DPCM 11 Juni 2020 English

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Article 4

Provisions for entry into Italy

1. In order to counteract the spread of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency, anyone wishing to enter
Italian national territory by air, sea, lake, rail or land must submit a declaration to their transportation carrier
upon embarking, which is required for access. This is to be done pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of the
decree by the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, No. 445, which also indicates in a clear and
detailed way that transport carriers or ship operators may additionally verify the following:

a) reasons for travel, as in compliance with the provisions of Article 1, paragraphs 4 and 5 of Decree-
Law No. 33 of 2020 and Article 6 of the current decree;

b) the full address of a passenger's dwelling or residence in Italy where the health surveillance and
self-isolation period referred to in paragraph 3 will be carried out and the private or other means used
to reach that location;

c) a mobile or other telephone number where the passenger can receive communications during their
entire health surveillance and self-isolation period.

2. Carriers and shipowners will obtain and verify the documentation referred to in paragraph 1 before a
passenger may board. They will also take the temperature of passengers and prohibit boarding to anyone
who has a fever or incomplete documentation. Transport carriers are also required to take organisational
measures in accordance with the indications set out in the “Shared regulatory protocol for limiting the
spread of COVID-19 infection in the transport and logistics sector” signed on 20 March 2020 (see Annex
14), as well as the "Informational guidelines for users and organisational arrangements for limiting the
spread of COVID-19 infection" (see Annex 15). The measures taken should also assure an interpersonal
distance of at least one metre between passengers at all times during travel. They should additionally
specify the use of personal protective equipment by crew and passengers as well as indicate the temporary
or exceptional circumstance in which this protection may be removed. Air carriers shall equip passengers
with personal protective equipment upon embarking.

3. Persons entering Italy, in the manner indicated in paragraph 1, are required to immediately notify the
Department of Prevention of the local health authority even if they are asymptomatic. This is because they
are still subject to a 14-day health surveillance and self-isolation period at the dwelling or residence
indicated at the outset of travel in accordance with paragraph 1, letter b. In the event COVID-19 symptoms
occur, these individuals are obliged to promptly report this to the Health Authorities by using the specially
dedicated telephone numbers to do so.

4. With regard to the individuals referred to in paragraph 3 above, they may be unable to travel onward to
their final destination by private means from their arrival point in Italy. They may thus, be unable to reach
the residence or dwelling indicated upon departure or where their health surveillance and self-isolation
period should occur. In this instance, it is understood that the Legal Authorities may verify any false
declarations made at the time of departure pursuant to paragraph 1, letter b. The local territorial health
authority will then also immediately inform the Regional Civil Protection Agency. The latter, in
cooperation with the Department of Civil Protection of the Prime Minister's Office (Presidenza del
Consiglio dei Ministri) will then determine the place and means where the health surveillance and self-

isolation should occur. Costs will be borne by the person(s) subject to these measures. In the event
COVID-19 symptoms occur, these individuals are obliged to promptly report this to the Health Authorities
by using the specially dedicated telephone numbers to do so.

5. The provisions of Article 1, paragraphs 4 and 5 of Decree-Law No. 33 of 2020 remain in place as well
as Article 6 of the present decree. Natural persons entering Italy by private means, even if asymptomatic,
are required to immediately communicate their entrance into the country to the Department of Prevention
of the local health authority where their period of health surveillance and self-isolation will take place.
They are subsequently subject to a 14-day surveillance and isolation period at the dwelling or residence
indicated in the same communication. In the event COVID-19 symptoms occur, these individuals are
obliged to promptly report this to the Health Authorities by using the specially dedicated telephone
numbers to do so.

6. With regard to the individuals referred to in paragraph 5, or when it is not possible to reach the dwelling
or residence indicated as the location for the health surveillance and self-isolation period, the natural
persons involved must communicate their situation to the local territorial health authority. The health
authority will then immediately inform the Regional Civil Protection Agency who, in coordination with
the Department of Civil Protection of the Prime Minister's Office, will determine the means and location
where health surveillance and self-isolation may occur. The persons subject to these procedures will be
held exclusively responsible for the associated expenses.

