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Interventional Cardiology

Mechanisms of Very Late Drug-Eluting Stent Thrombosis

Assessed by Optical Coherence Tomography
Masanori Taniwaki, MD; Maria D. Radu, MD, PhD; Serge Zaugg, MSc;
Nicolas Amabile, MD, PhD; Hector M. Garcia-Garcia, MD, PhD; Kyohei Yamaji, MD, PhD;
Erik Jørgensen, MD, DMSc; Henning Kelbæk, MD, DMSc; Thomas Pilgrim, MD;
Christophe Caussin, MD; Thomas Zanchin, MD; Aurelie Veugeois, MD;
Ulrik Abildgaard, MD, DMSc; Peter Jüni, MD; Stephane Cook, MD;
Konstantinos C. Koskinas, MD, MSC; Stephan Windecker, MD; Lorenz Räber, MD, PhD

Background—The pathomechanisms underlying very late stent thrombosis (VLST) after implantation of drug-eluting
stents (DES) are incompletely understood. Using optical coherence tomography, we investigated potential causes of this
adverse event.
Methods and Results—Between August 2010 and December 2014, 64 patients were investigated at the time point of VLST as
part of an international optical coherence tomography registry. Optical coherence tomography pullbacks were performed
after restoration of flow and analyzed at 0.4 mm. A total of 38 early- and 20 newer-generation drug-eluting stents were
suitable for analysis. VLST occurred at a median of 4.7 years (interquartile range, 3.1–7.5 years). An underlying putative
cause by optical coherence tomography was identified in 98% of cases. The most frequent findings were strut malapposition
(34.5%), neoatherosclerosis (27.6%), uncovered struts (12.1%), and stent underexpansion (6.9%). Uncovered and
malapposed struts were more frequent in thrombosed compared with nonthrombosed regions (ratio of percentages, 8.26;
95% confidence interval, 6.82–10.04; P<0.001 and 13.03; 95% confidence interval, 10.13–16.93; P<0.001, respectively).
The maximal length of malapposed or uncovered struts (3.40 mm; 95% confidence interval, 2.55–4.25; versus 1.29 mm;
95% confidence interval, 0.81–1.77; P<0.001), but not the maximal or average axial malapposition distance, was greater
in thrombosed compared with nonthrombosed segments. The associations of both uncovered and malapposed struts with
thrombus were consistent among early- and newer-generation drug-eluting stents.
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Conclusions—The leading associated findings in VLST patients in descending order were malapposition, neoatherosclerosis,
uncovered struts, and stent underexpansion without differences between patients treated with early- and new-generation
drug-eluting stents. The longitudinal extension of malapposed and uncovered stent was the most important correlate of
thrombus formation in VLST.   (Circulation. 2016;133:650-660. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.019071.)
Key Words: drug-eluting stents ◼ stents ◼ thrombosis ◼ tomography, optical coherence

T he advent of coronary stents in conjunction with potent

adjunctive medical treatment has resulted in substantial
improvements in the efficacy and safety of percutaneous coro-
implantation, remain poorly defined, and the translation of
mechanistic insights into therapeutic approaches is unsatis-
factory. Despite an attenuation of the risk for VLST with the
nary interventions (PCIs).1 Although infrequent, stent throm- use of newer-generation DES, which is similar to that of bare
bosis remains an important concern because of its sequelae, metal stents, the accumulated long-term risk is still notable.
including myocardial infarction and death in up to 80%.2,3
Clinical Perspective on p 660
Early stent thrombosis is largely independent of stent type
and mainly related to procedural variables, including major Because of its high resolution (10–20 μm), optical coher-
edge dissections and stent underexpansion.4 Conversely, the ence tomography (OCT) has become the imaging modality
mechanisms underlying very late stent thrombosis (VLST), of choice for the in vivo assessment of stent failures, includ-
occurring beyond 1 year after drug-eluting stent (DES) ing VLST.5 As a result of the infrequent encounter of this

Received August 17, 2015; accepted January 5, 2016.

From Department of Cardiology, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland (M.T., K.Y., T.P., T.Z., K.C.K., S.W., L.R.); Department of Cardiology, The Heart
Center, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (M.D.R., E..J.); Clinical Trials Unit, Bern University, Bern, Switzerland (S.Z.) Applied Health Research
Centre (AHRC), Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, and Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada (P.J.); Department
of Cardiology, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Paris, France (N.A., C.C., A.V.); Interventional Cardilogy, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
(H.M.G.-G.); Department of Cardiology, Roskilde Hospital, Denmark (H.K.); Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte,
Gentofte, Denmark (U.A.); and Department of Cardiology, Fribourg University and Hospital, Switzerland (S.C.).
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Lorenz Räber, MD, PhD, Department of Cardiology, Bern University Hospital, 3010 Bern, Switzerland. E-mail
© 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.019071

