MELC - Based Semi-Detailed Learning Plan: Pasonanca National High School Senior High School Department

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Lantawan, Pasonanca, Zamboanga City
School Year 2022-2023

MELC – Based Semi-Detailed Learning Plan

(employing Explicit Teaching)

School: Pasonanca National High School Semester/Quarter: FIRST/Quarter 1
Learning Area: ENTREPRENEURSHIP Date: October 10-14, 2022
Grade and Section Day1 Time Day2 Time Day3 Time
BDO Building 12 HUMSS B Monday 12:30 1:30pm Wednesday 3:45-4:45pm Friday 3:45-4:45pm
Halcones Building
12 HUMSS C Tuesday 3:45-4:45pm Wednesday 4:45-5:45pm Friday 4:45-5:45pm

Learning Learning
DAY Learning Tasks/ Classroom-Based Activities BASED
Topic Objective/s ACTIVITIES
Day ENTREPRE Specific Objective: a. Opening Prayer for the two
(2) days no
1 NEURSHIP  At the end of b. Greet and welcome the learners
meeting in a
lesson learners c. Checking of Attendance/ Classroom Cleanliness week)
should be able to: d. Present and remind the learners on the Class SOPs/ Health and Safety Protocols
2.1 Identify the • Quick Kumustahan Provide
activity on
market problem • Observe an atmosphere of silence until you are required to talk; Silent mode your phones
• Communicate with your teacher if you will be late or if you have other issues/ health concerns. what
to be solved or learners will
the market to be • Always pay attention; Be prepared to take notes; Raise questions and clarifications.
work out
• Set the mood to prepare the learners for the lesson of the day and give (when needed) technical assistance/ psychosocial support
and assistance to learners.
e. Recall (Elicit)
• Teacher asks the following questions.
1. Give an example of Microenvironmental sources
2. labor cost is an example of what factors?
f. Motivation (Engage)
The teacher ask the students the ff. questions:
1. What do you think should an entrepreneur consider before deciding what product or service to set up?
2. how they become successful in their venture?

“Usar Saber, Practicar Virtudes” jta.lp.2022-2023

E-mail address:
Facebook :
Tel Nos. : 308-6554/ 310-8638/ 308-5525
II. Activity:
• Teacher will present the different microenvironmental sources.…
• Students will classify the factors under each sources
III. Analysis
 What do you think are the challenges that a Filipino entrepreneur faces?
 Despite the entrepreneurial spirit of the Filipinos, why do you think that many filipinos remain poor and that
the disparity between the rich and poor is still very high?
IV. Application:
 Look at your community and find one social entrepreneurs
 Discuss why you think he or she is classified as social entrepreneur. What societal does he or she solve?

V. Evaluation (Experiential Learning) (“You Do”)

• A 10 item quiz will be administered.
VI. AGREEMENT/Assignment
Advance Reading: Screening Opportunity

