Fundamental of Bridge Inspection

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lnstructor Training Course of Bridge lnspection at Bandung, lndonesia

Fundamentals of Bridge lnspection

March 24,2018

(General lncorporated Foundation)

Japan Bridge Engineering Genter
Harazaki, lkuo

Gontents Jaec

1. Significance of Bridge lnspection

2. Types of Bridge lnspection
3. Inspection Procedure

4. Qualification of Bridge lnspector

5. Faults and Defects
6. Gondition Evaluation for Remedial Action
7. Recording of lnspection Results & Findings
8. Safety during lnspection
Bridge lnspection
. is playing an increasingly important role
in providing a safe infrastructure for the nation.
. is the essential first step
for identifying and assessing the repair requirements
of each bridge's condition and maintenance needs
of a dependable highway system lnspection. ----Jt\
\/"t )/

Data-recording /t L--4
\r- Actions*
Non-scheduled Bridge lnspection
1) lnterim lnspection Monitoring of a particular known or
Visual inspection suspected deficiency
after the last periodic inspection

2) Emergency lnspection Defects finding and

Visual/mechanical i nspection confirmation of
structural condition
(fire, flood)

3) Detailed lnvestigation Physical test analysis,

Mechanical inspection Monitoring for main
structural components

Periodic lnspection Regularly scheduled inspections

i assess the physical and functional condition of

f l To i

every componenUelement of the entire bridge

with close visual observation as much as possible
i Zl To evaluate the necessity for remedial measures
Ot rating the defects that cause deterioration, and
i 3) To ensure that the structure continues to satisfy
i -_en:-9t-t-
ln Japan
Guideline : "Guideline for Periodic Bridge lnspection 2014"
by Ministry of Land, lnfrastructure, Transport, and Tourism
Frequency : Not exceeding 5 years
Frequency of Periodic Visual Inspection *prC
The responsibility for establishing criteria for determining appropriate
bridge inspection frequencies lies with the bridge Program Manager.
Reference : Frequency adopted in several countries

Source 1): Report PIARC Committee of Road Bridges

presented in JBEC lnternational Symposium October 2013
Source 2): Material Ministry of Land, lnfrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (Japan)
Source 3): Guideline for Periodic Bridge Inspection 2014 (Japan)

- - _

i Purpose;
i- fo confirm that the bridges remain safe for use or
i - fo determine the necessary work required to either
i ensure the safety of a bridge or
i - fo enable the function of the bridge to be restored.
. Gollision Damage
typically caused by over height vehicles
. Flooding Damage as a result of scour
to the channel beneath the structure
. Earthquake Damage
. Fire Damages due to fire
. Reported by others
Composition of Bridge lnspection (Cbse-up) visualinspection
with necessary accessing equipment and facilities

Defects that are normally found in concrete and steel

structures, pavement surface and drainage,
(26 types of defects) [adopted in Japan]

Gondition Evaluation (Remedial action to be done)

Based on the results and findings on identified defects,
condition rating for individual component
with recommendation for future rehabilitation action
(Evaluation of 9 categories) [adopted in Japan]

Report and Data Accumuration

1) Data recording on standard inspection form
2) Renewal of bridse inventory (bridqe history file

1) Planning of lnspection

. Listing of all the bridges to be inspected

. Determination of the type of inspection
. Establishment of a time schedule of an inspection work
ffiUake the lnspection schedule FLXIBLEI
. Arrangement of the inspection team staff
. Arrangement of available tools/equipment requirements
. Seasonal restrictions
. Emergency contact system
2) Preparation for lnspection *Prc
- Reviewing the bridge structure file and ' r f lr!! :
- r .ii i

previous inspection results Ili

;j trf!r
; ,.iF
,-i --; * *,-! j
* il iGi:; " *** 'f
: jg --!'dN$**" *.:il
- ldentifying the componenUelements l&in {lir{ee
(Element numbering system) f,00'l

- Permit with Local Authorities *:*
Roads, Railway, Police, River control, Fishermen's Union l@
for required legal procedure for bridge inspection work

- Developing an inspection sequence

- Making arrangement of inspection team
Organization of team members and their roles and respon

- Organizing tools and equipment

- Arranging for traffic control
- Reviewing safety precautions/contingency plan

Gomposition of lnspection Team (ln-house staff)
HumHd Petsonnel

Senior lnspedor


3) Performing the Inspection Jnrc
. Site Orientation
. Coordination Meeting
. On-site lnspection
ldentifying the defected elements and i ,d
unsafe conditions s-&" W

Prepari ng accurate inspection records

and recommendations of corrective actions
. lnspect and assess the condition
Observations should be attentive
Every point should be noted
as soon as the observation is made
No portion should be overlooked!! Field sketch of the defect


< Glose-up ) Visual lnnspection Bridge Collapse i
Prevention Device
Abutment Expansion Joint

suostructure f
il Piers

Soundness Test
by using hammer

;f No portion should be overlooked!

