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Canvas 85

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“The two people have completely different looks, personalities, and art styles. Do they have any

“Yes. There are many ways to understand an Artist, but the best way is to look at their life.”


Caroline Streak nodded.

“The Artist’s experience and mental state have an absolute impact on their work.”

“Can you give us an example of the Artist we know?”

“Vincent van Gogh, Gustav Klimt, and Edvard Munch are all good examples.”

“All right. So let’s talk about the two Artists, Henry Marceau and Ko Hun. Can we look at Henry Marceau

With host Woojin’s words, Henry Marceau’s profile was introduced.

Woojin read the script.

“Born in 1995. He’s 32 years old now. Born as an heir of the prestigious Marceau family in France, he
lost his parents as soon as he was born.”

“Yes, his grandfather Guillaume Marceau was alive when he was very young, but he too died when
Henry was 10 years old.”

Caroline Streak cleared her throat.

“Henry Marceau has shown extraordinary talent since he was young. When he went to Rhode Island
School, he had already gained global recognition.”

“Listening to it, I definitely saw something similar to Ko Hun. Ko Hun also had an unfortunate accident
last year and built a great reputation at an early age.”

“Yes. Both of them were from a rich environment, but they felt great sadness and loss at a young age. In
particular, Henry Marceau constantly searched for who he was.”

A self-portrait of Henry Marceau was projected on the screen.

“His work was only about finding his ego. Since he lost his parents so early, he had no chance to be
loved, no guide to what to do and how to live.”

“Didn’t he have his grandfather, Guillaume Marceau?”

“I heard that he became bedridden at the loss of his son and Henry was actually raised by a nanny.”

“Yes. And so it makes sense a little bit of Henry Marceau’s view. The process of painting a self-portrait
was for him to get to know himself.”
“That’s what I see. He really looks at himself in many different ways and reveals himself. I think his
narcissistic tendencies represent human aspirations rather than pure affection.”

“But there’s been a big change in the Whitney Biennale.”

“Yes, he drew something else that wasn’t him.”

When Woojin gestured, the screen shifted and illuminated Henry Marceau’s [Shadow].


Woojin admired.

“It’s an incredible masterpiece. How big is this?”

“It’s a 150F canvas. The long side is more than two meters.”

Caroline Streak shook her head.

“It is not easy to fill such a large canvas with only the eyes. It’s easy to see the flaws because you can
zoom in.”

“But, the perfectionist Henry Marceau didn’t tolerate that.”

“Yes. If it weren’t for that intense gaze, anguished eyebrows, and Ko Hun’s work, I’d wonder if it was
painted by a person.”
“I’ll tell you right away because of the story of Ko Hun’s work. And that’s the three pieces that we talked
about earlier, right?”

“Yes, [Sunflower], [Guest], [Frost wheat field].”

“It’s really unique. Henry Marceau even asked the Whitney Museum for an exhibition layout, while he
was working hard to buy Ko Hun’s work by himself. Why?”

“It’s a wild guess…”

Professor Caroline Streak cautiously said.

“There was no one equal to Henry Marceau. He had hundreds of millions of dollars in assets since he
was born, and his artistic talent, his tenacity, his effort, his age, had no rival.”

“Do you mean as a competitor?”

“Well, I think so.”

“Hmm. I have one question. Take for example Jang Mirae. Henry Marceau loved her works, but he never
showed such behavior towards her.”

“It’s too much to see the relationship between Henry Marceau and Ko Hun as just a mere competitor. I
think he’s projecting his childhood on Ko Hun.”

“Is it because the family environment is similar to that of his childhood?”


Caroline Streak mentioned an article at the time when Henry Marceau fought with Ko Hun because of
Marceau’s jewel.

Caroline Streack explained the relationship between Ko Hun and Henry Marceau, and while substituting
it with his latest work [Shadow]

Henry Marceau, who was watching ‘Let’s Talk’ at the villa of 220 Central Park South in New York, turned
off the tablet obnoxiously.

“Who dares judge who.”

Henri Marceau looked down on Caroline Streak, who only tried to explain him by background.

She did not mention the process of transferring the deep anguish and reflection he went through until
the completion of [Shadow] on a vast canvas.

Arrogant painter Henry Marceau did not acknowledge any connection between the exhibition visitor
and himself.

For him, the exhibition was a display of himself and a presence to entertain visitors.

He thought about how to express himself and move the audience’s heart at the same time.

Critics, docents, historians, etc. saw nothing but his fame and popularity.
Henry Marceau gritted his teeth and applied nail polish to Michelle Platini’s nails.

While applying glossy gray pink on the thumb, middle finger, and little finger.

The index finger was gradated in two colors.

The small cut sponge was slightly overlapped with pearl-colored manicure and gray-pink, similar to skin

Henry carefully tapped Michelle’s index fingernails with a sponge after removing the manicure from the

After removing the sponge mark by applying transparent pearls, the pure gold powder was sprayed on it
like a star, expressing it like the boundary between day and night.

Then, a remover was applied to the tissue to remove the nail polish.

Michelle smirked looking at Henry, who used her fingernails like canvas.

“She said it, too. There are many ways to understand the artist.”

“You don’t have to tell me.”

Henry Marceau trusted art lovers and fans indefinitely.

Because he expressed himself honestly.

He was confident that he didn’t need anything between those who cheered him and himself.


Michelle watched Henry rub her ring finger in dull gray-pink color.

Michelle felt that from some point Henry was definitely changing.

Henry Marceau denied it, but as Caroline Streak said, he changed slightly as he met Ko Hun.

“You’re jealous, right?”

Michelle said, recalling Henry, who has been upset ever since Ko Hun mentioned Ferdinando Gonzalez
as the most anticipated Artist in the interview.

Henry raised his head, frowning heavily.

“What are you talking about?”

“Hun. Why don’t you be honest? You like him, right? What’s wrong with being close?”

Henry Marceau snorted.

“Me liking that damn little punk?”

Henry’s lips twitched at Michelle’s prompt answer.

“Admitting is one thing and liking is another. I admit he’s a talented artist, but he’s not my cup of tea.


Michelle wanted to tease him by mentioning the 14 million dollars he spent for what’s not his cup of
tea, but she stopped because she liked the nail art he did.

“ By the way, when is Little Hun’s presentation?”

“Tomorrow at 2 o’clock.”

Henry Marceau opened his mouth as Michelle tried to look for it in the cell phone with her right hand.

Michelle stared at Henry.


“Look, you don’t like him, but you know his schedule very well. You don’t even know your schedule.”

“You’re being noisy.”

“You’re actually looking forward to it, aren’t you?”

“No expectations. What can he do in this short time?”

Henry Marceau lay on the bed with his hands behind his head.

“That’s true. The time was so short.”

“……….I won’t let him off the hook if he presents something boring.”

Henry Marceau admitted that Ko Hun didn’t have much time, but he couldn’t allow the artist he
recognized to present a poor work.

Rather he felt that it was better to pass the Whitney Biennale this year.

“ Don’t say it in front of Little Hun. Your nose will bleed again.”

Henry jumped to his feet as Michelle smiled and teased him.

The Whitney Museum was paralyzed by the attention of Ko Hun’s three works and Henry Marceau’s

Gainsborough Street, Washington Street, and Jane Street have reached a point where vehicles are not
moving, and the museum was crowded with reporters and visitors.

The number of visitors to the virtual art museum easily exceeded 1 million within 50 hours of its
In the beginning, the artist who drew the most attention was none other than Henry Marceau.

Critics, media, and fans continued to praise his technique and composition which was beyond
computers and machines.

The more that happened, the more the expectation for Ko Hun’s new work also soared.

With the help of the Whitney Museum, and the active request of CEO Bang Taeho of Ko Hun’s
Management firm Sunflower, a presentation for Ko Hun’s new work was planned.

Leading daily newspapers and broadcasters such as The New York Times, Post, and USA Today have
stepped up to cover the presentation of Ko Hun’s new work.


Kim Jiwoo, a reporter from Yehwa, a Korean art magazine, looked around and made a sound of disbelief.

It was a completely different scene from the Whitney Biennale, which he visited with the money he
saved for two years as a college student.

In 2020, Kim Jiwoo, who fell in love with art after seeing the Jean-Michel Basquiat exhibition along with
his friend, decided to take a job related to art two years later through the 2022 Whitney Biennale.

And six years have passed.

The 2028 Whitney Biennale, which he visited, was visited by unprecedented numbers of people.
“It was growing.”

He couldn’t help but admit that he had been a frog in a well.

He knew from his knowledge.

As new main characters who shouldered the new age of Art emerged such as Jang Mirae and Henry
Marceau emerged, the world art community was also starting to grow little by little.

Looking at the people filling the streets and the excitement in their faces reminded him of the time
when he saw Edward Hopper’s painting on a huge water curtain installed on the Hudson River.

His heart leaped.

As the forgotten feelings sprang up, Kim Jiwoo once again hoped that this day would come in Korea.

There’s an artist that so many people are looking for.

“Oh, can this fit?”

Kim Jiwoo turned his head in surprise.

It was because he didn’t know he would hear Korean in the middle of New York.

Lee Inho, a reporter from the ‘The Korean express’ was delighted as he recognized him.
“YEHWA, you’re reporter Kim Jiwoo, right?”

“Yes, reporter Lee Inho?”

“Hahaha! Nice to meet you. I came here somehow, but I never thought I would see someone from
Korea. Did you get a pass?”

Reporter Lee Inho asked, showing his journalist pass to the Whitney Biennale.

“Yes, Reporter must be here to cover Hun.”

“I’m not the only one. NBC and CBS all came.”

Kim Jiwoo looked around.

In the distance, there were several cameras with the logos of the three terrestrial broadcasters.

He knew that the Korean media was paying attention to Ko Hun, but Kim Jiwoo’s expression brightened
up, knowing that so many media companies had come.

Lee Inho found Kim Jiwoo’s expression strange.

It couldn’t be a good thing for Kim Jiwoo, who monopolized Ko Hun’s interview, now had more

“You look happy?”

“Of course. It means they’re interested in Hun.”

Lee Inho smiled and opened his mouth while looking at Kim Jiwoo, who was purely happy.

“There are a lot of people who worry about Hun. There was too little time to prepare.”

“That’s true. But he’ll never disappoint.”

Kim Jiwoo found another attention-grabbing artist, Ferdinando Gonzalez, and immediately moved his

“See you next time! Good luck!”

Lee Inho, who was watching Kim Jiwoo moving away, came to his senses and began to move his feet
into the presentation hall.

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Canvas 86

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At 1 p.m., an hour before the presentation ceremony, we arrived at the Whitney Museum.

John Carter provided the route in advance and fortunately we avoided the congestion.

All the other arrangements have been made and there is only one thing I have to do.

Uncle Bang went to greet people and grandpa was talking to his friends.

I had nothing to do, so I went to see [Shadow].

There were a lot of people who recognized me, but they didn’t rush in like outside because they were in
the exhibition room.

Anyway, I think there are more people who came to see [Shadow] than yesterday.

“I can’t see it.”

Sihyeon inflated his cheeks.

He jumped because he wanted to see it somehow, but it was useless.

I want to feel the wonder again, but I wonder if I can see it properly before I leave here.
“Let’s go see something else.”


While walking around the exhibition room with Sihyeon, I suddenly noticed Ferdinando Gonzalez’s work.

Unlike other works that are hard to see, the two wall clocks were considered objects that had been here
since the beginning.

‘What the hell does this mean?’

Yesterday, I didn’t think enough because I was busy, but now that I think about it I don’t know if it can
be called art just by placing ready-made products.

I don’t understand what that action means, and I don’t understand his thinking of showing factory-
produced goods as his work.

By the way, I wonder what the two wall clocks that move together mean.


Unlike yesterday, when it moved perfectly together, now the left clock is slightly late.

The difference is less than a second at most, but the difference is clear.

And there is a subtitle that didn’t exist yesterday.

[Perfect lovers]

I don’t understand the act of having no title and only a subtitle, but these two clocks seem to symbolize

Does he want to talk about a lover who spends time together?

Curiously, there was no docent to explain this work.

Sihyeon, who was thinking with me, got bored and headed to another work.

‘I don’t think I can deduce anything out of this work anymore.’

As I was about to step aside.

A man came near and stood in front of two untitled wall clocks.

He was so tall that my neck hurts when I look up at him.

‘ It’s Ferdinando Gonzalez?’

Ferdinando Gonzalez, who was introduced by the NewTube channel Alex Factory.

He was wearing a white mask and his hands were deeply inserted into his pocket.
He turned his head and grinned.

He crouched down to meet my eye level.

The large thick nose, deep eyes, and strong muscles surrounding a large skeleton showed off his


I nodded my head.

I tried to shake hands with pleasure, but he didn’t take his hand out of his pocket.

He seems to be a person who cares a lot about hygiene.

“Nice to meet you. It’s Ko Hun, right?”

I can’t exactly see his expression because he was wearing a mask, but his eyes indicated that he was
definitely smiling.

“Nice to meet you, too.”

“It was very cool.”


I asked him if he had seen my painting at the Whitney Museum, but he answered with a serious voice.
“Damn. I never thought I’d see Marceau bleeding. It was a very strong image.”

He laughed looking at me.

He’s really a unique guy.

The slight difference between the two clocks bothered me, so I turned my head towards the work.

“Does it bother you?”

Ferdinando Gonzalez asked me while looking at the clocks along with me.

“I think there’s a slight difference in seconds. Is it intentional?”

Ferdinand Gonzalez nodded his head to my question.

I thought his intention was to point at the same time perfectly, but if even the difference between clocks
is a concept, what does the subtitle [Perfect Lovers] mean?

Does he want to talk about a relationship that he wants to be with but can’t help but go against?

I still don’t understand why he chose this method.

“Hun, look here.”

Ferdinando Gonzalez stood up as I turned to Sihyeon’s voice.

“Your friend must be looking for you. I’ll look forward to the presentation.”

“Thank you.”

At 1:50 p.m., the third floor of the Whitney Museum of Art was packed with leading figures, media, and

This was because Ko Hun’s work to be exhibited at the biennale will be released.

With the consideration of the Whitney Museum, the scene was being broadcast live through the
Whitney Museum’s virtual exhibition hall and the NewTube channel.

Reporter Kim Jiwoo, who missed an interview with Ferdinando Gonzalez, managed to get the front seat
after a fierce competition.

‘It’s gonna be okay this time, too, right.’

Kim Jiwoo clenched his fist.

Ko Hun’s latest work was as much of a concern as it was highly anticipated.

Ko Hun, who held his first individual exhibition earlier this year, lacked time, and questions were
constantly raised about whether he should have avoided participating in the Biennale this year.
It was an undeniable opinion not only among those who blindly criticized Ko Hun but also from those
who sincerely cared for him.

The same was true for Henry Marceau, who sat with his legs crossed in the front row.

He glared at Ko Hun’s work, which was covered with a cloth on the pedestal, and said,

“Don’t let me down, brat.”

Henry Marceau didn’t want the young artist he recognized to disappoint him.

It was unacceptable.

At 2 o’clock sharp, Michael Ping grabbed the microphone.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Michael Ping, curator of the Whitney Biennale.”

The visitors welcomed him with applause.

Here we go. I hope it’s revealed soon.

What’s the number of viewers?

It’s 370,000.
I can’t understand it because it’s all in English.

It doesn’t matter. We’re all here just to look at the painting.

I hope it’s revealed soon.

Ko Hun is coming out.

Michael Ping introduced Ko Hun.

“I’m going to show you the work of the most anticipated painter of the year, Ko Hun.”

Michael Ping turned his head and signaled toward Ko Hun.

Ko Hun, who was waiting, turned his head and looked up at the stage.

A place where the whole world was watching.

There was no guarantee that the new work would be loved just because the previous works were loved
so far.

Understandably, he was nervous.

Ko Hun only smiled with a flushed face.

Ko Sooyeol nodded in support of his grandson’s new challenge and pushed him on his back.
Ko Hun stepped forward bravely.

There was a flood of camera flashes.

“Hello, I’m Ko Hun. Thank you for coming.”

Some reporters asked urgently as soon as Ko Hun finished his greeting.

“What do you think of the concern about running out of time!”

“How long did it take to make the painting?”

“What do you think about the [Shadow] of Henry Marceau?”

Ko Hun spoke before Michael Ping and the Whitney Museum staff stopped them.

“I’ll answer after I show you the painting. I’ve been holding it in for too long.”

Visitors and viewers who were tired of the long wait responded gladly.

Ko Hun grabbed the cloth, took a breath, and removed the cloth vigorously.

The painting of a strong-faced child appeared.

Anxiety felt from determined eyes and slightly frowned eyebrows.

A heavy stroke of brushwork, use of vivid complementary colors.

It was reminiscent of the paintings of Vincent van Gogh.


The tension in the hall cooled down.

Obviously, it was an incredible painting that looked like Vincent van Gogh painted himself.

It was a good work with a unique texture created by melting oil pastels and painting them like paint.

Whether in a good or bad sense, Ko Hun, who was always associated with Van Gogh, drew it himself, so
neither reporters nor visitors nor art workers didn’t know how to react.

“Van Gogh?”

“Can he do that?”

The venue began to stir, and dark clouds hung over the faces of Michael Ping, John Carter, and Whitney
Museum officials.

Henry Marceau’s face was twisted.

His lips twitched and a fit of unbearable anger flowed out.

“What the f*ck is this?”

Henry Marceau also saw a side of Vincent van Gogh in Ko Hun.

Nevertheless, the reason why he loved his paintings was that, unlike the composition that left an
oriental margin that was not easily seen, the way in which the brush was used larger and more freely,
and the use of brilliant color expression and complementary colors.

Ko Hun’s painting, completed in this way, was so intense that he could feel it without trying to
understand the work.

Just like the masters of the 19th century.

However, this was just a hoax.

The moment Henry Marceau couldn’t resist the anger, he kicked the chair and stood up with his eyes

It’s a method that I found through many failures, but I don’t know if it’s really okay.

Will my voice be delivered to them?

Is it possible to approach it as Ko Hun, not Vincent anymore?

I thought and thought about what was the most efficient way to express those thoughts.

I tried to peel off the paint and make a new painting appear underneath it, but it was impossible, and I
just didn’t want to express it pictorially.

A more dramatic effect was needed to peel off the image created in the past.

So, I chose the best I can do now.

I took out the knife I had put in my pocket.


Someone’s exclaimed voice came from the audience.

This is an expression of will.

I shouldn’t hesitate.

I held the knife and cut the upper part of the painting.


I threw away the knife and held the paper that was cut open.
It can’t be torn easily with the canvas that I usually use, but this thick drawing paper ripped when I put
strength on it.

Through the space where the old self-portrait was peeled off like a rag, the second painting that was
hidden under the self-portrait – a sunflower, appeared.

As I turned around choosing rough breathing, people with wide eyes and mouths wide open came into

Henry Marceau, who was standing at the forefront, had an expression that he had never been shown

Perhaps he was surprised, he just stood up and stared at [Mask].

John Carter, Michael Ping, and Ferdinando Gonzalez, who was sitting on the left side of the stage,
opened their mouths in unison…


The entire hall got filled with the sound of claps.

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Canvas 87

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Henry Marceau was unable to do anything from the moment Ko Hun took out the knife and he tore off
the self-portrait imitating Van Gogh exposing the sunflower.

He was stunned as the scene unfolded in front of his eyes.

The tear of the drawing paper rang was like a sharp violin.

The cutting edge of the string cut his mind.

The sunflower that appeared from behind the drawing paper was dazzling as if it had swallowed the sun.

It reminded him of the day he first met Ko Hun and his [Sunflower].

Henry Marceau shifted his attention to the title [Mask].

Ko Hun was clearly speaking through his painting.

‘Don’t think of me as a young Van Gogh anymore.’

It was as if he was shouting that his sunflower was the most brilliant one.

The clear voice touched Henry Marceau’s heart.


On the other hand, for Cha Sihyeon, who had lived as a good son and a model student, Ko Hun’s deviant
behavior was a big shock.

The cover picture of the [Mask] looked like a very good picture for the boy.

He couldn’t understand the meaning cutting and tearing it with a knife, but the boy’s heart was filled
with unknown joy.


The golden sunflower shone in a color that Cha Sihyeon had never seen before.

His heart fluttered.

Emotions that he had never experienced before started filling his heart.

That smile of the friend standing in the midst of the pouring applause looked so cool in his eyes.

“Young master, Hun is amazing, right!?”

“That’s right. My Best friend is the best.”

Cha Sihyeon stamped his feet and boasted his words to Secretary Jeong Jinho, who didn’t know how to
express the joy, and it was the same for everyone who saw the astonishing sight.
It’s torn.

It’s amazing.

It’s amazing.

I’m sure it’s a real performance.

I didn’t even think about it.

I can definitely tell what Ko Hun is thinking right now.

It means he doesn’t want his works to be looked upon as the work of the grandchild of great artists, or
son of great Art studio owners, or as little Van Gogh. He wants his paintings to be looked at as Ko Hun’s

I guess it was kind of stressful.

I feel more positive than that negative image, the willingness to overcome it?

Hun seems to be different from the most modern artists who are hung up on the tags that stick with

The composition of Ko Hun, who ripped the mask that was cast on him, and Henry Marceau, who
admitted to the mask and tried to reconcile, would be the highlights of this year’s Biennale.
I know. How did the two submit the same topic? Did they talk with each other before?

People watching the live broadcast were amused by the boy’s actions.

Even those who were not particularly interested in art and were just curious about what kind of work a
young genius would be presenting, could also clearly understand what Ko Hun was trying to say with his

Michael Ping, one of the curators who organized the Whitney Biennale, was dumbstruck by the intense

‘I didn’t expect this.’

He thought Ko Sooyeol and Bang Taeho were out of their minds a while ago.

The presentation ceremony was carried out only because of the works that Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun have
shown so far.

The performance itself was not new to the Art world.

Some Artists have cut the canvas, and some artists have even shredded the auctioned works.

But [Mask] was completely different from them.

It was meant to break the image given and proudly show what his Art is.

The torn outer cover also served as a work.

‘How did he come up with this idea?’

Michael Ping realized for a moment that his question was foolish.

It couldn’t have been possible if it was to find something different from others.

After tearing up his self-portrait, Ko Hun showed a work reminiscent of his first work, [Sunflower].

He appealed for his work to be seen, not his appearance.

The honest act must have been the driving force behind the completion of the noblest work.

Michael Ping shook his head and sighed.

“It was an amazing piece of work. I will take questions from the reporter who has been staring at me for
a while.”

Kim Jiwoo’s face bloomed like the sunflower in [Mask] as soon as pointed out by Curator Michael Ping.

“I’m Kim Jiwoo from Yehwa, I’m Korean.”

There was pride on his face when he called himself Korean.

“I was impressed by the last exhibition that marked the beginning of the painter Ko Hun. But I think,
today, you’ve announced what kind of art the painter Ko Hun will pursue. What is the goal of the painter
Ko Hun?”
Ko Hun grabbed the mic and gave Henry Marceau a look.

Then, he looked at Kim Jiwoo again and answered.

“I still have so much to learn.”

The boy’s voice was calm.

“I haven’t looked around, but the Whitney Biennale is full of amazing pieces of art. I wonder, how did
they come up with such an idea, and how hard it must have been to express it. Particularly [Shadow] of
Henry Marceau was really impressive. It was really wonderful.”

The audience made a small commotion.

Michelle Platini had to struggle to hold back her laughter because Henry, who was staring at Ko Hun,
turned his head.

“Today, I told the world what art I would do, but I don’t know what I’m going to draw. I’m inspired by so
many people.”

Reporters showed interest in Ko Hun’s words.

They prepared to write down the name of the artist which he would mention as the Artist that
influenced him.

“There are so many artists that influence me, including grandpa, Aunt Mirae, Henry Marceau, and the
person who paints with pancakes.”

Ko Hun ignored someone’s question and took a breath.

“Maybe it’s the same with all the works on display at the Whitney Biennale. No one can definitely
answer what kind of art they’ll be doing in the future.”

The boy answered after looking at each person in the audience.

“I want to draw pictures that can talk to people living in this era.”

Ko Hun’s words meant Contemporary Art, not Modern Art.

It was a word that encompasses the modern art world, where forms, hierarchies, and mainstream ideas
no longer exist.

Every painter regarded himself as a contemporary artist.

Ko Hun only added a word to it that he wanted to speak with pictures.

Kim Jiwoo, who lamented that the current art world was buried under the compulsion for the Artist to
create a work that is not done by others, ‘a special work’, and a work that draws attention, had lost the
power to communicate and ended up creating works that even critics and docents could not

Many prominent Artists applauded Ko Hun’s answer.

Ko Hun bowed and ended the presentation.

[ Words of Young genius Artist “I couldn’t be happier because the repeated failures and worries until the
[Mask] was completed were not in vain.”]

[Shocking Cutting Ceremony at the Whitney Museum]

[The Mask Ripped and Completed]

[700,000 viewers at the ceremony]

[Ferrinando Gonzalez, “It’s a wonderful work. It also has a perfection that doesn’t end with a

[Young genius who raised alarm over contemporary art]

April 23

Ko Hun unveiled his new work on the third floor of the Whitney Museum of Art in New York, where the
Whitney Biennale is taking place.

Titled [Mask], this unique painting was published by overlapping a paper on canvas.

The moment a 10-year-old boy pulled off the cloth, people at the ceremony were left baffled.

This is because it revealed a self-portrait that could be called the painter Vincent van Gogh’s painting.
The delicate and intense impasto technique, the use of complementary colors, and the clear image were
enough to feel Ko Hun’s respect for Vincent van Gogh.

If he were an art restorer, he would have been commissioned by numerous collectors and art galleries
to restore Van Gogh’s work, but it was not a painting that a single artist could submit to the Whitney

The technique that perfectly reproduced the painting style of a master in the past was excellent, but no
personality could be found there.

The people who watched the presentation ceremony with anticipation could not hide their
disappointment, and the boy, no, painter Ko Hun, held a knife as if to show his will.

Ko Hun, who cut the self-portrait with a knife, finally showed his original work by tearing apart the
drawing paper with both hands.

Ko Hun’s second sunflower, which was painted with melted oil pastels, shone brighter than his first

Only the shape was a sunflower, and I couldn’t help but admire the brilliant yellow color reminiscent of
the sun.

Asked what his goal as an artist was, Ko Hun replied that he wanted to talk with people living in this era
through his paintings.

For him, who was inspired by the person who made pancakes, it seems that this era itself is an artistic
object to communicate with.

Art historian Caroline Streak commented that Ko Hun sharply criticized the tendency of some artists to
pursue only unique, different, and unusual works.
Caroline Streak explained, ” With this work Artist Ko Hun is saying that he won’t comply with the mask
that has been cast on him, but he will stick to his own way in line with the times.”

This is another self-realization similar to Henry Marceau’s work which recognizes the social and personal
gap through the shadows and sublimates it into the realm of individualization.

Both Artists who gave different answers showed the ability to recognize and accept others, and
Professor Caroline Streak claims that this is truly the contemporary art that is supported by academia.

Art critic Pierre Curtion, meanwhile, praised by quoting philosopher Jill Deleuze “all painters summarize
the history of painting in their own way,” saying that Henry Marceau and Ko Hun are representative of
the contemporary and a connection to the disconnected history of painting.

Lim Speranza (The Times)

Jang Mirae drank coffee while reading an article in the Times.

She was pleased to watch Ko Hun clarify himself.

It was only last year when she was anxious about whether Ko Hun could overcome the rough Art world
or endure it, but now he was evaluated like Henry Marceau.


Jang Mirae praised Ko Hun rather than giving a critical evaluation.

One would have been on a high horse if they sold a piece for $14 million, but Ko Hun never forgot his
relationship with the public and contemporary artists.

“It’s time to get over it.”

Jang Mirae felt it was time for the art world to get out of the wounds of self-examination and self-

In the early 20th century, during the two world wars, artists realized the helplessness of their beloved

In the face of the madness and violence of war, music, art, and literature were simply used as a means
of propaganda.

The artists were in despair.

As industrialization began, they, who were subordinated to power, gradually became independent of
the aristocracy and were able to perform art in the form they wanted completely for the masses.

But there was nothing they could do in the face of great violence.

Artists at the time, who considered the history of painting meaningless from the time when mankind
first left murals, destroyed all previous forms.

Instead of destroying the form and creating new things, only the act of destruction remained before

That self-criticism was postmodernism.

It was anti-rationalism.

History has been cut off, and only an unknown scream has eroded the 20th century.

Destroyed form, so there was no medium.

The artists didn’t want to be understood by themselves, and that’s how art drifted away from the public.

Postmodernism, which had completely isolated itself historically and socially, still had an impact
throughout the art world.

Jang Mirae as an artist thought that the Art world should get out of that trauma now.

Although it has escaped from the elite-centered art of modernism, it has been judged that another
change is needed in postmodernism, which is completely excluded from the public and history.

Even if it seemed meaningless in the face of physical power, she believed that it functions by comforting,
enjoying, and empathizing with people.

She tried to approach the essence of art, which is a means of communication to express herself and
understand others.

For her, the old motto was the only reliable comrade.

‘I should have gone with them’

Jang Mirae folded her smartphone and stretched.

She put down the still-steaming coffee and stood in front of the canvas that she was working on.


Lucio Fontana (1899 – 1968). An Argentine artist who achieved spatialism by tearing or punching canvas
and dealing with elements of painting and ridicule together.

2018 London Sotheby’s auction of contemporary art. The moment the faceless painter Banksy’s [Balloon
and Girl] was sold, the framed work was shredded by the shredder installed inside the canvas. Later,
when it was revealed that it was intended by Artist Banksy, Sotheby’s senior director Alex Brankchik left
a message shortly after the incident, saying, “We were banked.”

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Chapter 87

Chapter 87

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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 87

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Henry Marceau was unable to do anything from the moment Ko Hun took out the knife and he tore off
the self-portrait imitating Van Gogh exposing the sunflower.

He was stunned as the scene unfolded in front of his eyes.

The tear of the drawing paper rang was like a sharp violin.

The cutting edge of the string cut his mind.

The sunflower that appeared from behind the drawing paper was dazzling as if it had swallowed the sun.

It reminded him of the day he first met Ko Hun and his [Sunflower].

Henry Marceau shifted his attention to the title [Mask].

Ko Hun was clearly speaking through his painting.

‘Don’t think of me as a young Van Gogh anymore.’

It was as if he was shouting that his sunflower was the most brilliant one.

The clear voice touched Henry Marceau’s heart.


On the other hand, for Cha Sihyeon, who had lived as a good son and a model student, Ko Hun’s deviant
behavior was a big shock.

The cover picture of the [Mask] looked like a very good picture for the boy.

He couldn’t understand the meaning cutting and tearing it with a knife, but the boy’s heart was filled
with unknown joy.

The golden sunflower shone in a color that Cha Sihyeon had never seen before.

His heart fluttered.

Emotions that he had never experienced before started filling his heart.

That smile of the friend standing in the midst of the pouring applause looked so cool in his eyes.

“Young master, Hun is amazing, right!?”

“That’s right. My Best friend is the best.”

Cha Sihyeon stamped his feet and boasted his words to Secretary Jeong Jinho, who didn’t know how to
express the joy, and it was the same for everyone who saw the astonishing sight.

It’s torn.

It’s amazing.

It’s amazing.

I’m sure it’s a real performance.

I didn’t even think about it.

I can definitely tell what Ko Hun is thinking right now.

It means he doesn’t want his works to be looked upon as the work of the grandchild of great artists, or
son of great Art studio owners, or as little Van Gogh. He wants his paintings to be looked at as Ko Hun’s

I guess it was kind of stressful.

I feel more positive than that negative image, the willingness to overcome it?

Hun seems to be different from the most modern artists who are hung up on the tags that stick with

The composition of Ko Hun, who ripped the mask that was cast on him, and Henry Marceau, who
admitted to the mask and tried to reconcile, would be the highlights of this year’s Biennale.

I know. How did the two submit the same topic? Did they talk with each other before?

People watching the live broadcast were amused by the boy’s actions.

Even those who were not particularly interested in art and were just curious about what kind of work a
young genius would be presenting, could also clearly understand what Ko Hun was trying to say with his

Michael Ping, one of the curators who organized the Whitney Biennale, was dumbstruck by the intense

‘I didn’t expect this.’

He thought Ko Sooyeol and Bang Taeho were out of their minds a while ago.

The presentation ceremony was carried out only because of the works that Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun have
shown so far.

The performance itself was not new to the Art world.

Some Artists have cut the canvas, and some artists have even shredded the auctioned works.

But [Mask] was completely different from them.

It was meant to break the image given and proudly show what his Art is.

The torn outer cover also served as a work.

‘How did he come up with this idea?’

Michael Ping realized for a moment that his question was foolish.

It couldn’t have been possible if it was to find something different from others.

After tearing up his self-portrait, Ko Hun showed a work reminiscent of his first work, [Sunflower].

He appealed for his work to be seen, not his appearance.

The honest act must have been the driving force behind the completion of the noblest work.
Michael Ping shook his head and sighed.

“It was an amazing piece of work. I will take questions from the reporter who has been staring at me for
a while.”

Kim Jiwoo’s face bloomed like the sunflower in [Mask] as soon as pointed out by Curator Michael Ping.

“I’m Kim Jiwoo from Yehwa, I’m Korean.”

There was pride on his face when he called himself Korean.

“I was impressed by the last exhibition that marked the beginning of the painter Ko Hun. But I think,
today, you’ve announced what kind of art the painter Ko Hun will pursue. What is the goal of the painter
Ko Hun?”

Ko Hun grabbed the mic and gave Henry Marceau a look.

Then, he looked at Kim Jiwoo again and answered.

“I still have so much to learn.”

The boy’s voice was calm.

“I haven’t looked around, but the Whitney Biennale is full of amazing pieces of art. I wonder, how did
they come up with such an idea, and how hard it must have been to express it. Particularly [Shadow] of
Henry Marceau was really impressive. It was really wonderful.”
The audience made a small commotion.

Michelle Platini had to struggle to hold back her laughter because Henry, who was staring at Ko Hun,
turned his head.

“Today, I told the world what art I would do, but I don’t know what I’m going to draw. I’m inspired by so
many people.”

Reporters showed interest in Ko Hun’s words.

They prepared to write down the name of the artist which he would mention as the Artist that
influenced him.

“There are so many artists that influence me, including grandpa, Aunt Mirae, Henry Marceau, and the
person who paints with pancakes.”


Ko Hun ignored someone’s question and took a breath.

“Maybe it’s the same with all the works on display at the Whitney Biennale. No one can definitely
answer what kind of art they’ll be doing in the future.”

The boy answered after looking at each person in the audience.

“I want to draw pictures that can talk to people living in this era.”
Ko Hun’s words meant Contemporary Art, not Modern Art.

It was a word that encompasses the modern art world, where forms, hierarchies, and mainstream ideas
no longer exist.

Every painter regarded himself as a contemporary artist.

Ko Hun only added a word to it that he wanted to speak with pictures.

Kim Jiwoo, who lamented that the current art world was buried under the compulsion for the Artist to
create a work that is not done by others, ‘a special work’, and a work that draws attention, had lost the
power to communicate and ended up creating works that even critics and docents could not

Many prominent Artists applauded Ko Hun’s answer.

Ko Hun bowed and ended the presentation.

[ Words of Young genius Artist “I couldn’t be happier because the repeated failures and worries until the
[Mask] was completed were not in vain.”]

[Shocking Cutting Ceremony at the Whitney Museum]

[The Mask Ripped and Completed]

[700,000 viewers at the ceremony]

[Ferrinando Gonzalez, “It’s a wonderful work. It also has a perfection that doesn’t end with a

[Young genius who raised alarm over contemporary art]

April 23

Ko Hun unveiled his new work on the third floor of the Whitney Museum of Art in New York, where the
Whitney Biennale is taking place.

Titled [Mask], this unique painting was published by overlapping a paper on canvas.

The moment a 10-year-old boy pulled off the cloth, people at the ceremony were left baffled.

This is because it revealed a self-portrait that could be called the painter Vincent van Gogh’s painting.

The delicate and intense impasto technique, the use of complementary colors, and the clear image were
enough to feel Ko Hun’s respect for Vincent van Gogh.

If he were an art restorer, he would have been commissioned by numerous collectors and art galleries
to restore Van Gogh’s work, but it was not a painting that a single artist could submit to the Whitney

The technique that perfectly reproduced the painting style of a master in the past was excellent, but no
personality could be found there.
The people who watched the presentation ceremony with anticipation could not hide their
disappointment, and the boy, no, painter Ko Hun, held a knife as if to show his will.

Ko Hun, who cut the self-portrait with a knife, finally showed his original work by tearing apart the
drawing paper with both hands.

Ko Hun’s second sunflower, which was painted with melted oil pastels, shone brighter than his first

Only the shape was a sunflower, and I couldn’t help but admire the brilliant yellow color reminiscent of
the sun.

Asked what his goal as an artist was, Ko Hun replied that he wanted to talk with people living in this era
through his paintings.

For him, who was inspired by the person who made pancakes, it seems that this era itself is an artistic
object to communicate with.

Art historian Caroline Streak commented that Ko Hun sharply criticized the tendency of some artists to
pursue only unique, different, and unusual works.

Caroline Streak explained, ” With this work Artist Ko Hun is saying that he won’t comply with the mask
that has been cast on him, but he will stick to his own way in line with the times.”

This is another self-realization similar to Henry Marceau’s work which recognizes the social and personal
gap through the shadows and sublimates it into the realm of individualization.

Both Artists who gave different answers showed the ability to recognize and accept others, and
Professor Caroline Streak claims that this is truly the contemporary art that is supported by academia.
Art critic Pierre Curtion, meanwhile, praised by quoting philosopher Jill Deleuze “all painters summarize
the history of painting in their own way,” saying that Henry Marceau and Ko Hun are representative of
the contemporary and a connection to the disconnected history of painting.

Lim Speranza (The Times)

Jang Mirae drank coffee while reading an article in the Times.

She was pleased to watch Ko Hun clarify himself.

It was only last year when she was anxious about whether Ko Hun could overcome the rough Art world
or endure it, but now he was evaluated like Henry Marceau.


Jang Mirae praised Ko Hun rather than giving a critical evaluation.

One would have been on a high horse if they sold a piece for $14 million, but Ko Hun never forgot his
relationship with the public and contemporary artists.

“It’s time to get over it.”

Jang Mirae felt it was time for the art world to get out of the wounds of self-examination and self-

In the early 20th century, during the two world wars, artists realized the helplessness of their beloved
In the face of the madness and violence of war, music, art, and literature were simply used as a means
of propaganda.

The artists were in despair.

As industrialization began, they, who were subordinated to power, gradually became independent of
the aristocracy and were able to perform art in the form they wanted completely for the masses.

But there was nothing they could do in the face of great violence.

Artists at the time, who considered the history of painting meaningless from the time when mankind
first left murals, destroyed all previous forms.

Instead of destroying the form and creating new things, only the act of destruction remained before

That self-criticism was postmodernism.

It was anti-rationalism.

History has been cut off, and only an unknown scream has eroded the 20th century.

Destroyed form, so there was no medium.

The artists didn’t want to be understood by themselves, and that’s how art drifted away from the public.
Postmodernism, which had completely isolated itself historically and socially, still had an impact
throughout the art world.

Jang Mirae as an artist thought that the Art world should get out of that trauma now.

Although it has escaped from the elite-centered art of modernism, it has been judged that another
change is needed in postmodernism, which is completely excluded from the public and history.

Even if it seemed meaningless in the face of physical power, she believed that it functions by comforting,
enjoying, and empathizing with people.

She tried to approach the essence of art, which is a means of communication to express herself and
understand others.

For her, the old motto was the only reliable comrade.

‘I should have gone with them’

Jang Mirae folded her smartphone and stretched.

She put down the still-steaming coffee and stood in front of the canvas that she was working on.


Lucio Fontana (1899 – 1968). An Argentine artist who achieved spatialism by tearing or punching canvas
and dealing with elements of painting and ridicule together.

2018 London Sotheby’s auction of contemporary art. The moment the faceless painter Banksy’s [Balloon
and Girl] was sold, the framed work was shredded by the shredder installed inside the canvas. Later,
when it was revealed that it was intended by Artist Banksy, Sotheby’s senior director Alex Brankchik left
a message shortly after the incident, saying, “We were banked.”

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Chapter 88

Chapter 88

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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 88

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“Fan signing event?”

[Mask] was released and the jet lag was adjusted, so I was going to take it easy today.
But suddenly John Carter suggested a strange job.

He asked me to sign for the spectators.

“Yes, I’m sorry to tell you all of a sudden.”

According to the explanation, the visitors made a request to the Whitney Museum of Art.

“The original agreement was to gather visitors and hold public interview, but why don’t we change the
contents of the event for fans who want a closer experience?”

“What exactly do I need to do?”

“It’s a greeting and signing event with the fans. It will be a good experience for Mr. Ko because there are
few opportunities to say hello in person to the fans.”

As John Carter said, it will be a good experience because there are not many opportunities to greet them

What I’m curious about is why I have to sign.

“But why’s the signature?”

“It’s like a commemoration of the meeting.”

“Do I have to just write my name?”

I wondered if my sign would be useful for them. I can understand if it’s a painting.

“Yes. Oh, it’s good to write down simple phrases as a fan service.”

Uncle Bang showed the signatures of other famous personalities.

I saw a lot of clichés such as

‘Be happy with someone.’

It bothers me that I only have to do this much for those who came to see my painting, but I don’t think
it’s bad to thank them.

When I turned my head, grandpa nodded his head.

“I’ll give it a try.”

John Carter was delighted by my words.

“Is the schedule for the day after tomorrow okay?”

“Yes, it’s okay, right Uncle Bang?”

“Yes it’s fine, Mr. Carter, is the time the same as before?”

Originally, the scheduled time for the public interview was one hour.

“That’s right. However, since the number that can be invited for a one-hour program is small, I would
like to ask for a little more.”

Uncle Bang frowned and turned his head towards me.

“Hun, do you think 90 minutes will be okay?”

“Yes, Uncle.”

I’m not doing it all day, so I can gladly give 90 minutes to those who like my paintings.

“Let’s make it 90 minutes.”

“Thank you. Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. By the way, Henry Marceau has also accepted the signing
event. You two will be together.”

And here I go….Once again getting involved with him.

“Is it just me and Marceau?”

“No, it’s not. Starting with you two, we’re going to invite two people every day. Since his work was
similar to yours, we thought it would be better to have a joint event.”

“If you feel burdened to do it together, it’s okay to change it.”

Uncle Bang stepped up.

“No, it’s fine.”

There’s no reason to avoid him since he also seems to have changed.

I also want to ask him something about [Shadow].

“Is there a Ferdinando Gonzalez signing event?”

“Of course, we asked, but he refused because of his health.”

“Gonzalez? Is he ill?”

Grandpa asked anxiously.

I think he was anxious because he seems to be his good friend.

He was wearing a mask yesterday and I think he might have caught a cold.

“I don’t know for sure, Sir. Ko Sooyeol.”

“Hmm, there is no way that friend would refuse to do such an event.”

Grandpa took out his smartphone.

It seems like he is sending a message to Ferdinando Gonzalez.

John Carter continued to talk about the signing event.

“We’re going to control the number of people. If you sign about 100 people, it will be less burdensome.”

If I meet 100 people in only 90 minutes, I will be able to greet each person for about a minute. I wonder
if I can properly say hello.

I want them to leave with a good memory.

I’m worried about what I can do in a short time.

“Well, I look forward to your kind cooperation.”

I asked grandpa after breaking up with John Carter.

He put his smartphone in his pocket as if he had just sent a message.

“What did Grandpa do at the signing event?”

“I greet them and give them a signature.”

“Do they really like it?”

“I don’t know what they thought on the inside, but they looked happy.”

Grandpa seems to have read my mind.

“Why? Is it weird for you?”

“They came to see me. It’s just that I don’t like to just write down my name and send them.”

Grandpa thought for a while by sweeping his chin and then said.

“Then why don’t you pack some snacks as you did in the last individual exhibition?”

That’s a good idea.

Uncle Bang smiled and nodded his head.

“We’ll have to hurry if it’s for 100 people. I’ll get it ready.”

“Thank you, Uncle Bang.”

Thanks to Uncle Bang, I saved time to watch the Biennale.


Uncle Bang asked with a puzzled expression.

“Can’t you draw something simple? Like at the immigration.”

“Uh… It’s not impossible, but it’s hard.”


“For fans, there’s no better gift than that, but there are 100 people. How can I draw 100 pictures in 90

“Then, what about something simple.”

If I draw a sunflower that projects my image in a simple form, one minute would be enough.

As I told my idea to Uncle Bang, grandpa asked with a worried expression.

“The idea itself is good, but won’t the rest of the people be disappointed if you get tired and can’t draw
it later?”

Grandpa is right.

“Then I’ll practice and decide.”

Uncle Bang prepared a set of elegantly wrapped chocolates.

They said only 100 people would come, but he prepared a few more and gave me a box to try.

Noir Lindt is written in gold letters on a white background.

The old man in the picture is probably the person who made this chocolate.

I sat on the terrace bench on the second floor of the Whitney Museum of Art and shared it with Sihyeon.

There are 18 chocolates in 6 shapes.



Sihyeon’s eyes lit up.

This chocolate called Noir Lindt must have been made by the devil

I thought the boxes were luxurious and the packaging was luxurious, but when I tasted it, it wasn’t as
luxurious as compared to this taste.

You can’t just put a fine piece of art in here.

It melts gently while feeling the unique bitter taste of cacao, teasing the tongue.

I fell into the temptation that I could not survive without eating one more, and I ate another one.

Indeed, it is worth $30 for 18 pieces.

This is enough to thank the people who came to see me.


Sihyeon happily took one more and ate.

After eating one by one, we quickly emptied a box.


The moment I met Sihyeon’s eyes, I could read his mind.

We ran to the chocolate kept in the waiting room.

We arrived at the waiting room in a hurry, and I was about to pick up a box and open it.


I finally came to my senses.

When I counted the boxes in the waiting room, there were exactly 100 boxes.

If we eat this, there will be people who can’t get it and would have to go back empty-handed.

I shook my head.

“Not this one. I have to give it to the people who come to the fan signing event.”
“……It’s so delicious. Can’t we have one?”

If it had been for some other reason, I wouldn’t have hesitated.

At that time Sihyeon’s father’s secretary who came as his guardian entered the waiting room

“Uncle, can you get me one of these?”

“ Sorry Young Master. The CEO said, ‘ only one snack per day’.”

Sihyeon was very depressed by the guardian’s words.

I sat next to him and looked at the box of chocolates.

“It was delicious, wasn’t it?”

“It was very soft.”

“It wasn’t very sweet, but it was thick. Oh, it’s delicious even while thinking about it.”
Sihyeon moved his tongue as if he had tasted the chocolate left in his mouth.

After some time Uncle Bang came into the waiting room.

He put the oil pastel he brought on the table and said,

“I brought it, but are you sure you’re okay? As the professor said, you can’t continuously draw for a long
time. It’s only about a minute for each person.”

“It’s okay, Uncle Bang.”

I thought it would be okay to prepare a short note, but I gave up because I didn’t know who was coming
and didn’t know anything about them.

As expected, drawing a sunflower is the best.

It would be more meaningful for me and for my fans than signing it.

“Do you have any chocolate left, Uncle Bang?”

“ Yes. I have some in the car, why?”

I checked my watch and there was no time to go to the parking lot.

I want to hurry up and eat one, but I have to hold it in.

I think I know a little bit about why people are addicted to drugs.

“What’s the matter, Hun?”

“I….. I have never had such delicious chocolate”

“Hahahaha. Okay. I’ll bring it to you during the signing. Let’s slowly go out.”

Uncle Bang smiled as I raised my head with joy.

Sihyeon, who was in despair, also got delighted and his eyes lit up once again.

“Is Grandpa not here yet?”

“I think so.”

I guess grandpa who said he would go and meet Ferdinando Gonzalez has not returned yet.

I couldn’t delay any longer, so I stood up and prepared to leave for the signing event.

This is unlikely, but knowing how stupid and unconscionable people who are addicted to drugs are, I
advised Sihyeon.

“You have to leave it alone. Let’s eat together.”

Sihyeon nodded quickly.

He is a good guy, so I decided to trust him this time.

Sihyeon’s guardian Jung Jinho stepped up.

“ Only one Snack per day, Young Master.”

The words castigated his happiness, hope, and will to live like a guillotine.
After following Uncle Bang out of the waiting room, I texted Sihyeon saying I would secretly give him
chocolate later.


When I reached the venue, I could see people already standing in line.

People I saw for the first time in my life, waved their hands as soon as they saw me.

I’m glad.

I sat on the desk with my name on it.

Uncle Bang put chocolate and oil pastels next to me and patted me on my shoulder.

“Then do well. It’s okay not to draw if it’s too much. Since it’s a signing event.”

“Okay. Thank you, Uncle Bang.”

If I give up because it’s hard to draw, the person who didn’t get the picture will be sad, so I’m going to
draw it for all of them.

As I opened the oil pastel and was thinking about Noir Lint chocolate, Henry Marceau arrived.

Michelle Platini and his secretary also came with him.

The people standing in line to get a sign from Henry Marceau are happy, jumping, and not making a



I greeted him with joy, while Henry Marceau sat down with a snort.

“How have you been Hun? The presentation was great.”

Michelle Platini greeted me gently.

“Thank you.”
As we shook hands, Michelle Platini opened her eyes wide.

“Oil pastel?”

“I’m going to draw for the fans.”


Michelle Platini was startled.

Henry Marceau, who turned his head in my direction, laughed looking at the oil pastels.

“Didn’t you hear how many people were coming? How do you plan on drawing 100 pictures in 90

“I can.”

Yesterday, I simplified the sunflower shape using only two colors.

I didn’t draw much because I only got oil pastels this morning, but there are some that I drew in

It will be possible if I work hard.

“Stop talking nonsense. Fan signing event is not a joke? What will happen to the remaining people if you
can’t draw them later because you got tired?”

I thought he has changed a little, but his dog-like attitude hasn’t changed a bit.

“Don’t think I can’t do it because you can’t.”


Henry Marceau growled when I turned my head because I didn’t want to deal with him anymore.

“What did you just say?”


“What you can do, I can’t do it? So you are picking a fight, huh?”
Henry Marceau’s eyebrows are bizarrely twisted and veins popped up in his temples of the forehead.


“Yes, El Patrón.”

“Bring me more sign pens!”


Does Van Gogh know the word “fan”?

The form of modern fandom began in 1893 as a public protest in mourning for Conan Doyle’s mystery
novel, Sherlock Holmes, when Holmes died. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary traces the exact use of the
word fandom to around 1903. As fandom is a combination of Fan and suffix dom, the word Fan was
likely used long before.

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Chapter 89

Chapter 89

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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 89

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“Thank you for the wait.”

As the clock struck 2, John Carter announced the start of the signing event.

Reporters like Kim Jiwoo and Lee Inho took pictures of their surroundings with a large cameras.

“We have two people who decorated the Whitney Biennale beautifully this year. Do they need an
Fans of Henry Marceau waved their hands in joy.

Some people shouted his name, but I think they didn’t want to shout loudly because we were inside the

“Mr. Marceau, please say something to your fans.”

Henry Marceau opened his mouth with a look of displeasure.

“You’re lucky.”

Michelle Platini shook her head and touched her forehead, while John Carter looked flustered, so I
wondered if that’s something that should be said to the fans.


But contrary to my expectation, the people standing in line for Marceau were happy.

“I don’t have time, so think about what you want me to draw. If you don’t tell me in a second, I’ll pass to
the next one.”

Henry Marceau threatened, snatching the marker handed by his secretary.


“Really? Wowwwwwww?”
He said it was nonsense to me, but now he is trying to do bigger nonsense than me.

I thought a lot about what to draw in one minute before coming here.

Even that was hard for me, so it was impossible for me to draw according to the taste of 100 people.

Reporters take pictures excitedly, and Michelle Platini sits far away on a couch looking at her
smartphone, apparently familiar with Henry Marceau’s stern attitude.

John Carter, the host, shook his head in confusion.

“Mr. Marceau seems to have prepared a big present for the fans. Then, let’s welcome the other Artist,
the young sensational Mr. Ko Hun.”

After looking at John Carter, I turned my head to look at my fans, who seem to be envious of Marceau’s
fans at a glance

“I don’t think I can draw a picture of your request because I don’t have any great skills like Marceau.
Instead, I’m going to give you a hand-drawn painting and chocolate. Will it be all right?”

“It’s all right!”

The open-minded fans were happy as if they understood my situation.


I turned my head to a familiar snort, there Henry Marceau could be seen with a triumphant look.
John Carter warned everyone that they should not touch my body without consent.

The first person approached under the guidance of security staff.


“Nice to meet you. Your paintings were amazing.”

“Thank you.”

I want to talk by looking at his eyes, but I don’t have time for that.

I took out lemon yellow and golden yellow oil pastels and drew them as I practiced and asked.

“What’s your name?”

“Joshua Miller. J o s h u a M i l l e r.”

He spelled his name for me step by step.

Leaves were drawn with lemon yellow and the center was filled with golden yellow.

Then, I spread out the golden yellow with my hand to add shade and wrote
‘To Joshua Miller’ below it.

“Thank you, Is this your own drawing?”

“Yes, I prepared it this morning. And this one is drawn only for you. I’ll guarantee it with this signature.”

“Ahh….Thank you…Thank you!”

Joshua Miller hugged the sunflower tightly.

Looking at his overwhelming expression, I felt glad that I prepared it.

“Thank you for coming.”

“Thank you. Thank you! I will definitely come when you open an exhibition in the U.S.”

I smiled and saw him off, and looking to the side, I saw Henry Marceau drawing with his pen like crazy.

Whether it’s the self-portrait I saw in Paris or the [Shadow] exhibited at the Whitney Museum, I can’t
help but acknowledge his skills.

The precise and detailed description that feels alive is beyond my reach.

His hands are fast.

He sent off a man just like me.



When I greeted the second person, Marceau also seemed to be speaking to the next person.

“I’m, uh.”

“Say it quickly!”

“Me, me. Please draw my face.”

“Damn it, don’t move.”


“Don’t open your mouth.”

Seeing the absurd scene taking place in the next row, I turned my head and made eye contact with the
second fan, and smiled.

“What’s your name?”

“Anthony White.”
“That’s a nice name.”

I drew it the same way I practiced, and this time I asked a question.

“Did you enjoy the Biennale?”

“Yes. I’ve been seeing the works since yesterday and it’s really great.”

“ Is that so.? I haven’t seen many works yet. Where do you think I should see first?”

“Third floor. By the terrace.”

“That’s where my painting hangs.”

“That’s right.”

Anthony White smiled brightly as I looked up at him after completing the sunflower.

It was ridiculous and I laughed because he seemed to say that my painting was the best.

“Thank you for coming.”

“Really. I’ll cherish it so much. Promise.””

While I made a pinky promise with Anthony White, suddenly I heard Henry Marceau’s burst out.
“What do you mean by ‘draw my dog’! How am I supposed to know your dog?”


An angry Henry Marceau closed his mouth after observing the picture when the fan opened his
smartphone and showed it to him.


“Yes! Two years old!”

“Noisy. Don’t talk.”

I think he’s doing well in his own way.


An hour has passed since the beginning of the signing event.

Ko Hun felt tired and loosened his hands for a while.

Even though it was a simple drawing, it was not easy to repeat the same behavior in a hurry.

Ko Hun turned his neck, shook his wrist, and soothed his tired body.
Meanwhile, Henry Marceau was gradually running out of gas.

It has been a long time since he felt the limitations, although he observed things sharply with a flash of
intuition and completed more than 50 croquis with hands that were close to novelty, it has been a long
time since he felt the limit.

There were often days when he only held on to paintings all day long.

However, most of the time he was devoted to devising, and rarely did he move the pen like a machine.

Henry Marceau managed to grasp the fading spirit for more than an hour and received the next person.


“Me. Please draw my face.”

Henry Marceau gnashed his teeth.

From some point on, everyone asked him to draw their faces.

Since his fans loved him so much, they didn’t pay much attention to drawing, they were fine with

But it was just too hard for Henry Marceau to continue drawing.


“You want a triangle, don’t you?”


“Then, Do you want me to draw a square?”

“Yes. I was, uh…”

His fan choked up as Henry Marceau, facing the limitations, became irritable.

The fan’s lips came forward, but he was forced to nod with tearful eyes.

“Don’t cry.”

Henry Marceau began to draw his face with his hands.

“Thank you!”

“Of course, you should be. Do you know how much my sketch is?”


“Don’t even think of selling it. If I find it getting sold, I’m gonna track you down and sue you.”

The fans responded vigorously to Henry Marceau’s threats.

“They look happy.”

Ko Hun, who saw Henry Marceau becoming impoverished amid enthusiastic fans’ support, received the
next fan.

After the promised time passed, and when the scheduled event was about to be wrapped up, Henry
Marceau twitched his lips looking at the 38 people in front of him.

When he turned his head, Ko Hun was greeting the last person leisurely.

‘Damn it. I said I’d hurry as much as I could, but I couldn’t draw it roughly.’

Even if it was a short croquis between one and two minutes, he couldn’t draw an imperfect picture.

The hand holding the pen had been stiff for a long time.

Compared to the beginning, the speed of completing one sketch has also become noticeably slower.

‘Should I say I’ll draw it for them later?’

Fans came into Henry Marceau’s view, who thought of compromising momentarily.
As time ran out, he looked nervous.

“Well, Mr. Marceau, time is up.”

John Carter took the mic.

“Shut up. Can’t you see them?”

Henry Marceau pointed to his fans with a marker in his hand.

He quickly lowered his head again and moved his pen.

Fans who were anxious about not receiving the painting from him shouted Henry Marceau’s name.

“Henry! Henry!”

“Henry! Henry!”

“Henry! Henry!”

“SHUT UP! It’s distracting !”

Fans laughed at Henry Marceau’s cry and quit the chanting.

“Thank you. Have fun watching the Biennale.”

On the other hand, Ko Hun, who gave everyone a sunflower painting and chocolate, stood up.

He greeted the fans who stayed until the signing event was over and went to the next table.

Henry Marceau got a fit of nerves.

“Get out of the way.”

“You’re doing great.”

Ko Hun admired Henry Marceau.

His body and mind must have been exhausted from drawing for 90 minutes without a break, but his
form was clear.


Henry Marceau, whose strength and mind had reached its limit, was excited by Ko Hun’s words.

That caused a mistake in the drawing.

He couldn’t even modify it because it was drawn in a marker.

Henry Marceau, who had endured well so far, hardened.

“Oh no.”

Ko Hun patted Henry Marceau on the shoulder.

Even if it started because of an uninteresting competition, Ko Hun didn’t hate him as he saw him
working hard for his fans until the end.

Ko Hun knew how hard it is for him.

Ko Hun cheered for him with all his heart.

“Cheer up a little bit more. Everyone’s rooting for you.”

Henry Marceau wanted to grab Ko Hun by the collar right away.

He wanted to ask who made me do this, but there were so many people waiting.

If it were only Whitney Museum employees, he would have quit right away, but he couldn’t do that to
his fans.

The only way is to take a rest today and ask them to come again tomorrow.

His pride was hurt, but he was going to endure it because it was the only way to keep his promise to the

At that moment, Ko Hun told Henry Marceau’s fans.

“It’s not easy to do this for 90 minutes. His hands are shaking, too.”

Ko Hun knew why Henry Marceau was able to show superhuman strength.

“It’s all thanks to you. Please cheer for him. If you cheer for him, Marceau will cheer up, too.”

Henry’s fans, who were listening to Ko Hun, began to chant the word ‘Henry’.

“Cheer up Henry!”

“Come on!”

“Henry! Henry!”

“Henry! Henry!”

Henry Marceau, who wanted to ask them to come again tomorrow, couldn’t say anything in this

‘This damn little brat again.’

He gritted his teeth as he watched Ko Hun, who instigated them.

“Okay, NEXT!”
“I came from LA to see Henry!”

“I’m from Korea!”

Henri Marceau drew the spectacles and drew a line that went wrong and changed it into a mask

“Oh, then the face…”

The fan who asked for his portrait was confused because his face was covered.

“Wear a mask while showing it to others! NEXT!”

[Henry Marceau, Ko Hun’s surprise event!]

[Henry Marceau who drew 100 sketches in 211 minutes! Will it be listed in the Guinness Book of World

[200 people received painting gifts from the world’s best artists!]

[Presents for fans]

[Henry Marceau, who collapsed after 211 minutes]

2 p.m. today.
Artists Henry Marceau and Ko Hun held a signing event at the Whitney Museum, where the Whitney
Biennale is underway.

The two artists, who are currently drawing the most attention, were not able to stay still this time either.

Henry Marceau, who was stimulated by Ko Hun’s preparation of a high-quality chocolate set and cute
sunflower painting for fans, committed to painting on the spot.

100 participants came for the 90-minute signing event.

Although many officials, including Ko Hun, judged it impossible, Henry Marceau showed his indomitable
will and drew a picture for all the fans, even after the end of the event.

Fans cheered enthusiastically for Henry Marceau, who did his best until the end.

Ko Hun, who had a signing event with him, cheered for Henry Marceau with his fans even after the
signing event, creating a heartwarming scene.

Is it just me? Isn’t this crazy? Why do you have to do that?

He wanted to prove that he can do what Ko Hun does. Isn’t he always like this?

You have to watch the video. If you look at the picture of Henry lying down, there is oil pastel on his
back. Ko Hun nailed it.😄😄😄

Did he get it when Hun tried to comfort him? 😄

Henry is rude to other people, but he’s good to his fans.

I’m so jealous. I also want Hun’s sunflower.

Isn’t it amazing? If the person who gets it sells it, won’t they get billions? 💰💰💰💰

Do you think any of the people over there will sell it?

If they did, they should quit being a fan.

It’s not that expensive. Even if there are only 100 pieces of the miniature sunflower, it is not drawn like a
painting, it is only a symbol to draw quickly, so it will not be very expensive even if you try to sell it.

Henry’s paintings are all different. I think he’s really crazy. How can he draw so well in 1 or 2 minutes?

No wonder he’s a genius.

I thought his painting could be a little expensive, but he threatened everyone. He said if they sell it, he’ll
find them and sue them. Is that legally possible?

If the law doesn’t work, he’ll bury them in an illegal way. 😏

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Chapter 90

Chapter 90

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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 90

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Henry Marceau, who had a pleasant meeting with his fans, lay down on the hospital bed.

Even during the glucose injection, he gritted his teeth and recalled the memories of the afternoon.

“Damn it.”

Michelle Platini spoke while drinking orange juice.

“Why did you promise such a thing? I knew this would happen.”

Henry Marceau turned his head.

“……..He’s ignoring me.”

“Well, isn’t that just your imagination?”

“Didn’t you see him cheer for me, even though he knew I was having a hard time? He did it on purpose.”

“You’re overthinking it. He’s just a child.”

“It’s because you don’t know. He did the same thing when I visited him at the Van Gogh gallery in
Amsterdam. He’s screwing me on purpose.”

Michelle Platini shook her head.

She knew from her years of experience that his stubbornness could not be easily changed, and she knew
how to deal with it.