Taniwaki et al   OCT in Very Late DES Thrombosis   651

complication and the technical challenges of performing intra-

coronary imaging in the acute course of stent thrombosis, pre-
vious OCT studies were limited to single-center reports with
small patient numbers and inclusion of a substantial propor-
tion of bare metal stents, resulting in discordant reports on the
relative contribution of potential mechanisms.6–10 Although
autopsy studies suggest substantial differences in the vascular
healing response between early-generation and new-genera-
tion DES,11 in vivo investigation of mechanisms underlying
VLST according to DES type is limited. Although histopa-
thology and OCT have identified mechanical factors and focal
stent abnormalities at the strut level,6,8 the spatial pattern of
these abnormalities in stented segments with compared with Figure 1. Study flowchart. BMS indicates bare metal stent; DES,
those without thrombosis has not been reported; such evi- drug-eluting stent; and VLST, very late stent thrombosis.
dence could be meaningful for the purpose of optimizing stent
deployment to prevent stent thrombosis and to guide therapeu- stented portion of the region of interest according to the presence and
tic approaches at the time of VLST. absence of intracoronary thrombus. The latter was identified as any
Against this background, the purpose of this study was irregular mass inside the lumen or attached to the neointima with a
to investigate the mechanisms underlying VLST as assessed sharp border and various degrees of attenuation. When this extended
>3 consecutive frames, it was called a thrombus region, and the end of
by OCT in the largest cohort of patients treated with early- the region was demarcated by >3 consecutive frames without throm-
generation and newer-generation DES in the framework of an bus. The thrombus-free regions were used as control. Lumen and stent
international OCT registry. area definitions are provided in the online-only Data Supplement.
Neointimal thickness was measured from the midportion of the
endoluminal surface of the struts to the lumen border, and struts were
Methods defined in the absence of a homogeneous coverage by neointima. If
Patient Population the apposed struts were covered by irregular tissue (eg, thrombus)
with no neointimal layer in between, struts were categorized as
Between August 2010 and December 2014, 85 patients presenting uncovered (Figure I in the online-only Data Supplement). If a neo-
with definite VLST according to the Academic Research Consortium intimal layer underneath the thrombus could not be excluded, struts
criteria12 underwent OCT at the time of VLST at 4 centers (Bern, were considered covered. In the presence of a highly attenuating layer
Switzerland; Fribourg, Switzerland; Copenhagen, Denmark; and of thrombus, struts were categorized as not analyzable.
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Paris, France). A total of 7 participating operators of each center As described previously,15 malapposition (or incomplete stent
(T.P., S.W., and L.R. in Bern; E.J. and H.K. in Copenhagen; S.C. in apposition [ISA]) was identified in struts when the distance between
Fribourg; NA and C.C. in Paris) attempted to include consecutive the midpoint of the endoluminal strut surface and the lumen contour
VLST patients referred for urgent revascularization. The investiga- exceeded the actual strut thickness of the individual DES plus 10 μm
tors in Paris contributed to this study before their participation in (to account for the minimal axial resolution). If the lumen contour
the French Morphological Parameters Explaining Stent Thrombosis could not be detected because of attenuating thrombus but stent struts
assessed by OCT registry. Exclusion criteria were hemodynamic were visible, malapposition was not assessed, and the strut was con-
instability precluding OCT imaging and the inability of the OCT sidered unclassifiable. The area between the endoluminal midpoint of
catheter to cross the region of interest. Patients with bare metal stents the struts and the vessel wall was measured as ISA area, and the neo-
(n=24) were excluded from the analysis. Figure 1 shows the patient intimal area was measured as follows: stent area−(lumen area−ISA
flow. Among the studied stents, VLST included early-generation DES area). Stent strut maps were computed with the x axis representing
(sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting stents) or new-generation DES the length of the stent (millimeters) and the y axis representing the
(zotarolimus-, everolimus-, and biolimus-eluting stents). Participants circumference (0°–360°).
provided written informed consent for the purpose of this analysis, Neoatherosclerosis was defined as the presence of a fibroath-
and the protocol was approved by the local ethics committees. eroma (either thin-cap fibroatheroma with a cap thickness ≤65μm
or thick-cap fibroatheroma with a cap thickness >65 μm) or fibro-
OCT Acquisition and Analyses calcific plaque within the neointima, as specified in the online-only
Data Supplement. To determine the intraobserver and interobserver
OCT images were acquired with commercially available time-domain reproducibility of the stent strut assessment (coverage), 10 pullbacks
M2 and M3 systems and the frequency-domain C7 system from were randomly chosen and analyzed by 2 assessors at 2 time points (1
LightLab/St. Jude (Westford, MA) and Lunawave (Terumo Corp, month apart), and then the Cohen κ was calculated.
Tokyo, Japan). Frame rates were 15.6, 100, 160, and 180 frames per Three-dimensional reconstruction of all cases was systematically
second, and pullback speed ranged from 2 to 40 mm/s, depending on performed to visualize eventual stent fractures.
the console used. To minimize the possibility of iatrogenic disruption
of in-stent tissue, OCT was performed after wire crossing in cases
of Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) grade 2 or greater Assessment of the Primary Cause of VLST
flow; thrombus aspiration and, if necessary, balloon angioplasty were The primary cause of the VLST was independently assessed by 5
performed before OCT only in cases with flow less than TIMI grade investigators (M.T., M.R., H.M.G.G., N.A., and L.R.). In case of >1
2 after wire crossing, as previously described. OCT pullbacks were plausible mechanism, investigators ranked the cause from 1 (most
assessed offline with a proprietary software (QCU-CMS Medis, plausible) to 3 (least plausible). Selectable causes included malap-
Leiden, the Netherlands) at the Bern imaging core laboratory. OCT position (stent struts visually malapposed in relation to the lumen),
analyses were performed as previously described.13–15 Stented seg- uncovered struts (not covered by neointima), bifurcation stenting
ments were analyzed at 0.4-mm intervals by an independent analyst (thrombus at the bifurcation site in case of a stent in a main and side
(M.T.) blinded to time point after DES implantation. All pullbacks branch), stent fracture (discontinuity of the stent contour), evagina-
were validated by a second assessor (L.R.). To evaluate the relation- tion (outward bulging of the vessel wall between stent struts more
ship between focal structural abnormalities and VLST, we divided the than one fourth of lumen diameter), neoatherosclerosis (lipid or
652  Circulation  February 16, 2016

