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1. Sort the verbs into two groups and make their past forms!

Rozdeľte slovesá do dvoch skupín a utvorte ich tvary v minulom čase!

play like say have use go arrive travel laugh see visit camp

Regular (pravidelné) Irregular (nepravidelné)

2. Fill in the appropriate verb to the words below! Doplň vhodné sloveso, utvor slovné spojenie!

1. ............................. to the cinema 7. ............................ mobile to send an SMS

2. ............................ basketball on Sunday 8. ............................ grandparents on their farm
3. ............................ on time 9. ............................ in the forest
4. ............................ hello 10. ............................ to London by plane
5. ............................ breakfast at eight 11. ............................ a lot of sights in London
6. ............................ very loudly 12. ............................ chocolate ice-cream

3. Use past form of the verbs to complete the sentences! Použi minulý čas slovies vo vetách!

stay go decide say see rain have travel

a) My parents ................................ to the theatre. e) It ................................ all day yesterday.

b) They ................................ in the tent on holiday. f) We ................................ a great time.
c) She ................................ to buy a new jacket. g) They ................................ by train.
d) Our holiday was great, he ................................ . h) He ................................ a spider in his bag.

4. Match! Spoj!
1. We played tennis yesterday. A – My sme tam cestovali autobusom. 1.
2. They needed to go there by bus. B – Oni išli do reštaurácie.
3. We travelled there by bus. C – Včera sme hrali tenis.
4. I was at the restaurant. D – Bol(a) som v reštaurácii.
5. They went to the restaurant. E – Prestali sme hrať tenis.
6. We stopped playing tennis. F – Oni tam potrebovali ísť autobusom.
© PaedDr. Mária Konečná

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