“It’s been a while, though. Look it’s an article about you.”

Michelle Platini switched on the TV in the hospital room and showed her smartphone.

The news items on the portal site were full of stories about Henry Marceau and Ko Hun.
Henry Marceau, who was very angry, regained stability reading the articles and comments praising him.

“I’m really curious.”

Michelle Platini asked while packing her bag.

“Why are you so obsessed?”


“Ko Hun. Is what Caroline Streak said true?”

Michelle Platini wondered if Henry Marceau was really overlapping him on Ko Hun, as Art historian
Caroline Streak said.

“It’s a load of crap.”

No matter how the academicians judge him, at least Henry Marceau didn’t think so.

The only time when he missed his parents and his grandfather, whose face he could not remember
unless he looked at pictures or videos, was when he was young.

“Then why……”

Henry Marceau agonized at Michelle Platini’s urging.


Then, for the first time, he told someone his innermost thoughts.

“Because it’s unreasonable.”


Michelle couldn’t make out what he was saying.

“Everyone has a starting stage. It started only after I entered high school, and Ko Sooyeol was
recognized from his undergraduate days. It’s the same for even Pablo Picasso.”

Henry Marceau wasn’t loved from the start.

Although it drew attention to the fact that the child of the richest family was drawing paintings, it did
not last long.

It was only during his high school days, that he began to build his reputation as a genius painter.

No one recognized his skills, so in anger, he plastered the billboards at Paris station with his own self-
portraits at his own expense, and then slowly people began to recognize him.

The reasons for becoming famous are different, but there was a time of obscurity for any artist.

There was a time like that even for the famous Picasso, who shared spoiled sausages brought by the cats
to soothe his hunger during his rough days.
But it wasn’t like that for Ko Hun.

Ko Hun’s first painting, [Sunflower] at an ordinary art museum in Seoul, Korea, showed off a master
Artist’s dignity.

The reason why many artists are not famous was not necessarily because of their poor work.

In many cases, it was because they couldn’t meet people who recognized their work.

However, Ko Hun clearly knew how to be recognized and provoked Henry.

Henry, who shared a few words with Ko Hun, was confident that the boy would be on the world stage in
a short period of time.

The pressure of being the grandson of the great Artist Ko Sooyeol didn’t matter at all to him.

His paintings moved people’s minds and he knew exactly the psychology of the art world.

As Henry Marceau predicted, Ko Hun rose rapidly, making many anecdotes.

“I did some research.”

“What? On Hun?”

Henry Marceau recalled what he had learned about Ko Hun through his secretary, Arsene.

“…He lived in Korea until he was four years old and followed his parents to America. Stayed there for a
year and then three years in Paris. Two years in Germany.”

“You’re a little creepy. Did you do a background check on a 10-year-old kid?”

Michelle Platini frowned at Henry Marceau’s actions.

Henry Marceau didn’t care about Michelle’s reaction.

He held his numb hand and repeatedly opened and closed it, as he continued the story.

“The strangest thing is there was no evidence of him drawing during those days with his parents.”

Michelle opened her eyes wide.

Ko Hun was an ordinary kid who loved cartoons, and he turned a blind eye to studies because of the
frequent moving.

His grades were at the bottom.

“He couldn’t even speak in English properly, let alone Korean.”

“Wait. It doesn’t make sense.”

Michelle couldn’t believe Henry’s words.

The Ko Hun she knew was so fluent in French and English and the way he spoke was similar to those
used by the upper class.

“Yeah, it doesn’t make sense.”

Henry Marceau clenched his numb hands.

Like Michelle, Henry also couldn’t believe his secretary Arsene’s report.

It was judged that there was a mistake since it was information collected from the neighbors near the
houses where the couples lived.

However, even after checking it repeatedly, the same result kept coming, so he had no choice but to
accept the facts.

“What doesn’t make any sense is that he drew such a painting three to four months after he woke up
from an accident.”

Henry thought of Ko Hun’s first work [Sunflower].

“And now he’s being treated like me.”

Henry Marceau didn’t care how Ko Hun could speak multiple languages in a short time.
He didn’t want to waste his time doubting the incomprehensible supernatural powers.

However, he didn’t like the fact that a 9-year-old boy’s painting moved his heart.

Henry Marceau fervently longed for Ko Hun’s work, but at the same time, he couldn’t accept it.

He had been running around the world and looking at paintings since he was young, so he could not
admit that such a thing was possible without effort.

“If he really woke up and just started painting, then he must be a natural genius.”


“I can’t be pushed back by his natural talent.”

Michelle could understand why Henry was so obsessed with him.

Henry gave his everything to paintings, even before he was started being called a genius

Even now, when he was considered one of the most influential painters of the current era, he still
worked hard and focused more than anyone else.

That’s why he didn’t want to admit that someone who just woke up and became a great Artist.

No, he couldn’t admit it.

The contradictory situation, in which his heart was moved by Ko Hun’s work but at the same time he
couldn’t recognize the work because of his pride, created his abnormal behavior.

‘That’s why…..’

Michelle seemed to have finally got the answer to the question that had been bothering her for a while.

She understood why Henry, who was not obsessed with Jang Mirae or Ferdinando Gonzalez, was
obsessed with Ko Hun and why he was hostile to him.


A few hours ago.

When Ko Hun and Henry Marceau were showing off their friendship again at a signing event, Ko Sooyeol
visited an old friend.


Ferdinando Gonzalez welcomed Ko Sooyeol who had come to his hotel room.


An artificial smile to reassure Ko Sooyeol only made him more worried.

“What happened?”
“I’m just not feeling well. Sit down.”

Ferdinando bought a chair for Ko Sooyeol.

“It’s just a normal body ache after a few days of hard work preparing for the individual event.”

Ko Sooyeol judged that it was not an easy matter to think about if Ferdinando, who cares very much
about fans, refused the signing event.

“You shouldn’t be like this, you should go to the hospital.”

“That’s alright. Really, I’m just a little tired these days. I’m going to take a break for a while.”

Ferdinando recommended a bottled drink, reassuring Ko Sooyeol.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yes, by the way, it was great. [Mask] – it was a perfect performance.”

Ferdinando recalled the sunflower that appeared when Ko Hun tore off the painting.

Ko Hun painted sunflower petals in monochrome, and the shading was expressed only by rubbing oil

The sunflowers surrounded by green leaves were dazzling.

It was a shock to rip off a self-portrait that was similar to Van Gogh’s work and reveal such a painting.

Some commented that Ko Hun boldly insisted on the distinction between him and Van Gogh, while
others criticized it as an arrogant act that he was trying to say he was better than the legendary painter
of the past.

“He had a hard time. At first, instead of tearing it, he tried to peel it off by painting over it.”

Ferdinando opened his eyes wide and tilted his upper body forward.

He wondered what process he went through from the scrapito technique to tearing the drawing paper.

“He tried it a few times and realized it wasn’t working. He wanted the peeled paint to harden.”

“It’s hard.”

“So he found another way in about two weeks. He overlapped the canvas, and it was hard to tear, so he
replaced the front with drawing paper.”

The more he heard the explanation, the more fascinating it was to Ferdinando Gonzalez.

It would have been easier to accept if he thought Ko Hun had a natural talent and made [Mask] with the
spirit given by God.

However, Ko Hun’s work process was thoroughly textbook-style of how Master Artist’s work.

With a clear heart that wants to remove the image cast on him.
He repeatedly tried to achieve it by setting the goal of showing a painting below another painting.

In other words, Ko Hun was simply an ideal artist, not just simply a ‘genius’.

He completed his work by partially modifying his methods and goals through failures.

“That’s amazing.”

Ferdinando Gonzalez was really impressed.

Many people treat the artist’s work as very special, but in fact, such cases were extremely rare.

He thought that it was harder to have such a natural talent, and the only way to create such true work
was to have passion.

To think about the work not only when he was awake but also in sleep.

The process is long and difficult, and the work will be complete only when he finally finds the answer he

These efforts and thoughts were way above the realm of talent.

Talent was considered unparalleled, noble, and valuable.

Therefore, it felt much more than just that in the case of Ko Hun, who was willing to enjoy such a hard
“You taught him well.”

Ko Sooyeol laughed in vain at Ferdinando Gonzalez’s words.

“By the way, are you preparing for an individual exhibition? Ferdinando.”

“Yes. I submitted it this time for the Whitney Biennale, so I was going to put it on hold for a little longer,
but as I looked around the Whitney Biennale, I couldn’t stay put.”

“I agree with you. There are a lot of great works this year.”

“Shouldn’t you also start preparing for an exhibition? How long are you going to make me wait?”

“Hahaha! I came here to take you to the hospital, but now you are giving me an idea to make me lie on
the hospital bed.”

The two friends, who are 25 years apart, laughed loudly.

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Chapter 91

Chapter 91
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 91

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I went to the Whitney Museum and looked at the displayed works leisurely.

Sihyeon and I were not familiar with contemporary art, so there were only a few works that we could
The important thing is I tried to experience the unknown works at least once.

Maybe I might be able to understand it a little bit when I see it for the second time.

But unfortunately, today is the last day I can enjoy the Whitney Biennale since I have to appear on a TV
program called ‘Let’s Talk’ tomorrow.

I visited the Whitney Museum of Art to soothe my regret.

Ferdinand Gonzalez’s wall clock caught my eyes.

Now there is a fairly large time difference between the two clocks, so they don’t look similar.

If this continues, one clock will stop first one day before the other.

Judging by the subtitle of [Perfect Lovers], I wondered if it was an expression of the fact that they are
spending the same time together

Then what will happen when one stops before the other?

I still can’t completely understand the work.

When I scratched my head, looking at the two clocks, grandpa came close to me, looked at the clocks,
and said.

“Grandpa feels sad when I look at this work. How does Little Hun feel?”

“It’s similar.”

When I answered, grandpa, asked Sihyeon who was standing next to me.

“What do you think about it Sihyeon?”

The boy thought about it hard and opened his mouth after a while.

“I think it’s saying that if two people want to spend time together, they have to put in the effort.”

It’s an unexpected direction.

It seems that he was able to see that aspect because he recognized that his recent relationship with his
father had arisen from the absence of conversation.
“That’s a possibility. Relationships work out only when the two people involved put in efforts and try to
understand the other.”


Grandfather patted Sihyeon’s head.

Grandpa teaches through experience, not words, that it is up to each person to accept a work.

“Then one more. Can you call this piece as work of Art?”

If I reject it because it’s a work I’ve never experienced, it’s no different from the jerks who criticized
Monet’s [Sunrise].

It is not too late to judge after understanding what it is.

Sihyeon, who kept thinking with his head tilted, asked grandpa.

“It’s made in a factory, isn’t it?”

“Is it not Art if it’s not made by an Artist?”

It’s the area I’ve been thinking a lot.

I looked up dictionaries from various countries.

In England, Art is called the product of human creativity.

According to Korea’s standard dictionary, Art is explained as ‘human activities and works to express the
beauty that is the subject of appreciation with special materials, techniques, and styles.’

In simple terms, it refers to an ‘activity’ or result that expresses ‘Aesthetics’.

The controversial part is probably not about ‘Aesthetics’, but about ‘Activity’ or ‘How far that activity is
done by the Artist’.

Aesthetics cannot be the basis for judgment because every person has different aesthetic standards.

Depending on the point of view, ‘the action of naming two wall clocks side by side’ can be viewed as an
“activity” or as a “product.”
“There is no answer.”

I listened to the words of grandpa.

“A clock is an object of time, but those two clocks have different meanings like Little Hun and Little
Sihyeon said.”

It gives meaning.

“There was a man named Marcel Duchamp about a hundred years ago. He wanted to discover a new
meaning in things around us.”

Grandpa opened his smartphone and showed me a work called Marcel Duchamp’s [Fountain].

It’s a urinal.


I think I shouldn’t, but as a human being, I feel repulsed.

“It’s still controversial, so you don’t have to think of it as a work of Art. Thoughts are free.…….and the
answer varies depending upon the one who sees it and how they perceives it,”

Grandpa looked at us and continued.

“Duchamp was not the first one to do it, there were Artists who created works that are based on the
essence of how the audience looks at it. Picasso’s attempt to put multiple perspectives on the canvas to
give a new meaning based on how the audience looks at it is one such example.”

The same can be true of people like me who are now called impressionists.

I tried not to copy things, but to bring out their essence.

How I perceived a thing.

“That idea came to Duchamp, and he chose something that was Readymade.”

Grandpa used the word Ready-made, not Industrial products.

“Okay, here’s the thing. Can you think of anything that looks similar, made similar but different?”

What kind of question is this?

Is this some kind of puzzle?

As I was thinking about the meaning behind the question, Sihyeon asked grandpa.

“Is it like a twin?”

Sihyeon asked as if checking.

“That’s right. That’s a great example. Just because identical twins look alike doesn’t mean they’re the

Sihyeon, who was praised by grandpa, blushed and lowered his head.

As grandpa said, twins with the same voice, height, and face cannot be the same.
Did Marcel Duchamp try to say that people’s interpretation of a thing can be changed by making the
urinary, a work of Art.

“It’s different from Ferdinand Gonzalez’s work.”

“ Yes, it’s definitely different.”

Grandpa agreed with my response.

At least Ferdinand Gonzalez’s wall clock has a point of contact.

He didn’t give it a title, but the sub-title [Perfect Lovers] can be somewhat interpreted by each and
everyone looking at it from their own experience.

Diversity of interpretation is left open, and the process moves freely through each one’s experiences
and thoughts, so it is different from giving personal meaning that is difficult to empathize with, like this

[Fountain] may be valuable as part of Art history, but I don’t think of [Fountain] as a good work since I
couldn’t understand it without any context.

However, I want to know more about this untitled wall clock.


The production team of ‘Let’s Talk’ , a broadcast program to promote the Whitney Biennale, had high
expectations for today’s broadcast.

This is because Ko Hun, a genius boy who caused a big sensation, with every work that he released, like
[Sunflower], [Guest], [Frost Wheat Field], and [Mask] will be attending the talk show.

According to the own survey conducted by ‘Let’s Talk’ , he was ranked second in popularity next to
Henry Marceau.

The interview with Henry Marceau got postponed after he got hospitalized after the signing event.

Thus Ko Hun became the first guest to appear in ‘Let’s Talk’.

Host Woojin stared at the camera.

“Hello, viewers of NewTube, Premium, JH Cinema. This is Woojin.”

The number of viewers gathered through the three OTT platforms reached 170,000.
It was a very satisfying start for the production team of ‘Let’s Talk’.

“Let me introduce our guest today. It’s Ko Hun, a painter who conveys happiness through his many

The camera moved along with the host’s introduction.

Ko Hun walked in looking around.

The set, filled with objects he had never seen before, was a good stimulus for him.

Ko Hun observed the shape and color of the stage that was made like a stage with lights, microphones,
and cameras.

“Hahaha. I guess it’s fascinating. Is this your first time on a live show?”

“Yes. What’s that?”

“It’s lighting. It’s needed to make my skin look good.”

Ko Hun nodded in wonder.

“Why are there so many cameras?”

Woojin got flustered.

She faced a number of people, including arrogant pop stars, sensitive movie stars, and a straightforward
scholar, but it was the first time experiencing a character like Ko Hun.

“First of all, please say hello to the viewers.”

“Where do I look?”

“Look at the red-lighted camera.”

“I can’t see because it’s too bright.”


Veteran host Woojin yelled at the production team.

“Our Hun says his eyes hurt! Hurry up and turn off the lights!”

Viewers were delighted by the host’s remarks.

Awww~The baby is so cute 😍😍😍😍

This kid is so interesting on set.

Even if he’s a prodigy, he’s only 10 years old, so there’s nothing you can do about it.

Geniuses don’t know anything other than their field.

Isn’t this really a liberal arts show?

When the lighting was adjusted appropriately, Ko Hun got up from his seat and bowed to the lighting

“Thank you.”
The embarrassed lighting director took off his hat and received a greeting from Ko Hun.

“No, first to the viewers.”

Woojin pointed to the camera in a hurry.

The set was already grinning.

Ko Hun couldn’t understand Woojin’s bewilderment in a good mood, but he accepted her request.

“Hello, I’m Ko Hun. I’m 11 years old.”

“11 years old, is it because of the way you count your age in Korea?”


Ko Hun asked after staring at Woojin.

“Are you Korean?”


“Nice to meet you. You speak English well.”

“I can speak some German, too.”

“How did you get here? Did you originally work in the US?”

What is this? Why are we watching the interview of the host? 😱😱😱😱😱

Why is he curious about so many things?😅

Hun is the host of this show.💓

Wow, this show is crazy 😭😭😭😭

The viewers were having fun.

Ko Sooyeol and Bang Taeho, who came to the set with Ko Hun, sighed.
“Wait. Hun, I’ll be asking the questions here.”

“I’m curious about you, too. Didn’t you call me to talk to you?”

“That’s true.”

Woojin recalled one of the most difficult people she had ever faced.

Berliner Philharmoniker, who was updating the history of classical music in real-time, was always
heartbroken, so it was burdensome to interview him.

Because of that, She didn’t want to deal with picky people.

But the friendly boy in front of her was even more difficult to proceed with.

Woojin, who thought it would be difficult to broadcast as it is, put her arms on the table with her arms

She tilted her upper body slightly and made eye contact with Ko Hun.

“There are 170,000 people watching right now.”

“That many?”

“Yes. So, shouldn’t we show something cool? That way, you’ll be invited to other shows and earn


Ko Hun was convinced by Woojin’s words.

Viewers who logged on to know about Artist Ko Hun were bewildered by the two’s skits.

What are you teaching him? Get rid of the host 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

She’s doing that to be funny. Are you serious? 😩

Hahahahah…it’s crazy fun 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

“Okay. Then let’s start with something very easy.”

Ko Hun nodded.

Host Woojin put the script down and brought out a question that could be answered briefly.

It started with the question of his age, and also brought up questions that were requested by fans due
to the lack of basic information compared to what is known.

“When is your birthday?”

This time, Ko Hun got flustered.

He didn’t know what to answer because he hadn’t thought about when his birthday was.

Woojin, who could not have imagined that he would not know his birthday, tilted her head to induce an

Ko Hun answered honestly.

“I don’t know. I don’t remember.”

Confused, Woojin checked the chat window with the PD (Program Director).
There were a lot of comments asking her to apologize immediately to the child who lost his memory in
the accident.

“No. I’m sorry. I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Woojin, who apologized to Ko Hun repeatedly, looked at the response in the chat window.

There were comments asking her to resign.

There were even calls asking to cut the host and some were saying her to die.

Woojin, who thought her image would go down, snapped.

“ Hey….You told me to ask this! I thought you were curious! Look! Look at this script! What is the
audience most curious about Ko Hun? Birthday! Favorite food! Hobby! How did you start drawing?”

“Hun, it’s really not my fault. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

When Woo-jin complained of injustice and was at a loss, the chatroom was filled with laughter.
“It’s alright. It’s alright. I’m sure they’re all joking. No one would have asked you to die seriously.”

Ko Hun took Woojin’s hand and comforted her.

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Chapter 92

Chapter 92

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The job of hosting a program seems like a difficult job to make ends meet.

It was an awkward question, but words that are hard to say in front of a person’s face just keep popping
in the chat window because she asked me about my birthday.

The title of the program was ‘Let’s Talk’, so I thought I needed to have a conversation, but it seemed like
an interview.

The host, flustered, apologized repeatedly, got angry a while ago, and now smiles as if nothing had

She is really professional.

“When we looked at your SNS account, there were a lot of pictures of food. Come to think of it, in your
first individual exhibition, the theme was desserts, right?”


“What kind of food do you like?”

“Potato pizza, jajangmyeon, tangsuyuk, fried chicken, chocolate.”

He’s such a foodie.😆😆😆😆

What is jajangmyeon? tangsuyuk?😅

Call the translator.😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

I can’t understand even if you make fun of me in Korean.

The chat window was going up so fast that I couldn’t really read what everyone was saying.

At least, it was possible to recognize the words Jjajangmyeon or Tangsuyuk repeatedly.

Strangely, the delicious dish is not known in Europe and the United States.

Host Woojin explained “jajangmyeon” and “tangsuyuk” in English to the viewers.

She said jajangmyeon as Black bean sauce noodle and tangsuyuk as sweet and sour pork, even though it
was not an accurate expression.
Black bean sauce noodles are also sweet and sour.

I can’t admit it.

“Then what food do you hate?”

“A dish made by my grandpa.”

Grandpa, who was watching next to the camera, flinched.

Perhaps because of the broadcast, he didn’t say anything, but he waved his fists and protested.

“Hahaha. I guess the great Artist Ko Sooyeol is not good with his cooking skills. What kind of food does
he usually cook?”

“Ochazuke, mushroom mayonnaise salad, cold beef soup. Oh, salty kimchi. But the pork jjajang
bokkeum, duck jjajang bokkeum he makes are delicious.”

The host’s expression was not good.

The chat window was full of question marks.

“ Hahaha….It’s a menu that shows off a sense of challenge.”

The host quickly changed the subject in a hurry.

I wonder if broadcasting is supposed to be this chaotic.

After about two hours of various questions, the show came to an end.

“Thank you for coming to our show.”

“Thank you for having me today!”

It was much harder than I thought, but the production team was happy, saying that there were up to
200,000 viewers.

“That’s why I’m scared of them.”

Meanwhile, host Woojin looked exhausted.

I shook hands and went away as she was muttering to herself.

I approached grandpa and uncle Bang.

“Did I do a good job?’”

“Oh, it was the best.”

Uncle Bang raised his fist and I bumped my fist into his.

“Let’s go.”

Grandpa’s voice had no power.

I thought something was wrong, so I looked at uncle Bang and he smiled quietly.

“He must be hurt.”

“Is it because of the cooking?”

I asked Grandpa, placing my hand on his back.


Grandpa said as if he was sulking.

I mentioned the delicious food that he makes because I knew this would happen, but it doesn’t seem to
have worked.

“Duck jjajang tang was really delicious.”


“Yes. Uncle Bang will like it, too, if he eats one bite.”

Uncle Bang panicked at my words.

“It’s good. It was cooked well, the duck was seasoned well, and the soup was really thick. I looked it up
and found that they don’t sell such dishes anywhere. Only grandpa can make it.”
Grandpa’s ears flinched.

It seemed to have a response, so I continued a little more.

“Uncle Bang, do you know how much effort it takes for the meat to be so tender? You can’t eat
anywhere else even if I give you a lot of money. Don’t regret it and come to eat it later.”

When I saw that grandpa who was turning around slightly turned his head, I winked at Uncle Bang.

“Oh, really? Man, I really want to try that. Sir, can I ask you a favor? It looks so delicious that I really
want to try it.”

Uncle Bang’s awkward acting seems to have worked.

Grandpa coughed.

“You must be hungry. Come on, let’s go.”

This time, I bumped my fist in the air with Uncle Bang’s fist so that there was no sound.

I came back to the hotel after having dinner.

Soon I saw Sihyeon sitting with his cheeks puffed.

“What’s wrong, Sihyeon?”

“I have to go back tomorrow. Uncle, can I stay with Hun a little longer?”

“No, you can’t, Young Master.”

“ Yes, Sihyeon. I have work to do starting tomorrow.”

When secretary Jung Jinho and I answered one after another, his mouth puffed even more.

Maybe he doesn’t want to go to school alone.

There were kids who secretly ignored and isolated him.

“It’s okay. Don’t mind what they say to you.”

He must be hurt, but he can overcome it as long as he remembers how much he is loved by his parents.

“You’re smarter than them.”

“It’s not because of that.”


Sihyeon turned and sat down.

“I want to draw, too.”

“Of course, you can. Didn’t your father allow you?”

“No, not like that. I want to be like Hun. I want to be a Artist.”

“There’s no difference between me and you. All you have to do is practice what you like, find things that
you want to draw and things you want to show to others. It’s nothing special.”
I really regretted a lot of things I did.

The one thing that I regretted the most was the decision to put everything down and just draw.

Out of a burning thirst for Art and the obsession with the desire to paint, I rushed blindly.

But I faced reality only after the money I had saved hit rock bottom.

If I had been painting with a constant income, I would have painted far fewer works in the same period.

At least I could have been healthy and active.

I think that life is not about sprinting with all your might, but about running at your own pace for a long

“You like drawing. So draw comfortably. If you improve your skills and know more, you can go and
decide then.”

It is a great blessing that Sihyeon doesn’t have to worry about starving as I did back then since he is a
rich young master.

Siheyon replied sullenly.


“I’ll wake you up at eight tomorrow, Young Master.”

“Okay. Good night, Uncle.”

Uncle went out.

I turned off the light and lay down on the bed, but I couldn’t sleep.

The Whitney Biennale was much stranger than I thought.

It was strange that there was no admission fee and all the works on display were strange.

Still, Hun’s drawings of [Sunflower] and [Mask] were really good.

In Particular, [Mask] was as pretty as the Euler equation.

In both paintings, the yellow color was so pretty, so I wanted to know what color would come if I mixed
it like it.

Hun taught me how to melt and mix oil pastels, but it didn’t work out no matter how much I did it.

Hun said I could do it one day if I keep doing it, but I don’t know when it is.

Teachers teach me how to solve problems well, but Hun and his grandfather don’t.

They always tell me after I fail first.


Isn’t it good to succeed from the beginning and learn quickly?

Whenever I asked the reason, Hun says strange things like ‘I can do it right, only when I know what is

He said something similar today.

I want to draw a nice blue tree quickly, so I want to focus on drawing, but Hun said it’s not a good way.

Why is that?

Hun hasn’t slept for more than two weeks while drawing [Mask]. How can he not be afraid of failure
when it was so hard?

I don’t know.

I couldn’t sleep because I was thinking about it until 8 o’clock, so I keep getting sleepy while brushing my

I was surprised when someone knocked on the door suddenly.

I spit out the toothpaste and asked.

“Uncle Jung?”

“It’s me.”
It was Hun.

He told me to have a safe journey yesterday, so I thought I wouldn’t be able to see him, but he came just
in time for the departure.

I rinsed my mouth in a hurry.

When I opened the door, Hun was wearing a sponge bob T-shirt while holding a sketchbook.

“What’s this?”

“You don’t know? It’s called a coloring book.”

Hun opened the coloring book and showed the inside.

There were so many pictures without color.

There was also a Van Gogh painting that Hun explained.

“Are you giving it to me?””

“Yes, do this one a day. If you do it up to here, I’ll be back.”

Hun pointed to page 12.

Even if there is no picture in front of it, 10 pages have passed.

“You said you’d be back in a week, didn’t you?”

“Yes, It will be a week when you complete up to here.”

“I’m not stupid! You’re the one who’s worse at math!”

I screamed because I hated Hun, who didn’t know how much I wanted to play with him and kept teasing

What if Hun hates me because I screamed at him.

What if Hun gets angry?

I said harsh things because he keeps smiling like that even though he knows I’ll be lonely without him.

“You will be even more lonely when I go to work. That’s why I asked you to leave first, So don’t do this,

Hun called me with a nickname for the first time

“Don’t cry because I’ll not be with you for a while.”

“I’m not crying! Hic….”

Hun patted my head.

He’s a year older than me, but he always acts like an old man.

“Oh, right. This. I solved it all.”


Hun returned the Math workbook I gave him.

It’s only been a week and I never thought he could solve it this quickly.

“It’s too early to learn this stuff. It was super hard.”

“No way.”

He really solved it all.

There were wrong answers, but there are many correct answers.

“Thanks to you, I don’t have to worry about the math test. Then get home safely. Don’t keep saying it’s
not fun.”

How can Hun do that?

Hun’s drawings are pretty.

Hun is brave in front of adults and understands difficult things well.

Hun also solved the advanced Math problems that I taught him as a way to show off that I had learned

I want to do everything in a cool way like Hun.

I’m upset and jealous that I couldn’t.

Hun opened the door, went out, and said.

“Goodbye Sihy! Have a safe trip!”


I know how cool Hun is, and I know how hard he tries.

One day, I want to be like him and walk on a path along with him.

I want to be like my first friend and my Best Friend.

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Chapter 93

Chapter 93
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Director Christine Nolan did not take his hands off his upcoming film ‘Year One’ even after the
completion of post-production.

He watched the film several times a day and worked hard on editing.

Meanwhile, the date promised to Ko Hun approached.

Nolan, who was heading to Los Angeles from Berlin, where he visited for music work, sighed at the news
from prop manager Emily Lever.

– They say they can’t rent out the original.

Christine Nolan sighed as he rubbed his nose.

“Okay, keep the casting on schedule and keep reporting.”

– Yes.

Christine Nolan, who finished the phone call, slightly turned his head.

He buried his back in the chair and was lost in agony.

The setting of the movie ‘The Strange Castle’ was the hideout of the legendary thief Arsene Lupin.

Lupin’s gallery includes four works by Peter Paul Rubens, [The Marriage of the Virgin], Andrea del Sarto’s
[Portrait of Lucrezia del Fede], Titan’s [Salome], William-Adolphe Bouguereau’s [The Virgin with Angels],
works of Carpaccio, Rembrandt, and Velázquez.

Even Leonardo da Vinci’s [Mona Lisa] was also introduced in the story.

The process of casting the work was not smooth because the author of the original novel Maurice
LeBlanc wrote down all the masterpieces that he could think of in his day.

If it was made as a movie by some other person, they would have used a fake copy.

But it was out of the question for perfectionist Christine Nolan.

For the completeness of the movie, he has actually filmed a scene in his movie, by creating a set for
corridors that could rotate 360 degrees to represent the scenes of the hotel corridors moving around.

In order to express the rainy scene realistically, he covered the sky with a blackout screen, and then
water was sprayed.

Even a single strand of hair or even a drop of water had to get his permission to get captured on the

The same was true for his next project ‘The Strange Castle’.

The production team attempted to hire the artworks from art galleries, museums, and galleries that
owned them.

However, despite quite a long preparation, they were unable to persuade the museum, who were
concerned about the damage to the work.

Nolan soothed his headache by pressing down on his temples.

Art director Nathan spoke to Nolan.

“Shouldn’t we at least get a copy? I don’t know about other works, but I don’t think the Louvre Museum
will lend you [Mona Lisa].”

“I know.”

Nolan swept his face.

He was a person who was willing to take on challenges even if there was a small possibility, but he was
not a person who recklessly jumped into impossible things.

Above all, the production cost of the film was significantly different just by increasing the production
period by one day.

Nolan opened his eyes wide.

“No copy.”

Art director Nathan Evans sighed deeply at the director’s determination.

“What works can compare to [Mona Lisa]? As of the early 20th century.”
“Hmm. [Salvator Mundi]?”

Nolan turned his wrist and urged him to continue.

“It’s Da Vinci’s work. Was it 2017? It was sold for $450 million.”

Christine Nolan raised his eyebrows.

He couldn’t believe the amount of money that could be used to make two or three blockbusters.

However, it means that it is a masterpiece that is recognized for its value, and the ripple effect of the
name Leonardo da Vinci could not be ignored.

There was no reason not to try to recruit.

“Where is it?”

“The Louvre Museum.”

Christine Nolan rubbed his forehead.

There was no time to argue about meaningless negotiations with the Louvre, which did not suggest any
room for negotiation.

“Anything else?”

“Hmm. There’s a piece that comes to mind right away, but it won’t be easy.”

“Anything’s fine. It might not be a good idea now, but I need as many opinions as I can.”

“[Girl with a Pearl Earring]. It’s called the Dutch Mona Lisa.”

It was a familiar title.

It was also produced as a novel and film of the same name, so he didn’t dig deep into the painting, but
Nolan, who was having a hobby to some extent, remembered seeing a [Girl with a pearl earring].

He opened his cell phone.

When he searched for [Girl with a Pearl Earring], he could see that it was owned by the Mauritz-Hawis
Museum of Art.
Nolan sent a message to prop manager Emily Lever, adding items to offer.

Art director Nathan Evans, who was watching the situation, spoke carefully.

“If the painting is not available.”

Nolan looked up.

“Why don’t you go to production?”

“Go on.”

“There are a lot of talented artists. How about Commissioning them to make a work in pre-modernist

Christine Nolan shook his head.

Nathan Evans’ opinion was reasonable, but the intrinsic meaning of the famous painting was important.
“That’s not the point. It’s much more effective to show a perfect picture [Mona Lisa], rather than
showing a hundred paintings that are better drawn.”

“That’s right.”

[Mona Lisa] would not have had much weight in the movie.

It might be exposed in 10 frames.

The film had to end a story in a short time based on a carefully crafted script.

Unless it was a very special case, an Artwork could not be shown for a long time.

Therefore, Nathan Evans suggested a different opinion because Nolan needed a masterpiece like [Mona
Lisa], which could explain how great Arsene Lupin was, even though it would appear in the movie for
less than a second.

“Then it would be better to aim for a private collector than a museum. Just by appearing in our movie,
they can put a premium on that picture.”

Nolan nodded.
Many collectors regarded paintings as investment objects and hoped that the value of their works would

Any work introduced in Christine Nolan’s film was sufficient to create a higher price.

It wasn’t a very pleasant way, but if you can get a work like that, Nolan was fine with it.

It was something he could endure.

“We should consider that, too.”

Nolan once again sent instructions to prop manager Emily Lever.


I arrived in Los Angeles where we had promised to meet with Nolan.

Even though it is one country, I have no idea how wide the U.S. is because I spent more than four hours
on a plane.
Nolan sent someone to the airport so I could travel to the accommodation comfortably.

As the time difference changed again in a week, I was tired and quickly fell asleep.

The next day, I visited Nolan with grandpa and Uncle Bang.

I wondered where the world’s best film director would work, but it was a place where there were
several small buildings in an area that was slightly larger than my school.

There are huge trucks for unknown purposes and there are even armors like the ones that were used in
the Middle Ages.

Everything I see is amazing, so my eyes are pleasant.

“Huh. It’s spectacular,”

Grandpa also admired it.

“Do you need all that when you make a movie?”

“It’s about making another world. They have no choice but to work hard.”
My heart beats when I hear that they will create another world.

Beyond expressing it with paints, brushes, and canvases, it is said that such objects are made by
themselves and even a village is created to be captured on camera.

It’s surprising how great the culture of cinema is.

The guide knocked and opened the door.

Christine Nolan showed his face from a pile of papers on his desk.


The dark circle around his eyes shows he’s very tired.

I don’t know, but I think he’s busy with work related to movies.

I shook hands with Nolan and sat face to face.

“Did your music work go well?”

When I saw him last time, I heard he was going to Berlin to work on the song.

“It’s a great song. Do you know Franz Peter?”

I shook my head.

“Oh, the Berlin Philharmonic.”

Uncle Bang seems to know.

Probably a composer of a band called the Berlin Philharmonic.

Director Christine Nolan smiled and nodded.

“He was a talented and hard-working friend, and the result came out well,”
Nolan nodded satisfactorily.

“I saw the articles about the Biennale. It seems like you had another fight with Henry Marceau.”

Nolan laughed and brought up the story of the signing event.

A reporter wrote an article about me training Henry Marceau.

Thanks to that, the act of sincerely trying to help him became something that bothered Henry Marceau.

“There was a misunderstanding.”

Come to think of it, I couldn’t even thank him properly.

I can’t tell what I want to say because he picks a fight every time he sees me.

I think I’ll have to thank him next time.

[Sunflower], [Guest], and [Frost Wheat Field] could be displayed at the Whitney Biennale because of
“Your new work was great, too. It was really impressive”

Actually, I think there’s still a long way to go, but I’m satisfied that I’ve done my best, at least for now.

“Next time, I’ll draw something even better.”

I took out the sketchbook I prepared from my bag.

“I did a sketch.”

Nolan took a serious look at the sketch.

To work with him, I have to prove that I can do concept art.

The reason why I prepared sketches in advance is so that I have to talk a lot with and understand each
other since it is a job that expresses the world of another person, unlike the painting I have done so far,
which expresses my world.

“This carriage here has its spokes slightly inward?”


As I recall, most of the wheels during that time were slightly recessed.

I don’t know if it’s to strengthen durability or simply to look cool, but it was in that form at least until
just before I died.

Nolan looked at two more pages and said,

“There’s a wide variety of wagons.”

“Although it’s trendy, most of them are hansom cab, landau, and bloom type wagons.”

Landau wagons with folding overhead flaps were in vogue in the early 19th century.

Then, like a car now, it was covered on all sides and Bloom wagons with windows came out, and it
gradually withered.

Because it was so expensive, Landau was still in use rather than Bloom or the Hansom Cab that came out
The background of the era of ‘ The Strange Castle’ is in the early 20th century, so even those who could
buy a car would not have abandoned the carriage.

In addition, most of them could not afford a car, so the wagon should have probably been the main
means of transportation.

Nolan nodded.

“It’s very nice. The wagon is especially detailed. There’s a lot of data on the exterior, but we had less
about inside. Did you research and draw it separately?”

“Yes, I didn’t know what you wanted, so I prepared as many as I could find. Remaining, I imagined it.”

Nolan put down the sketchbook.

Agonized with his index finger between the eyebrows and raised his head after a while.

“It’s much better than I expected. We were able to discover things that we didn’t think of. I think the
carriage could be used when making blueprints.”

“Do you make your own wagons?”

” Yeah, since we can only find them in museums now.”

How wide should the field of knowledge a film director need?

Knowledge of art, music, and screenplays seems to be essential for making a single film.

There may be experts in each field, but as grandpa said, it sounds like he is really trying to create
another world.

After thinking for a while, Nolan looked me in the eye and asked.

“Do you want to make a movie together?”

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Chapter 94

Chapter 94
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Is there anything more exciting than this?

There is no way to turn down the proposal to bring impressive literature into a reality.


I shook hands with Nolan.

He held my hand with enough force to give me confidence.

Now that it has decided to join, it is time to entrust Uncle Bang to negotiate.


Nolan’s man came in with the papers ready.

Since Ko Hun has shown interest in ‘ The Strange Castle’, Bang Tae learned about concept art designer in
the movie.

He has identified how concept art designers are treated, what they do, and how it is advantageous for
Ko Hun to set the details.

It was a completely different area from what he always did, so he couldn’t neglect preparation.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Bang Tae from Sunflower.”

“I’m Daniel Port.”

The negotiators shook hands.

Daniel Port of Nolan’s production division pushed out the contract they have been using.

There was no contract period, and the price per concept Art was set.

Five hundred dollars per work.

Bang Tae, who confirmed the amount that was less than the industry average, narrowed his eyebrows.

“Can you explain how you calculated the pay?”

Bang Tae didn’t care that his opponent was from Christine Nolan’s production team, who had
dominated the film industry for decades.

Without showing any unnecessary gaps, he first stepped up carefully to persuade them.

“It’s a condition for rookies. It’s the first time he’s in charge of concept art, right?”

Daniel Port, who was confident that the negotiations would not be difficult, replied to Bang Tae’s

The Asian in front of him was so serious.

It means he’s nervous.

Daniel Port went on generously.

“This contract is just a copy of how we treat newcomers. Look at this.”

The new contract was promising $1,000 for each painting.

” I don’t have any intention of undermining Ko Hun. I was also impressed by his [Frost Wheat field].”

Daniel Port smiled.

‘Look at this.’

Bang Tae narrowed his eyes.

However, his feelings never surfaced.

‘You’re going to come out like this.’

Bang Tae knew the intentions of Daniel Port.

He was also in a position to somehow reduce the amount to be paid to the staff and freelancers here, so
he was only faithful to his duties.

Bang Tae speculated that Daniel Port has been reasonably signing the contract from their point of view
as Nolan took charge of the negotiations.

Also, he must have perfected the legal basis so that there would be no problems in the future.

Seeing that relaxed and experienced attitude, he thought it would be difficult to persuade with logic.

He’s a picky person.

It made no sense to appeal to a performance-oriented person with a conscience, a sense of duty, or


Bang Tae smiled at Daniel Port.

“Mr. Port seems to have misunderstood Mr. Nolan’s intentions.”


“Yes, if you’re just looking for a good painter, you’ve offered me very good conditions.”

Then I turned his head and smiled looking at Christine Nolan.

“There are plenty of people who are good at drawing. Hun can’t do graphic Art, so considering that,
wouldn’t it be better for the production team to approach someone else?”

Bang Tae believed that there was a separate way to deal with people like Daniel Port.

He knew what faithful employees who wanted to gain recognition in the workplace by building trust
from employers while bringing benefits to the company were most reluctant about.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. If you don’t like the terms.”

“Yes, it’s very unpleasant.”

Bang Tae kept his eyes on Nolan.

His heart was about to burst when he faced a world-renowned virtuoso and wealthy man, but he
couldn’t back down.

“It’s not a bad condition. It’s great for a first-time concept artist.”


“I’m telling you that it’s better to find another Artist if you only want a person to express what you
instruct him to do.”

Bang Tae tightened his neck to hide his nervousness.

“Director Nolan, Mr. Daniel Port doesn’t seem to know what you want from Hun. Can I give you some

Bang Tae knew that Christine Nolan didn’t want to buy Ko Hun’s painting skills.

Ko Hun is really good at using colors and using the brush, but there were many people with excellent
skills like that.

Furthermore, since Ko Hun can’t do digital Art, there was no reason to choose Ko Hun if he needed
someone for their painting skill.”
What Christine Nolan saw in Ko Hun was the emotion and imagination of the late 19th and early 20th
centuries when industrialization gained momentum

Bang Tae was clearly aware that Ko Hun was chosen because he was able to recreate the era of change
in which all lifestyles, thoughts, and even concepts were changed.

Nolan opened his mouth.



“I couldn’t tell you in advance. I’m sorry, but can you get a new contract?”

Daniel Port asked in wonder.

“Which contract should I prepare?”

“Concept art manager sounds good. Empty the conditions and bring them.”
Daniel Port opened his eyes wide.

The concept art designer was passive in fulfilling the demands.

It was only a means for the production team to make a movie.

However, when a manager position was offered, it meant that he would actively work with Director
Nolan, the Art Director, Production Designer, and VFX Designer.

Daniel Port bowed his head and left the room.

Christine Nolan said with his hands on his knees.

“It’s my mistake for not explaining things properly to Daniel in advance. I was into sketches. I’m sorry.”

“Haha. No. It’s fine.”

Bang Tae wanted to wipe off his sweat.

Although he tried to ensure that Ko Hun was treated fairly, he did not expect Nolan to attribute Daniel
Port’s offer as his own fault.
Many people would lay the blame on their employees to avoid future problems.

Bang Tae hoped that the conditions would be revised but he never expected Nolan to apologize, causing
a cold sweat.

Bang Tae put on a forced smile.

Ko Sooyeol, who was watching the scene, smiled inwardly.

In the first place, even if Bang Tae hadn’t corrected it, Christine Nolan would have taken the lead.

It was just a misunderstanding because Nolan and Ko Hun were talking about sketches.

But that didn’t mean that the process wasn’t important.

Bang Tae knew his position and opponent accurately and knew how to lead negotiations to an

With his outstanding ability as a curator, he seemed to be able to play well as a manager of his
“Paying is the problem, right?”

Then Ko Hun stepped up.

The somewhat tense atmosphere was relieved by Nolan’s laughter.

” Hahaha…Yeah, I don’t really know how much I should pay. What shall we do?”

Nolan asked Ko Hun.

He wanted to know how much Ko Hun expected.

He had no intention of giving special treatment without grounds, but at least there is a role expected
from Ko Hun, so he wanted to guarantee as much as possible within that scope.

“It’s a sensitive issue.”

Ko Hun was well aware of the weight of the situation.

He believed in Bang Tae, so he endured Daniel Port’s ridiculous suggestion, but he couldn’t sell all the
paintings at the same price.

“I can’t accept the way you pay for each painting”

Christine Nolan took Ko Hun’s opinion seriously.

“Then why don’t we pay you on a weekly basis?”

Ko Hun shook his head.

“As Uncle Bang said, I want to be a part of ‘The Strange Castle’ that the director is making. It isn’t fun if I
just do what you ask me to do for a fixed time.”

Nolan liked the boy who was active and motivated.

Even a person with qualifications could not have had good results if the purpose was only money.

“How about this?”

Nolan smiled and made eye contact with Ko Hun.

“We can’t price Ko Hun’s paintings collectively, and it’s a problem to pay them on a weekly basis, so why
don’t you take running guarantees?”

“Running guarantees?”

“It’s a way to distribute a certain portion of the movie’s box office profits to the cast and production

“And all the rights of concept art are taken by Ko Hun.”

It was rather a welcome suggestion for Ko Hun.

The act of doing concept art was to make a movie called ‘The Strange Castle’.

Profits were determined according to the value of the movie, and the authority of the work that
occurred in the process, so there was no devaluation.

“However, we have to agree on the license. You have to publish a concept art book and we’ll use it as
promotional material.”
“I think it’s better to write a separate contract.”

Bang Tae stepped up.

Although there is more to negotiate, it was judged that a separate contract is needed to clearly
distinguish complex rights such as copyright, license, and reproduction rights of paintings.


Ko Sooyeol smiled inwardly as he saw the three people come to an agreement.

Ko Hun clearly expressed what he wanted, and Bang Tae was helping well by his side.

Ko Sooyeol was disturbed because he felt like the things he could do for his grandson were getting less.

In New York and here in Los Angeles, Ko Sooyeol was only on the sidelines.

It felt like his grandson was getting out of his arms too quickly.

The image of his grandson lying in the hospital room was still vivid in his eyes.
‘Even though it’s my greed, I wish, you grow up slowly.’

Daniel Port came in with a new contract.

“What’s this amount?”

“It’s a minimum wage. If we don’t pay that, we’ll have a problem.”

“I want Hun to specify the rights and obligations guaranteed as the concept art manager for this film.”

“Yes, Daniel, call Nathan and ask him to come up for a second.”

Once the conversation was heated.

Ko Sooyeol looked at his grandson with admiration, who shone his eyes among adults and gave his

As soon as Ko Hun entered the accommodation, he fell onto the bed, tired of the long negotiations with
the movie staff.

“Hun, are you tired?”

“Yes, grandpa. My head is about to explode.”

Ko Sooyeol laughed and tangled Ko Hun’s hair.

Then he went into the bathroom to wash up.

Ko Sooyeol, who found a large bathtub, asked his grandson, who was still lying down.

“Hun, there’s a bathtub. Shall we take a bath?”

Ko Hun nodded, with his face still buried in the bed.

At first, Ko Hun was reluctant, but as time passed, he started enjoying bathing with his grandfather while
rubbing each others’ backs.
Although he brought an Italian towel, Ko Hun led his tired body to the bathroom because he had never
been soaked in hot water since he came to the United States.



The grandfather and grandson exclaimed while sitting face to face in the bathtub.

The grandson, who sometimes wipes his face with his eyes closed, looked cute in Ko Sooyeol’s eyes.

“Little Hun, you spoke well today. It’s nice to be able to say your thoughts straight up like that wherever
you are.”

“Yes. Ugh. That’s good.”

Ko Hun groaned while enjoying the hot water.

“You can do well without this grandfather since you’re all grown up now….”

Ko Hun jumped up before Ko Sooyeol finished speaking.

Surprised Ko Sooyeol opened his eyes wide.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“ Are you dying…..grandpa?”

“What nonsense are you talking about again?”

“Are you sure you’re not going to die? Isn’t it real this time?”

“I won’t die!”

“Then why are you saying stuff like I’ll do well without grandpa? People say stuff like that when they are
about to die! So don’t ever say that grandpa.”

Ko Sooyeol recalled a few months ago when his grandson cried because he thought he would die just for
eating delicious food.

Seeing his grandson cry out of fear of death, made him think that even though he’s matured, he’s still a
He was worried that his grandson might have trauma about death since he lost his parents in early age

“Didn’t I tell you already? Grandpa won’t die.”

“How can people not die? Everyone will die one day. But grandpa should be with me for thissssss many

Ko Sooyeol smiled as he saw his grandson extending his hands as hard as he could.

His grandson who’s talking seriously about his death looked both cute and absurd.

“Yeah, yeah. I will be with Little Hun as long as you want.”

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Chapter 95

Chapter 95
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Canvas 95

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The two days spent in Los Angeles focused on sharing thoughts with Nolan.
His mind-picture of ‘The Strange Castle’ was surprisingly specific.

Today, we decided to check out the costumes, so not only Nolan but also a prop designer and two
advisors were together.

Emily Lever, the prop manager, has not only prepared books and photographs but also prepared clothes
that people actually wore at the time.

There are six hangers full of antique dresses that made me wonder how they got them.

I couldn’t speak because I’m dumbfounded.

“Where did you get them?”

“There are a lot of people who collect things like this. I swept all the Antique market.”

Emily Lever smiled proudly.

I think she can show off a little more.

Even if the market is formed, it is not easy to get clothes from 130 years ago in such good condition.

Thanks to this, communication with Nolan became easier and drawing concept art itself became much

Nolan explained, showing a picture from the 1900s.

“In the court scene, Ray is wearing a blouse and a long skirt. The ribbon is straight and the hat is slightly

Nolan circled the coat and hat.

It means it needs to be corrected.

“She’s an active person. Born into an aristocratic family, she thinks modernly and is good at shooting
and horseback riding. She likes practical clothes, and prefers shoes without heels.”

Nolan explained the character Ray as if he had seen her.

It means that Nolan’s head is already filled with ‘The Strange Castle’.
“If she was a person who values practicality, I think it would be better to have a low heel rather than
completely getting rid of it.”

Nolan and Lever raised their heads at my words.

“The streets were dirty during that time. If she wore a long skirt and shoes without heels, then the dirt
might get on her body.”

When I was very young, I was reluctant to even wash.

After growing up, I gradually developed a sense of hygiene, but I never thought of washing my hands
several times a day like now.

Walking on the streets of Paris, poop flew through the windows of the building.

The French have treated filth that way for quite some time, and that’s why umbrellas and high-heeled
shoes were born.

I know that because I myself have peed a lot on the street.

When I was in Paris, the government made laws to ban the dumping of excrement, but citizens staged
protests against the law.

People don’t change easily.

“What do you think?”

Nolan asked the two people present as advisors.

They nodded.

“In order for flush toilets to become widespread, there must first be a sewer system. It wasn’t until 1860
that Britain, the fastest in Europe, built a sewer system. In the 1900s, Paris wouldn’t have been much


As the agreement gradually builds up, the script that feels like a monochrome drawing is being colored.

In the afternoon, I completed the drawing of Ray’s outfit, while Nolan and his advisors double-checked
When Nolan finally confirms, prop manager Emily Lever prepares clothes as similar as possible and
makes them herself if they are not available.

I don’t know how many prop design teams there are, but it’s a great job.

Even after preparing for half a year like this, they say that they do not take a break, even during the
actual filming, so it is difficult to estimate how many people are rushing to make one movie.

As I started working a lot, I quickly realized how short the week I had initially considered was.

The actual work was unthinkable, and I was busy setting up and understanding the worldview of ‘The
Strange Castle’.

At this rate, I think we will have to work together for the next month or so before we can start working.

On my way to Korea town for dinner with grandpa and Uncle Bang, I brought up my worries.

“What shall I do with school?”

” I know that if you fail to meet the minimum attendance, you will fail and you will have to attend the
same grade again.

“I know. Things are taking longer than I thought.”

Uncle Bang nodded his head.

“I need to talk to Director Nolan. Before the vacation, we exchange online and meet again during the

“Do you really need to do that?”

Grandpa turned his head from the front seat.

“You’re a student, but You’re also a Concept art manager now. You have to keep your promise.”

“I think so too, but the time…..”

“It’s okay. You can go to school anytime. You can get a diploma any time you want, but there won’t be
any second chance for this experience.”

Neither I nor Uncle Bang could say anything.

Grandpa solved a serious concern too easily.

On second thought, it was as grandpa said.

I can go to school at any time and this is the only time I can experience this.

Furthermore, it is much more enjoyable to work on the movie together.

“Then I’ll continue with concept art.”

“Sure. Grandpa thought it would be like that when you signed the contract. Promises are important.”

“…not that.”

Uncle Bang shook his head while trying to say something.


We parked my car in the parking lot and entered the restaurant.

I think I’ll be eating soft tofu stew for dinner tonight.

It is a restaurant that grandpa, who was tired of greasy food, wanted to visit, saying he wanted to eat
something spicy.

I sat down.

I looked at the outfits of the staff and they were all red.

“Is there anything that’s not spicy?”

“It won’t be spicy unless you ask them to make it spicy.”

Uncle Bang says it’s not spicy, but I won’t get fooled.

Korean people are quite generous when it comes to the degree of spiciness.
They say it is spicy only when the tongue burns and the hole in the ear become as spicy as a sore throat.

” Little Hun can eat perilla.”

When I looked up the menu recommended by grandpa, there was no red.

“Un, Okay, grandpa.”

Grandpa and Uncle Bang ordered seafood soft tofu stew.

“By the way, it takes longer than I thought. They’re still working on the settings, aren’t they?”


“If you had signed as a concept art designer, you would have gotten the guidelines and revised them.”

There’s a point in what grandpa said.

It is natural that the work improves because I’m not drawing according to their needs after listening to
basic explanations, but I’m participating in the process directly.

It’s definitely worth it, and I like doing it.

“Well, what’s the schedule like? When are you going to visit Germany, Little Hun?”

Come to think of it, there was also a promotional contract with paint manufacturer Schminke.

It makes no sense to take the money but not do what was requested, so I should draw a few paintings
while preparing for ‘The Strange Castle’.

“Don’t you have a Site survey scheduled for the week after next? England and Germany are nearby, so
why don’t we stop by while we’re on our way?”

“Since I can’t waste my time. I’d like to do it that way.”

“Yes, it won’t be that long.”

Grandpa nodded his head and suddenly smiled, looking at me.

“Are you looking forward to the Site survey?”

“Yes. I’m looking forward to it the most.”

Nolan was thinking about where to film Arsene Lupin’s hideout in the movie ‘The Strange Castle’.

There are three locations, one of which is the beach of Etretat in France, which is also the setting for the
actual work.

The second is Dover Beach in England.

Finally, around Mcway Falls in California.

I asked him to let me explore the area around McWay Falls and see the image.

Since spring this year, I have been away from nature since I have only been in the cities, so I am looking
forward to breathing good air and the sudden inspiration.

“Dover looks great.”

“Have you been there, Uncle Bang?”

“I went there when I was young. I think it’s a white cliff.”

“Is the cliff white?”

“Well, it’s green above the cliff, but the sides are white. It’s a strange cliff. The sea is soft and nice, and I
think it’ll be nice around Old Harry Rocks.”

I searched Old Harry Rocks because I was curious about the place, and it’s definitely a rare sight.

I was doubtful whether the colors of green areas and white cliffs can be created naturally.

On the Internet, it is said that erosion took place and fell from the ground, but looking at the picture
taken from the sky after turning the page, there is a magnificent view.

I liked it before I even looked around the site.

“But I don’t think it’s normal.”

Uncle Bang said while eating anchovies as a side dish.

Eating that cute little baby fish as a whole was a huge shock at first, but the anchovies given here are a
little bigger.

I think they’re in their adolescence.

“Mostly, Concept Art managers have nothing to do with selecting locations, but Nolan has asked your
opinion in the selection of the filming location.”

“Maybe Nolan wants ideas from different perspectives. Also, Little Hun doesn’t make a decision
unconditionally just because he likes it.”

Nolan’s outstanding point is not an obsession or enormous knowledge that looks obsessive.

The fact that he is so excellent and listens to the voices around him may have led him to the best
position in the world.

“I was told to draw concept art once they got the setting.”

“ The production team said, it’s faster to look at it than to talk about it. They said, ‘as long as I don’t
deviate from the setting, it’s better to keep my style as much as possible.”

“I’m sure you’re free to do what you want. Is the work fun?”

“Yes, grandpa. It’s meaningful to even the smallest things. And every scene has a story, and it’s different
from painting.”

So far, all I did was get the emotions right.

But the work ‘The Strange Castle’ is storytelling.

It is completely different from my previous method because I have to select a target and think of a
narrative while drawing on a page.

In this way, I can complete a longer narrative by drawing several pages and it’s also a fun.

I always thought about how to express Charles Dickens’ novels, but I didn’t get a satisfactory result.
The amazing thing is to draw a picture that captures the impression and the detailed description
together and tells a story.

It’s a super crazy thing and also a Super fun thing to do.

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Chapter 96

Chapter 96
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Canvas 96

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It’s already been two weeks since I’ve been with the production team for the movie ‘The Strange Castle’.

Through setting, I studied everything about what kind of house people live in and what they eat.

Actually, I thought it would be easy to reminisce about the past, but it wasn’t as easy as I expected.

Only 10 years have passed since my death, but unlike housing and food culture, the clothing style has
changed a lot.

Only the costumes of the main characters have been determined, so I think I will have a lot of trouble in
the future with respect to other characters.

‘I have to show the character design soon.’

Since the character settings and costumes have been decided, it is time to draw the character.
I still have a lot of worries.

The canvas is even more burdensome because I think that a single painting should express the
characteristics of the character.

I continued to ponder in front of the canvas where I was at a loss because there were no instructions.

I didn’t know how much time had passed.

It’s dark outside the window.

I turned on the TV to cool my head for a while.

The “Let’s Talk” show was broadcasting.

Henry Marceau was on the show today.

-Many people are also curious about your relationship with Artist Ko Hun. Didn’t you do some great fan
service together recently?.

-The fans’ reactions are hot. By the way, it is said that there are fans who had their pictures drawn by
Marceau posted them on social media.

-Good for them.

-Let’s take a look at another article. There are people who compare themselves to their faces, and there
are people who think of it as a family heirloom.

Henry Marceau on TV nods satisfactorily.

-There are other responses. This person seems to be a fan of Ko Hun. Mr. A, an office worker in Boston,
said, “I should have asked Hun to draw on my shirt as Henry did.” There were people who wanted to buy
that outfit.

-What? That damn kid wiped off the oil pastel on my clothes. Damn it.

-Hahahaha. Artist Ko Hun’s fans are jealous. Do you have any thoughts on putting it up for auction?

-Why would I sell it?

-As expected, it seems like Marceau has no intention of selling it because it’s painted over by Ko Hun.
This is the person who has the most works of Ko Hun.

-It’s just my favorite dress, damn it! He didn’t paint on it, he stained my favorite clothes! Damn it.

-I’m sorry fans, but it’s a precious collection for Marceau, a fan of Ko Hun, so please give up on the shirt.

-Are you crazy? Can’t you hear me?

I was going to watch it for a change, but it’s too loud.

I turned off the TV.

I replied to the blue tree picture sent by Sihyeon and sat down in front of the canvas again.

Let’s start again.

I organized the knowledge I had accumulated over the past two weeks in my head.
Isidore Beautrele.

He is a high school student who plays a leading role with Arsene Lupin in the movie ‘The Strange Castle’.

Beautrele is a confident boy who said he would arrest Arsene Lupin, and presses Lupin with amazing
reasoning power.

The flash of intuition and indomitable sense of challenge were the driving forces behind his work.

On the other hand, he is a three-dimensional character who gets flustered around women.

It looks like a finished character, but as the work continues, he grows more and more.

I don’t like any of the sketches I’ve been thinking about.

I just tried this and that because I couldn’t just sit around until I had a good idea.

This is not the best way to show Isidore Beautrele.

After thinking about it for a while, grandpa came in.

“How is it going, Little Hun?”

Looking at the canvas and the sketches around me, grandpa unbuttoned his coat.

“Seems like you’re working hard.”

“Yes. I didn’t know it was this difficult to tell a story.”

It’s hard to express the pure and confident aspirations of the boy who tries to arrest Arsene Lupin, along
with his delicate side as a youngster.

Grandpa entered the shower room.

As I continued to worry in front of the canvas, grandpa approached me and stood next to me.

He often does this, so I was only thinking about Isidore Beautrele.

Grandpa talked to me.

“Hun, Are you interested in looking at a painting with your grandfather?”

It’s a big deal.

Grandpa doesn’t ask anything when I’m working unless there’s anything special, but that grandpa
suddenly wants me to see a painting with him.

I nodded my head because there was no progress.

Grandpa connected the TV to his smartphone.

It is interesting whenever I look at it because the length and width of the screen can be adjusted.

When he accessed the website of the National Museum of Ancient Art in Italy, he stammered and
searched ‘Portrait of Beatrice Cenci’.


I made a noise without realizing it.

There is a flood of indescribable sadness.

How can a face without wrinkles be so sad?

There is sadness, happiness, hope, and despair in the girl’s eyes.

She just accepts everything.

The emptiness seems to say goodbye through the white clothes she wears and her posture of looking

Who could it be?

Who is this sad woman who seems to be saying her final goodbye before moving on to the other side of
the abyss?

Led by an unknown force, I headed to the front of the TV.

I know this expression.

It’s a face one makes by hiding everything on the inside.

It is a smile that puts herself down for those who will grieve before leaving for a long journey.

This girl who accepted death cheats herself and smiles for others.

I can’t bear to raise the corners of my mouth.

What wrong did this young child do for her to make such a face?

“[Beatrice Cenci]. It was painted by an artist named Elisabetta Sirani.”

From the name of Elisabetta, it seems like a woman.

It is written below that the painting was painted in 1662.

I think I’ve never heard that name.

I was surprised that there was such an artist at that time.

“…what did this girl do wrong, grandpa?”

I asked grandpa about Beatrice Cenci.

“No, before that. Let me hear what you felt when you saw the painting.”

I organized my thoughts at grandpa’s words and opened my mouth.

“Maybe breaking up with someone. It also feels like she’s going to die soon or maybe going to a place
from where she cannot return.”

Grandfather responded with a nod.

“She looks back, neither crying nor angry, and it seems that she loves someone very much. She is
desperately trying to protect that someone so that they do not drown in her sorrow.”

Like me in my previous life when I couldn’t cry out loud that I wanted to live.

“The fabric and clothes around her head really stand out. The light and shadow were perfectly
contrasted. A dark background that contrasts her white skin.”

There’s more than one thing to point out.

“Posture is important, too. If you look at the shoulder angle, she is looking back, but I don’t think she’ll
turn back completely. I can tell the situation of parting just by the posture.”

Grandpa, who was listening to my explanation, stood up from the couch and approached me.

He hugged me and brought up the story about Beatrice Cenci.

“Her father was so mean to her.”

I think grandpa is toning down the seriousness of the story considering my age.

Below the picture, it says in English that she was sexually abused by her biological father.

“She tried to resist, but he locked her in a remote castle where no one could look for her. It happened
when Beatrice was only 15 years old.”

Her father is worse than a beast.

How can a person imprison someone and do disgusting things that can’t be said? not to mention to his
own daughter.
“But the stepmother and her brother were on Beatrice’s side.”

If even the stepmother felt sorry for her, I can see the seriousness without hearing the details.

“Her stepmother and brother accused her father of the atrocities. But Beatrice’s father was rich and

That means he was in power.

The commentary below also states that he was accused by the Vatican but was not punished.

As I continued to read, it said that her stepmother, her biological brother, and her half-brother were also
abused to a serious level.

“They wanted to live. And there was only one way for them to survive. So……….”

Grandpa couldn’t continue the story.

“It’s alright, grandpa.”

“Hmm? What?”

“I’ve read everything below. They tried to kill the father. I think I would have done the same. Don’t
worry, I know it’s wrong to kill people.”


Grandpa warmed up his voice and went on.

“They gave him poison, but he didn’t die. So the family harmed him and disguised it as an accident.”