7. During the period of health surveillance and self-isolation carried out in accordance with the previous
paragraphs, the persons involved may undertake a new period of health surveillance and self-isolation at
another dwelling or residence, different from that previously indicated to the health Authorities. They can
do this by retransmitting the same declaration provided for under paragraph 1 letter b. They also need to
indicate the travel route to be taken and guarantee that travel to the new dwelling or residence will be done
by the means stipulated pursuant to letter b. Having received the communication referred to in the previous
paragraph, the Health Authority will immediately forward it to Department of Prevention of the local
territorial health authority at the indicated destination, which will then be responsible for undertaking
checks and verifications. These procedures, of course, do not apply to individuals who may develop
COVID-19 symptoms.

8. Based on the communications referred to in this Article, the public health operator and the local
territorial health services may prescribe a stay-at-home order in accordance with the following procedures:

a) they will contact the individual by telephone and collect as much detailed and documented
information as possible about the individual's areas of stay and trip route during the preceding 14 days.
This is done to adequately assess the individual's exposure to risk;

b) once health surveillance and self-isolation begins, the public health operator will also inform the
patient's general practitioner or paediatrician of choice. They will also follow up with the later
regarding a possible INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale - National Social Welfare
Institute) certification (INPS HERMES Circular, 0000716 of 25 February 2020);
c) in the event an INPS certification is needed due to a work absence, a statement will be issued and
addressed to the INPS, the employer and general practitioner or paediatrician of choice. This statement
will note the individual has been placed in precautionary quarantine for public health reasons and
specify a quarantine start and end date;
d) the presence of any fever or other symptomatology will be ascertained in the person to be isolated
as well as for any other cohabitants involved;

e) the person will be informed about the symptoms, the nature of the infection, its transmission
mechanisms and the measures that need to be taken to protect any cohabitants in the event symptoms

f) the person will be informed about the need to measure body temperature twice a day (in the morning
and in the evening), as well as to:

1) maintain self-isolation for 14 days after the last exposure;

2) not have any social contacts;

3) not undertake any movements or travel;

4) the obligation of remaining accessible for surveillance activities.

g) In the event symptoms occur, the person under surveillance must:

1) immediately notify their general practitioner or paediatrician of choice and the public health

2) wear a surgical mask (to be provided at the start of the self-isolation period) and keep away from
other cohabitants;

3) stay in their room with the door closed, while ensuring adequate natural ventilation and awaiting
possible transfer to the hospital.

h) The public health operator shall be in daily contact to collect information on the health condition of
the person under surveillance. In the event symptoms occur, and after consulting the general
practitioner or paediatrician of choice, the public health practitioner shall proceed in accordance with
the provisions of Circular No. 5443 by the Ministry of Health of 22 February 2020, as subsequently
amended or supplemented.

9. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 8 do not apply to:

a) transportation crews;

b) other transport sector workers;

c) citizens and residents entering Italy for proven work reasons from: the European Union; Schengen
Agreement countries; Andorra; the Principality of Monaco; the Republic of San Marino; the Vatican
City State; and the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland;

d) health personnel entering Italy to work in the health sector, including temporarily or as referred to
in Article 13 of Decree-Law No.18 of 17 March 2020;

e) cross-border workers entering and leaving the national territory for proven work reasons or
returning to their residence, home or dwelling;

f) employees of businesses or entities with registered or secondary offices in Italy who travel abroad
for 120 hours or less for proven work reasons;

g) movements to and from the Republic of San Marino or the Vatican City State;

h) officials and agents, however called, of the European Union or of international organisations,
diplomatic agents, administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions, officials and consular

employees or military personnel on active duty;

i) students studying in a State other than that where their residence or dwelling is located and who
commute home daily or at least once a week.

10. Exceptions may be considered only to protect citizens abroad and to fulfil international and European
obligations. These include those resulting from the implementation of the (EU) Council Directive
2015/637 of 20 April 2015, which repeals Decision 95/553/EC and involves coordinating and cooperative
measures for facilitating the consular protection of EU citizens who are not represented in third-party
countries. Further, with the decree by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, based on the proposal
by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and in conjunction with the Minister of Health,
specific and temporary exceptions to the provisions of this Article may be foreseen.

