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UMT Artificial Intelligence Review (UMT-AIR)

Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022

ISSN(P): 2791-1276 ISSN(E): 2791-1268

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Consumer attitude towards Pakistani Clothing Brands on

Facebook before and during Covid-19 pandemic

Author (s): Ahmad Amjad, Farman Ali, Gulam Farroque, Fatima Nawaz, Fahad Assad

Affiliation (s): University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan


History: Received: April 3, 2022, Revised: May 27, 2022, Accepted: June 5, 2022
F. Ali, A. Amjad, G. Farroque, F. Nawaz, and F. Assad, “Consumer attitude
Citation: towards Pakistani clothing brands on Facebook before and during Covid-19
pandemic,” UMT Artif. Intell. Rev., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 00–00, 2022, doi:

Copyright: © The Authors

Licensing: This article is open access and is distributed under the terms of
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Conflict of
Interest: Author(s) declared no conflict of interest

A publication of
Department of Information System, Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Consumer Attitude towards Pakistani Clothing Brands on
Facebook before and during COVID-19 pandemic: A
Comparitive Study
Ahmad Amjad *, Farman Ali, Gulam Farroque, Fatima Nawaz, Fahad Assad
University of Management and Technology Lahore
Abstract-COVID-19 has drastically data analysis, Facebook, online
affected businesses, industries, and marketing, online shopping, social
consumers across the world. media
However, the rise of digital I.Introduction
technology and advancements in e-
commerce sector in the past decade A. Problem Statement
has helped clothing brands to cope- Over the past two years ,
up with the pandemic challenges. COVID-19 pandemic has harmed
These developments have also shifted people the most all over the globe.
the perspective of founders to the Also, it has left indelible impacts on
new normal. This research paper the national as well as the world
provides a consumer oriented economy [1], [2], [3]. Meanwhile,
analysis of how clothing brands and businesses in Pakistan are reshaping
consumers in Pakistan have reacted and evolving digitally. Moreover,
to the pandemic. Consumer
social media is an easy go to
platform to reach millions of
reactions on these platforms are
targeted customers. Also, people are
analyzed, including social media
spending their maximum time on
marketing and purchasing of clothes
social media platforms to stay
on Facebook. Specifically, it focuses connected to each other due to the
on the first wave of COVID-19 as it lockdown situations. In addition to
provides core insights into business it, they develop links not only with
transformations from the friends and families but also with
perspectives of both business online businesses through these
organization and consumers. platforms. Although, it is a risky
Although, the situation has been transformation but this mode of
appreciably restored now. communication has proved to be
trendy, worldwide [4], [5].
Index Terms-Clothing brands,
cognitive behavior, exploratory

Corresponding author:
UMT Artificial Intelligence Review
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Amjad and Ali

As the companies and We made a particular criterion on

organizations responded to the the basis of which we selected these
pandemic situation, the consumers three brands. We have scrapped the
also shifted their modes of shopping data and performed exploratory data
to more digital platforms. In fact, the analysis to extract cognitive insights
customers are provided with more regarding the worth of brands and
choices on digital modes and it consumers.
becomes easy for them to visit It needs to be investigated
different brands on the spot. This has whether or not the COVID-19
led to more competition among pandemic has affected the clothing
online shopping businesses to stand business in Pakistan. To this end,
out in environment. Though, many most major brands like Khaadi,
businesses and industries were Sapphire, Nishat Linen, Alkaram
adversely affected by this disastrous Studio, and LimeLight, already
pandemic. Therefore, the current allowed consumers to view and
study specifically focuses on the purchase their products via their
change in broadcasting strategies of social media platforms such as
clothing businesses and the change Facebook. Another question is that
in consumer interactions in a social how has the pandemic changed the
media context. behavior of these brands in terms of
Most of the clothing sector titans attracting business online to curb
in the country, such as Nishat Linen, potential losses.
Ethnic, Khaadi, Sapphire, Along the same lines, the
Generations and many others were response of consumers in conditions
already making the use of social of lockdown/curfew also needs to be
media platforms to conduct relevant investigated. Moreover, their
shopping businesses. However, with behavior towards online following
the emergence of COVID-19 in and purchasing changed due to the
Pakistan, they also had to adapt and pandemic should also be explored.
change their online business The efforts made by the brands to
approach. conduct and increase their business
The current study performed a via the social media platforms,
comparative analysis during both namely Facebook, were also
pre and post-COVID-19 situation, examined.
regarding three major clothing The report then provides the
brands in Pakistan – Khaadi, Al- analysis, results, and directs the
Karam Studio, and Nishat Linen.