Glose-up Visual lnspection *[brc
Being able to inspect the underside of a structure is invaluable
in locating problems early and initiating repair.
Side Yieqr+

Di"scam \fisril nistam rr*-+


Abutment, Abutnent,

Marking of the defect

and extent by chalk

Observations should be careful and attentive,

and every defects should be recorded. 15

Close-up visual Inspection _8EC

Measuring the extent Photo taking

of the defect of the identified defect Black board for note

Evaluator at inspection site

Spray treatment lnspecting the bearings
for the corroded rebar 16
Bridge Types and Configurations _6rf
Bridge Gollapse
BRIDGE Prevention Device
Expansion Joint



+Main Girder(Mg)
Top Slab
Side Ytlall Side Wall Side Wall
o"tlltYn' orJ",
(Flv) arr,,hlrroo
(Ac) -

Bri GomponenUElement Jnrc

c"r".*nUElement I ComponenUElement
l{ Srr^ot.+trrefrrra I
3. Bearinqs
Bearings (Main Body)
Anchor Bolts
Bridge Fall Prevention Sy'stem
Bearing Seat Mortar
Bearinq Bed Concrete
4.Deck Surface
Guard Fence
Elpansion Joint
Lighting Facility
(lncludino Backside Aooroach )
5. Drainaqe Svstem
Drain Opening
* Primary Elements: Drain Pipe
Significant element for structural safety Other Tvces of Defects

,Secondary Elements: 6.lnsoection Facilitv

7. Utilities
Elements other than the Primary Elements 8. Retaininq Wall adiacent to Abutment 18
Bridge Element Numbering System
To specify the defected locations of the element to be remedied,
systematic category of bridge elemenblelement numbering sysfem
Brldoc Colhorc
has to be established. Freve-ntion Divice
Sp*n 0I
y' Exptnrion Joint
r .T.
Abutment Mg0t $pan*? ;
Suoerctructure <

Abutment, Piers and Er<pansion Joint


On-site lnspection j-erc

First, general overview of the entire bridge
to get a feel for what problems may exist
Next, careful and attentive observation for all 99__[!p-9_l]9$9

1) Railing, Guardrail, Curb .lnspection at distant view

2) Wearing Surface general alignment, noise/vibration?
3) Expansion Joints 'Close-up inspection
4) Drainage System pavemenUexpansion joi nts
5) Lights , Signs
. Under-bridoe Close lnsoection
6) Main Girders, Deck Slab
7) Bearings
8) Abutment, Piers,
Visual Inspection of Bridge Structure *Prc
Overall Bridge Structure
. Bridge Name, Kilometrage
. Type of Bridge and General Dimensions (Length, Width, Spans
. General Alignment of Main Girder
. Continuity of Railing and Curb
. Settlement, Tilting and
Movement of Substructure

Abnormal Sound and Abnormal Vibration

;f Source of generation location/position shall be noted.
- Signs of any structural defects
such as :loosening of bolts due to pounding action of traffic,
connector plates,
excessive vibration,
and overstressing of members due to live loads 21

Bridge inspection is like

a detective work / medical doctor's work
+ are

dedUCgd based on whatever tell-tales
found on the bridge structure
lnquisitive Minds to probe into the problem

.ldentifying bridge components that require repairs
unsafe conditions; Develop an Eye for Potential Trouble !

. Preparing accurate inspection records and recommendations

of corrective actions
Knowledgeable in:
'structural behavior, design and typical construction practice
'changing behavior of materials with age, stress and chemical reactions
. inspection (various types of defects and deficiencies)

. Physically strong and good eyesight 22

)Develop an Eye for Potential Trouble!
Understand pain and trouble of bridge structure.
.When problems are found'''
tne loGation, size, and seVerity of the deterioration
and its pfObable CaUSe should be noted.
) Throughout the insPection,
inspectors should be asking questions!
'Why has this deteriorated?
.what is the probable Gause?
Deterioration of materials, Damage by external forces
.Will repairing this member solve the problem?

