from the sofa
where he had been watching television and jerked open the bathroom door, only to
find the bathroom empty. He realized it must be his front door. As he approached the
door he tried to figure out who on the military base would be knocking so late at

Josh bent over to take a look out the peephole just as an uneasy feeling settled over
him. A teenage boy, about 17-years old, was standing in front of his door. His face
was down so Josh couldn’t see his features. He could, however, tell he was at least
a foot taller than the boy and the kid was skinny, weighing about 140 pounds soaking

The kid certainly wasn’t a threat, so why was Josh so unnerved by him? Without
opening his door, he asked the kid what he wanted. “What’s up?” Josh said in a
voice that betrayed his irritation at being disturbed so late at night.

Hints of Danger
The boy slowly looked up until he was staring right at the peephole. An evil,
predatory grin gradually spread across his pale, gaunt face. “Please let me in. I need
to use the phone,” he replied, still staring at the door.

Josh noticed the boy looked deathly ill and he also noticed something really odd
about the grin–it seemed almost hungry, like an animal. But there was something
worse than the grin; where the boy’s eyes should be there were only dark black orbs.

A chill ran down Josh’s spine. He was trained and experienced in combat and had
faced threats far more serious than a sickly, creepy teenage boy. His instinct gained
from combat experience, however, told him he was in danger. If there was one thing
he had learned, it was to listen to that instinct.

“Sorry, kid–I’m about to go to sleep,” he lied. “Try the SP building across the way,”
he said. Maybe the boy was sick or something, he reasoned to himself. They could
help him. Then he noticed the boy lower his head just slightly in a way that Josh
recognized as threatening. It was like an alarm went off his in mind, warning him that
this boy’s intentions were far from innocent and his power to harm Josh was far from

Josh stepped away from the door and then heard another knock, harder, and more
intense this time. Josh dashed over to his front window, jerking the Venetian blinds
up violently. The boy was already standing right in front of the window, as if he knew
what Josh was going to do. He stared at Josh, still wearing that same predatory grin
on his face. Though his eyes were still black, Josh felt them glaring at him. The boy
seemed to look at Josh as if he knew him, which only creeped out Josh even more.

“Can I come in?” the boy asked again. This time his voice was more insistent, almost
hostile. He didn’t take his black eyes off Josh.

In his most menacing voice, Josh shouted, “I’m going to tell you one more time to get
away from my door! I’m calling base security now!” As he turned slightly to grab his
phone, he realized the boy had disappeared.

Déjà Vu
Josh had this eerie feeling he had seen this boy before. He seemed familiar–the
deathly pallor, the black eyes, the feeling of imminent danger. Then he remembered
two years before when he and his brother Matt had been working at a gas station. As
they were outside smoking near the pumps late at night, they watched a skinny, frail
teenager make his way across a four-lane highway, his head down the entire time.
Some lights in the parking lot and the headlights of the cars trying to avoid him
lighted his dangerous journey.

As the boy came closer, Josh asked him if he needed some help. His behavior was
anything but normal and he looked so frail it seemed he could collapse at any
moment. The boy, still looking down, asked to use the phone. “Sorry,” answered his
brother Matt, “but the phone is behind the counter and you can’t use it. There’s a pay
phone around the corner, though.”

The boy didn’t answer. An uneasy feeling settled over the two brothers and they
simultaneously decided they needed to get back inside the station to attend to some
business very quickly. Neither one wanted to admit how unnerved he was by this
odd behaving teenager.

As they dashed inside the store, the teenager slowly followed behind them. Standing
in front of the door, the boy slowly raised his head. The brothers could see him
clearly in the light from the store–the pale, thin face with entirely black eyes.

He remained in front of the door, which was unlocked. All he had to do was walk in,
but it was as if something prevented him from just walking in. Somehow the brothers
seemed to know if he came inside they would be in serious danger.

Matt grabbed the baseball bat from beneath the counter and approached the door
with Josh right behind him. Just as the men neared the door, the boy turned and
disappeared into the darkness.

