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Research Design and Methodology

This chapter presents the research method and

procedures to complete the study. This contains, the

description of the research design, the sampling technique,

the respondents of the study, the research instruments and

its validation, the study procedure and the statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will used descriptive-evaluative-

correlational method of research with documentary analysis.

This is suited in this proposed undertaking since it aims to

present and analyze the teachers’ strategies and their

performance in teaching Science.

Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling will be used in the choice of

__________ District, Division of__________ as the venue of

the study. Total enumeration shall be employed by the

researcher in choosing the respondents. There are 58

teachers teaching Science in __________ District, Division

of ______________.

Respondents of the Study

This study sees Science teachers as the primary source

of information for this study. The respondents will come

from the different zones of the District of________. Table 1

shows the total number of respondents from the four (4)


Table 1

Distribution of Respondents by Zones

Number of
Zone Name of School Respondents %
Red Elementary School 2 3
White Elementary School 2 3
Zone 1 Green Elementary School 2 3
Orange Integrated School 4 23
Subtotal 10 34
Elementary School 3 10
Elementary School 6 18
Elementary School 4 13
Zone 2 Subtotal 13 42
Elementary School 4 7
Elementary School 2 3
Elementary School 2 3
Zone 3 Elementary School 2 3
Elementary School 2 3
Elementary School 2 3
Elementary School 1 2
Subtotal 15 26
Elementary School 3 10
Elementary School 4 7
Elementary School 2 3
Zone 4 Elementary School 4 7
Elementary School 1 2
Elementary School 2 3
Subtotal 16 33
Grand Total 54 100
Research Instrument

The preparation and validation of the research

instrument underwent the following stages- planning,

determining the components of the instrument, submission of

table of specifications to set of jurors, revision,

modification, final printing, and administration of


Formulation of Questionnaire

As a descriptive research, a survey type of data

gathering is its primary support. Hence, a descriptive

survey research shall be employed in this study. The

researcher aims to prepare a research instrument that will

serve as its main data-gathering tool.

There shall be two (2) parts of the research

instrument. Table 2 shows the Table of Specifications of the

instrument used in the study.

Part I focused on the teachers’ strategies in teaching

Science 4.

Part II converged on how evident the teachers’

performance in teaching Science 4.

Table 2

Table of Specifications

Number Item
of Items Placement
I. Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Science 4

11 1-11 6.48
2. 11 12-22 5.56

3. 11 23-33 4.63

4. 11 34-44 4.63

5. 11 45-55 4.63

II. Teachers’ Performance in Teaching Science 4

1. 11 56-66 11.11

2. 8 67-74 6.48

3. 8 75-82 8.33

4. 8 83-90 10.19

TOTAL 90 100

For the interpretation that focused on the teachers’

strategies and how evident the teachers’ performance in

teaching Science 4, the following scales will be used.

Scale Weight Assigned Interpretation

5 4.50-5.00 Very Much Evident (VME)

4 3.50-4.49 Much Evident (ME)

3 2.50-3.49 Evident (E)

2 1.50-2.49 Fairly Evident (FE)


1 1.00-1.49 Not At All (NA)

Validation of the Questionnaire

The instrument shall undergo validation. It shall be

shown first to her adviser and some experts for suggestions,

comments, and approval.

Data Gathering and Procedure

The researcher shall request first the permission of

the Division Superintendent of________, the Public Schools

District Supervisor of________, and the school heads of

different elementary schools are included in the study to

allow her to distribute questionnaires and conduct informal

interviews for the data needed in the study.

Upon approval, the researcher approached beginning

teachers and request them to answer the questionnaires

distributed to them.

Finalization of the Research Instrument

Science teachers as respondents of the study are given

four (4) days to answer the questions in the research-made

instrument without disrupting their classes.

Retrieval of the Questionnaires

The questionnaires will be retrieve one hundred percent


from the teacher-respondents of elementary schools. The

information needed was answered correspondingly. The

researcher was grateful to the teacher-respondents for being

cooperative and patient in answering the instrument.

Reliability and Validity of the Instrument

To measure the internal consistency of the instrument,

Kuder-Richardson Formula 21 will be used. After the

retrieval of the questionnaires, the reliability will be

computed using the formula: (Deidreich, 1976).

r =


r = reliability coefficient

M = mean

N = number of items

S = standard deviation

The significance of the reliability coefficient will

tested using the formula (Siegel, 1988):

t = r

where: r = the reliability coefficient

n = number of items

Standard Deviation was determined by the following

formula: (Hopkins and Stanley, (1981).

S = Sum of the high sixth-Sum of the low sixth

Half the number of case

Study Procedure

The researcher settled the different stages to attain

the needed data. This study covered the period of time to

its completion from June 2019 to April 2020. The researcher

did the following research procedures as shown in Figure 4.

1. Formulated the title

2. Prepared Chapter I

3. Gathered Review of Related Literature and Studies

4. Prepared Chapter III

5. Submitted for Title Proposal Defense

6. Reflected all the suggestions and recommendations

during the proposal

7. Validated and adapted the questionnaire

8. Administered the questionnaire

9. Gathered, tabulated and interpreted Data

Research Procedures Month/Duration

2019 2020
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

1. Formulated the title

2. Prepared Chapter I

3. Gathered Review of Related

Literature and Studies

4. Prepared Chapter III

5. Submitted for Title Proposal


6. Reflected all the suggestions

and recommendations during the

7. Validated and adapted the


8. Administered the questionnaire

9. Gathered, tabulated and

interpreted Data

10. Submitted for Pre-Oral


11. Revised Manuscript

12. Equipped for the Final Oral

13. Submitted for Final Oral
14. Discussed with the Research
Authorities with regards to the
Final Revision

15. Revised the Manuscript

16. Submitted the Hard-bound
17. Submitted Manuscript to

18. Submitted the results to

the concerned authorities

19. Published the Manuscript

10. Submitted for Pre-Oral Defense

Figure 4
11. Revised
Gantt ChartManuscript
on the Research Procedure and Time Budget

12. Equipped for the Final Oral Defense

13. Submitted for Final Oral Defense

14. Discussed with the Research Authorities with regards to

the Final Revision

15. Revised the Manuscript

16. Submitted the Hard-bound Manuscript

17. Submitted Manuscript to CHED

18. Submitted the results to the concerned authorities

19. Published the Manuscript

Statistical Treatment of Data

In the analysis of the data, the researcher will used

the following statistical tools: Weighted mean, frequency

count, percentage, ranking, and Kendall’s Coefficient of

Concordance W.

The Weighted mean, frequency count, percentage, and

ranking will be employed to determine the teachers’

strategies and performance in teaching Science 4.

The Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance W will be used

to determine significance of agreement on the rank orders of

the strategies and teaching performance.



S = the summation of the deviation from the

mean difference

K = number of groups of respondents

N = number of cases

1/12 = constant

The significance of agreement will be determined by the

corresponding chi-square formula by Siegel (1988)

K (N-1) W

The level of significance will be set at 0.05.

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