Department of Information Systems

Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

readers towards possible future work businesses of Pakistan. Some

on this particular project. business elements such as courier
II.Related Work services, electronic funds transfer,
cash on delivery services, internet-
Although, online businesses and usage and inventory management
electronic-commerce have proved have been influenced by online
to be the predominant trendsetters facility. Furthermore, the
since the unfortunate incident of production and supply chain
COVID-19 pandemic at worldwide management have been
level. However, many retailers have significantly determined by such
put extraordinary efforts into online businesses. It is commonly
establishing, improving, revising observed that cash on delivery is the
and promoting their online stores, most popular payment mode and
doorstep services, and social media almost 80% of social media
pages. Previously, small retailers customer’s cash on delivery.
started their businesses direct on Besides, rest is possessed by the
social media sites before moving to advanced payments or as posed by
their online stores. Furthermore, retailers. Hence, main factor is the
they offered product pick-up and credibility of the retailer.
delivery services to customers
through their social media pages. However, the online businesses
Also, they have used paid are also invested in new technical
promotional campaigns on social solutions and digital marketing
media platforms and offered campaigns due to increasing
discounts on them to sponsor their demands to attract customers and
online channels. In Pakistan, the standout among the crowd. In this
concept of electronic commerce was case, such creative and technical
oblivious before COVID-19 perspectives of social media are
pandemic outbreak. It is now drastically improving. Moreover,
considered as a popular setup and it advanced social media platforms are
is also inspiring for both youngsters enabling these business partners to
as well as senior citizens. In today’s better manage their business.
world, almost all kinds of Current scenario tells that online
businesses are trying to adopt the business especially with social
online setup or at least social media media platforms are growing
platforms. As it holds a promising exponentially. Also, they are
future in e-commerce world to revealing the challenges and
encourage different online opportunities to improve in future.

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This may include but not limited to purchase. The current study deals
transparency of the product/ service, with the convenient mode of
lack of faith/ fraud, cybercrime, and customers to buy and of course the
a negative outlook towards retailers campaign and promotions of the
because of bad business experience. brands or businesses. Similar to this,
Moreover, implications of [7] it was found that anxiety and
transparent policies and laws are not stress caused by pandemic has direct
clearly defined. It also poses influence on this online shopping
challenges to the advancements of behavior of Kuwait customers. As
technology to address them. In this this kind of activity provides them a
case, the traffic to online businesses pleasure to look elegant and reduces
is still immense with all these their stress level in the intense
challenges. Facebook and Instagram situation of COVID-19.
are the most leading social media Moreover, [8] and [9] examined
platforms where people sell and buy the factors in details to establish the
their products on daily basis for 24
influencing criteria among the
hours. Initially, it is too important to
Bangladeshi online customers.
investigate the consumers’ behavior
Again, this study is based on the
and record of their online purchases
quantitative survey which was
during this pandemic. This effort
conducted through online survey
proposes maximum solutions by
link mode as well as through live
ensuring the success of ever-
interactions with the customers.
growing e-business through social
Furthermore, the factors were
media modes. The current study
calculated, based on the following
puts maximum effort to analyze the
different dimensions (quality of the
behavior of consumers during this
product/ services, its cost,
lockdown situation. For instance,
convenience and duration to avail it
[6] this particular study examined
and moreover security and
online shopping behavior of
reliability of the online purchase). In
German based consumers for cloth doing so, they found that the online
purchasing. It was found more shopping behavior is positively
influenced by the COVID-19 crisis related to the technology
and the media coverage than the incorporation that provides an ease
consumer’s personal influence or of use, experience, and other online
digital social networks. This study shopping benefits. Although, the
establishes a new setup of reliable payment modes of shopping
ecommerce which is solely related are still a challenge but still people
to customer’s intentions to are highly influenced to choose
Department of Information Systems
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