Josh realized this was the very same boy he had seen two years ago. Needless to
say, it was quite a while before he could sleep soundly at night.
We’ve Come to Collect You
Gillian had a most chilling encounter with a pair of BEKs, who it seems were a bit
more open as to their intentions. The problem is this story leaves more questions
that it provides answers.

Won’t Turn Away a Couple of Kids

Gillian, an attractive woman in her early forties, was relaxing on her bed with her
laptop when she heard a knock at the door. It was still early in the evening and
Gillian was never one given to fear so she headed straight to her front door. As she
opened it without hesitation, she saw two kids standing on her front porch looking at
the floor. One was about twelve-years old while the other about ten-years old. She
noticed their clothes looked a little odd and they wouldn’t look up, but other than that
they seemed completely harmless.

“Hi! What’s up?” she asked the boys, ignoring the uneasy feeling growing inside her.

Still looking at the ground, the older boy said, “We are lost and my brother needs to
use the toilet. Can we come in?” He spoke with more confidence than most boys his
age and his tone was odd, almost as if he was giving an order than making a

She wondered why they were staring at the ground, but quickly decided they were
just shy. Anyway, Gillian knew the neighborhood was very confusing for newcomers;
it wouldn’t be the first time a lost individual knocked on her door. In all the years she
lived there, she never found reason to be afraid. She pushed away that nagging
feeling of uneasiness and opened the door for the pair to come in. “Come on in,” she
said with a friendly smile. She stepped to the side to allow the boys inside her home.

Invited In
Before she could tell the younger boy where the bathroom was, he had already
headed up the stairs and turned the right direction to find it, walking through her
house as if he already knew the layout. She was puzzled by how he knew where her
bathroom was, but passed it off. That uneasy feeling wasn’t going away, however. It
was too late to worry, reasoned Gillian; she had already invited them into her home.

The older boy also stepped in and followed Gillian to the phone. As she walked
toward the kitchen, she suddenly was overwhelmed by a sense of danger or like
something very bad was about to happen to her. A split second after this feeling
swept through her, the older boy stopped and said, “Is everything ok?”

A chill ran through Gillian and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She began
to feel shaky and slightly disoriented. She turned to look at him, for the first time
having a clear look at his face. Gillian would not be able to remember any of his
features later, but the sight of the black, empty eyes would stay with her the rest of
her life.
Unspeakable Fear
Gillian felt so terrified, the scream she wanted to emit was trapped in her throat and
her feet seemed cemented to the floor. She began to shake and became dizzy,
feeling helpless and vulnerable–a very foreign feeling for Gillian. Through sheer
willpower, she managed to turn her body, only to see the younger boy at the other
end of the kitchen staring at her with lifeless black eyes. Gillian felt trapped, but she
was not going to go down without a fight.

Collect You
Her knees began to buckle under some external power. The older boy said, “We’ve
come to collect you.” Something in Gillian fought back the dizziness and the terror.
Her mind cleared and a plan began to form.

Whatever was holding her back wasn’t strong enough to keep her still. Gillian broke
into a run, pushing the older boy aside as she flew by him. She ran with all her might
to another room and slammed the door behind her, locking it, but realized the flimsy
lock was little protection if they really intended to “collect” her.

She grabbed hold of the heaviest piece of furniture in the room, a wooden desk, and
pulled it in front of the door as fast as she could. Luckily, the door opened inward.
For an hour, she alternated between leaning over the top of the desk or sitting on it,
listening intently for any signs of someone else in the house with her. Desperately,
Gillian wished she had her cell phone on her, but she had left it charging on the
nightstand by her bed.

As she listened, all she heard was silence. Were they still there? Why did they want
to “collect” her? What did it even mean? Who were they? Why were their eyes
black? Why had they picked her? What would she do if they hadn’t left?

Finally, she got her nerve up to try to escape. Gillian knew she left her backdoor
unlocked and it was a straight shot from the room she was in to the back door. She
pushed the desk just far enough away from the door to get through it easily. Gillian
jerked the door open and ran through the house to her back door, across the
backyard, over the fence, and straight to a trusted neighbor. Out of breath, she told
him her story.

He headed back to her house, armed with a baseball bat, carefully and
systematically checking every room, then assured Gillian they were gone. After he
left, she checked again herself, armed with a knife this time.