calcific pool in the neointima), restenosis without neoatherosclerosis time from the index procedure to VLST was 4.7 years (inter-
(neointimal hyperplasia >70% by visual estimate), stent underexpan- quartile range, 3.1–7.5 years) and 5.2±2.8 years, respectively.
sion (minimal stent area <50% of the average stent area by visual
estimate), edge dissection (flap in the context of thrombus at the stent
Clinical presentation of the VLST was most commonly ST-­
edge), and plaque progression at the stent edge segment (ruptured segment–elevation myocardial infarction (n=45, 77.6%) with
fibroatheroma at the stent edge). The predominant feature (ranking 1) TIMI grade 0 flow (n=39, 67.2%).
was defined as the most prevalent in direct contact with any thrombus.
A final consensus meeting was held to determine the final plausible Causes of VLST at the Lesion Level
cause of VLST, as reported in Figure 2.
The underlying mechanism in each individual case as iden-
tified by a consensus among 5 investigators is presented in
Statistical Analyses Figure 2. The majority of patients (n=32, 55.2%) exhibited
We report frame-, segment-, and stent-level analyses. In frame-level ≥2 coexisting putative causes of the VLST, whereas a single
analyses, data from 1 stent per patient with OCT outcomes from
multiple frames were analyzed. Thrombus and control regions were cause was identified in 43.1% of patients (n=25), and in only
defined in each stent. Associations of region-type with OCT out- 1 patient, the cause of VLST could not be identified despite
comes were estimated with bayesian linear or logistic mixed models sufficient image quality. When the patients with multiple
based on vague priors. Random intercepts and slopes were included underlying findings were considered, the causes of VLST in
at the patient level to account for the nonindependence of measure-
ments from the same patient, implicitly assigning analytical weights
descending order were the combination of malapposition and
to patients according to their contribution in terms of statistical preci- uncovered struts (29.3%); neoatherosclerosis alone (25.9%);
sion. These models allow for between-patient variability in overall the combination of malapposition, uncovered struts, and stent
outcome value and in strength of association. Stratified analyses used underexpansion (10.3%); and the combination of malapposi-
pooled estimates of random effects and residual variances as in the tion with stent underexpansion (5.2%; Table II in the online-
main analyses (details are given in the online-only Data Supplement).
Bayesian mixed models were based on vague priors and posterior only Data Supplement). Considering only the single or (in case
distributions estimated with Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations of multiple causes) the highest-ranked mechanism for VLST,
(online-only Data Supplement). We reported medians of marginal the leading cause remained malapposition (34.5%), followed
posterior distributions with 95% credibility intervals and Bayesian by neoatherosclerosis (27.6%), uncovered struts (12.1%),
analogs to P values calculated from posterior distributions, which can stent underexpansion (6.9%), and other less frequent causes
be interpreted similarly to conventional confidence intervals and P
values when vague priors were used, as is the case here. The segment- (Figure 2). In patients without antiplatelet therapy, malapposi-
and stent-level analyses, convergence diagnostics, and software used tion remained the leading primary mechanism (Table III in the
are explained in the online-only Data Supplement. Two-sided P val- online-only Data Supplement).
ues are reported throughout. The κ value for the agreement among the 5 assessors
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(before the consensus meeting) with respect to the highest-

Results ranked reason was moderate (κ=0.59) and for the assessment
Baseline Characteristics of various causes independently of the ranking was good
Patient characteristics at the time of VLST are summarized
in Table 1. Among 58 patients included in this analysis, 38
patients (66%) had received an early-generation DES, and
OCT Findings in Thrombotic Versus Control
20 patients (34%) had received new-generation DES (Table
OCT findings from the detailed analysis of the regions with
I in the online-only Data Supplement). The median and mean
thrombus compared with those without (controls) are summa-
rized in Tables 2 through 4. A total of 11 742 of 12 661 struts in
the thrombotic region were analyzable (92.7%), as were a total
of 21 152 of 21 315 (98.7%) in the nonthrombotic region. This
includes 43 and 121 struts located over side branches that were
not analyzed in Table 3. The intraobserver variability for the
assessment of stent strut coverage was κ=0.883 and κ=0.886
and the interobserver variability was κ=0.758 and κ=0.857,
respectively, for neoatherosclerosis. In frame-level analyses
(Table 2), regions with versus without thrombus had higher
lumen eccentricity and a smaller stent area and average and
minimum stent diameter. Although the neointimal area tended
to be smaller in thrombotic regions, there was no difference in
terms of mean and maximal neointimal thickness. The mean
and maximal ISA distance and area were similar between
thrombus-containing and control regions when frames with
malapposed struts were compared. Notably, regions with
thrombus were characterized by a 8-times-higher proportion of
apposed uncovered struts and an 13-fold higher proportion of
malapposed struts (Table 3). In stents with neoatherosclerosis
Figure 2. Frequency of the single or highest-ranked (most
plausible) mechanism of very late stent thrombosis in the 58 (n=19), fibroatheromas were twice as frequent in the thrombus-
analyzed stents. TCFA indicates thin-cap fibroatheroma. containing region compared with the nonthrombotic reference
Taniwaki et al   OCT in Very Late DES Thrombosis   653

Table 1.  Patient Characteristics Table 1.  Continued

Variable All Patients Variable All Patients
Index PCI patient characteristics Treatment of VLST, n (%)
 Age at index PCI, y 59.45±11.06  No further treatment 3 (5.17)
 Male sex, n (%) 50 (86.21)  Balloon dilatation 28 (48.28)
 Body mass index, kg/m2 27.18±4.18  Bare metal stent 3 (5.17)
 Arterial hypertension, n (%) 34 (58.62)  Drug-eluting stent 23 (39.66)
 Family history of CAD, n (%) 18 (31.03)  CABG 1 (1.72)
 Current smoker, n (%) 23 (39.66) Values are reported as mean±SD when appropriate. CAD indicates coronary
 Dyslipidemia, n (%) 40 (68.97) artery disease; NSTEMI, non–ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction; OCT,
 Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 12 (20.69) optical coherence tomography; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; STEMI,
ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction; TIMI, Thrombosis in Myocardial
 Left ventricular ejection fraction, % 52.82±10.33 Infarction; and VLST, very late stent thrombosis.
Clinical presentation at index PCI, n (%)
 Stable angina 23 (39.66) region (Table 3). The 2-dimensional stent strut maps in Figure
 Unstable angina 6 (10.34) 3 provide a visual overview of the correlation between throm-
 NSTEMI 10 (17.24) bus and accumulated adverse stent strut characteristics (malap-
 STEMI 19 (32.76) position and uncovered struts or neoatherosclerosis).
Index PCI procedural characteristics In a stent-level analysis comparing the entire thrombotic
 Stent in VLST lesion, n (%)
and nonthrombotic regions, areas with thrombus had a lower
minimal stent area, lower stent expansion, and similar ISA
  Paclitaxel-eluting stent 10 (17.24)
area and ISA distance but a greater maximal length of con-
  Sirolimus-eluting stent 28 (48.28)
secutive uncovered struts or consecutive malapposition (Table
  Zotarolimus-eluting stent 3 (5.17) 4). The confidence intervals of the maximal length of malap-
  Everolimus-eluting stent 11 (18.97) position and uncoverage indicate that a longitudinal extension
  Biolimus-eluting stent 6 (10.34) of malapposed struts of >0.99 mm and for uncovered struts
 Stent overlap, n (%) 14 (24.14) of >1.63 mm was associated with very late thrombus forma-
tion. Figure 4 shows an analysis of 1.2-mm-long segments
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 Mean stent diameter, mm 3.02±0.44