As I told grandpa, no matter what the cause is murder can’t be justified.

However, I fully sympathize with Beatrice Cenci and her family.

In the violence and sexual abuse that had continued since childhood, the ego collapsed completely, and
no one helped even though she barely took the courage to report it.

Perhaps, I suspect that retaliatory violence had intensified since the accusation.

He was so powerful that he even moved the Vatican which normal people could never dream of.
They had no choice.

“Then that picture…”

I thought the story was over, but my grandfather brought up the back story.

“If it had ended like that, at least that girl and her family would have been able to live comfortably, but
they didn’t.”


“The Pope investigated. He tortured Beatrice’s Lover who was involved in the crime and killed him.”

Torturing him to death means he didn’t tell them about the crime.

“But how did you know?”

“Well, there is a story that the servant confessed, but nothing is told exactly. All the people who killed
her father, Francesco Cenci, were sentenced to death.”
“That’s too much, grandpa.”

“Roman citizens insisted on self-defense for Beatrice and her family, but the pope did not reverse the
ruling at the time. Her brother died first, followed by her step-mother.”

Even though it happened many centuries ago, a lot of things seem to have changed, and still, some
things don’t change.

Some people were heartbroken by that sad story and had argued for self-defense, there also existed
people who were nothing but garbage.

“And just before she was executed, she looked back at her only half-brother who was exempted from
the death penalty.”

No words came out.

She didn’t covet much either.

She just wanted to get away from the wounds accumulated throughout her life, so she struggled
because she thought she would die if she didn’t.

I can’t believe it’s the death penalty that came back.

I can’t really bear this.

Once again, looking at Elisabetta Sirani’s [Portrait of Beatrice Cenci], the sad expression of unknown
reason came to me even more sorrowfully.


The Vatican was going to kill all those who had the right to inherit, but public protests intensified. To
appease public opinion, the Vatican spared young youngest member Bernardo Cenci but made him
watch his mother, brother and sister executed, confiscated all his property, and imprisoned him. Given
this, there was speculation that the reason why the Vatican killed all of the Cenci family was because of
their huge wealth.

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Chapter 97

Chapter 97
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Canvas 97

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“This painting [Portrait of Beatrice] gave us the word Stendhal’s syndrome.”


“It’s a phenomenon where you experience heart pain and hallucinations while you’re looking at a work
of art. A writer named Stendhal coined the term from what he experienced when he saw this painting in


Is it Stendhal, who wrote the novel “Red and Black?”

It seemed to have been a name that I had never heard of, but when I thought about it, it was often
mentioned even before Stendhal’s anecdote.

Although I had never been to Italy before and never actually saw it, the [Portrait of Beatrice Cenci] was
talked about for quite some time in my previous life.

I didn’t expect to see it like this.

Looking at the portrait of Beatrice Cenci once again makes my heartbreak.

Just the head shape from the head to the shoulder conveys the character’s emotions and stories so

I can roughly predict how Stendhal felt.

“And there are two more paintings like this,”

I turned and looked at grandpa in surprise.

“Let’s see the original first.”

I was surprised.

“Is this a fake?”

I was surprised to hear that this masterpiece that shook my heart was not the original.

“Well, it can’t be called fake, since it’s an agreed-upon imitation. This painting is a copy of the work of
Elisabetta Sirani’s teacher, Guido Reni.”


She was the disciple of the famous Guido Reni.

I’ve never actually seen his work, but I’ve heard of a genius Italian painter named Guido Reni.

I wondered how she painted such a masterpiece at a time when women’s social status was suppressed.

Maybe it was because Guido Reni was impressed with Elisabetta’s talent and gladly accepted her as a

Grandpa found the Portrait of Beatrice Cenci painted by Guido Reni, Elisabetta Sirani’s teacher.
They are indeed a teacher and disciple.

Elisabetta, the student who values Beatrice’s inner self, while Guido Reni, the teacher emphasized her
emaciation and focused on the tragedy Beatrice experienced.

Elisabetta came up with a new interpretation, not just a simple imitation of her teacher’s work.

It’s a wonderful relationship.

However, the teacher’s work was not in good condition.

“Reni expressed Beatrice’s experience.”

“Yeah, he did a good job.”

I can’t think which one did better.

It’s because they have different perspectives.

However, I am attracted to the painting of Elisabetta Sirani, the student.

“Ironically, the imitation was more well-received than the original. So some people even argue that
Elisabetta’s painting was done by Reni.”

Maybe it’s because Elisabetta’s painting easily conveys the feelings of Beatrice Cenci.

“Then let’s look at the next painting.”

Grandpa looked for another painting and explained that many artists were influenced by Beatrice
Cenci’s portrait.

“Here it is.”

“It’s a Beatrice painted by an artist who lived in the 19th century called Achille Leonardi.”

The name Achille Leonardi tells that he’s an Italian painter.

The title says [Reni, who sketches Beatrice Cenci’s portrait].

What does it mean by ‘Reni sketching portrait’?

“Didn’t Elisabetta’s painting become more known than Reni’s?”

Grandpa just said that the student’s work was more famous than the teacher’s, and Achille Leonardi,
who painted this, drew the teacher Reni.

“Because everyone thought Elisabetta’s work was done by her teacher.”

I don’t understand what it means.

When I tilted my head to ask for an explanation, grandpa said, smacking his lips.

“It’s not known exactly why, but there was such a misunderstanding.”

Did they mistake the Beatrice drawn by the disciple, Elisabetta, as her teacher’s?

How could that be?

Did they happen to think that a woman couldn’t paint a picture like that?

At that time, there was a bad trend of not looking at women equally.

If it’s true, that’s so sad.

In the 19th century, women were excluded from many fields.

What’s more, it was a century ago.

Elisabetta Sirani.

I will remember that name.

Once again looking at Achille Leonardi’s painting, I can tell who Guido Reni is, just at a glance.

He’s wearing a garment worn by Italian painters in the 17th century.

Achille Leonardi expressed other people’s clothes in detail.

Beatrice Cenci is beautiful.

Unlike Beatrice, which was painted by the two artists earlier, the appearance of shining softly under the
light seems to describe a saint.

The body is expressed in a virtuous manner, which must also mean abundance and charity.

“It’s a symbol.”

This is not a painting of Beatrice Cenci, nor is it a painting for Reni, who draws her.

“Yes, Beatrice Cenci was seen by many artists as a symbol of resistance to power after her death. This
painting depicts Beatrice as resistance to power rather than an individual.”

It’s not a heart-throbbing painting.

Obviously, this work was also meaningful in its own way.

While I was thinking about the painting, I suddenly realized why grandpa wanted me to see a painting
related to Beatrice Cenci.
He wanted to tell me what I should value when painting the character design of ‘ The Strange Castle’.

Achille Leonardi’s work is problem-conscious and well-proven, but it did not express the person named
Beatrice Cenci more deeply than the work of its predecessor, Elisabetta Sirani.

The painting that can clearly answer the question of who Beatrice Cenci is can be found only in the
paintings of Guido Reni and Elisabetta Sirani.

I looked up at grandpa and smiled.

“It was a great lecture, grandpa.”

“That’s a relief.”

Grandpa playfully disheveled my hair.

I wanted to know more about the artist Elisabetta Sirani, so I picked up the remote control.

“Do you want to see more?”

“Yes, grandpa. I wonder why such a wonderful artist was unknown.”

“What do you mean unknown?”

Grandpa looked at me as if I was saying something incredulous.

“You all said everyone thought Sirani’s work was painted by her teacher?”

“That’s true, but Elisabetta Sirani was well received at that time. Though she was badly abused by her
father, Giovanni Andrea Sirani. He thought of Elisabetta as a money-making machine.”

Today, I think I heard a lot of stories about father-daughter issues.

“Giovanni used the money Elisabetta earned from selling her paintings to drink, and Elisabetta couldn’t
rest a little.”

Hearing that I turned my head and looked at Elisabetta’s [Portrait of Beatrice Cenci].”


I can see why Elisabetta’s [Portrait of Beatrice Cenci] was so sad.

She overlapped herself with Beatrice Cenci, who was abused by her father and faced tragedy.

Wouldn’t that deep resonance lead to the creation of this great work called [Portrait of Beatrice Cenci]?

I want to calmly appreciate her work today.

While historical evidence is important.

Thanks to grandpa, I was able to recall what I really had to aim for.


Arsene Lupin was a great thief who could not be caught even when the whole of France rushed in,
because of his excellent disguising skills as well as voice modulation.

The courageous boy who went out to catch him was Isidore Beautrele.

In fact, until now, most of the sketches I drew only depicted his head or half-body figures.

Drawing a dynamic full body is a big challenge for me, but grandpa gave me a good lecture, so I have no
choice but to draw.
The eyes shining full of conviction is important.

Where should I put the light?

Upper right.

If I express it from behind the character, the atmosphere is alive, but there will be a shadow on the face.

No, that’s not good, either.

Emphasizing only the eyes on a shady face is also not a bad choice.

I drew the line roughly and then drew it more closely.

The dress should be expressed as agreed with the production team.

As an honor student, he wears a checkered vest neatly over a white shirt and locks all buttons.
I wondered how to express the pocket watch, which symbolizes a meticulous personality, but assumed it
was put in his pocket and filled the waistband with only the watch strap.

Nolan told me to put in a magnifying glass, which is an essential element of a detective, so I drew in a
way he would hold it in his hand.


I have to draw a lot of pictures.

Because I repeatedly thought about it and corrected it to show Isidore Beautrele.

This work is more enjoyable than I thought.

As the vague characters of ‘The Strange Castle’ are drawn in my head, I understand Nolan.

I can see why he asked for neat and short hair and why sleeves should be neat.

Thinking that the fictional character I drew will move in the world of ‘The Strange Castle’, I can hardly
I want to show Nolan right away and ask if this was the character he was thinking of.

I checked the time and it was 11:48 p.m.

I took a picture of my favorite Isidore Beautrele and sent it to Nolan, and he replied immediately.

{That’s my Isidore Beautrele} 11:49

I can’t believe what’s in his head can be shared perfectly through constant conversation.

I want to show the rest of the picture tomorrow, which was a product of such conversations.

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Chapter 98

Chapter 98
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Canvas 98

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Ko Hun gave Nolan a character painting.

Nolan, who couldn’t calm down after receiving the character design from Ko Hun last night, hurriedly
looked at the painting.

There lived and breathed the brilliant detective he had pictured in his head.

From his bright eyes, he could feel a firm will.

From the posture of turning around, he could see that he realized something.

He turned over a page.

The expression of the angry genius boy grinding his teeth, the face of shouting loudly, the appearance of
embarrassment, and the scene of tears.

Nolan really admired it.

It was a very satisfactory result for him, who has worked on several works and has all been with the best
concept art designers.

It even made him doubt whether it was Ko Hun’s first time drawing concept art.

“It’s the best.”

Nolan said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Do you know why concept art is important?”

Ko Hun, who was tired from working all day, sighed deeply and replied.
“I got it when I worked on it. This painting is the beginning of ‘The Strange Castle’.”

Nolan could tell that the boy was happy by the slightly raised corners of his lips.

“That’s right.”

Nolan thought that Ko Hun’s character design would be a great help for the casting scheduled for next

It wasn’t just that.

Everything from a very small prop to a room, street, town, or city, and even the weather was delivered
through concept art.

It was the link between the script, the actor, and the production team and became the basis for

That’s why Ko Hun was also involved in selecting the location for the filming.
Nolan grinned thinking about the young genius, who knew exactly his role and importance, and who
looked more reliable.

“Take care of yourself.”



While preparing for the pre-production of ‘The Strange Castle’ Nolan, who was also working on this
year’s release, ‘Year One’, while suffering from a lack of sleep.

Director Nathan Evans came in.


Nolan raised his head and smiled as he saw the designs created by the concept art designers with the
help of concept art paintings from Ko Hun in art director Nathan’s hands.

“What do you think?”

Nathan Evans sighed as he tried to say something.

He raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

“In words, please.”

Nolan pointed to Nathan and waved his pen as if pointing out how he was against the casting of Ko Hun.

“Yes, You’re right again. It’s crazy, we can go straight to 3D.”

Nathan Evans admired several designs that Ko Hun and the designers had designed over the past two

Nathan Evans, who worked with Nolan on several works, never imagined that Nolan would say okay to a
design on a first attempt.

Nolan laughed absurdly at Nathan Evans’ change of attitude.

“If that’s the case, then this time we can get started quickly.”

“Leave it to me.”
Nathan Evans, who finished reporting that he was going to model 3D, opened the door.

Julia McCarthy, who was about to knock, was startled.

Nathan raised his hand and apologized to her and left the room.

Julia McCarthy, marketing manager for the Nolan division, calmed her surprised heart and came inside.

Nolan asked with a smile.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m here for approval. I think we can start the press release.”

Julia McCarthy compiled a press release on ‘The Strange Castle’ and showed it to Nolan.

It has already been disclosed that ‘The Strange Castle’ is based on Maurice LeBlanc’s Arsene Lupin series.
The newly added content was that the casting will soon take place, the actual filming will take place in
2029, and that famous painter Ko Hun will be the concept art manager.

Nolan pressed the intercom button.

-Yes, director.

“Please make an appointment with Sunflower CEO Bang Tae. Hun too.”

-I’ll report it to you in 30 minutes.

“Thank you,”

Nolan, who instructed his secretary to set up a meeting with Sunflower, glanced at Julia McCarthy.

Julia McCarthy, who was watching the situation, nodded and said anxiously.

“It’s always like that, but I think you’re going through a lot. Have some of this.”

Julia McCarthy brought fresh fruit juice to the table.

“Thank you. Make it caffeine next time.”

“I won’t.”

The two people who joked while they were busy greeted each other lightly.

After Julia McCarthy went out, Nolan took a breather and focused on editing ‘Year One’ again.

He couldn’t postpone it a bit because he was going to explore the shooting locations from tomorrow.


[Christine Nolan’s new movie]

[Master Maurice LeBlanc’s original novel, “The hollow needle”]

[Director Nolan is secretly looking for a location]

[Artist Ko Hun joins as a concept art manager for the movie]

On the 16th, Christine Nolan, a world-renowned film director, announced a new film ahead of his new

It is the first information since the news that he started writing a script last year circulated.

Nolan’s new work was cited to be a movie based on the series Arsene Lupin by French mystery writer
Maurice LeBlanc.

The production cost was not announced, but a spokesperson from the Nolan team said,

“You will be able to appreciate the visuals you have never seen before.”

‘The Strange Castle’ will hold auditions for selected people next month.

Meanwhile, young genius painter Ko Hun, who drew attention by exhibiting [Mask] at the Whitney
Biennale, has joined as a concept art manager.

Director Christine Nolan said, “Ko Hun fully understands what’s needed for the script. ‘The Strange
Castle’ will be completed in the form I want,” while placing his utmost trust in Ko Hun.
It will be possible to see the outcome of the crossover between a genius filmmaker and a genius artist in

-Stretzeman (Times)

Director Christine Nolan’s new film, which was gaining the absolute confidence of the fans, went viral.

Fans of the Arsene Lupin series cheered loudly at the news that production work was going smoothly.

Unlike the Sherlock Holmes series, which has been adapted several times, including TV series and
movies, Arsene Lupin was attributed to being relatively non-mainstream.

-I’m not sure if it’s any other director, but if it’s Christine Nolan I can trust him 👍.

-Although the Arsene Lupin series lacked overall perfection, character arcs were great ✌️✌️✌.️

-If it’s Nolan, you can trust him.

-I’m going crazy when I read the article. There’s a year and a half left until the movie is released in 2030.

-Who is Ko Hun?
-He is a young genius artist drawing attention in the art world.

-I heard that he’s the grandson of artist Ko Sooyeol. I looked it up and found out that he was 10 years

-A 10-year-old kid is a concept art designer…., he’s a manager, right? 😱😱 😱 😱 😱

-Does it make sense? 😱

-I know. He’s good at drawing.👍

-Even if it’s possible to draw, you need to know the content to draw concept art 😡.

-Research is important. It’s like a base for making a movie, so it’s a stagnant market. Not often done by
people who lack experience 😅.

-There’s a reason why Nolan wanted to use Ko Hun, I think he came to Ko Hun’s individual exhibition
and decided then.

-Oooohhh, is he the kid who sold the painting for $14 million 😳😳😳?
-There must be no one looking at the painting here. Hun is really good. He’s the best among
contemporary artists.

-Look at our Hun [Picture] He’s cute, right? He’s good at drawing, but he’s really smart, he’s good at
English and French.

-He even found Van Gogh’s last work earlier this year.

-It’s a penguin💓.

-It’s a penguin😘.

-Right now, there’s the biggest art exhibition in the world called the Whitney Biennale, where he has
hung four of his works, and the time when he played with Henry Marceau was really really cute..

-I know Henry Marceau. Isn’t he the mean business tycoon?

-If you know Henry Marceau, you must have heard of Ko Hun. They’ve been working together since last
year, and I think Ko Hun is training Henry.
-You should really look it up. He’s so cute and his drawings are so cool! I recommend [Frost Wheat

-Still, isn’t he too young to be a concept art manager?

-Christine Nolan is not a slob and wouldn’t have picked someone for popularity.

-That’s true.

Ko Hun’s name began to be known little by little among those who were not very interested in art along
with the news that he is collaborating with director Christine Nolan.

Meanwhile, in the art world, Ko Hun’s new move came as a big shock.


Henry Marceau, who was lying in bed watching TV set up on the ceiling, frowned.

He jumped up and opened his smartphone.

When he searched for Christine Nolan and Ko Hun, there were many related articles.
The news that he was in charge of the concept art of the film was announced through a prominent

Henry Marceau, who thought Ko Hun would have returned to Korea, was greatly shocked when he
heard that Ko Hun moved to a movie theater, not an art museum.

No matter how big the investment was, the amount that the film crew could allocate to concept art was

It was not even comparable to the economic value of Ko Hun’s works.

“What are you thinking, brat?”

Aside from money. Henry Marceau was a man who could not do art under the direction of others.

Henry Marceau was confused because he thought Ko Hun was his kind.

For a moment, he remembered that Ko Hun’s parents were famous movie art directors.
If he grew up watching what his parents did when he was young, he thought Ko Hun could set his career
path there.

But that didn’t happen.

After [Marceau’s Jewel], Henry Marceau, who thought Ko Hun as his rival, wanted to compete with him.

The competition at Whitney Biennale ended in a draw, so he wanted to continue competing with him
until he was satisfied.

Ko Hun had to stay at the art museum until he was convinced that he had definitely surpassed Ko Hun.

Thinking Ko Hun was running away, he pressed the call button as soon as he unfolded his smartphone.

He was connected to Michelle Platini, whom he had most recently contacted.

She answered the phone in an urgent voice.

-I’m busy. Do I have to talk on the phone now?

“Send Ko Hun’s contact information.”

-What? You can’t leave him for a second. What happened now?

“I have to meet him.”

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Chapter 99

Chapter 99

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Henry Marceau visited Christine Nolan’s studio.

Located between the South Weddington Park and the Los Angeles River in Los Angeles, California, the
United States.

It was a filming location where Nolan bought all of Windsor Lofts Universal City and nearby houses and
sites in 2024 and began operating in 2027.

The security of Nolan Studios, which would handle everything related to film production and
distribution, was tight, and Henry Marceau was no exception.

Security staff approached Henry’s vehicle and asked for a visitor’s card.

Secretary Arsene lowered the window and politely told him that he was here to have a meeting with

Security staff nodded as they checked the man with his arms crossed in the back seat.

When he was about to send a signal to raise the barrier, the head of the security team, who received a
report that Henry Marceau had visited, came forward to greet him.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Marceau. Paul Adams from the security team. Director Nolan asked me to bring

Paul Adams, the Security team leader, guided Henry Marceau.

Shortly after, Henry Marceau reached Nolan’s office.


Nolan welcomed Henry Marceau.

Henry Marceau also took off his sunglasses and showed the least courtesy.

Nolan, who sat down, immediately asked the purpose of his visit.

He had planned to visit McWay Falls today, so he wanted to avoid the meeting if it wasn’t related to

“What’s the matter?”

“I heard Ko Hun is working here.”

Nolan nodded.

“I need to take a look.”

He couldn’t understand Henry Marceau’s purpose for the visit.

If he wanted to meet Ko Hun, it would have been faster if he contacted him in person.

He didn’t know why he had to visit him through the company.

“May I know why?”

“He’s not answering.”


Nolan was at a loss for words.

His attitude was so imposing and determined that Nolan questioned his own common sense.
But still, he pressed the intercom because he was tired from the field trip today.

“Please check if Hun is still in the studio.”

– He is. May I connect you with him?

After a while, the call was connected to Ko Hun.

– Hello?

“Hun, Mr. Marceau is here. What should I do?”

– Marceau? Is it Henry Marceau?….. Grandpa, Marceau’s here. Why? I don’t know why?

Nolan raised his eyebrows and asked Henry Marceau for an answer.

“He left the Biennale, so I came to see what he was doing..”

– He says he came to check what you are doing.

-What is he talking about? What does it matter to him what I do?

– I know. Right?

Nolan turned his head slightly this time.

“It matters to me,”

Henry Marceau’s attitude showed no signs of faltering.

Ko Hun exchanged conversations with Ko Sooyeol and took the intercom again.

-I will meet him. Where is he now?

“Office,…… yeah, yeah, okay.”

Nolan, who finished the call, observed Henry Marceau.

The man in front of him was the heir to the Marceau family and one of the most popular Artists.
Although his usual image was not good, he could not understand why he was particularly obsessed with
Ko Hun.

He wondered if he came here because he felt it was not good for Ko Hun to start a movie-related job.

After a while, Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun visited Nolan’s office.

Henry Marceau bowed to Ko Sooyeol and was courteous.

“Nice to meet you, Sir Ko Sooyeol.”

“What are you doing here?”

Henry Marceau gazed at Ko Hun and then turned his eyes back to Ko Sooyeol.

” Shouldn’t he be at the museum?”

“Whatever he does, it’s Hun’s choice.”


Henry Marceau looked down at Ko Hun.

“Isn’t it up to his choice to draw what he wants to? Don’t you think so?”

According to Henry Marceau’s common sense, Ko Hun had to become a director if he wanted to
participate in the film production.

Films such as Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman’s ‘Loving Vincent’, which was released 10 years ago,
were acceptable.

But this situation was different.

Ko Hun was trying to express Christine Nolan’s world, which means in his paintings, his world will be
replaced by the world that others thought.

Henry Marceau could not understand why Ko Hun, who had already secured independence in the Art
world, had to do such a thing.

So he came to check it out.


“I’m doing it because I want to.”

Ko Hun opened his mouth.

Ko Hun couldn’t tell if Henry, who was in New York, had to come all this way to Los Angeles to say
something obvious.

“Are you here to say that?”

“No, I’m here to check what you’re doing with my own eyes.”

Ko Sooyeol and Nolan couldn’t understand what Henry Marceau was trying to do.

But they knew that Henry Marceau was worried about Ko Hun’s painting.

Still, it didn’t answer all the questions because they weren’t in such a friendly relationship.
Rather, the relationship was so bad that it was confusing to call it even an acquaintance.

Ko Hun stepped up.

“Do you like me that much?”


Henry opened his eyes wide.

Christine Nolan struggled to contain the burst of laughter.

“You know. You are always so interested in my work? Are you afraid that the price of my painting will
drop if I work on a movie?”

“Do you think I care about that kind of money?”

“Then why? Say something. Because it’s frustrating.”

Ko Hun and Ko Sooyeol were serious and pressured Henry.

They wanted to clear up this strange relationship that started at the Seoul Art Museum and continued
for the past six months.

Confused Henry Marceau opened his mouth.


“ What.? Is it because you don’t want to talk about it, or is it because you don’t like me.”


“Then why are you here?”

“I’m here to see what you’re drawing.”

“That’s why I’m asking? Why do you want to see it? Ah…, it’s frustrating.”

Nolan, who was watching the situation, quietly smiled.

‘He’s a fan.’

You can’t buy three paintings of the same person if you don’t like that person.

Henry is said to be a multi-billionaire, but the sum he spent to buy Ko Hun’s work was more than $21

Henry Marceau’s annual income was unknown, but still, the amount he spent on buying Ko Hun’s work
can’t be treated as a dime.

‘Is he embarrassed?’

Nolan came up with a good idea while watching Ko Hun and Henry who started bickering.

“Can’t you just show it, if you are that confident in what you’re doing?”

“Why should I show it to you? And, what are you going to do by seeing it?”

“I’m not going to let you do it if it’s a boring piece of work.”

“Why do you care about that? My grandpa is cheering for me.”

“If you’re confident, show it to me!”


Impatient Ko Sooyeol thought about kicking Henry Marceau away, but before that Nolan opened his
mouth and said,

“I’d like to make a suggestion to Mr. Marceau,”

The two people who were arguing turned their heads at the same time.

Nolan shrugged his shoulders and leaned his back on the sofa.

“The concept art of ‘The Strange Castle’ is confidential. It’s not a situation where Hun can just show it
because he wants to.”

Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun nodded and sympathized with the argument.

“But it’s not like Mr. Marceau has no way of looking,”

Henry narrowed his eyes and urged Nolan.

“Invest in ‘The Strange Castle’. Then, as we become a family, you have the right to request it, what do
you say?”


Ko Hun opposed.

“I can’t stand this guy telling me what to do.”


Henry Marceau also felt the proposal was very unpleasant.

“I think you’ve looked down on me a lot, Nolan. Do you think…this Henry Marceau will pay for the damn
production just to see a little picture?”

He used relatively decent words because he was speaking to a person who was at the top of a field, but
the way he spoke was very aggressive.
Nolan shrugged his shoulders.

[Billionaire Henry Marceau invests a small amount in Nolan’s new movie]

[Rumor says it’s because of Ko Hun, but the Marceau foundation rejected the rumors saying ” It’s an
investment for the Revival of French Literature,”]

[Henry Marceau, who invested $1 million in the movie ‘The Strange Castle’]

Last Thursday, a picture of director Christine Nolan, Ko Hun, and Henri Marceau was captured, when
they were seen together at the Chalk cliff of the Etretat Beach in France.

A report from Nolan Studios revealed that billionaire Henry Marceau had invested $1 million in the
movie ‘The Strange Castle.’

According to an expert, Henry Marceau, who was usually interested in French literature, got interested
in ‘The Strange Castle’ and invested after watching the script, saying Henry Marceau’s investment was a
very cautious choice.

Although Christine Nolan is a director who guarantees box office success, analysts say that the current
project was shaky since it deals with the ‘Arsene Lupin Series,’ which is somewhat less recognizable.
Meanwhile, Nolan, who had already prepared enough budget, accepted Henry Marceau’s willingness to
invest because he believed that his investment would have a great impact on the promotion of the

They are currently exploring the filming location of ‘The Strange Castle’

-Strezeman (TIMES)

The fans were surprised by the news of the investment by Henry Marceau

Henry Marceau, who had no relationship with the movie, suddenly invested in ‘The Strange Castle’.

The Fans who saw articles from the Times and various other media outlets showed various reactions.

-The revival of French literature👍.

-It’s really good😭.

-I don’t think he’s the type that reads books 😦.

-No. Henry is so smart. He’s really profound when you look at his portfolio 😤😤.
-I like Henry’s academic background.

-I don’t know if he reads a book or not, but I don’t think his intellectual level is at the top. If so he
wouldn’t have invested there?🙄🙄

-I’m curious about that, too.

-Is it because he wants to train Ko Hun?

-To be honest, that does make sense.

-No, that doesn’t make sense either. Investors can intervene to some extent, but Nolan is not the
someone who would be swayed by a few investors.

-If he tries to overpower him, he’ll chase him out, since there are so many people who want to invest in

-Then, what is it?

-I’ve been a fan of Henry for 6 years. Don’t try to understand him. He’s not a human being who can be

-Right. You shouldn’t look at him as a person. You should watch him as if you are watching a cartoon or a

-Are you really a fan? It’s like you’re badmouthing him. I guess it’s fun.

-Henry’s not funny.

-I think Henry invested to get a chance to look at Ko Hun’s paintings before anyone.


-What the hell is that?

-I’ve never heard of a guy who pays a million dollars just because he wants to see the painting quickly.

-Henry’s not normal, but he’s not a pushover. Don’t spread fake news.

Trailer of movie “Loving Vincent” 👇

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Chapter 100

Chapter 100
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Canvas 100

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I visited the Strait of Dover in England to select a filming location.

This is the last place after visiting McWay Falls in the U.S. and Etretat Beach in France.

Henry Marceau is facing the wind at the end of the White Cliff with sunglasses on.

‘I wish I could push him into the deep sea.’

I don’t know why he’s doing this to me.

We are working together because he invested in ‘The Strange Castle’.

At first, I thought he liked my paintings, but now he’s acting increasingly incomprehensible.
It’s frustrating that he doesn’t answer properly even if I ask.

“Oh, I want to push that punk into the deep sea.”

Grandpa who was standing next to me sighed deeply as he watched Henry Marceau.

He felt the same way as I did.

I didn’t care about what had already happened anyway and just looked around.

It’s said that many Artists have put this place on the canvas, and like them, I’m also amazed by the White
cliffs carved by waves in a really picturesque place over the years.

I want to take a closer look at the unique white fault surface, but I can’t even imagine how steep the
slope is.

You can feel the wonder of this place properly only when you go out to the coast by boat.

Director Nolan approached.

“What do you think?”

“It’s like a different world.”

It’s like a scene that can be found only in someone’s imagination.

“How can a cliff be this color?”

I asked grandpa.

“I don’t know the details, but they said it was made by accumulating microbial corpses.”


Grandpa nodded.

In school, I learned that a microorganism is a very small creature.

And this huge cliff seems to have been formed by the accumulation of such creatures.
I don’t know how long it took to become like this.

The world is really full of incomprehensible things.

“But what about the inside of the hideout if you shoot here?”

I can’t see the cave.

“We have to go in from the bottom by boat, do you want to go?”

I have to see it in person to draw a picture based on it, so of course, I have to go.

After a while, we went to the cave on the White Cliff by boat.

The passage was fairly wide.

It is high enough for an adult man to walk around without bending his back.

The width doesn’t matter much if two people walk side by side.
It is by no means a cave that can occur naturally.

“Is it man-made?”

Henry Marceau’s voice rang inside the cave.


Nolan began explaining the secret of the cave on the White Cliff.

“This has long been Britain’s symbolic line of defense. The high cliffs made it easier to stop the enemy’s

Certainly not high enough for people to climb up.

“Then World War II broke out and we had to stop the Nazi offensive. Winston Churchill, then prime
minister, ordered the establishment of a strategic defense base here.”

I didn’t understand most of the words uttered by Nolan.

Others, however, seem greatly surprised.

“It was a military secret base, wasn’t it?”

Uncle Bang asked.

“Yes, it was to stop the German ship passing through Dover Beach here. They used the shell as a storage

It’s like hearing a huge secret of history.

“It goes down to about 23 meters below the coastline and has a total area of 1,066 sq.m. There were
185 soldiers living here.”

“…Are we 23 meters below the sea? ”

If it collapses, everyone here would die.

Nolan smiles carelessly when I ask in surprise.

“You don’t have to worry. The British government has finished renovating and opened it to the public.
Let’s go further in.”
I took grandpa’s hand.

It’s a precautionary measure to run away with grandpa if I had to.

“Hahaha. Is Little Hun scared?”

“I’m not scared, I’m being careful.”

“Huh, you are scared”

Henry Marceau snorted.

I went inside, determined to flatten his nose someday.

After passing the long passage, the road got divided.

A large space is connected to the left, and another passage is curved to the right.

Surely this place could be decorated as Arsene Lupin’s hideout.

It was used as a military secret base in the first place.

Everyone looked around in admiration.

With five large rooms, including a room used as a hospital room and accommodation.

On one corner of the room which seemed to be a bedroom was inscribed with the phrase <Russia bleeds
while Britain Blancos>.

‘Britain Blancos?’

Blanco is a white paint used for leather, and it felt impossible to grasp the meaning of the sentence.

“What does this mean?”

“Probably means it’s under check. At that time, they used a paint called Blanco to censor the

Nolan explained.
It seems to be slang used in the military at that time.

After looking around for about 30 minutes and taking pictures, Nolan and all the crew decided to film
‘The Strange Castle’ here

I’m so excited.


We gathered in Christine Nolan’s room to discuss the future schedule.

“Hun, you will be going to Germany tomorrow, right?”


Nolan looked up as he circled the scheduler.

“Jane, are you ready for the shooting?”

“No problem.”
“I need at least four days. Emily will go back tomorrow and pick up the size.”

Props manager Emily Lever nodded.

It looks like they’re trying to measure the interior of the White cliff cave.

In a situation where you don’t have permission to shoot, preparing in advance is to speed up the time as
much as possible.

“I’m confident that we’ll get permission, so we’ll start.”


Emily Lever cautiously opened her mouth.

“It was rejected this time as well. The Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay, and the British Museum.”

It seems that they have not been able to procure art for Arsene Lupin’s collection.
In fact, from the perspective of the museum, it makes no sense to hand over the original product to film.

Many people suggested using imitations, but Christine Nolan never broke his stubbornness.

There are times when he is reliable and on the other hand, it is difficult to make a movie with him.

Nolan, who was agonizing with his eyes closed, asked for the next measure.

“The private collector’s side?”

“We’re in touch, but they’re asking for ridiculous amounts so far.”

“How much?”

“Ivan Morozov called in $10 million to rent out [Portrait of Jean Renoir] and the [cafe terrace on the
place du forum].

It’s my painting and Renoir’s work.

I wondered where it was because it was not in the Van Gogh Museum, but it seems that a Russian had
Ten million dollars.

It doesn’t make sense to ask for that much money to lend it for just one day.

Nolan bit his lip.

“What’s the negotiating table? You said they’d take out insurance.”

“No, they asked for it together with insurance ……..”

The production team was depressed.

I tried to figure out another way somehow, but it’s actually difficult for me.

At that time, Henry Marceau, who attended the meeting as an investor, spoke.

“What are you looking for?”

“We’re looking for a collection of Arsene Lupin. Raphael, Titian, Rembrandt, Da Vinci, and so on. Or an
equivalent work before the 20th century.”

Art director Nathan Evans replied.

Henry Marceau frowned upon hearing the explanation.

It is ridiculous to list a country’s national treasure-class works not only for the value of the work itself
but also for historical significance.

Henry opened his mouth.

“There’s one Raphael.”

Me, Nolan, and everyone in the room looked up at the same time.

Raphael’s work was already considered a historical work even in my previous life.

I can’t believe he has one piece of that genius.

I knew he was a collector, but this was on an unexpected scale.

“What is it?”

“Small Cowper Madonna. 1505.”


Nathan Evans reacted as if he had heard something outrageous.

“Should I show you?”

Everyone joined me when I nodded.

Henry Marceau, who raised one corner of his mouth, opened his smartphone.

When he called somewhere, a middle-aged woman showed her face.

-Ho-ho Henry, how are you doing? Are you eating well? When will you come home? Oh, you’re with
other people.

Everyone stared blankly without saying anything.

Henry Marceau’s face turned red.


I greeted her with a warm welcome.

-Oh, you’re Ko Hun, right? I hear a lot of stories about you. Ho-ho are you two together?

“Noisy! Stop talking nonsense and go to Exhibition 2 and take a picture and send it to me!”

“My-my. You called me after a long time and now you are acting temperamental. You never change
Master Henry. Everyone, he’s never been like this. Please take good care of our Little Hen…….”

Henry Marceau turned off the phone and sent a message saying something.

She’s a friendly person, I think she’s Henry Marceau’s mother.

No, Caroline Streak said in ‘Let’s Talk’ that he grew up without parents, so maybe she’s his nanny.

No one said anything.

The people who participated passionately in the meeting are acting differently by looking at their
smartphones for no reason.

After a while, Henry Marceau’s smartphone rang.

Henry checked the message and opened his smartphone and put it in front of people.

“Oh, my God.”

It’s my first time seeing Raphael’s work.

It would be nice to see it in person, but I am happy just to capture the image of a benevolent saint with
my eyes.

This will surely be a symbol of how great Arsene Lupin is as a thief.

Nolan stepped up.

“Can you lend me this piece?”

“I refuse unless it’s on the condition that there won’t be any damage.”

“I will definitely do that. Whatever happens,”

Henry Marceau shrugged his shoulders and suggested that we tune in.

At times like this, he may look normal, but I don’t know why he usually act like that.

“Do you have anything else besides this?”

I asked, curious about his collection.

Henry raised his head triumphantly.

It is very annoying to see him raise one corner of his mouth.

“Do you want to see it?”


“Then ask me. Politely,”

Henry Marceau said while laughing.

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Christine Nolan blinked at the two geniuses who suddenly started fighting,

“I would rather eat 10 bowls of grandpa’s salty kimchi than speak politely to you! Ahhh…I’m getting
goosebumps just thinking about it.”

“What do you mean by goosebumps, you damn brat?”

When he met them separately, Henry Marceau and Ko Hun, were unexpectedly normal.

Of course, he understood that Henry Marceau wanted to brag about Raphael’s work, but asking a 10-
year-old boy to request politely to him, was a bit out of line.
It was beyond ridiculous.

On the other hand, the same was true of Ko Hun.

After spending nearly three weeks together, he could see the blessings of the boy in addition to the
talents given by heaven.

Curiosity and the desire to fill it were purely exceptional.

He was considerate of the people around him and followed the teamwork fairly well.

He couldn’t understand because such a child growled when he met Henry Marceau.

“Wait. Both of you calm down, and this isn’t something to fight about,”

Art Director Nathan Evans stopped them.

The two people, who looked around, turned their backs against each other.
Nolan sighed and opened his mouth.

“Can I continue?”

The two did not answer.

Nolan, who took it as a sign that he could proceed with the meeting, continued the agenda.

“Maybe I’d like to look around Mr. Marceau’s collection. Emily, how much time do you need to

“It’ll be done in three days.”

Emily Lever, prop manager, answered clearly.

Emily and her team members were absolutely necessary while seeing Henry Marceau’s private
exhibition room.

Nolan sorted things out.

“Okay. Jane stays and gets permission to film, Hoyte, let’s take a look,”
Nolan asked cinematographer Hoyte Van Werkel.

“Of course. I’d like them to use equipment if possible. A boat and a drone.”

“Sure. Bring your team members and come back after finishing the schedule. Me, Emily, Evans, three
days, no. I’ll stop by Paris in four days with Mr. Marceau.”

“All right.”

“Mr. Marceau, are you okay with this?”

“I don’t mind.”

When Henry Marceau did not disagree, he asked Ko Hun this time.

“Hun can stop by Germany tomorrow and come straight to Paris. Is the schedule okay?”

“It’s okay,”
Nolan clapped his hands.

“Now, the meeting is over. Let’s all do our best.”

Ko Hun and Henry Marceau, who came out of Nolan’s room, stared at each other.

Then Ko Hun sighed.

“Let’s talk for a minute.”

“What…. are you talking about?”

Ko Hun beckoned impatiently.

There were no people in the cafe on the second floor of the hotel, so he thought they could talk quietly.

Ko Hun, who sat down, spoke first.

“I don’t hate Marceau,”

Ko Hun said, recalling when he saw Henry Marceau standing up on the pedestal.

“At first, I thought you were crazy.”



Ko Hun continued, appeasing Henry.

“But it turns out you’re really a hard-working person. When I saw [Marceau’s jewel], I understood that it
was more beautiful because you’re so serious about art. I don’t hate that kind of person.”

Ko Hun took out his true feelings.

Ko Hun felt that Henry Marceau seemed a little crazy, but he knew that most Artists are like that.

It may be because of the psychological pressure that comes from doing art, so everyone was broken

Ko Hun himself was the same.

He couldn’t understand Henry Marceau, but he didn’t hate him.

“I like your works. The 766th self-portrait and the [shadow] you displayed this time were very
impressive. I felt jealous.”

“You… jealous of me?”

Henry Marceau doubted his ears.

He couldn’t believe that someone who gave him an inferiority complex envied him.


Ko Hun nodded.

“I’m not a genius like you. I don’t have skills, I don’t know anything about Jung’s psychology. I didn’t
have time.”

Ko Hun was truly envious of Henry Marceau and contemporary artists.

Born and raised in this era, they naturally shared the knowledge and emotions enjoyed in the 21st

Even the changes in Art that have continued from before were acquired with that knowledge.

But Ko Hun didn’t have that time.

He thought he could work much harder than them to get to the same starting line.

But a year was too short for that.

Meanwhile, for Henry Marceau, it sounded as if Ko Hun was saying that he had not been able to study as
much as the time spent by established Artists because he was still young.

He can’t believe it would be upsetting.

It was an unexpected thought for Henry Marceau, although he was angry at the difference in natural

Strictly speaking, the difference was definitely the difference in how much longer they lived.

Ko Hun opened his mouth.

“I don’t think it’s unfair. It’s knowledge, I can fill it up as I can learn it.”

Henry Marceau stared at the young genius who looked directly at him and said it.

The kid, who, how much he tried to scare, never budged.

“I’m really jealous of your skills – the skills that you’ve earned from your hard work. But one day I’ll
definitely paint a great picture like you.”

Ko Hun finished.

Henry Marceau’s head was complicated.

He was disturbed by the words that Ko Hun was envious of him and that he would catch up to his skills
one day.

After a long pause, Henry Marceau opened his mouth.

“My first……”

It was a very low voice.

“Fame as an artist came when I exhibited my work by buying all the billboards at Paris Station,”

Ko Hun tilted his head.

“I did it out of anger because no one recognized me. It cost me about 4 million euros to maintain it for a

Henry Marceau raised his eyes.

“I’m not a genius.”

Henry Marceau expressed his pains to someone for the first time.

“I wanted to find me. I wanted to be recognized for who I am. So I painted without rest like a machine,
and chiseled until my palms became hard.”
Ko Hun calmly listened to Henry Marceau.

“People said whatever they wanted. They said I was playing with money like a fool. They said I was an
attention seeker. They said even a dog would become famous if it got promoted like that.”

Henry Marceau’s voice was calmer than ever.

” But it never mattered. It wasn’t enough to stop me from pouring out everything I had and felt. If I
stopped because of those remarks, I felt like I couldn’t be who I am.”

The property handed over by his parents was so much that no one could ever dream of.

He was able to do Artistic activities much more comfortably than others, and he did not hesitate to use
the only ‘talent’ given to him.

He poured out everything he could to be recognized as an artist,

“But you appeared.”

Henry Marceau’s voice was somewhat rising.

“As you said, you moved me with a brush you held for less than a year. Right now, you’re in the biggest
exhibition in the world alongside my painting.”

“That’s because of you.”


“Thank you very much. I wanted to say it early, but I couldn’t. And when did you buy [Guest]? Ah….Was
it Marceau who wore the mask at the auction? I think Pierre Malo was the one who made the
frame………..Oh, I’m sorry. Go on.”

Henry Marceau exhaled for a while to calm himself.

Henry, who closed his eyes and organized his thoughts, continued.

“I don’t believe in talent. Nothing can be achieved in the Art world without putting everything you got –
time, effort, money, and even health. Even after putting in all this, many couldn’t achieve what they
wanted. But you’re denying all that.”

“When did I?”

“Your existence itself is.”

Henry Marceau’s eyes lit up.

“I have to check it out myself – How do you draw a picture? What do you think and what process do you
go through before painting a picture? I have to check it with my own two eyes”

Henry Marceau stood up.

“Only then will it prove that I’m not wrong.”


While the production crew obtained permission to film from the British government, I was scheduled to
briefly visit Germany.

This is to proceed with the contract with paint manufacturer Schmincke.

“Why did you come in late yesterday?”

Grandpa questioned me on the plane about what happened yesterday.

“It wasn’t a big deal.”

“Do you know how worried grandpa was? Nolan said the meeting was over an hour ago, but I couldn’t
get in touch with you.”

“……I talked to Henry Marceau.”

“What? Why with him?”


Looking at grandpa’s expression, I couldn’t hide it any longer, so I told him what happened yesterday,
and when I told him that we were envious of each other, he turned his head slightly.

“Is that all?”


Grandpa leaned on his back, apparently relieved.

“I didn’t expect there would be such a side to him, since he was so narcissistic.”
Neither did I.

The clearer you know what you lack, the more you try to perfect it.

I think maybe Henry was the same.

“Did you guys make up then?”


Somehow it’s gotten more awkward since yesterday.

When I ran into him for a second this morning, I avoided looking at him without realizing it.

In the future, we will often face each other while working on movies, but I don’t know how to treat him.

While I was struggling to find an answer, we arrived in a large city called Düsseldorf, where Schmincke’s
headquarters was located.
Robert Meyer, an acquaintance of Uncle Bang, welcomed us warmly.

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Robert Meyer

He had dark blonde hair and was quite tall.

He was about one or two feet taller than the tallest and most muscular person I have ever seen–

He shook hands with Uncle Bang and greeted me with a big smile.
“Welcome, Sir Ko Sooyeol. Mr. Ko Hun.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Ko Sooyeol.”


After greeting each other, Robert Meyer immediately showed us to the accommodation.

I was briefly introduced to tomorrow’s schedule on the way.

“As I told you, we will explain the guidelines tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, we shoot after a
simple rehearsal.”

Uncle Bang told me in advance, but I wonder if it’s okay to just draw in front of the camera.

“Ist es in Ordnung, nichts weiter zu sagen”

(Is it okay not to say anything else?)

Robert Meyer was stunned by my question.

“I didn’t know you could speak German.”

“A little,”

Robert Meyer said with a smile.

“They might ask you tomorrow, but you don’t have to overdo it. It’s better to be natural.”

I was thinking about showing off my painting skills after a long time.

I guess I don’t have to do that.

“The shoot….. Isn’t it too short? I was told it was until 4 o’clock.”

Uncle Bang asked to confirm.

“Haha. If we run companies here for the same amount of time you guys work in Korea, our company
would be closed by the government.”
“I envy you guys.”

Uncle Bang nodded with a few slaps on his knees.

“What does it mean, Uncle Bang?”

“Oh, there’s a work hour set by the country called legal working hours.”

I wonder what’s going on with the work hours set by the country.

“Can’t you do your job as you please?”

“Hahaha. It’s not like that, it’s made to protect the working people so that the companies don’t
overwork their employees.’


My thoughts were short.

Certainly, the life of mine workers was disastrous, and they had to spend 16 hours a day in a narrow
mine shaft.

There were often people who died working beyond losing their health.

If you set aside time to work in the country to prevent such a thing, at least there will be no such

“Was Germany 35 hours a week?”

“It’s changed to 28 hours. Well, at first it was only the manufacturing sector, but now it’s applicable to
all sectors.”

“28 hours?”

Uncle Bang was surprised.

I didn’t make a sound, but grandpa and I opened our eyes wide and faced each other.

I think 35 hours a week itself is too little, but they seem to have shortened it to 28.
“Can you keep the company running even if you work like that?”

Robert Meyer answered by looking at me in the rearview mirror.

“Most of the processes are automated. Since machines are working, we’re trying to come up with ideas
to make better paint, or we’re looking for ways for more people to use paint.”


I heard an unfamiliar word.

“What’s automation?”

“It’s literally a machine that moves on its own without people moving it. After going through the
transition period, maintenance is now possible with only a few administrators.”

People can create things without having to work.

It’s an amazing world indeed.

It seems that you can spend the time saved like that for leisure.

After a while, we arrived at the hotel.

It seems that Robert Meyer has been scheduled in advance to stay in Düsseldorf.

I went straight to the room.

“Then I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you.”

I send off Robert Meyer.

After unpacking and washing, I felt tired.

It’s because I’ve been to many places.

I was lying on the bed face down when grandpa asked me to get ready to go to eat.
I couldn’t skip a meal, so I barely got up.

“Are you tired?”


“Then shall we eat here instead of going out?”

“Can we?”

“Why not? Let’s see.”

Grandpa opened the menu next to the phone.

You can order sandwiches, steaks, salads, pizzas, and more.

“I’ll have sandwiches, salmon steaks, potato pizza, and salad.”

“That much?”
“We have Uncle Bang.”

“Oh, I heard he’ll be eating with Meyer. There must be a lot to talk about since they haven’t met in a
long time.”

It must be a lot to eat with grandpa without Uncle Bang.

“Then I’ll just have pizza and steak.”

“You don’t eat any vegetables lately? Let’s eat pizza and salad. Huh?”

I don’t want to give up salmon steak, but I can’t throw away potato pizza.

I must try German potato pizza.

Germany is the first country to eat potatoes in Europe, so it must be special.

I nodded my head.
Shortly after grandpa ordered food, the hotel staff brought a pizza and salad with sausages, potatoes,
and cheese.

I’ve eaten a combination of potatoes and bacon so far, and I wonder what kind of ensemble it will make.

“Thank you for the meal,”

I took out a piece.

The cheese sprinkled by the generous chef stretched and drooped.

The potatoes and sausages cut and put on them look delicious at a glance.

When I opened my mouth wide and filled my mouth, I felt like I was in my mother’s arms.

The juice from the sausage fills the mouth and soon mixes gently with the fluffy potatoes to add flavor.

What a benevolent taste this is.

Just one bite is as dense as it will make your stomach full.

What about the mayonnaise that goes with it? He is simply the best ally.

The admiring tea’s unique scent pierces the nasal cavity.

The potato pizza, which was soft and warm like wool, felt different.


It tastes similar, but it’s not the mustard sauce I know.

The pungent smell is much stronger.

It’s like seeing the other side of a potato pizza that’s so perfect that it can be monotonous.

I think I can eat more thanks to this sauce.

The person who made this pizza must be a craftsman.

“Let’s eat salad together.”

I was forced to pick up my fork at grandpa’s words.

Eating a salad made of potatoes, red onions, carrots, and celery definitely refreshes my mouth.

Suddenly, I remembered what I heard from Robert Meyer a while ago.

“I think automation will make people feel comfortable. They don’t have to work.”

Grandpa nodded.

“I heard that this pizza store is also automated in the United States.”


“The pizza truck goes around the town. And then when the order comes in, they take it right away.”

Pizza truck.

What a thrilling word it is?

“Is that also called automation?”

“They analyze consumption patterns. For example, we eat potato pizza on Monday night, right?”


“If you repeat that, AI will remember it, so we’ll have a potato pizza ready for Monday evening. It will
come near our house. Pizza is also made by a machine in the truck.”


Grandpa said something strange.

“What’s AI?””

“I don’t know exactly. Let’s find it.”

Grandpa searched for AI on his smartphone.

It is said to be an artificially created system that enables learning, reasoning, adaptation, and

I don’t know even if I look at it.

“What if I don’t want to eat on Monday?”

“Well, that’s a loss which is less compared to the cost of paying salary to a person.”

This means that the price of pizza thrown away is less than the remuneration paid to the worker.

Any merchant who seeks profit will naturally choose the latter.

“What about the pizza maker?”

“They will lose their jobs. Automation is convenient, but it’s limited to those who can enjoy it. It’s not
good for everyone.”

I thought the workers who were overworked in the mine would be able to live comfortably now.

But I never thought that with the current situation even the right to work is being in jeopardy.
“And what will happen to them, grandpa? What would they do to eat?”

“They’ll find another job.”

This wouldn’t have happened overnight.

However, even those who have not adapted to the changes of the times should maintain their

It’s not right for dismissing them solely for their lack of ability to adapt to the changing times.


London, England, 1876.

It’s been a while since my uncle expanded his business to London.

In the meantime, the number of visitors has increased considerably, and I was able to sell a piece to
regular customers today.
“Thank you.”

“Okay, I’ll be back.”

As I exhaled at the thought of doing one thing, Nick Park, who works with me, put out his tongue.

“Who is he? He comes here once a week? How much money does he have?”

I smirked.

“Roger Scott. He’s running a wool factory.”-

“Wow. He’s the factory manager? Next time try to snap up the sales.”

“Don’t say nonsense, go and sweep the floor.”

Nick Park shrugged and raised the broom.

I looked on the desk to organize the documents and found Roger Scott’s watch.
I hurriedly packed it and went outside, but Scott’s carriage was already going far away.

“Nick, I’m going out for a second.”


“Mr. Scott left his watch behind. I’ll go to his place and give it to him.”

“Why? Won’t he come next time anyway?”

“Everything like this is customer care. Anyway, I’ll be back.”


It was quite chilly, so I packed my coat and hat.

If I walk diligently, it will take about 30 minutes to get to Roger Scott’s factory.

I hurried my steps.
The wind was colder than I thought, so my face seems to be freezing.

When I arrived in front of the factory, the security guard put a grim look on his face.

“Who are you?”

“ I’m Vincent van Gogh.”


The mustard sauce we commonly know comes from Dijon mustard, invented by Jean Naigeon in 1865.
Unlike previous mustard, Dijon Mustard, which had a pungent taste, was greatly loved and later
developed into various forms.

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“Vincent van Gogh from the Old Pilgrimage London branch. Boss left his watch behind, so I came to
return it.”
The security guard looked me up and down and then nodded and pointed toward the entrance.

“Go in straight and the Boss will be in the last room.’

“Thank you.”

I felt suffocated when I stepped inside.

The wool was flying here and there.

Since there was no ventilation, it got tangled with all kinds of dust.

“Why is it so dark?”

In a room with dull light, people with tired faces could be seen.

Among them, some were children around the age of ten.

‘What the hell is this?’

Men, women, and children had dark circles around their eyes.

They repeat the same thing with empty eyes.

“Oh, Vincent, what’s going on?”

It was the voice of Roger Scott.

When I turned my head, he came up to me with his chin slightly raised.

I took out the watch in my pocket.

“I brought something that you forgot.”

He smiled and took his watch from my hands.

“I was wondering where it went, it seems like I left it in your place. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Let’s have a cup of tea while we’re at it. Are you busy?”

“Then, I will gladly accept your offer.”

“Jin! Bring me two cups of tea!”

“Yes, sir.”

I followed Roger Scott and went into the factory.

Among the people who sat in a crowded place, there was a pregnant woman who was in her late 30s.

I was worried about whether it was alright for her to stay in a place like this.

When I sat down, a worker brought me black tea.

After a walk for 30 minutes in the cold weather, I felt relieved after seeing the hot tea.

Roger Scott spoke as he took the tea in his hand.

“I like you very much, Vincent. It’s very rare to see honest guys like you.”

“I’m flattered.”

“No, I really mean it. No one will return this 20-pound watch.”

I didn’t know it was that expensive.

“Compared to you, those buggers out there are thieves. They just think of how to do less work and take
my property.”


I didn’t know whether it was the right thing to say about the people who are working with a dying faces
in that poor environment.

I nodded my head moderately, while Roger Scott continued his words.

“Yesterday I found a guy who was working while hiding the fact that one of his fingers got cut off.”

“Can you believe it? I paid the wage of a normal worker to a fingerless as*hole.”

“I’m going to get my wages worth work from that guy who siphoned off my money.”

Even after drinking the hot tea, my body didn’t heat up, instead, it felt colder than when I was outside.


In the 19th century, England was hell.

Britain, which secured a market by inventing spinning machines and increasing colonies, sold cloth all
over the world.

Wool was needed to weave cloth, and naturally, wool prices soared.

Landlords removed arable land and raised sheep on it to increase profits.

The peasants who lost their means of livelihood overnight starved to death or became robbers.
The British government and the church tried to take care of them, but that led to a bigger tragedy.

They gathered tramps and forced them to work in a wool factory, and cut off their ears when they tried
to run away because of the harsh treatment.

They couldn’t resist the factory managers because of the backing of the state and religion.

Adult men spend 18 hours a day.

Women were abused for 15 hours and children for 12 hours.

Pregnant women were also no exception.

The farmers quickly became slaves to the state and capitalists, who only thought of filling their pockets.

Numerous lives got lost under the name of development.

I couldn’t bear to continue working in such a place when I realized that the people who bought the
paintings from me were pigs who eat the life of people.

“But not everyone can find another job.”

I seemed to have been immersed in my thoughts.

I came to my senses at grandpa’s words.

“What will happen to people like that, grandpa?”

“Well, that’s why they’re talking about this and that, not arriving at a conclusion. Laws and institutions
cannot keep up with the pace at which society changes.”

What choice will I make when I face a similar situation as this?

What can I do?

I don’t know yet.


The next day.

Led by Robert Meyer, we arrived at Schmincke’s office building.

There was a sculpture at the entrance that looked like a color tag.

The surface of the symbol that resembles “X” is painted in the shape of a concentric circle and is painted
in the order of red, yellow, green, and blue from the inside to the outside.

“Why is there always a sculpture in front of a building?”

Something was always installed in front of the large building in this way.

“It’s set by law,”

Uncle Bang stepped up and explained.

“If we want to build a building larger than the size set by the country, we have to spend a certain
percentage of the construction cost on installing art. Robert, what’s the percentage in Germany? Public

“I think it’s one percent.”

It means that one percent of the building’s price should be spent on displaying art.

“Why did they make such a law?”

“It’s a law for artists. If it’s set by law, things happen, right? The view of the city is also getting better.”

It’s a little strange to say that it’s forced, not voluntary.

In addition, the word ‘law for artists’ felt like a bad word.

“Famous people make a lot of money, don’t they? If the client is going to request it, he will ask a famous

“That’s right.”

Uncle Bang nodded.

“So we changed the law in our country. Instead of installing art, they should give the 1% to the Artists

“Can you really believe in the association?”

Uncle Bang said while sighing deeply.

“You’re right, we can’t. In fact, there are still a lot of voices saying the law should be abolished, but the
government is careful because the decision might have a huge impact on the Art World.”

Grandpa added words to Uncle Bang’s question.

The world is too complicated and difficult to understand, with things like automation, and law for artists,
along with what I’m learning in elementary school.

I wonder how people of this era are living in this complicated world.

Thinking that I followed Robert Meyer and soon many people welcomed us warmly.

Robert Meyer said that they were the staff in charge of Schmincke’s public relations.

We briefly greeted each other and they explained about the shooting in the afternoon.

“Do you mean I can draw what I want for two hours?”
“Yes, anything’s fine. Don’t worry about the camera, just draw with the tools we prepared.”

I was playing with my tablet or using a coloring notebook to soothe my disappointment.

But hearing the news from Robert Meyer, I felt glad.

“And sometimes you have to look at the chatroom and communicate with the fans.”

I guess it’s like ‘Let’s talk.’

At that time, it was regrettable that I was talking only to the host.

At the fan signing event, I was busy drawing pictures, so I couldn’t talk leisurely.

“You don’t have to keep talking. You don’t have to feel pressured.”

“I don’t feel pressured.”

I like to talk, so I used to stay up all night with Theo and discuss art.
What should I talk about?

It’s better to choose a good Bible verse in advance.

Some of the sermons I gave to the workers were good.

Or maybe it would be good to tell them about the amazing insects in France and the Netherlands.

I asked for grandpa’s opinion.


“Yes, Little Hun?”

“Is it better to recite a Bible verse, or should I talk about insects?”

“…Hmm… Grandpa thinks it’s better to talk about paintings.”

Grandpa nodded.

When I turned my eyes to ask Uncle Bang for his opinion, he moved his head very hard and agreed with
grandpa’s opinion.

“Then, shall we go eat?”

I ate at Schmincke’s staff restaurant with the staff.

Most of the foods were relatively familiar, and the dishes like pickled pork had a unique flavor and were
very delicious.

After finishing the meal, I took a walk around for a while and thought about what to draw, and soon the
filming time came.

When I posed with a palette and a brush, photographers took promotional photos.

There were a lot of demands and it was boring, but it was bearable because I could talk to fans right

“Mr. Hun, you can come this way.”


“Do you see the camera over there? And the one over there.”

The staff briefly explained to me which direction the camera was.

They also told me how to look at the chat window.

After a while, I was looking at the chat window and people started to come in.

In an instant, 3,000 people came in.

There are some languages that cannot be recognized, but most of them were in English, French, and
Korean, so it will not be a big problem.

It’s Ko Hun.

Wow! It’s live!

You’re so cute.

Is it really Ko Hun?

It is…Did you think Schmincke would try to pull such a tasteless prank?

“Hello, I’m Ko Hun.”

I picked up the palette.

I read the sentence that a Schmincke employee was holding.

“I’m at Schmincke’s headquarters. I’m going to do a live broadcast while drawing with paint.”

-I guess he is nervous.

It’s like he’s reading from something.

Is he in Germany?
What’s your relationship with Henry?

You’re such a baby. Oh, cuteeeeeee Baby.

“How did you know? There is a person holding it over there, so I saw it and read it.”

There’s no camera filming the person holding the board, but I pointed out how I knew and read it.

When I finished my words, the chat window began to get filled with words that didn’t make any sense
such as LOL, LMAO, ROTFL, mdr, 555…

Are there really such words in English?

The comments go up so fast that I can’t see them properly.

“I’ll talk while drawing.”

I applied liquid white to the wide canvas.

When I look at the chat window while applying it on the canvas, I see a lot of question mark.
-Hoonie, Are you really going to draw?

-Why are you painting white on the paper?

“It’s not paper, it’s called canvas.”

-Is it different?


“It’s different. Canvas is made from cotton or linen.

-What are you doing?

-Why are you applying something in white?

“Oh, this. If you put it on beforehand, it becomes soft and comfortable.”

The comment is going up so fast that my eyes hurt.

Someone asked me what I was going to draw.

“I haven’t decided yet, but I’m going to decide on the go.”

-Draw me a sunflower.

-Do you still fight with Henry Marceau?

-Sunflower Sunflower

-Have you ever tried to eat Sunflower?

-Wow it’s already 20,000 viewers. Is this for real?

We can’t talk like this.

I looked at the chat window and said,

“I can’t do it like this. Say it one by one. Do you want me to draw a sunflower?”
It was like having a conversation with 20,000 people in a single room.


-He’s so cute when he gets angry

-I can’t……I’m dying because of the worldly cuteness…. No, I have to chat.

-I want sunflower!

-What do you usually do with Henry Marceau?

-Why is the Donation blocked? Release it…

-Me me me. How about drawing cats? I love Cats.

-What do you usually do?

(This message has been deleted by the administrator)

The guy above. Are you crazy?

That a**hole, how can he ask such a question to the cute little baby?

Administrator, block that guy off before Hun sees it.

There are always people who cross the line like that. Hun, don’t look at things like that. Don’t look.

“Oh, it’s chaotic.”

I lowered my brush and palette, saw the chat window, and read it slowly.

“What do you usually do with Marceau? I don’t do anything with him. Donation? When I watch TV, they
ask for donations to help poor kids. I think you can do it there. Cat? Hmm….Someone asked me to draw
a sunflower. Message deleted by the administrator? What’s this?”

“You don’t have to know!”

Uncle Bang shouted from a distance.

It bothers me that I can’t see what my precious fan said, but I should draw a picture because that’s the
promise I made with Schmincke.

“Then I’ll draw a cat and a sunflower.”

Since 50,000 people say what they want to say in the chat room, nothing is working properly.


I said looking at the camera.

“Don’t talk, everyone. Shhhhh.”

-Wow we have a cute little dictator in Germany!

-I vote for this dictatorship

-This cuteness…I can’t….I feel like my grandma is waving her hands from heaven.

-Ahhhh. How can he soooo bubbly… I want to bite the cute little pie
-Hi, I’m the one who got your autograph at the signing event! Anthony White!