Article 5

In-transit and short-term stays in Italy

1. Exemption from the measures foreseen in Article 4 is provided for exclusively for the reasons
referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4 of Decree-Law No. 33 of 2020 and is allowed for a period of time
amounting to 120 hours or less. Anyone in this category wishing to enter the national territory by air,
sea, lake, rail or land is required to submit a declaration to the transportation carrier upon embarking,
pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of the Presidential Decree of 28 December 2000, No. 445, which
indicates in a clear and detailed way that the transport carrier or ship operator may verify the

a) the reasons for the individual's trip, as referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4 of Decree-Law No. 33
of 2020 and Article 6 of the current decree, and the duration of their stay in Italy;

b) the full address of the passenger's dwelling, residence or place of stay in Italy and the private or
own means of transportation they will use to reach this destination from their place of entry into Italy.
In the event that more than one dwelling or place of stay is to be reached, the complete address for
each of these destinations must be provided as well as an indication of the private or own means of
transportation used to travel to each destination;
c) telephone numbers, including a mobile one, must be provided at which the individual can receive
any communications during their stay in Italy.

2. As part of the declaration referred to in paragraph 1, the following further requirements must also
be undertaken by the individual:

a) at the end of their period of stay, as specified in accordance with paragraph 1, letter a, they must
immediately leave the national territory. If not, they must begin the 14-day health surveillance and
self-isolation period at the dwelling, residence or place of stay indicated in compliance with paragraph
1, letter b;

b) in the event they develop COVID-19 symptoms, the individual must communicate this promptly
to the Department of Prevention of the Local Health Authority, via the specified telephone numbers,
and undergo isolation if the Health Authorities subsequently determine this necessary.

3. Carriers and shipowners will obtain and verify the documentation referred to in paragraph 1 before
a passenger may board. They will also take the temperature of passengers and prohibit boarding to
anyone who has a fever or incomplete documentation. Carriers are also required to take organisational
measures in accordance with the indications set out in the “Shared regulatory protocol for limiting the
spread of COVID-19 infection in the transport and logistics sector” signed on 20 March 2020 (see
Annex 14), as well as the "Informational guidelines for users and organisational arrangements for
limiting the spread of COVID-19 infection" (see Annex 15). These measures should ensure an
interpersonal distance of at least one metre between passengers at all times during travel. They should
also specify the use of personal protection equipment by crew and passengers as well as indicate the
temporary or exceptional circumstance in which this protection may be removed. Air carriers shall
equip passengers with personal protective equipment upon embarking.

4. Anyone entering Italian territory under the modalities or for the reasons indicated in paragraph 1,
must immediately communicate their entrance to the Department of Prevention of the local health
authority at their point of entry, even if they are asymptomatic.

5. Exemption from the measures foreseen in Article 4 is provided for exclusively for the reasons
referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4 of Decree-Law No. 33 of 2020 and for a period of time amounting
to 120 hours or less. Anyone wishing to enter the national territory by private transport means is
required to immediately signal their entry into Italy to the Department of Prevention of the local health
authority at their place of entry. At the same time, they must make a declaration, pursuant to Articles
46 and 47 of the Presidential Decree of 28 December 2000, No. 445, which indicates in a clear and
detailed way that the responsible authorities may verify the following:

a) reasons for the individual's travel as referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4 of Decree-Law No. 33 of
2020 or Article 6 of the present decree, and their duration of stay in Italy;
b) the full address of their dwelling, residence or place of stay in Italy and the private means of
transport that they will use to reach this destination. In the case more than one dwelling or place of
stay is to be reached, the complete address of each of these destinations must be provided as well as
an indication of the private means used to travel to each destination;

c) telephone numbers, including a mobile one, must be provided at which the individual can receive
any communications during their stay in Italy.

6. Furthermore, the declaration referred to in paragraph 5 also entails the following obligations:

a) the individual must leave the national territory at the end of the indicated period of stay. If this
does not occur, the individual must start the 14-day period of health surveillance and self-isolation at
the dwelling, residence of place of stay communicated previously in their declaration;

b) in the event they develop COVID-19 symptoms, the individual must communicate this promptly
to the Department of Prevention of the Local Health Authority, via the specified telephone numbers,
and undergo isolation if the Health Authorities subsequently deem this necessary.

7. In the case of land travel, transit through Italian territory is allowed by private means (also to reach
another EU or non-EU state). However, the traveller is still required to immediately notify the
Department of Prevention of the local Health Authority at their point of entry. Furthermore, should
the individual develop COVID-19 symptoms, they must promptly communicate this to Health
Authorities using the special telephone numbers indicated. The maximum period of stay in Italian
territory is 36 hours. If this period of stay is exceeded, the communication, health surveillance and
self-isolation requirements will apply as provided for in Article 4, paragraphs 6 and 7.