online platform. Also, the current demographic nature, the challenges

study indicates that the new wave of of trust, and security issues.
ecommerce provides customers III.Methodology
with more resources and choices to
compare and decide. Thus, their A. Selecting Clothing Brands
satisfaction level can be enhanced There are many clothing brands
by performing this activity. which have Facebook pages in
Another study was conducted to Pakistan but we selected only 3
analyze the online shopping having consistent traffic across the
behavior among Indonesian year. However, they must be
customers after the outbreak of established and big enough to attract
COVID-19 [10]. Similar to above large number of consumers. The
studies, this fact was determined main purpose of using three brands
that the usefulness of online instead on one is to provide a broad
shopping experiences, and the ease and concrete analysis of the
and freedom it carries along with it, situation.
directly affects the customer’s Female clothing brands draw a
intention to buy clothing products in lot of consumers in Pakistan and as
digital mode. such we will be focusing on them in
However, many other studies our analysis. The following
examine the online shopping selection criteria was used to select
behavior of the customers from the brands:
variety of cultures and demographic 1. They must be an established
locations of the world. Further, it is brand. This is important as well-
not only related to clothing or established brands should attract
fashion domain but also to food and huge number of online customers
other basic needs [11]-[15]. Due to by following more data.
the generic scope of such
quantitative surveys and the 2. They must post regular content on
subjective responses, the analyses is their Facebook page. This is
limited to capture the influencing important as the current study
details., However, the current study involves evaluating data over a
maintains that an inspiration to buy span of two years. Regular posts
online is rapidly growing. Hence, it throughout the year can help to
is becoming a number one choice understand the consumer
among people irrespective of their behavior over the year as well.

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3. They must also receive user data, especially, private data,

interaction from their followers such as profile is not taken by
in the form of likes, comments, someone who has no connection to
and share. This can only happen that relevant person. Facebook has
if the above two conditions are suffered regarding this in the past
fulfilled. with their infamous Cambridge Data
Analytica Data scandal, where they
Fortunately, there is no shortage
sold data of millions of users to the
of well-established clothing brands
said firm. Cambridge Data
in Pakistan. In fact, Textile Industry
Analytica used this data for Political
is huge in Pakistan and our country
Advertising which caused a huge
is among the top 8 exporters of
textiles across Asia.
Despite this there are many ways
B. Scrapping Data from Facebook
we can get data from the sites. These
This is without question the can be broadly categorized into 3
trickiest part of the analysis as categories that we will briefly
Facebook has lots of policies in discuss below:
place to prevent users from
1. Facebook Graph API: Facebook
scrapping data off from their site. It
themselves provide an API that
does not matter whether it is an
developers can use to take data
individual or a company, if anyone
off from Facebook. The API is
is found scrapping huge amounts of
the primary way for apps to read
data off from their site, they can
and write to the Facebook social
block the users IP. Also, they can
graph. All of Facebooks SDKs
suspend their Facebook account and
and products interact with the
even slap them with a lawsuit, no
Graph API in some way.
matter where they are in the world.
Moreover, our other APIs are
There are already examples of such
extensions of the Graph API. So
cases, as Facebook has filed lawsuits
it is crucial to understand that
against developers in the recent
how the Graph API works
2. Scrapping Tools: These are tools
Their data usage policy is quite
that are engineered to mine data
broad and simple. They don’t want
from public Facebook pages.
you to take data off their site unless
Data extracted may include
you get an approval from them. With
posts, comments, reviews, and
over 2.85 billion users they have a
enumeration of likes, and shares
responsibility to ensure that their
on a post. Basically, they are
Department of Information Systems
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

