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1. How do strategic marketing and tactical marketing compliment each

other in achieving company goals?

 Marketing is the action a company takes to place a product in

front of a potential customer. The goal of marketing is to convert

potential customers into actual, paying customers. Two important

marketing concepts are tactical and strategic marketing. Tactical

marketing is all about taking action, and strategic marketing is all

about the thought process behind the action. Balancing these two

strategies together makes for an effective marketing campaign and

also the company can easily achieves its goals. Planning

everything, making your idea more concrete and it doesn’t limit to

the present but it can foresee the future, which would be the right

strategic plan. You plan everything with a proper strategies and

techniques that would complement to your tactical marketing

wherein you can put the words and ideas into effective actions that

can make you achieve your goals in the company.

2. How are strategic marketing and tactical marketing different in terms of

achievement of objectives?

3. As a marketer, which of the following be given more emphasis, strategic

or tactics? Why?

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