-Draw what you want to draw. You don’t have to force yourself to draw a sunflower and a cat.

-Ahhh. I want to donate to Hun to buy snacks.

-Hurry up and release the sponsorship.

-Hey, he told you to do it to UNICEF.

-What do you usually do with Henry?

-Didn’t they say you were working on a movie? Aren’t you working too much?

-Do you like chocolate or candy?

I thought nothing would go on like this, so I put my index finger on my lips once again.

They are really unstoppable.

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Chapter 104

Chapter 104
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 104

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I don’t think they’re the ones who would do it if asked to be quiet.

I’ll just draw a picture without paying attention.

A cat and a sunflower.

I applied light brown paint to the tip of the brush and spread it evenly at the bottom of the canvas.

“Cats have cute tabby prints..”

On the top, I roughly positioned a cat with yellow paint.

“I’m going to draw a sleeping cat here. This is the face, and the protruding part is the tail. I’ll draw

I imagined a cat lying on the left, a cat lying on its back, a cat yawning while stretching, and a cat lying in
a bread loaf position, then I looked at the chat window to see what everyone was saying.

– Cat?

– Cat and Sunflower?.

“And you know,”

when I point at the cats with a brush, people write down a question mark again this time.

“Wait a minute,”

One of the questions caught my eye.

-A friend of mine asked me to go to an art museum, so I went along, but it was very difficult. How should
I study art?

I answered by mixing light brown and yellow that I had used in advance.

“It’s not fun if you try to study. Don’t do it.”

I drew the skin markings of the cats.

-Shocking statement. Hun said don’t study art….

-Stop it, comment after hearing it completely.

“Not just painting, everything, if you aren’t interested you can’t understand no matter how you try or

“If you have a favorite painting, find out about it. It’ll be fun when you try to know about the thing you

I added a little more yellow to the paint on which I drew the skin markings.

“If that’s not enough, find another work by the same artist. Over time, you may wonder about the Artist
himself. You can find something in common with the paintings, and you can understand how the Artist
used to paint, and how his art evolved over time.”

I added dark brown color to completely capture the shadows.

I drew a mustache using the color exactly as it is.

“Don’t try to read what it means or how great the work is. If you like it, you will naturally understand
what it is, and even if you don’t understand, it’s fine as long as you like it.”

I drew the cat who lies face down like a bread loaf, a little thicker.
” You won’t be able to understand or fall in love with art if you read a book in which the author explains
about great masterpiece works or how he feels about them. Empathy isn’t knowledge.”

This time, I mixed a little bit of gray.

It will make the cat’s fur look very realistic.

“And no matter how great a work is, it can’t be loved by everyone.”

Now that I’ve drawn the shadow, it’s time to draw the bright part.

I changed my brush.

“Go to the museum and take a look around. Then at some point, there will be a work that will speak to
you. You can cherish that encounter.”

I turned my head away from the canvas and looked at the chat window.

There were many comments.

-Oh! It’s amazing. Do you like cats?


-Awww…The baby is talking so well?

-Then there’s no reason to go to the museum.

-Does Henry Marceau always call you damn brat?

-I totally agree. How can you study something if you don’t even like it? It’s the same for work or hobbies.

“The reason for going to an art museum is the same as going to a bar. Looking forward to a great
encounter, or maybe because you wanted to be comforted by the bartender on a tiring day.”

-What? What did I just hear?

-Going to a bar for a great encounter LOL.

-What kind of 10-year-old kid says that?

-The one speaking is not 10 years old. I think someone is dubbing this video while Ko Hun is drawing.

-I’ve never actually heard of the word “great encounter”. It’s like someone from the 80s or 90s.

“It’s burdensome if you try to know everything from the beginning, whether it’s Art or a person. So, as
you get used to each other, you can have a normal conversation. Taking your feet to the museum, that
small courage is enough. Don’t be in a hurry, just try to have a great time, everything will work out

I tapped on the bright part and the side where reflected light is generated.

This time, I picked up a flat brush.

I drew a darker color at the top and a brighter color at the bottom.

In order to give a fur-like texture, the brush was pushed considering the direction of the fur while

-Who do you like the most?

-What’s your favorite picture?

-Do you eat together with Henry Marceau?

-I got goosebumps because it doesn’t sound like the words of a kid.

– Do you go to school?

-Wow there are four cats.

I was deeply moved by Rembrandt van Reign, Johannes Vermeer, and Jean-François Millet, and the
Japanese ukiyo-e was truly a shock.

After encountering impressionism and ukiyo-e, which were prevalent in Paris at that time, I studied how
to handle colors.

But if I say that, it’s like confessing that I’m Vincent van Gogh.

“I was impressed by the painting of sleeping bird by Jo Sok. It tells how one can paint such a wonderful
picture without the colorful colors and detailed descriptions.”
I draw the eyes and mouths of the cats.

“I like grandpa’s painting. The potato pizza painting grandpa painted for me was great.”

I refined the boundaries of the painting.

“There’s also a picture of peony that Aunt Mirae gave to grandpa. I don’t think there’s any prettier
peony in the world than that.”

Pablo Picasso’s painting.

The paintings that Toulouse Lautrec painted after my death were all very impressive.

-What about Henry Marceau?

-What about Henry?

-I think Henry will be waiting for you to mention his name.

“Ah right. Henry Marceau is great, too. Did you see [Shadow] exhibited at the Whitney Biennale?”
I drew the tail of the cats lying in four directions.

“I never thought about making a work while considering how to display it. He’s an amazing person.”

I added a little more speckle to the side where the cats were sitting together, and it was about half done.

-I was wondering when you would draw sunflowers, but now I see cats lying down like flowers.

-All the poses were like flower petals.

-Ahhh…it’s so healing just by see the painting.

-Did you really plan to draw after coming here?

There are people who are saying a lot of strange things and are persistent, but it’s more fun to paint
while talking and working with people.

When the painting takes shape to some extent, I can see happy and surprised reactions.
I want to try doing something like this to kill some time, maybe I should ask Uncle Bang later how to do

I checked the time and there is still quite a lot left.

I went a little away from the canvas, checked the overall composition, and sat down again.

“I didn’t draw the most important thing.”

I squeeze the red.

I took cadmium red out of a wooden barrel and squeezed it a little.

The white was smeared little by little and mixed.

I concentrated because I wanted to finish the picture and watch the chat calmly.

Let’s make the texture better and fill in the gaps.

“It’s beautiful.”
I felt proud hearing the small admiration from the film crew.

People who watched the broadcast also liked it.

-It’s so pretty.

-It’s so cool.

-How can he draw like that?

-Have you ever held Henry’s hand?

-Why do you like sunflowers?

-The cat is so cute. I want to put that on my desktop. Can’t you upload it? What do you usually play?

Since the beginning of the broadcast, people have been asking about Henry.
I don’t know why they were curious about it, but I answered because I felt sorry to ignore it

“I never held his hand, but I have made him nosebleed once. My wallpaper? I usually color it. Something
other than drawing? What else is fun? Oh, I like reading books. Do you know Robinson Crusoe? Written
by Daniel Defoe. Do you know? It’s fun, right?”


Schmincke’s staff was amazed by the process of Ko Hun completing the painting.

The cats lying like sunflowers were all in different positions, stretching their bodies.

They were dozing off with their legs together.

The appearance of sleeping with the most comfortable face looked like a flower petal, and thanks to the
hair and tail that stretched out in between, it was like a small and full flower petal of a sunflower.

The speckles on the hips of the four cats, cleverly touching, matched like a normal painting in the middle
of a sunflower.

They couldn’t think of it as a straight-up drawing after seeing what the viewers wanted to draw.
They understood why Ko Hun was called a genius painter.

“What do I do when I work on a movie?”

Ko Hun thought for a while after seeing the question in the chat room.

“Understanding the characters, the background, and the story comes first. The next one is historical
evidence. Now I’m drawing a character design based on that.”

Seeing him speak without hesitation, they wondered if all the geniuses are like that.

The broadcast, which started with 3,000 people, was already exceeding 44,000 people.

It was more than the number of subscribers on Schmincke’s official channel, which had fewer than

Although they promoted it by publishing an article that Ko Hun will be doing a live broadcast, they did
not expect it to be this effective as it was his first broadcast.

“Team leader,”
The staff showed Robert Meyer his cell phone.

Search words related to Schmincke and Ko Hun were at the top of the search ranking.

As it was watched in various countries, it seemed that good response could be expected from countries
other than Germany.

Robert Meyer pushed Bang Tae with his elbow.

His old friend turned his head and smiled softly.

Bang Tae also sighed deeply.

When one of the viewers asked what color Ko Hun’s underwear was today, he got scared that Ko Hun
would be shocked.

Thanks to Bang Tae, who was closely monitoring the chat window was able to block it in time.

It was a question that has been a meme for a long time on Korea’s Twitter and New Tube, but it was not
appropriate for children.
Robert Meyer said.

“Amazing. What, are you getting him ready to stream? Why is he so good?”

“I know, right. I think we should check it out too. It seems like he’s enjoying it.”

The two looked at Ko Hun with satisfaction.

“I have a lot of time left, so I’ll tell you a fun story.”

Ko Hun did not get nervous even though he was in front of the camera and made a good topic on his

“There will be more crickets around August. There are a lot of them in the wheat field, and they eat bad
insects, so many people deliberately release them. When I’m around the wheat field and hear crickets
crying at night, it feels great when I can’t sleep.”

Viewers were confused by the sudden cricket story that Ko Hun brought up.

-Why did you suddenly mention crickets?

-He’s so cute. But I can’t stand crickets.

-At that age, kids like insects.

-Do you know there is a cookie made from crickets?

“Cricket snack? Do you eat them?”

Ko Hun was surprised to see the comments in the chatroom.

In the Netherlands and other places, people eat it as an alternative food.

It was also eaten in Korea, where they used to fry it before eating.

-Why don’t you fry it?

-Isn’t that a grasshopper?

-If it’s a snack the insects can’t be visible.

-It’s savory and delicious. Also important as a source of protein.

Ko Hun’s eyes were shaken greatly.

It was shocking to hear that people are eating the cute and lovely crickets that brought peace to his

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Chapter 105

Chapter 105
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 105

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Schmincke’s promotional broadcast starring Ko Hun drew a lot of attention.

It was the moment when the affection and expectations for the genius boy, who recently gained global
recognition by unveiling [Mask] at the Whitney Biennale, were clearly revealed.

Art lovers admired Ko Hun’s [Cat flower] which was requested by viewers in real-time.

[Cat flower], in which four sleeping cats got arranged like sunflowers, seemed to heal the hearts of the
audience with the cat’s coy figure and warm color.

Fans posted the video link on various bulletin boards with subtitles in various languages.

The picture is amazing.

When Hun saw the comments saying, it’s good to eat crickets, his face got completely distorted like
saying “Why are you eating that cute thing?”

I hope he makes his own channel.

There are a lot of broadcasts where artists communicate while drawing.

I know. Artists use New Tube and other social media platforms.


Is there a reason for them to do it?

Everyone’s trying to raise awareness. It’s for publicity. Name value = Art value.

It’s really important for artists. If you don’t promote yourself, you get forgotten by the people quickly.

That’s why even if they didn’t exhibit anything, articles about them keep coming up.
Aren’t they a bit eccentric?

Most famous people do it. There’s also Henry Marceau, Ferdinando Gonzalez who uses SNS.

Hun does SNS, too.

Hun’s SNS is not to promote his pictures but to brag about what he ate.

Artists must pull the Agro well to stay in the field.

What are you talking about?

It’s not a negative meaning. They have to do something that makes them famous, which in turn
increases the value of their work.

Look at Henry Marceau. He has been doing crazy things and now he’s the best in the Art world no
matter what anyone says.

What about Jang Mirae?

When she lost the Excellence Award at a National Competition, she sprayed red paint on the faces of the

Yeah, I knew. It headlined many Art forums 10 years ago.

Yes, Mirae had a bad temper when she was young.

She rose to fame after she tore up the certificate given by a famous exhibition.

If it weren’t for Ko Sooyeol and Lee Soojin, she would have got buried in the Art world.

Cha Sihyeon, who was looking at the Internet response while eating lunch, smiled.

It felt good because many people praised and liked his best friend.

It was sad that his friend couldn’t come back on the day promised, but he was proud that his friend was
giving his best to the movie and broadcast.

Cha Sihyeon spent time alone at school like before, but he was not lonely because of the expectation of
being able to draw after school and the news of his friend which could be seen during every break.
Cha Sihyeon, who ate lunch in a hurry, took his sketchbook and a set of colored pencils.

He went to the garden behind campus and sat on the bench.

It was a place where he often spent time because the surroundings were covered by bushes.

“There’s only one page left,”

Cha Sihyeon looked at the picture before opening the last page.

Blue-leaved trees in different forms could be seen.

It wasn’t taught by anyone, he just drew it over and over again, so it didn’t improve noticeably.

However, Cha Sihyeon enjoyed the act of drawing and was happy to see what he drew again.

Cha Sihyeon, who took out a black pencil, drew a crooked line.

Then he drew another crooked line under it.

Cha Sihyeon, who took out a noticeably shorter blue pencil, drew small leaves near the point where the
two lines meet.

He drew each leaf in a slightly different form.

He drew one by one and colored one by one.

Cha Sihyeon, who has realized through the past few experiences, had learned that different types of
lines could be drawn by controlling his strength.

The outline of the leaves was drawn with force, and the inside of the leaves was drawn with ease.


Cha Sihyeon recalled what Ko Hun said in his message when he sent him a picture.

{Look at the leaves. Even though it looks green, it’s not the same green color.} 20:11

{ I like the blue color. Do I have to use a different color?} 20:12

{There’s no right or wrong answer in art. There are many different colors in blue, so try it one by one}

{Ok! When are you coming?} 20:15

{ I don’t know. Maybe a month..} 20:16

{A month :O ?} 20:17

{What is :O ?} 20:18

{Surprised face} 20:20

{Cute} 20:21

“But I only have blue and sky blue,”

Cha Sihyeon looked at sky blue and blue pencils.

He didn’t like sky blue.

On the tablet, he was able to change the color at will, but there were few kinds of colored pencils.

In 60-color crayons, there was more blue color, but they were too bulky to carry around.

“Are there any other blue colored pencils?”

Cha Sihyeon searched for blue colored pencils on the Internet.

His eyes glistened at the organized color chart.

There were so many shades of blue such as cyan, navy, turquoise, aqua, midnight blue, sky blue, royal
blue, and aquamarine.

“If I get 100 points on the next test, I’ll ask daddy for a new sketchbook and a different blue color

Cha Sihyeon put down his smartphone and started painting the picture.

Before going to France. I decided to take a day off in Germany.

I was worried about the broadcast, but I was relieved that the employees’ expressions were bright.

“What are you talking about? You did a great job.”

Uncle Bang also praised me.

“I like it so much, but I’m glad the result is good.”

“So, Hun. How about doing it when you are free?”


“Yes, you communicate with my fans while drawing.”

It was definitely more comfortable than when I went on the talk show ‘Let’s Talk.’

A crazy person asked me what color my underwear was, but most of them seemed to be nice to me.
When the painting took shape to some extent, I felt surprised and happy that they liked it.

“Everyone does it these days.”

Grandpa added to Uncle Bang’s words.

“Does grandpa also do it?”

“Huh. No. Grandpa can’t do things like that. Aunt Mirae was good at things like this. Do you call it a

“Yes. That’s right.”

“Aunt Mirae said that she has 900,000 subscribers, who watch her show?”

I was surprised to hear an unexpected number.

I don’t know how many people can watch the live stream.

“Hahaha. Not all subscribers watch the show Live. There are also times when only 5,000 people watch
“Don’t feel pressured and do it when you’re bored. If it’s fun, I’ll get an editor and upload the video.”

It’s better not to focus on it because it’s so distracting.

But as Uncle Bang said, I think it’s suitable to soothe the loneliness that comes from time to time.

“I will. But do I have to buy a camera? I don’t know how to do it.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll get it ready.”

As expected, Uncle Bang is reliable.

“Hun, we have some time left. Shall we go to a museum?”

“Is there an art museum, grandpa?”

“Of course. There’s a lot.”

“There’s Kunstpalast and Düsseldorf’s modern art museum K20, and there’s a quiet and atmospheric
place called kunstsammlung nordrhein-westfalen.”

I have to go to Paris tomorrow, so I have to choose well since I’ve only one day.

“How about Kunstpalast? They are exhibiting Nam Jun’s work in Kunstpalast.”

Uncle Bang tilted his head at my confused reaction.

“Does Hun not know about Nam Jun?”

“I don’t know. Is he a painter?”

“Artist is the correct word. He pioneered the genre of video art, and he also held the Whitney Biennale
in Korea. Based on that, he also made the Gwangju Biennale.”

“How did he open the Whitney Biennale?”

I don’t understand why the Whitney Biennale, hosted by the Whitney Museum of Art, was held in Korea.

“At that time, the Whitney Museum of Art was an American-centered exhibition.”
Grandpa answered my question.

“At that time, Whitney Museum of Art was preparing for an overseas exhibition, and Nam Jun suggested
they do it in Seoul. Since the theme was peninsula divided by the truce line, they decided to do it in our

“Does our country have border problems?”

Grandpa and Uncle Bang nodded their heads.

I can’t believe the dazzling city we live in was the capital of a warring country.

Seems like Nam Jun is an amazing guy.

“I used to be a professor here,”

Grandpa said, recalling the past.

He seems to have had a personal acquaintance since he seemed to have worked here.
“In addition to Nam Jun’s work, there are also works of Peter Paul Rubens.”

Rubens is the Artist that France had supported.

All the artists at the Royal Academy of Art had to follow Rubens’ paintings.

“Then what else?”

“There are K20 and K21?”

When I tilted my head, Uncle Bang said that the K20 State Museum of Art exhibited 20th-century art,
while the K21 Museum of Modern Art has literally collected works from the 21st century.

“K20 would be nice. There’s post-impressionism, there’s cubism, there’s Kandinsky and Mondrian.”

I heard too many unfamiliar words today.

I might have a headache.

There will be a chance to come again next time, so today I want to know about Nam Jun, who is praised
so much by grandpa and Uncle Bang.
“I just want to see Nam Jun’s work. We don’t have much time.”

“Okay. Maybe Little Hun might get an answer to what you were worried about earlier.”

Grandpa said while patting my head.

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Chapter 106

Chapter 106
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Canvas 106

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I was going to go to the K20 State Museum of Art, but I turned around because I heard that a special
exhibition is being held at the K21 Museum of Modern Art.

From the map, it is nearby, but the museum building is not visible because tall trees block the view.

“I guess we’re almost there.”

As I followed grandpa’s voice and walked, a nice art museum soon appeared through the branches.
A bicycle rider could be seen cycling around the K21 Museum of Art, where yellowish-brown bricks and
marble are piled up gracefully.

On the terrace next to the building, people who appear to be family members share drinks.

The man pulling the stroller greeted us with a smile, and the child also waved his hands.

It may be meaningless, but it felt good because it seemed like they greeted us warmly even though
there was no reason to do it.

“It’s not crowded, is it?”

I thought there would be a lot of people because it was holding a special exhibition.

“Maybe not. It’s crowded outside because it’s being used as a park.”

Grandpa looked around and said.

Like Louvre and Orsay, it feels like it’s being accepted as a part of daily life by the people, not like going
to an art museum, seeing that my heart felt warm again.
For the people here, the art museum is not a special place, but a resting place where they can relax with
their families.

It’s no wonder there’s such a wonderful lake.

“Grandpa, it’s a duck.”

“Yes, they are walking in a row.”

The duck family was walking around the lake, and the baby ducks that were waddling along their mother
duck were so cute.

When a baby duck looks away, the baby duck behind him pushes his head in and prevents the baby duck
from going elsewhere.

I was pleased to see the mature baby duck taking care of his brother.

I watched the surrounding scenery thinking that I shouldn’t bother the ducklings.
Looking at the trees on the gently shaking surface, I felt like I should just spend time here rather than
going inside the art museum.

The scenery and daily life here are already calming me

“What is this?”

Uncle Bang’s surprised voice was heard from in front of a poster.

When I got close, there was a phrase, ‘What can I do?’

In the background, a human face is drawn quite crudely.

It looks like abstract art, but unlike the work of Willem de Kooning, the intention could not be read.

If you look at the strokes, it seems to have been drawn by an unusual person, and it is unclear.

“What’s this?”

“I don’t know.”
“This is a special event, right?”

“Yes. It says that Nam Jun’s works and various collections are on display.”

While Uncle Bang and I were thinking about it for a long time in front of the poster, grandpa came.

“Grandpa, do you know about this?”

Grandpa came closer, and calmly looked at the picture.

Grandpa maybe be able to find something.

“I don’t know.”

Maybe not.

“Who drew it?”

“It says, Andrea.”

Uncle Bang said, pointing to a small letter at the bottom of the poster.

“Just Andrea? Not Andrea Arroyo.” 1)

“Yes, the style is completely different.”

“Signatures also seem to be different.”

It seems like it was not painted by the Italian painter Andrea Mantegna of the 15th century.

“Let’s go in.”

When we tried to buy a ticket, the employee looked at grandpa and me alternately and opened his eyes


I greeted him first because he seemed happy to see us.

The museum staff called the person next to him by tapping on his shoulder.

The person who turned around looked at grandpa and covered his mouth.

“Sir Ko Sooyeol, it’s an honor. Oh, you must have come with your grandson.”

As expected, there are people who recognize grandpa everywhere.

Grandpa greeted them with a gentle smile, like always.

“I really loved [Guest].”

The person I greeted earlier mentioned [Guest] which was on display at the Marceau Gallery.

“Thank you.”

“How would you like your ticket? You can get a discount if you buy it with the K20 State Museum ticket.”

“We don’t have time. We came to see the exhibition.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

“It’s 26.5 euros, right?”

Uncle Bang stepped up.

“It’s 24 euros.”

Uncle wondered at the staff’s reply.

I asked after checking the admission fee.

“Is it free for children?”

“Yes. It came into effect last year so that children can come and have fun without any burden.”

The Whitney Museum of Art seems to be not the only one thinking about the relationship between Art
and the public.

The K21 Museum of Modern Art is also considerate of children and makes them accustomed to art from
an early age.
Certainly, it is a good direction because the things you experience when you are young have a greater
influence when you grow up.

While Uncle Bang was buying the ticket, the poster we saw at the entrance came into view.

“Who is this Andrea who drew this poster?”

I asked the staff and the staff smiled.

Then he looked at the person next to him and laughed aloud.

I wondered what’s funny about it.

They shook their heads and answered.

“It’s an artificial intelligence’s name. What do you think?”

Uncle Bang stepped up while I was so confused that I couldn’t respond.

“Did artificial intelligence draw this?”

“Yes, we told Andrea about the concept of the exhibition, and she drew this picture and we used it as a

I thought I was the only one who was surprised, but grandpa and Uncle Bang were also quite surprised.

The way the brush and paint were used was so sensuous that it could never be thought that a machine
did it.


Grandpa groaned, looking carefully at the poster once again.

The text keeps getting caught in my eyes.

Is that a word that represents artificial intelligence can do anything, or is it our word that points to the
beginning of an era where artificial intelligence paints pictures?

“Let’s go up.”
I felt my footsteps heavy as I moved at Uncle Bang’s words.

We took the elevator to the top floor of the special exhibition.

When I come to the art museum, I always admire the surrounding scenery and the building itself.

The same was true this time.

The dome-shaped top floor was all made of glass, making me feel as if I were outside.

Thanks to this sense of openness, I feel like I’m staying in Düsseldorf, not inside the museum.

The first thing that welcomes us is the monitor.

It is an installation that is shaped like a tree by attaching a square frame and has a monitor in each

According to the title, it is [Apple tree] created by Nam Jun in 1995.

Unlike what I know, the monitor illuminates a fairly thick and symbolic image.

“Hun, you asked what would happen to the rest of us if it was automated yesterday, right?”

“This work started with that question.”

Grandpa said, looking at [Apple tree].

“Some people lose their livelihoods due to the advances in technology, while others struggle to survive.”


Since the invention of the camera, many artists have stopped copying things.

“The invention of TV turned the world in a completely different way from the one before that. People
who are far apart were able to see the same thing at the same time.”

There are definitely limited people who can access it if it’s a physical place.

But on TV or smartphone, you can watch it from anywhere.

“The artists were worried about this TV. Because people will no longer visit museums like they used to.”

There’s a big difference between seeing Art in person and watching it on TV, but TV isn’t just bad.

It’s easy to look at an art museum that is not accessible to many because of various reasons.

It also gives you a different pleasure while looking at Art.

“When many people were worried and complaining, Nam Jun used this TV as an art tool. It’s his way of
saying that artists should also think differently since the world has changed.”

As I was looking at [Apple tree] while listening to grandpa, images swaying in the old monitors felt as if
they were performing.

“He actively participated not only in TV but also in inventing and improving these electronic devices

Uncle Bang also said while looking at [Apple tree].

My thoughts get complicated.

As Automation takes place, marginalized workers should never be neglected.

There are good and wonderful people like Nam Jun, who tried to adapt to the changing world, but we
should not forget those who could not.

The theme of the special exhibition is something that everyone will ponder at least once in their

What can I do?

When the works of masters such as Ferdinando Gonzalez and Willem de Kooning are loved, I don’t
understand them yet.

The discourse they form doesn’t touch me.

This is probably because I’m an ‘old man’ and I can’t share the same culture as them.

Maybe it’s a relationship that can’t be narrowed from the beginning.

What can I do?

There is only one answer.

I shouldn’t give up and keep talking with the people I live with.

If you just put up a wall in front of you without communicating, you will someday be isolated from the
changing world.

When I looked at [Apple tree] with that thought, I suddenly realized something.

“I think I know why it’s hard.”

Grandpa and Uncle Bang look down.

“If it was made in 1995, it would have been 33 years ago. Right?”


I knew it was TV because grandpa told me. Since the present-day TV is different from the one 33 years
I felt this while preparing concept art, human life does not change so quickly.

Except for certain things, most of the things like the wagons and streets did not change much from what
I remembered even at the end of the turbulent times of the 19th century.

But it’s different now.

In just 130-140 years, the world has completely changed as if it’s another world.

The TV used in [Apple tree] would have been high-tech 33 years ago, but it’s very unfamiliar to me now.

The pace of change in the world has accelerated.

The pace of change in the 20th century was faster than the pace of change in the 19th century

The pace of change in the 21st century is faster than the one in the 20th century.

“I think it’s changing too fast. People don’t even have time to think about what they can do.”

Grandpa patted on my head.

“It is also a concern that humans are becoming increasingly alienated.”

The moment I understood the life of Nam Jun, who created [Apple tree], and Andrea, who drew the
poster for this exhibition, I could understand a little bit of how people who worked at the paint factory
and made pizza felt at the face of automation.


1)Andrea Arroyo: Born in 1962, an artist from Mexico.

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Chapter 107

Chapter 107
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 107

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The next day, as promised, I headed to Paris, France.

The last time I came, I couldn’t see the Musée d’Orsay properly, so I wanted to stop by again, but first, I
wanted to see Henry Marceau’s collection.

Raphael’s [Small Cowper Madonna] is in Henry Marceau’s personal collection, so it will be hard to see it
if I miss this opportunity.

“Do you really have to go?”

Grandpa didn’t sleep on the plane for some reason and showed signs of displeasure.

“How about we go to Orsay? You weren’t able to properly see it last time, right?”

Grandpa doesn’t seem to want to go to Henry Marceau’s place.

“It’s important to get movie props, grandpa. Then will grandpa not come with me. Don’t you want to see
Raphael’s painting?”


Even grandpa can’t say anything when Raphael’s name was bought.
Grandpa coughs and feigns ignorance.

About an hour later, there was an announcement that we would arrive in Paris soon.

I wrapped the snack given by the airplane staff and filled it into my mouth.

When I came out of the airport, Arsene Musso, Marceau’s secretary, was waiting for us at the airport.

“Welcome to Paris.”


The car Arsene brought was light brown and looked like it was made of wood, unlike the other cars.


Grandpa and Uncle Bang also looked at the car curiously.

When I touched it, it felt like it was not wood.

It’s not like general paint, while the color and color pattern are excellent no matter what type of paint is

The pattern, texture, and workmanship of this wide range of paintings are also great.

“I’ve never seen a model like this before.”

“The vehicle was painted by El patron himself.”

Arsene answered Uncle Bang’s question with a smile.

He’s a really great Artist.

“Did Director Nolan arrive?”

“I was informed that he will arrive tomorrow evening.”

It seems that things in England have not been solved yet.

Nolan and his staff, who are working together on a number of things related to this year’s release and
‘The Strange Castle’, also felt great.
“And this,”

Arsene handed over an envelope.

The envelope, embroidered with gold leaf, was sealed with wax.

Seeing the wax hardened like a lily, seemed like the symbol Marceau family

“Was he from a royal family?”

The lily is a crest used by the French royal family for a long time.

“That’s right.”

I wondered why Henry Marceau’s personality was like that, but now I found the answer.

It seems to be an inherited personality.

Arsene opened the envelope with a knife.

It was an invitation that begins with the elegant phrase,

“We invite you to see Marceau street.”

I don’t think Marceau wrote it.

There is a postscript attached in the last line.

I think he wrote this himself.

Come if you don’t have anywhere to go.

I nodded and put the invitation in the envelope.

“Where can I take you?”

“There’s an accommodation Director Nolan booked for us. we’ll go there.”

Uncle Bang opened his smartphone and told me the hotel address that Nolan Productions booked.

The car sent by Henry Marceau was very comfortable because it canceled all the outside noise and it did
not shake even on a small bump.

“Then I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you.”

“At what time shall I come to pick you up?”

When I looked at grandpa and uncle Bang alternately asking for answers, Uncle Bang stepped up and
answered instead.

“It would be rude to go too early. Can I ask you to pick us up around ten?”

“I will.”

“Please give my greetings to Marceau, too.”



Henry Marceau looked around the VIP room and nodded.

Henry Marceau arranged the collar and moved his feet in a relaxed manner.

As he walked down the central staircase through the hallway on the second floor, his secretary Arsene
entered the mansion.

Henry wriggled his eyebrows.

He couldn’t see who he was supposed to see.

“I’m back El Patron.”

Arsene bowed his head.

“What about Sir Ko Sooyeol?”

When Henry Marceau looked for Ko Sooyeol, Arsene lowered his hat to the side and replied,

“I took them to the accommodation that Director Nolan booked for them.”

“What about the invitation?”

“I gave it to Mr. Ko Hun.”

“He didn’t come after reading it?”

“Yes. I’m going to pick them up at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Mr. Ko Hun sent his thanks for sending a car.”

Henry’s lips twitched.

In order to show off his collection, he personally supervised and waited after preparing the exhibition
room and the VIP room from the morning.

Moreover, even though he wrote and sent an invitation, Ko Hun made him wait one more day, which
made him feel very uncomfortable.
He regretted that he had a deep conversation once and opened his heart a little to him.

Henry Marceau’s clothes fluttered as he turned around.


Henry Marceau’s nanny Sherry, who was preparing for the meal, saw Arsene going out and asked.

“Are you here alone? What about the guests?”


Arsene asked back, raising his eyebrows.

“Henry told me to prepare some food for the guests.”

“I gave the invitation, but he said he would come tomorrow.”

“Oh, my. I thought they’d come right away. It’s his first time bringing friends to the house, you know. It’s
been a mess since morning.”

Arsene thought that the atmosphere felt different from when he left the mansion.

The carpet was new and the flowerpots were placed everywhere.


“Henry, Henry!”

Sherry Gado called Henry Marceau as she climbed the central stairs.

Sherry, who entered the study, saw Henry looking out the window and hit him on the back.

“How can you tell me to prepare food even before you made a promise? Who’s going to eat all that

“Is there one or two people in the house?”

“How can we eat it all?”

Sherry Gado, who was complaining to Henry Marceau, covered her mouth when she saw Henry
Marceau from the side.

“Oh my, are you sulking because your friend didn’t come?

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, my God. Our Henry also gets upset. It’s okay dear. He said he’ll come tomorrow.”

“Shut up! If you don’t have anything to do, lie down and watch TV!”

“Hey, did you think I’m slacking around here? Even today I’ve been cooking for your friend since
morning, to the point I feel like I broke my waist.”

“Why would you do all that? I told you not to work!”

“How can I not do anything when everyone is working?”

“Didn’t you say your back hurts!?”

“But still I’ve to be in the kitchen. Who’s going to cater to your picky taste, if it isn’t me?”

Henry Marceau was at a loss for words.

“Don’t be noisy and don’t work from now on. I’ve already warned you.”

“It’s okay for now. If I don’t work, I’ll be bored.”

Sherry Gado checked Henry Marceau’s face and smiled and tapped his shoulder.

“Henry, you’re all grown up. I’ve nothing to worry about now.”

“Don’t worry. If you’re bored, go out and shop. Why don’t you use a spa where you get a massage. why
don’t you take the card and not use it?”

“Oh, it’s fine. So? Are you sure they’re coming tomorrow?”

“I don’t know!”

I tossed and turned at the thought of seeing Raphael’s work.

I fell asleep at the dawn of the morning and barely woke up to the sound of grandpa waking me up.

I ate bread and salad that the employee brought me, but my eyelids keep closing.

Grandpa laughed as I was eating with my eyes closed because I thought I would regret not eating it since
it smelled like high-quality butter.

“Hey, little guy. If you eat like that, you will put the food into the nose instead of the mouth.”

“What can I do grandpa, I’m sleepy?’

“Didn’t you sleep?”

I shook my head to get rid of sleep.

“I couldn’t sleep thinking about looking at Raphael’s paintings, so I kept looking it up on my

“It’s not good to look at your phone before you go to bed.”

“That’s right.”

If I look it up, I become curious about that.

Time flies when you surf the internet without any objective.

The Internet is really scary.

“I did find one thing though.”


“Why was Vincent sick?”

Yesterday, I searched for a famous painting and found a post called “Some Things That made life of
Vincent Van Gogh hard.”
I knew from grandpa that I got lead poisoning and got sick.

When I read the article, it was definitely painful.

“They said the epilepsy drug caused more damage.”

“What do you mean?”

“Digoxin? It contained a substance that suppresses seizures, which made his heart beat violently and
increased his anxiety.”

“Hmm. Certainly, considering the medical level at that time, they could have prescribed it wrong.”

In the early 20th century, my grandfather gave morphine to a person who caught a cold.

“What’s morphine, grandpa?”

“It’s a drug.”

“……Do they give drugs to someone who’s sick?”

“I think so. It’s said that it calms them.”

It is a prescription that does not make patients comfortable but makes people around them

“And you said it was because of wine, right grandpa?”

A story about lead poisoning.

“I did.”

“I think it was because of absinthe.”

In fact, when I drank absinthe, my mind became clear for no apparent reason.

I drank a lot even though I knew it was not good for my body because I felt strange when I drank it

“In fact, if you drink absinthe, the color around you feels brighter. Maybe because of that,.”
Grandpa looked at me with a happy smile on his face.

“It was revealed in 1990, that long-term use of terpene and tuzon substances in absinthe can destroy
the optic nerve.”

“Then Vincent should have suffered from absinthe.”

I shook my head.

“Terpene is not a substance that lasts long. If you’re going to have a problem with terpene in absinthe,
you have to eat more than 2g to get a side effect.”

“2g is a very small amount?”

“Yes. But 1 liter of absinthe contained 6 milligrams of terpene.”

I have to drink 333 liters to have a problem in my body due to absinthe.

It is not a substance that remains in the body for a long time, so you should drink it in a short period of
Maybe my stomach will burst before that.

The hallucinations I felt were the stimulant effect of Absinthe.

Now, it contains a very small amount of stimulant ingredients compared to the ingredients in coffee.

For me and others, who were less exposed to stimulants at that time, it had a tremendous effect.

“So epilepsy that he inherited from his family lineage got worse because of eating lead-based
sweeteners and paints along with the wrong medicine and alcohol.”

Grandpa nodded his head.

“I see. There’s another story about him like that.”

Grandpa pretended as if he didn’t know about it, but I think he already knew it.

He went with me as if he didn’t know so that I could talk.

“What is it?”
“Actually, the image of absinthe is inflated. It contains drug substances, so it cannot be imported, and
now there are rumors that the drug substance has been removed.”

Absinthe seems to be popular alcohol even in modern times.

“Most of the bad rumors about absinthe spread in the 19th and 20th centuries were spread by

“Why grandpa?”

“The wine didn’t sell well because people drank cheap and easy liquor to get drunk.”

Certainly, I drank Absinthe because it was cheap and easy to get.

I found a drink that can easily get me drunk because I didn’t have money.


I feel again how much effort and time it takes to know the hidden truth.
With what was revealed in 1990, even now, doubts about absinthe have not completely disappeared.

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Chapter 108

Chapter 108
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Canvas 108

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By the way, I feel more sleepy after eating.

I need to change my clothes, but I end up dropping my head without realizing it.

I thought I should sleep for at least 10 minutes, so when I lay down on the bed, grandpa called me.

“Hun, you have to brush your teeth.”

” Yes.”

I have to get up.

I promised to come at 10.

But is it really necessary to get up?

No, I have to go see Raphael.

I have to get up.

Wouldn’t it be okay to contact him now and ask him to delay the appointment for about an hour?

“…… You punk.”

I must have fallen asleep again.

Grandpa lifted me up and woke me up.

Grandpa put toothpaste on my toothbrush, so I had to bite it with my mouth.

The spiciness makes me feel a little drowsy.

Grandpa looks sadly at me.

“What grandpa?”

“It’s because you’re tired. You have to take a few days off after this, Okay?”

Definitely, I won’t be this tired after a day of tossing and turning.

I ran nonstop for a month with a young body and traveled around the world, so I think I’ve accumulated
fatigue without realizing it.

As grandpa said, I’d better take a few days off.

“We have to go out now,”

Grandpa squeezed the lotion and spread it on my face.

Uncle Bang knocked on the door as I put on the socks while my face was crumbling.

When I left the hotel, Henry’s secretary Arsene was waiting.

I came down two minutes earlier than the promised time, but I think he was here even before that.

I would have felt sorry for him if I had fallen asleep.

Arsene bowed slightly.

It’s an equal world for everyone, but it’s a little uncomfortable to see him treat me like this.

“You look tired.”

“Yes, I didn’t sleep well.”

Arsene looked at me anxiously.

First, I got into the car through the door he opened for me.

The warm-hearted man began to drive.

“If you don’t mind, why don’t you use the recovery room?”

“Recovery room?”
“Yes. You’ll be much better in about two hours. And then you’d have lunch and I think soon Director
Nolan will join you.”

Since I was so tired that I wanted to do it, so I replied first.

“Yes, I’d like to take it. How about Uncle Bang and grandpa?”

“No, I’m fine. Just the Professor and Hun enjoy it.”

“I’m fine, too.”

Uncle Bang and grandpa refused.

Both of them have a good physique and are healthy, so they will be less tired than me, but the two of
them have also traveled together with me everywhere, so they also should be tired.

Uncle Bang did a lot of things for me.

I don’t know exactly what the recovery room is for, but it will be better than not receiving it.

“Let’s do it together, Grandpa and Uncle Bang. You must be tired too.”
“Yes, don’t feel pressured. El Patron told me to serve you with all my heart.”


Grandpa tilts his head.

Arsene tapped his left ear and asked someone to prepare a recovery room.

I thought he was talking to himself.

It seems like you can make a call by not even taking out your smartphone.

What a strange world it is.


I forgot.

Even though I am just visiting Henry Marceau, I have to keep my manners.

“Can you stop by the flower shop on the way?”

“Flower shop?”

Uncle Bang tilts his head.

“Haha. It’s okay. El Patron doesn’t care about such formalities.”

“But as a guest, we must thank the host.”

I looked up at grandpa and he nodded.

“Where did you learn this?”

“I learned it on NewTube.”

After knowing the Internet and New Tube, I find answers to all my questions.

On the way, I bought a small flower pot and a card at a flower shop.




The three people, who received a massage for 30 minutes and took a paraffin bath in a recovery capsule
where high-pressure oxygen was maintained, were drunk on the subtle scent of jasmine.

Violin sonatas, which were effective in inducing sleep, flowed from noise-canceling earphones worn to
reduce external noise.

The three, who were completely cut off from the world and tasted comfort, quickly fell asleep.

Ko Hun, who woke up after sleeping deeply for about an hour, admired his light body.

He felt like he could do anything because he was clear-headed.

As soon as the capsule opened, he turned his head and found his grandfather.

“Grandpa, I’m not tired at all.”

“I know,”

Ko Sooyeol was also quite surprised, just like Ko Hun.

He felt chronic fatigue because the neck muscles were always tight, but it was amazing that it
disappeared with just a simple massage and sleeping for about an hour.

“This way,” said the manager of the recovery room at the Marceau residence, accompanied by the staff.

When the paraffin attached to the body was removed and massaged once again, Ko Sooyeol, Ko Hun,
and Bang Tae felt like their bodies were melting.

A Marceau staff brought special kale apple juice to three people, who were in gowns after a shower.

Ko Hun opened his eyes wide, drinking the sweet and refreshing drink.

“Wow, this is really good.”

“How do you feel, sir?”

“It’s certainly amazing, I feel light.”

Ko Hun, who washed away his sleepiness and fatigue in an instant, made a big decision.

He thought he should live frugally except for the cost for his work, but he decided that the recovery
capsule was worth purchasing.

He wanted to buy one because he could feel refreshed in just an hour or two even if he stayed up all
night painting.

“Grandpa, let’s buy that capsule.”


Ko Sooyeol was conflicted.

Maintaining a muscular body even at the age of 60s, he thought exercise was the best for his health.
He thought most health-related products were false or exaggerated, but after experiencing this, he
thought it would be okay to have one at home.

“If we buy it, I can draw all night,”

Ko Hun persuaded his conflicted grandfather once more.

“The accumulation of fatigue might reduce the effect. You’ll be disappointed if you buy it for that

Ko Hun was disappointed by the words of the recovery room manager.

“But this would be good for occasional use. How much is it?”

“It’s 30,000 euros at the time of purchase.”

Bang Tae opened his eyes wide at the recovery capsule price told by the manager.

He gave up wanting to buy it at a price higher than his car.

Ko Hun was also worried about the amount being bigger than he expected.
“Since the corporation pays 2.2 million won a month, 19 months…”

It was too much even for Ko Hun, who is earning 2.2 million won a month.

Ko Hun fiddled with the Kale juice cup while thinking that he should stop eating snacks for 19 months.

“Grandpa, can’t I use the money in the corporation?”

“Why not? You can use it.”

“You said I shouldn’t use it for anything that didn’t have anything to do with painting. So, can I buy the

“It depends on how you deal with it. You can say that you bought it for employee welfare. Why? Do you
want to buy it so much?”

Ko Hun nodded furiously.

“Okay, let’s think about it.”

Ko Sooyeol thought Ko Hun shouldn’t overdo it by trusting only the recovery capsule, but he thought it
would be okay to buy it if Ko Hun could sometimes relieve his accumulated fatigue.

His grandson wants to spend the money tied to his corporate account, so he thought it would be fine as
a birthday gift that will be coming on the 1st of the next month.

Ko Sooyeol nodded his head.

“If you’re finished taking a break, I’ll show you to the dining room.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Thank you.”

“Yes, Please.”

Ko Hun looked around.

He thought about it when he first entered the Marceau mansion, everything was more antique than any
other building he had ever seen.
A huge castle built in the Rococo style, which briefly flourished in France in the 18th century, was
completely renovated outside.

Blue exterior walls and white pillars.

The delicately carved decorations were plated and luxurious.

When he entered, the marble floor, which was shiny enough to reflect things, continued endlessly.

‘In a place like this,’

Ko Hun could not imagine how Henry Marceau, who became the owner of a great mansion at a young
age, spent his childhood.

“The meal is ready,”

Ko Hun and his party headed to the dining hall under the guidance of the staff.

Meanwhile, Henry Marceau, who had to wait for another two hours even after waiting for a full day,
waited for Ko Hun while grinding his teeth.

Ko Hun’s delay was very unpleasant because he was anxious to show off his collection, including [Small
Copper and Madonna].

Besides, the food that his nanny Sherry Gado cooked with all her heart yesterday went into the

Henry Marceau was just waiting for Ko Hun to do another rude thing.

Just in time, Ko Hun entered the dining hall.

It was irritating for Henry Marceau to look at Ko Hun who looked around with a bright smile after
making him wait twice.

Henri Marceau greeted him like an adult.

“Welcome, Sir Ko Sooyeol. CEO Bang Tae.”

“Thank you for inviting me.”

“Thanks to you, I had a good rest.”

Ko Sooyeol and Bang Tae exchanged greetings with Henry Marceau.

Henry Marceau was generous enough to forgive Ko Hun, who did not greet him if he realized his mistake
and apologized even now.

“Thank you for inviting me,”

But Ko Hun greeted him casually and sat down.


Henry, who expected him to be embarrassed because he did not greet him, was somewhat perplexed.

‘Well, at least he’s grateful,’ beckoned Henry Marceau.

Secretary Arsene rang the bell and signaled to bring in the dishes.
Moments later, the employees of Marceau’s mansion came in with glass.

Ko Hun’s attention got drawn to the subtle yellow color in the glass and the orange showing off its
coveted flesh.

Lille Blanc, served as an aperitif, was placed in front of everyone.

However, there was only unsweetened orange juice in front of Ko Hun.

“Let’s eat,”

Henry raised his glass.

Bang Tae, who was not familiar with France’s food and wine culture, smelled the alcohol and carefully
moistened his mouth.

“Wow, this is good.”

Bang Tae’s honest appreciation shook Ko Hun.

He was a heavy drinker, and he decided not to touch the liquor that had troubled him in his past life.
He thought it would be okay to drink if it was without lead looking at the beautiful liquor put in front of

“Can I drink that?”

Ko Hun asked Ko Sooyeol.


“Is there lead in it, grandpa?”

“Haha. It’s alright. There’s no lead in alcohol these days. Do you wonder what it tastes like?”



When Ko Hun drank orange juice with disappointment, Henry raised one corner of his mouth

However, it was only a small sense of victory, and the crime of making him wait and putting the food
carefully prepared by the nanny into the refrigerator cannot be washed away with just that.

Sherry Gado, the housekeeper of the Marceau mansion and the nanny of Henry Marceau, served food.

She and the chefs prepared the amuse-bouche (appetizer), prepared for abalone cooked in butter and
wine, salmon tartare, foie graterin for the Korean guests.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Sherry. I baked tofu because I heard you were from Korea, but I don’t
know if it will suit your taste.”

Ko Hun made a fuss after taking one bite of tofu.

“It’s good. It’s crispy on the outside, but it smells savory when you chew it. Is this Español sauce?”

“Oh, you know it well. Yes, we made it with our own butter and beef broth.”

“It’s great. I’ve never had such a delicious Español sauce. It goes so well with tofu.”
“Ho-ho-ho. How can you speak so beautifully? Do you want some more?”

“Yes. Please, madam.”

“Oh, my God. He’s very polite. Yeah, I’ll get it for you right away.”

“Oh, and this. Thank you for inviting me to a wonderful meal.”

Ko Hun took out a small pot that he had put in a paper bag.

Three purple irises were blooming fresh.

“What a polite child. I don’t know why Henry bothered such a baby so much.”

Henry Marceau furrowed his eyebrows.

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After finishing the work in England, Nolan and his party headed straight to France.

When they arrived at the Marceau mansion in Paris’ Sénart Forest, it was three hours after lunch, which
began at 12:30 p.m.

Even after finishing all the meals, Ko Hun was into various foods that he had never eaten before.

For that boy, Sherry Gado constantly brought dessert.

Thanks to this, Henry Marceau, Ko Sooyeol, and Bang Tae had to stay in their seats for a long time even
after finishing their meal.


“How is it?”
“It’s so good. I’ve never had such a delicious blueberry tart. How is it so crispy? Grandpa, you should try
it, too.”

Ko Hun praised Sherry Gado’s blueberry tart.

Custard cream burst open in his mouth after a crumbly texture like a well-baked cookie.

The sweetness had a fresh blueberry scent, and the combination of pulp and pie made the texture
different every time he chewed it and made it enjoyable.

‘Damn it. Is this your first time eating? Did you starve? Are you a ghost who starved to death for a few

Henry Marceau, who had to watch Ko Hun eat for about an hour even after finishing his meal, barely
suppressed the rising curse.

He didn’t care about the formalities, but as the host, he couldn’t interrupt the precious meal time of the

He couldn’t complain about food that went into the refrigerator yesterday due to the worry that Ko Hun
might even wish to eat that.

When Ko Hun put the blueberry tart in his mouth, Henry Marceau, Ko Sooyeol, and Bang Tae sighed at
the same time.

The end was in sight after the long meal.

“What do you think? Do you want more? There’s also mango sherbet.”

Sherry Gado asked, looking lovingly at Ko Hun, who was eating deliciously.


“No, Hun. Stop eating.”

Ko Sooyeol, who was lovingly watching the scene of his grandchild eating well at first, stepped up and
stopped him.

“I’ll only eat sherbet, grandpa.”

“No, if you eat more, your stomach will burst.”

When Ko Hun was disappointed by his grandfather’s dissuasion, secretary Arsene entered the dining

“El Patron, director Nolan’s party has arrived.”

At the news that Nolan came, Ko Hun finally put down the spoon.

Henry Marceau, Ko Sooyeol, and Bang Tae were delighted only when the boy started wiping his mouth
with a napkin.

Ko Sooyeol, who was worried about his grandson who ate too much, stroked the belly of his grandson,
which was protruding.


Henry Marceau coughed and drew attention.

“Let’s go to the exhibition room,”

Henry gave Arsene a look and instructed him to guide the people.


I couldn’t finish the meal because the movie staff arrived, but it was a great day.

I found an unexpected way to rest and Sherry Gado’s food was so delicious, that it made me wonder
whether I can taste it again.

Grandpa keeps rubbing my stomach and asks if I’m okay.

“I’m really fine, grandpa.”

“Tell me if you’re sick. Okay?”

Usually, I would get full after eating a large slice of pizza, but now I eat a lot.

I don’t know whether I’m gluttonous.

It seems like I have an obsession with delicious food.

The growth phase of this body also seems to be one cause.

We followed Henry Marceau out of the house.

We drove in a very small car for two to three minutes and reached another building.

It seems to be an annex, and it was big.

I could see Nolan’s party.

“ Hello, Director Nolan.”

“How have you been? You look good?”

Nolan looked at me and welcomed me when I greeted him warmly.

The party also greeted each other by talking about things that had happened.

“I enjoyed your broadcast. You did a great job. It was like Bob Ross.” 1)
“Bob Ross?”

Nolan mentioned a name I heard for the first time.

Uncle Bang explained to me when I tilted my head.

“He’s an American painter and he’s a great contributor to the popularization of art. Probably as famous
as Picasso and Van Gogh in Korea.”

Seeing my grandfather nod, I guess he is a great person.

It’s great to hear that such an Artist came to mind after watching my broadcast.

I wonder what the person named Bob Ross, who Nolan and Uncle Bang are praising so much did.

“Is he still working as Artist?”

“No, he’s dead. But there are still art galleries and broadcasts, so you’ll be able to find them.”
It’s amazing that there’s a record of him left in the video.

We can listen to the voices of past masters and see their expressions and work processes.

“Don’t get me wrong,”

Henry Marceau stepped up with a straight face.

“Bob Ross is a great man who made it easy for people to draw. How do ordinary people copy the [cat
sunflower] you drew?”

“Did you watch my show?”

I asked Henry Marceau,

“You watched it even though you were busy,”

Henry Marceau flinched.

“………Let’s go in.”
He went inside the annex without answering.

When we entered the colorful door, unlike the slightly hot outside, the interior was pleasant.

Humidity and temperature are reasonable, and the smart LEDs that I saw in various art galleries caught
my eye.

It seemed like the place was well-maintained.

“Oh, my God,”

Uncle Bang’s excited voice was heard.

Not only Uncle Bang, Nolan, and his crew also opened their mouths wide looking at the artworks.

“The first exhibition hall here is a collection of works from the Renaissance period,”

Secretary Arsene explained on behalf of Henry Marceau.


Grandpa’s exclaimed voice was heard from the corner.

I wondered which work shook grandpa, so I rushed to the place where grandpa was, and when I saw it I
was also surprised.

“No way,”

It was Hieronymus Bosch’s [The Garden of Earthly Delights].

In a painting where heaven, earth, and hell are separated, there was both human desire and sin.

In particular, the way he expressed hell was horrifying.

Beelzebub in the shape of a fly that eats humans in the lower right corner, and a sinner hanging from a
harp embedded in a mandolin on the left.

A demon who tries to shoot and kill those who try to escape from the top with a bow.
I don’t know how one can complete a work with this density.

Wherever I look at this masterpiece, which is roughly 4 meters horizontally and 2 meters long, my mind
gets flooded with questions.

Even I, who lived in this era, am speechless looking at it.

There is no way to explain this work except for the word “genius idea.”

It is also absurd how an individual can draw such a huge masterpiece.

“Oh, my God,”

Art director Nathan Evans was also surprised.

“Mr. Marceau, how on earth did you get this?”

Henry Marceau shrugged.

Then secretary Arsene explained it instead.

“We don’t know exactly how, but it has been kept by the Marceau family since the 18th century.”

It means that he inherited it.

It is absurd to say that he inherited a national treasure-class work, but it felt plausible since he was from
a royal family lineage.

When he bought [Frost Wheat Field] for 14 million dollars, I thought he was crazy rich, but now it felt
like he was richer than I imagined.

This place is not a mansion, a castle.

“Where is Raphael?”

“The other side of the hall.”

When Henry Marceau turned his head in the direction he pointed, I forgot everything about [The Garden
of Earthly Delights] due to the expectations for Raphael’s [Small Copper and Madonna].

“Crazy sh*t.”
A foul word crept out of my mouth before I knew it.

Even grandpa, who repeatedly told me to not use foul words, didn’t bother to correct me.

“Are we at a Museum?”

I deeply sympathize with what Uncle Bang said.

It can be believed if someone said this place is a part of the Louvre or Orsay Museum.


Jean-François Millet’s [Shepherdess with her flock] was in front of my eyes.

That sunset.

That holy light that fills the endless field.

Millet’s excellence is revealed in the way he expressed the horizon.

It is not a completely straight line, but a slightly curved surface and the roads below it turn little by little,
making it look vast even though the sheep occupy most of the field area.

How noble is the girl in the hood praying?

The gentle sheep which eat grass peacefully under the light of holy grace and the submissive dog are

Millet found God in the sun and light, clouds and fields, sheep and girls.

I was attracted to his work and picked up the brush.


Everyone looked at the picture in silence.

We gathered one by one in front of [Shepherdess with her flock], and for some time we couldn’t say
anything and just looked at the scenery that Millet saw.
At that moment, we felt like we were connected with him.

What a great thing it is to share the feelings and the things sawn by a great artist who lived a century or
two ago.

What a heartbreaking thing this is.


Grandpa supported me when my legs were loosened and I faltered.

“What do you think?” asked Henry Marceau with a triumphant look.

“I envy you,”

I said frankly.

I envy him, who can see this picture whenever he wants.

“You should’ve come yesterday, right?”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“It’s so cool, right? Look at that field. One dandelion and one grass leaf are perfect. What about those
sheep? They all look different. What about the clouds?”

“The girl’s expression is also great.”

“Yeah, how can he express that childish face and humility in that small space?”

“The light is exquisite. Have you seen anyone else describe light like that?”

“No, there’s no one in this world who will be like him. I’m sure he was able to move each and every
strand of brush hairs one by one. How else would someone draw that?”

“Look how realistic is the skin of the sheep. There’s no place where there’s no light in the whole picture.
He’s a person who even paints a formless thing.”

Although he has a twisted personality, he knows a little about Master Millet.

Henry Marceau and I were in sync for the first time.


[1) Bob Ross, real name Robert Nolan Ross, (1942-1995) was an American painter, art instructor, and
television host. He was the creator and host of The Joy of Painting, an instructional television program
that aired from 1983 to 1994 on PBS in the United States, CBC in Canada, and similar channels in Latin
America, Europe, and elsewhere. Ross would subsequently become widely known through his
posthumous internet presence. He was famous for his closing comment, “What do you think? It’s easy,

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Chapter 110

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The movie crew was taken aback.

It was well known that Henry Marceau was one of the world’s best collectors, but no one thought there
would be works that are considered a national treasure of a country, or works that the entire human
race would consider a treasure.

In particular, the price of the works such as [The Garden of Earthly Delights], [Small Cowper and
Madonna], and [Shepherdess with her flock] could not be calculated.
French mystery writer Maurice LeBlanc’s imagination of the most ideally decorated private gallery by
the world’s best thief was incomparable to Henry Marceau’s exhibition room.

“Millet is the best. You know what? At that time, drawing a farmer was unimaginable. He saw God in the
daily lives of the most despicable people of that time.”

Ko Hun began to praise Jean-Francois Millet.

Henry Marceau responded by shaking his head with his arms folded.

“Of course, he was ignored by the people at that time. But he never gave up his belief until the end.”

For Vincent van Gogh, Jean-Francois Millet was not simply a senior or a master of the previous
generation, Millet was a milestone for Vincent van Gogh, a devout Christian who witnessed the
miserable lives of London workers.

Millet saw God in the life of a worker who no one cared about.

Millet’s work illuminated the dark life of Vincent van Gogh, who in turn wanted to be an illumination for

Van Gogh’s first work, [Potato Eaters], was his tribute to Millet’s spirit in his own way.
“Not only that,”

Henry Marceau took over Ko Hun’s words.

“It’s meaningful that he didn’t give up on portraying the farmer’s life until the end.”

Henry Marceau respected Jean-Francois Millet.

Millet suffered from the hardships most of his life because no one bought a picture depicting a farmer’s

He had to make a living, so he was left with no choice but to paint nude paintings that were in demand
to cover the cost of materials.

“If he had painted the paintings that the nobles wanted at that time, at least he wouldn’t have had to
paint nude pictures.”

But Jean-François Millet couldn’t give up the countryside he wanted to paint.

He gradually drifted away from the mainstream, and people treated Millet as a vulgar painter
Millet did not give up.

“This work is proof that Millet protected his [self] from all kinds of stigma and suffering. A man who
clearly knows who he is and loves himself more than anyone else.”

Henry Marceau deeply admired the man who protected his [Self] and gave up living a comfortable life.

“And it was because of Theodore Russo that he was able to continue his work.”

“That’s right,”

Ko Hun nodded.

Ko Hun, excited by the story of Jean-Francois Millet, unraveled the anecdote of Millet and Rousseau by
mixing gestures and footsteps.

“Isn’t that the story of Millet, who moved to Barbizon, and sold [Grafting farmer]?”

Millet, who moved to Barbizon near Paris, was an unknown person who had to worry about living
expenses, let alone material costs.

No one was willing to buy the genre paintings of the nameless artist, and Millet became so thin because
of poverty.

And then, one day.

His friend Theodore Rousseau handed him 300 francs.

“Actually, when I said about you to a gallery, they showed interest, and they asked me to pick out the
best picture and bring it to them. Take out a good piece.”

“My drawing? Who the hell wanted my paintings?”

“Is that important now? Can’t you see this money?”

Millet turned over and took [Grafting farmer] with great delight.
Although it wasn’t a lot of money, Millet, who wasn’t even able to fill his stomach, was able to ease his
worries about living for a while.

It gave hope that more of his paintings could be sold in the future.

After a few years, Millet, who began to be recognized little by little, took the time to visit his friend
Theodore Rousseau’s house.

There, he was shocked to see [Grafting farmer] in the living room of his friend.

“It’s all thanks to Theodore Rousseau that Millet was so successful that he later won the Legion of
Honor,” said Henry Marceau, breathing heavily.

Ko Hun opened his mouth after staring at Henry Marceau.


I used this man.

Knowing that he was famous, I tried to capitalize on the reputation of this rich and immature man.
I could recognize at a glance that he fell in love with [Sunflower], and I said a huge number when he
wanted to buy my painting.

I tried to grab attention to my paintings using his name.

I planned to use the fact of me asking a huge amount for my painting as a small topic of conversation,
and I was going to make my name known gradually.

I knew there would be backlash for my actions.

I knew people might say that I’m a child who’s thirsty for money or a rookie who doesn’t know his place.

But I decided to put up with it because I knew how difficult it was to live as a painter who can’t sell his

Indifference is scarier than negative words.

Even if I was teased for being cowardly, I was determined to do anything to survive and continue
Like Jean-François Millet.

I was willing to walk on the path of the Artist, even if it was a thorny path.

But, Henry Marceau gave me a stable environment faster than expected by really buying [Sunflower] for
2 million euros.

Although I was disappointed and fed up with him many times, I really did build my reputation with his
help, from [Sunflower] to [Frost Wheat Field].

People were interested in Ko Hun whose work was collected by Henry Marceau with a huge sum of
money and finally, they recognized me.

No matter how good I draw, it’s no use if I can’t make people look at it.

It is thanks to this man that I became such a hot topic even at the Whitney Biennale.

I was able to hang four paintings, and my paintings gained more attention thanks to my grandpa, Aunt
Mirae, Uncle Bang, and Kim Jiwoo.

More than that.

I wouldn’t have been able to get this position this quickly without Henry Marceau.

Looking at Henry Marceau referring to Millet’s friend Theodore Rousseau.

I realized that I hadn’t thanked him properly yet.

“Thank you,”

Henry frowned.


“You bought my painting and hung it up at the Whitney Museum of Art. Are you really the one who
bought [Guest]?”

“What are you talking about?”

Henry Marceau headed to the next room once again avoiding my question.
Secretary Arsene led the party to the second exhibition room, while Uncle Bang smiled and said.

“The atmosphere between you two is different from before. Did something happen?”


Something happened, but it’s hard to put it into words.

An hour will not be enough to explain why he bought my painting, what he thought of me and how I saw

After answering moderately to uncle Bang’s question I moved to the next room.

As soon as I entered the room I saw the painting of a person I knew very well.

Two willow trees with a pond in the background stand on an incredibly long canvas.

It was my first time seeing it, but at a glance, I could say that it was by Claude Monet.
No wonder it is so big that only one piece occupies one side of this room.

“How long is this horizontally”

“It’s 12.75m.”

It’s 12.75m wide and about 2m high, so it’s like a fairy tale in a painting.

The willow shadows that are reflected on the pond, fallen leaves, and beautifully blooming water lilies
are cute.

“I think we should open this place,”

Art Director Nathan Evans said, shaking his head.

I feel the same way.

Isn’t it a waste to watch such a big work alone?

Secretary Arsene grinned.

“We’re planning to put it on permanent display at the Henry Marceau Museum, which is scheduled to
be completed in 2031.”

“Are you building an art museum?”

“Yes. We will use part of the Vincennes Forest, owned by the Marceau family, as a site.”

“Vincennes Forest? Was it privately owned?”

Uncle Bang was surprised.

I’m surprised, but I’m not impressed because I don’t have a clue how rich he is now, I was just looking
around at the works.

After looking around for a while we came to the last room.

It was the largest room among the rooms I have visited, and it seems to be a collection of modern

It seems that the rooms were divided in chronological order and organized by the name of the artists.
“It’s Grandpa.”