designed to extract information us the data. Ultimately, we need

without any login required. Also, free of cost or free of filing out
they want to take the advantage lengthy forms/agreements from
of unlimited scraping of Facebook, to get data directly
Facebook public pages. As they from the online customers.
do not require a login to get data.
C. Facebook Scrapper Library
Although, only public pages are
allowed, so checking that either
URL is a confirmed page or not The library can scrape Facebook
is mandatory. There are chances public pages without an API key.
of of profiles that they may result Using an API key to scrape
in errors. Moreover, checking Facebook, would be the most
the appropriate layout based on common method in the last decade.
your location is the next step as Moreover, Facebook standardized
it determines the load time. this particular method with their
Hence, these tools are mostly Graph API in the recent past and put
licensed with some of them it in place-policies to impose
offering trials with limited restrictions. Now this activity don’t
features. The examples include allow users to scrape huge amounts
Apify, Face dominator, and of data, even if the data in question
Facebook Scraper. is public.
3. Open-source scrapping libraries: The fact that this library does not
These are publicly available use an API key to scrape is appealing
open-source libraries which are because it does not require any
used to extract data from tedious configurations. All one has
Facebook. Furthermore, their to do is to install and import the
advantage is that they don’t library and then call the GETPOSTS
require any cost/payment to use method with some parameters.
unlike licensed scraper tools. In There are the number of parameters
addition to it, one can also that can be used but the most
modify the source code to fulfill important ones are.
their needs. One such example is Similarly, the library is able to
the Facebook-Scrapper python return considerable information
library developed by Kevin about the posts of Facebook page.
Zúñiga. This can become our Besides, the ones we are concerned
choice toscrape the data as its with are discussed below.
usage is relatively simple. There
may be a chance of it to provide
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Table I D. Analysis
Get Posts Method Parameters
The time range for the analysis is
Description from one year prior to COVID-19
Name of the Facebook Page.
reaching Pakistan and one year after
This can also be substituted that point. The comparative analysis
Page Name would be between these two periods
with Group name to scrape
data from a Facebook Group. of time. In Pakistan, the first
Number of many pages of COVID-19 case was reported on
Pages posts to request. By default February 26th, 2020. So, our two
the library will request 10
time periods for analysis are.
Username and Password to Table III
log into Facebook: This is not Analysis Period
required but without login
Credentials Facebook eventuallly Period Date Range
redirects from the page to be 1 year
scrapped to the login page, before 25th Feb 2019 - 25th Feb
resuting in missing data being Covid-19 2020
returned. 26th Feb 2020 - 26th Feb
1 year of
Covid-19 2021
Table II
Information Returned by Get Posts After analyzing the Facebook
Information pages of these brands, we found that
Returned they had been posting on average
A unique identifier for around 4 posts each day, for the last
Post ID the post either image, week or so. After initial use of the
message, or video. scrapper library, we found that a
Post Text Text of the post single page would return 5 posts.
Time at which the post Using this information, we made an
was posted estimate that we need to request 650
Number of likes on the
Likes pages of posts to scrape data for our
Number of comments time period.
on the post We want our analysis to answer
Number of shares of the
two basic questions:
Unique Identifier for a Research Question 1
Video ID
Video Post
Video Views
Number of times the How did the brands respond
video post was viewed their social media presence (in terms
Image IDs IDs of all the images in of their Facebook marketing
a post

Department of Information Systems

Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

strategy, interactivity and attractions We are aimed to take the

for the products) in order to attract following visualization approaches
customers in lockdown situation? to analyze and compare the statistics
between these two time periods; i)
Research Question 2
Pre-COVID-19 (1st March, 2019-
How did the consumers respond 29th February, 2021) and ii) First
to the social media presence of wave of COVID-19.
brands (in terms of buying,
1. Scatter Plot: To visualize the
appreciating and interactions)
first look of complete data
during the lockdown situation?
spread over the two specified
This will give us core insight to time periods and view extreme
investigate the transformation that values or outliers.
started to happen and is responsible
2. Bar Plot: comparison of
for future changes and opportunities.
statistical data to compare the
The following statistics will be values of two durations.
used to answer these questions
IV.Data and Methods
Table IV
Required Statistics In this study, we are specifically
Viewpoint Statistics limited to Facebook platform, as it is
Monthly number of quite popular among Pakistani
posts 1 year pre people especially for connectivity
pandemic and 1st year of and entertainment purposes. We
pandemic used facebook_scaper library to
Monthly number of
video posts, 1 year pre-
extract the data from the top clothing
pandemic and 1st year of brands of Pakistan.
The second specification is
Monthly likes on posts, 1
year pre-pandemic and about selection of brands, which is
1st year of pandemic limited to very small number; three,
Monthly comments on the main reason of doing so is to
posts, 1 year pre- keep things simple and at this initial
pandemic and 1st year of stage. We are looking at six different
Monthly shares on posts,
parameters (as show in Table II) so,
1 year pre-pandemic and we are not sure which parameters are
1st year of pandemic. competing with each other.
Monthly video views on Moreover, it encapsulates the
video posts, 1 year pre required information or which
pandemic and 1st year of
parameters/ features are best to
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10 Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Amjad and Ali