Fortunately for Gillian, she didn’t suffer any lasting effects from her encounter, unless
you count the months of nightmares.
Looking for a BEK
Gary didn’t believe BEKs were real. He was determined to prove they didn’t exist,
but ended up proving the opposite, at least to himself. His is a cautionary tale,
reminding us of the rumor if you are too preoccupied with BEKs you’re likely to meet

Gary had heard about BEKs and started researching them online in his spare time.
He just didn’t believe they were real, thinking the eyes were contacts or some
medical disease and the fear people felt was just the power of suggestion. He lived
in a large city and figured there had to be a few around. To prove his point, he
started putting an ad in his local Craigslist inviting a BEK to meet him at a certain
bench a short distance from his apartment building. The ad ran for six months, but
Gary didn’t have any takers. Instead, he attracted some weirdoes and pranksters,
but no real BEKs showed up to talk with him. Gary had to admit he was a bit

The Visit
Satisfied he had at least proven to himself they weren’t real, he stopped posting his
ad. One night, which would have been the day and time for his weekly BEK
invitation, he was at home on his computer researching some new topic when
several hours later he heard a knock at his door. He glanced at the time and realized
how late it was and no one ever came knocking at his apartment door at night.

Primal Fear
That was when he felt it–a fear like nothing he had ever felt in his life. Gary claims
his blood ran ice cold, as he instinctively knew who was at the door. The BEKs he
had been trying to make contact with for six months had come to see him.

Gary said the fear enveloping him was a primal fear, springing from deep within him.
It was like he instinctively knew who was at the door, almost as if generations before
him had written that fear in his DNA. He had scoffed at people’s fear before, but now
it was quite a different story.

He slowly stood up from his chair and made his way through his dimly lit apartment
to the front door. He unlocked it, his heart pounding and his pulse racing. Opening it
just wide enough to see though the bright fluorescent lights in the hallway were
blinding him, he looked straight ahead, squinting, and then looked down.

A boy, about nine-years old, was standing on his welcome mat. He had medium
length curly hair and a beautiful olive skin tone. As Gary looked into his face, his
instincts were confirmed—the boy’s eyes were surrounded in darkness. He looked
up in the direction of Gary’s face. A voice, sounding young, yet mature beyond his
mere nine years, said, “Can I come in?”
Gary knew what the boy was going to ask before he asked it. To his horror, Gary
realized his hand was moving to open the door wider. He clenched his hand into a
fist and held it tightly against his side. He was able to say, “No,” but not without a
great deal of effort.

The boy replied, “We missed you at the park tonight.” He smiled, but it wasn’t a
friendly smile; it was an evil, threatening smile.

Gary released his fist and closed the door. He began to gasp for air as he leaned his
back against the door for support. Gary realized he had been holding his breath
without knowing it.

When the boy knocked on the door again, Gary had stepped a few feet away from
the door. He was so shaken and disturbed it was about an hour before he could
move completely away from the door and sit down. Yet the boy kept knocking for
about the same amount of time.

Gary has not seen the boy again, except for in his nightmares. He hasn’t researched
BEKs any more, either.
Cannock Chase
Back in the 1980s, a different type of BEK encounter took place only to repeat itself
about 30 years later. It is connected to the murder of three little girls in the 1960s.

Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, England

These stories all took place in the same general location over a span of about 30
years in Cannock Case, Staffordshire, England. If you were alive in the 1960s,
there’s a chance the name Cannock Chase is familiar. Three young schoolgirls were
killed and another sexually assaulted and left for dead over a two-year period, all by
Raymond Morris, aka “The Cannock Chase Monster.” Some people believe there is
a connection between those murders–all girls between the ages of 5 and 9 years
old–and the young BEK that made repeated appearances.

The Teenager
It was summer when 18-year-old Karen was meeting with some friends near the
Cannock Chase forest to, as she put it, “meet and chill.” They were having a great
time and things remained uneventful until right before dark.

That’s when the group heard frantic shouting and screaming. The voice sounded like
a terrified child and Karen sprang to action. She took off running in the direction of
the piteous cries, falling over a tree root, and injuring her foot. Darkness was falling
and it was getting difficult to see, but Karen was determined to help the child at the
source of the cries.