 Total stent length, mm 28.05±16.84
indicating the percentage of segments with thrombus in rela-
tion to the proportion of uncovered or malapposed struts per
Characteristics at time of stent thrombosis
segment, suggesting a close association of thrombosis with
 Age at stent thrombosis, y 64.67±10.84
increasing extent of malapposed or uncovered stent struts.
 Time from index PCI to stent thrombosis, d 1906.36±1005.3 Figure 5 shows representative OCT cross sections or 3-dimen-
 Antiplatelet medications at time of VLST, n (%) sional reconstructions illustrating the most frequent causes of
  Aspirin only 34 (58.6) VLST and the corresponding stent strut maps.
  Clopidogrel only 3 (5.2)
  Aspirin and clopidogrel 14 (24.1) VLST in Early- Versus New-Generation DES
To account for the substantial difference in time from the index
  No antiplatelet therapy 5 (8.6)
PCI to the occurrence of VLST in early-generation compared
Clinical presentation at time of VLST, n (%)
with new-generation DES (6.5±2.6 versus 3.1±1.5 years;
 Stable angina 1 (1.72) P<0.001), we stratified early-generation DES according to the
 Unstable angina 3 (5.17) time interval since the index PCI above or below the respective
 NSTEMI 9 (15.52) median duration for all early-generation DES (6 years). Figure 6
 STEMI 45 (77.59) shows OCT findings in regions with and without thrombus in
TIMI flow grade at time of VLST, n (%) relation to DES generation. The association of malapposition
 0 39 (67.24) with stent thrombosis appeared similar among the 3 groups. The
association of uncovered struts with the occurrence of thrombo-
 1 2 (3.45)
sis was significant in all 3 DES groups but less pronounced in
 2 3 (5.17)
early-generation DES with “later VLST” and most pronounced
 3 14 (24.14) in new-generation DES. Of note, no difference in the cause of
Treatment before OCT, n (%) VLST at lesion level was noted between early- and new-gener-
 None 14 (24.14) ation DES (Table II in the online-only Data Supplement).
 Thrombus aspiration 20 (34.48)
 Balloon dilatation 15 (25.86) Discussion
 Thrombus aspiration and balloon dilatation 9 (15.52) The principal findings of this study, the largest cohort and first
multicenter analysis to date to assess the mechanisms of VLST
(Continued )
after DES implantation using OCT, can be summarized as
654  Circulation  February 16, 2016

Table 2.  Continuous, Frame-Level OCT Findings in Regions With Versus Without Thrombus
Full Stent Region, Thrombus Region, Control Region, Difference or Ratio,*
Median (95% CI) Median (95% CI) Median (95% CI) Median (95% CI) P Value†
Patients (frames) analyzed, n 58 (1428) 58 (2338) Difference
 Lumen area, mm2 5.78 (5.11 to 6.5) 5.79 (4.98 to 6.6) 5.64 (5.04 to 6.24) 0.15 (−0.43 to 0.72) 0.602
 Average lumen diameter, mm 2.62 (2.45 to 2.77) 2.58 (2.4 to 2.76) 2.6 (2.46 to 2.74) −0.02 (−0.14 to 0.1) 0.718
 Minimal lumen diameter, mm 2.37 (2.22 to 2.51) 2.29 (2.12 to 2.47) 2.37 (2.24 to 2.5) −0.08 (−0.19 to 0.04) 0.190
 Maximal lumen diameter, mm 2.87 (2.7 to 3.05) 2.87 (2.67 to 3.07) 2.85 (2.7 to 3.01) 0.01 (−0.11 to 0.14) 0.826
 Lumen eccentricity index,‡ % 82.22 (80.97 to 79.55 (77.24 to 81.79) 83.2 (81.95 to 84.44) −3.65 (−5.68 to −1.67) <0.001
Patients (frames) analyzed, n 55 (1291) 58 (2203) Difference
 Stent area, mm2 6.86 (6.27 to 7.49) 6.70 (6.02 to 7.39) 6.96 (6.32 to 7.6) −0.26 (−0.51 to −0.01) 0.040
 Average stent diameter, mm 2.91 (2.77 to 3.04) 2.86 (2.72 to 3.01) 2.93 (2.79 to 3.06) −0.07 (−0.12 to −0.01) 0.018
 Minimal stent diameter, mm 2.75 (2.63 to 2.88) 2.70 (2.56 to 2.82) 2.76 (2.63 to 2.88) −0.06 (−0.12 to −0.01) 0.024
 Maximal stent diameter, mm 3.07 (2.93 to 3.21) 3.02 (2.87 to 3.17) 3.09 (2.95 to 3.23) −0.07 (−0.13 to −0.01) 0.024
 Stent eccentricity index,‡ % 89.4 (88.72 to 89.35 (88.52 to 90.17) 89.44 (88.78 to 90.11) −0.09 (−0.66 to 0.48) 0.746
Patients (frames) analyzed, n 55 (1241) 58 (2203) Ratio*
 Neointimal area, mm
0.83 (0.66 to 1.04) 0.75 (0.56 to 1) 0.87 (0.7 to 1.09) 0.86 (0.72 to 1.04) 0.106
 Average neointimal thickness, mm 0.1 (0.08 to 0.12) 0.09 (0.07 to 0.12) 0.10 (0.08 to 0.12) 0.87 (0.72 to 1.06) 0.156
 Maximal neointimal thickness, mm 0.29 (0.25 to 0.34) 0.29 (0.24 to 0.35) 0.29 (0.25 to 0.34) 1.01 (0.89 to 1.15) 0.898
Patients (frames) analyzed, n 36 (330) 29 (116) Ratio*
 ISA area, mm2 0.53 (0.35 to 0.78) 0.57 (0.36 to 0.89) 0.43 (0.28 to 0.67) 1.31 (0.89 to 1.93) 0.156
 Average ISA distance, mm 0.2 (0.16 to 0.25) 0.20 (0.15 to 0.26) 0.20 (0.15 to 0.25) 1.02 (0.81 to 1.26) 0.856
 Maximal ISA distance, mm 0.35 (0.28 to 0.43) 0.35 (0.27 to 0.45) 0.33 (0.26 to 0.42) 1.06 (0.85 to 1.32) 0.578
Reported values are median (95% CI) from posterior distribution. CI indicates credibility interval; ISA, incomplete stent apposition; and OCT, optical coherence
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*Outcomes with skewed distribution were log-transformed for analysis, and the ratio of mean outcome in the thrombus region divided by mean outcome in the control
region is reported. Bayesian analogs to P values were calculated from posterior distributions.
†P values for the null hypothesis that the difference is equal to 0 or the ratio is equal to 1.
‡Eccentricity index=minimum diameter/maximum diameter.