look/advance in future as it carries in interacting with users via offering

further user’s interest. No doubt, it them some sort of content. For this,
was difficult to select three names we first examine the number of
out of so many brands that are posts (static and dynamic) published
famous and leading. As clothing by brands to showcase their items.
brands are the most popular 1. Number of Posts
businesses among Pakistani people
with food.
Based on the existence of brands
on Facebook and in terms of their
history, the following three brands
were selected:
1. Khaadi
2. Nishat Linen
3. Alkaram Studio
After we have scraped the data, Fig. 1. Number of posts before and
we did the necessary cleaning and during Covid-19.
pre-processing on it. We arranged
In Fig 1, above we can see that
the data according to our specified
the total number of posts published
time durations. Furthermore, we
during the first wave of pandemic
used google colab and open-source
was less than a year before. Same
Facebook scrapping library to carry
pattern was found with the number
out all the exploratory analysis.
of video posts as shown in Fig 2.
Results for all three brands are
2. Number of Video Post
discussed below. As mentioned
earlier to get the general attitude of
the data, we used ‘scatter plots’ and
‘bar plots’ to compare the statistical
differences based on the listed
parameters in Table II.
A. Khaadi
In this section, we examine and
present the data patterns reflected by
Khaadi brand’s Facebook page.First Fig. 2. Number of video posts
we examine the behavior of brands before and during Covid-19.
Department of Information Systems
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

3. Number of Likes

Fig. 4. Average likes per post

before and during Covid-19.
Fig 4 shows that the average
number of likes per post during
Fig. 3. Behaviour of likes w.r.t. pandemic was increased. This is
time before and during Covid-19. quite interesting if we compare it
with brands interactions (Fig 1 & 2),
Here, we examine the user’s users are interacting on an average
behavior in terms of interacting with increased level than earlier. To
provided content by brands. Fig 3, examine it further, we drill down the
reflects the overall patterns of Fig 4 into Fig 5(a) and Fig (b) to
likeness among users. The green reflect us on the transition patterns
region and dots represents time of likes over the span of months. Fig
before COVID-19 and orange 5(a) shows the patterns carried by
represents the time during the first first six months of the first wave of
wave of COVID-19. We can see that COVID-19 and it tells us that the
before pandemic the behavior of likes were reached to the peak of
likes before pandemic is more 2000 when it was just the start of the
erratic. Whereas, during COVID-19 first wave.
the behavior is relatively more
consistent. It’s difficult to say that
from this visualization, whether the
average number of likes is greater
during the pandemic period. To
tackle this, we will use another
visualization to determine this (refer
to Fig 4).
Fig. 5(a). Data distribution of
‘likes’ in 1st half of 1st wave of
UMT Artificial Intelligence Review
12 Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
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The respective monthwise aspects of

comments and shares are shown in
Fig 8(a), Fig 8 (b), Fig 9 (a) & Fig 9

Fig. 5(b). Data distribution of

‘likes’ in 2nd half of 1st wave of
4. Number of Comments and Share Fig. 6. Behaviour of shares w.r.t.
Similar to the likes, we analyze the time before and during Covid-19.
comments and shares of pattern of the Fig 8(a) and Fig 8(b), shows that
users. In doing so, we found that user highest number of comments on
interaction is increased on average basis
monthly basis was reached on
as shown in Fig 6 &7.
September, 2020, followed by the
Fig 6 shows that the average 70 comments in May, 2020.
number of comments were increased Though, average number of
by 10 and Fig 7, shows that it is comments is 47 which is quite
increased by ratio of 3. sufficient for the brand maintenance
to engage its potential customers

Fig. 5. Average comments per post

before and during Covid-19.
Fig. 8(a). Data distribution of
Hence, we can say that the users comments w.r.t. time before and
seem to be more engaged and active during Covid-19.
in the content offered by Khaadi.
Department of Information Systems
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

Fig. 8(b). Data distribution of Fig. 9(b). Behavior of shares w.r.t.