Despite the painful, bloody injury, she kept running along a path that seemed to be
taking her right to the horrific screaming. It was dark and Karen could barely see, but
she was desperate to help whoever was in need. “Help, mommy–help!” the child
screamed. Karen ran harder, ignoring the pain in her foot.

Suddenly, ahead of her, she caught sight of a little girl about six-years old running
away from her. The girl was wearing a white dress and didn’t seem to be in any
immediate danger. Karen called out to the child, “Are you ok? Were you the one
crying for help?”

The little girl stopped running and turned to face her. Chills run down Karen’s spine
and her blood ran icy cold. The girl’s eyes were completely black–no irises, no
discernible pupils, and no white sclerae. She looked in Karen’s direction for a
moment, straight into her eyes as if peering into her very soul, then disappeared into
the forest. The screaming stopped and the forest was eerily quiet.

Unable to find her in the darkness, Karen limped back to her friends who had grown
very concerned for her welfare. They insisted she go to the local hospital to get her
foot attended to. As soon as her injury was stitched up, Karen headed to the local
police to file a report. No children were reported missing in the area, but the police
still sent out a search team and dogs to investigate. They did not find any sign of a
little girl whatsoever.
Another Encounter
The story was forgotten by most until another incident occurred about 30 years later.
Another young woman, Anne, was near the same forest when she, too, heard the
terrified screams of a young girl. A mother herself, she grabbed her daughter and
began to run to find the source of the cries. The screams continued, pulling her
deeper into the forest.

“Mommy, help me! Please mommy, help me!” the voice cried desperately. The
frantic cries horrified Anne, who was determined to find this child and save her. Anne
ran and ran, but it seemed the cries remained just beyond her.

Completely out of breath, Anne had to stop, setting her own little one down beside
her for just a moment. Suddenly a chill swept over Anne and every hair on her body
seemed to stand on end. She sensed a presence behind her.

Anne turned and saw a young girl, about 10-years old. She was wearing a white
dress and had her hands over her eyes. Anne described the little girl’s behavior in
terms of a small child with her hands over her eyes as a birthday cake is set down in
front of her. The child stood there motionless and silent. An uncanny quiet seems to
settle over the forest; not even the sound of birds or insects could be heard.

Puzzled, Anne asked, “Are you ok, honey? Do you need help?”

The little girl slowly put her arms down by her sides and opened her eyes, looking
directly at Anne. Her eyes were all black–a darkness so chilling, disconcerting, and
horrifying that for a moment Anne couldn’t pull her own eyes away. Suddenly, feeling
as if she were caught in some type of trap, Anne grabbed her daughter by the arm,
scooped her up, and began to run in the opposite direction of the little girl. She
glanced back and the strange little black-eyed girl had disappeared.

The Man, His Dog, and the BEK

There is one more direct encounter with the BEK of the forest worthy of noting.
Charlie always enjoyed walking his dog at night and wasn’t at all worried when he
heard a rustling sound in the bushes alongside the trail he and his dog were
traversing. He assumed it was a small animal and thought nothing of it and neither
did his dog.

It continued for about ten minutes and then suddenly the sound was behind him
instead of beside him. His dog suddenly strained at the leash, pulling him further
along the path and barking hysterically. Charlie turned around to see what was
behind him, but saw nothing. Suddenly, the dog began pulling him with all its might in
the opposite direction. The dog’s bark was full of terror unlike nothing Charlie had
ever heard before.

Naturally, Charlie turned his head to look at what his faithful dog was trying to pull
him away from. Imagine his surprise when he saw a little girl standing in the middle
of the path, her arms straight down at her sides, staring right at him. As Charlie’s
mind was registering what he was looking at, his dog kept desperately trying to pull
him back down the path away from the little girl.
Charlie, no doubt, was about to rebuke his dog for being afraid of nothing, but a little
girl when the moonlight reflected off her eyes. Shocked, Charlie blinked and when he
opened his eyes, she was gone. There was no way humanly possible for her to have
disappeared that quickly, nor was it possible for her to walk away without making a
sound. Charlie’s dog still wanted to go home and at that moment so did Charlie.