follows. First, OCT is able to identify the underlying putative approach adds new insights into the underlying mechanisms
cause of VLST in the majority of cases (>98%). The combina- of the complication by demonstrating for the first time that in-
tion of multiple mechanisms of VLST within the same lesion stent regions with versus adjacent regions without thrombus
was observed more frequently (55%) than the presence of a more frequently contained malapposed struts, showed greater
single cause (43%). Malapposition combined with uncovered longitudinal extension of consecutive malapposed struts, more
struts was the most common substrate of VLST (29%), fol- commonly included uncovered struts, and more frequently con-
lowed by neoatherosclerosis (26%). Second, the adverse stent tained fibroatheromas when neoatherosclerosis was present.
strut characteristics of malapposition and uncovered struts A control group of patients without VLST would have been
were strongly associated with the presence of thrombus. Third, highly desirable, but a reasonably good match is not feasible,
the longitudinal extension of malapposed and uncovered struts, considering the late presentation of VLST patients. By map-
but not the incomplete stent malapposition distance or area, ping all imaged stents in detail, we provide for the first time a
was related to the occurrence of VSLT. Fourth, the association visual estimation of the colocalization of abnormal stent- and
of malapposition and uncovered stent struts with VLST was neointima-related findings that are suggestive of a direct caus-
consistent in early- and new-generation DES, and no differ- ative effect. By providing analyses of the local accumulation
ence in the frequency of neoatherosclerosis was observed. (length, percentage per 1.2-mm subsegments) of the most com-
VLST is a clinical manifestation that is of specific interest mon abnormalities related to VLST, that is, malapposition and
because it represents a low but continued risk during long-term uncoverage, we provide novel evidence that may be useful for
follow-up.16,17 The present study advances our understand- clinical translation, for example, as thresholds for interventions
ing of the mechanisms responsible for VLST in several ways. during PCI or during follow-up investigations.
Compared with previous studies, this is the first to focus exclu-
sively on the entity of VLST in DES in the largest population Malapposed Stent Struts
to date. Moreover, this study uniquely provides a direct com- Previous studies of late stent thrombosis have focused primar-
parison of detailed OCT findings in stent regions with versus ily on the lack of strut coverage as a primary mechanism. Our
without thrombus, thereby serving as an internal control of data suggest that malapposition (ie, ISA) is an even stron-
the thrombosed stent region for each given patient. This novel ger correlate in the context of VLST.18 When malapposition
Taniwaki et al   OCT in Very Late DES Thrombosis   655

Table 3.  Categorical, Frame-Level OCT Findings in Regions With Versus Without Thrombus
Ratio of Percentages
Full Stent Region, Thrombus Region, Control Region, (Thrombus/Control),
Median (95% CI) Median (95% CI) Median (95% CI) Median (95% CI) P Value*
Descriptive information
 Patients, n 58 58 58
 Frames, n 3840 1502 2338
 Struts, n 32 730 11 699 21 031
 Average frames per stent, n 66.21±35.06 25.90±18.72 40.31±26.68
 Average struts per stent, n 564.31±385.03 201.71±190.69 362.6±275.42
 Average region length, mm 25.42±14.24 9.72±7.4 15.7±11.29
Percentage of struts
 Uncovered, apposed, %† 4.24 (2.75–6.43) 10.59 (6.67–16.21) 1.28 (0.78–2.03) 8.26 (6.82–10.04) <0.001
 Malapposed, %‡ 1.28 (0.72–2.13) 3.73 (2.24–5.81) 0.29 (0.17–0.46) 13.03 (10.13–16.93) <0.001
 Uncovered or malapposed, %‡ 7.3 (4.94–10.3) 17.73 (12.3–25.3) 1.92 (1.27–2.94) 9.22 (7.76–11.01) <0.001
Percentage of frames with
 ≥30% Uncovered, apposed struts, %§ 6.45 (4–9.6) 16.15 (10.4–23.16) 1.83 (1.07–2.92) 8.82 (6.43–12.31) <0.001
 ≥30% Malapposed strut, % 1.59 (0.67–3.07) 5.51 (3.04–9.41) 0.2 (0.09–0.42) 27.06 (16.23–46.88) <0.001
 ≥30% Uncovered or malapposed strut, % 10.59 (7.09–15.01) 28.21 (19.64–37.81) 2.36 (1.42–3.7) 11.9 (8.88–16.21) <0.001
Percentage of frames with
 TCFA or ThCFA, % 0.12 (0.01–0.73) 1.89 (0.96–3.57) 0.82 (0.42–1.57) 2.3 (1.53–3.49) <0.001
 TCFA or ThCFA, %¶ 23.2 (14.22–34.6) 33.39 (20.29–49.17) 16.72 (9.31–26.91) 1.99 (1.44–2.82) <0.001
Bayesian analogs to P values were calculated from posterior distributions. Reported values are median (95% CI) from posterior distribution. CI indicates credibility
interval; OCT, optical coherence tomography; TCFA, thin-cap fibroatheroma; and ThCFA, thick-cap fibroatheroma.
*P values for the null hypothesis that the ratio is equal to 1.
†Denominator: all apposed struts.
‡Denominator: all measured struts.
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§Denominator: all frames with apposed struts.