I found grandpa’s name.

The title of the work was [Honor].

Seeing that it was dated 1986, it looks like a work that grandpa painted when he was in his 20s.

It’s my first time seeing grandpa’s old painting, and the style of painting is very different from now.

I can feel the spirit by looking at the thick brush used without hesitation.

It is an ink painting, but the appearance of a soldier pulling a bow was so intense.

The twisted and exaggerated composition and powerful strokes are different from the paintings I have
seen so far.
The hands and arrowheads that extend forward are enormous, but in fact, in perspective, they cannot
look this big.

This symbolizes the spirit of the warring people and how terrifying they will look from the other side.

“I didn’t know grandpa painted this kind of painting.”

“Why is this here?”

People flock in front of the painting and they look amazed.

“It’s my first time seeing a work of Sir. Ko Sooyeol in person.”

“What a rare painting. I’ve never felt this way before, though I’ve been quite familiar with oriental

I’m also studying ink painting, but grandpa’s ink painting is definitely different.

Unlike traditional images that emphasize elegance, and depth, grandpa’s ink painting is quite radical.
“We tried in many ways to collect the works of Sir Ko Sooyeol, but still we could collect only four works
so far.”

Secretary Arsene explained on behalf of Henry, who was standing far away.

“Four works?”

Grandpa blinked heavily.

In the past, I heard that grandpa’s work became a subject of speculation since most of his works are
owned by various collectors and had no history of being released.

Grandpa said it was to increase the scarcity.

That means collecting four works is really great.

“We are trying to buy as many works as possible since we are going to set up a separate exhibition room
to place Sir. Ko Sooyeol’s work at the Henry Marceau Museum.”

“…you’re going to display my painting?””


The astonished Grandpa turned his head and looked at Henry.

“Stop talking nonsense,”

Henry scolded Arsene.

Grandpa’s eyes shook.

Grandpa who felt selling his work to Henry as a bothersome thing must be conflicted now.

“Is what Mr. Arsene Musso said true?”

Grandpa asked Henry.

“I was going to do that, but the supply and demand are not smooth.”

It seems like he can’t predict how much of grandpa’s work will be on the market now.
Auctioning grandpa’s work has been suspended for more than 20 years, and publication of works is very
rare as grandpa gets older.

The reason the damn collectors are not selling is that they want the Artist to die.

Not all collectors are like that, but some collectors who are interested in money want the Artist to die,
which increases the value of the work.

It’s not produced anymore, so it’s more scarce.

Therefore, works by influential artists who are older are often traded at high prices.

Perhaps that’s why it’s hard for even a collector as big as Henry to get his hands on grandpa’s work.

“Why don’t you sell some?”

Henry spoke as arrogant as usual.

But the figure was not what it used to be.

Grandpa made a long groan and turned his eyes away without giving an answer.
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Chapter 111

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I turned to Uncle Bang’s voice.

A work in which human silhouettes are overlapped in various colors was on display.

The silhouette has different directions, heights, and shapes, but it is so full that there is no gap on the
40F canvas.

Below the work, the title [Earth] and the name of the Artist named Matthias Jordo were written.

The color sense is very unique.

For the person underneath he uses color with high saturation, and the closer the person is, the darker it
gets and creating a strange feeling.

By placing bright colors on the other side of the people who bring negative images, one can guess how
the Artist Matthias Jordo feels about the people around him.
Who is this Matthias?

What kind of work has he done?

If Marceau puts it in such a great frame and hangs it in his favorite exhibition room, he must be a great

“What kind of work does this person have done, Uncle Bang?”

I asked Uncle Bang.

“I don’t know.”

It’s strange to hear that there is an Artist who is unknown to Uncle Bang who is more knowledgeable
than anyone I know.

“What do you think,”

Henry asked as he approached.

“I like it. Not only is it unique, but the Artist has also captured his point of view well. The colors are

“I see.”

“Mr. Marceau.”

Uncle Bang called Henry, who was about to go back after asking a question.

“I’ve never seen this work before. How did you find it? It’s the first time I’ve heard of this artist, was it
released by an artist after changing his name?”

Henry shook his head when asked by Uncle Bang.

“I bought it at Florence Signoria Square.”

“The square?”

“He used to draw portraits with some paintings. Arsene, how much did you pay for this?”

“I remember 1,200 euros. He was a boy who couldn’t go to school. He must be an adult by now.”
Henry shrugged his shoulders and turned around with an odd expression,

Hieronymus Bosch, Raphael, Jean-François Millet, Claude Monet and grandpa.

Henry Marceau, who has collected works that will be recorded in history beyond the present time, is
also keeping the works of an unknown artist.

“What about this?”

Uncle Bang pointed to the picture next to [Earth].

This is the first time I’ve seen this work.

It is a splendidly decorated red clock tower, with the top painted green and stars attached.

It’s a building like a Christmas tree.

The title [Spasskaya Tower] and the unfamiliar name Natalya Ivanov were written below it.
“I bought this in Moscow last year. He’s an art student, and he can’t work during the semester, so he
comes out to the streets and paints.”

Arsene kindly explained this time again.

Most of the works displayed on the left wall of the third exhibition hall are said to be works by unknown

“There are many works that we keep in the warehouse, but the works that piqued the interest of El
patron are selected and displayed here.”

This man really loves art, even though the dog-like personality is a problem, but at least thanks to this
person, I think the art world has endured so far.

Buying works gave new artists the courage to make a living and challenge their next work.

Like Rousseau, who bought Millet’s work…

I can’t take my eyes off Matthias Jordo’s [Earth] and Natalya Ivanov’s [Spasskaya Tower], which I got to
see thanks to Henry Marceau.

Even if you look at it again, it’s a work worth buying.

There are traces of deep thought about how to look independent.

I can’t believe that such talented artists are still continuing their dreams in the streets and small rooms
without being recognized by the world.

What a pity.

“What’s that? It’s empty,”

Arsene replied with a smile as I pointed to the empty space.

“It was a place where we hung [Sunflower] and [Frost wheat field]. Now, as you know, it’s on display at
the Whitney Museum.”


As I nodded thinking that he had also hung my picture, a question arose.

“What about [Guest]?”

So far, I have seen the works classified according to the chronological order and the artist’s name, but,
strangely, the place my work [Guest] was missing.

I’m sure Henry bought it, considering he hung it up at the Whitney Biennale.

I wonder what happened.

Did he put it in the storage?

“[Guest] was hung on the opposite wall. There.”


When I turned my head, the place facing the sunflower was also empty.

“El patron’s [Shadow] is a work that he planned after thinking about how to hang the [Sunflower] and
[Guest] here.”

I wondered how he came up with that idea, but unexpectedly, I found out how he conceived the idea for
Grandpa, who was thinking of something called Henry.

When I turned my head to wonder what was going on, everyone turned in the same direction as my
head as if they felt the same way as me.

Grandpa said something unexpected.

“I think I was mistaken about you,”

Henry tilted his head slightly.

“Stop by once after this. I’ll pick and give a few works.”

Henry opened his eyes wide.

Everyone in the third exhibition room was surprised, but I was not surprised because I thought the same
as grandpa.

Grandpa thought Henry Marceau vulgar.

Grandpa thought that he had another purpose in contacting him when he wanted to buy his artworks
because he always acted to attract attention.

However, Henry in front of us looks different, a person who finds nameless artists and sponsors them by
buying their works.

Maybe grandpa thinks the same as me.

“I don’t need money. You run an art gallery, so that’s good enough for me. Consider this as a donation to
your gallery.”

Henry Marceau didn’t respond, the person who did not care about others and did what he wanted to do
and say.

After a long pause, he said


It was unfortunate that grandpa’s work was only at home, now I am also happy that he got to display it
at this opportunity.

“That’s amazing. They built art galleries as well as Museums.”

When Emily Lever, the prop manager, admired, everyone thought the same without saying a word.

Nolan also stepped up and asked Marceau, who pretended not to know anything with his arms folded.

“Are you planning to display the work of an unknown artist in the museum?”

“It’s worth hanging,”

Nolan smiled slightly.

“It must be quite large. There are works that are dated. From the Middle Ages to the present day. The
purpose of collecting artworks was to build an art museum, right?”

Henry Marceau did not deny it.

Is this what Henry Marceau thinks of as his Noblesse Oblige.

He seems to value numerous artworks, from historical masterpieces to pearls buried in mud.
Arsene stepped up.

“El patron took the words of Gilles Deleuze to heart.”

It is a famous saying that all painters summarize the history of painting in their own way.

I also deeply agree with that statement.

Perhaps the Henry Marceau Museum of Art is a business to bring the words of Gilles Deleuze alive.

“We tried to prove El patron’s position by exhibiting artworks from the past to the present and even the

Suddenly, unexpected words popped up and I didn’t understand them.

“What do you mean?”

When Uncle Bang asked, Henry, spoke on behalf of Arsen.

“The purpose is to display the works that influenced me and the works that were baptized by me in one
It is the first time I heard a person other than a priest use the expression baptism.

“Everything that’s on display at the Henry Marceau Museum is what makes me.”

“Uh… So are you thinking of the museum itself as a piece of work?” asked Emily Lever, the prop

“You understand quickly,”

I, Uncle Bang, Director Nolan, and the production team were bewildered and couldn’t say anything
when he answered that he considered the museum, like another self-portrait of himself.

He could have said ‘To invigorate the art world.’ Or ‘To give hope and courage to an unknown artist.’ Or
‘For historical significance and so on.’

But Henry Marceau brought up an unexpected story.

The idea that all the history of painting is centered on him is beyond arrogant — it’s absurd.

I think Henry Marceau, who I’ve seen so far, is a person who can think like that.
Seriously, he can think that way.

When I think about it, it’s scary, but at the same time, it looks amazing.

“Let’s pretend we didn’t hear what he just said!” Shouted grandpa in a loud voice.


When Nolan was working on a contract with Henry Marceau to rent a collection, I was eating a snack
prepared by Sherry Gado with grandpa and Uncle Bang.

I’m a little full, but I can’t give up the sweetness of Crème Brulee.

“He was a lot more amazing than I imagined.”

Grandpa was furious hearing Uncle Bang’s words.

With great effort, I stopped grandpa who kept saying he would go back right away, because he was in a
bad mood, and now it started again.
“How can a person be so arrogant? Bang, are you okay with that? What? Baptism? Works? I can’t give
my painting to such a place!”

Uncle Bang calmed Grandpa.

“The intentions are strange, but what he intends to do is good, right? At least because of him, many
artists can continue their work.”

“I’m just saying it because his intentions are impure!”

Grandpa doesn’t seem to be able to accept Henry Marceau.

Obviously, he didn’t want his painting to be part of the Henry Marceau Museum of Art, but my painting
would be part of the Marceau Museum.

And when I think about it, I don’t feel so bad.

“It means that Marceau was influenced by my work, right? Even grandpa’s work.”

“I thought he was a man who didn’t approve of anyone except himself. But he is rather honest, so I think
that’s the kind of person he is.”

It is absurd to say that the artists who influenced him were baptized into his world, but I do not want to
deny him.

On the contrary, it is strange to think like that.

“He is completely self-centered. The one who influenced him, the one who got influenced by him, he
thinks they are all expressing him. It’s as if he thinks that the whole world revolves around him.”

It’s weird when I say it out loud.

“It’s strange, isn’t it?”

I nodded to my grandfather’s question.

He really is a strange guy.

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Chapter 112

Chapter 112
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Canvas 112

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[Henry Marceau’s collection was given to the Nolan crew!]

[Christine Nolan, “The Marceau family’s exhibition room embraces the history and future of art.”]

[Words of Art connoisseurs who checked Henry Marceau’s collection, “A level that cannot be owned by
an individual.”]

[Collector Henry Marceau’s potential revealed for the first time]

Yesterday, the famous French painter, Henry Marceau agreed to lend his collection to the film, in which
he invested.
Recently, Nolan Productions was struggling with the supply and demand of artworks to be used in the
movie ‘The strange Castle’.

It was because perfectionist Christine Nolan wanted to decorate Arsene Lupin’s gallery with

In response, Henry Marceau was willing to open his exhibition room.

The Nolan production team said Henry Marceau lent Raphael’s [Small Cowper and Madonna] and
Millet’s [Shepherdess with her flock].

Meanwhile, the art world turned upside down when the list of works in Marceau’s collection was

“These are works that require national scale management,” said Kevin McCauley, director of the Van
Gogh Museum of Art, while Han Eeseul, a member of the European Art Critics Association, and a
renowned cultural critic said, “The lost World Heritage Site was found in Marceau’s mansion.”

Although appraisers said that the work Henry Marceau had agreed to lend to Norman Productions was
priceless, they expected it to cost at least €100 million a piece at auction.
Henry Marceau’s collection will be on display at the Marceau Museum, which is scheduled to be
completed in 2031.

The art world turned upside down when Henry Marceau’s personal collection was released.

The status of collector Henry Marceau soared as masterpieces that had been unknown until now, as well
as works that had existed only in the literature, were released.

Ivan Morozov, Russia’s richest man is known to own the most expensive exhibition room to date.

Steven Cowell, a hedge fund investor, and a 21st-century art market leader have total assets of $40

There was speculation that Henry Marceau might have more valuable works than Henry Brown, a Jewish
American considered one of the world’s top 100 richest men.

The media couldn’t just let go of the questions of art lovers.

Journalists rushed at Henry Marceau when he came out.

“Mr. Marceau! Do you have any plans to reveal all your collections?”
“Are you still with Nolan? What’s going on with ‘The Strange Castle’?”

“It has been guessed that Mr. Marceau has as many works as Ivan Morozov. How many pieces do you
have in your collection?”

“The Guardian has nominated Willie Rupert, Mr. Marceau, and Eric Dower for the top contenders in the
art market today. How do you feel!”

One of the reporters’ questions made Henry Marceau irritated.

Henry wriggled his eyebrows and pulled down the slightly open car window.


the reporter nodded.

Henry Marceau laughed and sneered at him.

“I’m speechless because I’m so full.”

Neither Willy Rupert, chairman of Sotheby’s, the world’s largest art auction company, nor Eric Dower,
director of the Whitney Museum, who hosts the world’s largest biennial, can’t be compared with Henry


Henry Marceau said in a threatening tone.

“Everyone except me is just a supporting actor.”

Reporters were speechless as they barely came to their senses.

“That means…”

“If I had made up my mind, I would have made an auction that Sotheby’s wouldn’t have been able to

Henry Marceau looked around at the reporters.

“When the Henry Marceau Museum is completed, will Parisians go to the Louvre? Orsay? no. They will
find me first.”
His voice was unshakable with conviction.

“It’s meaningful for me to carve and paint. Do you understand what I mean?”

No one replied.

They wanted to argue against the arrogant artist’s words, but there was nothing that came to their

Unpredictable wealth, numerous collections, and popularity as an artist.

They didn’t know who to put forward if he wasn’t the best.

A reporter turned on a question.

“Whe…. where are you going now?”

“To buy pizza.”

Henry Marceau lifted the window.

Reporters tried to continue the question, but the vehicle began to move.

Reporters watched Henry Marceau’s moving vehicle in vain.


When Henry Marceau’s interview was reported, some criticized him.

They criticized Henry Marceau’s arrogance, who regarded this era as his own.

They also argued that Henry Marceau should return the collection to the state, as it is not good for
works that can be designated as a national treasure or a world heritage in an individual’s possession.

Although the Marceau Foundation said it would establish an art museum and display the collection in
the future, those who had always hated him rushed to nitpick him.

I’m really nauseous. Isn’t that disgusting to think as if everything exists for him?

Don’t curse Henry. He’s not that crazy when you get to know him.
Less disgusting than you guys who abuse someone on the Internet.

Does that make sense? Isn’t it right to give it back? The Marceau family must have taken it after pillaging
it anyway, right?

What are you talking about?

Who knows that? Maybe the French bandits fell into the Marceau family?

Lol, lol. It’s not even certain.

It didn’t even make sense to be suspicious. There are even a lot of things that aren’t at the auction. You
might wonder how they got it.

I’m curious about that, but it’s also amazing that you can collect works like that.

[Link] [Henry Marceau answered, “Art exists for me”]

I guess it’s because he thinks like that. According to the article, all the works to be displayed in the art
museum are the elements that makeup Henry Marceau himself.
Is he crazy? LOL, He acts and speaks like a crazy person.

Come to think of it, I don’t think it’s wrong. He is displaying the works that influenced him with his own
work at an art gallery in his name

The Museum of Art is also considered a work of art.

I know. Why are they attacking him like this? Honestly, did Henry do anything wrong? Doesn’t everyone
live like they are the protagonist of their life?

Is it normal to treat all the other artists like that even if he is the protagonist?

If he thought other people were insignificant, he would only display his work.

That’s right, Henry is not that kind of person. He is a person who knows how to accept others.

Is disrespecting others his way of accepting others?

There are many people who like Henry, and I think that’s why there are clear preferences among artists.
I support him for being a person who respects him.

Am I the only one who thinks Henry’s actions are cute? Isn’t it like the kindergarten students who think
that everything is centered around them?

Cute, cute, LOL.

To be honest, he can do anything if he wants. I envy him for living without caring about others.

He has a lot of money. He’s handsome. He’s tall. He dresses well. He’s popular. He’s so talented. If I was
like that, I would have thought I’m the GOD.

That’s why he doesn’t give a sh*t about what others got to say.



Henry Marceau, who was searching for his article, frowned.

Ko Hun observed Henry Marceau by opening the pizza box that Henry Marceau bought.
Ko Hun felt Henry Marceau was amazing that he was getting angry at someone who said he was cute
while not paying any attention to the comments criticizing him.

“Where’s Sherry Gaddo?”


“And dinner?”

“I bought you pizza!”

Henry Marceau pointed to the pizza that he had personally bought because of the sudden visit of Ko
Hun while most of the employees were on vacation.

Mozzarella cheese from the Apennine Mountains.

The dough was made by hand, by mixing only flour, water, yeast, and salt.

It was a perfect pizza that strictly adhered to tomato sauce, basil, and rules to be baked in the oven.
Ko Hun looked down at Margherita and raised his head.

“…Thank you for the meal.”

The boy, who got used to pizza full of toppings and sauces, was disappointed with Margherita.

Moreover, he was looking forward to Sherry Gado’s wonderful cooking, so he was very disappointed.

“What’s wrong with your expression?”


“What do you mean nothing?”

Ko Hun changed the subject.

“It’s a big deal. So are you alone with Mr. Arsene today?”

“Once a month, Arsene will leave work soon, and you should eat quickly and go back home.”
“I see.”

Unlike yesterday, Henry Marceau was very uncomfortable with Ko Hun, who was eating as if he was

“…what are you doing here?”

“I’m just.”

“What are you talking about? Did you come to see the exhibition room?”

“I’ll say yes.”

Ko Hun ate Margherita pizza, hiding his disappointment.

Obviously, the cheese was a good match between fragrant and light bread and tomato sauce, but it was
not his taste.

If he had known Sherry Gado wasn’t there, he wouldn’t have politely refused the invitation of Pierre
Malo, the frame maker.
“Thank you for the meal.”

“Eat more.”

“I’m full.”

He couldn’t say that the pizza he bought was not delicious, because of the sincerity of Henry Marceau
who went all the way to Montmartre.

He just wondered how to ask if there was any food left among the ones that Sherry Gado had prepared

When Ko Hun stared at him, Henry Marceau’s thin patience eventually ran out.



“I don’t think so because you have something to say! If you want to see it, go and see it!”

“I saw it all yesterday.”

“You said you came to see the exhibition room earlier!”

“Oh, I see. Did I?”

Henry Marceau scratched his head.

He had to send Ko Hun back because of an important appointment scheduled today, but the
conversation kept wandering to a dead end.

Ko Hun, who was watching the scene closely, secretly showed his true feelings.

“…have you been with Sherry Gado since you were a child?”

“It has nothing to do with you! Why did you come!”

Henry was only thinking of doing what Ko Hun wanted and letting him go quickly.

“Marceau, aren’t you going to eat?”

“I’m going to eat later!”

“What? It’s good to eat properly when you’re alone.”

“Why are you nagging?! I can do it on my own!”

“It’s not good for your health if you just get angry like that. How about healthy blueberries?”


Henry Marceau was about to go crazy because of the sudden visit of Ko Hun.

Ko Hun said he shouldn’t drink too much.

He asked strange questions, such as whether you shouldn’t eat paint, don’t you like insects, and why
aren’t penguins a fish?

Not only that, Henry Marceau was distracted by the constant chatter of Ko Hun that he had to eat
healthy food regularly.

“You don’t like me! Why are you meddling all of a sudden? Are you here to bully me?”
“I don’t hate you anymore.”

Henry Marceau froze.


“I don’t like it. I think it’s a little strange, but when I think about it, why should I hate you, it’s not like
you’re hurting someone.”

Ko Hun said, poking at Margherita pizza in regret.

“Marceau is the one who hates me. Do you think anyone can draw overnight without trying?”

Henry Marceau doubted his ears.

Ko Hun jumped down from the chair.

“Call me a taxi, please. I’m going.”

“Wait a minute. What did you just say?”

Henry Marceau felt as if he heard something ridiculous.

Henry Marceau wanted to listen to why he came up with that thought when he said he really didn’t like

“Why does it smell like pizza? I told you I’d do it…..”

At that moment Michelle Platini stepped inside, holding a paper bag full of food ingredients.

She was surprised to see Ko Hun.

Henry Marceau was also surprised.

Because Ko Hun suddenly said something, he forgot the fact that today was the day when he sent
everyone in the mansion out on a vacation and dated Michelle Platini.

Michelle stared at Henry and questioned what had happened.

Confused, Henry Marceau opened his mouth to hide the situation somehow.
“Arsene has already left the office. Didn’t he say anything to you, Michelle Platini ?”

Michelle narrowed her eyebrows.

She wanted to shoot back if that was all he could think of.

“Oh, really? I guess I didn’t get a call. Excuse me, BOSS.”

Michelle smiled awkwardly and greeted Ko Hun.

“Hun, hello. I heard you’re really busy these days. Is it fun to work on the movie?”

Ko Hoon opened his mouth after watching Michelle Platini and Henry Marceau alternately.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

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Chapter 113

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Canvas 113

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Michelle Platini’s eyes shook like a broken washing machine.

“What do you mean? You didn’t disturb anything?”

Ko Hun relieved Michelle, who desperately kept her smile.

“It’s okay. Is it a secret?”

“Huh? What?”

Ko Hun alternated between Michelle and Henry.

Michelle wriggled her face at the pure gaze.

She tried to manage her facial expression and tilted her head.

“You two.”

“It’s Work? I…. I don’t know what Hun is talking about.”

Michelle Platini turned her head toward Henry Marceau.

Henry Marceau opened his mouth at the signal to do something and not stay still.
“Hey, brat.”

Ko Hun turned his head.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but shut up.”

“Are you two dating?”

“No!” cried Henry and Michelle at the same time.

“What’s wrong with it?”

Ko Hun couldn’t understand Henry Marceau and Michelle Platini, who reacted like it was a sin for two
adults to be dating.

Also, he didn’t want to forcefully dig into the circumstances that others wanted to hide.

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

“I told you there is nothing like that!” cried Henry Marceau.

Henry Marceau wanted to convince the other side about the situation somehow.

“She’s just here to cook dinner for me since there’s no one. Do you understand?”

“Why? If you were going to give the employees a vacation, shouldn’t you have given it by dividing them
into alternate days? There was no reason to give more than 20 employees a vacation on the same day.”

Henry Marceau was taken aback by Ko Hun’s question.

The boy raised his palm as he realized that the more the conversation continued, the more it felt like he
pressed them.

“Calm down for now. You don’t have to lie. I won’t tell anyone if you want to hide it.”


Henry Marceau desperately sought a reason.

He had to send all the employees out and create a situation in which Michelle Platini had no choice but
to visit alone.

Henry Marceau approached KoHun.

Holding the boy’s arms, he spoke more seriously than ever.

“…keep it a secret.”

“Yes, don’t worry.”

Henry Marceau calmly began to recite what came to his mind.

“Michelle owes me a debt. She’s paying back by preparing dinner because she feels sorry that there are
so many things to pay me back.”

Michelle looked at her lover like a bug.

Ko Hun, who thought the two were meeting, was confused by Henry Marceau’s attitude, which was so

Henry Marceau nodded.


After thinking deeply for a while, Henry Marceau opened his mouth.

“She was addicted to gambling. Lost the money she saved, sold her house, slept in the streets, and lost
her mind!”

Michelle Platini hit Henry Marceau on the back of his head.

Moments later, Ko Hun, Henry Marceau, and Michelle Platini sat at a table in the reception room of
Marceau’s mansion.

After a while of silence.

Henry Marceau once again attempted to deceive Ko Hun.

“Did you see her hitting me earlier? That’s how much she wants to hide it. So you, too.”
“Shut up.”

Michelle Platini interrupted Henry Marceau.

She pressed down her throbbing forehead to organize her thoughts and told Ko Hun the truth.

“Yeah, We’re seeing each other. We’re keeping it a secret for some reason.”

“Okay, don’t worry. Everyone has a secret.”

Michelle sighed deeply.

“Yes, thank you.”

Henry Marceau and Michelle Platini were left alone in the mansion after Arsene came and took Ko Hun.

They were speechless for a while.

“I can’t believe it. What the hell were you thinking? It wouldn’t have happened if you had contacted me
in advance.”

“I was going to.”

Henry’s lips twitched.

He just completely forgot the idea of contacting her because he heard something unexpected from Ko

“What are you going to do? How would you explain if Hun says to someone by mistake?”

Michelle was about to pour out her disappointment, but at that moment her cell phone rang.

The name on the screen was ‘mother’.

Michelle took the index finger to her lips and warned Henry as she answered the phone.

“Yes, ma.”

– Where are you?


– You’re always busy every time I have a day off. Did you eat? Blueberry tart is delicious.

“I’m going to eat now.”

– Are you very busy?


– I met the boy yesterday. The boy you told about last time, right? I heard that he draws well like Henry.

“Oh? Yes, he does.”

– How come there’s such a kid? Do you know how cute that little kid was when he explained how
delicious everything he eats was? It’s like seeing Henry when he was young.

– Yeah. By the way, I saw articles about Henry and there were a lot of curses. There are really a lot of
people who don’t have much to do?

“I know.”

– Please protect him. Is there anyone who Henry can depend on like you? Even if he talks a little roughly,
you must look after him like a sister.

“What, sister?”

– Then, like a family, right? If you think about it, it’s rare for a family like this, isn’t it?

“…Yes. It’s not like a normal family.”

– Hey, don’t be so mean to him. Since we’re a family to Henry, he’ll be disappointed if he hears you,
he’s rather soft.

Michelle glared at Henry.

She was upset with her mom.

Her mom always says this, and hopes for her not to upset Henry, whom she thinks of as her own son.

– Oh, my God. Look at me. I guess I’ve been holding on too long. Then my dear daughter, work hard. I
love you.


– I love you

“I love you…”

Michelle covered her face after talking to Sherry Gado on the phone.

When Michelle was in her adolescence, she was upset because her mother seemed to love Henry
Marceau more than her own daughter.

Whenever her mom asked her to play with Henry, she was annoyed for no reason.

It wasn’t until she entered the same high school and faced Henry Marceau.
After spending time in high school and university with a grudge, they recognized each other’s abilities
and became a business partner, and they started dating for four years.

Michelle, who was agonizing, looked up.

“I can’t.”

It was something that would happen one day.

She thought she couldn’t shoulder the guilt if she hid it anymore.

She wanted to tell her mother, but she didn’t really have the courage to think about how her mother
would react, who thought of Henry as her own son.

“I don’t like it…”

Henry murmured then.

Michelle turned her head.

“What do you mean?”

“ I was told ‘it’s strange, but I don’t hate you’.”

Michelle blinked.

“Did you tell ?”

Obviously, it wasn’t a normal relationship.

Henry cared about his nanny Sherry Gado, who had raised him since he was a child, as did Sherry Gado.

But strictly speaking, there was no relationship other than master and servant.

The only thing that feels strange was the years they’ve spent so far.

Michelle thought that if she went and talked to her mom Sherry, she might take this situation well.

She was relieved to hear that Henry came forward and spoke.

“What was the reply?.”

“I think it’s strange, but I don’t hate you.”


Michelle jumped from her seat.

Michelle remembered the words her mother used to say – always be like a sister, be like a family, poor
child, good boy.

She never imagined that her mother, who said that to the point of being labeled as Henry’s mother,
would come out like that.

There was no better news for Michelle, who was carrying the burden in her heart.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Then I wouldn’t have hid it while I’m on the phone.”


Henry looked up.

“What do you mean,”

The two of them just looked at each other.

“You told Mom about us.”

“I didn’t.”

Michelle frowned.

“Then what about the thing you said earlier? It’s strange, but I don’t hate you.”


Henry Marceau came to his senses.

“I was told earlier, ‘It’s a little strange, but it’s not like I hate you’. He doesn’t hate me. He finally started
to see me.”

“Ko Hun.”


Michelle threw a cushion in Henry Marceau’s face.


At the airport, I greeted the production team.

“’Then I look forward to your kind cooperation.”

“Leave it to me.”

Holding my hands, Nolan grinned and shook them.

Thanks to the time spent, we have decided on the direction of the concept art of ‘The Strange Castle’, so
we don’t have to stay in the U.S.
We can video call and can talk about what we need at any time, so we decided to work in our respective

I wonder what props they will make and what kind of set they will make for ‘The Strange Castle’ with the
concept art I drew, but I decided to endure it a little more because I can meet them when the movie is

“Oh, and,”

Nolan clapped his hands as if he remembered something.

“Can you take a video of when you are working on concept art?”

“A video?”

“Yes, preferably from various angles.”

“If you’re busy, you don’t have to.”

“What are you going to use it for?”

“Well, it’s just a rough idea,” Nathan said,

“Hun, don’t you think the video of you working will be good publicity for the movie?”

“Is that good?”

“It’s going to be very interesting.”

“CEO Bang Tae, can you do it as a favor?”

“Yes. It’s not that difficult. It’s not going to be hard because I was going to prepare it for Hun’s broadcast

Nolan bowed down and faced me at eye level.

I don’t know what was going on, but he just stared at me without saying anything.

“In the past…..”

“I’ve worked with a young child.”

There must have been a separate reason for not looking at a young child like me with strange eyes.

It wouldn’t be easy to do something like that thinking about my age.

“Who is it?”

“Bae Dobin, maybe a little younger than you.”

It’s a name I’ve never heard of.

“He’s the conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, and I was really surprised when I worked with him.”

Nolan stroked my head.

“But when I look at you, I’m surprised in a different way. We’ve only been together for a month and I
can see that you’re growing. You have to. You still have a lot to learn. I had a great time. Nice meeting
you, Little Van Gogh,”
Nolan shook his head.

“Artist Ko Hun.”

His smile is always wonderful.

“Nice meeting you, too. Director Nolan.”


The explanation for those with questions about why the last name of Michelle and Sherry was different.

The French government prohibits the addition of a husband’s last name when renewing a woman’s ID.
The French government website explains that women can legally retain their last names and must use
their original last names in all official documents. In addition, women who are married are said they
could use either their last name or their husband’s last name, and men can also add their wife’s last
names. It also informs that the custom of taking the husband’s last name remains.

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Chapter 114

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Grandpa and Uncle Bang both fell asleep.

I was bored because I finished coloring the color book, so I opened my smartphone because I was
curious about the conductor named Bae Dobin, who Christine Nolan said.

He seems to be running a band called the Berlin Philharmonic.

What’s interesting is that he was only 22 years old and did his first concert in 2009.

This is 2028, so it’s been 19 years since his first concert.

Wow, he has been doing music since he was three years old.

I wondered if this was possible.

Of course, no one has built a reputation from a very young age like Mozart and Beethoven.
The gift from heaven is truly mysterious.

I wondered what kind of music he did, so I played a video that he conducted on the official stage.

I’ve only encountered orchestra performances a few times thanks to Toulouse Lautrec, but the Berlin
Philharmonic is very different from the orchestra I knew.

Their movements are restrained and their expression is serious, so just looking at the video I could feel
their dignity.

After a while, a very small child went on stage.

Seeing the members stand up from their seats and greet the young conductor, it seems that the Berlin
Philharmonic also recognizes him.

He said he was about 6 years old in Korean age, but he looks one or two years younger than what he
said in the video.

However, the eyes that were seen through the screen were unusual.
With confidence and solemnity hanging around, it is quite a contrast to the young face.

The child named Bae Dobin greeted the audience.

There was no noise in the concert hall.

As the little boy raised his arms and waved, the sound of the wind instrument spread like a mist hanging
over the lake at night.

The song is called Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No 9, “From the New World”.

Conductor Bae Dobin extended his fist in front of him.

The performance, which had continued like fog, suddenly became heavy.

The sound of a horn as if to signal a crisis and the sound of a drum beating as if the heart was beating
are alternately heard.

The closer the gap, the more disturbing it becomes.

When something was about to burst, the conductor caressed the orchestra.
The seriousness of the contrast replaces the big crisis that has been anxiously awaited.

I thought the woodwind instrument was shining beautifully like the moonlight shining through the
clouds, but this time, all the instruments begin to sing passionately.

It’s a melody that relaxes your chest.

It makes you very anxious, then gives you a beautiful voice in the world, and if you are relieved, it shows
dignity more than any other power.

Emotions seemed to be violated as the conductor led them.

“What is this?”

For me, who doesn’t know much about music, this overwhelming mental performance is not due to the
composer named Dvorak who wrote a good song.

It is not known whether the conductor is excellent or thanks to the orchestra’s ability.
I couldn’t do anything for the 44 minutes and 3 seconds and had no choice but to listen to the conductor
Bae Dobin and the Berlin Philharmonic.


Any expression is meaningless except for the word ‘great’.

As the title suggests, the great step of facing dawn after a dark night came into my head.

Thinking like that, I automatically moved on to the next video.

It is said that it is the first interview of conductor Bae Dobin after the screening to join the Berlin

– I heard you had a problem joining the Berlin Philharmonic.

The German, who appeared to be a reporter, asked conductor Bae Dobin.

-Yes, it’s a legal matter, and I don’t know the exact details. I just believe that the Band will take care of it
The German he spoke was not the normal German that the children spoke.

It’s not that I don’t understand it, but Bae Dobin used a word that doesn’t seem to be used now.

When asked by a reporter that his German is unique, Bae Dobin said he learned German by watching old
German movies.

Intonation and pronunciation are the best as if they were the words of 19th-century German.

Is this possible?

As a person with musical talent, he may be sensitive to intonation or pronunciation, but it is very strange
to use a dead word.

Even an old movie would have been released in the 20th century.

When I was thinking about it, suddenly a question came to mind.

What about me?

I wonder why I can communicate with people without difficulty now.

I definitely used ’19th-century language’ when I just woke up.

Communication for two months in the hospital room was difficult.

What was difficult was not just the language I spoke, but it was a foreign language for the people in

But at some point. I didn’t study separately, but naturally, I came up with words that I didn’t use

After coming home, I had no difficulty talking to grandpa in French.

Why is it?

I was distracted by the joy of painting again, the strange objects I’d never seen before, and a healthy

Is it his memory?

Maybe it’s the memory of ‘Ko Hun’.

Other than that, I can’t think of any reason why I can speak modern French and English naturally.

There is no other explanation other than that.

“…… “

Is it really true?

While I was pondering, the unknown New Tube AI showed SpongeBob in the next video.

Unconsciously my finger moved on its own.


“It’s fine, I’ll take you.”

“No, you don’t have to. It must be hard for you, too. You should also get home soon.”

“That’s right. I can take a taxi with grandpa.”

We stopped Uncle Bang, who said he would take us home from the airport.

A man with a wife and children has not been able to go to his house for five weeks, and I wonder how he

Uncle Bang, who kept saying that he would take us home, accepted defeat as if he thought he could not
win in the end.

“Then let’s take a good rest this week and work again from next week. I’ll get in touch with you soon.”


“If you have anything to send to director Nolan, send it to me. It’s easy to share files, but it’s
cumbersome to send them in person.”

“I will.”

I shook hands with Uncle Bang.

“Then, please go home safely. Thank you, Uncle Bang. Thanks to you, I went around comfortably.”
We greeted each other and got into the taxi.


It’s been a long journey, and I’m really tired.

“Huh. You’re tired, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I need to buy the Marceau Recovery Capsule right away.”

“Let’s take it slow and find out more.”


It’s an expensive item, so it’s natural to find out a lot of information.

Unlike when I bought a cell phone, I nodded at the careful suggestion of grandpa.

“If the reporters had come from here, I would have really collapsed.”
“Bang announced that we would enter the country the day after tomorrow. That’s why there is no
crowd at the airport.”

That’s a very nice trick.

“You will be going to school only tomorrow, so how about taking a nice bath with grandpa today?”

“Yes, grandpa.”

Also, I can’t miss the banana milkshake that I drink after taking a bath.

“Ah, grandpa. What happens to the Whitney Biennale? Don’t I have to go?”

“You’ll hear from them later. It’s okay to go once before the closing, and you don’t have to overdo it.”

There will be no special schedule after drawing the concept art as of now.

There is nothing happier than being able to paint calmly with grandpa as soon as I return to my daily life.
“After the work for the movie, let’s go to various museums like before.”

“That’s great. Let’s go like on the previous vacation. I want to see the pictures I haven’t seen. I want to
go to the Musée d’Orsay.”

“That’s right. You went to Paris a few times, but you didn’t see it properly.”

After talking about this and that with grandpa, we arrived home.

I couldn’t be happier.

I only traveled for five weeks, but seeing grandpa’s house felt so cozy, and I felt like I was finally home.

I unpacked and took a bath with grandpa.

“Hun, you have to put on lotion.”

I hate the slippery feeling, but I took a little out because grandpa always emphasized it along with
brushing my teeth.

“Where are you going to put that small amount of lotion? Come here.”
I was forced to get a face massage from grandpa again.

“Oh, I’m tired. Hun, Shall we order food today?”

“Okay. I want jajangmyeon, grandpa.”


“I haven’t had it for a while.”

The only complaint while traveling was that I couldn’t eat great Korean food like jjajangmyeon. People in
Korea need to spread their food culture.

“Are you feeling okay, grandpa? You’ve been eating greasy food.”

Grandpa had stomach upsets a lot since the food culture is different.

He didn’t even like the spicy soft tofu stew he ate.

“Okay, today I’ll eat what grandpa likes.”

Let’s postpone jajangmyeon until tomorrow for grandpa.

“Really? Then shall we eat kimchi stew?”

“Not spicy.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Grandpa ordered food on his smartphone with joy.


As I was watching TV, my eyes closed due to the rush of sleep, and at that moment I heard the doorbell.

I woke up in surprise and when I turned my head I saw grandpa was asleep.

Without waking grandpa I opened the door with a golf club.

When I came after picking up the delivery, grandpa woke up.

“Did it come?”


I took the dinner to the table while lifting it up to my face.

“Oh, it’s heavy. You’ll get hurt.”

“I can lift this much.”

I couldn’t place it on the table, so grandpa took it from me.

I wish the table was a little smaller.

While grandpa was preparing the table in the living room, I ran to the kitchen before grandpa left.

The spoon and plate were high, so when I dragged the chair, grandpa smiled and reached out.
“Hun, you’re all grown up. You’re even helping your grandfather.”

“I have to grow taller.”

Life will be tough if I stop growing here.

The easy-going and generous Toulouse Lautrec complained about his body whenever he drank.

“철이 들었다 소리야”


“Hahaha. Of course, you’ll.”

Grandpa said it in French since I couldn’t understand it the first time when he said it in Korean.

I thought I’d gotten quite used to Korean, but there are so many idiomatic expressions that I don’t
understand yet.

When grandpa opened the package, the steaming kimchi stew appeared.
Softly cooked kimchi, neatly placed tofu, and bluntly sliced pork go well together.

Grandpa put kimchi stew in a bowl.

“It looks delicious, right? Grandpa wanted to eat this so much.”

I scoop up the soup, pork, and kimchi together with a spoon.

It seems quite hot looking at the steam rising.

“It’s hot, blow it.”

After listening to my grandpa, I blew it and put it in my mouth.

“Hoo, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.”

It’s hot and spicy.

It’s salty, sour, and savory.

It is a reminder that ripe kimchi is chewed up and the pork in it shows off its texture.

I felt like I finally returned to Korea.


The character Bae Dobin is the protagonist of the author’s previous work ‘Beethoven Reborn’, which
shares the same universe as this work.

Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No 9, “From the New World”

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Chapter 115

Chapter 115
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 115

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I went to school after a long time.

“Goodbye, grandpa.”

After waving my hand to grandpa, I headed to the classroom.

I missed a lot of classes, so I don’t know whether I will be able to follow the class.
I can keep up with the general subjects somehow, but the content of the afternoon one hour class will
be very difficult.

Furthermore, it is impossible to understand because I did not take classes for seven weeks from the time
I started preparing for the Whitney Biennale.

It will be hard to follow even with Sihyeon’s notes I received in between.

Standing in front of the classroom door, the door opened.

This automatic door was also a real eye-opener when I first experienced it, and I still wonder how it

Is there any installation art that moves when a person approaches?

As soon as I entered the room I saw Sihyeon lying face down on his table.

It’s the same posture as when I first saw him.

I don’t think the other children are here yet.

He doesn’t seem to have any intention of getting up, so I poked him and soon he flinched.

The boy lifted his head gently with a frightened face.

I laughed with pleasure, but he was already tearing up.

It breaks my heart to think that he has been alone.

“Hic Hic.”

“Don’t cry. Why are you crying?”

Sihyeon took a notebook out of his bag.

It’s the coloring book that I gave him as a present.

“I did everything. The end. I did it all, but you….”

“Should I have given you one more?”

“Uuuu, I hate you.”

I crouched down in front of Sihyeon’s desk.

I carefully looked at his coloring book one by one.

Roses are only red, Penguins are only navy, spongeBob is yellow, and they are all painted thick without
adjusting the pencil pressure, but it shows that he has worked hard not to cross the line.

The color sense when I saw him draw [blue tree] was not revealed, maybe because of his habit of
searching for the correct answer.

“You worked hard.”


“Why did you paint the roses red?”

“Because it’s red, isn’t it?”

“There’s pink and white, too. There are yellow roses, too.”
Sihyeon wiped away his tears.

“You’re right.”

“You can paint it blue or green. Nothing is decided. Like your blue tree.”


“But you did a good job in keeping the color within the line.”



Sihyeon smiles broadly.

I try to teach him from my experience, and I don’t know if I’m doing it right.

If he found peace in his mind by focusing on coloring, I guess that’s enough.

“Why didn’t you call me as soon as you came?”

“Since I was going to see you today anyway, so…. ouch?”

Sihyeon punched me with his hand, which felt softer than cotton.


I took out the workbook that Sihyeon gave me.

I worked hard to solve it, but it was so hard that I don’t know how much I got right.

“Did you do all this?”

Sihyeon asked as he turned the page.

“I have to do it if I want to do well on the test, right?”

“That….I lied.”

“It won’t come out on the test. This is Middle school math.”

I was dumbfounded as I was looking at the clever guy, who laughed and said.

“Daddy said that studying hard makes you a great person.”

He seems to have lied to me.

“Didn’t he tell you that you shouldn’t lie?’

“He told me that a while ago. I got in trouble for lying about eating two snacks in a day.”

It’s cute, but it’s weirdly upsetting, so I poke his face with my finger and he laughed.

It’s a relief that he brightened up quickly.

“So, you will be in Korea, right?”

“Yes, for now. Once I finish the work for the movie, I’ll go on a trip with grandpa to study and draw

“Okay. What did you do? Was it fun?”

“It was a lot of fun. Do you know the White Cliff?”

“I don’t know. Where is it?”


I took out my smartphone and showed the picture, and Sihyeon opened his mouth wide and said,

“Wow. Is there a place like this? Isn’t that a graphic?”

“Yeah, isn’t it amazing? There are even painters who drew a lot of pictures of this place. I couldn’t do it
because of work, but I’m going to draw it while looking for a place like this during vacation.”

“That sounds fun.”

Sihyeon’s eyes were shining.

He must be very envious since he doesn’t hide the signs of wanting to go.

“Tell your parents.”

“It hasn’t been long since I’ve been to America. Will they let me?”

“We can go during vacation.”


Sihyeon lowered his head sullenly.

“My mother told me that we’ll be going on a trip to Europe during vacation. With family.”

“It’s nice. Traveling with family.”

“Yeah… But there’s no grandpa.”

“Did he die?”

Sihyeon shook his head.

“I think he had a fight with Daddy. Daddy hates grandpa very much.”

Everything has to be judged by listening to both sides, but from what I heard from Sihyeon, his father is
a very practical person.

If such a person hates his father, then there must be a reason.

Sihyeon does not seem to know the exact situation, maybe he wants to protect his young son.

“I see. The important thing is that your father and mother love you. Oh, my grandpa asked me to bring
you over.”


I’m even curious about why he was that happy while asking Sihyeon to come over.

“Yes, this Thursday evening. Do you want to come?”

“I’ll go. I bought some paint.”


“Yes. I told my father I wanted another color pencil, and he told me to tell him everything I wanted.
Daddy’s cool.”


“Hehe. But it didn’t work out like you did.”

“Not like me. Hey, do you know how long it took me to do that?”

“How long?”

“10? No, 11 years?”

“Lie. How can you practice for 11 years, when you’re 11 years old.”
“Well….that’s how hard I tried.”

Sihyeon shook his head and took out his smartphone.

He went into the photo album and showed off the paint set he got from his father.

“ many colors.”

Thirty-two 15ml tubes are arranged in two rows.

I think it’s too much for a child to use, but a good one is a good one.



“Yeah, you mix it with water while adjusting the concentration. Like I’m grinding ink.”

“Can’t I just apply it on?”

“There’s nothing you can’t do. Then there’s no reason to use watercolor paint.”

“What’s the difference?”

“It’s different to adjust the concentration. Watercolors can be expressed transparently and paint can be
used to smudge on purpose. Oil painting can use a brush touch to make use of the texture, and it can be
drawn differently with watercolors.”

I have not used watercolors much.

It was a hassle to carry water outdoors, and I had to use oil paint for the painting I wanted.

However, because of its unique atmosphere, I will try to deal with it properly someday.

“Can’t you use both?”

“Both? I haven’t thought about it. There’s nothing you can’t do in art, right? Everything’s fine if you draw
it well.”

“There’s nothing you can’t do.”

“Here’s the thing. If you really want to find an answer, look for as many answers as possible, not one.”


It seems like saying that there are more answers might make sense for him than saying that nothing is
wrong in art.

What a strange fellow.

“Then let’s play with this.”


“What snacks should I bring? Whale chip?”

“I’ve already tried it before. Whale chips are good, but I want to try a new one.”

“Huh, then how about Turtle cookies?”

“Why do all the names of snacks in your company go like that?”

“It’s cute.”

A whale chip and a turtle cookie.

I would regret it if I had filtered it out just by looking at the name, but I feel sorry for the sense of



With Sihyeon, I was drawing an apple in the studio, when the light suddenly went out.

It was a place with blackout curtains, so it suddenly became dark in front of me.

Sihyeon, who was flustered, turned on the light, and suddenly grandpa, Aunt Mirae, Uncle Bang Tae,
and Sihyeon started singing.

“Happy birthday to you.”

“Happy birthday to you.”

Aunt Mirae was holding a cake with candles.

“Happy birthday dear Little Hun.”


“What is it?”

“Well, it’s Hun’s birthday.’

What’s the date today?

Was it June 1?


Uncle Bang pulled something and there was a popping sound.

“You were surprised!”

Sihyeon and Aunt Mirae laughed as I screamed in surprise.

It’s somewhat unfair, but I can’t help but laugh when I see them smiling.

I think June 1st was my birthday.

“Hun, Blow out the candles and make a wish.”

I blew out the candles, praying for my grandpa to live a long and healthy life.

Uncle Bang handed out a gift wrapped in plastic.

“Congratulations, Hun.”

It’s quite heavy.

It is also relatively large as a 20F canvas.

“Thank you. Can I untie it?”


When I opened the package, I saw a part of the Starry Night I drew.

[Vincent van Gogh’s masterpiece book]

“Hahaha. I don’t know if you’ll like it. I bought it because I thought you might want to see it often
because you like Van Gogh. The explanation is well written.”

It’s an unexpected gift.

Oh my God.

My paintings are so fine.

My drawing.
My drawing that I’ve seen all my life.

“Don’t you like it? Shall I change it to some other painter’s?”

“No, it’s really….. really good. I’ve really wanted to have it all my life.”

The author of this book knows how to look at my paintings.

Sometimes, I can use it to recall memories.

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Chapter 116

Chapter 116
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 116

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Aunt Mirae also gave me a present.

It’s a horizontally long hexahedral box, and I don’t know what it is.
“Thank you.”

“Untie it,”

Aunt Mirae shines her eyes more excited than me.

This situation is a little strange because most of my birthdays were only Theo and me, before I left for

When I opened the package, a blue electronic device appeared.

“Isn’t it a Playbox?”

It seems like Uncle Bang knows about it.

“What’s this?”

“A game console. I heard it’s very popular these days?”

It seems to be an electronic device for playing.

I look around at the box, but I don’t know how to play.

“It’s a portable game console that Playbox released 10 years after its visual appearance. It’s an
ambitious work that Uni made with great effort. It must have been hard to get it because it’s out of
stock everywhere.”

“I know.”

Listening to Uncle Bang’s explanation, it seems to be a very valuable item.

Aunt Mirae smiled as she pressed the tip of my nose.

“Studying is good and drawing is good, but playing is also important.”

She’s right.

Arles’ natural scenery inspired me, but there was no exchange as it was in the countryside.

At that time, it was impossible to know how the art world worked.
Although I did not regret living there, I overlooked the importance of information and communication.

Although I heard the big news through Theo, I had no understanding of what masterpieces were born at
the time and who painted what paintings.

It is also true that it protected my individuality and made me completely independent, but I had fewer
opportunities to encounter good works.

Since there was a lack of conversation with others and only one-sided conversation, it is natural that I
was not recognized in my lifetime.

Vincent van Gogh could not have existed if it wasn’t for my brother Theo and my sister-in-law Johanna.

Without Theo and Johanna, who connected me with the world, Vincent van Gogh would have been

In order to get information and form a consensus, there must be at least a story to enjoy together.

That is the culture.

As I started to experience the culture of paintings, I realized so many things I didn’t know, so I think I
need to experience the play culture of this era.

Aunt Mirae is also giving advice with that thought.

“It will be helpful,”

Aunt Mirae said seriously as she conveyed her thoughts.

“It’s kind of like you to think only about painting, but there are times in life when you should come out
of your world.”


“When you’re tired from working hard. There are times when you want to rest for no reason, and
sometimes you just don’t want to work.”


“Everyone needs to rest, that’s why hobbies exist, but your hobby and job are painting, so you might not
know what to do when you want to rest.”
I drew even if I was sick, and when I wanted to rest, I got angry at myself for being lazy.

If I couldn’t finish the work I was supposed to complete that day, I took off my clothes on a cold day and
poured cold water on my body as a punishment.

I just sat in front of the canvas if I could not conceive any idea.

What aunt Mirae is saying is something completely different to what I have done so far.

“You must rest to work healthy. For the sake of your body and mind, it’s important to eat good food and
sleep well, and it’s good to forget the painting for a while to cool off your head.”

“As your aunt said, you can do good work only if you rest well.”

Grandpa asserted Aunt Mirae’s words.

“You have to concentrate when you work, but you can’t live long if you just push yourself like that.”

The concept of resting is not a crime, that Grandpa and Aunt Mirae said felt a little unfamiliar.
I was nothing without painting.

I existed without meaning if it wasn’t for painting.

Because of that thought, I felt anxious if I didn’t work, and no matter how painful and difficult I was, I
couldn’t let go of the brush.

I thought I should take a rest, and I wanted to take a rest, but I didn’t dare to take a rest because I didn’t
want to waste the living expense given to me by my younger brother by taking a rest.

I thought that I could not rest and and should not rest because the workers who were oppressed by a
heartless society and peasants who were losing their homes were not resting.


Jang Mirae felt proud and sad looking at Ko Hun.

When preparing for [Mask] Ko Hun was stuck in front of the canvas for hours without taking a break for

At first, she thought it was like an obsession that’s common among geniuses, but Ko Hun was a little
The boy sitting in front of the canvas was fierce.

It looked precarious.

She wondered whether it was normal for an 11-year-old child to be that obsessive without eating or

It was never a bad thing to concentrate and try.

It was commendable to see him appreciate and study various works, and Ko Hun seemed to enjoy the

But that enjoyment disappears when creating a work.

The fanatical obsession may be the driving force behind painting works such as [Sunflower] and [Frost
Wheat Field] but Jang Mirae judged that it was not very good for Ko Hun.

It was a knowledge she gained from experience.

Jang Mirae, who has been running nonstop to draw great pictures since she became an art graduate,
was broken at some point.

She concentrated only on her work activities and obtained serious sleep and gastrointestinal disorders
due to an improper lifestyle.

Jang Mirae couldn’t free herself from being worried about the art world, which felt like it was slowly
getting forgotten by the common people.

Jang Mirae, who began to draw attention at the time, participated in various art competitions curiously,
but the judges’ sons and disciples swept away all the grand prize and the best prize.

At one such competition, she poured paint on the judge’s face to vent out that anger.

Because of the incident many Art Critics associated with the association mocked and slandered Jang
Mirae’s work which she drew by putting her soul, under the name of criticism.

Still, she didn’t give in.

The genius who worked tirelessly eventually made her name known to the world as the most beloved
painter despite various checks of the association and the media.
Some critics still sarcastically criticized her work and the people who agreed with them cursed Jang
Mirae, but she continued to move forward thinking that there are still her friends who support her.

She happily hid the bruises and wounds while smiling in front of her friends.

But one day everything shattered, when she found out that the account that cursed her continuously on
SNS was actually her best friend from college – the friend who cheered and comforted her when she
was having a hard time because she wasn’t recognized.

At that moment Jang Mirae lost faith in people.

She suffered from the panic disorder due to the unbearable mental stress.

She cut off all contact with people because she thought she would only get hurt when she gets involved
with them.

She couldn’t hold on to the brush and paint, which she loved more than anything.

When she was left alone like that, she suddenly didn’t know what to do.

She only lived for drawing, and when she put down the brush, she didn’t know what to do.
She didn’t know what to do alone.

After great efforts, she started cleaning up the mess and found other things to do when she finished

However, anxiety did not disappear.

At that time, Ko Sooyeol, who was her teacher, reached out his hand.

“What’s the big deal if you don’t draw?”

Jang Mirae asked Ko Hun.

When the boy couldn’t answer, she smiled and opened the box containing the game console.

“You might like working hard now. But one day, when you look back and see who Hun is, I don’t want
our Little Hun to be lonely. You should experience many things, make many friends and try many
hobbies. Your life should be as colorful as your paintings. Do you understand?”

Ko Hun nodded as he stared at Jang Mirae.

“I don’t know, but I’ll try.”

“Okay. You’d better try everything.”

“How do I play this?”

“Uh… Well?”

Jang Mirae smiled broadly as Ko Hun narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t know because I don’t play games. I bought it because kids like it these days.”

“Don’t worry, Hun. I’ll set everything up for you.”

Bang Tae, who loves playbox, stepped up and promised to help Ko Hun.

Cha Sihyeon, who was watching the scene, wiggled his fingers.

“I don’t have a gift…”

He resented Ko Hun for not telling him that it was his birthday, thus he came to Ko Hun’s house with the
intention of drawing as usual.

If he knew it was his Best friend’s birthday, he wanted to give the best gift even by using all his

Ko Hun smirked.

“You can give me the picture you drew today.”

“Can I?”

Cha Sihyeon asked his friend who received a famous painting book and a game console from his uncle
and aunt earlier.

“I’m not good at drawing.”

Ko Hun nodded.

“It’s all right. I like your picture.”

“Really? Where? What do you like?”

Ko Hun hesitated for a moment.

Sihyeon’s paintings were honest and unpretentious.

Although stereotypes remain, it was good that Cha Sihyeon had his own style of using colors.

While watching many difficult and serious works, Ko Hun suddenly felt good when he encountered the
freshness in Sihyeon’s drawing.

Ko Hun after a small pause spoke.

“I like the crayons you use”

“That’s just saying I’m bad at drawing!”

Cha Sihyeon yelled.

Ko Hun laughed and soothed his friend, while Ko Sooyeol, Bang Tae, and Jang Mirae burst into laughter.

“Come on, come on. Let’s eat.”

Ko Sooyeol stopped the two children, who were arguing.

In the kitchen, there was a birthday table prepared by Ko Sooyeol.

Soybean paste stew carefully boiled with coriander, Korean beef, and garlic leek, salad, and water kimchi
bought with beef are prepared together.

“Oh, my. Did you prepare all this by yourself?”

“I just bought the ones they sell.”

“But this is not good enough. Hun, it’s Korean beef. Korean beef.”

“Korean beef?”

Ko Hun blinked.
“It’s been a while since I’ve had beef. Professor, I’ll grill it.”

“That’s all right Bang. You’re a guest, so please take a seat.”

“How can I do that? Give it to me.”

“Oh, Teacher. You’re calling Mr. Bang casually, when did this happen?”

Jang Mirae interrupted the conversation.

“That happened after a while.”

“Then why do you keep using honorifics while calling me?”

Ko Sooyeol looked at Bang Tae for a while and then opened his mouth.

“Because I’m close with Bang.”


“It’s not something to laugh about. How can you say that you’re closer to Mr. Bang than me, who you
have known for more than 10 years. I’m really upset.”

Jang Mirae became sulky hearing Ko Sooyeol’s joke.

It was disappointing to see Ko Sooyeol, who had been her teacher since she was a freshman in college,
called her with honorifics just because they worked at the same university.

“Let’s talk about that later. Sit down now.”

“I can’t!”

“Professor, I’ll grill it.”

“Mr. Bang, get out of here!”

“Hahaha. Professor Jang sometimes gets angry like this. Don’t mind it Bang.”

While the adults quarreled, Ko Hun only looked at the wrapped Korean beef.

“It looks delicious.”

Ko Hun turned his head at Cha Sihyeon’s words.

“Is this good? Isn’t it beef?”

“Yeah, beef. Beefs are really good.”

“…more than pizza and jajangmyeon?”


Ko Hun was even more troubled by his friend’s words.

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Chapter 117

Chapter 117
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 117

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I don’t know how delicious this meat is, but about 30,000 won (23 USD) for 100g is too much.

The large potato pizza, which weighs about 1kg, costs 28,000 won, and the tray jajangmyeon for two
people is 16,000 won.

This doesn’t make sense.

Uncle Bang lit the iron plate on the table.

As I was observing the meat because I was suspicious, grandpa declared his surrender to Aunt Mirae

“Do you get it now, teacher?”

Aunt Mirae showed off her victory by stretching her shoulders.

“If you treat me like this, someday your students will also do the same. Don’t forget, you are a teacher

“Just because I treat them equally like friends that don’t mean they will lose their respect for me. Words
are not needed to show respect to others.”
“Just as thoughts follow actions, words and actions affect thoughts.”

“Look. You’re already teaching.”

“Of course, before being your colleague, I’m your teacher.”

“Come on, teacher!”

Uncle Bang checked the temperature of the iron plate by hand and finally opened the beef package
named shrimp meat.

“Shrimp meat?”

“It’s called that because it looks like a shrimp.”

It’s even more suspicious.

I didn’t enjoy eating beef, since it wasn’t a food ingredient that was hard to access.
When the cow in the village got old and died, it was slaughtered and shared, and other than that, it was
not a very expensive ingredient, so it used to be used as a stew ingredient.

I know what it tastes like because I have cut it and grilled it before.

I know the taste, so I don’t understand the irrationality of receiving 30,000 won per 100g of beef under
the name of shrimp meat.


Uncle Bang put beef on the heated grill.

A savory smell comes up with the sound of the meat being cooked.

“Come to think of it, when is the professor’s retirement ceremony?”

“What do you mean retirement ceremony? I don’t want to disturb the schedules of my busy students.”

“What do you mean by that, teacher? Everyone is saying that your retirement ceremony is a reunion. So
you have to do it.”
“If you want to have a reunion, you can do it separately.”

“Don’t even dream about it, teacher. No one will miss the teacher’s retirement ceremony. Most of the
graduates will probably come?”

I think there will be many people seeing how popular grandpa is.

Uncle Bang flipped over the beef.

The appearance is not very different, but it does not smell like meat I have tasted before, so I wonder if
it is special.

“Isn’t that okay? The exhibition will also be held at the time of the retirement ceremony, right? It’s been
a long time since you had an exhibition.”


“Consider it, teacher! There is a lot of works, too. We’ll make room for it.”

“Let’s think about it.”

“No, you can’t think about it. You have to do it.”

“If you tell me, I’ll look into it. I have always wanted to take charge of Professor’s exhibition.”

I think my grandfather is hesitating.

“I also want to see grandpa’s exhibition.”

When I helped Uncle Bang and Aunt Mirae, grandpa agreed after exhaling a long breath.

As Aunt Mirae said, I want him to let go of the burden he had as an educator and now want him to live
his second life as an Artist.

It would not be a bad idea for the retirement ceremony to be the return of Artist Ko Sooyeol.

Uncle Bang held up the scissors.

I wondered what he was doing with that, but suddenly he started to cut the meat.

I was so surprised that I looked at the people around me, but no one thinks it was weird.
I can’t believe he’s cutting the meat with scissors.

It’s an unexpected idea.

I didn’t know when I ate pork meat because it was cut into small-sized pieces.

Now that I think about it, that should have been also cut with scissors.

“It’s ready.”

Uncle Bang placed the meat on the plate and put it on the table.

Grandpa and Aunt Mirae took one piece each.

“It’s delicious.”

Aunt Mirae made a fuss and picked up another piece and dipped it in the sauce.

“Hun, go ahead and eat,”

Uncle Bang urged me to pick up.

I dipped some sauce in it like Aunt Mirae and put it in my mouth.

Is this really beef?

Unlike the tough meat I ate in my previous life, this meat is juicy and the flesh is tender.

The rich flavor of the juicy meat fills the mouth.

There is no bad odor in it.

The intenseness of the sticky juice of the melted fat is as noble as a Baroque palace.

“It’s delicious, right?”

I couldn’t answer Sihyeon’s question easily.

How can I conclude this great food with a simple word like ‘delicious’?
This meat has the same taste as Rembrandt’s light and shadow.

The meat that melts on the tongue functions like a shadow that emphasizes his delicate strokes, and the
juice that bursts out like his light.

Oh, let’s be thankful.

Let’s thank the cow for being such great meat and decorating the dinner table.

Cow works in the fields, cow gives milk to humans, and after dying, they become such wonderful food.

I don’t know your name, but thank you very much.

Thank you for allowing me to eat the fine flesh you’ve grown all your life.

“Why are you crying, Hun?”

Sihyeon asked in a surprised voice.

“What, why are you crying? Hun,”

Grandpa asks in a confused voice while wiping my tears.

“It’s because of joy.”

Forgive me for eating you.

Forgive me for being happy while eating you.

Indeed, I am happy to eat you.