Two Indirect Sightings

This story of the Cannock Chase BEK is not complete without discussing two indirect
sightings. One was by a group of paranormal investigators who were seeking ghost
footage in the forest. They had about six hours of footage to process and in the
middle of it they discovered something quite interesting: a young girl, dressed in a
white dress, standing several yards away from the camera. This could be written off
as a child out playing in the woods, but this girl seemed to have her own most
unnatural light source in the darkness.

Finally, there was another possible sighting made by a quad copter drone flying near
the edge of the forest. In the footage, you can see a young girl in a white dress
standing at the very edge of the tree line. As the copter nears, she turns her body
away from it so her face cannot be seen. Her appearance is mysterious, to say the
least, as was her reaction to the quad copter.

Questions Left Unanswered

All these sightings took place in the same general area associated with the brutal
sexual assault and murder of young girls. How uncanny is it that in each of these
stories the BEK was a young girl around the age of the victims? Also, unlike the
majority of BEK sightings, these involved only one child rather than a pair. Likewise,
instead of seeking out people, the BEK draws people to her with horrific screams
and cries, while in the case of the man walking his dog she is stalking him. Is she a
BEK, or is she something else?
Black-Eyed Man
As mentioned, not all sightings of black-eyed people are children. This particular
story provides a very clear description of a black-eyed man’s eyes, much better than
any other story so far. Enjoy the story of Robbie the bartender and his unusual

Black Trench Coat and Sunglasses

Robbie was a bartender in a very large metropolitan area and witnessed more than
his share of outlandishness throughout the years. There was one customer, though,
he would have a hard time forgetting even though he’s tried.

The man, whose name he never knew, was a regular. He would come into the bar,
hunched over from the waist and walking with a simple cane. He moved slowly, but
with purpose, and the cane seemed to do a good job of keeping him steady even
after he had a few drinks in him.

The man always wore the same dark, worn black trench coat, whether winter,
summer, or cold or hot weather. He wore sunglasses, too, night and day, indoors
and out.

The odd man was polite enough to Robbie, but always gave Robbie a funny feeling.
Anytime Robbie talked to him, he felt the guy knew something no one else did and
was a bit smug about it, too. It made Robbie uncomfortable in a way he couldn’t
quite explain. The less contact with the man he had, the better–at least that’s how he

Most people were creeped out by him as soon as they sat next to him at the bar and
usually found someplace else to sit very quickly. There were a few, however, that
seemed drawn to the dark, mysterious man and would sit and talk to him for hours.
Robbie never got the chance to hear what they were talking about, but to be honest
he wasn’t sure he wanted to know, especially after he saw the guy with his
sunglasses off.

The Eyes
One night, Robbie noticed the man’s eyes were apparently bothering him. He pulled
his sunglasses off and laid them on the counter, then raised his right hand to rub his
eyes. Standing behind the bar right in front of the man, Robbie had a clear look at

Robbie saw sick people, drug addicts, drunks, crazy people, and individuals in
elaborate costumes with contacts, but nothing had prepared him for what he saw
when the guy took his sunglasses off. His eyes were completely black, similar to one
of the rats Robbie was always trying to chase off in the basement of the bar. The
eyes had no pupil, no iris–just all black. Robbie quickly looked away, wondering if
maybe he saw something he shouldn’t have and tried to put the image out of his
mind, but he couldn’t.
He had seen black sclera contacts, but these looked nothing like them. He scoured
the web after the encounter, looking for a natural explanation of what he saw. None
of the pictures of eye disease, drug abuse, or dilation looked anything like this man’s
eyes. It simple wasn’t natural.

Other Witnesses
Robbie wasn’t the only one to encounter the black-eyed man in the trench coat.
Other people in the city had, too. Some people described them as being like a fly’s
eyes or maybe like some kind of rodent, but almost everyone found his presence
disconcerting even before they saw his eyes. Based on reports, however, he has
never threatened anyone or harmed anyone.
Late One Halloween
Sally had her own BEK experience on Halloween with an aggressive pair of BEKs
who managed to terrify her dog without ever laying eyes on it.