¶Subset of 19 patients with any neoatherosclerosis in whom model convergence was excellent.

was considered in conjunction with other causes of VLST the respective length was >0.9 mm in 95% of regions with
(eg, underexpansion, side branch stenting), it was indeed the thrombus. Overall, our observations have clinically relevant
foremost finding (61.8%). The pathomechanistic association implications in ongoing efforts to optimize PCI guided by
of malapposition leading to VLST has previously been high- intracoronary imaging in 2 important ways. First, the cutoffs
lighted in pathology,19 intravascular ultrasound,20,21 and OCT suggested by this study (ie, ISA >300 μm) are above those
studies.6,8 As for the mechanistic cause of malapposition, the suggested by previous investigations.22 Second, our present
present observational study cannot distinguish whether this findings highlight the previously unappreciated importance of
could have been late acquired malapposition (as a result of the longitudinal extension of malapposition, with a respective
positive remodeling and vessel wall hypersensitivity reaction) cutoff >1 mm appearing to be more relevant for the risk and
or persistent malapposition in relation to suboptimal stent localization of VLST compared with the perpendicular ISA
deployment at the index procedure resulting from the absence distance.
of serial imaging. The absence of correlation between the perpendicular ISA
We found that the presence of malapposition per se, but distance and in vivo thrombus formation in this study may be
not the maximal distance of ISA, was associated with the perceived as contradictory to previous flow simulation studies
occurrence of thrombosis. Although ISA distance did not dif- in which shear rate increased with growing perpendicular ISA
fer between in-stent regions with or without thrombus, this distance.23 Of note, in vitro investigations directly assessing
finding needs to be interpreted in light of the principal find- thrombogenicity could not confirm a correlation between the
ing that malapposition per se was substantially more com- perpendicular ISA distance and clot mass volume.24 In addi-
mon in regions with thrombus. Moreover, although there was tion, the impact of ISA length or volume was not assessed in
substantial overlap of ISA distance in regions with or without previous studies and should be assessed in future flow models
thrombosis, we found that 95% of regions with thrombus had or in vitro investigations to corroborate our in vivo findings.
a maximal ISA distance >300 μm (lower confidence interval).
Furthermore, we found a graded risk for VLST across higher Stent Underexpansion
proportions of malapposed struts (Figure 2). Along these Postprocedural stent expansion and lumen size represent
lines, a novel finding of this study is that in-stent regions with important risk factors of early stent thrombosis. These param-
versus without thrombus were characterized by significantly eters were not associated with VLST in previous investiga-
greater length of consecutive frames with malapposed struts; tions. Therefore, the observation that stent underexpansion
656  Circulation  February 16, 2016

Table 4.  Region-Level OCT Findings in Regions With Versus Without Thrombus
Thrombus Region, Mean Control Region, Difference,
(95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) P Value*
Patients, n 58 58
Minimal lumen area, mm2 3.61 (3 to 4.22) 3.79 (3.23 to 4.35) −0.18 (−0.58 to 0.22) 0.370
Minimal stent area, mm 2
5.18 (4.63 to 5.73) 5.55 (4.97 to 6.13) −0.37 (−0.71 to −0.04) 0.030
Stent expansion (minimum stent area/ 0.97 (0.84 to 1.09) 1.01 (0.91 to 1.12) −0.05 (−0.1 to 0) 0.065
reference lumen area)
Maximal ISA distance, mm 0.44 (0.3 to 0.58) 0.42 (0.29 to 0.55) 0.02 (−0.08 to 0.13) 0.696
Maximal ISA area, mm2 1.62 (0.82 to 2.43) 1.38 (0.83 to 1.93) 0.24 (−0.35 to 0.83) 0.431
Maximal neointimal thickness, mm 0.69 (0.59 to 0.78) 0.74 (0.65 to 0.84) −0.06 (−0.17 to 0.05) 0.291
Maximal length with consecutive
 Uncoverage, mm 2.24 (1.63 to 2.85) 0.99 (0.64 to 1.34) 1.25 (0.58 to 1.92) <0.001
 Malapposition (ISA), mm 1.56 (0.99 to 2.13) 0.51 (0.26 to 0.76) 1.05 (0.51 to 1.59) <0.001
 Uncoverage or malapposition, mm 3.4 (2.55 to 4.25) 1.29 (0.81 to 1.77) 2.11 (1.22 to 3) <0.001
Reported values are mean (95% CI). Outcomes were derived separately from 2 regions per patient (thrombus versus control) via mean, minimum,
or maximum over several frames and analyzed with generalized estimating equations (gaussian error, patient as clustering variable, exchangeable
correlation). Note that maximal ISA distance pertains to the perpendicular distance between the midpoint of the endoluminal strut surface and the lumen
contour at a cross-sectional level, whereas maximal length with consecutive malapposition refers to the longitudinal extension of consecutive malapposed
struts along the length of the stent. CI indicates confidence interval; ISA, incomplete stent apposition; and OCT, optical coherence tomography.
*P values for the null hypothesis that the difference is equal to 0.