comments w.r.t. time before and time before and during Covid-19.
during Covid-19
After analysing the patterns on
As we have seen in Fig 7 that the average basis we can establish that
average pattern of shares before and Khaadi was less engaging in
during COVID-19 is quite similar. offering its users the content during
We just explored the patterns of the Covid-19 first year as compared
shares shown in Fig 9(a) & Fig 9(b), to earlier pandemic time. However,
during first wave of pandemic to the users seemed to be more
analyze it as we did for likes and involved in interacting with
comments. It is obvious that average contents.
number of post sharing among the
users is minimum of 12 and B. Nishat Linen
maximum of 16. And all the peaks Similar to Khaadi, in this section we
are usually credited to first half of inspect the patterns of Nishat Linen
pandemic. brand. Similar to Khaadi, in this
section we inspect the patterns of
Nishat Linen brand.
1. Number of Posts

Fig. 9(a). Behaviour of shares w.r.t. Fig. 10. Comparison of count of

time before and during Covid-19. posts before and during Covid-19.

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There is an average of 39.8 % However, when we closely pay

decline in posting the posts overall attention to this pattern in monthly
(as given In Fig 10), however, there fashion, we can see the likes
is a slight increase in video posts (as distribution is not uniform and is
shown in Fig 11) which is in a way higher during the first half of the
interesting and it also explains that first wave and it eventually started
video posts are more engaging with to decrease but has maintained the
users of Facebook. ~1200 value (as shown in Fig 13(a)
& Fig 13(b).

Fig. 11. Number of posts before

and during Covid-19.
2. Number of Likes
Fig. 13(a). Average likes per post
Similarly, we also examine the before and during Covid-19.
users interactions of Nishat Linen
followers in terms of (post) likes is
increased by 23%. This is similar to
the pattern observed in Khaadi.

Fig. 13(b). Average likes per post

Fig. 12. Average likes per post before and during Covid-19.
before and during Covid-19.

Department of Information Systems

Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

3. Number of Comments and

Fig 14 & Fig 15, shows that the
data distribution of comments and
shares. We see a quite expressive
user patterns. There is an average of
45% and 75% increase in comments
and sharing of Nishat Linen posts. Fig. 16(a). Average comments per
post before and during Covid-19

Fig. 14. Average comments per

post before and during Covid-19 Fig. 16(b). Average comments per
post before and during Covid-19
Fig 16(a) & 16(b) highlights this
behavior on monthly and on an Similarly, Fig 17(a) & 17(b),
average basis. They show that underlines the pattern of shares on
number of comments were higher in monthly and on an average basis.
the first half of the first wave, and it They show that the number of shares
start abruptly decreasing in were approximately 20 and no
November, 2021. abrupt pattern was reflected

Fig.15. Average comments per post Fig. 17(a). Average shares per post
before and during Covid-19 before and during Covid-19.
UMT Artificial Intelligence Review
16 Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
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declined by average of 40.7% as

shown in Fig 19.

Fig. 17(b). Average shares per post

before and during Covid-19.
Fig. 19. Number of video posts
C. Alkaram Studio before and during Covid-19.
Here we analyze the statistical Next, we examine the user
reading of the Alkarm Studio data engagements in terms of likes,
on the same pattern. comments and share for Alkaram
1. Number of Posts and Video studio.
Posts 2. Number of Likes

Fig. 18. Number of posts before Fig. 20. Behaviour of likes w.r.t.
and during Covid-19. Time before and during Covid-19.
As similar to Khaadi and Nishat Fig 20 & Fig 21, depicts that the
Linen, there is decline in publishing engagement of users in respect of
the contents by Alkaram Studio as likes before and during the first year
well (see Fig 18). However, same of pandemic is different with more
goes with video posts as they were higher values in the pre-Covid-19

Department of Information Systems

Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

area. This creates a variational The data distribution of

aspect on brand basis as compare to comments is also showing decline in
our pre-discussed brands. As we the number of the comments.
further dig out this behavior, the data
showed up a mixed pattern.
With Reference to this Fig, there
was a rise observed in the average
number of likes during May & June,
2020 of average of 1200 of likes and
then there is a sudden fall in August,
2020 to almost half. Also, there was
not so much upsurge in likes Fig. 22. Average comments per
however, the lost peak was reached post before and during Covid-19.
again in February, 2021.
We also analyzed the spread of
the comments over the span of 12
months of pandemic in Fig 23. It
reveals that only during July month
the peak count was reached
around35. During rest of the time,
there is fluctuation between 5~15,
on an average.
Fig. 21(a). Average likes on posts
per month during Covid-19.

