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Solving Exponential Equations and Logarithmic Equations

Nama : Zimran Rafie Al Faridzy
Nim : 220311609742
Offer. : E
Exponential Equation is an equation whose exponent or base number and its exponent
contain a variable.

Example Exponential Equations

1. 32x-3 = 81x+5   →   exponential equation with exponent containing the variable x
2. (2x - 5)x = (2x - 5)3x-4   →   exponential equation with  base and exponen containing the
variabel x
Am ( Exponent)
( Base )
So, in the exponential equation, it can only be the exponent which contains the variable or
it can also be the base and the exponent which contains the variable. This variable is
denoted by a letter, it can be from a to z. But, in general, the variable symbol that is often
used in problems is the letter x

the form of the exponential equation

1. If  af(x) =  am then f(x) = m

2. √ 9 −5=
3 x
Condition (a > 0 and a ≠ 1)
Example : 9 x – 5 /3 = 1/33
4 2x + 1 = 8 (32)x – 5/3 = 3-3
(22)2x + 2= 23 3 2x – 10 /3 = 3-3
24x + 2 = 23 2x – 10/3 = -3
4x+2=3 2x-10 = -3 x 3
4x = 3 – 2 2x -10 = -9
X=¼ 2x = -9 + 10
X =½

2. h(x)f(x) =h(x)g(x) then :

a. f(x) = g(x)
b. h(x)=1
c. h(x)= -1 provided that f(x) and g(x) both are odd or both are even
d. h(x)= 0 provided that f(x) and g(x) positive
1. (x-3)2x-1 =(x-3) x+1

F(x) = 2x-1 # a). 2x - 1 = x+1 # c). x-3 = -1

H(x)= x-3 2x – x =1+1 x= -1+3
G(x)= x+1 x=2 x=2
# b). X-3 = 1 f(2) = 2.2-1 = 3 odd
X = 1+3 g(2) = 2 + 1 = 3

# d). X-3 = 0
X =3
F(3) = 2.3-1 = 5 Positive
G(3) = 3+1 = 4
HP = { 2,3,4}
3. F(x)h(x) = g(x)h(x) then
a. If H(x) = 0 ,then F(x) = g ( x )
b. If the power of F(x) and G(x) same then H(x) = 0
c. H(x) = 0 , provided that f(x) ≠ 0 and g(x) ≠ 0
d. If H(x) ≠ 0 , then we cannot solve this equation

Example :
1. ( 2x -1 ) x+2 = ( x + 1 ) x + 2

F(x) = 2x-1
G(x)= x+ 1
H(x)= x+2

a. 2x – 1 = x + 1
2x – x = 1+1
b. X+2 = 0
X = -2
F(-2) = 2.(-2) – 1 = -5
≠ 0 , then HP = { -2,2}
G(-2) = -2 + 1 = -1
Logarithmic Equations
A logarithmic equation is an equation that contains a logarithmic form with a base or a
numerus, or both contain variables. So that means, there are two forms of logarithms (on the
left and right sides) where the base or numerus or both contain variables, then these two sides
are associated with an equal sign. The value of x that satisfies this equation is called the
solution of the equation.

General form logarithm

log x = n
a = base or base number , provided that a > 0 and a ≠ 1
b = numerus , provided that x > 0
c = logarithm value
the form is the same as the general form of logartihms, but in a logarithmic equation, there
are two logarithmic forms on the left and right sides and then connected using equal sign.
Example : 3log (2x+9) = 3log (10x - 16)
The form of the logarithmic equations

1. a
log f(x) = alog p , then f(x) = p
Conditions : numerus > 0
1. Find the soluiton of the equations 3log (2x-5) = 2
Way 1: Way 2
log ( 2x-5) = 2 3
log (2x-5) = 2
log (2x-5) = 2 3log 3 (2x-5) = 32
log (2x-5) = log 3
3 2
2x = 9-5
log (2x-5) = 3log 9 x = 14/2
(2x-5) = 9 x =7
2x = 9 + 5
X = 14/2

2. alog f(x) = blog f(x) , then f (x) = 1

Example : find the solution of the equations 3log (2x-5) = 5log (2x-5)

log (2x-5) = 5log (2x-5)
2x-5 = 1
X =1+5
X = 6/2
X =3
3. log f(x) = h(x)log g(x) , then f(x) = g(x)

coditions : base > 0 and base ≠ 0 , numerus > 0

Example : find the solution of equations x+2log (2x-5) = x+2log (x+3)
Solution :

1. log (2x-5) = x+2log (x+3)


2x-5 = x+3
2x-x = 3+5
X =8
4. f(x)log h(x) = g(x)log h(x) , then f(x) = g(x)
coditions : base > 0 and base ≠ 0 , numerus > 0
Example : find the solution of equations 2x-3log (x+2) = x+1log (x+2)
Solution :
1. 2x-3log (x+2) = x+1log (x+2)
2x-3 = x+1
2x – x = 1+3
X =4
5. A(alog x)2 + B(alog x) + c = 0
Make the separation so that becomes the quadratic equations
Example : Find the equation of 2log2x - 2log x3 = 4
Solution : 2log2x - 2log x3 = 4
log2x - 2log x3 - 4 = 0 Example : 2logx = p
log2x - 3. 2logx - 4 = 0
P2 – 3p – 4 = 0
(p -4 ) V ( p +1 ) = 0
P = 4 or p = -1

logx = p
2 2
logx = p
logx = 4 2
logx = -1
X=4 2
x = 2-1
X = 16 x = 1/2
So the solution equations of 2log2x - 2log x3 = 4
Is X=1/2 or X = 16
1. Find the solution of 9n = 4 ,Then 4.3 n +1 -27 n
Solution : 9n = 4
(32)n = 4
(3n)2= 4
3n = √ 4
3n = 2
4.3 n +1 -27 n = 4.3n.31 –(33) n
= 12 .(2) – (3n)3
= 24 – 23
= 24 – 8
= 16

2. Set solution of equation x log (5x3-4x) = x log x5

Solution : Condition of X must be = 0 ( positive) and ≠ 1
5x3 – 4x = x5
5x2 – 4 = x4
X4 – 5x2+4 = 0
(X2)2 – 5x2+4 = 0
Suppose that ( X2) = P
P2 - 5p +4 = 0
P–4=0 P-1 = 0
P=4 p=1
X =p
X2 = p
X2=4 X2 = 1
X=±2 X =±1
So , Because the condition of X must be = 0 ( positive) and ≠
1 ,Then set solution is X ={ 2 }

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