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Compiled to Fulfill the Assignment of Theories and Principle in TESOL
Supporting Lecturer : Olyvia Revalita Candraloka, M.Pd.

Compiled by :
1. Deliana

2. Millah Rahmawati 211320000595
3. Salis Safitri 211320000590
Class : 3BIA7



In teaching students, teacher should apply the principle in teaching English for foreign
language. Teacher may use appropriate method for teaching listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Please create the design of learning activities with visual steps (picture) based on the
topics you choose using the following outline.

No Name Job Description

1 Deliana Arifyanti Writer

2 Millah Rahmawati Writer

3 Salis Safitri Writer

This method for Teaching Learning in 9th Grade

Teaching Reading Narrative Text :

1. The teacher will show a picture of fable or

fairytales story
3. The teacher will divided them into several
groups and I want them to searched for the
storyon the internet.

2. The teacher want them to guess the title of

the story from the picture
4. Then, the teacher asked them to analyze
the structure and language features.

Teaching Speaking ( Agreement and Disagreement ) :

1. The teacher will show a video about the
example of the material.

4. The teacher asked them to create groups

and give them topics to discuss into a

2. The teacher asked them about the content

of the video.

5. After that they have to practice with a

partner. And then, they must practice with
their group in front of class.

3. Then the teacher will explain a little bit

about the material.

Teaching Listening Descriptive Text :

1. The teacher will play an audio on class
speaker or she will read the text by herself.

4. And at last, she will take student scores

by calling one by one to be asked about the
2. Before that, The teacher will give them questions that have been done.
some paper questions or some pictures of
object and explain about the material.

3. And then, she will play 2 times for 1

A. Background
It is a combined process where a teacher assesses understanding needs, establishes
particular learning objectives, formulates teaching and memorizing strategies, enforces a
plan of work, and assesses the outcomes of the instruction. Teaching is the process of
heeding to people’s needs, experiences and feelings and interfering so that they learn
specific things. The major function of education is to make learning beneficial and
meaningful. This process would get completed as an outcome of teaching. Understand
and digitize school operations with teachmint and its features like the performance
management for efficient school management.

B. The Purpose of Teaching Learning

 Self Awarness
Self-Awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability for learners to
recognize that they are separate from others. Learners seek to learn more about who they
are as a person by having a clear perception of their personality, strengths, challenges,
interests, talents, and aspirations. They also understand how other people perceive them
and create opportunities to change behaviors and beliefs. They are just starting to
recognize their hopes and dreams as the first step in determining what they may want for
their life.
 Discovery
In the Discovery phase, learners search for what matters in life for them. The
learner is open to trying new things and taking risks so they can pursue and discover their
passion. When they realize that they can take control of learning around their passion,
they are intrinsically motivated to investigate everything they can about it.
 Making a Difference
When learners find a problem or challenge that they are passionate about, this is
where empathy can come into play. The learner looks beyond their own self interests so
they can foster a meaningful life. They want to make a difference by finding a solution to
a problem and tackling it. This gives them a sense of purpose in the world. When learners
have a clearly stated and understood purpose, then they have the foundation for the
process in building concepts, skills, and information. They want to learn more because it
is something they are interested in and passionate about. When they do this, they may
find their purpose or their purpose may even find them.
Teaching Speaking

1. What kinds of material that Teacher want to use in Teaching Speaking in the classroom?
The answer indicated that both of them use various teaching materials.
 The teacher will use storybook, a songs and sometimes a game. By using a game, they
are could make one material of speaking.
 The teacher use the English On The Sky textbook and another textbook Bright.
Sometime, they are use storybook, a game and worksheet.
2. What kinds of methods that Teacher want to use in Teaching Speaking in the classroom?
The answer indicated that both of them use various in teaching methods.
 The teacher will use role-play, interview, then story completion and also discussion.
 The students make a group, one of groups discuss about some materials. Implying
discussion make them more active and ask them to share the information to other groups
in front of class. With these strategies classroom are more lively.
 Then, the teacher always ask the students to memorize a dialogue and ask them to do a
role-play and then story telling.
3. Why do Teacher apply the strategies or methods in the classroom?
Both of the teachers say that they apply the strategies or methods in the classroom to
motivate the students, attract students like to study English especially in speaking. Well, the
teacher use the various methods in Teaching Speaking to alleviate the bored and to motivate the
students to learn speaking in the classroom. So, if they only just imply one strategy or method,
for example memorize, the students feel bored. If they use some methods or strategy, they help
the students more creative to think. Although the results are not as their expected, they see the
students are willing to work and do whatever that their ask them to do.
Teaching Reading