) Severity of the defects

Emergency measures needed?
'Traffic control required? 23

Tools and Access EquiPment *Prc

Measurement tools

No- Tbols Prryoses

I 2m mmsuring tape For measrring short dimensiore
2 3ftn measuringtape For measuring span l"ogtb width and other
lonser dimension
3 Phrm bob For measuringdegree of tilting at pier
4 Crack scale For mmsrring crack width
5 Vemier or jaw-t5pe caliper For measrring steel thickness
6 Spirit levels F'or measuringperpendicular distance to any
structur:al member and tihins of pier
7 Ranging rcds For pr,obing and measuring soour under culverts,
oiers and abutments
I GPS To identiS the location of the bridge

I Laser Rarye f inder To detemine the distance to an object

10 Others if required
Recording tools
rs- Tbob EF
I Digital camera To take photographs of defects to the strudurcs,
ard for bridge identificatiron
2 Blackboar,il To rc@mal brifue numbedname while taking
photographs for bridge identificaticn; should be
surrplied with chalk and dusten
3 Ctipbmrd As a hald. srdace to write on when filing foms
4 Writingpaper For drawirgsketdres
5 Markere, pereandperrils For marking andwriting
6 Others if rcquired

Access Tools
l.Io- Tnob Purposes
1 Ladder For aress to soffif,, bearing, walls etc-
2 Binmulars Tobe used when there is no acoesstothe stnrdure
.) Boats orbarges For acress to river piers ad spns
4 Tapping hammer For tapping the mncrete sudae in order
to determire the sourdness of the structure
5 F:lash light/Hmd fisht For lighting dark aneas
6 Inspedion mirrorc For identiSing invisible defects

7 \48rc brush
8 Carryirgbag Forholding eguipmerrt
Access Facilities

Visual lnspection on Road Surface

1) Wearing Surface (Pavement)
- Wave, Rutting, Potholes, Surface Deformation

Difference in level
+increasingly severe impact loading under traffic
- Gracks
distinguished by their appearance and direction

Longitudinal crack Block cracking Joint Reflection Cracking Alligator Cracks *

Visual lnspection at Road Surface
2) Expansion Joints
- Break-off/inadequate waterproofing =+ water leakage
- Abnormal Spacing + damage of bearings and abutment
Expansion Joint.
.* Expansion & Contraction
Y Or" to thermal change

Break-off Abnormal Spacing

Leakage of .

Dirt and rain.

Difference in level Fracture

F lf Difference in level identified,

check the condition of bearings and substructure.

Visual lnspection on Road Surface

3) Drainage System
Defective drainage can result in serious damage to the bridge,
and if water cannot effectively be removed from the road surface,
it may represent a hazard to traffic.

Accumulated debris Puddle at lnadequate *

at drainage expansion joint drain &
il &
ir Removal of debris
a"r by high pressure water

lnadequate drain
causing rapid corrosion
of steel girder/bearings
Visual lnspection on Road Surface Jrrc
4) Bridge Railing, Guardrail, Curb

' Deformation, fracture?

' Corrosion, Loosened Bolts?
'Concrete cracks?
'Exposed rebar?
'Any difference in level
found at guard rail and curb?

ffir Bearings are suspected to be deteriorated.:
Settlement of Girder
due to defect of bearings

Visual lnspection beneath the Girders _fftc

Cross Beam

. Lower surface of RG deck slab : Any remarkable deficiency?

. Bearings and/or bridge seat . Abnormal condition?

'Girder end/Gross beam : Any deficiency?