“You’re touched, aren’t you?”


I’m touched at this moment, at the meat of this holy creature.

When Ko Hun, who was celebrating his birthday, cried, the hearts of those watching him ached.

For Ko Hun, who lost his memory after an unfortunate accident, today will be like his first birthday.

It was a pity that they were so happy just to get together and have dinner together.

“It’s so delicious,” said Ko Hun, and the people who looked at the boy pitifully froze for a moment.

“How can it be so delicious? The texture, aroma, and juice are so delicious.”


Jang Mirae burst into laughter.

“You really made my heart stop for a moment. Did you think about the beef?”


“You scared me, Little punk.”

Ko Sooyeol laughed one more time, jokingly scolding his grandson.

Bang Tae quickly took some meat and said,

“It’s good, right? It’s an improved breed.”

“What’s an improved breed?”

Ko Hun tilted his head at a word he heard for the first time.

“It’s a repetition of mating cows whose meat is delicious. They are not used in farming or they are
milked. They are grown to eat them deliciously.”

Ko Hun opened his eyes wide.

The idea of artificially breeding a life just to eat delicious meat was shocking.

However, such worries became trivial when the beef was put into the mouth once more.

The boy thought that all he could do was thank the cow.
After a touching dinner, Ko Hun went into the living room and was greatly surprised to find the recovery
capsule he had experienced at Henry Marceau’s mansion was installed.


“Don’t use it too often”

As Aunt Mirae said, resting is also important. Trusting this, if you try to stay up all night, I’ll throw it

“Hun, good for you. Isn’t this very expensive?”

“What is this?”

Jang Mirae and Cha Sihyeon looked at the recovery capsule up and down.

Ko Hun looked up at his smiling grandfather and felt emotional.

After being disowned by his father and uncle in his previous life, he was always treated as a problem
child of the family, and he was ignored by all his siblings other than his brother Theodore.
He felt lonely throughout his life.

The only thing that soothed his loneliness during his last days was the letter from his younger brother.

But now it was different.

He was surrounded by people who really loved him

“Thank you.”


Michelle Platini, who was working late, stretched.

She was planning a tour of Europe by collecting Henry Marceau’s representative works, in addition to
running the Marceau Gallery.

Since she was in charge of the entire exhibition from decorating the exhibition hall to finding sponsors,
she felt like it wouldn’t be possible even if she possessed 12 bodies.
However, looking at Henry Marceau’s self-portrait made her laugh for no reason.

“Shall we do the rest tomorrow?”

Michelle turned off the lights in the office.

Employees have long since left work, so only the indicator lights inside the gallery should be on, but a
light leaked from Henry Marceau’s office on the other side.

Michelle opened the door in wonder.

Henry was making a serious face in front of the computer.

“What are you doing?”

“…come here.”

Michelle shrugged and headed toward him.

On the monitor, 766 Self-portraits of Henry Marceau, which had been digitized, were displayed as files.
Looking at his portfolio, she wondered if he wanted to add a piece to the tour.

“What? Are you going to add more?”

“Choose one.”

Michelle chose [Henry Marceau 285] while sweeping down the screen.

Like an Egyptian mural, it was a unique self-portrait painted with only eyes facing the front.

“This one,”

Henry nodded after thinking one more time.

“All right.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Present for that little brat’s birthday.”

“Little brat? Hun?”

“Who else?”

“So you want to give this as a gift?”

Henry nodded and Michelle frowned.

Hun hated him sending a series of [Marceau’s Jewel], so she was confused when she heard that he
would send a self-portrait as a birthday present.

“I think he’ll hate it.”

Michelle shrugged and sat on the sofa.

“How about something normal?”

Henry turned to Michelle’s suggestion.

He folded his arms as if asking her to continue talking.

“He seems to like coloring books.”

“Anybody can give that as a gift.”

“He’ll like it more than your self-portrait.”

“No way.”

Michelle shook her head.

She knew very well that he would never change his decision.

“So, when is his birthday?”

“June 23rd.”

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Chapter 118

Chapter 118
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Canvas 118
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Michelle grinned as she counted the days.

Henry, who was preparing a gift 15 days ahead of the birthday, felt cute.

Michelle, who asked,

“But how did you know his birthday?” soon regretted why she asked it.

With the intelligence power of the Marceau family, finding the birthday of a 10-year-old boy wouldn’t be

“Why do you ask if you know?”

Henry searched where he kept his 285th self-portrait.

Soon it was indicated on the monitor that it was in the fifth column of the Marceau Gallery storage room
“Are you okay by the way?”


“The strange investment. Didn’t you invest to look at Hun’s work process?”

Henry Marceau paused at Michelle Platini’s words.



Michelle asked in surprise.

It was an investment to directly check Ko Hun’s work, which was not understandable by common sense.

Somehow, he looked around the filming site immediately, while Ko Hun stayed in Germany for a while
due to his personal schedule.

When he came to Paris, he couldn’t check the work process because he was distracted by the idea of
showing off his collection.
“I just invested because the movie looked good.”


Michelle squinted at Henry.

“It’s true.”

“Yeah, it’s better than investing to sneak on a little boy. Okay, I’ll get going.”

Henry Marceau left alone in the office, twitched his lips.

This time, he thought he would reveal the secret of Ko Hun, but he failed.

The boy cleverly avoided the situation by praising Sherry Gado’s cooking skills, in addition to praising
Millet and his other collections.

‘I’m weak.’
He vowed to definitely check the process of the work, but the boy got away while flattering him.

Henry Marceau, who thought that the brash little boy had become quite cute, gave up trying to give him
his 285th self-portrait as a gift.

‘Coloring book, huh.’

Henry searched a coloring notebook for children with cartoon characters.


When I came back from school, Uncle Bang and an unknown person were doing something in an empty

They put in something that I hadn’t seen before.

When I greeted Uncle Bang, he looked proud.

“What do you think?”

I don’t know what to say when I don’t know what he was doing.
“Are you done?” asked the grandpa, who came in after me.

“Yes, I think we just need to test it.”

Uncle Bang sat in front of a small TV and did something, and soon his face got reflected.

It’s interesting because there’s nothing that looks like a camera.

“Where’s the camera?”


I couldn’t believe I could film it like I was in a broadcasting station with a cute lens on a small TV, and I
was surprised when grandpa said that I could even do it with my smartphone.

I thought it could only take pictures.

It can really film a video.

Come to think of it, it could make a video call, then why didn’t I think it could record?

I wonder if my brain is getting sloppy.

“If you press this, the microphone turns on and this is the button to turn on the cam.”

“What’s cam?”

“Short for a camcorder.”


The person who came with Uncle Bang explained this and that, but there were so many things I didn’t
know, so Uncle Bang decided to help me for the time being.

“I’ll be with you on the show anyway. I have to manage the chat window and fix it if there’s any

Uncle Bang is reliable.

“Then do I have to draw in this place from now on?”

“You don’t have to. When preparing for an exhibition or ‘The Strange Castle’, it can’t be revealed in
advance, so it’s right not to do it then. You can use this place when you want to communicate with your
fans comfortably.”

Uncle Bang helped me join a site called Goggles.

“I don’t have to draw every time I use this, right?”

“Yes, you can do anything you want. You can do it in earnest later if it’s fun.”

For now, I’ll do it just for fun.

I’m looking forward to doing something like Schmincke’s promotional broadcast since it felt pretty fun at
that time.

“Then I’ll do it later. I have to finish ‘The Strange Castle’ concept art and I also have a test.”


Uncle Bang asked with a doubtful expression.

“What, Uncle Bang?”

“Elementary school doesn’t have exams. Is Berk elementary school different?”

He looked up at grandpa in surprise and grandpa smiled awkwardly.

“Isn’t it such a strange place?”

I thought it was unusual because they always teach something I couldn’t understand.

The tuition is also too expensive and I feel cheated.

“I was right when I said I would go to a Public school.”

“Then you wouldn’t have met Sihyeon? You couldn’t have eaten the delicious food.”

Come to think of it, it’s not like everything was bad.

It is a great fortune to be able to eat new and delicious food every lunch, even if it’s worth 100 million
won a year.

“And it’s okay if you don’t study for the exam. It doesn’t matter if you get zero points. You just have to
work hard on what you like.”

“It’ll be upsetting.””

“It’s okay. School is just for making friends.”

If that’s the only reason, I don’t think I should have gone to this expensive school.

Grandpa’s love is really incomprehensible.

After a while, Uncle Bang and the installer returned and we had a snack time.

I was able to focus on today’s work because I felt good eating the ice cream that I bought with grandpa
while coming from school.

Since all the Character designs have been drawn, all that remains is to draw the scene based on the
background settings created by the team members.
There are two scenes I’m in charge of.

One is the scene where Isidore Beautrelet turns over the invitation.

It’s a scene that takes place before Arsene Lupin’s appearance, and can be said to be the most important
scene in the movie ‘The strange Castle’.

The second scene was Arsene Lupin’s lover Ray dying.

In the original, it is said that Herlock Sholmes shot her to death, but in Nolan’s screenplay, it was
changed to a police officer trying to capture Arsene Lupin and make a name.

The heartbreaking final moments of Ray, who jumps to protect her lover, and the expressions of Isidore
and Herlock Sholmes, who are in shock, should also be expressed starkly.

Because I was young, grandpa, Nolan, and the movie staff tried to leave the scene to someone else.

I was stubborn because I could not be said as the Concept Art manager if I didn’t draw the best moment
in the movie.
I thought about various ways to draw the first scene with Isidore, but I haven’t decided anything on the
second scene yet.

The biggest problem is composition.

I thought I should avoid unrealistic compositions because they had to shoot, but Nolan said, I can draw
however I want.

I don’t know how that’s possible, but I believe it can be done if it’s Nolan.

There’s no restriction. It is up to me how the five people Lupin, Isidore, Ray, Sholmes, and the police
officer can be put in one scene.

“Manet was good at this.”

Another genius, Edouard Manet, surprised the world through his work [A Bar at the Folies-Bergère ] at
least for those who can understand what he meant.

To cool off my head, I searched [A Bar at the Folies-Bergère ] on the tablet.

It is a work that I can’t help but admire Edouard Manet’s excellence.

Several people are seen in the mirror behind the woman looking forward.

The viewer of the painting looks at the woman from the gentleman’s perspective in the right mirror, but
the reflection of the mirror is very distorted.

If you drew it realistically, the back of the woman in front of you should come to the center of the
picture, and the man wearing the hat should only show his hat, ears, and shoulders.

Critics at the time accused Edouard Manet of being a moron who could not even understand the
reflection of light while looking at the foreground of Folies-Bergère.

It was done intentionally to show a wide view that simultaneously expresses a depressed individual
placed in that colorful place.

What a bold and extraordinary idea.


“Hun, are you still drawing?”

Grandpa knocked on the door.

Looking at the clock, it’s already time for dinner.

“No, come in, grandpa.”

As soon as Grandpa comes in, he sees [A Bar at the Folies-Bergère] and smiles.

“Oh, it’s Manet.”

“Yes, I’m trying to figure out the concept art composition.”

“Good. Good.”

Grandpa sat next to me.

“People who saw the painting for the first time cursed Manet for being an idiot who didn’t even know
the basics.”
It seems that it is still a famous anecdote that fools who do not know the basics insulted Manet while
ignoring the intention of the Artist.

“But it turned out that this composition was possible.”


I was surprised.

I only guessed Edouard Manet’s intention, but I didn’t think it was actually possible.

“Dr. Malcolm and a photographer named Greg Callan actually took it. If the perspective is not from the
front, but from the right side of this woman, this is the structure.”

I couldn’t understand what grandpa was saying.

However, when I saw a Photograph titled “Manet’s Bar at the Folies-Bergere: One Scholar’s Perspective”
that grandpa searched for, it showed a way that I hadn’t thought of.

The woman in the picture is looking straight ahead, so I thought she would be in parallel with the table.
The Woman was also slightly turning her head, making it possible to have the same composition as
Manet’s [A Bar at the Folies-Bergère].

Probably not the scene Edouard Manet himself saw and drew.

If he did, it would have been easy to explain just by reproducing the situation when he was criticized at
the time.

However, it was surprising that such a fact was not revealed until 2000.

After the invention of the camera, there was a tendency to deliberately ignore perspective, light and
shade because they thought it was meaningless.

Perhaps Edouard Manet was a painter who mastered perspective more than anyone else.

“What do you think, it’s amazing, right?”

“Yes, I’ve never thought about it like this.”

I should reflect on myself.

“No one knows if Manet knew this and painted it, or if it coincidentally overlaps with his intentions. But
at least we shouldn’t downplay Manet’s work for the reasons critics put forward at the time.”

As grandpa said. Whether Manet accidentally painted a realistic picture while trying to make it a wide
view of the bar, or capturing the moment doesn’t matter.

“It is important that [A Bar at the Folies-Bergère] perfectly expresses the section of the most colorful
cafe in Paris at the time.

‘What should I do?’

How can I put the five characters in one scene?

I don’t think it’ll be easy as there are many perspectives.

After seeing Manet’s work, I feel motivated.

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Chapter 119

Chapter 119
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 119

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After dinner, I sat on the workbench again.

Even if it is not Edouard Manet’s [A Bar at the Folies-Bergère], the point of view is a concern for all

What to show the audience…

What aspects of things will be revealed.

What I want to talk about.

All intentions are determined by how the point of view is taken.

But what I’m trying to draw right now is the concept art of the movie.

I must fully show the tragedy of Ray’s sacrifice of giving her life to save her lover

I must also express the emotions of Lupin, Ray, Isidore, and Sholmes.

If this were my own work, I would have drawn it from the point of view of Lupin embracing Ray.

Lupin’s view of Ray looking up at him with eyes filled with love and tears.

But that doesn’t reveal the emotions of Isidore and Sholmes.

Let’s think.

How can I draw a satisfactory picture while accepting the demands of the film crew?
I picked up the pencil.

There will be no progress just by thinking.

The reason why I am afraid of the canvas is because of its vagueness.

You must not stop the flow of thought and hands.

A single sketch is better than shredding hundreds of images in your head.

Let’s draw.

The easiest way to do it is to turn the angle slightly.

It is easier to show facial expressions than to draw from the side, and the person can be placed relatively

This can convey the situation, but it is not effective.

The painting should be dramatically expressed while clearly showing the characteristics of several
characters, such as Rembrandt’s [Night Watch].

It is also not easy as it is the most effective method for a scene with multiple portraits.

But Rembrandt and Manet couldn’t have painted such a painting overnight.

The work can only be completed by repeating thinking, drawing, erasing, and redrawing.

I’m not a genius.

There is no reason to be impatient, as it has been like that from the beginning.

This time, Lupin, who was surprised when his lover was shot by a bullet, and Ray, who was in pain,
should be placed in front of him.

Isidore and Sholmes should be on the opposite side, which forces me to draw only their faces.

It’s not unacceptable, but it’s very unnatural.

This composition cannot move people’s hearts.

Should I turn it on a bit more?

Let’s guide the view from the bottom left to the top right.

It looks more dynamic if I draw a large Isidore and Sholmes on the left and place Lupin and Ray at the
vanishing point.

The situation can be conveyed well by fully revealing the expression and posture of the astonished
Isidore and Sholmes.

This composition is worth a trim.

It’s still not satisfactory.

There might be a way to express it more dramatically.

If I think about displaying this, it would be okay to frame it and then break the glass part of the frame
close to Ray’s chest.
Like a bullet passed by.

But it’s concept art.

It should be expressed only by pictures.


As the time neared midnight Ko Sooyeol was worried about his grandson, so he wandered around the

He remembered the figure of his grandson when he prepared for [Mask], which is now exhibited at the
Whitney Biennale.

He was worried about Ko Hun, who once immersed in something, didn’t care about what was going on
around him.

He could fully understand what he was going through as an artist, but as a grandfather of an 11-year-
old, he felt like his grandson was overdoing it.
Ko Sooyeol hesitatingly opened the door.

Inside he could see his grandson picking out about five or six pieces of drawing paper.

It was like organizing the studio.

“You didn’t sleep, grandpa?” asked Ko Hun.

“Yes. I’m going to bed now?”

“Okay. That’s all, I’m also done for today.”

It was late, but Ko Sooyeol felt it was better than working all night.

As Ko Hun tried to do it in moderation on his own, Ko Sooyeol’s worries were somewhat relieved.

“You’ve drawn a lot already,”

Ko Sooyeol said while looking at Ko Hun’s sketch.

It was only about five hours after dinner, but there were six sketches.

“I’m drawing whatever comes to mind. I don’t like anything.”

Ko Sooyeol nodded happily.

No matter how good an artist is, he couldn’t make good work every time he drew it.

The attitude of completing the work at the 100th time while repeating 99 failures is the virtue that Ko
Sooyeol thought an Artist should have.

Ko Sooyeol wondered whether his grandson had this attitude because of his young age or was it because
of his fearlessness.

Ko Hun was not afraid of the process of failing 99 times.

He didn’t give up thinking even if he did have a good idea.

Just as he looked up at Edouard Manet’s work, he tried to create another new work by voluntarily
looking for references.
“Okay. Go to bed.”

“Yes, grandpa.”

“Don’t forget to brush and put on lotion.”

“Yes, grandpa.”

As if he was already sleepy, his grandson walked out of the room with droopy eyes and shoulders.

Ko Sooyeol smiled and patted Ko Hun’s head.

After confirming that his grandson entered the bathroom, Ko Sooyeol turned off the light in the studio.


Ko Sooyeol sighed as he entered the study.

He felt like sorting the things of his daughter and his son-in-law, in Burbank, California, cannot be
postponed anymore.
“Should I take Hun with me?”

Ko Sooyeol looked at the paper box.

It was a collection of items from the accident vehicle of his daughter and son-in-law.

After thinking for a while, he opened the box.

He thought there would be no more tears to pour out, but when he saw the traces of his daughter, he
was overwhelmed with emotion.

Ko Sooyeol calmed his rising emotions and took out his daughter’s notebook.

It was quite a large notebook as it was also used for sketching.

It was full of sketches, diaries, family photos, and paintings Ko Hun presented to his parents.

Ko Sooyeol, who suddenly started raising his grandson, had several times checked his daughter’s records
to see what Ko Hun liked when he grew up and if he had any diseases.
Hun is starting to talk in French.

Today, I talked to Mr. Bardo next door about what Hun learned in French.

Is it because he learned it from someone who’s older, he uses words I never heard of in between.

When I asked Mr. Bardo, he said he never taught him such words.

Did he learn it from TV?

The only show he watches is SpongeBob.

Did he learn from SpongeBob?


Among several symptoms of memory loss, Ko Sooyeol heard that even if they lose their memory, there
are cases where their language ability is not greatly affected.

The strange thing is that it was only three years ago when his daughter recorded this.
Upon waking up a year ago, Ko Hun who had only learned French for three years spoke French like a

No matter how fast he learned it, it is too much to say that a child who stuttered and started speaking
three years ago became so proficient in the language.

One more thing that felt strange was Ko Hun, who liked the animation SpongeBob since he was young,
seems to have not much interest in it now.

Ko Sooyeol often showed SpongeBob to Ko Hun because he thought it would help him regain his
memory since it was something he enjoyed, but Ko Hun doesn’t seem to have much attachment to it.

‘Does a person’s taste change if they lose their memory?’

Ko Sooyeol flips through the page.

This time, it was a record he read once before.

It was two years ago.

I met Hun’s teacher.

She said Hun seems to have a mental problem because he asks a lot of questions in class.

I should have ripped off the crazy b*tch’s hair.

Sometimes Hun does say weird things in English, French, or German, but I know he is more warm-
hearted than anyone else.

Hun hasn’t eaten much lately, maybe it’s because of the stress he gets at school.

Why didn’t I notice it until now?

If even the teacher came forward and treated Hun like a weird child, I don’t know how the classmates
would have treated him?

It breaks my heart to think that the tender child suffered alone without being able to speak.

Ko Sooyeol flipped the pages of his daughter’s notebook.

I went to school to see how Hun was doing, and they were giving him a piece of potato pizza and a glass
of coke for lunch.

I threw the plate on the nutritionist’s face.

The diet consisted of pizza and coke for a whole week.

When I asked Hun, he said he didn’t eat it because it wasn’t delicious.

Why didn’t they give an alternative food to the child who eats so small?

I complained to the principal and decided to sue the school.

I can’t send Hun to that school anymore.

I should stay with Hun even if I should take a break from work for a while.

It was like that when Ko Sooyeol lived in America.

He knew very well that the food service environment in the United States was not that good, but he
couldn’t help but resent the fact that the target was his grandson.
His daughter was considering returning to Korea because his grandson seemed to be suffering too much
in an environment that considered him as a mentally challenged child just because he asked a lot of

After seeing his daughter’s record, Ko Sooyeol decided to give the best environment for his grandson.

However, when Ko Sooyeol looked at it again, he noticed something strange.

Potato pizza is one of Ko Hun’s favorite foods, but previously he didn’t eat it because it wasn’t delicious.

It may not have tasted good because it might not have cooked properly, but Ko Sooyeol wondered
whether Ko Hun was really a child who eats less.

At first, the amount of food he ate was small, but at least he did not hesitate to eat.

The strange things were not only potato pizza, appetite, SpongeBob, and language proficiency.

The picture Ko Hun drew for his mom and dad could not be said to be well-drawn from an Artist’s point
of view.
Although Ko Hae kept it thinking of it as precious since it was a picture given by her beloved son.

The constant suspicion of Ko Hun’s behavior made Ko Sooyeol’s mind complicated.

At first, things that he thought were just because of memory loss became more suspicious as he looked
at his daughter’s records.

His drawing skills, which he understood as a result of inheriting his talent and receiving a good education
from his parents, were also questionable.

The strangest things don’t end there.

The strangest thing was Ko Hun never said a word about wanting to see his parents and it never felt like
he missed his parents.

When he went to Europe, he discovered the secrets surrounding Vincent van Gogh’s death.

‘Is it really because of memory loss?’

‘Is it really possible if you don’t remember?’


Ko Sooyeol no longer denied the suspicion that he had built up half a year ago.

He admitted that something had happened to his grandson since the accident, even though he could not
explain it exactly.

Ko Sooyeol was convinced that the grandson before the accident and the present grandson were

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Chapter 120

Chapter 120
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Canvas 120

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There is nothing more regrettable than when you have to give up your favorite idea.
As I was hooked on the image of pierced glass, I can’t easily relate to other ideas.

However, I shouldn’t allow myself to get stuck in the first idea and not be able to think of other

I should think of other possibilities while comforting myself that one day I would use it.

“Hun, you have to chew it well.”


I picked up another egg roll from the breakfast table.

I put the egg rolls on grandpa’s plate because he seemed to be giving away his egg rolls for ridiculous
reasons saying he was full just by watching me eat.

“Don’t worry about me. Grandpa’s eating.”

“You’re not.”
By the way, how about I put the perspective on the floor in a very new attempt?

If the figure is standing on a transparent glass and if the view is from bottom to top, I can emphasize
people’s expressions.

“Hun, eat a lot.”

“I’m eating, grandpa.”

I’m not sure if it’s worth trying.

It’s the role of Director Nolan and actors to decide how the characters’ facial expressions will be.

I don’t want to compromise on this new challenge since Nolan also asked me not to care about my role
and limitations as a concept art designer.

It’s fun to think about goals that are completely different from the way I had drawn paintings before.

I want to go back soon to the studio because I’m looking forward to what the completed picture will be
like as soon as I get rid of this concern.
I continue to eat with that thought, but grandpa didn’t touch the egg rolls once again.

I brought the egg rolls to grandpa’s mouth this time.

“Huh, it’s fine. Grandpa is eating.”

“No, you’re not. It’s good to eat together, grandpa”

Anyway, I don’t have time to relax.

The date promised with Nolan is approaching, and other concept art designers kept uploading their
completed scenes one after another.

On my way to school, I wondered what the other people had drawn, so I looked at it on my tablet.

When I looked at everyone’s paintings I found the reason why they are called experts in this field.

Each scene was portrayed in an effective and impressive manner.

There was a reason why the meticulous and experienced Nolan was working with them for a long time.
“Little Hun, let’s go to America with grandpa during summer vacation.”


“Yes, we have to clean up the house where you lived with your mom and dad.”


‘Parents of this body’s owner…..’


Soon we arrived at school, and grandpa said,

“Okay, have fun with your friends.”

“Goodbye, grandpa.”

Grandpa doesn’t tell me to study hard every time he drops me at school but says to have fun.
He really is weird.

I feel nervous little by little as I pass through the hallway while looking at other concept art designers’

I need to wrap up, too.

I stopped by the canteen and bought a can of coke to relax my mind.

Took a sip and organized my thoughts.

French police want to arrest Lupin, the Phantom thief who caused a stir in France.

The police, who have always been beaten by Lupin, end up with a golden opportunity.

The police, who succeeded in driving Lupin to the end, are vigilant.

They pointed their gun at Lupin because they didn’t know what kind of magic Lupin would pull to run
Lupin was at ease, but he was surrounded by the police, the boy detective Isidore Beautrelet, and his
archrival Herlock Sholmes.

He took advantage of an argument between the French police and a British detective and tried to
escape with his lover Ray.

At that moment an officer pulled the trigger.

Ray’s chest, which threw itself to protect her lover, turns red, and Lupin, who had been perfect
throughout the series of events, collapses for the first time.


When I put things together again, I realized that I had a fixed idea.

Do I have to paint after Ray gets shot?

The reason why Elisabetta Sirani’s Portrait of Beatrice Chenchi was so sad was not because she painted
the scene of her death.

This is thanks to the affectionate and mournful expression that made the viewer guess the situation.
Let’s stimulate the imagination.

I need to find a composition where people can immerse themselves in the story and wonder.

It would be right to avoid extreme compositions in order not to feel different when director Nolan puts
them into a scene in the movie.

“What are you doing here?”

It was Sihyeon.

“I’m thinking.”


I offered a Coke to the guy who tilted his head wondering what I was doing.

“I don’t like it and I’m not thirsty.”

It’s strange that he doesn’t like this precious drink.

Should I draw the surroundings in a circle and draw it as a view from the muzzle of the gun?


When I touch the tablet application, there is a function that inverts colors, should I use it?


If it’s a built-in effect of the application, it’s probably already been used a lot.

It will only have a fresh effect on me, and it has nothing to do with the composition.

Finding an easy way doesn’t solve it.

Looking down from the vertical direction, the character and composition feel so boring, while looking up
from the vertical direction is very fresh, but it seems difficult to blend into the drawing naturally.

It’s best to put the characters sideways, but there must be a better way than that.
It seems okay to follow Lupin’s perspective, but….there are a lot of questions

How did Lupin try to cope?

What did Ray see?

What did Isidore and Sholmes think?

What might be the thoughts of the officer who missed the shot?

“Then shall we ask Hun about what he thinks of this story?”


I got it.

While thinking of all the characters, I came up with a composition that stimulated my imagination and
forced me to immerse myself at that moment.

The teacher and the children were staring at me.

“I’m sorry. I thought about something else.”


As soon as I got back from school, I sat in front of the canvas.

A symbolic object that marks the beginning of a tragedy and the end of an event

I wanted to draw a large bullet in the middle of the canvas.

I don’t have a superior sense like Edouard Manet, so it is hard to imagine how people will be reflected in
the bullet.

I searched the house, wondering if I could find a cylindrical object with a mirror-like surface.

It is hard to know why they didn’t make a mirror that bends while making a monitor that stretches and
“What are you looking for, Hun?”

“Curved mirror. It would be nice if it had a cylindrical shape.”


I explained the situation to grandpa, who thought about it for a while and then went into the

“Is this okay?”


It’s certainly a cylindrical mirror, though not what I’m looking for.

With this, I can refer to how surrounding things are distorted.

Let’s put the characters side by side.

On the left, starting with Isidore, then Herlock Sholmes, and on the right, the determined Ray and Lupin,
who have not yet grasped the situation.

People should be reflected on the surface of the bullet, so I should think carefully about where the light
comes in, how to express the surface of the bullet, and how people’s posture is distorted.

Since it is a cylinder, the further away it is from the center, the more severe the deformation is, and I
think it can be used to give more urgency by using the distortion of the face and posture of the

How do I position the bullets?

If it is right before the shooting, Isidore and Herlock should be drawn relatively far away.

The middle between the launch site and Ray seems to be appropriate.

Certainly, it was hard for me to express the texture of the bullet.

Even though I tried to follow grandpa’s painting style, it is quite overwhelming to express the
smoothness of the bullet surface.
Still, I cannot give up because I know the joy that will come when I complete the tragedy reflected in this

Paint and peel and contemplate.

I wasted the canvas by repeatedly mixing and remixing the paints and washing the brush.

Still, after failing a few times, I’m starting to get a sense of what color and how to paint.

I like the surface of the bullet I drew this time.

“Hun, let’s eat.”

Grandpa just came in.

I turned my head in delight.

“Grandpa, how about this?”

Grandpa admired the bullet I had barely drawn.

I succeeded since grandpa nodded his head and acknowledged it.

“You can draw like this now, huh.”

“Because I practiced a lot.”

Grandpa, who was watching with satisfaction, suddenly burst into laughter.

I tilted my head in wonder and he patted my head pitifully.

“Didn’t the French police use pistols at this time?”


“Isn’t that too long for a pistol bullet? It should be a little shorter and blunt since it’s out of the shell.”

I couldn’t think of it because I was too busy drawing.

I can adjust the appearance and layout of the bullets, but I have to redraw the bullet that I’ve drawn so

I’m angry at myself for being careless because of the joy.

“Come on, come on. Let’s eat pizza.”

But with potato pizza, I can quickly forget about hours of hard work.

I sat at the living room table watching TV and eating pizza.

Now I can eat two or three pieces of Pizza and can enjoy this wonderful food.

Grandpa kept staring at me.

“Hurry up and eat, grandpa. It’s getting cold.”

He looked into my eyes as if there was something he wanted to say.

After a while, grandpa asked me with a serious look on his face.

“Hun, do you remember anything before the accident?”

I remembered the words he said in the morning, about going to the parents’ house.

He seems to want to check something, but I can’t think of anything.


Grandpa nodded with a small sigh.

I’m worried about his unusual appearance.

I don’t know what he’s trying to say, but I’ve never seen him hesitate like that when trying to say

“No, let’s eat,”

Grandpa shook his head and picked up the pizza.

He recommended garlic sauce for no reason and asked me if he should bring kimchi.

It’s only been a year since I started living with grandpa, but this is my first time seeing him hesitating like
this, so I’m a little flustered.

I’m worried about grandpa.

When I look back, it was so much fun to learn new things, and I was so moved that I could draw, so I was
in a rush to do many things.

Maybe Grandpa feels something strange.

If so, how should I behave?

My mind suddenly gets complicated.

When I put down the pizza slice since the feeling of eating potato pizza is gone, grandpa asks anxiously.

“What happened Hun? Are you already full?”

“No. I’m eating.”

It’s only been a year if I think about it.

Wouldn’t it have been too much for a 10-year-old child who lost his memory to do this or that?

A year?

Come to think of it, the first time I woke up here was around this time last year.

It should be around June 1st, and it’s amazing how it fits so well with the birthday.

“Chew it many times before you eat. okay?”

“Grandpa should also eat.”

What should I do if he finds out my secret?

What should I answer if asked?

Can I say I’m your grandson?

I want to say I love you more than anyone else in the world, but do I deserve it?

My heart felt heavy thinking about it.

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Chapter 121

Chapter 121
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 121

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I tried to ignore the discomfort and finished the work.

Instead of drawing the sides of a long cylindrical bullet, I highlighted Ray and Lupin by drawing the front
of the bullet.

Isidore and Herlock were placed on the side of a half-visible bullet to express their emotions in their
distorted faces and postures.

Unlike when painting [Sunflower], [Guest], [Happiness], [Frost Wheat Field], and [Mask], it was not easy
to express the smooth texture of the bullet and the reflection on it realistically.

Thanks to this, I had to redraw several times even after completing the idea and managed to meet the
promised date.
Before sending the canvas, I took a picture and sent it to Nolan, and I got a call right away.

I guess he’s been waiting for it.

“Yes, Director Nolan.”

– You really are a genius.

I felt confused by the sudden compliment, but I’m glad since it was the words of Nolan, not anyone else.

He seems to have liked it.

“No, it wasn’t easy, it gave me a hard time.”

– I’m sure it would have. If someone can make this kind of work right away, I don’t think he will be a
human being?

Nolan’s giving me a load of leeway!

“I did it this way because Director Nolan said it’s okay as long as I draw it. Can you film this?”

– Of course. Didn’t I tell you? I can film anything.

I don’t know how he will film a flying bullet, but I can believe it if it’s Nolan.

– I left it to you just in case, but that was the correct choice. I’ll go with your image. Great job.

It’s such an important scene that not only I, but also the entire concept art design team and art director
Nathan Evans, put forward various proposals, but Nolan seems to have chosen my painting.

I wonder if there is anything more pleasant than being recognized for your hard work and efforts.

“I’ll send the original through Uncle Bang.”

– Okay. Good night. I’ll get in touch again.

I finished the call.

The happy mood is also filled with emptiness as I look at the quiet studio for a while.
To forget the cluttered mind, I started cleaning up the messy studio.

From tomorrow, I will have to pay attention to my school work and I will try to do the broadcast little by

What else should I do?

If I have nothing to do, I’m so worried that I can’t stand it.

Concerns that had barely been suppressed by working on the concept art of ‘The Strange Castle’ rose

If Grandpa ever asks me.

Can I lie if he asks me if I’m really his grandson?

I can’t bear to say that I’m not your grandson and I’m a Dutchman who died a hundred years ago.

Will he believe me?

Will it be acceptable?


What should I do if he wants me to return his grandson?

If he doesn’t accept me, what should I do, I, who already loves him more than anyone else?

The world is full of unknown and incomprehensible things, but it’s not harder than this question.

What should I do?

I don’t know at this point.

I will just do my best not to leave any regrets.



Lee Nari, an assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Korean University, stared at
Professor Jang Mirae.

It was surprising that she wore a suit that she didn’t usually wear and put on makeup that she didn’t
usually put.

“Who are you meeting today, Professor?”

“Why? Am I pretty today?”

Jang Mirae smiled and put her hand on her waist.

“No, it’s weird.”

Assistant Nari frowned.

“I’ve been thinking about it since before, but why do you do makeup like that when you’re so good at
Jang Mirae opened her eyes and mouth wide.

For her, who was quite confident in her aesthetic sense, the shock was inevitable.

“Is it that weird?”

“Yes. I think it’s like a middle school girl, who imitated her mother’s makeup.”

Jang Mirae breathed heavily at Lee Nari’s cold comment while looking at the mirror hanging at the
entrance of the office.

“What’s wrong with this?”

“Who makes the eyes this dark these days. The underline is also too dark. The eyelash curling is severe
as if you want to brag about your hard makeup.”

“I did my best…”

Lee Nari sighed deeply at Jang Mirae’s words.

It’s been 10 years since she has been close to Jang Mirae, a senior from the same college.
She felt like she had to say for sure today.

“Tell me. Who are you meeting?”

“An interview with ‘The Korean Express’. Is it really that weird?

Lee Nari shook her head.

She didn’t want to reveal the senior she respects and likes to the media like that.

“Let’s get rid of it quickly. Let me see your bag.”

Lee Nari opened Jang Mirae’s bag.

When she took out the pouch, Wet & Soft’s highlighter, blusher, eye shadow palette, foundation, and lip
color were gathered in a cute way.

Everything was from a famous brand that’s known for offering high-quality products for their high price.
Jang Mirae looked down at Lee Nari, looking down at the cosmetics pouch.

“What? Is it strange?”

“ Did you buy everything at one place because you were lazy?”

Jang Mirae nodded.

“Why? Is this not good?”

“No problem with cosmetics.”


“Professor is the problem.”

Lee Nari handed her cleansing foam to Jang Mirae, who was shocked and hardened and pushed her.

Jang Mirae had no choice but to remove her makeup.

Lee Nari pushed Jang Mirae on a chair and took out her own cosmetics.

After applying toner and lotion to Jang Mirae’s face one after another, she squeezed out the cream.

“What’s that?”

“Tone-up cream. You have clear features, so you are fine by just applying this.”

“I don’t want to look gentle.”

“Then just put on some lipstick.”

“Can’t I use mine?”

“If you like it that much, why don’t you use it for drawing.”

Lee Nari responded like that because she couldn’t ask Jang Mirae to throw away what she bought.

“Right. Why didn’t I think about drawing with lipstick? There is also an artist who draws with lipstick and
kisses.” 1)
Lee Nari smiled in vain.

It was just fascinating to see her senior who gets excited about anything related to painting.

“It’s over.”

Jang Mirae examined her face with a hand mirror handed over by Inari.

“I feel empty.”

“No. It’s a lot better now.”

“Isn’t it just a difference of taste?”


“Why are you so determined today?”

“Honestly, you looked like a Peking Opera actor with the powder you put on your face.” 2)
Jang Mirae, who continued her useless resistance, eventually burst into laughter.

“Ok, I have to go. Thank you.”

“If you want to thank me, buy me a meal.”

“Okay. Tomorrow lunch? What should we eat?”

“Chogye-guksu (Chilled Chicken Soup)!”


Jang Mi-rae, who was getting up with her bag, suddenly remembered Ko Sooyeol’s retirement

“Ah, yes. How’s the retirement ceremony preparations going? Will a lot of students come?”

“It’s crazy. I texted everyone, and everyone said they will definitely be there, so I don’t know where to
set up the place.”
Jang Mirae tapped Lee’s shoulder as if comforting her.

“I’ll look for it, too.”

“Why are you looking for it?”

“I’m also his student. There’s no such thing as your favorite teacher’s retirement ceremony.”

Jang Mirae smiled at Lee Nari and left the office.

On her way to the meeting place, she greeted the Korean Daily reporter Lee Inho, who was waiting for


“Oh! Hello,”

Lee Inho greeted Jang Mirae with a smile.

“Thank you for the other day. Thanks to you, I was able to get an interview with Ko Hun. I’m sorry for
thanking you very late.”
Lee Inho, who started covering the art world under the direction of his boss, made eye contact with Jang
Mirae, recalling what happened last year.

When he first saw her, he was surprised to hear that she was a professor at a major Art university, but
as he learned little by little about the situation in the art world, he learned how great a painter named
Jang Mirae was.

Born in 1997, Jang Mirae, who is 31 years old, was one of the most popular young artists in the world,
along with Ferdinando Gonzalez and Henry Marceau.

“What? It’s fine, it’s for my Little Hun anyway. The article was also well written.”

Jang Mirae touched the sensor and opened the door to her studio..

“Come on in. There are some works that haven’t been released, so please be careful with the pictures.”


Lee Inho, who entered Jang Mirae’s studio, looked around.

He felt suffocated by the smell of paint.

On one side, an unknown air balloon was randomly scattered, and red paint like blood was splashed all
over the studio.

A lot of faded nets were scattered on the ceiling and large paint cans rolled around randomly.

At first glance, it looked like a bizarre crime scene, so he couldn’t think of it as a studio of a young artist
who looked younger than him in age.


Lee Inho was distracted by a large canvas hanging across the entrance.

It overwhelmed Inho even though it was not completed because the width was over 3m.

“It’s amazing.”

“Cool, right?”

Lee Inho nodded.

“Sit down. Coffee’s good, right?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Jang Mirae took out the cold brew coffee she bought yesterday from the refrigerator in the studio.

She filled the glass with ice, poured coffee, and recommended it to reporter Lee Inho.

The climate was getting hot, and Lee Inho, who sweated while walking, was grateful for the drink.

“It’s my first time coming to an artist’s studio, and it’s very different from what I thought.”

“It’s very messy, right?” laughed Jang Mirae.

“No. How should I put it? Elegant? I thought it would be an elegant place. But when I look around, it
looks pretty fierce. It’s like a war zone.”
Reporter Lee Inho answered honestly.

Jang Mirae observed Lee Inho while drinking her coffee.

It didn’t feel like he was lying.

Jang Mirae said with a sneer.

“You are saying it’s messy in a roundabout way.”

“Oh! No? I didn’t mean it like that. Really, I swear.”

Lee Inho smiled awkwardly.

Jang Mirae, who confirmed what kind of person Lee Inho was in her own way, changed her posture with
the intention of answering the interview, and reporter Lee Inho read the atmosphere and started asking

“You said you were going to hold an exhibition later this year, what are you planning?”

“I’m going to hold it in Seoul, New York, London, Paris, and Sao Paulo.”
“Then it’ll be a tour?”


Jang Mirae shrugged playfully.

Lee Inho narrowed his eyebrows.

“You answered in a vague way, is it a difficult question to answer? Like an exhibition concept.”

“Yes. I’ll just tell you that I’ve been preparing for it a long time.”

Lee Inho wrote the place and time and a question mark in his notebook.

When he first stepped into the art world, he repeatedly felt confused by the works of modern artists,
but after realizing that it was a world where common sense was denied, he tried to accept it as it is.

If even the most basic exhibition schedule could not be said, he thought that there would be something
to do with the intention of Jang Mirae.
“It’s been a year since you started teaching at the University. How do you feel?”

“It’s a mess. It’s hard to teach students and it’s my first time teaching.”

“Okay, But isn’t the act of teaching someone really scary? Are you careful about anything?”

“Yes, it’s really scary. My answer may not be the answer for some students,”

Lee Inho nodded.

“So I try to listen to the students as much as I can. Student presentations are more frequent than my
lectures. Almost every day there will be a presentation by a student.”


Reporter Lee Inho laughed and continued the question thinking that Jang Mirae was an honest person.

“When I was looking around at the bamboo forest at Korean University, I heard that your class is very
popular. Does that kind of pressure affect your lecture?”

“I don’t know. Maybe they like it because it’s a class where you can take a test without studying?”

Jang Mirae added after laughing once.

“That’s how Professor Ko Sooyeol gave us a lecture.”

“Then, when you heard Professor Ko Sooyeol’s lecture, did you decide to teach like him?”

“At that time, I didn’t know I was going to be a professor, and it was just good. It was the first time I had
listened to a lecture for so long. It was a three-hour lecture, and I think he spoke for two hours. We took
a break in the middle and kept talking until the next break.”

Lee Inho asked, putting strength in his hand and holding the pen.

“What was the topic for two hours?”

“It was Richard Serra.”

Alexis Fraser, known as Lipstick Lex, has been inspiring positivity through her unique medium.

Armed with tubes of lipstick and an assortment of makeup brushes, Sarasota resident Alexis Fraser,
more popularly known as Lipstick Lex on social media, has been spreading positivity with her
unconventional art since 2012.

Fraser said that a former client commissioned a painting of Marilyn Monroe, and challenged her “to
create it in a nontraditional way … that still correlated with Marilyn Monroe.” That request led the artist
to the idea of creating her paintings with lipstick and “kiss prints,” an homage to pointillism in which she
repeatedly kisses the canvas.

To know more

2) Penking Opera actor

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Chapter 122
Chapter 122
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Canvas 122

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Lee Inho fumbled his memory.

After covering Ko Hoon, he was able to remember the names of artists quickly thanks to his steady
digestion of news about the art world.

“Isn’t he the one who made [Tilted arc]?” 1)

Jang Mirae was surprised when Lee Inho, who did not even recognize her last year, mentioned Richard
Serra’s representative work.

“That’s right,”

She told the story, recalling the past.

“I think it was when I was a sophomore in college. There was a lot of talk about [Shoes Tree] displayed in
Seoul Station Square.”

“Oh, I remember.”

Lee Inho responded.

In 2017, a work called [Shoes Tree] was on display at Seoul Station Square in Seoul came to his mind.2)

“Teacher took the students there for the lecture and watched it together.”

Lee Inho reacted moderately and induced Jang Mirae to continue the story.
“In the next class, he asked us to talk about Richard Serra’s [Tilted arc]. We wondered why he showed us
[Shoes Tree] for this class and why asking us to talk about some other work.”

Lee Inho tilted his head.

“What’s the connection between the two?”

“It’s probably the most controversial work when talking about public art.”

Lee Inho nodded and responded,

“He talked for about two hours in that class.”

Jang Mirae, who recalled the incident, burst into laughter.

“It wasn’t an easy problem and now I look at it differently, compared to the immature me at that time.”

“Richard Serra’s [Tilted arc] was really controversial when it was first installed. It was uncomfortable
because the people couldn’t cross the square and went back.”

“That’s right,”

Lee Inho nodded.

Anyone would feel uncomfortable when one day suddenly a 37m wide wall was created on the road
they used to commute.

“People even cursed looking at the artwork. As if it’s not enough to buy scrap metal for $170,000 using
their taxes, they placed it in a place that disturbs their daily life. ”

Lee Inho bit his lip.

[Tilted arc] he knew was a 1980s work.

At that time, $170,000 was never a small amount.

As of 2028, the value of money will be six to seven times.

Reporter Lee Inho didn’t understand why they had to spend so much money to install scrap barriers.

However, he thought Jang Mirae, an artist would know the meaning, and he only nodded because he
thought there was no need to deliberately reveal his insufficient knowledge.

“The first student who raised his hand said, the reason why the citizens complained is reasonable since it
was their money which was taken as taxes were spent on useless things.”

It was hard to think that it was the remarks of a college student at the art school.

“It was a free discussion, so the counterargument followed immediately saying that there sure would be
some people who paid the taxes liked the work and don’t they have the right to enjoy the work?”


As the story seemed to be long, Lee Inho put down his pen and listened to Jang Mirae’s words.

The recorder was working silently.

“Another student stepped up and said that since the jury at the hearing gave judgment in favor of the
citizens and [Tilted arc] was removed, hence it was a failure of Richard Serra, who was not chosen by the
Lee Inho was surprised.

“An art student said that.”

“Yes, since each one had various thoughts.”

Jang Mirae drank a sip of coffee and continued the story.

“Someone said that it wasn’t made for understanding in the first place, and what prevents an artist from
making and installing a work is violence.”

Lee Inho narrowed his eyes and fell into thought.

It wasn’t wrong.

He thought it was the artist’s freedom to install artworks when asked to work.

“It was disgusting.”


“I mean, the words ‘it’s not made for understanding in the first place’.”

Jang Mirae shrugged calmly.

“I’ll tell you first that I’m not talking about Richard Serra or [Shoes Tree].”

She said that ahead since she didn’t want the article to be written in a distorted manner.

“Yes, don’t worry.”

“Did you know that there’s a rule, where in front of a large building that requires a certain amount of
construction cost, some cost should be spent on installing works of art?”

“I’ve heard of it.”

“The same goes for $170,000 in the [Tilted arc]. The Federal Procurement Service commissioned Richard

“At that time for me, it sounded like they were thinking of the fence that the law had secured as their
home. I thought they were out of their minds.”

Jang Mirae tilted her head as she saw Lee Inho lost in thought.

“Oh, I thought you’d talk about whether the [Tilted arc] is right or the public’s view is right.”

Jang Mirae nodded as if she understood.

” I thought the citizens’ opinions were right at the time, but now I don’t know what the answer is.”

“Keep talking,”

Lee Inho picked up his pen.

“At that time, I just shot back how an artist doesn’t think about capturing the public and just thinking
about eating the set amount of money.”

Lee Inho rubbed his chin and asked a question.

“In fact, modern art, that is, contemporary art is difficult for most people. It’s kind of like their own

“That’s right.”

“So I think it’s more fascinating to see a professor who thinks about capturing the public? What’s your
view on this?”

Jang Mirae answered without hesitation.

“It’s true that contemporary art has that image and actually functions like that. They think they are
doing Pure art, but well, I don’t think the art of this era is that simple.”

“It’s about livelihood, right?”

“Yes, because you have to sell your work to live as a full-time artist, while understanding and empathy
are natural, it’s a far cry from what they call Pure art.”

“So you don’t think you’re a contemporary artist? Maybe, a commercial artist.”

Jang Mirae smiled and shook her head.

“As I said earlier, I think that the art of this era is not that simple. The distinction between commercial
art when selling works and contemporary art when pursuing Pure art is not correct. To put it bluntly,
contemporary art is a constant reciprocating phenomenon between novelty, criticality and commercial

Lee Inho clenched his chin and organized his thoughts.

“You mean, contemporary art doesn’t mean that all works are pure. Commercial art is also
contemporary art.”


Jang Mirae emptied her glass.

“Coming back. I think it’s important how the creator acts. To illustrate the [Tilted arc] for example, his
logic was not wrong.”

Jang Mirae quoted Richard Serra.

“The audience recognizes themselves and their movements across the square. The sculpture changes as
the audience moves. The contraction and expansion of the sculpture is the result of the audience’s

“It was a wonderful attempt. He turned the square into a new space. He tried to give a new impression
to the people who use it. By the way, would people want that?”

“If they did, it wouldn’t have been demolished.”

“That’s what I wanted to say. Richard Serra only did his art, but at the same time violated the freedom
of those who used the Square.”


“There are a lot of people who stands up for him and support him. Especially among the people who
work here. They say they don’t want the understanding of people. The same goes for the student who
said Artists should not create art by lowering it to match people’s understanding.”


“They claim that their freedom of expression has been suppressed, and they even point to public

“They say that the public is uneducated, they’re not patient, and they’re going to accept this artistic
sense one day while adding that the former impressionists were not recognized and were loved only in
later generations.”

Lee Inho’s head became complicated.

Certainly, it was because great geniuses who were a step ahead of their time came to mind.

“They’re saying that while cleverly removing certain parts from the facts. It is said that the
Impressionists were later loved, but in the end, Manet and Monet were greatly loved for their artistic
qualities in their lifetime.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Impressionists were against the establishment, and they treated the masses.”

Jang Mirae said after a small pause.

“People who ask the public to wait and think they are ahead of time are completely misunderstanding
one thing. It’s the public who completes art.”

Lee Inho tried not to miss any of Jang Mirae’s words.

“The esoteric way of expression that even docents and curators can’t really explain it unless the author
speaks. Can we say that the discourse that takes place only when the artist comes forward is like the
Impressionists who fought against the great power? They drew new values from people’s lives against
the mainstream by painting traditional folk paintings. Eventually, the public recognized them.”

Jang Mirae took her breath while pouring out her words.

Lee Inho checked the LCD, hoping that the recorder was performing properly.

“I don’t know if you know, but there were several irregularities in the current art world.”

“I have read it in articles.”

Jang Mirae smiled bitterly.

After shooting back at the student who said art was not an act of wanting to understand, Jang Mirae
belatedly realized that the student was the daughter of the president of the art association.
Jang Mirae said that the art world’s leading artists, associations, and critics now form another cartel.

They were wary of receiving national budgets by doing their own art, but they were angry when a
student at an art university agreed to it.

“That’s what I thought at the time.”



“Oh, no. continue.”

Lee Inho, who was dizzy because he heard so much, managed to get his head together.

“I changed my mind a little after listening to Teacher’s story.”

Jang Mirae smiled and continued the story.

“I came to know that the Art world is not filled with only those people, and there were a lot of hard-
working artists out there.”

“Can you name some?”

“If I pick from famous people, there’s Ferdinando Gonzalez or Henry Marceau. And, there are many
people in our country who are trying to communicate in their own way. The problem is the associations,
critics, and people who were parasitic on them. They’re going to have a monopoly on the cultural
promotion budget.”


“I was talking about the [Shoes tree], but as far as I know, the person who installed it worked without
pay. She spent her own money for installations.”


“You can criticize that and you can express your discomfort. But at least I’ve been thinking about it since
I found out that the [Tilted arc] and [Shoes Tree] are far from the absurdity I thought they would be. I
wondered if there could be a public art that would satisfy everyone.”

“Is there?”
“I don’t know.”

Jang Mirae pondered.

“There may be, but I think it’s a matter of freedom. And right now, I can’t fully answer the concept of
freedom. This made me scared to teach students.”


Lee Inho laughed at Jang Mirae’s honest answer.

Rather than hastily concluding a problem that no one knows the answer to, it felt more amazing that she
thought about it for 10 years.

“Do you know a book called On Liberty?”

“This book was written by a man named John Stuart Mill, and he was very concerned about freedom. He
made no conclusions in the book, but he said that at least there are freedoms that must not be infringed

Lee Inho showed interest by tilting his upper body.

“He said that freedom of thought, freedom of taste, freedom of association should not be violated by

“That’s true.”

“Yes, the problem is that this is also possible as long as it doesn’t violate someone’s freedom. You can
think of it, but as soon as you express it as a work of art, words, or writing, there’s a conflict of interest.
Like a [Tilted arc].”


“It’s hard for a reporter to hear, right?”

“I don’t think I can write it in an article. It might infringe on someone’s freedom.”

The two laughed quietly.


1)[Tilted arc]

It is a large art piece installed at Manhattan Federal Plaza in New York City between 1981 and 1989. It
was about 37 meters wide, 3.7 meters long, and 6.4 centimeters thick. Separating the square raised a
new awareness of the familiar space. It cost $175,000 to produce.

2)[Shoes Tree], Hwang Ji-hae, 2017

Exhibited from May 20 to 28, 2017, is an installation and sculpture art with a length of about 100m, a
height of about 17m, and a thickness of about 2.5m.

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“Jokes apart, will you be okay if I write what you said?”

Lee Inho asked as he turned his pen.

As Jang Mirae said, associations, critics, and some artists were forming great power.

If they influence the media, then, it wouldn’t be good for Jang Mirae if what she said got published.

Jang Mirae smiled.

“I’m fine.”

The young artist, who was only 31 years old, and looked less than 160 cm. tall said in a firm tone.

“You have to fight even if it’s hard.”

Lee Inho swallowed his saliva and saw Jang Mirae.

“There are still many people who can’t eat a meal because of their livelihood. Some of my acquaintances
starved to death. Can you believe that there were people who starved to death in 2028? You might
think, ‘Wouldn’t it be okay to work part-time?’ But you know what, it’s not easy for someone who’s only
been doing art all his life to get a normal job,”

Lee Inho nodded.

“Still, it might be possible to get one or two part-time jobs when you are in your 20s. But once you reach
your 30s, it’s not easy to find a part-time job. In the end, you have to work in jobs that involve manual
labor, which will naturally break your body, and eventually, you have to give up on being an artist.”

Lee Inho nodded.

“We have to fight because the opportunities like the funds and national concessions that the country
has set up for such artists go to people who don’t even need them.”

Jang Mirae’s voice was not shaken at all.

“In the past, I was deprived of the opportunity and I was so angry that I couldn’t do anything about it.”
Lee Inho raised his eyebrows.

” But now I’m in a position where I have to take a stand, a stand for my fellow artist friends and the
students who I teach.”

Jang Mirae, who grinned after finishing her speech, looked bigger in the eyes of Lee Inho.


“Oh, my God.”

Bang Tae, who visited Ko Sooyeol’s house to receive concept art, opened his mouth wide.

There were two works prepared by Ko Hun, each with the titles [Trap] and [Bullet].

Bang Tae was speechless in front of [Bullet].

The characters’ feelings on the surface of the golden bullet that was rushing forward got conveyed.
Ray’s determination, Lupin’s confusion, Isidore’s astonishment, and Herlock’s despair were revealed.

It wasn’t the concept art he knew.

[Bullet] had an aura of an artist’s soul.

What was even more surprising was, Ko Hun’s style of painting had changed once again.

Last year’s [Sunflower] created a unique atmosphere that incorporated the traditional Korean painting
style, while [Frost Wheat Field] had a rich post-impressionism feel. [Mask] looked new by adding action,
but the basis of Ko-Hun’s work of oil painting that emphasized texture and color remained.

But now, it feels similar to Ko Sooyeol’s work.

It was a method of giving a new meaning by adding distortion to the realistic expression.

Bang Tae wondered how Ko Hun came up with this idea.

From [Frost Wheat Field] to [Mask] to [Bullet] Ko Hun surprised him with every work.

Bang Tae was sure.

According to a contract with Nolan Productions, the art world will be turned upside down once again
when the concept art exhibition of ‘The Strange Castle’ will be held in line with the film screening.

“You did it again,”

Bang Tae congratulated with joy.

“You must have had a hard time this time, too. This is truly great. You didn’t stay up all night, did you?”


Bang Tae turned his head curiously.

Even after drawing such a work, the figure of Ko Hun, felt emotionally down, with his shoulders

“What’s wrong Hun? Do you have any worries?”

Ko Hun shook his head.

“Please. Please send it, Uncle Bang.”

“Oh, yeah. Don’t worry,”

Ko Hun sat down in front of the canvas with a small sigh.

The canvas was filled with sunflowers that Ko Hun liked to draw.

Bang Tae, who was worried about the boy, sat down.


“Yes,” replied Ko Hun while holding a brush.

“There are times when you think about a problem alone, you might not be able to find a solution, but
the same problem can be solved unexpectedly if you speak to someone.”

“That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry about it. I just wanted to tell you that I’d like to help you

“Thank you, Uncle.”

“Yeah, you can tell your Grandpa if it’s not me. He loves you the most.”

Ko Hun closed his eyes.

Bang Tae didn’t know what Ko Hun was worried about, but he knew well that the child was more
thoughtful than anyone else.

Bang Tae decided to leave as he thought Ko Hun needed some space.


Ko Hun called him when he just woke up.

“Yes, Hun.” replied Bang Tae gladly.

The calling voice seemed to be trying to confide in his worries.

If Ko Hun believed in him, Bang Tae was ready to roll up his sleeves and go to any extent to solve Hun’s
‘Is it a concern about work? Or is it related to his career path? Or is it because of school grades or

Bang Tae guessed about the worries that the boy might have and waited for Ko Hun to open his mouth.

“Uncle, what should I do to buy land?”


It wasn’t all the trouble Bang Tae expected.

Bang Tae was briefly confused by the unexpected question.


“Yes. I hope it’s a place not far from grandpa’s house and it would be nice if it had mountains or fields,
and it’s better to be near a city or a river.”

Bang Tae sat down.

“I wish there was a small field, too. I can grow sunflowers.”

Ko Hun sighed long.

Bang Tae, who didn’t expect an 11-year-old boy to worry about buying land, could notice that Hun was
not joking.

“If you look it up, you can find it. Buying can’t be a problem.”

Ko Hun’s personal assets would be difficult, but it couldn’t be a problem if a corporation with more than
10 billion won in cash purchasing it.

But Bang Tae couldn’t understand the sudden necessity to buy land.

“You can grow sunflowers in your grandpa’s garden if you want,”

Ko Hun began spreading paint on the palette with a knife.

“Because I won’t be able to live at grandpa’s house forever.”

Bang Tae narrowed his eyebrows.

At first, Bang Tae thought that Ko Hun saying “my house” and “grandpa’s house” was the influence of
growing up in a foreign country.

But hearing what Hun said, he could see that the situation was more serious than he thought.

It felt like Ko Hun didn’t seem to think of Ko Sooyeol as a family completely yet.

“What do you mean? Why can’t you live together?”

Ko Hun couldn’t answer Bang’s question honestly.

“If I get older, I have to be independent. Everyone says that.”

That’s true.

For some reason, Bang Tae couldn’t open his mouth, thinking about whether Ko Hun is being mature or

“Okay, I’ll look into it.”

“Yes, thank you, Uncle Bang.”


I saw off Uncle Bang.

After grandpa noticed something strange, I didn’t come out of the studio under the pretext of painting.

I forced myself to work because I thought he’d ask me something if we were together.

It’s time for him to come home soon.

When I was trying to get back to the studio quickly, I saw the trash lying on the living room table.

Grandpa is either too busy to even think about cleaning up, or he doesn’t even care about it.


I checked the clock, there is still about half an hour left for grandpa to come from work.

I brought a trash can and organized the living room table.

I thought it would be the same in other places, so I went to the kitchen and there were a lot of dishes to

I got on a chair, roughly rinsed off the food from the bowl with water, and poured the hot water into the

I squeezed out the detergent into it and then entered grandpa’s study while letting the hardened food in
the dishes loosen in the immersed water.

As expected, it’s a mess.

I think he’s still eating because we’re eating together, and this makes me frustrated.

There was nothing to throw away in particular, and I started to pick up a mess of books and documents
with the intention of organizing them.

A phrase caught my eye as I tried to close a large notebook.

Hun likes SpongeBob.

I’ve never seen this handwriting before.

He loves it so much that when he’s crying if I play a video of SpongeBob, he looks at the monitor without
even blinking.

This is.

I looked back and forth in a hurry.

It’s probably a diary written by Ko Hae, grandpa’s daughter, and Ko Hun’s mother

It was written while raising Ko Hun, and it seems that he liked the yellow sponge that lives under the


By any chance, did grandpa show me SpongeBob when I woke up in the hospital room because of this?

I think he bought me a bag, pencil case, umbrella, raincoat, and T-shirt with SpongeBob on it for this
Grandpa deserves to be suspicious.

I passed a few more pages.

Maybe because of school, Hun doesn’t eat pizza or chicken.

I feel sorry for him even though I wonder if it’s good because he said kimchi and vegetables are better.

Post-it is attached to the record of Ko Hun’s mother, Ko Hae.

This is what grandpa added.

If I had seen this earlier, I wouldn’t have fed him pizza.

It breaks my heart to think that he has been enjoying what he doesn’t like because I bought it for him.

The ink is as clear as it was recently written.

Come to think of it, grandpa has never ordered potato pizza that much since our return.
I thought he missed Korean food because we’ve been abroad for a long time.

I think he read this record after returning home.

“…… “

“Little Hun, I’m back.”

I was surprised by grandpa’s voice and put down the notebook.

I was in a hurry to leave the room, but grandpa was standing in front of me.


I looked up at grandpa’s surprised face and couldn’t say anything.

I just wanted to run away.

Thinking that this person is suspecting me that I’m not his grandson, made me feel angry at myself for
deceiving this person for my own greed.
Above all, it breaks my heart when I think that the happy time I spent with grandpa for the past year
can’t continue.

I was afraid that the happiest year of my life would be regarded as something that I gained by deceiving

I was so afraid that I couldn’t lift my face.

“Hun, what’s wrong with you? Why are you crying?”

Grandpa’s tough hands gently wrapped around my cheeks.


I replied while twisting my body to avoid his touch.

“What’s wrong, Hun?”

When I tried to run away to the studio. Grandpa held my hands and wouldn’t let go.
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Hun looked strange when I went into my study.

Even if I hold onto him and ask him what’s going on, he doesn’t say anything.

“Hun, what’s wrong? Huh?”

I hugged him, but he tried to push me away with his little hands.

He was very anxious and I don’t know what happened, but it felt heartbreaking because Hun was
shaking in my arms.
I patted his back and looked around.

The room, which was messy because there were many things to think about, is quite organized.


Hae’s diary was on the floor.

I think he found it while he was organizing the room.

Hun looked at his mom’s diary because I neglected to clean the house.

Did it remind him of the shock at the time of the accident?

Did the memory come back a little?

Is that why he’s having such a hard time?

The guy who was trying to push me away until a while ago hugged me tightly.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.”

First of all, I have to reassure him.

“…… I’m sorry, grandpa”

Hun kept repeating the word sorry.

I wish he could cry out all the sorrow stacked in his heart.

If I can, I will be happy to drown in those tears.

“What are you sorry about? There’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”

I held Hun, who started to wail.

We stayed like that for a while

How long has it been?

I made Hun sit on my lap and hugged him from behind.

He is now embarrassed that he cried so much.

“Let go of me now, grandpa.”