There are seven main steps to teaching reading to a child from the beginning to reading
comprehension. They are as follows :

1. Step 1 : Teach the sounds of individual letters

Students need to learn the individual sounds in words and that words are made up of
small parts of sound and phonemes. Recognizing individual sounds and understanding the
relationship between letters and spoken sounds (phonics) create phonemic awareness.

2. Step 2 : Teach sound blends

Sound blends such as st, fl, dr, sh, etc should be emphasized as well as digraphs such as
ch, ck, ph. These letters together form distinct sounds or phonemes.

3. Step 3 : Teach whole words

Whole-word recognition or word identification is made up of being able to use sound-

symbol relationships. This is an important skill that deserves the time students spend to master.
Here are some materials you can use to promote the developing EFL students’
identification of sight words :

 Word games such as matching and word search games.

 Flashcards or reader books with plenty of sight words.
 Picture dictionaries.
 Rhymes and entertaining poetry.

4. Step 4 : Present meanings

Be sure that students know the meaning of each word they read. You can use a lot of
techniques to present the meanings such as drawings, pictures, miming, etc. Don’t forget to
check the understanding of the meanings frequently. Be sure that students can discriminate the
variations in meaning as well as go over words that sound the same but have different spellings
and meanings.

5. Step 5 : Teach word parts

It is important to teach word parts: prefixes, root words, suffixes, and derivations of
words. When students know these parts, they will be able to understand more words. For
example, when an elementary school student knows the meaning of “bed” and the meaning
“room”, they will understand easily the meaning of “bedroom”.

6. Step 6 : Put words in contexts

Encouraging students to put each word in context is a powerful strategy. The student who can
use words in sentences can demonstrate a mastery of reading and language usage as well.

7. Step 7 : Teach reading comprehension

Teaching reading comprehension is essential to achieve the enjoyment of reading or

reading for pleasure and for understanding the informational text. Several important techniques
to check reading comprehension can be used. You can ask students to :

 retell, summarize, or paraphrase what you’ve read.

 make inferences or draw conclusions.
 sequence events.
 compare and contrast, etc.
Teaching Listening

How the way to Teaching Listening for students?

1. Say it once
Repeating ourselves in the classroom will produce lazy listening in our students.
If kids are accustomed to hearing instructions twice, three times, and even four times,
listening the first time around becomes unnecessary, begin the year by establishing that
you are a teacher who rarely repeats instructions and this will surely perk up ears.

2. Turn and Talk

One way to inspire active listening in your students is to give them a listening
task. It might look like this, “I’m going to describe the process of (…) I will pause along
the way and ask you to turn to a partner and explain to them what you heard.

3. Students Hand Signals

Asking students to pay full attention and indicating that they will follow this with
a non-verbal signal is a wonderful tool for sharpening those listening skills.
4. Pay Attention, Pause, Paraphrase
Children need structured opportunities to restrain themselves from speaking in
order to keep their attention to listening, especially when working inn groups.

5. Creating Questions
If the students are listening to a speech, watching a documentary clip, or hearing a
story read aloud, break it up by stopping a few times and having students write a question
or two about what they just heard. This way, students actively listen for any confusion or
wonderings they may have. This takes a high level of concentration. It’s important to
provide models for this since we are typically trained in school to look for the answers
and information rather than to focus on what is not understood or is still a mystery.


Steps :
1. The teacher prepares pictures according to the learning objectives.
2. The teacher pastes the picture on the board or shows it through the projector.
3. The teacher gives instructions and gives students the opportunity to pay attention or analyze
the pictures.
4. Through group discussions with 2-3 students, the discussion results from the image analysis
are recorded on paper.
5. Each group is given the opportunity to read the results of their discussion.
6. Starting from the comments or results of student discussions, the teacher begins to explain the
material according to the goals to be achieved.
7. Conclusion.