Closing Prayer

Day ENTREPRE Specific Objective: I. PRELIMINARIES (Reserved

2 NEURSHIP  At the end of a. Opening Prayer for the two
lesson learners b. Greet and welcome the learners (2) days no
should be able to c. Checking of Attendance/ Classroom Cleanliness meeting in a
2.2 Propose d. Present and remind the learners on the Class SOPs/ Health and Safety Protocols week)
solutions in terms of • Quick Kumustahan Provide
products and • Observe an atmosphere of silence until you are required to talk; Silent mode your phones activity on
services that will • Communicate with your teacher if you will be late or if you have other issues/ health concerns. what
meet the need using • Always pay attention; Be prepared to take notes; Raise questions and clarifications. learners will
techniques on • Set the mood to prepare the learners for the lesson of the day and give (when needed) technical assistance/ psychosocial support work out
seeking, screening, and assistance to learners.
and seizing e. Recall (Elicit)
opportunities. 1. What are the example of micromarket?
2.What is the difference between macromarket and micromarket?
f. Motivation (Engage)
After seeking an opportunity, what could be the nest step in scanning the market environment?
II. Activity :
Do a personal screening
1.Do I have the drive to pursue this business opportunity to the end?
2.Will I spend all my time, effort, and money to make the business opportunity work?
3.Will I sacrifice my existing lifestyle, endure emotional hardship, and forego my usual comforts tosucceed in this
business opportunity?
III. Analysis:
“Usar Saber, Practicar Virtudes” jta.lp.2022-2023
E-mail address:
Facebook :
Tel Nos. : 308-6554/ 310-8638/ 308-5525
1. In relation to the previous lesson, answer the ff. questions brieftly and coherently.
 How is opportunity seeking different from opportunity screening?
 Why is opportunity screening relevant in entrepreneurship?
 Have you ever experienced evaluating choices in your life? If your answer is yes, what difficulties did you encounter
In doing such? What difficulties do you think you will encounter in case you are asked to evaluate choices in the
IV. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
Teacher will give an article and answer the ff. guide questions:
1. Identify the sources of opportunity in this article and what particular product or service was derived out of
opportunity. How did the business owner react to the opportunity?
2. Cite the many challenges that the tailor and his daughter experienced before being successful in the high end
fashion business. How did they overcome the challenges?
V. Evaluation (Experiential Learning) (“You Do”)
A 10 item quiz will be administered.
VI. AGREEMENT/Assignment
Advance Reading: Seizing the opportunity
Closing Prayer

Day Entrepre Specific Objective: I. PRELIMINARIES (Reserved

3 neurship  At the end of f. Opening Prayer for the two
lesson learners g. Greet and welcome the learners (2) days no
should be able to h. Checking of Attendance/ Classroom Cleanliness meeting in a
i. Present and remind the learners on the Class SOPs/ Health and Safety Protocols week)
2.2 Propose • Quick Kumustahan Provide
solutions in terms of • Observe an atmosphere of silence until you are required to talk; Silent mode your phones activity on
products and • Communicate with your teacher if you will be late or if you have other issues/ health concerns. what
services that will • Always pay attention; Be prepared to take notes; Raise questions and clarifications. learners will
meet the need using • Set the mood to prepare the learners for the lesson of the day and give (when needed) technical assistance/ psychosocial support work out
techniques on and assistance to learners.
seeking, screening, j. Recall (Elicit)
and seizing • Teacher asks the following questions.
opportunities.  1. How is opportunity seeking different from opportunity screening?
k. Motivation (Engage)
1. As a student and as a customer what are your common needs and wants? What is your tastes
when it comes in shoes, clothes , foods and hobbies? Cite some
1. Students will ask to arrange the products according to their quality level along the horizontal plane and according
to their prices along the vertical plane
II. Analysis:
 1. What are the main customer segments?
 What are the different product attributes and features of each of the competitors?
 What are the existing marketing practices of the various competitors?

“Usar Saber, Practicar Virtudes” jta.lp.2022-2023

E-mail address:
Facebook :
Tel Nos. : 308-6554/ 310-8638/ 308-5525
 What are the market preferences of consumer when it comes to the product being offered?
III. Abstraction:
In order to craft a positioning statement, the entrepreneur is advised to look at other competitors in the marketplace.
Details such as their major buyer, attributes or features that make the competitors product attractive should give the
entrepreneur an idea.
IV. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
Choose an industry with several strong competitors. And try to come up with your own version of grid
V. Evaluation (Experiential Learning) (“You Do”)
 A 10 item quiz will be administered.
VI. AGREEMENT/Assignment
Advance Reading: Market research

Closing Prayer
 Provide learners with a copy of Weekly Learning Plan (WLP) as guide for their Home-based activity.
 Distribute the Module/ CapSLET for the next week learning encounter.

• DepEd Region IX Zamboanga City Division. HUMSS: Intro to World Religion and Belief System. Vol. Quarter 2 Week 3 - 4. Felix Lacastesantos & Abby Muzaifa Sahidjan. Zamboanga City. 2021.

Prepared and submitted by: Checked by: Reccomending Approval:


Teacher I TVL Subjects Group Chairman Designated SHS department Head
Date Submitted: October 04, 2022

Approved by:


Secondary School Principal II

“Usar Saber, Practicar Virtudes” jta.lp.2022-2023

E-mail address:
Facebook :
Tel Nos. : 308-6554/ 310-8638/ 308-5525

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