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At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Define coastal resource management.
2. Describe the characteristics of successful implementation of coastal
resource management.
3. Explain the importance of coastal resource management planning process
in our country.

A. Topic: Coastal Resource Management
A. Reference/s: Philippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No.3
B. Materials: Manila Paper, colored paper, pentel pen, board


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Good morning/ Good afternoon, class! Good morning/ Good afternoon, Ma’am
Okay, class! Before we start our lesson for
today, we will have first an opening

May I request Ms. Errabo to please lead us Let us bow our heads and feel the
in prayer. presence of the Lord … Amen.

2. Greetings
Once again, good morning/ good Good morning/ Good afternoon, Ma’am!
afternoon, Class!

How’s your day going? We’re Fine and grateful, Ma’am!

Wow! That’s great!

3.Checking of Attendance

Let me check the attendance first. Make sure (Check attendance using a seat plan)
that you are in your proper seats so that you
will not be marked absent.

Very Good! Everybody is present.

4.Checking of Assignment
Okay, class! Kindly pass your activity Yes, Ma’am.
notebook. Did you make it?

B. Review
Last meeting, we had discussed the different Yes, Ma’am!
coastal resources in our country. Right, class!
Again, What are the different coastal
Yes, Ms. Dangel. Ma’am!

The different coastal resources include

fisheries, coral reefs, sea grass beds, and
Wow! Very Good! Okay, class! Let’s give a
round of applause to Ms. Dangel.

C. Motivation

Okay, class! Let us group ourselves into two Yes, Ma’am!

groups. This would be the group 1 and this
would be the group 2.

List down at least two (2) beach resort that Sample format.
can be found in Catbalogan City. Follow the
format below to answer the activity.

Name of Impact Name of Impact

Beach (community/local Beach (community/local
Resort residence Resort residence
/local tourism) /local tourism)

Class! You have to make sure that the Beach

Resort is located here in Catbalogan City.

I will give you at least 5 minutes for this Yes, Ma’am!

activity. Okay, class?

Okay, start…
Time’s up!

Okay, class! Are you done? Yes, Ma’am!

Now, Group 1, pick a representative from

your group to present your work.

Okay, Ms. Dangel. Good afternoon/Good morning Ma’am!

Here are the collaborative outputs of the
group 1.

Group 1 (Students answer may vary)

Name of Impact
Beach (community/local
Resort residence
/local tourism)
Iguid  Create jobs for local
Beach residence.
Resort  Way for the economic
development of the
local community.
Buri Baras  The local residence
Beach focus on the entire
development of the
beach which will help
to have a balance
coastal ecosystem.

Okay, Very Good Group 1!

Let us give them, a round of applause!

Next to present is the Group 2.

Any representative from the Group 2? Ma’am!

Okay, Ms. Ampoan. Good afternoon/Good morning

Ma’am/classmates! Here are the results of
our brainstorming.

Group 2 (Students answer may vary)

Name of Impact
Beach (community/local
Resort residence
/local tourism)
Buri Baras  It gives a sustainable
Beach livelihood to every
local residence.
Iguid  Provide lots of
Beach adventures.
Wow! That’s a nice idea!

Let us also give a round of applause for

Group 2.

Congratulations! Group 1 and Group 2 you Thank you, Ma’am!

really did a great job! Let us give again, a
round of applause to ourselves.

Base on your answer, there are many Beach Yes, Ma’am!

Resort here in Catbalogan City. Right? In
which they also offer delicious sea foods for
travellers and adventurers.

As Catbaloganon, class! You have to be

proud of it. So let us discover more about
the foods and delicacies of our locality and
make it also as our pride in Samar.

Furthermore, in this lesson we will discuss

the definition of coastal resource
management, the characteristics of
successful implementation coastal resource
management and the importance of CRM
planning process.

D. Setting the Objectives

Okay, class! Kindly read the objectives
posted on the board.
At the end of the lesson, the students are
expected to:
1. Define Coastal Resource Management.
2. Describe the characteristics of
successful implementation of CRM
3. Explain the importance of coastal
resource management planning
process in our country.

So, Class! Those are the objectives that you Yes, Ma’am!
need to achieve in our discussion. You must
participate and cooperate in our class
discussion, okay?