Steps :
1. The teacher conveys the competencies to be achieved.
2. Presenting material as an introduction.
3. The teacher shows or shows pictures of activities related to the material.
4. The teacher appoints or calls on students in turn, then installs or sorts the pictures into a
logical sequence.
5. The teacher asks the reason or rationale for the sequence of pictures.
6. From the reasons or sequence of pictures, the teacher begins to instill concepts or material in
accordance with the competencies to be achieved.
7. Conclusion or summary.


Steps :
1. Students are divided into groups, each student in each group gets a number.
2. The teacher gives assignments and each group does it.
3. The group discusses the correct answer and ensures that each group member can do it or
knows the answer.
4. The teacher calls one of the student numbers with the number called to report the results of
their collaboration.
5. Responses from other friends, then the teacher points to another number.
6. Conclusion

Steps :
1. The teacher divides students into pairs.
2. The teacher distributes discourse or material to each student to read and make a summary.
3. The teacher and students determine who is the first to act as a speaker and who acts as a
4. The speaker reads the summary as completely as possible, including the main ideas in the


Steps :
1. Students are divided into groups, each student in each group gets a number.
2. Assignments are given to each student based on the number of sequential assignments. For
example: student number one is in charge of taking notes on questions, student number two is
working on questions, and student number three is reporting the results of work and so on.
3. Report results and responses from other groups.
4. Conclusion


Steps :
1. Form groups of 4 people heterogeneously (mix according to achievement, gender, ethnicity,
2. The teacher presents the lesson
3. The teacher gives assignments to groups to be done by group members. Members who have
mastered explain to other members until all members in the group understand
4. The teacher gives quizzes/questions to all students. At the time of answering the quiz should
not help each other
5. Give evaluation
6. Conclusion


Steps :
1. Students are grouped into 4 team members.
2. Each person in the team is given a different part of the material.
3. Each person in the team is given an assigned piece of material.
4. Members from different teams who have studied the same section or sub-chapter meet in a
new group (expert group) to discuss their sub-chapter.
5. After finishing the discussion as a team of experts, each member returns to their original group
and takes turns teaching their teammates about the sub-chapter they are good at, and each other
member listens intently.
6. Each team of experts presented the results of the discussion.
7. The teacher gives an evaluation.
8. Closing.
Steps :
1. The teacher explains the learning objectives, explains the logistics needed, motivates students
to be involved in the selected problem solving activity.
2. The teacher helps students define and organize learning tasks related to the problem (setting
topics, assignments, schedules, etc.)
3. The teacher encourages students to collect appropriate information, experiments to get
explanations and problem solving, data collection, hypotheses, problem solving.
4. The teacher assists students in planning to prepare appropriate works such as reports and helps
them share assignments with their friends.
5. The teacher helps students to reflect or evaluate their investigations and the processes they

Steps :
1. Convey the learning objectives to be achieved.
2. The teacher presents the material as usual.
3. To find out the students' absorption, form a group of two people.
4. Ask one of the pairs to tell the material they have just received from the teacher and their
partner listens while making small notes, then changes roles, as well as the other groups.
5. Have students take turns or randomly convey the results of their interviews with their partners,
until some students have submitted the results of their interviews.
6. The teacher repeats or re-explains material that students do not understand.
7. Conclusion or summary.
Steps :
1. The teacher conveys the competencies to be achieved.
2. The teacher presents a concept or problem that students will respond to.
3. Form a group of 2-3 members.
4. Each group takes inventory or records alternative answers to the results of the discussion.
5. Each group (or a random group) reads the results of their discussion and the teacher records
them on the board and groups them according to the teacher's needs.
6. From the data on the board, students are asked to make conclusions or the teacher makes
comparisons according to the concepts provided by the teacher.