“I won’t cry. I won’t run away.”


He sits still and tries to turn around.

When I loosen my hands, he looks at me and then bows his head.

After a while, he once again raised his head.

His eyes were trembling with anxiety and fear.

I don’t know what’s wrong with the child who usually does everything so smart.


I said, holding his hand.

“You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to,”

Hun shakes his head.

“If you have something to say, you don’t have to worry. Grandpa will always be on your side.”

He bows his head.

Covering his face, he suddenly rushed in.

He tightly hugged me with his shaking body, as if he was going somewhere soon.

I felt confused with his behavior of some kind of farewell.

“I love you, grandpa”

Hun’s voice that had reached my ear faded away.

He sat apart and spoke with a still anxious expression on his face.

“I’m not……Ko Hun.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about.


Tears kept dropping down from his eyes.

“I’m not who you think I am, Grandpa.”

Hun, who started saying something mysterious, swallows his saliva as if his throat was hoarse.

“I…I’m…. not your grandson.”

I couldn’t think of anything for a moment.

I just watched the little guy with eyes full of tears.

“What are you talking about? How can you say that!”

I tried not to get angry in front of Hun as much as possible, but I don’t care about such a resolution.

“Who said that? Huh? What kind of guy says that? Did any reporter say that?”

He just bowed and shook his heads.

My heart feels tight.

“Tell me, what happened? I feel like I’ll die looking at you like this!!”

I’m afraid I’ll die looking at the little guy crying like that.

I spat out what I shouldn’t have said in front of Hun, who is afraid of being left alone in the world.
I know it in my head, but what Hun said was so shocking that my brain doesn’t seem to have control of
my words.

“…You know,”

Hun opened his mouth with his fist tightly clenched.

I can’t understand what he’s trying to say.

“What do I know? Huh?”

“I don’t like SpongeBob, I like potato pizza, I’m good at drawing.”


Did he eat something wrong?

I couldn’t understand what he was talking about, but suddenly I remembered Hae’s diary, and I think he
saw the diary entry that said he likes SpongeBob and doesn’t eat potato pizza.
I’m sure he must have seen drawings from his childhood.

I think he is doing this because he feels he’s so different from himself before the accident.

“ Little Hun,”

Wiping away his tears, I comforted him.

“Do you remember when we came back from the trip to Europe?”


“Didn’t I say whether you have the memory or not it doesn’t change the fact you’re my grandson?”

“That’s not it.”


I don’t know what this child is worried about.

I don’t even know why such a thought came to him.

But it’s something that I need to listen to gradually.

The first thing to do is to ease Hun, who trembles with anxiety and fear.

“How can you be the same when you don’t remember? What you like and dislike can change as much as
you grow. Grandpa also used to like greasy food when I was young.”

Hun shakes his head vigorously.

“Such things don’t change the fact that you’re my grandson and I’m your grandfather”

He tried to talk, but swallowed the words again and again.

I think he had something to say, so I waited, and he barely opened my mouth.

“I’m not Hun.”

“Who are you then?”


I’m prepared.

Grandpa hugged me tightly without letting me go, and his arms were so warm that I couldn’t fool him

So I made up my mind, but when he asked who I am, I couldn’t say anything.

It’s not easy to abandon the greatest happiness in my life, even if I got it by chance.

I can’t lie to grandpa.

“…Vincent…… I’m Vincent van Gogh.”

I couldn’t bear to see grandpa, so I lowered my head.

He can’t believe it.

Even… I can’t understand this miraculous situation, I think he might think I’m crazy.

After being so silent for a while, grandpa covered his cheek.

I’ve been imagining for the past few days how grandpa would come out when I said who I am.

I don’t think he’ll take me to a mental hospital like in my previous life.

They’ll hit me and laugh.

I’m sure they’ll treat me like crap.

I thought he might get angry, but grandpa looked as usual.



“Grandpa doesn’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Of course.

Who would have imagined that a man who died a hundred years ago was in the body of a dead

Grandpa could have lived happily with his beloved grandson if I hadn’t come into this body.

I should have kept it a secret.

I’m just hurting grandpa because of my desire to not live with the guilt.

“But I’m trying to understand what Hun is saying.”


Grandfather exhaled long.

“Grandpa knows that Hun is different from before he lost his memory. You’re different from you in your
mom’s diary.”

At a glance, it sounded like he was thinking of me and Ko Hun separately.

But from grandpa’s point of view, he can’t think of Ko Hun and me separately.

He thinks I’m different because I’ve lost my memory

“It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter even if it’s someone else, as you said.”

I raised my head to grandpa’s words.

“Wasn’t it you who woke up in the hospital, ate with grandpa, slept, drew, traveled, and read books

That’s me.

It’s definitely me.

When I nodded, grandpa once again took a deep breath.

He is trying to understand this ridiculous situation.

“You lived with this grandpa, right?”

That’s true, but I don’t know where to start explaining.

“You’ve to talk. We can’t find a solution if you don’t say anything.”

Grandpa is right.

I forgot for a while because I was afraid of losing grandpa, but there is no way to understand each other
without communicating.

I gave advice to Sihyeon like a bigshot, but in reality, I’m actually worse than him.

But there’s no way to prove I’m Vincent.

Can he believe it even if I tell the story rationally?

Something that even I couldn’t accept?

A normal person was possessed by a ghost.

“I lived with grandpa ever since I woke up in the hospital. I was so happy. If I could live like now, I would
do anything. But, I’m not grandpa’s grandson.”

That’s all I can explain to him in a common-sense line.

“I’ll get angry if you keep repeating that nonsense!”

I was startled by grandpa’s anger.

Grandpa shook his arm before I could speak.

“Hun, who am I?”

Grandpa’s face is so desperate and he’s so sad that he can’t keep his mouth shut.

“Who am I to you?”

“Yes! I’m your grandpa. We’re a family. What’s real or fake about a family? Yeah, let’s say you’re not
Hun. Does that change the time you and I spent together?”


“It’s not the blood that makes people a family, it’s the time spent together that makes a family. I really
don’t know why Hun thinks like this.”

Grandpa is breathing heavily and I’m worried that he might faint.

“Didn’t I tell you not to cling to the past you can’t remember? Let’s build fun and happy things. That’s
what family is. I couldn’t build it with my daughter, that’s why we drifted apart.”

“ I didn’t know about the Ko Hun before, but I do know the Ko Hun who spends every day with me –
what he likes and what he doesn’t. That’s my grandson. I like that grandson who sometimes does crazy
things. I like that grandson who worries when I’m not eating. I’m so proud of that grandson and I LOVE
THAT GRANDSON…I love you more today and I will love you even more tomorrow.”


He’s really trying to understand me.

He does not ignore or deny my words or my ridiculous stories.

He speaks on the assumption that we’re not related by blood.

“I’m your Grandfather. So now tell me, who are you?”



“Grandpas’s GRANDSON.”

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Grandpa exhaled in relief.

After doing that for a long time, he shook his head.

He must have thought something was strange reading his daughter Ko Hae’s diary, but I don’t think his
feelings for me have changed.

I said anxiously, raising his exhausted face.

He seemed to have taken a shock when I said I’m not his grandson.

“Little Hun, If you say those words again, you’ll be in big trouble, okay?”


As grandpa said, even if there’s no blood, I look up to him more than my own grandfather and feel closer
to him than my own father.

All the misunderstandings have not been resolved yet, but that mindset will not change.

Grandpa got up with a groan.

“Let’s eat.”

Grandpa headed to the sink and took out his smartphone after looking at the dishes I had soaked in
“I should order. Do you want to eat potato pizza?”

It’s just a question of whether I’ll eat my usual pizza.

However, it is something he would never say to ‘Ko Hun’, who hates potato pizza, so I keep giving it a


Grandpa ordered pizza and stretched on the couch in the living room with a groan.

Then suddenly grandpa stands up and stares at me.

He put his hand on my forehead to check if I had a fever.

“Where do you think you’re sick?”


I said I was a painter who died 100 years ago, so it’s no wonder he thinks I’m sick.
“Let’s talk now. What made you think that? What do you mean Van Gogh? What are you talking about?
What the hell.”

I don’t know how to explain it.

I wonder if I need to let grandpa know who I am.

“Is it because of the news articles?”

Grandpa referred to the media and critics who described me as [Vincent van Gogh’s descendant] or
[Little Van Gogh].

It wasn’t just them, but also those around me who thought like that.

I drew [Mask] to remove such an image, so he seems to think it is because of that mental burden.


I’m not sure if I should tell him the whole story, or should I cover it up here and there.

Or is it better to move on with Grandpa’s suspicions?

I don’t know what is the right answer.

However, grandpa gave me confidence that I would not lose him even if I was honest.

“I remember. How Van Gogh lived.”

Grandpa narrowed his eyes.

“I told everyone how he died in Auvers-sur-Oise?”

I brought up the story of Auvers-sur-Oise, where we went last winter.

I think it could be explained to some extent if grandpa recalls how I told grandpa Martin and the Van
Gogh Institute staff about the location of the thicket they were looking for.

Grandpa was in agony.

There are probably quite a few instances that grandpa can think of.

I can’t speak Korean properly, but I’m good at Dutch, and I’m good at drawing all of a sudden.

“It’s interesting, but something doesn’t add up.”

Grandpa said something unexpected.

“From grandpa’s perspective, I think Hun has good observation skills. It’s like a habit.”

Maybe he means by me looking around wherever I go.

“Do you remember going to the psychiatrist when you were in the hospital?”


“You drew the exact room. Similarly, you found the place by looking at the tree bushes and postcards.”
I didn’t know the place that was covered by the building until I saw the postcard, so grandpa’s argument
does make sense.

“I speak other languages well.”

“Hae said in her diary that you have been learning French for three years. It’s fast, but it’s not
impossible. I’ve also heard of a 4-year-old kid speaking 7 languages. And I don’t think the words that
Vincent van Gogh used would still be used even today.”


Come to think of it, I also had doubts about it.

I haven’t had much trouble talking to grandpa or others since I woke up.

Obviously, the language is different from 138 years ago, and even though it is difficult to understand, I
naturally use the language now.

“I don’t know about that.”

“Even if your painting has a Van Gogh feel, it’s not exactly the same.”
“It’s because I’m learning from other paintings.”

Grandpa nodded this time.

“Then what will you say about the mind?”


“Van Gogh had a mental illness. Hun doesn’t seem to have one.”

“…Didn’t I feel better because I was healthy?”

“Is the body and the mind the same?”

Grandpa shook his head.

“People who have suffered from mental illness all their lives can’t just return to normal just because
they became healthy. Don’t you think so?”
I can’t answer.

Listening to grandpa, I also started having doubts.

It was really hard right before I died and I felt like I was broken since I even had auditory hallucinations.

Is it possible to have no hallucinations, anxiety, and uncontrollable emotional changes just because I
woke up in a different body?

Even if I’m cured, is it something that can be cured in an instant?

There is no way for me and grandpa to know without professional knowledge.

I cannot refute the question raised by grandpa.

It’s so hard to prove that I’m me.

“Do you really think you’re Vincent van Gogh? Does it matter? What’s important is that I’m your
grandpa and you’re my grandson.

“Really. Nothing matters other than that.”


The next day, Ko Sooyeol visited Kim Heewon, a psychiatrist who treated Ko Hun.

He visited alone out of the fear of bad rumors spreading about his grandson, who has already become a

Kim Heewon greeted happily when he saw Ko Sooyeol.


Ko Sooyeol greeted politely and sat face to face with Kim Heewon.

“Do you have something to consult with…?”

Ko Sooyeol breathed out a long breath and opened his mouth.

“It’s about Hun.”


Kim Heewon was in charge of Ko Hun for two months and formed a personal relationship, and as a
doctor, he had to protect the patient’s identity.

“I think Hun is very confused.”

Ko Sooyeol carefully unraveled the story.

The facts about his grandson Ko Hun being different from him in the past and also told details of the
conversations he had with Ko Hun yesterday.

Kim Heewon listened while asking questions to Ko Sooyeol sometimes.

“First of all, you should know that Hun has no choice but to think like that. He’s shocked because he’s so
different from himself in his mother’s diary.”
Ko Sooyeol nodded.

“It’s rare to lose your memory completely like Hun. Also, the socialization process is not common.”

Ko Sooyeol narrowed the eyebrows and tilted the upper body.

“As you know, Hun has an adult level of intelligence and reasoning skills. Such a child was suddenly
placed in a state of exclusion of knowledge. It’s bound to be confusing. He’ll try to understand why he’s
like this, and he’ll try to understand what’s happening all of a sudden.”

Kim Heewon turned the pen around.

“Did he hear anything saying Hun is Van Gogh?”

“There were a lot of articles like that. People around him also said similar things,”

“Has Hun read a lot about Van Gogh?”

“Yes. It’s not only Van Gogh, but he also looks for other artists’ stories and watches them.”

Kim Heewon, who was lost in thought, tapped on the desk with his pen.
Through his rational and reasonable mindset and long experience as a psychiatrist, he guessed Ko Hun’s

“There are times when you collect information from people around you, make a plausible story, and
believe it.”

“Is that really possible?”

Ko Sooyeol asked as if confirming.

“It sounds absurd, but you should consider Hun’s special situation. He has a high level of intelligence,
but suddenly he’s in a situation where he doesn’t even remember who he is. What he can do is guess
from the information around him, and as it repeats, he will believe it without even realizing it…..But I
don’t think you need to worry about it too much.”

“How can I not worry?”

Kim Heewon smiled leisurely and reassured Ko Sooyeol.

“I think you handled it well. You didn’t deny what he thought and continued the conversation, right?
Hun doesn’t deny the professor either.”

“Hun has only one to prove himself. Yesterday’s conversation might have made him realize that he’ll be
his grandfather’s grandson no matter who he is. So he’ll get better.”

Ko Sooyeol was relieved but couldn’t completely ease his worries.

“If you’re worried, let’s take a test. I don’t think there’s much of a problem because Hun can talk to the
professor normally.”

“What kind of test…”

“Aren’t you worried that he might have a mental illness? A delusional disorder or something.”

“I don’t know,”

Ko Sooyeol sighed.

“I don’t think Hun is mentally weird. However, I thought it might be a problem with the environment or
Ko Sooyeol found the cause of the problem in himself.

Kim Heewon smiled at him.

He watched the two of them treat each other last year, so he didn’t think there would be a big problem.

“I don’t think so.”

“Thank you.”

Ko Sooyeol asked, sighing.

“Is delusion a disease?”

“Yes, it’s categorized as a disease.”

“There’s nothing wrong with anything else, right?”

“There will be no problems in daily life. Most of them are convinced that their thoughts are right, so if
they don’t realize it and it gets worse, problems can arise..”

Kim Heewon reassured Ko Sooyeol, who was anxious, once again.

“Don’t worry too much. We need to do the test, but I don’t think there’s a big problem with Hun. Think
of it as a test that proves that it’s a problem that will be solved naturally over time.”

Ko Sooyeol closed his eyes.

He didn’t know how to ask his grandson to meet with the psychiatrist.

Many parents felt the same way, so Kim Heewon comforted Ko Sooyeol.

“It’s best to choose the right words and be honest. Sometimes they feel betrayed when they are lied to.”

Ko Sooyeol nodded.

“When will it be convenient for you?”

“Please visit at your convenience. Don’t worry too much.”


On November 3, 2020, a team of researchers at the University of Groningen Medical Center in the
Netherlands claimed Vincent van Gogh’s suicide was an act of acute organic brain syndrome.

A research team at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands found Van Gogh suffered from acute
organic brain syndrome twice.

They refuted the existing theory that he suffered from borderline personality disorder and

It is a syndrome in which brain dysfunction occurs due to malnutrition, excessive drinking, lack of sleep,
and mental exhaustion.

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Chapter 126

Chapter 126
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Canvas 126

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Grandpa is weird.

He repeats the action of opening and closing his mouth without eating.
I’m waiting because I think he has something to say, but it’s already been a minute.

I asked in frustration.

“What’s wrong with you, grandpa?”


“I don’t hide anything from grandpa, so grandpa shouldn’t hide anything from me.”

Grandpa asks carefully.

“Do you remember the hospital you were in before?”


“Do you remember the Doctor with whom you had counseling?”

It’s only been less than a year, so there’s no way I can forget
I nodded and finally, grandpa got to the point.

“I think Hun is under a lot of stress because of grandpa.”

He seems to be worried about what happened yesterday.

“Do you want to have a check-up…not because I think Hun might be sick or be affected badly…?”


He must have been troubled with something that wasn’t a big deal.

I answered quickly and ate the radish kimchi.

Unlike red kimchi, radish kimchi is neither spicy nor too salty.

I think it’s the best kimchi because my mouth and stomach feel refreshed.

When I looked up, grandpa looked surprised.

“Will you…really?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong with being examined?”

Grandpa thought for a moment and nodded.

I put beef Jangjorim (Soy Braised Beef) on my spoon. I can easily eat two bowls of beef jangjorim and
radish kimchi.

Beef with a moderate amount of soy sauce is slightly tough, but the radish kimchi adds a crisp, cool
texture, and when eaten with warm white rice, it is heaven.

I also put beef jangjorim on grandpa’s plate.

I’m trying to think from his point of view as much as possible.

I think it’s hard for him to believe me.

In fact, it doesn’t make sense even if I think about it, so it’s not unreasonable to ask me to go to the
As I confirmed my bond with grandpa, I will not try to run away in the future.

The question is how to deal with this situation, which is already too far to be dismissed as a joke.

I’m sure it’ll work out.

Even if everyone in the whole world told me I’m crazy, there is no problem if I can draw and be with


The next day, as soon as I finished school, I went to the WH hospital with grandpa.

It’s nice to see the place again because it’s the place I first opened my eyes and where I stayed for two

“Hun, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

Grandpa hesitates even after coming to the hospital parking lot.

“It’s all right, grandpa. We’re just checking to see if I’m sick, right.”

“That’s true.”

Thanks to the strong belief that I’m not crazy like I used to be in my previous life, I was not confused like

Theo was like that in the past, he told me not to go to a mental hospital, so I went in on my own, but he
often sent me letters to see if there were any inconveniences or bad people.

That’s how much Theodore and Grandpa love me.


In the past few days, Kim Heewon has identified Ko Hun’s psychological state.

Through in-depth conversations, it was confirmed that Ko Hun spoke neat and luxurious conversations,
spoke various languages, and had no anxiety behavior.

Ko Hun responded very positively to words such as potato pizza, jjajangmyeon, beef, crickets, butterflies,
sunflowers, sky, and to topics such as contemporary art, SpongeBob, and Henry Marceau.
In addition, words such as octopus and fencing showed extreme rejection.

Kim Heewon smiled looking at Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun, who was somewhat nervous.

“There’s nothing much to worry about.”

Ko Sooyeol breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Hun, are you happy now?”


Kim Heewon nodded and showed the test results.

Ko Sooyeol tilted his head.

“Are you not satisfied with everything?”

“There is never a perfect score. Usually, it’s very dangerous, and in the case of Hun, he knows how to
deal with stress. Moderate stress is helpful for functional improvement and motivation….Don’t worry
too much.”

“Look. Hun is worried about the professor.”


“Everything is normal in other tests.”

Kim Heewon looked at the monitor and saw Hun.

“It’s clear what he likes and dislikes, and there’s a lot of mixed thoughts. This also means that he’s
emotionally stable. Usually, when you have a mental illness, you become mentally dull or sensitive.”

Ko Sooyeol nodded.

“He speaks logically and he’s faithful to his desires. What Hun wants the most now is his grandfather.”

Ko Sooyeol stroked Ko Hun’s head.

“Do you need anything else, Hun?”

“Delicious food.”

Kim Heewon laughed at Ko Hun’s answer.

“Right, he’s very interested in food. Still, eating too much is not good for your health, so you should eat
in moderation, okay?”


“Next is about Vincent van Gogh, but when I heard Hun’s story, he seemed a little unsure right now.”

Ko Hun nodded at Kim Heewon’s words.

“Now Hun is clearly aware that his situation can not be explained rationally. It won’t be a big problem.”

“Then why…”

Ko Sooyeol wanted to know why his grandson thought he was Vincent van Gogh.
Kim Heewon, who noticed his mind, gave an example.

“The concept of ‘Who am I’ is formed through learning.”

Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun tilted their heads in the same direction at the same time.

Kim Heewon smiled quietly because their expressions looked so similar.

“I have a 3-year-old kid named Chulsoo. When I ask Chulsoo, does she like blue or red color? Do you
know how she answers?”

The two shook their heads at the same time since they couldn’t tell if Chulsoo liked blue or red.

“Sometimes she chooses blue and other times she chooses red”

Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun frowned and opened their mouths slightly.

“Chulsoo has no concept of ‘Who she is’ ‘What she likes’ or ‘Why she likes it’ yet. So Chulsoo instead of
choosing what she likes, always chooses what the people near her tell her to.”
Ko Sooyeol, who had been thinking about it, nodded slowly, and Ko Hun blinked.

“People say that humans are social animals, right? Considering Hun’s special situation, it can be
influenced because people around him talk a lot about Van Gogh.”


“The results suggest that Hun do not recognizes himself as his grandfather’s grandson because of the
people around him, which means that his relationship with his grandfather is more important and
precious than anything else. I think it’s a problem that will be solved naturally if Hun’s socialization
progresses a little more over time. In fact, even now, Hun is not seriously claiming to be Vincent van

Ko Sooyeol asked the remaining question.

“Do you think other people’s words have a bad effect on Hun?”

“I can’t say no. He seems to take that kind of stress well, but just in case…”

“Then, what should we do about it?”

“There’s a way to get used to it by repeated exposure to the same situation, but it can also have an
opposite effect. There are also stresses that you can’t get used to.”

Ko Sooyeol nodded.

“The other way is to move away from the source of stress. You can’t change Hun, so instead, you can try
changing the environment,”

Kim Heewon said, looking at Ko Hun, who is worried about his grandfather.

“Hun knows who he is now. If it were another child, they wouldn’t have let themself get counseled like


“Hun doesn’t deny that he’s Ko Hun and he is grandfather’s grandson. Hun will naturally solve your
worries as he grows up.”

Kim Heewon judged Ko Hun’s condition as a temporary phenomenon of a sensitive child.

“Don’t worry too much,”

Ko Hun patted Ko Sooyeol on the back.

Contrary to the worries of Ko Sooyeol, Ko Hun was very happy and did not pay much attention to
external stress.

On the contrary, he was worried about his grandfather.

“Look grandpa, even the Doctor said I’m not crazy.”

“Stop it. Don’t say that. Who said you’re crazy?”

“If you think you’re a dead artist, you’re crazy.”

“If you say the word ‘Crazy’ one more time, you’ll be grounded and there will be no snacks for one

Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun began to argue.

Kim Heewon recalled the past few days and decided that Ko Hun’s confusion would soon calm down if
he had such a healthy family environment.
“Actually, Hun’s condition is so good that I don’t think you need to worry about it. If you are still
worried, you may go to a quiet place for a while during vacation.”

“Hmm. Okay.”

Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hun thanked Kim Heewon and left the hospital.

After a while, Ko Hun’s cell phone rang on their way home.

It was a phone call from Bang Tae.

“Yes, Uncle.”

– Yeah. Hun, it’s about the land we talked about last time. I’m coming home because I need to tell the
professor about the land.

“We’re on our way home now. Grandpa, how long does it take?”

“ About 20 minutes? Is it Bang?”

“Yes. Uncle, it’ll take about 20 minutes.”

– Okay. I’ll see you later.


Ko Hun finished the call.

“What’s going on? Is it related to the broadcast?”

“I said I wanted to buy land, so he’s coming to talk to grandpa about it.”

Ko Sooyeol blinked.



“What land?”
Ko Hun opened his mouth and paused for a moment.

He couldn’t say that he was looking for land to live alone when he was kicked out by his grandfather.

The thought of not wanting to hide anything from his grandpa came to an end too quickly.

“Why aren’t you talking?”

Ko Hun desperately rolled his head at Ko Sooyeol’s urging.

“Grandpa’s retirement present.”


“If you retire, we can go to a place with good air and paint with me and live quietly.”

Ko Sooyeol narrowed his forehead and tilted his head.

Although he heard from his friends that they received a handwritten letter, a massage coupon, or a
flower made of paper folding from their grandchildren, but, he had never heard of anyone saying they
received land as a gift.
“Why did you buy it? Where’s the money?”

“I have a lot of money.”

“…That’s true, but no, which grandson buys land because his grandfather is retiring?”

Ko Hun had to convince Ko Sooyeol because he couldn’t say he was planning to live alone.

“The Doctor also said the same thing. Didn’t he? It’s good to spend time in a quiet place.”

Ko Sooyeol blinked.

The Doctor said it was okay, but he thought that his grandson, who came to his senses from the coma,
has experienced a lot in the past year.

As Kim Heewon said, over the past year, Ko Hun has been exposed to so much information and has been
confused for a while.

Since vacation was coming up soon, Ko Sooyeol thought it would be okay to stay quiet.
“Let’s do that for now. Grandpa will look at the land.”

“It won’t be a present if grandpa buys it.”


Ko Sooyeol laughed in bewilderment.

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Chapter 127

Chapter 127
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The place Uncle Bang took was a quiet village called Joan-myeon, in Gyeonggi-do province, and it took
about an hour from home.

I like it because the bushes are thick, there are fields, and the Bukhangang River flows nearby.

It is also fun to find insects that are difficult to see in the city.

There are many insects and other species in Korea that I haven’t seen when I lived in the Netherlands or
France, so I don’t know the exact name.



“I think it’s a scarab beetle. It’s pretty, isn’t it?”

When I showed Uncle Bang and grandpa, who were talking about various things, the insect that looked
like a beetle that I had just caught, they were shocked.

I hesitated to bring it to Uncle Bang because I thought he didn’t like insects.

“Hun, throw it away quickly.”

“That’s too much, grandpa. How can I abandon such a cute kid?”

“It’s dirty. It hurts when you get bitten?”

“It’s cute, grandpa. How can this cute little thing hurt someone, grandpa? Look”

Grandpa is scared even if I put it on my palm and show it in detail.

“Oh, let it go quickly and wash your hands.”

Grandpa even took out wet wipes, so there’s nothing I can do.

It’s hard to find such a pretty green gloss, but unfortunately, I let it go.
Uncle Bang showed us the land while I was cleaning my hands with the wet wipes that grandpa gave me.

“It looks good to use as a villa. It’s not too far from the professor’s house and it’s quiet.”

“It seems so. How much sq ft is this?”

“The land is 22000 sq ft. If you only care about the total floor area of the building, it won’t be classified
as a luxury house.”

“Is it a big deal to pay a lot of taxes? It’s important to live comfortably.”

“I want to raise sunflowers, grandpa.”


I gave it to grandpa as a gift, but I can’t give up the sunflower field.

“Yes, it’s going to be hard this year because it’s past the time.”
“If you hurry, it won’t be too late.”

It is explained on the Internet that sunflowers need to be sown around May to grow properly, but it is
already mid-June.

I’m not an expert, but I know that it’s hard to grow crops if you miss the right time.

“On the Internet, it was written that we should sow seeds in May.”

“It’s the old days. It’s getting really hot these days, so it will be fine if you sow it within this month.”

I stared up at Uncle Bang.

“How do you know so well, Uncle?”

“If you live with someone who writes this and that, it will naturally make you more knowledgeable.”

“Who writes this and that?”

“My wife writes novels.”


When I hear of novelists, I think of really great people.

I greatly enjoyed the works of Honoré de Balzac, Gustave Flaubert, Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, and
Charles Dickens, who were famous in France at that time.

Since Uncle Bang’s wife is a novelist, I really want to read what she talks about in her novels.

“What kind of book did she write, Uncle? I want to read it.”

“Well, I think it’s a little early for Hun to read it.”

It was the first time Uncle Bang treated me like a child.

Although this era is still unfamiliar, I’m not ignorant enough to not understand literary works.

Literature, art, and music are the best way to understand the times and cultures.
“I will look it up in the dictionary and read it, Uncle. So tell me.”

“That’s not it. How can I explain this….? Yeah, it’s a love story. It’s a little complicated.”

I can understand how people exchange their hearts these days, and what kind of conflict can arise
between two people.

“What’s wrong with that?”

Uncle said that there is a system where they categorize movies and books based on age since they are
not suitable to be seen by children because of violence, offensive language, or sensual expressions that
might not be good for children’s mental health.

Why love stories cannot be seen or read just because they are young.

Isn’t Love an important thing that humanity should strive for the most and constantly think about as
long as they exist?

“How much did you say it is per sq ft?”

I was going to argue again, but grandpa changed the subject.

“It’s 35,000 won ($27).”

“Hmm. That sounds reasonable. I want to find out about the forest. Hun wants to raise a sunflower.”

“The real estate agent is coming soon, so let’s ask him.”

I took out my smartphone.

I remember the name because Uncle Bang’s wife was a shareholder when establishing the corporate
company ‘Sunflower’.

If I remember correctly, her name was Lee Hanna, and when I searched for her name, search results
showed her as a novelist.

The title of her masterpiece was [Stigma of Blood].

I couldn’t get a sense from the title alone, so I went into the introduction of the work.

It was introduced as a work about a rich young master who falls in love with his grandfather’s mistress.
The protagonist’s mother died of illness after suffering from the harsh abuse of his grandfather, and the
woman who was a lover of his mother approached his grandfather to get revenge..


What does this mean?

There have been stories that I couldn’t understand because I didn’t know the meaning of the words, but
this is the first time I’ve ever seen something like this.



Grandpa called me.

I’ll read it after dinner.

“Can you raise sunflowers? It’s not easy.”

“I can’t do it right from the start. I’d like to try, though.”

“Then let’s plant a little in the field. If you work big from the start, it will be difficult.”

“Okay, grandpa.”

“Oh, I think he’s coming.”

The real estate agent arrived.

While grandpa and Uncle Bang were talking about this and that, I was concerned about the novel,
[Stigma of Blood], so I sat on a wide stone and started reading it.


The next day, the sun came up and went out.

The smell of fried eggs smells savory in the house.

“Good morning, grandpa.”

“Are you up?”

Grandpa was surprised when he turned around.

“You didn’t sleep again, right? I told you to study moderately for the exam.”

“I read a novel.”

“Novel? What novel?”

“[Stigma of blood] written by Aunt Hanna.”

Grandpa laughed.

“Was it that fun? What is it about?”

I don’t know how to explain it.

“Grandpa won’t understand even if I explain.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s very complicated. The protagonist lives with his grandfather, but he doesn’t have parents.”


“But the grandfather tortured his mother a lot. Then his mother fell ill and died, and the main character
was separated from his grandfather.”

“He was resentful.”

“Yes, a few years later, he came to see his grandfather, who was sick, and there was a young woman by
his grandfather’s side”


“His grandfather’s lover was there. The age gap was 40 years, so the protagonist suspects that the
woman is after his grandfather’s fortune.”

Grandpa who was frying eggs turned around and frowned.

“The protagonist gets to know about the woman with all his suspicion, and eventually the protagonist
falls in love with the woman who was 17 years older than him.”

“No, wait… Did you read that?”

“It was fun,”

Grandpa tried to say something, but he turned his head because the pot overflowed.

“But it turned out that the protagonist’s mother and the woman were lovers before his mother got
married. I guess the mother had to hide her homosexuality. She got married under false pretenses, and
she died while being abused by the protagonist’s grandfather. The woman approached the grandfather
for revenge.”

“What? Stop, stop?”

Grandpa turned off the gas stove in which soup was boiling.

Grandpa approached me, lifted me, and said after making me sit on the dining table.

“But that woman and the protagonist really fell in love with each other. Aren’t you curious?”
“No. That doesn’t make sense. You said the protagonist is the woman’s lover’s son.”

“I know. At first, she remembered her ex-lover’s face and treated him well, but she fell in love without
realizing it. The description of the conflict is incredible.”

“What the…..”

“Yeah, They’re both crazy. But the moment the two of them hugged each other while confirming their
feelings for each other, they were caught by the grandfather”


“The protagonist poured out all his old grievances on the grandfather, and the woman also lashed out at
him. And, hear the twist….. It turned out that the grandfather and protagonist’s mother actually loved
each other. Abusing the mother was all an act to trick the husband and people around them.”


“I couldn’t stop wondering how those humans would behave and what the story was going to be like.”
Grandpa blinks.

It’s not unreasonable to do that, and I was angry at their incomprehensible behavior while swearing at
crazy characters, and the reason why I had no choice but to read it was because I was attracted to such
delicate psychological descriptions that I never thought of.

You can’t understand the true meaning of [Stigma of Blood] by talking.

“Hun, give me your phone.”

“Are you going to read it, grandpa?”

I handed my phone over to grandpa.

He touched something for a long time and returned it without looking at the novel.

“Look. It says 15 years old?”


“How old is Hun?”

“……11 years old.”

“Can you see it? No.”


I was wondering what grandpa was doing.

When grandpa returned the phone, grandpa’s ID and payment method, which were saved to pay as
much as I wanted, were deleted.

WebFlix, NewTube, and JH Cinema are also not logged in.

I was enjoying watching movies and dramas, and the first novel I read after I came to this era was fun,
but it’s all gone now.

It’s so harsh.

“There are a lot of things I want to see, grandpa.”

“If you want to see something, get permission from grandpa”

Grandpa seems to take it sensitively because the Doctor said that unnecessary stimulation is not good
for me.

“I know the story is provocative, but it’s not always like that when you look at it, I know the novel
characters are strange.”


“I have to come across a variety of stories to do art.”

Grandpa shook his head.

I don’t think he’ll ever allow it until I’m 15.

Who the hell decided this appropriate age?

I think the regulations are too tight even though there are no scenes like killing anyone.

Michelle Platini was getting ready to leave work when she found an employee coming out of Henry
Marceau’s office.

Henry rarely calls his staff, but the employee has been in and out quite often today.

“Is something wrong?”

“El patron asked me to bind something.”


“I think he’s working on a business item. The coloring book sample came out, so I was showing it to him.
It was cool?”

Michelle, who had never heard anything from Henry Marceau, tilted her head.

‘What’s going on?’

Michelle Platini thought she had to ask Henry herself.

“Okay. It’s late. Get off work now.”

She sent the employee and went to find Henry Marceau.

In the room, Henry was seriously considering while looking at some sample coloring books.

Michelle opened her eyes wide because it’s been a long time since he’s been serious about something
other than his work.


“What are you preparing without telling me?”



Michelle pointed at the coloring book sample with her eyes – A self-portrait of Henry Marceau was
drawn in line drawings.

“You can’t do the binding like this. These days, they don’t bind at all and sell them in single sheets.”

Henry Marceau frowned at the hardcover binding.

“The production unit price will also increase, which will affect the yield and sales volume. If it’s your self-
portrait coloring book in the first place, not many people buy it to kill time, so it’s better to give it as a
single sheet for easy storage. You have to be sure of the target to commercialize it.”

“It’s for the brat,”

Michelle blinked her eyes at Henry’s words,


“It’s a gift, a birthday present.”

“…not for sale?”

“I’d rather send it in sheets than put it together as you said. Smart.”
Michelle sighed and shook her head.

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Chapter 128

Chapter 128
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 128

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Grandpa did something on my phone.

Thanks to that, NewTube and WebFlix are full of kids’ content.

I think I should see this baby shark song until I find a way to solve it, which is to persuade grandpa or
enter middle school.

At first, I was very dissatisfied, but the more I listened to it, the more addicting it became, so now I play
it all the time.

“Why are you watching this?”

During lunch hour, Sihyeon looked at my smartphone screen and asked curiously.

“Do you know this?”

“Yes, I saw it when I was a kid.”

‘You’re still a kid.”

“We’re only a year apart.”

Sihyeon inflates his cheeks.

He rested his elbows on the desk, and poked his lips out.

Then he stares at the workbook.


“You’re working hard.”

“Of course, we have an exam next week.”

It’s a relief that I can keep up with the general subjects.

If there was test even for the special subjects, these days would have been unbearable.

Sihyeon, who was watching, stood up and said.

“Then would you like to study together on the weekend? I’ll teach you something you don’t know.”

“But, I’ve decided to plant sunflowers on the weekend.”


“I told you I saw the land, right? I bought some seeds to plant them there.”

“Is that fun?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then why do you do it?”

“Because I want to try.”

Sihyeon was depressed like a hungry puppy.

I was supposed to paint watercolors together with him, and it seems like he’s sulking because we’re not
able to do it due to a lot of overlapping work.

“Do you want to try planting sunflowers?”

“I don’t know how to do it.”

“I also don’t know. I’m just trying.”

I’ve seen it and heard about it, but I’ve never raised myself.

“What if I can’t do it properly?”

“We can try it again next year.”

Sihyeon, who was thinking about it, nodded.

“I’ll come if I don’t have to study for the exam.”

“You always study, so it’s okay.”

Sihyeon thinks for a while and asks again.

“Can I really? There are still many things that I get wrong.”

“What’s wrong with getting something wrong?”

Getting it wrong on the test doesn’t interfere with drawing.

School is a place to learn and experience new things and knowledge, not a place to take exams.

“Then I’ll go.”

“Okay. Come to my house on Saturday morning.”


“Sihyeon wants to come by on the weekend.”


I talked about Sihyeon to grandpa on our way home from school.

“He seems to be worried.”

“What is he worried about?”

“What if he can’t raise a sunflower? He’s worried that he should study for the exam.”

Grandpa asked with a sneer of laughter.

“What do you think, Hun?”

“It’s okay if you’re not good at it. It’s worth doing it once.”

You can’t gain experience unless you give it a try.

The same goes for growing sunflowers.

There will be some touching moments that cannot be understood by text.

It may be sad if the sunflower that has been raised hard withers, but it is an emotion that you will not
experience unless you raise it.

“That’s why freedom is good.”

I turned my head because I didn’t know what grandpa was talking about, so grandpa added an

“If you just do what you learn, you will get good results. If Hun studies more for the exam on the
weekend, he can get one or two more questions right.”


“If you plant sunflowers instead of studying, your score might be a little low, just like Sihyeon is worried
about. So which one is better?”

“Planting sunflowers.”

I’ve never thought about why.

Grandpa grinned and gave an answer.

“That’s what freedom is about. It’s not good because it always brings better results, but it’s good in

Grandpa said that freedom is important in itself.

It is meaningless for parents or teachers to inform the children of their experiences so that the children
can enter a great university and have a respected job.

The children get deprived of their freedom to experience since they did what they are told to.

Aunt Mirae also said something similar in an interview.


When I arrived home, the delivery company’s car was standing in front of the house.
They took out something the size of my torso.

It looks like a picture frame.

“I got a text message that the package was coming.”

It seems that they contacted grandpa.

“What is it?”

“Well, it’s said to have been sent by Henry Marceau. Is it a picture?”

As grandpa said, it looks like a picture sent in a frame.

The only picture Henry Marceau will send me is his self-portrait, and I don’t know where to keep it.

Why does he keep sending me things like this?

“Thank you.”
I greeted the delivery staff and went inside.

It was so big and heavy that grandpa held it for me.

I brought a knife and carefully peeled off the wrapper.

There were several canvases piled up.

It looks like a 60F canvas.


It’s upside down, so when I turn it around, it’s a line drawing.

It is a self-portrait of Henry Marceau, but it is not the original, but it is a self-portrait drawn only with
lines like in a coloring book. The same is true of other canvases.

“What’s this?”
“I don’t know.”

Grandpa also tilts his head.

I don’t know what he means by sending it to me.

I found a card at the back.

It looks like I opened it upside down.

I opened the wax-sealed card.

My plan went down the drain because of ran away to Korea. I’ll forgive you because I have a big heart.

“What did he say?”


I kept reading.
If you had stayed here obediently, you could have had one of my works.

Still, I’ll give you a line drawing of my self-portrait as a gift since I heard you like coloring.

Happy birthday Brat.

I think it’ll be perfect to learn how to use paint, and I want to give it to Sihyeon.

‘Happy birthday.’


My birthday was June 1st, but it didn’t arrive until the 23rd, so it seems like it took a long time to

It is understandable that he made it carefully so that there is no big difference from the original since he
is very meticulous.

“How did Marceau know your birthday?”

“Today is not my birthday.”

“It was on the 23rd. I’m preparing to change it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, grandpa.”

“It’s a little complicated.”

Grandpa scratched his chin and told the story.

“When Hun was born, the Doctor said that you were in a critical condition. You got put into an incubator
as soon as you were born.”

“What’s an incubator?”

“You can think of it as a device protecting sick babies. So that they can stay warm without bad bacteria.”

Maybe it’s like a cradle.

“Everyone’s head was filled with worry, so your father asked grandfather to register your birth.”

“Not me, your father’s grandfather.”

“Father’s grandfather…….Is it my great-grandfather?”

“Yeah. Hun’s great-grandfather was so bad that he didn’t register the birth because he thought you
were going to die.”

Grandpa said as if great-grandfather had made a very big mistake, but in the old days, it was common
since there were many stillborn babies who died.

“Then I registered your birth on the day you left the incubator since I couldn’t remember your birthday.
Your mom and dad found out later and tried to fix it, but they were too busy to do it.”

Hun’s mother must have written it down in her diary.

” I thought If it’s a birthday you don’t even remember anyway, maybe I should take this opportunity to
change it to your original birthday and remember it,”

I nodded.
“Grandpa asked many people now, so I think I will be able to fix it soon. It’s all because of that old man.”

I don’t care about the great-grandfather’s story.

“So, was I sick for 23 days?”

“Yeah. It was chaotic. Do you know how much your mom, dad, and grandma cried then?”

I think Grandpa would have cried the most.

“What’s the problem?”

“As soon as you were born, you didn’t cry and if a baby doesn’t cry, it means that he can’t breathe. It
was fortunate that you were able to breathe, but your body was too small. And we were surprised
when you had a seizure.”

If a newborn child had a seizure without crying, anyone would be surprised.

“But you got better and calmed down little by little.”

I think this was the reason why Grandpa always asks me to brush my teeth, wash my hands, and apply

With the help of grandpa, I moved the line drawings, a gift that can’t be called a gift, to the studio.

I didn’t like it, but I thought I should say thank you, so I took my smartphone.

I called Michelle Platini because I didn’t have Henry Marceau’s number.

It took a while to connect, and soon her warm voice was heard.

“Hello, Michelle. How are you?”

– Fine. How are you, Hun?


Michelle laughed softly.

-What’s going on?

“Marceau sent me a present and I wanted to say thank you, but I don’t have his number. Can you tell me
where to contact?”

Hold on.

Michelle Platini sent a message.

It’s saved under the name ‘Connard’.

Connard, which I used to know, has a different meaning, but now it seems to be used as a pet name for

“Thank you. I’ll call him.”

– Yeah, happy birthday.


Connard – Shithead/Jerk/asshole.
Baby shark song

Baby Shark is a song which is thought to have been around for a long time, before a version of it was
produced by a South Korean company called Pinkfong!. It was Pinkfong!’s version that launched the viral
craze, which started in Southeast Asia.

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Chapter 129

Chapter 129
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 129

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Henry Marceau was looking at Ko Hun’s concept art sent from Nolan Studios.

He couldn’t take his eyes off [Bullet].

[Bullet] was a completely different painting from Ko Hun’s existing style of painting.

The smooth surface of the bullet was effectively expressed, and the faces of the figures reflected on it
seemed alive.


Henry Marceau picked up a glass of kale juice.

He cooled his head with a bitter-sweet drink and looked at the [Bullet] again.

Even Henry, who had been watching Ko Hun more than anyone else, could not understand it this time.

So far, the boy has focused only on conveying the emotions rather than drawing realistic pictures.

Ko Hun’s excellent and effective expression was not based on the description.

It was thanks to the sensuous brush touch and the color sense.

However, [Bullet] was excellent enough to make someone believe that it was painted by an
undergraduate pursuing realism.

It was amazing that he was able to raise his skills to this level in just a few months.

It doesn’t make sense for normal people, but for genius Henry Marceau, that wasn’t special.

Although his skills have improved considerably, there are still many areas to improve in his eyes.
The problem was the composition.

The thought process of putting the most impressive scene on a bullet while thinking about the kind of
expression the character might have, and where to put it.

It couldn’t have been more perfect.

This ingenious idea wasn’t something that could be achieved simply by taking the time.

Henry Marceau was not convinced that he made this as soon as he returned to Korea.

At that moment, his smartphone buzzed.

Henry Marceau frowned after checking the number.

It was a number he had never seen before.

Only a small number of people knew his phone number, so there was no way he could get a call from an
unknown number.

Henry Marceau answered the phone.


Ko Hun was reflected on the screen with his young voice.


Henry Marceau urged Ko Hun.

“How did you know this number?”

– Michelle told me.

Henry Marceau twitched his lips.

It was because he remembered the time when he asked Michelle for Ko Hun’s phone number.

She said she couldn’t tell the number without Ko Hun’s permission, but she readily gave Ko Hun his
number, which made him upset.
– Thank you for the gift.

But the words that followed controlled his anger.

The little boy who tried to say thank you was quite commendable.


– But you got my birthday wrong. My birthday is June 1st.


Henry Marceau narrowed his eyebrows.

According to him, Ko Hun’s birthday was definitely June 23.

“What are you talking about? It’s the 23rd.”

– There were circumstances. Grandpa says it’s the 1st.

Henry Marceau became serious.

In addition to various information that has not been understood so far, the boy became even more
suspicious because of [Bullet] and the wrong birthday.

-But how did you know it was my birthday?


– How does Henry know about a birthday that I didn’t know?

Henry Marceau, who couldn’t say he did a background check, urgently found an excuse.

“I guessed it.”

Ko Hun’s scornful gaze was reflected on the smartphone screen.

-Like last time, I don’t think Henry is good at lying.

“I’m not lying.”

– Thank you for congratulating me anyway. Then.


Henry Marceau called Ko Hun before he could end the call.

“When did you draw this?”

When he turned his cell phone towards the TV and showed [Bullet], Ko Hun said in his usual tone.

-I think it was last month.

“You drew this while drawing other things.”

Henry Marceau couldn’t believe the boy’s words that he painted [Bullet] with other concept-art
paintings in less than 15 days.

– Yes.
Henry Marceau couldn’t admit it.

He couldn’t think that an 11-year-old child could paint such a work in such a short time just because he
was talented.

Besides, he was a normal kid with no signs of talent two or three years ago.

– Ah, Come to think of it.

Ko Hun remembered Henry Marceau’s words that he wanted to check through what process Ko Hun
goes through while drawing.

– Do you want to see it? The sketches.

“Give it to me.”

– What are you talking about? It’s mine.

Ko Hun headed to the studio.

When he turned on the light, drawing papers were scattered all over the place.
Henry Marceau frowned when he saw the inside of Ko Hun’s studio.

“What’s that? Clean it.”

– I’m working.

“It’s so messy.”

– It’s messy when I’m working.


– You didn’t even shave when you showed [Marceau’s jewel].

“I didn’t have time then, and at least I kept my workplace clean. When did you clean that palette?”

– I don’t know. Has it been three days?

“Wipe every day. Otherwise, it gets murky.”

– I’ll use it as bright paint separately.

“If you want to draw well, wash it often. That makes the paint dirty.”

– I know.

“What the hell do you do there? Are you going to cook a stew or something?”

Ko Hun turned the camera toward his face.

He expressed his dissatisfaction with Henry Marceau, who kept talking about things he knew.

– It’s for fun.

“Are you going to have fun with those?”

– I don’t want to throw it away, so I use it for practice. If you keep talking, I won’t show you.

Henry Marceau snorted.

When the nagging stopped, Ko Hun showed each sketch he had drawn while devising [Bullet].

“Wait. Show me what you just showed again.”

– This?

“Before that. Why are you moving so fast? Slow down.”

– Longer calls cost a lot of money.

“What are you talking about? ”

– I need to save money.

“Damn it. What about all the money you got from painting!”

– I’m saving it because I have to build a house and a gallery.

Henry Marceau’s anger exploded when he thought about the land that Ko Hun bought not long ago and
felt frustrated about saving pennies with the call.

“I’ll give it to you, so just show the picture properly!”

– Ah. I’ll take a picture and send it to you. That will be less expensive.

Ko Hun hung up the phone.

For some time, Henry Marceau’s hand with his smartphone trembled, but soon Ko Hun called again.


– What’s your email address?

“You can just message it!”

– What if it also costs money?

Henry Marceau sent his e-mail address as if wanting to smash the smartphone screen.

– Henry the Great @ Goggles. Is that right?


– Hehe.

Ko Hun laughed at the childish ID, and the laughter once again pricked Henry Marceau’s heart.

Henry Marceau, who hung up irritatedly, recalled the sketches he had just seen.

He couldn’t help but be confused by the dozens of sketches.

It was completely different from what he thought.

It was absurd to think that he had come up with so many compositions in such a short time.

“Did he give his best?”

Henry Marceau folded and unfolded his smartphone and waited for Ko Hun to send the painting.

It felt like he would have to look closely to understand how he drew [Bullet].

Five minutes passed…

Ten minutes passed…..

An hour later, Henry Marceau’s patience ran out.

He called Ko Hun straight away.

After a long connection, Ko Hun answered the phone.

“What are you doing? You said you’d send me the picture!”

– I’m taking the picture.

“Why does it take so long to take a picture?”

– I put it on the floor, and my shadow falls on the paper, so I’m trying to find the angle.

“Just take a picture and send it!”

– Don’t scream. My ears hurt.

Henry Marceau, after taking a couple of deep breaths, said in a rather calm voice.

“I just need to see what process you’ve been through, so just take a picture and send it.”

– Why do you keep saying it in an imperative tone? I’m not obliged to send it to Henry.

– When you ask someone to do something, you have to be polite. Do it again.

Henry Marceau’s face distorted.

“Did you forget? Is a million-dollar investment not enough?”

– You gave that to Nolan.

Henry Marceau twitched his lips.

His face was red and he felt like it was going to explode right away.

– If you don’t like it, never mind. I’ll hang up.

Henry Marceau gritted his teeth and hung up the phone.

As Henry Marceau looked down at his smartphone and was about to throw it away, it rang.

It was an alarm that Ko Hun’s email had arrived.

Henry Marceau narrowed his eyes after checking the mail with disapproval.

The e-mail sent by Ko Hun was accompanied by 106 high-resolution photos.

Even after finding the angle where the shadow did not fall, it seemed possible only if it was taken


Henry Marceau opened the first image.

The order was different, so it was not possible to know what was drawn first, but it could be largely
classified into 11 concepts.

In the end, the scene reflected in [Bullet] was modified more than 20 times.

Henry Marceau, who was checking the sketch, groaned quietly.

There were sketches as good as [Bullet] in the middle, but most of them seemed insufficient for Ko Hun
who drew them.
The clumsy attempts complicated Henry Marceau’s mind.

It was not a talent given by heaven or a muse that came suddenly.

Ko Hun repeatedly thought, drew, and completed [Bullet].

Even if a pretty good composition came out, he didn’t compromise and dared to discard it.

Henry Marceau couldn’t admit that he, who succeeded after a bloody effort from an early age, was
inferior to a child born with talents.

However, looking at Ko Hun’s sketch now, he could see that the boy was no different from himself.

The process of drawing 106 sketches was in front of him.

Ko Hun couldn’t figure out what to do, so he drew a pencil sketch, erased it, threw it away, and tried it

The boy was frustrated, and he couldn’t get satisfied with the ideas.
The boy didn’t give up until he was able to arrive at the work he wanted.

Henry Marceau finally felt the pain the boy endured while finishing the work.

A 11-year-old kid was doing the process that the word ‘genius’ felt rather insulting.

[Sunflower], [Guest], [Happiness], [Frost Wheat Field], [Mask] and [Bullet]. Every work was born from
the boy’s blood and sweat.

Henry Marceau couldn’t take his eyes off Ko Hun’s sketch.

He rearranged the sketches sent randomly by Ko Hun until the sun came up after the moon and stars
were at their brightest.

Thinking about what Ko Hun would have thought and painted, he organized the order by guessing the
time order for each concept.

In the process.

He became convinced that he and the boy were no different.


The oil paint dries slowly, so you can squeeze it on the pallet and use it for a few days.

When it hardens and becomes unusable, it is scratched out, and painters who work on delicate tasks
clean it every day.

If you can completely calculate the amount of paint required for work, you may think that there is no
paint to throw away and that you can squeeze it little by little, but it is not easy.

Vincent van Gogh, who was even disappointed with the cost of buying paint, would have found a way to
use the remaining paint, and he would have had a habit of drawing even a small picture with the
remaining paint.

This is the same for Claude Monet.

He used to paint on a small canvas to dispose of the remaining paint.

He didn’t squeeze more paint to complete it, and thanks to that, there are many unfinished works in his

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Chapter 130

Chapter 130
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 130

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Ko Sooyeol sat down and looked at Ko Hun and Cha Sihyeon, who were observing sunflower seeds with

“Don’t we have to plant it on the ground?”

Cha Sihyeon asked, looking at the seeds soaked in warm water.

“It’s better to soak them in water and plant them like this.”

Ko Hun conveyed the knowledge he gained from the Internet.

The two boys continued the conversation while looking at the seeds.

“My father asked me if the Mont Chere was better than Haute tart.”

“Haute tart?”

Ko Hun knew what it meant, but he had never heard of Haute tart as a product name.

“A snack that we make. Haven’t you tried it?”

Ko Hun nodded.

“Is it good?”

“Yeah. It’s very good.”

While evaluating the dish Cha Sihyeon didn’t say just ‘good’, but added the adverb ‘very’, which
triggered Ko Hun’s appetite.

His mouth was watering when he imagined the tart that went beyond the soft texture and sweetness.

“I want to eat it.”

“Shall I bring it to school?”

Ko Hun nodded.

There was a pause in the conversation between the two boys.

They kept staring at the sunflower seeds in warm water for some time.

After a while, Cha Sihyeon asked.

“How long do we have to wait?”

“Half an hour?”
“I’m bored.”

Ko Hun took the seedling shovel out of the small basket.

He took one and handed it over to Cha Sihyeon.


Ko Hun went to the small garden of about 35 sq ft. and dug a small hole.

“You have to make 30 of these.”

“Like this?”

“Yeah. This is the gap?”

Ko Hun dug out a place to plant seeds 50cm apart.

Cha Sihyeon nodded and started making holes together.

“What are you going to do if a sunflower blooms?”

“I’ll draw it.”

“If you want to do that, isn’t it faster to buy a sunflower?”

“It’s fun to raise.”

Cha Sihyeon couldn’t understand his friend’s intention, but he nodded.

Since there was considerable time left even after finishing the hole, the two boys squatted down again
and observed the sunflower seeds.

“I’m bored.”

“Do you want some sunflower seeds?”

Ko Hun took some sunflower seeds out of a cover.

“How do you eat it?”

“Like this,”

Ko Hun, who put the sunflower seeds in his mouth, bit it slightly, peeled it off, spit it out the skin, and
felt the savory taste of the kernel.

It had a slightly weird taste because it wasn’t stir-fried, but it was suitable to soothe his bored mouth,

“…Is it good?”

Cha Sihyeon asked, with a frown on his face.

It was strange to eat seeds, and it felt even stranger to munch and spit out the skin from the mouth.

“It’s edible. Would you like to try it?”

Ko Hun recommended sunflower seeds.

Cha Siheyon didn’t like it, but as soon as his friend ate it, he had no choice but to reach out.
At that time Ko Sooyeol shouted with a surprised face.

“Little Hun…Why are you eating that? Doesn’t it smell weird?”

“It’s weird but it’s not bad.”

“And with your hands touching the dirt! Ahhhh. Spit it out. Come on. Sihyeon, you too, don’t eat it.”

Ko Hun chewed it one more time because he felt that the sunflower seed in his mouth was a waste,
while Ko Sooyeol continued to shout at him.

Ko Hun spat out regretfully.

After that Ko Hun asked Cha Sihyeon, who kept staring at him.


“I won’t eat what you give me anymore.”

“Why? You can eat sunflower seeds.”

Cha Sihyeon shook his head.

“Little Hun…What are you saying! There’s Listerine mouthwash in the car, so hurry up and rinse your

“That hurts my tongue.”

“Come on!”

Cha Sihyeon looked at Ko Hun, who was forced to walk in the direction of the car.

Cha Sihyeon was confused because his one and only precious friend sometimes acted out of common


I finished the first day of the examination.

The first day’s exams were math, science, and English, and it was easier than expected, so it was not a
big problem.

I wasn’t worried because English was at the level of a child, while the math that Sihyeon gave me was so
hard that the one given in the test seemed boring.

Half of the science was solved with uncertainty, and half of it was written roughly.

During Lunch time, after eating, I came back to the classroom.

Sihyeon was surprised when he checks my test paper.

“You got 100 points in math, too!”

It’s nothing to brag about getting a perfect score on the 3rd-grade test.

Sihyeon was happy even though it has nothing to do with him.


Sihyeon’s face, which was looking at the science test paper, crumbled mercilessly.
The problems related to animals, clouds, and light were all correct, but the problems about magnets,
liquids, gasses, and mixtures were all wrong.

“have to study science from today.”

“You got everything right.”

“You, not me.”

“I decided to do a broadcast today.”

“You got 45 points. Is broadcasting more important or marks more important?”

“The promise you made with the people who will come to find me is more important than the

Cha Sihyeon blinks.

“Promise is important… Then let’s study science from tomorrow.”


I’m less confident compared to science on tomorrow’s test on Korean language and social science test.

I shouldn’t show the answer paper to Sihyeon tomorrow.

It’s only been a year since I opened my eyes and I got more than half of what I’ve never seen before
correct, so I’m proud.

I’m proud that I didn’t lose any hair while studying.

But it seems to be a huge deal by Sihyeon’s standards.

During the exam time, there was no afternoon class, so I was packing my bag and at that time I felt the
other children’s gazes.

They giggled looking at me and Sihyeon.

“He got 45.”

“How do you even get 45?”

Seeing them laugh at my test scores, reminded me of my young self with no worries in life.

I stood up without caring about their remarks.

“Don’t laugh!”

Sihyeon shouted looking at them.

This is the first time this guy has spoke in such a loud voice at school, so I and the classmates were

“Do we have to get your permission to laugh?”

“It’s ridiculous.”

The classmates are scolding Sihyeon this time.

“Daddy said it’s bad to laugh at someone who tries! Don’t laugh at Hun. Do you don’t know how hard he
I reviewed it, and I can’t say that I tried because it’s not more important than painting, sleeping, and

A child got up.

“You’ve grown a lot, huh? You yelled at us, and do you think we can’t do anything because you have a

He was the biggest guy in this class.

Sihyeon looks scared and looks like he was about to cry.

Park Hyunwoo said without turning his head.

“Stop it,”

The big boy turned his head.

“He’s making me mad.”

“It’s childish. Are we children?”

The big boy looked down at Sihyeon and went back to his seat.

I thought they would do harm to Sihyeon if he was alone, so I waited until he packed his luggage and
came out of the classroom.


He barely held it in and cried as soon as he came out of the classroom.

“Why did you come forward when you were scared?”

“Because they’re making fun of you.”

“I’m fine, so do it when they say something about you.”

He sniffed, so I took out my handkerchief.

“What are you doing?”

“Blow your nose.”

“How can I blow it on someone else’s handkerchief? I have mine.”

Sihyeon took out his handkerchief and blew his nose.

“You just have to ignore the words of people like that. We can’t get along with everyone.”

I once thought we could get along with everyone.

I also expected that if I showed my love, people would someday recognize my heart.

But there is so much injustice and hatred in the world that it can not be changed by anyone’s power.


Sihyeon shook his head.

“They’re wrong,” said the little guy with no strength, but firm eyes.
“You’re weird, but you’re not someone they can make fun of. You’re much, much cooler.”

When was the last time someone said I was cool with this much confidence?

“Thank you.”

When I think about it, I think I was able to survive that lonely time at least thanks to people who loved
me like this.


2 p.m.

As soon as I got home, I washed up and turned on the broadcast with the help of Uncle Bang.

After a while, people began to come in one by one.

Unlike the time when Schmincke promoted the show, now there are a little more than 100 people.

I think it’s because it’s less promoted and it’s my first time.
It’s easy to read because the chat speed is moderate.

Wow! Live broadcast!

Hi Hun

When did it start?

Message deleted by the administrator.

You’re crossing the line.

Come on. Mind your words.


[Baek Yujin donated 1,000 won]: Congrats on the first broadcast.

There were a lot of comments saying congratulations and most of the messages were shortened.
The Korean language is already a language with few words, and it is difficult if they even shorten that.

I hope this doesn’t come in the Korean language test tomorrow.

“Hun, Thank the supporter, Baek Yujin.”

Uncle Bang said in a small voice.

When I looked at the screen curiously, it said a person named Baek Yujin had sponsored 1,000 won.

“Thank you.”

I thanked him first.

“Where’s the money?”

“It’ll be transferred later to your account after deducting 30% commission.”

“Why are they taking so much money?”

“Shh, shh. There’s nothing to gain from fighting the platform.”

“It’s unfair.”


NewTube is definitely a thief, aren’t they?

All the platforms are robbers.

[Jean-François Mirae sponsored 50,000 won]: Good luck on the first episode

I’m not paying 1,000 won to you because the thieves will take 300 won!! I’m definitely not a miser.


50,000 won

“Don’t give me too much in our first meeting. I’m eating and living well.”
1,000 won is not a burden, but it’s burdensome to think that I got 50,000 won from someone I don’t

Even if I order a large-size potato pizza, 22,000 won will be left, that’s a lot of money.

He’s telling us not to give him too much. So cute.

He’s telling us not to sponsor him. What a cutie pie???

Isn’t that Jang Mirae?

Is it the real one?

I’m a fan of Jang Mirae.

“Oh, it’s Aunt Mirae? The name is different. Did she have a middle name?”

“What are you talking about?”

Uncle Bang laughs as if I said something funny.

The chat window was also filled with laughter emojis.

“What’s funny, Uncle Bang?”

“It’s a nickname. It’s like a nickname. Do you think the guy with the ID ‘Supreme Court Judge’ is a real
supreme court judge?”

Well, that’s true.

” The person with the ID ‘Henry the great’ is also not the real Henry Marceau.”


I think this person is the real Henry Marceau, but I’ll just take it that way and pass it on.

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Chapter 131

Chapter 131
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 131

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“Then I’ll be in the living room.”

Uncle Bang went outside.

I didn’t know what to start with, so I took out a picture from Henry Marceau’s coloring book.

“I’m going to try this today.”

What’s that?

Isn’t it Henry Marceau?

Henry is handsome.

Why do you have that?

“Marceau sent it to me for my birthday. I wanted to empty my head because I had a lot to think about
for a few days, so I think coloring will be okay.”

I said while organizing the paint properly.

There are many people asking why he gave me such a thing as a birthday present.
I’m not the only one who thinks it’s weird.

“I don’t know what the original is like, so I’m going to paint it as I want.”

The original work is called [Henry Marceau 99] but it’s annoying to find it.

I have felt his coloring method and color enough, so there is no need to imitate him.

How should I express his abnormally clear skin?

While thinking about it, I unwrapped the gray color to be painted as the background.

Are you not going to apply gesso?

Aren’t you going to apply liquid white this time?

What is gesso?

These days, everything comes out with gesso.

“It’s gesso-treated and has oil primer on it. I’m going to move on because I don’t think I can see the

There are people who know, but there are more people who don’t know.