E. Developmental Activities
1. Activity
Before we proceed to our topic, let us have
an activity first.

In your activity notebook, you have to

identify some human activities and its good
and bad effect to coastal areas.

Activity format: Possible Answer (student answer may


Human Good effect Bad Effect Human Good Bad Effect

Activity on coastal on coastal Activity effect on coastal
areas areas on areas
Mangrove Support
planting for soil
Overharvesting Declining
Pollution Degradation
of water
Very Good, Class!

Coastal management provides the tools for

slowing and hopefully reversing the
negative impacts of human activities in our
coastal areas. So, for now, we will focus on
managing and planning of our coastal

2. Analysis
Okay, class! How did you come up with Ma’am!
your answers?

Yes, Mr. Destriza. Ma’am, before answering the activity, I

analyse first the given questions on the
table. There are many human activities
that will have a great impact on our
coastal areas so i have decided to give
some of those activities.
A Brilliant Idea!

Okay, class! Do you have any idea? No, Ma’am!

3. Abstraction
Now, I will ask you…. Do you have any idea It’s about coastal managing and planning.
about CRM?

That is absolutely commendable idea. Very


In this lesson we will learn what coastal

resource management is, the characteristics
of successful implementation of CRM plans
and the importance of CRM planning

Class, let us have first an Introduction before

the definition of coastal resource

Kindly read, Mr. Padilla. Coastal resources and coastal ecosystems

are vital to the health and well-being of
the Philippine people.

What do you mean by that statement? (student answer may vary)

Fisheries, coral reefs, seagrasses and

mangroves, provide both direct and indirect
benefits in coastal communities in the
Philippines and their proper management
brings benefits to the entire country.

Kindly read the next statement. The Lack of investment in planning and
management results in ineffective
implementation of coastal laws and loss of
benefits derived from coastal resources.
Class, lack of planning and managing will be
a loss of benefits from coastal resources
because many people will surely abuse and
over use our coastal resources.

In addition, Ineffective implementation of

coastal laws allows a few individuals to
derive most of the existing benefits
compared to substantial loss of economic
benefits to coastal communities as a whole.

Now, what will happen if current trends of Ma’am, If current trends of overfishing
overfishing and environmental degradation and environmental degradation continue
continue? coastal resources will not be able to
provide enough food for the Philippine’s
growing population and the health of the
coastal environment will be irreversibly
It is imperative that local government units
(LGUs), and coastal municipalities and cities
in particular, which have the primary
mandate for CRM in the Philippines,
develop and implement CRM plans to
achieve food security, reduce economic
losses, and protect critical coastal habitats for
coastal communities that depend on these

What is coastal resource management?

Kindly read, Ms. Angel. Coastal resource management (CRM).

CRM is a participatory process of
planning, implementing, and monitoring
sustainable uses of coastal resources
through collective action and sound
What do you mean by planning?

Yes, Ms. Nueva. Ma’am, Planning is a way of organizing

the attention, resources and energy of
government agencies, resource user
groups, nongovernment organizations
. (NGOs), and others on the coastal issues
that matter most to the community.

Did you get it class? Yes, Ma’am!

Let us now proceed to the characteristics of

successful implementation of CRM plans.

Kindly read the first characteristic.  Active participation of key

stakeholders; Š

What do you mean by that? Any Idea, Class! Ma’am!

Yes, Ms. Marinella. If there’s an active participation of the

local residence or community there will be
a successful CRM planning.
Very Good, Ms. Marinella. Active
stakeholders are responsible for a successful
planning and managing the coastal areas.

Class, kindly read the next statement.  Relevant baseline information about
human activities affecting the coastal

Any idea from the class? No, Ma’am!

Okay, It means that every human activity

affects our coastal areas. That is why, as a
local residence the dissemination of
information must be relevant to the people
near the shoreline so that they will become
also aware about the effect of their activity.

Did you get it class? Yes, Ma’am!

Next, kindly read.  Understood and supported by

government officials, resource user
groups, and other stakeholders; Š
What does it mean? When can we say that
CRM implementation plans are a success?

Government officials has a big role on

implementing coastal laws here in our
country but, it is more important if the
officials truly understand and support our
resource users and stakeholders.