.Remarkable water leakage after the rain?
.Abutment, Piers : Settlement, Tilt, Movement?
Types of Defects 1t2 *Isrc
Material No. Faults & Defects

1) Gorrosion
2l Cracking
3) Loose or Missing Bolts
4l Fracture
5) Deterioration of Paint System

6) Crack
7l Spalling /Exposed Rebar
8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence
e) Fallen out of Deck Slab
10) Gracking of Deck Slab
11) Delamination

121 Abnormal Spacing

13) Difference in Level of Pavement Surface
141 Bituminous Pavement Crack
15) Functional Disorder of Bearings
16) Other Types of Defects

Tvoes of Defects 2t2 J.aec

Defects of Reinforcing Materials

for Rehabil itation/Stren gthen i ng
Abnormal Anchorage

Discoloration/Deterioration of Materials
Water Leakage/Puddle
Common Abnormal NoiseMbration
Abnormal Deflection
Accumulation of Debris
Seft lemenUTi lUMovement


Visual lnspection beneath the Girders *,[mrr
1) Deck Slab of Steel Girder Bridges
Lower Surface of Deck Slab Schematic Deterioration Progress
of Cracking of Deck Slab
(Source: Public Works Research lnstitute)

Delamination _r*
Rebar -il-E-

',\\ ffi t.'l

| \\.\ ffi/7.
i't','r, t

Cracki n g (lon gitud i na l/transverse) -:+,/,/// /-:

i. \\.
Water Leaka g e/Effloresce n ce \ i

and rust stain from crack -------55

Visual lnspection beneath the Girders Jnre

Fallen out of Deck Slab identified in October 2009
Operating years:76 years Thickness of Deck slab: 1Scm
(RG deck slab strengthened by steel plate)
Before Falling , Fallen out of Deck Slab

1 year before (Pavement Replacement)

) Frequent pavement
crack occurred

F lnvisible deficient
lower deck slab due to
steel plate

15 days before www. road. or.jpl conferencel d atal 29kaigil mai ntenancel m02. pdf 36
Possible Location of Cracking
Reinforced Concrete Girder Bridge



Continuous Girders I
ill I

Near Support t'" i".1

Middle support

Visual lnspection beneath the Girders
3) Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges
,p the lmpossible to make a visual check on the condition of
prestressing tendons embedded in grouted ducts
inside a reinforced concrete elements
ldentify an important sign of various types of defects regarding
the presence of abnormality of pre-stressing tendon inside concrete.
Deck Slab between Main Girders

Main Girder

Main Girder
#XAi== lErJ'J
-'-+i.t lE-'- '

-*-._=__:{ Transverse Tensloning

ransverse Tension

Cracking Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridge "BEC

@ Excessive stress

PC tendon


ffi . Poor quality grout or bad grouting may result in voids being
presented in the duct and lead to corrosion of the tendon.
F Anchorage of PC Tendons
- Transverse PG tendons may lead to
insufficient cover at anchorage
resulting in spalling.

F Segment Joints
- Gracking ransverse
- Water Leakage

Detached PC Tendon
Grade of Goncrete Grack -Bridse tnspection Guidetine- Jnfe
Grade regarding Grade regarding
Maximum Graok Width Minimum Grack Spacing

a no crack

b small mild
small severe e
medium mild @
me-dium severe @
large mild @
e large severe

Kr"nardins Maximum Grack Width I regarding Minimum

Grade Crack
(Crack Wdth) RG Structure PC Struaure Grade Spacing Minimum Grack Spacing

0.3mm or more 0.2mm or more

targ_e, severe small roughly less than 0.5mm
o.gmml Wieih o.ilm; Widih
medium Z0,2mm Z0,1mm
mild large roughly 0.5mm or more
small less than 0.2mm less than 0.1mm


Chloride Damage of Goncrete Structure Jnrc

Appeared Defects
Chloride contamination of concrete results in
Gracking and Rapid Corrosion of
Reinforcement due to flying salt water splash
Seepage of
Rust Stain

of Cracking

Exposed Rebar

'Detailed investigation is important for the planning of rehabilitation.

'Repaired defects due to salt damage is prone to be re-defected.
Visual lnspection beneath the Girders *fnrc
4) Bearings Deck Slab

Cross Frame
Deformation of
Elastomeric Bearing Pad
Check for
- Excessive bulging, splitting or tearing
either vertically or horizontally
- Uniform thickness

Corrosion of metal bearings


Visual lnspection beneath the Girders Jnrc

5) Substructure -Abutment and Piers-

Spalling/Exposed rebar
Wide-soread water leakaqe
Cracks of concrete at pibrs and abutments- tr
."...,".. o

Bearing Layer
Abnormal spacing
Water leakage from cracks Tilting of substructure
Visual lnspection beneath the Girders *"f,mre

Bridge Seat, Bearings

Water leakage
from expansion joints
+Crack of bridge seat and
wide delamination

Puddle at bridge seat

Bridge Seat
the shelf on the face of a bridge abutment
that supports the end of the span