emerged as the most obvious cause for VLST in 6.9% (by segment with a similar number of uncovered struts. This is
eyeballing) of cases in this study is noteworthy. These findings pathomechanistically plausible because malapposed struts are
were corroborated by the systematic frame-by-frame analysis: more exposed to disturbed blood flow26 and are more likely
Stent area (P=0.040) and minimal stent diameter (P=0.024) to be associated with underlying vessel inflammation (in
were significantly lower and stent expansion tended to be case of late acquired malapposition). Our exploratory anal-
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smaller (P=0.065) in thrombotic compared with nonthrom- ysis according to DES type and implantation-to-thrombosis
botic region. Therefore, stent underexpansion appears to affect interval provides novel in vivo insights by demonstrating that
the risk of stent thrombosis not only during the early period even >6 years after implantation of paclitaxel- or sirolimus-
but for an extended time, which further advocates the achieve- eluting stents, uncovered struts were still associated with the
ment of an optimal stent expansion after the procedure. occurrence of stent thrombosis. These findings suggest that
although the proportion of uncovered stent struts diminished
Uncovered Stent Struts over time, uncovered stent struts remained a substantial cor-
We found that uncovered stent struts remain an important relate of VLST consistently for different DES types and dif-
variable involved in VLST mainly in conjunction with malap- fering durations after the index PCI.
position. Uncovered struts were 8 times more frequent in
the thrombosed segments compared with control regions. Neoatherosclerosis
Pathological studies have shown that delayed arterial heal- Neoatherosclerosis has been suggested to be the lead-
ing with uncovered stent struts represents a major correlate ing cause of VLST in a smaller OCT registry. In the pres-
of VLST in DES19,25 and that delayed healing is more pro- ent study, this was the case for one fourth of the patients.
nounced in early-generation compared with new-generation Although previous autopsy studies reported an increasing
DES.11 Guagliumi et al6 previously identified uncovered struts incidence of neoatherosclerosis over time, no correlation
as the most common OCT correlate of stent thrombosis. between neoatherosclerosis-related VLST and implantation-
In that study, the vast majority of analyzed DES (16 of 18) to-thrombosis time could be observed. The frequency of
were early-generation sirolimus- or paclitaxel-eluting stents, neoatherosclerosis-related VLST was similar between early-
and stent thrombosis occurred at a median of 1.7 years after and newer-generation DES despite a considerably shorter
implantation. The present investigation, a large cohort focus- implantation-to-thrombosis interval in the latter group. The
ing on VLST in DES, does not grant uncovered struts the same similar frequency is in line with a recent human autopsy
importance in the very long term. Interestingly, we observed suggesting that early- and newer-generation DES are associ-
a direct association of thrombosed segments with the propor- ated with a similar risk of neoatherosclerosis formation.11,27
tion of struts with malapposition or uncovered struts with a Mitigating the risk of neoatherosclerosis formation remains
steeper slope (Figure 4) for malapposition, with a plateau an important target in the era of new-generation DES. We
phase observed at lower proportions of affected struts com- recently showed that neoatherosclerosis is correlated with
pared with the respective curve for uncoverage. This finding the natural progression of coronary artery disease, suggest-
suggests that the likelihood of thrombosis could be greater ing that the occurrence of VLST may be attenuated by opti-
for any given number of malapposed struts compared with a mal secondary prevention measures.28
Taniwaki et al   OCT in Very Late DES Thrombosis   657
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Figure 3. Strut maps of the stented regions from the post–stent thrombosis optical coherence tomography OCT analysis showing the
spatial distribution of uncoverage and malapposition for the 55 patients. The longitudinal extension of neoatherosclerosis, stent overlap,
and thrombus regions is shown as bars. Unwrapped stent circumference is plotted along the x axis, and longitudinal stent extension is
plotted along the y axis. Each dot represents a strut. BES indicates biolimus-eluting stent; EES, everolimus-eluting stent; PES, paclitaxel-
eluting stent; SES, sirolimus-eluting stent; and ZES, zotarolimus-eluting stent.

DES Type and Cause of VLST However, the inclusion of an adequate number of well-
By assessing a wide spectrum of DES of different genera- matched control patients was not feasible in this registry
tions, this study indicates in principle similar underlying pri- and is unlikely to be feasible in future relevant investiga-
mary mechanisms of VLST in early- and new-generation tions focusing on VLST, considering also the substantially
DES. Although the occurrence of VLST has been shown to delayed time frame from stent implantation to thrombosis.
decline with the use of new-generation DES compared with Second, serial OCT imaging at the time of stent implan-
early-generation DES in large clinical studies and meta-anal- tation or at an earlier time point before the occurrence of
yses,16,17 the occurrence of the complication per se appears to thrombosis was not available. Third, intravascular ultra-
be triggered by largely the same stent-related abnormalities as sound assessment was not available, precluding information
identified by OCT. on vessel wall remodeling and therefore additional informa-
tion on the cause of malapposition. Fourth, the number of
Limitations patients analyzed is relatively small. However, to the best of
This study has several limitations. First, in this observa- our knowledge, this is the largest cohort to date assessing
tional, cross-sectional study, the absence of a control group VLST in DES by OCT. Fifth, the timing of stent throm-
of patients without stent thrombosis is a notable limitation. bosis occurrence differed substantially between early- and
658  Circulation  February 16, 2016

adjustment is imperfect and limited by the small numbers

in each subgroup. Mechanisms are likely to be different for
earlier compared with more delayed VLST events among
early-generation DES. Sixth, in 2 patients (3.4%), time-
domain OCT rather than frequency-domain OCT was used.
Related to the challenging clinical situation of performing
OCT in the setting of VLST and the participation of a lim-
ited number of interventional cardiologists in the enroll-
ment at each center (see Methods), 21.8% of all patients
with VLST presenting for PCI were enrolled in this registry
(data available only for Bern and Copenhagen), limiting the
external validity of this study.