Kindly read the next characteristics.  Flexible enough to allow for adaptions
to changing socio-political conditions;
Class, The CRM plans is successful if it is
flexible enough for adaptation in which most
of our local residence interacts well to the
system of LGU’s.

Again, Resolution of conflicts among key

stakeholders; Š

Class, resolution addresses the solution to a

certain problem that exists in particular
coastal areas or in our stakeholders.

Another kindly read.  Organized to ensure a continuing

management effort; and
You can also characterize a successful
implementation of CRM plans if it is
organized. Why we need to organize our Š
CRM plans? This is to ensure a continuing
management effort all the people involve.

The last characteristic of a successful CRM

implementation is Designed to provide
measurable results.

Why we need to designed CRM plans?

We designed because we need to have

measurable results of all the management
efforts of our Government official and other
persons involve.

Did you get it class? Yes, Ma’am!

Now let us proceed.

Why is coastal resource management Ma’am, to provide and support our
planning is important? Any idea from the country for a sustainable coastal resource
class? management plans.

Very Good, Ms. Christine.

Class, kindly read this. CRM planning is a basic service that must
be provided by local government as an
essential part of the governance process
designed to ensure that fisheries and the
habitats that support them are used in
ways that ensure their long-term
availability to the people of the
Philippines, produce the greatest benefits,
help reduce risks of coastal hazards,
prevent coastal pollution, and reduce
conflicts among coastal users.
CRM is important to minimize the effect of
human activities in our coastal areas not
only in our community but the entire
country. It also gives our local residence to
become responsible for their coastal

4. Application

Now, let us connect the topic in our daily

life. Kindly read the given situation.

Class, as student, how can you help your Ma’am, by simply not throwing garbage
community to maintain conducive anywhere in our coastal areas.
environment to local tourists?

Very Good!

But, what do you think is the essence of Ma’am, I think without CRM planning
CRM planning in our community or there would be an imbalance of coastal
country? ecosystem. The problem might exist like
overfishing, uncontrolled use of our
coastal resources and rapid population
growth near coastal areas.
That’s right! When you have knowledge
about planning and managing about our
coastal resources there would be enough and
sufficient supply of food, livelihood,
economic development and even fresh air
we breathe.

F. Generalization
Let us see if you really understand our topic.

Again, what do you mean by CRM?

CRM is a participatory process of
planning, implementing, and monitoring
sustainable uses of coastal resources
through collective action and sound
Very Good!

CRM provides the essential process for

integration of all sectoral, policy and
institutional components to achieve the goal
of sustainable development.

Okay, class! Did you get it? Yes, Ma’am!

G. Evaluation
Okay, class. Kindly get ½ sheet of paper and Sample answer:
answer the following questions:

1. Define coastal resource management. 1. CRM is a participatory process of

2. Give at least three (3) characteristics of a planning, implementing, and monitoring
successful implementation CRM plans. sustainable uses of coastal resources
3. Explain the importance of CRM plans in through collective action and sound
our country. decision-making.
2. Active participation of key
stakeholders; Organized to insure a
continuing management effort; and Š
Designed to provide measurable
3. CRM planning is a basic service that
must be provided by local government as
an essential part of the governance
process designed to ensure that fisheries
and the habitats that support them are
used in ways that ensure their long-term
availability to the people of the
Philippines, produce the greatest benefits,
help reduce risks of coastal hazards,
prevent coastal pollution, and reduce
conflicts among coastal users.

Are you done? Yes, Ma’am!

Kindly pass your papers.

Thank you class for being cooperative in our
class discussion.

H. Assignment
For your assignment, you are going to
conduct the following and choose only one.
1. Interview someone about the importance
of CRM planning in their community.
2. Conduct a talk show about coastal
resource management planning.
3. Make a photo collage about the different
coastal resources in your community.

Did you get it class? Yes, Ma’am!

That would be all for our today’s discussion. In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Kindly pick up pieces of papers or trash. Spirit…
Clean your writing desk. Let us pray! May I
request Mr. Dela Cruz to lead our closing

Thank you everyone!

Good bye, class! Good bye, Ma’am!



Prepared by:

Student Teacher

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