Fig. 21(b). Average likes per post Fig. 23(a). Average comments per
before and during Covid-19. post before and during Covid-19.

3. Number of Comments and

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18 Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Amjad and Ali

Fig. 23(b). Average comments per

post before and during Covid-19.
Fig. 25(b). Average comments per
post before and during Covid-19.
D. Summary Statistics
In this section, we summarize,
analyze, compare, and discuss the
patterns revealed by the Facebook
official pages of the respective
Fig. 24. Average shares per post brands.
before and during Covid-19.
In general, we observed that all
Fig 24, shows that share count these brands were less active in
was fixed during both durations, and engaging the customers and
in Fig 25(a) & Fig 25(b) above we advertising their contents on social
can see that the balance is actually media during the lockdown
reached by one outlier value. situation. This pattern is fully
Though, the average pattern is about conformed despite of increase in
3 and 6 shares on both halves of the video posts by Nishat Linen, which
first wave of Covid-19. we can ignore as the actual number
of posts by Nishat Linen were
dropped. One possible reason of
publishing the content online by
brands could be the closure of
factories and industries. As a result,
the online display of the brand’s
content is not much focused or
Fig. 25(a). Average comments per offered in the pandemic situation.
post before and during Covid-19. Another possible and more
Department of Information Systems
Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Consumer Attitude towards…

plausible reason could be that there these brands were looking for the
was no immediate plan by brands innovative strategies to use in the
available to utilize the power of development process of dedicated
social media platform. Possibly, all social media team.
Table V
Khaadi Stats
Video Avg Avg Avg Avg. Video
Period Posts
Posts Likes Comments Shares Views
Pre Covid-19 1022 288 1400 37 12 31552
1st Wave of 939 159 1700 47 15 54308
Table VI
Khaadi Stats
Video Avg Avg Avg Avg. Video
Period Posts
Posts Likes Comments Shares Views
Pre Covid-19 909 47 1300 57 12 36467
1st Wave of 547 53 1600 83 21 48697

Table VII
Alkaram Studio Stats
Video Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Video
Period Posts
Posts Likes Comments Shares Views
Pre Covid-19 839 54 741 13 5 23482
1st Wave of 811 32 910 11 5 32802
IV. Conclusion prior to it. We discovered some
interesting patterns as we analyzed
Based on the above discussed
the Tables V, VI, and VII such as,
results, we found that a long range
Comparatively, Khaadi has been the
of brands could not increase their
activity on Facebook during the most active brand on Facebook. The
main purpose of using this app is to
time period of COVID-19. In fact, in
promote their business in both time
most of the cases the number of
posts during COVID were lesser as periods. Ultimately, Khaadi reflects
higher number of posts as compare
compared to the number of posts
UMT Artificial Intelligence Review
20 Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022
Amjad and Ali

to other brand pages. Despite the current study. Other social media
decline in posts by Khaadi, ratio of platforms like Instagram could be
likes to those particular posts has included to compare these brands on
been increased from 1.36 ratio to wide range of market. Also, at least
1.8. Nevertheless, Nishat Linen is few more famous brands could be
showing remarkable performance included to see whether the
for ratio of likes to their posts. It is establishment of the facts that
irrespective of less content as brands were less active in promoting
compare to Khaddi and is their businesses is valid or not. We
dominanting by 1.43 and 2.92 in found a significant difference in
pre-pandemic time and during first terms of activity from the
year of pandemic. Alkaram Studio consumers. The average number of
is not very active in gaining interests likes, comments, shares, and video
of any competitve users. Last but views during COVID-19 pandemic
not the least, there is an increase in was increased from 25-30%. Which
the usage of social media platforms is significant and expected as
among many brands. It was obvious consumers want to remain
because of the curfew and lockdown connected and able to fulfill their
situations. In this case, many old basic requirements like buying
businesses have been transformed clothes. It also opens up another
and many new small businesses psychological aspect to investigate
have been established. Now, the urge of buying clothes, when
targeted customers are not only life is in danger. However, this is not
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renowned brands. Anyhow, these study’s perspective, as we are
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Department of Information Systems

Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2022

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