Sally and her husband had given up on any more trick-or-treaters stopping by their
house, so they turned off the front porch light and let their mellow bulldog, Sophie,
out of her crate and into the living room. Soon Sally’s husband went to bed, leaving
Sally with Sophie curled up on the sofa watching television.

Suddenly, there were three knocks on the front door. Sally was startled, no doubt
due in part to the creepy television show she was watching. She was puzzled, not so
much by how late the knocks came, but by the fact that someone even knocked
because their doorbell lit up and was easily visible to anyone standing on the front
porch, even with the porch light turned off.

An uneasy feeling swept over Sally. She knew that whoever was on the porch had to
know she was in there. Their front door had a large glass pane in it and the flickering
lights from the television would be obvious to anyone standing there. In fact, she
thought, they might even be able to see her silhouette.

Knock, Knock, Knock

The knocks sounded again. Sally glanced down to her dog Sophie, only to discover
Sophie was nowhere in sight. She quickly looked around the room for her dog, but
she was nowhere to be seen. She got up to look for her and found Sophie hunkered
down against the back door, whimpering and crying.

Before she answered the door, she wanted to make sure Sophie couldn’t get out.
“Sophie, crate!” she ordered the dog. Sophie looked at her as if to shake her head
no. She started to yell up to her husband, but could hear the shower running and
knew he couldn’t hear her. Exasperated with Sophie’s odd behavior, she turned to
leave the room.

That’s when the three knocks came yet again. Sally walked backed into the living
room. A car drove by and for a split second its headlights illuminated the front door,
revealing the shadow of two small children.

Relieved, Sally decided they were just a couple of kids trick-or-treating and she had
nothing to worry about. She pushed the thought of Sophie’s strange behavior out of
her mind and attributed the uneasy feeling to the types of shows she had been

Sally hurried to the front door and turned on the porch light. Through the glass door
pane, she could see a pair of small children. As she unlocked the door, Sally
wondered what two little kids were doing out so late on Halloween by themselves
and why they were being so aggressive when her porch light was out. Sally opened
the door about two feet, wide enough for her to talk to the kids, but not wide enough
for Sophie to make an escape.
Not Trick-or-Treaters
She was immediately taken aback. The children, about 11 and 9-years old, were
wearing street clothes instead of a costume and they didn’t say, “Trick or treat!” like
the kids had all evening long. They were looking down at the ground instead of at
her, too. It all struck her as rather odd.

“Can I help you?” Sally asked, an uneasy feeling sweeping over her again.

The older girl, still looking down, answered in an oddly mature voice. “Can we come
in and use your phone to call our mother?”

Immediately, Sally began to wonder why a kid that age, out alone at night, wouldn’t
have a cell phone. “Um, honey, don’t you have a cell phone?” she asked.

The two kids turned their faces to look at each other, as if they were talking to each
other, but not saying anything. They looked back at the ground and the girl
answered, “Our phone ran out of charge. Can we please come in to call our mother?
We are all alone and my brother is scared.”

Something deep inside Sally, almost primal, told her not to let the pair inside her
home. Suddenly, Sally realized she had been inching the door open wider without
even being conscious of it. The hair on the back of her neck began to stand up and
she tightened her grip on the door.

She was torn between a sense of foreboding and strong motherly instinct. Two kids
alone on the street on Halloween wanting to call their mother seemed harmless, but
at the same time she felt very strongly she should not, under any circumstances, let
them into her home. An idea struck her. “I’ll tell you what,” she said in her most
friendly voice, “let me have your mother’s number and I’ll call her for you.” This
seemed perfectly reasonable if the pair was telling her the truth.

They looked at each other just like they had before and then changed their tactic.
“My brother needs to use your bathroom. Can we please come inside?” The girl’s
voice was more aggressive this time as she took two steps toward the door and
looked up.

Black Eyes
The light bulb from the porch lit up her face clearly, but all Sally would ever be able
to recall about her features were her jet-black eyes. Fear struck her and her primal
instinct took over forcing her to close the door.

The little boy began to whimper and the girl spoke up. “Please, ma’am, we are all
alone out here and we are scared.” She stepped even closer to the door with a
determination that alarmed Sally.