Steps :
1. The teacher prepares several cards containing several concepts or topics that are suitable for
review sessions, otherwise one part of the question cards and the other part of the answer cards.
2. Each student gets one card.
3. Each student thinks of an answer or question from the card he is holding.
4. Each student looks for a partner who has a card that matches his card (answer questions).
5. Every student who can match his card before the time limit is given a point.
6. After one round the cards are shuffled again so that each student gets a different card from
before and so on.
7. Conclusion or summary.
A. Background
Learning is a process towards achieving educational goals. In this case, a teacher applies
a learning strategy that emphasizes the full involvement of students to be able to find the
material being studied and relate it to real life situations so as to encourage students to be
able to apply it in their lives. Learners are directly involved and have real experience of
what is learned. Teaching is not only conveying subject matter, but is a process of
guiding students so that students can develop and master the material presented by the
B. Real Action Description
The reason for implementing the learning process is because :
- Emphasizing the process of involving students to find material means that the
learning process is oriented towards direct experience
- Encouraging students to find connections between the material being studied and
real-life situations
- Encouraging students to be able to apply it in life, which means not only expecting
students to be able to understand the material they are studying, but how the subject
matter can color their behavior in everyday life
- Train skills so as to shape students to have innovative and creative abilities
- Students experience a positive change in attitude or behavior towards the learning
process and an increase in the learning material in more depth
C. Real Action Results
In this lesson, the teacher uses a learning strategy through a contextual approach
(Contextual Teaching and Learning) which is a learning concept that can help teachers
connect the material that will be given to students with the real world reality of a student,
and encourage students to make interactions between the knowledge they have and its
application in their lives as members of the family and society. In this regard students can
fully realize what learning means, what are the benefits, how to achieve it and can
understand that what they learn will be useful for their lives later. This learning process is
also more focused on student centered than teacher centered, so as a teacher also must do
the following things :
- Identify problems and conditions that exist during the learning process by analyzing
material and student characteristics through observation and interviews.
Observations were made by providing material to students that had been distributed
via Google forms or WhatsApp groups, but many students did not understand the
material presented only with the material summary module without getting an
explanation as was the case when learning face to face. Finally, when the teacher is
face-to-face with the students, the teacher invites them to discuss the material being
discussed (Procedure Text)
- Designing learning by relating the concepts or theories learned by considering the
experiences they have and their living environment.
In this learning process, giving students their own experience and being fully
involved in discovering the material they are studying in their own area and
environment, with the aim of students being able to relate it to real life so as to
encourage students to be able to apply it in their own lives. In this learning process
students are required to be active and the learning process occurs from individual
understanding of their own environment with indicators and learning objectives that
have been determined by a teacher
C. Competency Achievement Indicators
1. Generic Structure consisting of goals/aims, materials/tools, steps/procedures
2. Grammatical Features which generally use the simple present tense
3. Often use imperative sentences (Imperative/Orders)
4. Using sequence words
5. Presenting Procedure Text in the form of spoken text, images, or videos
D. Learning Objectives

- After carrying out the learning process, students can analyze the Procedure Text

- Students can present Procedure Text in the form of spoken text, pictures, or videos
E. Learning Steps Using Listening Method

The teacher explains the activities that will be carried out by students to complete
exercises and assignments according to the material

Students observe videos about Procedure text on the Youtube link that have been given
through the WA group and ask questions that are not clear via WA chat and Zoom
Students independently make procedural texts in the form of pictures or photos and send
them via the WA group or collect them to school.

The teacher provides feedback on the work of students and provides reinforcement.

The teacher concludes the material and submits a lesson plan for the next material.
Carry out an evaluation of student understanding, where the results will later be used as
material for reflection on the lesson plan and its implementation.
F. Learning Steps Using Writing Method (Image Media)

The teacher displays a large picture in which it contains all stages.

The teacher asks students to identify each stage.

Students are also able to express their hearts and feelings in a coherent written form.

G. Learning Steps Using Speaking Method

The teacher gives students assignments at home in the form of video projects by utilizing
the Youtube application.
The teacher orders students to form groups of three or four students.

The teacher gives a procedure text task with the title "How to Plant …." They will
practice how to grow plants.

Students then compose the text with the guidance of the teacher.

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