8. If air transport is used, the requirements referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4, as well as those
provided for in Article 4, paragraphs 1 and 3, do not apply to in-transit passengers whose final
destination is another country (EU or non-EU). However, if these individuals develop COVID-19
symptoms, they must still promptly report this to the Department of Prevention of the Local Health
Authority using the specified telephone numbers. These individuals must also subsequently undergo
self-isolation if indicated by Health Authorities. In-transit passengers with a final destination in
another country (EU or non-EU) or in another location within the national territory, are in any case
required to do the following:

a) upon embarking, and to gain access to transportation services to Italy, they must submit the
declaration as indicated in Articles 46 and 47 of the Decree by the President of the Republic of 28
December 2000, No. 445. This declaration further indicates in a clear and detailed way that a transport
carrier or ship operator may verify the following:

1) reasons for travel and duration of stay in Italy;

2) the place in Italy or the other Country (EU or non-EU) of final destination, the passenger’s travel
document number and the means of transport to be used to reach their final destination;

3) a telephone number, including a mobile one, at which the passenger can be reached for any
communications during the stay in Italy.

b) not leave the specifically indicated in-transit areas within a terminal.

9. In the case of air transport, in-transit passengers with a final destination within the Italian territory,
upon arriving there, will undertake the communication to the Department of Prevention of the local
territorial health authority referred to in paragraph 4 or that indicated in Article 4, paragraph 3. In
complying with Article 4, paragraph 4, the final destination shall be considered as the arrival place of
the scheduled means of transport used to enter Italy.

10. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to:

a) transportation crews;

b) other transport sector workers;

c) citizens and residents entering Italy for proven work reasons from: the European Union; Schengen
Agreement countries; Andorra; the Principality of Monaco; the Republic of San Marino; the Vatican
City State; and the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland;

d) health personnel entering Italy to undertake work as professional medical workers. This includes
medical personnel temporarily working in Italy as referred to in Article 13 of the Decree-Law of 17
March 2020, No.18;

e) cross-border workers entering and leaving the national territory for proven work reasons or
returning to their residence, home or dwelling;

f) employees of businesses or entities with registered or secondary offices in Italy who travel abroad
for 120 hours or less for proven work reasons;

g) movements to and from the Republic of San Marino or the Vatican City State;

h) officials and agents, however called, of the European Union or of international organisations,
diplomatic agents, administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions, officials and consular

employees or military personnel on active duty;

i) students studying in a State other than that where their residence or dwelling is located and who
commute home daily or at least once a week.
11. Exceptions may be considered only to protect citizens abroad and to fulfil international and
European obligations. These include those resulting from the implementation of the (EU) Council
Directive 2015/637 of 20 April 2015, which repeals Decision 95/553/EC and involves coordinating
and cooperative measures for facilitating the consular protection of EU citizens who are not
represented in third-party countries. Further, with the decree by the Minister of Infrastructure and
Transport, based on the proposal by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and in
conjunction with the Minister of Health, specific and temporary exceptions to the provisions of this
Article may be foreseen.

Article 6

Further provisions on travel to and from abroad

1. The limitations laid down for specific regions of the national territory under Article 1, paragraph
3, of Decree-Law No. 33 of 2020 remain in place as well as those stipulated in paragraph 4 of the
same Article in relation to persons entering Italy from the indicated specific States and territories. In
addition, travel to and from the following States is not subject to any limitation:

a) Member States of the European Union;

b) Schengen Agreement countries;

c) the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland;

d) Andorra and the Principality of Monaco;

e) the Republic of San Marino and the Vatican City State.

2. Until 30 June 2020, travel to and from States and territories other than those referred to in paragraph
1 shall remain prohibited, except for proven work needs, an absolute emergency or health reasons. In
any case, returning to one's home, dwelling or residence is allowed.

3. Articles 4 and 5 shall apply only to natural persons entering Italy from foreign states or territories
other than those referred to in paragraph 1 or who have stayed in such areas within 14 days of entering

Article 11

Final provisions

1. The provisions of this Decree will be in force from 15 June 2020 and replace those of the Decree
by the President of the Council of Ministers of 17 May 2020 and will remain in force until 14 July

2. The varying duration of the individual measures provided for under the provisions of this Decree
and Article 1, letter e, remain in place.

3. The provisions of this current decree are applicable to the special status Regions and the autonomous
Provinces of Trento and Bolzano when in accordance with their respective statutes and related
implementation standards.

Rome, 11 June 2020



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