Sally shut the door with authority and locked it. She felt a twinge of guilt and shouted
through the door, “I’ll call your mom if you’ll give me her number, but I am not letting
you in my house!” The pair stood on the porch, staring at her through the door, as
the little boy continued crying.
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Sally dashed to find a phone to contact her neighbor across the street, but by the
time he came outside the children were gone. Sophie was later found in the guest
bedroom, under the bed and terrified beyond all reason; it would take a few days for
Sophie to return to normal. It would take longer than that for Sally to recover from the
Good Samaritan Scared to Death
Tyrone was your typical teenager, a bit rebellious and very independent, who quite
literally came face-to-face with a pair of unhappy black-eyed children and discovered
something about them most people never do: their physical strength.

Tyrone liked to wander around the neighborhood at night, telling his mother he was
staying at a friend’s when he was really just prowling around, bored and fidgety. One
particular evening, when it was cool enough for him to be wearing a hoodie, Tyrone
was walking restlessly as usual when he saw a pair of rather young children come
out of the wooded area next to his neighborhood.

Intrigued, he decided to follow them while staying back a safe distance and trying to
walk quietly. They appeared to be a young girl and boy, both about 8 or 9-years old.
Tyrone was trying to figure out what little kids would be walking around after midnight
by themselves, especially since they had come out of the woods. He had never seen
them before in his neighborhood.

They seemed to know where they were going, however, and were very intent on
whatever it was they were doing. Suddenly, the little boy stopped at the edge of the
street and the girl continued walking until she was standing right in the middle of the
road. Suddenly, a car came around the corner, headed straight for the little girl.

A Rescue
Tyrone took off running with all his might, fueled by adrenaline, and grabbed the little
girl. With her secure in his arms, he jumped to safety at the side of the road. As the
car sped off, honking, he looked down at the girl. He could instantly tell she was very
angry with him, which puzzled him since he just saved her life.

Then the light from the street lamps hit her eyes–at least, where her eyes should be.
They were as black as midnight, like holes in her face where eyes should be. Terror
gripped him and he knew something was very, very wrong.

A Fine Thanks
Suddenly a firm, powerful hand grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the girl; it
was the boy and he seemed to have the strength of a grown man. Further convinced
things were not as they seemed and he was in danger, Tyrone had one thought on
his mind—run.

He struggled to get free of the boy, trying very hard to avoid looking at his face
because he didn’t want to catch sight of another pair of black eyes. The little boy
seemed to have a death grip on Tyrone’s sleeve and, struggle as he might, Tyrone
could not get free.
Desperate and afraid, Tyrone did what any sensible person would do in the situation:
he pulled out of his hoodie and left it behind. Something instinctive within him told
him he needed to get out of there ASAP, even if he left some of his clothes behind.

He could hear them chasing after him, yelling at him to stop. Their cries made his
blood curdle. Tyrone ignored them and kept running, determined not to look back at
those coal black eyes ever again.

He didn’t want them to follow him to his friend’s house, concerned they might not be
through with him yet, so he backtracked and took an alternate route to throw them
off, just in case. Before long, he was safe at his friend’s house with quite a story to

He kept peeking out the windows for the rest of the night, but the children did not
reappear. Needless to say, he quit walking after dark for several months for fear of
encountering those same angry, powerful BEKs.
It seems odd that most of the BEK sightings almost always involve needing to “be let
in.” They wait for permission to enter, though the sense of dread and terror they
induce seems to indicate if they wanted they could force themselves wherever they
please. Why, then, do they ask to be let in if they can easily force their way in? Can
they not enter unless they are invited?

Those are just a few of many questions that arise when it comes to the subject of
BEKs. Are they human? If not, what could they be? Are they even from this world?
Why are their eyes black? Why do they make people so uncomfortable even before
they see their eyes? Do they have some type of hypnotic power over their targets?
Are they truly dangerous? How do they pick their targets? Can they read our
thoughts? Do they feed on the fear they induce?

Though maybe, the most important question would be this one: is the rumor true that
the more you read about them the more likely you are to encounter a pair? Let’s
hope not–for your sake. Yet if you should encounter them, remember—don’t let them

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