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Nama : Muhammad Akbar Maulana Sentosa

Npm : 2110010066

Kelas : 3D

To :

HRD Google Corporation

Dear Sir or Madam

I’am rally excited and motivated to apply for the UI/UX Designer Position you informed. It is an honour
to be part of Google Corporation’s employer.

Hi. My name is Muhammad Akbar Maulana Sentosa, 20 years old and have a girlfriend. An S1 degree
from Islamic university of Borneo al arsyad al banjari, majoring an programming. I’am fluent in english,
both written and spoken. I can speak in 3 language and have a good computer skill. My experiences
during in educational authorities in East Borneo for more than 2 years.

I enclose my CV, copy to my ijazah and transcript, copy of ktp and my CV below this page for your
consideration. I thank you for attention and consideration.

Best regard

Muhammad akbar maulana sentosa


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