OCT was able to identify the putative cause of VLST in
the majority of cases. The leading associated findings in
descending order were malapposition, neoatherosclerosis,
uncovered struts, and stent underexpansion. The longitudi-
Figure 4. Continuous assessment of the association between nal extension of malapposed and uncovered stents was the
the proportion of segments with thrombus and the proportion of most important correlate of thrombus formation in VLST,
malapposition (solid line) or uncoverage (dotted line) in 1.2-mm-long
segments. The posterior median is represented with a thick line; the whereas no such correlation could be observed for the axial
95% credibility intervals are represented with thin lines. malapposition distance. The association of malapposition
and uncovered stent struts with thrombus formation was
new-generation DES. Although we attempted to adjust for consistent among early- and new-generation DES, and no
this difference by dividing early-generation DES accord- differences in the major causes of VLST were observed
ing to earlier versus more delayed VLST occurrence, this between the 2 groups, suggesting that the most relevant
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Figure 5. Representative optical coherence

tomography cross sections, spread-out plots
of struts, and 3-dimensional reconstructions
indicating different underlying causes of very late
stent thrombosis. A, Malapposed struts surrounded
by thrombus (arrowheads) and uncovered
struts (arrows). B, Uncovered struts (arrows)
and struts covered by thrombus (arrowheads).
C, Neoatherosclerosis (asterisk) and thrombus
(arrows); D, significant underexpansion (arrow).
E, Thrombus (arrow) and restenosis (asterisk)
at the edge without malapposition or significant
uncoverage. F, Malapposed struts at the carina of
the bifurcation surrounded by thrombus (arrow).
In spread-out plots of struts (left), the red bar
indicates the thrombosis region; green bar, the
neoatherosclerosis region; and horizontal light gray
bar, the stent overlap region. Yellow dots indicate
uncovered struts; red, malapposed struts; and gray,
struts covered by neointima without malapposition.
In the 3-dimensional reconstructions (D and F,
right), yellow indicates lumen contour; blue, struts;
and red, thrombus. EES indicates everolimus-
eluting stent; PES, paclitaxel-eluting stent; and
SES, sirolimus-eluting stent.
Taniwaki et al   OCT in Very Late DES Thrombosis   659

Figure 6. Comparison of categorical optical coherence tomography outcomes in thrombus and control regions stratified for early- vs
new-generation drug-eluting stents and for timing of stent thrombosis after implantation. BES indicates biolimus-eluting stent; EES,
everolimus-eluting stent; PES, paclitaxel-eluting stent; SES, sirolimus-eluting stent; and ZES, zotarolimus-eluting stent.

pathomechanisms are comparable between different genera- Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of
Cardiology and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.
tions of DES devices.
Eur Heart J. 2014;35:2541–619.
6. Guagliumi G, Sirbu V, Musumeci G, Gerber R, Biondi-Zoccai G, Ikejima
Acknowledgments H, Ladich E, Lortkipanidze N, Matiashvili A, Valsecchi O, Virmani R,
Stone GW. Examination of the in vivo mechanisms of late drug-eluting
We acknowledge the excellent support of the catheterization labora-
stent thrombosis: findings from optical coherence tomography and intra-
Downloaded from by on January 30, 2023

tory staff at all participating sites; Sebastian Wiberg, MD, for assis-
vascular ultrasound imaging. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2012;5:12–20. doi:
tance in data collection; Jouke Dijkstra, PhD, for his support with 10.1016/j.jcin.2011.09.018.
imaging analysis software; Dik Heg, PhD, for statistical advice; and 7. Amabile N, Souteyrand G, Ghostine S, Combaret N, Slama MS, Barber-
Soheila Aghlmandi and Marcel Zwahlen for their helpful advice with Chamoux N, Motreff P, Caussin C. Very late stent thrombosis related to
bayesian analyses. incomplete neointimal coverage or neoatherosclerotic plaque rupture iden-
tified by optical coherence tomography imaging. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc
Imaging. 2014;15:24–31. doi: 10.1093/ehjci/jet052.
Disclosures 8. Parodi G, La Manna A, Di Vito L, Valgimigli M, Fineschi M, Bellandi
Drs Räber and Windecker received speaker fees and research support B, Niccoli G, Giusti B, Valenti R, Cremonesi A, Biondi-Zoccai G,
from St. Jude Medical, Zurich, Switzerland. The other authors report Prati F. Stent-related defects in patients presenting with stent throm-
no conflicts. bosis: differences at optical coherence tomography between subacute
and late/very late thrombosis in the Mechanism Of Stent Thrombosis
(MOST) study. EuroIntervention. 2013;9:936–944. doi: 10.4244/
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Coronary responses and differential mechanisms of late stent thrombosis ehv227.

Clinical Perspective
Very late stent thrombosis (VLST) is a devastating event that by definition occurs beyond 1 year after stent implantation.
Although newer-generation drug-eluting stents led to a considerable reduction VLST continues to occur up to 20 years after
the index procedure. Pathomechanisms underlying VLST are poorly understood. The use of intracoronary optical coherence
tomography, a light-based, high-resolution imaging technique, offers unique opportunities to study the potential causes of
VLST. In this registry, a total of 58 patients with available optical coherence tomography of the thrombotic lesion were
assessed. The leading causes of VLST in descending order were malapposition, neoatherosclerosis, stent strut uncoverage,
and underexpansion. These findings were consistent among early- and newer-generation drug-eluting stents, suggesting that
the causes of VLST may not differ among different generations of metallic drug-eluting stents despite a lower frequency
with newer-generation drug-eluting stents. This study further suggests that in-stent regions with versus without thrombus
more frequently contained malapposed struts, showed a greater longitudinal extension of malapposed struts in the absence
of differences in the axial malapposition distance, and more commonly included uncovered struts. These findings may have
implications for ongoing efforts to improve imaging-guided percutaneous coronary intervention procedures by suggest-
ing thresholds for corrective measures. The cutoffs associated with thrombus formation in this study (ie, incomplete stent
apposition >300 µm) were above those suggested by previous investigations. The findings further highlight the previously
unappreciated importance of the longitudinal extension of malapposition, with a respective cutoff >1 mm.

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