Dust and Debris build-up

Vieual lnepoetion bonoath the Girders *[sEe

'Columns and Beams
Progress of concrete cracks
Spalling/Exposed rebar
Water leakage
'Bridge Seat : Puddle

Concrete crack of
Delamination at Pier bridge seat at Pier 48
Visual lnspection beneath the Girders Jree
Break-off of Stirrup Reinforcement by ASR

RG Pier
Break-off of
Stirrup reinforcement


Visual lnspection beneath the Girders Jnrc


- Settlement
- Movement
- Tilting
- Scour and
Local scour Detail investigation on
- Abnormality of Riverbed Scour and river bed

Differential settl ement due to scour

Detai led lnvestigation Jnrc
Site Testing of Concrete Structure

Estimation of Carbonation Depth

Phenolphthalein indicator solution
applied to a core extraction

Sampling of Concrete Core

for physical and constituent tests

Measuring Concrete Cover

(Location of reinforcement)

Drill concrete to get

sample of materials

* Measurement of chloride ion concentrations 51

Detai led lnvestigation Jnrc

Site Testing of Sfee I Structure
. Quantitative structural assessment of the condition
. Early warning and signs of deterioration
Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT)
Mesurement of
to define the size of fatigue crack paint thickness

Evaluation for remedial measures is judged
based on the results and findings on identified defects, condition
rating for individual component with recommendation for future
rehabilitation, strengthening and emergency response to
any elements.

6f Sophisticated engineering judgement is required

Rating of evaluation is decided by the Bridge Owner
Points to Consider
/ Degree of defect and the possible cause
/ Future progress of the defect (Rapid progress or not)
/ Eftect for load carrying capacity or structural safety
/ Necessity for further investigation to judge the degree of defect
/ General judgement considering the above items

Defect Evaluation for Remedial Actions Serc

Simpler Rating
for 1) individual element and 2) overall bridge for all road infrastructure


c1 i II .

: :-
t C2 iRepair is required as early as possible. I i

E-l :Emergency acuons rc,r frrlqge sfrucrufal sarery
,]E1iEmergencyactionsforbridgestructuralsafety ,irrTi
li iMi I

, - - --i
i fU :To be repaired in maintenance work II

; i

.ii Sl ;Need of further investigation l
Flowchart of Condition Evaluation Rating $fff

Bridge Inspection Report

F Record the inspection findings,
provide a narrative description of
conditions at the bridge site.
F The reporting of the defects and deterioration is
according to their severity and extent.
F ln filling in the data sheet, as an accurate and
consistent record of defects found is essential.

Serious defect of the primary element may require

urgent remedial measures to secure the safety of
public traffic and so avoid the progress of deficiency.
Critical findings shall be reported to the Chief lnspector
as soon as possible. 56
Photography *fnrc
1) Overall Photograph 2) Bridge history plate,
Construction summary plate

& Beginning of the bridge : Left side

* End of the bridge : Right side

3) Location of Oefected Gomponents 4) Show recognizable items

Wide angle Photo is preferred to visualize scale of the detail.
to identify the location of the component.


A bridge maintenance work always involves safety risk.

-Workers/lnspectors and Work

- Public using the bridge or passing beneath the bridge

.to follow the standard safety guidelines strictly.

'to work in a team.
'to keep a watchful eye for potential hazardous
environments around the work area.

Safety Rules for lnspection Team
. Approach to site
lmplement the appropriate traffic control measures
Be aware of the layout of any traffic control measures

. Access
Access facilities provided by others are adequate and safe
Always have a communication system
. Precautions
Should remain alert and safety conscious at all times.
Protective clothing
In confronted spaces physical/mental requirements
. Tools and Instruments
Should be handled and used in a safe manner

Safety Tools and Equipment for lnspection
Arrange any required safety clothes and tools
necessarv for personal safetv of the workers.

Work Safety
1) Before commencing field work ensure that:
- All personnel always put on high visibility vests.
- Knows that the direction of traffic.
Gheck Sheet for work safety
- Unprotected or unsafe areas
and roads are identified.

2) Be familiar with the requirements of the
i nspection/mai ntenance work

3) All inspections are carried out

in well-ventilated and well-lit areas.

4) Traffic Management

Qualified flaggers
Traffic control signs and cones for channelizing wearing reflective vest

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