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First Semester Examination - March 2022

Paper = 85
Subject : Buddhism Oral = 10
Handwriting = 05
Class : 7 …....... Total = 100
Duration : 2 periods Date : ………………..…………
Candidate’s name : .......................................................………… Admission no: .....…........……...
Part I
1. Underline the correct answer.

(i) The two chief disciples of the Buddha are

(a) Ananda and Moggallana Theros. (b) Sariputta and Rahula Theros.
(c) Sariputta and Mugalan Theros. (d) Moggallana and Kassapa Theros.

(ii) The second missionary group is

(a) Five Ascetics and others. (b) Uruwel Kassapa and Nadi Kassapa.
(c) 30 Princes of Bhadda waggiya. (d) Yasa and his friends.

(iii) The Buddha preached the --------------------------- to the Five Ascetics.

(a) Anatta lakkhana Sutta (b) Dhammachakkapawaththana Sutta
(c) Sigalovada Sutta (d) Mahamangala Sutta

(iv) --------------------------- donated the beautiful Veluvana Ramaya.

(a) King Kosol (b) King Suddhodana
(c) King Bimbisara (d) King Suppabuddha

(v) The First Buddhist Council was presided by

(a) Ananda Thero. (b) Upali Thero.
(c) Sariputta Thero. (d) Maha Kassapa Thero.

(vi) Vishaka donated --------------------------- to the Buddha and His followers.

(a) Veluvana Ramaya (b) Jethawanaramaya
(c) Poorvaramaya (d) Abayaramaya

(vii) Venerable --------------------------- was chosen to answer questions about Vinaya.

(a) Ananda Thero (b) Maha Kassapa Thero
(c) Upali Thero (d) Sariyuth Thero

Grade 7 Buddhism - First Semester Examination March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

(viii)The five precepts contain two main principles. They are

(i) Viramanaya and Varitta Sila. (ii) Metta and Karuna.
(iii) Viramanaya and Samadanaya. (iv) Sukko and Sujuca.

(ix) Sathara Bhrakma Viharana are

(i) Metta, Sakudagami, Anagami and Muditha.
(ii) Metta, Karuna, Muditha and Upekka.
(iii) Bhagava, Arahan, Samma and Sambuddha.
(iv) Sakko, Uju, Appakicco and Nipako.

(x) Why should we clean the temple?

(i) Because monks give us presents and sweets.
(ii) Because our parents and elders advise us to do so.
(iii) Because we gain merits as it cleanses our minds.
(iv) Because we can speak with our friends.
[Total = 2 × 10 = 20 marks]

2. Write ‘True’ for the correct statement and ‘False’ for the wrong statement.

(i) We remove our shoes and hats when entering the temple. true

(ii) 500 Bhikkus participated in the First Buddhist Council. true


(iii) The main benefactor of the First Buddhist Council was King Bimbisara. (---------)

(iv) Sigalovada sutta is a code of discipline for laymen. (---------)

(v) The Buddha preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta to (---------)
King Suddhodana.
[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks]

Grade 7 Buddhism - First Semester Examination March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
3. Underline the most suitable answer.
(i) The Buddha preached the --------------------------- sutta to Sigala, the son of Sigala
Gahapati. (Mahamangala, Sigalovada, Karaniya Metta)

(ii) The First Buddhist Council occurred --------------------------- after the parinibbana.
(3 months, 6 months, 12 months)

(iii) Vishaka’s father was a millionaire named -------------------------.

(Migara Situ, Dhananjaya Situ, Poornawardhana)

(iv) Buddha visited Kapilavasthu city at the invitation of ---------------------------.

(King Suddodana, King Bimbisara, King Ajasath)

(v) Buddha chanted the --------------------------- Sutta to Maha Kassapa Thero.

(Mahamangala, Bojjanga, Rathana)
[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks]

Part II
● Answer all the questions.
1. (i) Write the name of the Jathaka story the Buddha preached to King Suddhodana.
Maha Dharmapala Jathaka
(2 marks)
(ii) Write the name of the Jathaka story the Buddha preached to Princess Yashodhara.
Sanda Kinduru Jathaka
(2 marks)
(iii) Write the names of the Five Ascetics.
(a) --------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) --------------------------------------------------------------------
(d) --------------------------------------------------------------------
(e) --------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
(iv) Name the Triple Gem.
(a) ----------------------------------------------------------------
(b) ----------------------------------------------------------------
(c) ----------------------------------------------------------------
(1 mark)
[Total = 7 marks]

Grade 7 Buddhism - First Semester Examination March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

2. (i) Write two advises that were given by Vishaka’s father.

(a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eat happily
Sleep happily
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
(ii) Write four qualities that one should have to develop metta through the Karaniya Metta
Sakko - efficient and competent
(a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uju - honest
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sujuca - very honest and upright
(c) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mudu - gentle in his ways
(d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4 marks)
(iii) Write two advantages that you get in loving-kindness.
Get up happily
(a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No bad dreams
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
[Total = 8 marks]

3. (i) To whom Budda preached Sigalovada sutta?

To Sigala the son of a very rich millionaire
(2 marks)
(ii) What are the six directions and their meanings?
East - Parents and children
(a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
South - Teachers and Pupils
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
West - Husband and Wife
(c) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
North - Friends and Companions
(d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Down - Employee and Employer
(e) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Up - Religious teacher (Clergy)
(f) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(6 marks)
[Total = 8 marks]

4. (i) Write the two duties that a teacher should perform.

Teacher should train and discipline their students
(a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Teachers should teach in dedication adn due attention
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4 marks)

Grade 7 Buddhism - First Semester Examination March 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
(ii) Write the four duties that the student should do.
Should be attentive in the class
(a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do not distrupt the teacher when is teaching
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rise from your seat when a teacher arrives
(c) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4 marks)
(iii) What is the main reason for the First Buddhist Council?
Subhadda's unexpected words
(2 marks)
[Total = 10 marks]
5. (i) What are the three types of Tripitaka?
Sutta Pitaka
(a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abhidhamma Pitaka
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vinaya Pitaka
(c) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3 marks)
(ii) What was discussed at the First Buddhist Council?
About the the details to Dhamma vinaya led by Venerable Upali and Venerable Ananda
(3 marks)
(iii) Explain these words:
• Unity
(3 marks)
• Co-existence
(3 marks)
[Total = 12 marks]
Ref : IM/UA
Grade 7 Buddhism - First Semester Examination March 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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