The chat window was filled with question marks.

“I don’t like applying oil paints directly on the canvas. The coloration is less and the texture doesn’t
come out well because it’s rough.”

The person with ID Mirae explained through chat that the painting might split later.

“It’s a little different when it comes to undercoating. I do it because of the feel of the brush, but I don’t
think I can do it with the canvas.”

I explained, matching the peach and white ratio.

“But it’s good to do it normally. You have to measure the brightness based on the first paint and draw it
Suddenly, it became like a lecture.

“Experienced people can use the colors they made from the palette as they are, but in fact, even people
who are good at drawing do this. If you are drawing for the first time, I recommend making it a habit”

In fact, there are no answers or laws on the canvas.

It is natural to paint the base in any color, and you are free to do it or not.

However, it is necessary to know how to handle colors to distinguish objects and express them more

In addition, this is colored along the line drawn, so the line is not visible when painted.

I started painting the face first.

How do you know that?

That’s not how you do it.

Did you learn it from your grandfather?

What do you talk about when you’re with Henry Marceau?

You aren’t painting exactly on the right line.

What did you do today?

“You’ll find out when I finished drawing. I want to draw freely.”

I’m bothered by the chat saying that’s not how you do it.

Not only that person’s French, but the overbearing attitude is also reminiscent of Henry Marceau, and
the ID is the same as Henry’s e-mail address.

“Today? I took an exam at school.”

I ignored and answered other people

OMG. He took the test. So cuteeeeee

What do you do when you play with Henry Marceau?

What.? Didn’t the elementary school exams go away?

Korean elementary schools seem weird.

That’s not how you do it.

Are you good at studying?

I should ask Uncle Bang later if I can block Henry Marceau.

“I’m not good at studying. English and Math are okay, but Korean, social studies, and science are a little

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

The test score is just a cross-section of the process. Tomorrow and a year later, it won’t be that score.

I mixed a little gray with the paint while painting the skin.
When expressing skin, a little gray gives a realistic atmosphere and also gives vitality to the skin.

This is also the use of contrast.

It would be better to explain after finishing.

“I got 45 points in science today.”

Laughter emojis kept coming in the chat room.

“But I got everything right in both English and Math. I am worried about the Korean language and social
science test tomorrow.”

I changed my brush.

“There are many colors for the skin. There can be pink, apricot, gray, green, and blue.”

This time, I’m going to paint Marceau’s eyes.

I thought for a while about how to express his emerald eyes.

An 11-year-old counsels life.

If the face is colored in gray, isn’t it bad?

Even if it’s gray, why green and blue?

But it did became more realistic.

Have you ever been with Henry Marceau?

[Henry the great sponsored 100 euros] That’s not how you do it!

What’s that? Why is that guy Henry the great keep whining?

“I’m going to take care of it, so stop lecturing me.”

Emerald eyes are like symbols that come to mind when you think of Henry Marceau.
I was thinking carefully, and at that time my smartphone rang.

It was Henry Marceau.

Ignoring the call, I read the comments where everyone was asking what I just said.

“Never mind. I’ve never played with Henry Marceau. Oh, I’ve been to his house, and Madame Sherry
Gado’s cooking skills are the best. This year’s dream is to eat Sherry Gado’s food again.”

Why is his dream so simple?

I’m going to have an exhibition. Aren’t you supposed to say things like this?

How delicious was it?

Is it a dream this year?🥰

Those rich people will eat delicious food every day.

Answer the phone!

Are you close enough to visit Henry Marceau’s house?

Do you have a best friend at school?

“My best friend is Cha Sihyeon. He is a good friend. I had a short conflict at school today, and my friend
stood up for me.”

The smartphone rang again.

It’s Henry Marceau again.

I took it because I thought he would keep bothering me if I left it like this.


– Don’t paint it like that! Look at the original and color it!

“I’m going to do whatever I want. What’s the point of painting it as Marceau painted?
– There’s an original! The perfect original!

“Then you should’ve just sent the original. Why did you just send it with the lines?”

– If you hadn’t run away, I’d have given it to you!

“What do you mean run away? Why do you keep saying that? I’m here because my schedule is over!”

The chat window was once again full of question marks.

“Ah…Wait, Marceau keeps telling me not to paint like this.”



He gave it to you as a gift, then why is he interfering with what you are doing?

Is that Henry?
The ID is weird, [Henry the great] seems very childish.

I want to hear what Henry Marceau and Ko Hun are talking about in real-time. Please put it on speaker

– You! Don’t do anything else on the phone with me, I’m warning you!

“Why are you warning me? I’m not someone who works for you. Whatever I paint is my business and
has nothing to do with you!”

I hung up the phone.

I know he’s not a bad person, but he’s very good at making people angry.

“What was I talking about?”

I forgot what I was saying.

Someone told me in the chatroom that I was talking about a friend.

“Yeah, I was happy when he stood up for me. At first, he couldn’t even speak properly, but now he got
angry because of me. He was cool.”


“It’s better than I thought.”

Hun nodded when he checked the test paper.

His Korean language score was 70 points, in social science he only got 50 points, and the average score
was 73 points, which is probably the last in the whole school.

Nevertheless, he likes the fact that his Korean score came out better than he thought.



“How about you? Did you do well?”

Hun looked at my test paper and opened his eyes wide.

“It’s 100. Did you get everything right?”

Getting a perfect score on the school test is not easy, but it is not difficult.

There are many other students who get 100 in all subjects besides me.

A perfect score is meaningful only when it is about the level of the National mock test that high
schoolers take.

I only got a perfect score on the mock test in my school.

My teacher, father, and mother all say that it’s great.

However, Hun, who keeps getting only 73 points on average even for this easy test, seems more

I envy him.
In yesterday’s broadcast, as many as 300 people listened to Hun, and hundreds of thousands of people
visits the Whitney Museum in New York to see his paintings.

There was an article this morning that Hun did a broadcast.

“It’s amazing. That’s cool.”


Hun blinks.

“I’m not cool at all.”

It’s not that I envy Hun because he’s famous. I’m not jealous because he draws well.

I envy him for knowing what to do to draw and how to draw it better.

I envy him for being able to find what he wants to communicate with his paintings.

It’s cool that he does it naturally without showing it off.

“What do you want to do?”

Hun stared at me.

He didn’t smile, he didn’t look bored, he just waited.

He just looked at me as if he believed that I knew the answer.

Seeing Hun like that, I think I know what I want to do.

“…Daddy likes blue.”

He nods slightly.

“Grandpa likes trees.”

Wouldn’t what I said be too childish for Hun?

Wouldn’t my worries and dreams seem boring to Hun, who already earns more than 10 billion won per
painting after talking to famous people like Henry Marceau and Jang Mirae?

“What is it?”

Such worries melted down at Hun’s words.

“I want my father and grandfather to get along.”

Grandma secretly calls my grandpa and mommy sometimes visits my grandpa.

Daddy wants to travel abroad during the holidays because he fought with grandpa.

I hope both of them get along well.

I want to eat together, and show the picture I drew to both of them.

“Is it weird?”

“No. Of course not.”

Hun smiled cheerfully.

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Chapter 132

Chapter 132
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 132

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June 28, 2028.

[France suffers from extremist Muslims]

The terrorist acts of Muslims in France are intensifying.

According to France 24, 19 people were killed and dozens of others were injured in an explosion at an
anti-Muslim protest site in Paris, France, on the 27th (local time).

The French government said ” the unlikely thing happened again” and said that among the dead there
were students. They also added “We will definitely retaliate against cowardly attacks that are
unacceptable for any reason,” adding a strong will to respond.

“Tsk tsk.”

Ko Sooyeol, who was reading the newspaper in the morning, clicked his tongue.
Refugees from the Yugoslav Civil War in 1991, the Iraq War in 2003, the Arab Democratic Movement in
2010, and the Syrian Civil War in 2011 moved to Western Europe, where security was well maintained.

European society tried to accommodate these refugees as much as possible, but it was not without
problems as it suddenly accepted hundreds or tens of millions of refugees.

Relief policies for refugees could not be well received by the people at a time when the economies of
each country were shaking.

The words to treat refugees humanely to the people who are not even properly paid led to backlash.

In such a situation, the anger of Europeans reached its peak as extremist Muslims engaged in various
social problems such as terrorist acts and killing teachers on the streets.

There were voices calling for the expulsion of Islam from all over Europe, which wanted to
accommodate refugees somehow.

[China’s history distortion]

A Chinese media outlet is again causing a dispute in the international community, claiming that
Mongolia should return China’s territory.
China’s Beijing news agency aired a documentary claiming Mongolia was part of China.

In the past, they introduced Korea’s first original children’s song, Bandal, as their own folk song, and
Hanbok as a traditional Chinese costume.

It is an absurd claim that Korean culture is theirs because it was a vassal of China in the past.

China’s cultural looting is taking place not only against Korea and Mongolia but also against Vietnam and

In addition, atrocities with economic power such as interference in Australia’s internal affairs, human
rights abuses in Uyghur, and armed suppression of Hong Kong protests continue.

Now is the time to prepare countermeasures on how to deal with the distortion of history and the
looting of culture by those who skillfully exploit Korea’s position, where trade with China accounts for a
large proportion of its economic power.

In the midst of the economic downturn that has continued since the beginning of the 21st century, all
countries are taking a nationalistic path.

The world is on the verge of an explosion.

China, which continues its cultural and historical exploitation activities against Asia, is advocating de
facto imperialism by imposing economic retaliation on countries contrary to its interests, while the U.S.
and Western societies have long held such China in check.

“North, west, and south, there are only crazy things. Tsk tsk.”

Ko Sooyeol turned over the newspaper.

[Ferdinando Gonzalez, unable to attend Whitney Biennale due to health problems]


[Anish Kapoor, monopolizing the darkest color in the world]

[Christine Nolan, “[The strange Castle] will be the most visually complete work. Working with Ko Hun is

[Henry Marceau appeared in Ko Hun’s first personal broadcast, controversy over “That’s not how you do

Ko Sooyeol groaned at the news that his close friend Ferdinando Gonzalez missed the event due to
health problems.

He was worried because he hasn’t heard from him since he met in New York.

Ko Sooyeol, who moved to the next article, admired it this time.

It was news that South Korean genius musicians Bae Dobin and Na Yun-hee collaborated with Royal
Concert Herbau Orchestra and succeeded greatly.

Ko Sooyeol narrowed his eyes at the next news.

He doubted his eyes when he read the article titled that the familiar sculptor Anish Kapoor monopolized
the darkest color in the world.

“What the hell.”

According to the article, a British nanotechnology company has succeeded in creating a paint
‘Vantablack’ that absorbs 99.96% of light to camouflage a satellite.
It was news that Anish Kapoor bought and monopolized the authority to use it artistically.

Ko Sooyeol was so overwhelmed that he was speechless.

It is said that all artists pursue complete independence, but the fact that one person monopolizes color
was absurd.

‘Excessive greed.’

Ko Sooyeol sighed and shifted his eyes.

It was an article that director Christine Nolan mentioned Ko Hun.

Ko Sooyeol happily read the article as he watched his grandson draw the concept art painting, including

Ko Hun seemed to have been recognized for his efforts, so he was proud.

‘This guy again?’

It was news that Henry Marceau appeared on Ko Hun’s first personal broadcast and Ko Sooyeol frowned
upon reading the article, where Henry Marceau once again meddled in Ko Hun’s business.

He couldn’t watch the first broadcast because he was discussing the retirement exhibition with the
Seoul Art Museum, but he felt like he should watch it next time because of Henry Marceau.

“Good Morning, grandpa.”

While thinking about that, Ko Hun woke up and came out to the living room.

Ko Sooyeol smiled as he saw his still half-asleep grandson.

“Hun, there’s an article about you.”


Ko Hun approached Ko Sooyeol, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Ko Hun, who checked the article, dropped his head.

“Hehe. Are you sleepy?”


“I’ll read it for you. It says that Nolan seems to take good care of you. He said he’d make some videos of
you painting…”

“…is this also an article about me?”

Ko Hun asked, pointing to the article about his work with Henry Marceau.

“Yes. It shows how much the media is interested in you.”

“I hope there are a lot of stories about my paintings.”

Ko Sooyeol was proud of his grandson’s desire to be mentioned as a painter rather than as a celebrity.

“Then you have to draw. Your exams are over, and after we come back from America, let’s go to a quiet
place and draw. There’s a good place on the east coast.”



Cha Sihyeon asked back with his eyes wide open when I said I was going to California this weekend.

“I have to clean up my parents’ house.”


He didn’t say anything, but his face shows that he was trying to endure it.

It’s not unreasonable because I promised to draw a watercolor painting together after the test.

“Grandpa said it would take about a week. I’m going to drop by New York to sort things out.”


“Do you want to hang out when I get back?”


Sihyeon’s expression quickly improves.

“There’s a grandpa’s villa in Samcheok. Let’s play for a few days, draw and play.”


The guy who answered suddenly narrows his eyes.


“Will you keep your promise this time?”

He seems to have lost trust due to unintentional schedule twists and turns.

I showed my little finger.

He smiles contentedly after making a promise with his finger on mine.

“But I have to ask my father and mother.”

“Of course.”

I picked up the Haute tart that Sihyeon’s father made.

There are two flavors, chocolate, and cheese, and I’m attracted to cheese.

The chocolate flavor will be stronger, so it would be right to eat something less stimulating first.

When I opened the wrapper, a long stick-shaped pie appeared.

It smells good.

“Did you talk to your father?”

“About your grandfather.”



It smells similar to cheesecake, but it has a more mellow texture than pie.

It is located somewhere between cake and pie.

The sweetness is not as strong as the Mon Cher, but remains subtle and becomes mournful after

I think I’ll have to try this one more time to know the taste.

I opened one more.

“Why? Wasn’t he in the mood to talk?”

“That’s not it. I don’t know how to start. Daddy told me a little bit about why he fought with grandpa last
time. I thought he’d never make up with him.”
I think it’d be better if the cheese scent was stronger, but I think it was intentional because my hands
kept going because of this disappointment.

“So I thought about it.”


“Wouldn’t Daddy and grandpa understand my heart if I drew a tree that grandpa liked in the color blue
that daddy likes?”

Two is not enough.

I should eat one more.

“Are you listening?”

“I’m listening.”

It was a snack that was not enough to eat alone, so I passed it onto Sihyeon’s mouth.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


Sihyeon asked back, mumbling.

“It’s usually not difficult to convey your feelings. To do that, you’ll have to draw incredibly well.”


“And your father said he really hated your grandfather’s paintings.”


“And wouldn’t it be more shocking if you drew something similar to your grandfather’s painting? He
might think you painted that picture because of your grandfather and make things worse.”

“Then, what should I do?”

I shrugged.
I don’t know everything about the situation, and even if I did know everything, I can’t judge the
relationship between the two.

From what I heard, it seems clear that Sihyeon’s grandfather did something wrong, so there would be
room for improvement in relationships only if he opened his heart to apologize first.

If not, there is no particular answer.

“I think my house is a little complicated, too.”

“Yours too?”

“My great-grandfather and grandpa had a fight, my grandpa and mother had a fight. Grandpa regretted
a lot after mother’s death, and I don’t think he’s going to make up with great-grandfather.”

“…Adults are too complicated.”

Sihyeon sighed while thinking.

No one can solve family problems unless the parties involved talk to each other, but even having a talk
becomes difficult as time goes by.

Just as I couldn’t restore my relationship with my uncle and father forever.

I regretted it after their death.

I know I’ll regret it, but I couldn’t do it because of my pride or because of my position.

In my case, my love for painting was more precious that I couldn’t restore my relationship with my

“Still, they need to talk.”


“You can be honest. It’s rather bad to add or rephrase something because you’re worried. And don’t say
it too hard.”

When I think of the past I think I may be a reason why many of my painter friends broke off their ties
with me.
Now that I think about it, maybe because I didn’t know how to communicate, I might have gotten away
from people like Anthon van Rappard and Paul Gauguin, and I might have only been close to people who
accepted me as I was like Émile Bernard and Toulouse Lautrec.


Anish Kapoor: An Indian-born English sculptor. He became famous in the 1980s and represented the UK
at the 1990 Venice Biennale, winning the Primio du Mila Prize, and the following year, winning the
Turner Prize in 1991, he established himself as an artist. He caused controversy by monopolizing the
artistic right to use the darkest color ‘Vantablack’.

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Chapter 133

Chapter 133
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 133

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A few days after the vacation, I came to Burbank, California with grandpa.

When I arrived at 325 South Sparks Street, I saw a white two-story house behind a green street tree.

There is a small garden connected to the road.

Considering that the lawn is even, and the small ornamental trees and flower pots are well maintained,
it seems that someone continued to manage them.

When I looked up, grandpa nodded.

This seems to be the house where ‘Ko Hun’ lived with his parents.

“We’re supposed to meet here in an hour, so let’s go in and wait.”

Grandpa checked his smartphone and fumbled for the door lock password.

The inside of the house, which led straight to the living room, was loaded.

Rather than feeling like a family raising a child, the entire house is like a studio.

There are two computers on the desk next to each other, as well as a tablet and a stylus for drawing on
the computer.

Maybe it’s the place where Ko Hun’s parents worked.

Next to it was a small desk with crayons and drawing paper for children.

Ko Hun seems to have played with his parents drawing like this.
I’m getting emotional without knowing why.

Grandpa sighed as he touched Ko Hun’s parents’ desk.

I wonder how heavy the emotions that are piled up in his heart are.

It is hard for me to guess how heavy it will be for a parent who lost his only child.

Grandpa looked so distressed that he held his hand and stood there for a while.

Grandpa seemed to have calmed down to some extent, so I took cold water from the water purifier and
brought it to him.

“Have some, grandpa.”

Grandpa patted my head and accepted the cup.

I entered the small room with the intention of looking around a little.

It seems to be a playroom where drawing paper was stuck on the wall so that Ko Hun can draw freely
Maybe because this is where the owner of this body lived.

My heart feels warm for some unknown reason.


Ko Hun also drew a lot of insect paintings that I had never seen in Europe or Korea.

The line is crooked, and he seems to have tried to express it in detail.

He has good observation skills, and he has worked hard to draw the small parts.

He wrote down the insect’s name and characteristics as if he had made his own book by drawing a new
insect he met when he was young.

As expected, there is no more mysterious and interesting existence than insects for young children.

Why is my heart so heavy?

Perhaps I can’t think of it, as having nothing to do with the people who lived here.

Because I love grandpa more than my own father, I cannot think of his child and grandchild as others.

A sketchbook is placed on a small desk.

As I turned the page over, it is also an insect book.

Thanks to the phenomenon of El Nino, it rained a lot, creating a favorable environment for insects and it
has also increased the number of spiders that feed on those insects. It’s interesting, but the sight of
thousands of water ladybugs is a little creepy…


As grandpa guessed, they traveled abroad a lot.

Maybe he was too young to speak Korean, or maybe he was studying, and his French wasn’t good
enough for a child to speak…
Furthermore, this handwriting……has no power in the letters, but it’s definitely the way……. I used to

When drawing a circle, I draw a long line from the point at the top.

It’s my handwriting, similar to the way I write with the last word raised slightly.

“Little Hun, how did you do this?”

Grandpa called me from outside, and I went out and looked around the water purifier.

“You have to press this, grandpa.”

When I pressed the button next to the water purifier, an appropriate amount of water came out.

Grandpa quickly put his glass on.

“There’s a hot water button next to it.”

“Yes. I know.”
As soon as grandpa agreed to my words, anxiety poured in.

Along with knowing how to use a water purifier with a unique structure, Ko Hun’s insect book just

Since I entered this house, why am I feeling very sad? And what’s this warmth that is hard to describe?

I went back to the playroom where I was a little while ago and searched Ko Hun’s book.

As I turned the page, the letters he wrote gained strength very finely and the painting improved.

By the end, the handwriting is so similar that I don’t even doubt that I wrote it.

“Hun, what are you looking at?”


That’s ridiculous.
I looked around the playroom, but there was nothing special except the paintings and the insect books.

I came out and went up to the second floor, right in front of the stairs.

A field of sunflowers spread out.


What is this….?

Where have I seen this….?

Why…… am I crying….?



May 2, 2025, 325 South Sparks Street, Burbank, California, United States.

“Hun! That’s not food!”

Mama bought me oil paint.

Usually, Mama and Papa drew pictures with computers, so it was hard to see paint inside the house, but
I’m so happy to see the paints in the tube.

In particular, Rembrandt No. 207 paint has a very pretty color.

I was surprised when Mama shouted loudly when I slightly tried to put it in my mouth to see what it felt

“Spit it out! Spit it out!”

She doesn’t even give me time to answer,

“Did you swallow it?”

“Are you okay?”

“Why did you eat it?”

“I didn’t swallow it.”

I ate a little when I organized my brush, but I didn’t swallow it, I put it in my mouth to feel the texture.

“Ahhhh. Hun, you’re not supposed to eat paint. Okay?”


I don’t know what her problem is, but I nodded for now.

They’re worried about everything because I’m a kid.

It’s something I can do in a place where they don’t see it so that they don’t worry about it.
I had to rinse my mouth a few times in the bathroom and brush my teeth before I could lift the brush
once again.

“Hun, draw whatever you want to draw.”

I’ve been patient.

I was still young, so I couldn’t write or draw lines the way I wanted, but now I’m quite strong and I’m
used to drawing.

If I do it little by little, I will improve again soon, maybe I can draw like before.

Today, I am planning to fill this big door with my painting.

What a heartbreaking moment with a big brush full of yellow paint.

I placed the brush on the door.

It’s not a familiar touch.

It’s not a canvas, and unlike the familiar brush, it’s not stiff and the paint is somehow soft.

I’m happy to be able to move the brush once again.

There are no words to say how much I missed this.

When I was born, I thought I was in hell because of the bizarre sight.

But now, I’m so happy that I can keep using the bright yellow once again.


I drew a lot of sunflowers at the bottom, and there is no place to draw anymore.

“It’s too high.”

When I lifted my feet and stretched my shoulders as much as I could, only half of the door was within

“Hahaha! Here you go! I’ll hold you.”

Papa grabbed my waist and lifted me up.

It’s uncomfortable, but I’ll bear with this.

“Down a little, Papa.”

“This much?”


Mama supported the palette.

I want to finish the painting as it is, but no matter how small I am, it will be hard to hold it.

“Put me down, Papa”

“Did you finish?”

“No, Papa and Mama draw it on top. I’m going to draw more on the bottom.”
Isn’t it a waste to paint this happy house in my own color?

Isn’t it too bad to enjoy this happy moment alone?

“Well, Papa’s not good.”

“Why Hae?”

“Hun’s drawing will look bad if you draw next to it.”

“Come on Hae! I want to paint with Hun.”

Papa got beaten by Mama again.

With such a happy smile, Papa seems to enjoy being hit by Mama.

For some time, Ko Sooyeol kept looking around the house of his daughter and his son-in-law with a
heart filled with remorse.

Thomas Arthur, the lawyer of Lee Soojin, visited 325 South Sparks Street, Burbank at the appointed

“Nice to meet you, Sir Ko Sooyeol.”

“Nice to meet you.”

The two shook hands.

Thomas Arthur confirmed that Ko Sooyeol’s eyes were red, and bowed his head to offer condolences.

Thomas Arthur had a rough idea of the relationship between Ko Sooyeol and Ko Hae, as he was
friendlier with the couple and often came over for dinner.

He wanted to offer consolation to that mournful heart.

He wished that it would have been nice if there had been a will.
The accident that happened unexpectedly did not allow even that.

“Here is the list of the assets of Hae and Sooj.”

Thomas Arthur took out the list of assets he had managed after Lee Soojin’s death, fulfilling his duties.

Ko Sooyeol took it with weak hands and sat on the couch without looking.

Then he recommended Thomas Arthur to sit down.

Since the conversation won’t be a short one, Thomas Arthur also sat on the couch.

“First of all, the real estate here, Paris, and London.”

Thomas Arthur explained, and Ko Sooyeol gently nodded his head.

After swallowing a few times, he said with difficulty,

“Is it okay to continue now Sir, or should I…..”

“No…That’s all right. Speak comfortably.”

A long sigh ensued.

“…Can you tell me about those two?”

Thomas Arthur closed his mouth and rubbed his palm.

He didn’t know where to start.

“Sooj and I met for the first time in London. We were competing for a piece at the auction house and we
talked about it.”

Ko Sooyeol listened to the story of his son-in-law and daughter about whom he did not know.

“Hae was angry. She argued that Sooj bought the painting at an expensive price because of me, and we
had a drink because of the absurdity of fighting, and that’s how we became friends.”

Ko Sooyeol shook his head.

He felt that the personality of his student and son-in-law didn’t seem to have changed much.
“After they moved to the US, I was in charge of contract documents and copyright protection for Hae
and Sooj. We met once a month and talked.”

Thomas Arthur, who kept a calm tone, swallowed.

He continued the story, trying to hide his hoarse voice.

“Sooj was the coolest guy I met in my life. He worked more passionately than anyone else and he would
have been incomplete without Hae. The Max Studio team members respected the two. No one has ever
produced a better result than those two.”

Ko Sooyeol nodded.

“Whenever Hae comes to a party, she always leaves sharply at 8 o’clock no matter where she is. She
rushed home as if something had happened. When I once asked Sooj for the reason, he said it was
because of a promise with Hun.”

Ko Sooyeol asked what kind of promise by raising his eyebrows.

“It was a promise to read a book for Little Hun until he falls asleep. According to Sooj, Hae fell asleep
even before Hun.”
Ko Sooyeol felt heartbroken thinking about the family that lived in harmony in a place he couldn’t see.

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Thomas Arthur looked sadly at Ko Sooyeol, who with his eyes closed, tried to control his surging

He couldn’t say anything because he couldn’t comfort him hastily.

After some time, Ko Sooyeol breathed deeply and exhaled.

“I’m sorry. You were telling me about the real estate, right?”

“Yes. There is a villa in Gobelin, Paris, an apartment in New Malden, London, and including this a total of

Ko Sooyeol nodded.

Both Gobelin and New Malden were places where Koreans lived together, so it would have been easier
to live.

Ko Sooyeol’s son-in-law Lee Soojin sometimes contacted him from there, and he also remembered
seeing it in pictures.

“We rent everything except here at the moment. Here’s the document.”

Ko Sooyeol accepted the document handed over by Thomas Arthur.

“If there is nothing special, I want you to continue managing it.”

“Yes, and…”

Thomas Arthur showed Ko Sooyeol a copy of Lee Soojin and Hae’s account details along with the
organized document.

Ko Hae’s assets amounted to US$72,000, and she owned two cars and several artworks.

Lee Soojin had US$8.9 million and a car combined with stocks, bonds, and cash.

It was an unexpected amount, and Ko Sooyeol confirmed the number again.

He didn’t think they would have this many liquid assets after buying a house in Burbank, Villa in Paris,
and an apartment in London.

“There are so many?”

Ko Sooyeol knew that his daughter and son-in-law were recognized and were famous, but they were
employees of Max Studio.

Even if they received incentives, it was an unexpected amount.

“Thanks to the running guarantee of the movies [Trinity War] and [End-Phase], their assets have
increased significantly.”

Ko Sooyeol nodded to Thomas Arthur’s explanation.

In the 2010s, Max Studios set a new record of $2.8 billion at the Worldwide Box Office.


Thomas Arthur took out two pictures and put them in front of Ko Sooyeol.

“What is this?”

The two photos were the works released by Ko Sooyeol when he was in his prime, [Pine trees 3] and
[Pine trees 6], which he had not seen for 30 years.

“Hae was collecting,”

Thomas Arthur explained.

“It was hard to find, and it was expensive, so Hae used to complain that she didn’t know when she’ll
collect all [Pine trees] and hold an exhibition.”

Ko Sooyeol lamented why the cash assets of his daughter and son-in-law were so different from each
other and he got the answer.

” …foolish girl.”

Ko Sooyeol’s heart ached when he heard about the daughter, who collected his paintings costing
millions and was even planning on an exhibition.

Ko Sooyeol wished that his daughter had given him a call rather than doing this, but soon realized that
he was no different from his daughter and sighed deeply.

“How can both of us be so foolish?”

Ko Sooyeol blamed himself for hesitating several times while looking at his daughter’s phone number.

He regretted that if it wasn’t for his pride, he would have talked to his daughter.

“It’s all sorted out. Now, as long as Hun signs it and solves the tax-related problem, I’ll take care of it.”
Ko Sooyeol, who was immersed in his thoughts, nodded at Thomas Arthur’s words.

He had to go through the inheritance process and decide how to handle the belongings here.


Ko Sooyeol called his grandson.

There was no answer, so he called him one more time, but there was no response this time as well.

“Little Hun, where are you?”

Ko Sooyeol got up and searched the house for his grandson.

Ko Sooyeol, who looked around the first floor, looked out at the garden.

He thought that if it was his grandson, he might be trying to catch a strange bug again.

Thomas Arthur, who was looking around the house together, approached Ko Sooyeol.
“He’s not on the first floor, so he must be upstairs.”

Ko Sooyeol nodded and headed to the stairs.

The wall near the stairs was marked with gold to check how tall Ko Hun was.

There were traces of his daughter, son-in-law, and his grandchild throughout the house.

Ko Sooyeol, who was climbed two steps, was surprised when he saw his grandson lying on the stairs.

“Hun? Hun!”

Ko Sooyeol, who hurriedly approached Ko Hun.

No matter how much he called or shooked, there was no response.

Ko Sooyeol was shocked as it reminded him of the last incident.

“Arthur, Arthur!”
Ko Sooyeol urgently called Thomas Arthur.

Thomas Arthur who went up to the unusual voice took out his cell phone as soon as he saw Ko Hun.

“Hun! Wake up! Hunnnnnnnnn!”


I suddenly came to my senses.

I thought the howling Theo’s voice was gone and everything was finally over, but somehow my
consciousness came back.

I can’t open my eyes.

I feel like I’m in warm water.

When I twisted my body as hard as I could, I could feel that it was blocked everywhere.
Is this the result of the unforgivable sin?

Is it a punishment to live forever in a cramped space where I can’t open my eyes and breathe freely?

“He moved.”


How long did it pass?

The voices of a man and woman could be heard.

It’s not French, English, or Latin, it’s a language I heard for the first time in my life.

I don’t understand it, but it’s a voice full of excitement and happiness.

“Baby, are you already giving your mom a hard time?”

Isn’t this hell?

Isn’t this solitude, a punishment?

Even if I couldn’t understand their language, I kept waiting for the lovely voice that came from time to

There were days when I couldn’t do anything except crouch and move my hands and feet a little.

Suddenly one day, the warm voice I kept hearing began to moan.

Was it something like this?

That’s right. I’m a sinner, I can’t live comfortably.

“Argh. Argh.”

“We’re almost there. Take a long breath. Whoo! Whoo!”

A lovely voice groaned and screamed.

I don’t know why I feel uneasy when she is in pain.

I’m afraid….

What is bothering her like this?

The tearful screams continued endlessly.

Then the uncomfortable small prison began to press my body down.

It’s distressing.

My whole body seems to be crushed by her painful scream.

Am I paying the price of sin that cannot be washed away?

I have no regrets.

I didn’t have a choice.

What is the meaning of life if I can’t paint?

It is no different from a dead body that breathes and is a burden to my beloved brother.

Rather, this is right, even if I paid the price with my own life.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh “

The screaming stopped after a loud cry and the voice that was screaming a little while ago whispered in
my ear when I couldn’t open my eyes.

“My son. My son.”

If this is really hell, can it be this warm?

Can I feel so overwhelmed just by the whispering words that I don’t know the meaning of?

“I love you,”

How can I forget?

Days filled with love.

Those who gave me a happy time, a new life with a gaze warmer than the sun and a gentle voice.

How could I completely forget the people with whom I walked side by side holding hands?

When I opened my eyes again after committing an unforgivable sin, I believed that I had fallen into hell.

But instead, in front of me were people who taught me that I can be loved.



How could I forget the people who protected me, embraced me, loved me, and live as if nothing

So shamelessly as if nothing had happened.

I loved them so much.

It hurts so much.

I’m tearing up just thinking about their faces.



It’s Grandpa.

Grandpa is calling me desperately as he did back then, like when he was looking at me in the hospital.

I wonder if grandpa knows.

Does he know that I loved him so much from the first time I met him, and I actually respected him more
than anyone else?
Does he know that Papa who had no parents thought of grandpa as his biological father?

“Is everything all right?”

Grandpa urges the doctor nervously.

“Why can’t he wake up if there’s nothing wrong?”

I seem to have made him sad once again.

I have to wake up, and I hope I can get up and find Papa and Mama with grandpa.

I’m sure they’re waiting under the cold, humid soil.

I’m sorry that I forgot you Mama, Papa.

I’m sorry for living happily while forgetting you.

It hurts so much.
My chest hurts so much that I can’t get up.

I found something so precious, but now I think I can’t see or touch them.

My heart is breaking.

How did grandpa endure this pain?

If it were me I would have fallen sick and would have never gotten up.

Yeah, grandpa probably held out because of me.

It was the same then and now.

He would have pretended to be fine somehow.

He would have been worried about me just as I’m worried about grandpa now.

I’m sure grandpa would have endured all alone with all those wounds and deep sadness so that I won’t
be sad and I don’t remember anything.
I can’t stay like this.

I can’t be sad for Mama and Papa.

Wake up.

I have to comfort grandpa.

I don’t want Grandpa to cry anymore.


I called my grandpa with my eyes closed because I had no strength.

Grandpa’s hands covering my face flinched, and soon he grabbed my face with both hands.

“Hun, Are you alright?”

“Huh? Grandpa…”

Grandpa’s urgent voice calms me down a little.

How should I start?

It would be best to say it without adding or reducing.

It’s best to say it as it is.

“Mama didn’t hate grandpa.”

When I opened my eyes gently, grandpa’s eyes were shaking a lot.

The wrinkles between the eyebrows are deep.

“Mama kept thinking about you holding the phone every day. Mama wanted to call Grandpa.”

I took a long breath…

“Mama told me a lot of stories about grandpa. Mama said we will live with grandpa when we go back to
Korea. I’m sure…. Mama loved Grandpa.”

Grandpa nodded and hugged me.

“Mama also missed grandpa a lot.”

Grandpa shook his head, my shoulders became wet, and I hid in grandpa’s arms because I felt like I was
about to cry.

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Chapter 135

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After reconfirming that there was no abnormality in the body, my grandpa and I remained alone in the
hospital room.

“Little Hun, Do you remember everything? Huh?”

The affectionate touch and expression of touching my cheeks show how hard it has been for him.

I nodded my head.

At first, I thought I was in hell.

However, I was bewildered by the familiar senses that came after the crushing pressure.

The air, the sound, and the light felt over the closed eyes were that of this world.

I never thought I would have been reborn at that time.

I freaked out because of the baby’s body and tried to resist whoever tried to touch me thinking I was
being harmed.
It was only the voices of Mama and Papa that I felt friendly, so I was very anxious when their voices
were not heard.

And, after a few days, when I was able to open my eyes, I began to accept the situation little by little.

If a person dies, will he be reborn?

Then why was I born with all my memories?

I had those kinds of worries for a while.

I was fascinated by the surprisingly changed world and did not think deeply because of my parents’
warm love.

I was grateful for my healthy body every day, surprised by new experiences every day, and got used to
my new life as Hun.

I’m lucky to have seen Picasso twice.

Picasso was such a shock.

I couldn’t even use my hands properly and tried to copy him.

Mama and Papa were happy thinking that their son was a genius even after seeing my ugly picture.

They liked my picture which was nothing but crooked lines, so I thought it would be best to not draw for
a while.

I didn’t try to reveal it even after I got used to writing with a pen.

Since I was very young, I practiced little by little in the insect book I drew.

I decided to show my skills to the fullest when it was the right time to be understood no matter what
picture I drew.

Then one day, I saw my grandpa’s [Pine tree 3] which Mama bought, and I was shocked.

The pine tree painted with a paint I saw for the first time in my life was so grand and full of spirit that I
couldn’t think of it as a painting on a 30P canvas.

I had never seen such a thick, intense stroke.

It seems to have been drawn at once, but since the shading was expressed by controlling the
concentration, it could only be thought of as a Godly technique.

“I saw a picture of a pine tree. Mama said grandpa drew it and I loved that painting.”

Grandpa nodded.

The sadness gets deep as the memories overflow.

I was going to hold grandpa’s hand and say I want to go to Mama and Papa’s grave as calmly as I can,
but I couldn’t.

“Mama and Papa…..”

When I couldn’t continue my next word because I was choked up, grandpa patted my head and said.

“Okay, let’s go together when we get back.”


The next day.

I was discharged from the hospital and dealt with inheritance through Thomas Arthur.

I signed it without any particular complications, and let Thomas Arthur, my parents’ attorney, handle the

I had a memory of meeting him a few times, and both Papa and Mama trusted him, so I entrusted him
with the job.

Things would have been complicated if I had disposed of this and that, but I didn’t.

I can’t drive my parents’ car right now, and even grandpa can’t use it because he doesn’t live in the US,
so I didn’t have much use for it, but I didn’t want to sell it.

It was my greed to leave a little trace of them, and grandpa also agreed.

Talking about this and that with grandpa, it was already time for dinner.

I was thinking about what to eat and decided to order pizza because I was tired of everything that
happened yesterday and today.
When I called the place I ordered from every time I lived here, the owner of the pizza restaurant greeted
me gladly.

– 325 South Sparks Street? Is it Hun?

The voice of Sam Fleming, owner of Burbank’s best pizza restaurant, was welcoming.

“Hello, Sam.”

-Oh, my God. It’s been such a long time. I heard the news. I’m so sorry to hear that.

“Thank you.”

– Yeah. If you live bravely, good things will happen again someday.

Even if the wound heals over time, will the scar disappear?

– It’ll be my treat today, so just tell me. What can I get you?

“Potato pizza, please. With a lot of cheese.”

– Good. It’ll take about 40 minutes.

“Yes, thank you.”

When I finished the call, grandpa, who was looking at me, asked about Sam.

“You must be close.”

“I ordered every day.”

“Every day?”

“Mama and Papa often come in late because they are busy.”

Sam Fleming’s pizza was delicious and unlike in Korea, there was nothing to order for delivery.

“Then why did you not eat pizza at school.”

Grandpa mentioned the entry in Mama’s diary.

Mama wrote that I hated Pizza, but there was a misunderstanding.

“No, I like pizza. Sam’s Pizza and lunch pizza are on a different level.”


I felt lonely eating dinner alone and the two of them seemed to be overdoing it.

I could have told Mama honestly that I wanted to have a relaxing dinner with Mama and Papa, but I
remember telling Mama that I didn’t like pizza because I got angry when she left for work leaving money
to order pizza.

I was embarrassed to correct it, so Mama seemed to have thought about it like that along with the
school meal problem.

After that, Mama thought about changing jobs.

Come to think of it, such misunderstandings were frequent.

When I was little, it was interesting to see the drawing move and talk, but Mama thought I liked
SpongeBob and learned how to talk.

If I say an old saying or a word that was not in use, she might think I learned it from SpongeBob.

It may feel strange, but I think my parents are also a little strange, so they just accepted everything in a
strange way.

Unlike when I was pointed out as a freak, my parents told me how wonderful I was and said they would
love me as I am.

I cried several times the day before yesterday, yesterday, and today, but when I think of them, my heart

Maybe it’s the same for grandpa.

I stayed at Burbank house for two more days, caressing and comforting the wounds.

Tears that burst out casually even though I thought I was fine also decreased little by little as I was with

I talked to grandpa about many things I did with Mama and Papa.
Once, with the intention of teasing Mama with Papa, I saved Mama’s file separately and deleted
everything on her laptop.

“You did such a thing.”

Grandpa frowned in horror.

“I almost got in trouble because my father kept laughing senselessly.”

If Papa hadn’t revealed that it was a hidden camera prank as soon as he was called by Mama, we might
have gone to the family court.

“Didn’t Hae get angry?”

“That day.”

“That day?”

“Mama spilled beer and water on Papa’s bed when he slept.”


“She waited until Papa got up. Papa was embarrassed and he touched it and smelled his bed.”


“He was secretly going to the laundry room with the blanket, and Mama pretended like she didn’t know
anything and asked Papa what he was doing in the laundry room early in the morning.”

I laughed with tears in my eyes watching that scene.

“You should have seen Papa’s expression then, grandpa.”

I laughed and sighed quietly with grandpa for a long time



It’s not something easy for me to move on.

But, for those who gave me the strength to live again and showed me what happiness is, I must stand up

“Let’s go. Brush your teeth.”


Grandpa and I slept together with a blanket in the living room.

The next day.

When I came out of the house, I only brought my family pictures and my insect picture book and left the
rest as it is.

I asked Thomas Arthur to take care of it as he did until now.

Grandpa to meet Ferdinando Gonzalez and I with the intention of visiting the Whitney Museum, we
headed to New York after a long time.

Henry Marceau was returning home from a meeting.

It was a meeting to set a schedule for the Louvre National Art Salon, which was scheduled to be held in
December this year.

The French National Arts Association (Société Nationale des Beaux Arts. SNBA) requested that Henry
Marceau, a representative French artist, participate as a jury member.

“Damn those geezers,”

Henry Marceau gritted his teeth.

The Louvre National Art Salon was the longest-running event of any existing salon, and it was a great
honor to be a judge there.

Secretary Arsene could not understand Henry Marceau who refused that great honor.

“El Patron, Why did you refuse? Isn’t it a good seat?”

“What is good? Do you like a place where you can gather trash and make a mess?”
Henry Marceau was displeased by the SNBA (National Art Association of France) for inviting him to be a
judge, who was still working as an artist.

“If I had time for that in the first place………,”

A boy’s image was reflected in the eyes of Henri Marceau, who was complaining.

The boy was painting the Colonne de Juillet which commemorates the French Revolution on the street
that leads from the Vieux de Juillet to the Place de la Bastille.

Three men surrounded the boy.

“Stop the car,” said Henry Marceau.

Arsene, wondering, pulled over the car past the crosswalk.

Henry Marceau approached the boy across the crosswalk before Arsene could ask anything.

“I’ll just draw this and go away,”

The boy begged the men around him.

“Next what? sleep and go away, huh?”

One man kicked the boy’s easel and threatened.

“Don’t do this. My painting.”

“What does a Muslim like you know!! Get out of here when we are speaking nicely!”

The boy flinched as the man raised his fist and threatened.

Henry Marceau approached more to see the painting between the man and the boy who looked like a

One in the group recognized Henry Marceau and gave the group a hint.


Suddenly, they were confused about the presence of a celebrity, and the Muslim boy seemed relieved
thinking that there was someone to help him.
“Help, help! I really didn’t do anything.”

Henry Marceau, looking at the colonne de juillet, glanced down at the boy.

“Why should I?”


Henry Marceau’s cold attitude baffled the boy.

The men who tried to avoid their seats were relieved at Henry Marceau’s words.

Henry Marceau, as a Frenchman, also hated Muslims.

“I’m not a cop,”

Henry Marceau looked away from the boy and looked at the painting.
The Le Génie de la Liberté, the guardian deity of freedom, was illuminated by the light and shone

“You’re wrong,”

Both the boy and the Frenchmen who were trying to kick the boy away got bewildered.

“It’s not a brush, it’s a torch in the right hand. It’s a chain on the left hand, and where’s the hair


“Can you see that from here? If you’re going to draw it like this, look for a picture.”

The boy was bewildered and couldn’t understand what was happening, while the men who were
beating the Muslim boy also looked at him in shock.

“What are you doing? Fix it.”

“Ah, yes.”
The boy Vida Lavani unwittingly picked up the Pastel.

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Henry Marceau turned around after seeing Vida Lavani’s old easel and the sparsely empty pastel.

Then Vida Lavani, who was looking around, asked.

“Are you leaving?”

Henry Marceau turned his head annoyingly.

“I heard you buy paintings often on the street. By any chance..…”

Vida Lavani mumbled.

Henry Marceau was a figure that all artists admired, and so was Vida Lavani.

Just selling his work will make his name come in headlines.

The Artist’s reputation or background was not at all bothered, so some even worked on the streets to
stand out for Henry Marceau.

Vida Lavani thought that such luck had come to him, too.


Henry Marceau laughed in dismay.

The boy’s eyes opened wide with surprise.

Henry Marceau made a mockery of Vida Lavani.

“That’s a symbol of France. After painting it like that, you want to sell it? Know your place.”


Vida Lavani recalled the men who were threatening him just a moment ago.

They also said something similar to Henry Marceau.

The boy thought Henry Marceau was pointing out that as a Muslim he shouldn’t draw.

“If you want to sell it to others, develop your skills first. There’s no one to buy that crap.”

At Henry Marceau’s advice, Vida Lavani raised his head.

He felt hope in the words of Henry Marceau, who saw him as an aspiring artist, not as a Muslim.

“Really? Then, will you buy it, if I develop my skills?”

Henry Marceau twitched his lips.

“Can you draw a picture that Henry Marceau wants to buy?”


“You can’t unless you draw 10,000 pictures?”

In Henry Marceau’s view, Vida Lavani was not talented.

It seemed that he didn’t even get a basic education.

He didn’t know how to use color at all and didn’t know what he wanted to express.


Vida Lavani dropped his head.

If he had no talent and no education, he would have had to work hard by pushing himself to the brink of
death, but it was even more hopeless to see him frustrated at the fact that he had to draw 10,000
Henry Marceau headed toward the car.

“A ten thousand…,”

muttered Vida Lavani, who was left alone.

There was not enough pastel to draw ten thousand sheets.

There was also a shortage of paper.

He saved and used the pastel he received as a gift on his birthday last year, but some colors have been
used up, and there are not many colors left to use.

There are five more months left until his birthday in December.

He knew it was greed, but Vida Lavani couldn’t forget Henry Marceau’s words.


When Ko Hun was spending time at the Whitney Museum, Ko Sooyeol visited Ferdinando Gonzalez
Ferdinando welcomed his old friend wearing a mask.



Ko Sooyeol could not help but be surprised at Ferdinando’s visibly thin figure compared to what he saw
two months ago.

“Come in,”

Ferdinando guided Ko Sooyeol into his house.

“What the hell happened? How on earth did you become half of what I saw last time?”

Ferdinando laughed without taking off his mask.

“Don’t look at me like that, Sooyeol. I’m all right.”

“It doesn’t look all right. Is it the same problem from last time?”

Ferdinando grinned bitterly and pulled a bottle of drink from the refrigerator.

Ko Sooyeol looked around.

“Is Louis out?”

Ferdinando’s partner Louis Reykok was missing.

Ferdinando didn’t tell the truth, so Ko Sooyeol wanted to ask Louis about what was going on.

Ferdinando sat down offering the drink to Ko Sooyeol.

After swallowing the drink several times and not saying anything, Ko Sooyeol asked again.

“You have to tell me. What’s going on in the house, you’re so sick, where’s Louis?”

“……in the hospital.”

Ferdinando’s voice trembled.


Ko Sooyeol asked in a startled voice.

“What happened?”


Ferdinando agonized.

Since he had no one to talk to about his own concerns, it seemed that he could no longer keep it secret.

He felt like his heart would explode if he didn’t tell anyone.

Ferdinando said as if squeezing a heavy wound in his chest, thinking it would be okay if it was Ko
Sooyeol, who understood his relationship with Louis.

Ferdinando said in a muffled voice.

“It hurts a lot. They say it’s too late.”

Ko Sooyeol narrowed his eyes.

The young friend in front of him looked like he was about to collapse at any moment.

“I’m on your side. Say it. What happened?”

Ko Sooyeol didn’t know what happened, but he understood that it was something big looking at
Ferdinando who looked more hesitant than the time when he confessed he was gay six years ago.

Ko Sooyeol comforted and supported him as he did then.

Ferdinando swallowed with difficulty and said.

“It’s AIDS,”

Ferdinando looked up.

“I have it, too.”

Ko Sooyeol’s eyes trembled.

Ferdinando Gonzalez was indispensable to the art world.

He was a pioneer in connecting art and the public by pushing the dogmatic mainstream art world.

Ko Sooyeol was saddened by the tragedy that had fallen upon the young artist and an old friend with a
bright future.

Ko Sooyeol asked cautiously.

“Is there no way?”

“We’ve tried everything.”

After a long silence, Ferdinando smiled and looked up.

“I think this will be my last exhibition.”

Ferdinando’s cell phone vibrated as Ko Sooyeol was sighing.

It was a call from the hospital.

Ferdinando hurriedly took the phone to his ear.

“Yes, Gonzalez.”

– I think you should come to the hospital.


– The patient is waiting.

Ferdinando stood up quickly and wrapped his coat around.


Grandpa wanted to meet Ferdinando Gonzalez alone, so I visited the Whitney Museum of Art.
There were fewer people than the first week, but still, they were enjoying the Whitney Biennale.

Entering the museum, Ferdinando Gonzalez’s [Untitled-perfect lovers] was the first to catch my eye.

Unlike two months ago, the left wall clock stopped moving.

The second hand of the right wall clock is also moving hard as if it will also soon stop.

“Master Hun”

John Carter, who guided me to the Whitney Biennale the other day greeted me as soon as he saw me.

“Hello. How have you been?”

“Great. After all, I’m surrounded by such wonderful works?”

Ferdinando Gonzalez’s work bothered me when he said wonderful works.

Considering that the Whitney Museum, which is thorough in managing the works, has not changed the
batteries of the clock, I think Gonzalez intended it to be like that.

“Seeing that you haven’t changed the batteries of the clock, I think the artist originally wanted it to be
like that.”

“Yes, it was the condition to display the simple work.”

John Carter explained Gonzalez’s work using the word Simple.

“It’s all about getting two clocks of the same model anywhere in the world, putting the same batteries in
at the same time, and hanging them side by side.”

By listening to John Carter’s explanation, I could see that the direction he was thinking of while looking
at this work was not wrong.

Even under the perfectly same conditions, you would have known that they would have no choice but to
show a difference someday.

Considering the subtitle [Perfect Lovers] does it denote the same time spent by the lovers.

Does it mean that the lovers can’t be together until the end?
You can tell how Ferdinando Gonzalez was in love because he says he and his lover were perfect even if
the day of parting comes one day.

“It’s amazing,”

John Carter raised his eyebrows when I gave an honest impression.

“I think the image is important. It’s like form, texture, color.”

John Carter nodded as if he understood.

“I drew it hoping that my emotions would touch the eyes and chest of the audience. I like that kind of
work. But…..”

Ferdinando Gonzalez’s work was very simple.

It is different from me, grandpa, Henry Marceau, and Aunt Mirae, and it is also different from Papa and

Unlike me, who adds paint while thinking about how to pour out emotions and convey them perfectly.
He rules out as much as possible.

“Gonzalez has a knack for stimulating curiosity and thinking in a very simple way.”

I also used the word Simple to express his work.

Actually, I don’t know if that’s an appropriate expression.

Even if the result is simple, he would have thought a lot and repeated many failures to make it

John Carter smiled when I conveyed my idea.

“Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said – Perfection is not a state where there is nothing left to add, but there is
nothing left to subtract.”

I agree.

I think it’s similar to the case of poetry.

It is to maximize thinking and imagination in the implied sentence by thoroughly refining words and
sentences and taking out unnecessary things.

I want to try it at least once.


My smartphone vibrated.

It was Henry Marceau.

He hasn’t contacted me in the past few days, so I think he should have finally felt like apologizing.

“Can I?”

Joe Carter showed his palm.

I took the call.

– What are you doing?

“I’m in the art museum.”

– Art museum?

“Whitney Museum, if you’re going to apologize, do it quickly. Don’t waste my time.”

– What apology?

“For interrupting my broadcast, and disturbing me while doing the concept art of ‘The strange Castle’.

He doesn’t seem to be aware of how rude he is.

– Anyway. Why aren’t you doing any broadcasts?

” …What?”

-Why not?
How did this guy turn so weirdly?

I thought he was just bad at expressing and doing commendable things, but now I can’t figure it out.

“It’s up to me whether I do it or not. I’ll hang up if you don’t have anything to say.”

-I warn you, don’t hang up before me again.


When I hung up, John Carter blinked.

“I think it was Henry Marceau’s voice…”

“Yes, I thought he had something to say, but I guess he was just bored. Can I take a look around alone?”


I couldn’t keep John Carter waiting, so I sent him and soon my phone vibrated again.

– I told you not to hang up!

“Stop being a nuisance.”

– nuisance?

“Don’t you think I’m doing something?”

– What are you doing?

I sigh a lot when I talk to this person.

“I’m going to watch the Whitney Biennale.”

– do it later.

When we meet next time, I should give a blow to his chin and talk about what his problem is.
“Tell me what you want to say right now.”

– Why are you saying like that?

It’s the voice of Sherry Gado.

– Give it to me. Is it Hun?

“Hello, Sherry.”

– I think Henry wants to play with you.

– What are you talking about nanny! Did you think of me as some kind of kindergarten kid


What is she talking about?

– Stay still. I’m doing it for you because you can’t tell him.
– When did I do that?

– You look bored just by looking at your face. Hun, I’ll make a lot of delicious food, so come and play.


– Yes. Don’t go quickly like last time, play slowly and go. I’d love it if you paint with Henry for a while.

– Don’t come! I’m telling you. Don’t come!

“…I’ll ask grandpa.”


Felix Gonzalez Torres. He was active for a short period of time from 1988 to 1996. He was a homosexual
and a Cuban refugee who was active in a minority position, criticizing the mainstream art community.

Felix Gonzalez Torres, who caused a big stir in the conservative American society of the time, is
recognized as a symbol of modern art, with exhibitions held every year even after his death.
He died of AIDS complications in 1996.

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– What do you mean by ask? Don’t come.

Henry Marceau’s voice came closer.

I think he snatched the smartphone from Sherry.

– Just check your mail.

The call got cut off.

The perfect opportunity to taste Sherry Gado’s dish again disappeared in vain.

I opened my mailbox.

Société Nationale des Beaux Arts.

A mail from SNBA had just arrived.

I opened the mail.

Subject: Sent from SNBA.

From: Salon_SNBA

To: PotatoPizza,
Hello, Artist Ko Hun.

I’m Robin Hugo, Operations Management Team, National Art Association of France.

Our SNBA holds the National Art Salon Exhibition in France every December.

This year, artists from all over the world will be invited to hold an exhibition from December 14th to
17th, and I would like to invite Artist Ko Hun for it.

Our SNBA director Henry Marceau said that Artist Ko Hun’s bold painting style and challenge should be
widely promoted.

I have sent a copy of this mail to your agency ‘Sunflower’.

Hoping for a positive reply.

Thank you.

I think this is why Henry Marceau asked me to look at my mail.

I would have happily accepted it if he had asked me about this from the beginning without talking about
useless things.

He is a man who’s considerate and inconsiderate at the same time.

‘SNB……It’s a name I’ve never heard of.”

I searched for the National Art Association of France.

It is said that the group was founded in 1861 by Theophile Gautier, Eugène Delacroix, Jean-Baptiste
Camille Corot, Charles-François Daubigny, and Edouard Manet.

‘I thought it got disbanded.’

I can’t believe that an organization created in protest of the Royal Academy of Art is still active for over
160 years.

Looking at it in more detail, it is said that they continued to work and failed, but were re-formed by
Chavan, Duran, Rodin, etc.

It is a place where the spirits of French artists continued, and now Henry Marceau seems to be the one
in charge.

I once wanted to create a community of painters so that artists could work together and have a positive
impact on each other.

I failed in less than two months.

It seems like many people have tried to become independent from power and have continued to this

It’s a shame and envy for me.

Although Henry Marceau is rude and brazen, he is also working for the independence and development
of artists.

I should also find a dream that I gave up on.

Everything has changed since then, so there must be something I can do.

When I was thinking, I got a call from Uncle Bang.

“Yes, uncle.”

-Hun, did you see the mail sent from the National Art Association of France?

“I just saw it. What do you think, uncle?”

– It’s fine. I was looking for their schedule and was planning to call them even if they didn’t. I’ll send you
a list of other events, so take a look.

It seems like Uncle Bang was looking for other events other than the French National Art Salon.

Since I don’t know what kind of exhibition is out there, I’m just grateful that there are people who help
me like this.

“I will.”

– Yeah. I think Henry Marceau set the terms well.

After finishing the call with Uncle Bang, I called Henry Marceau.
The ring continued for a long time, and after a while, Henry Marceau’s grumpy voice was heard.

– What?

“I saw the mail. I’m looking at other events and I’ll take that into consideration.”


“Thank you. I wish you’d told me from the beginning.”

– Shut up.

Henry Marceau hung up.

I checked the time, and it’s been about an hour, but I haven’t heard from my grandpa.

Grandpa seems to be talking to Ferdinando Gonzalez for a long time.

He’ll contact me, so I’ll have to walk around leisurely until then.

I stopped at a work that I hadn’t seen before.

It was a work that forms an image by hanging several colored bars on the ceiling.

An artist of this era tried to show different paintings depending on the angle of view of the painting in
the bars in different colors.

I am surprised every time because there are so many different things from the conception of the idea to
the way they execute the idea.

I moved my feet excitedly to see what the next work would be.

While enjoying the exhibition, I got a call from grandpa.

The time was 7 p.m., and about four to five hours passed in an instant.

“Yes, Grandpa.”

– Did you wait for a long time?

“No, there’s a lot of fun stuff.”

– I’m on my way to pick you up. I’ll see you in ten minutes.


Grandpa’s voice seemed shaky.

As I went outside, worried about what happened to grandpa, a taxi suddenly stopped in front of the
Whitney Museum.

Grandpa beckons from the inside to get in.

Grandpa looks exhausted with his shoulders drooping and his face looks dark as if he was tired.

“What’s wrong, grandpa?”

Grandpa nodded.
“Let’s talk on the way.”

On the way to the hotel, grandpa brought up the story that Ferdinando Gonzales was very sick.

“Is it really bad?”

Grandpa nods his head hard.

Ferdinando, who I believe was 39 years old, is too early to die.

“Can’t it be treated?”

“They found out too late. There is a treatment, but if complications come together, there is no

Grandpa explained that he has lung cancer and his immune system weakened due to acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome.

I don’t know what kind of disease the latter is, but I’ve heard of cancer in a drama I watched with Mama.

I know that it will heal after surgery, but it seems different.

“Can’t you treat it with surgery?”

“It’s a case if his immune system were fine.”

Even me, who sees him only as an outstanding artist, is so sad, then how about grandpa, who’s
acquainted with him?

I put my hand on grandpa’s back because I wanted to comfort him even a little.



Kim Jungmin, a member of the WH Art Museum, doubted his eyes.

It was because of the e-mail sent by Ferdinando Gonzalez, a leading figure in the American art world.

“Section Chief,”
Kim Jungmin called the section chief Sung Gyul, who was in charge after Bang Tae resigned and got

“Ferdinando Gonzalez commissioned an exhibition.”

Sung Gyul blinked.

It was a look of what kind of joke he was making so seriously from the morning.

“It’s real,”

Kim Jungmin sent a link to his mailbox through an in-house messenger.

Sung Gyul narrowed his eyes and checked the email sent by Ferdinando Gonzalez.

Ferdinando’s email address was the same as Gonzalez’s official mail, and the content was specific to the
point that it can’t be considered someone’s prank.

One thing that bothered him was the content of the work to be exhibited.

Ferdinando Gonzalez hoped to place 79 kg of candies at the entrance or rest area of the WH Art
Museum from August.

He also wanted them to lay out 34 Kg of candies in the space facing the 79 kg candies.

The type of candy to be displayed can be chosen based on the children’s favorite in Korea, and they
were asked to add as much weight as they lost once a day.

The money to replenish the candies was paid by Ferdinando Gonzalez’s agency once a month, and the
deadline was until the WH Art Museum decided not to display the work anymore.

They knew that Ferdinando’s works were unusual, but regarding this one, they couldn’t help but be

“Let’s all check Gonzalez’s mail and have a meeting in half an hour.”


When the WH Art Museum was wondering about Ferdinando Gonzalez’s request, art galleries around
the world were also discussing the same request.
Caro Seedorf, the curator of the Museum of Art in Amsterdam, asked for advice from an acquaintance
while pondering what Ferdinando Gonzalez’s intentions were.


Kevin McCurley, director of the Van Gogh Museum of Art, visited the pub after work.

“Is there anything interesting?”

Kevin McCurley asked, ordering a beer.

“Well, Ferdinando Gonzalez asked for an exhibition.”

Kevin opened his eyes wide.

“It’s cool. It’s a good thing.”

Ferdinando was an artist who people from all around the world wanted to invite.

“It’s not an exhibition, it’s just two works, and the conditions are weird.”
Kevin drank the beer he ordered and looked at his friend Caro Seedorf, who told the story about 79
kilograms and 34 kilograms of candies.

“Does he want you to fill it up every day?”

“Yes, until we don’t want to display it. There’s a monthly charge.”


It’s an unfamiliar story even for Kevin, who’s been exposed to a lot of art.

“What do you think?”

Kevin continued to worry when asked by his friend.

Gonzalez asked to stack the candies that children love randomly at the entrance of the museum or in
the resting area and make it available for the children to eat them freely.

“I hear it’s for children rather than exhibiting a work. Like the way art galleries try to attract kids.”
“I see.”

Kevin exhaled.

“It’s weird, but is there a problem? Gonzalez’s work would make headlines and attract more visitors.”

“That’s true.”

Kevin and Caro hit their glasses and continued to drink.


Meanwhile, the French National Art Association, which proposed a salon exhibition to Ko Hun on the
recommendation of Henry Marceau, also received a proposal from Ferdinando Gonzalez.

Robin Hugo, who is a member of the operation and management team and also a participant in the
salon exhibition, was also surprised along with the staff of several art galleries.

He couldn’t understand what it meant when he asked to maintain the weight without telling them how
to arrange the candies.
“Is it important that we can’t understand?”

One of the team members stepped up while everyone was thinking about how to respond to Ferdinand
Gonzalez’s demands.

“Someone will understand. I don’t think it’ll be bad since we don’t have to drop a work to display it.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, the odd thing is, I heard a similar story at lunchtime.”

“Similar story?”

“Yes, my friend at the Victoria and Albert Children’s Museum said he also received a similar request
offer from Gonzalez.”

Robin Hugo and his teammates frowned and tilted their heads.


“Yes. I didn’t even talk about it at first, and it was weird because it was the same thing.”
Robin Hugo, who pondered for a while, said.

“Ask people you know. Don’t mention it. Ask them whether they got commissioned by Ferdinand


Vincent van Gogh hoped to create a community of painters in Arles. Although he encouraged his
acquaintances to participate, Paul Gauguin was the only writer who responded, and the two separated
after about two months together.

Active AIDS patients do not receive liver transplants.

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Title: Everrich Museum of Art

From: Robert_Reed

To: Ferdi_love

Hello, Ferdinando Gonzalez.

I’m Robert Reid, curator of the Everrich Museum of Art.

Thank you for your request to exhibit your work.

We believe that your proposed new works, “79kg” and “34kg,” will present new possibilities to form a
unique discourse.

The Everrich Museum of Art hopes to display your artwork and will discuss details including how it
should be displayed and sold.

Please contact the direct number provided below.

We shall be waiting for your reply.

Ferdinando Gonzalez looked at his smartphone with a blank face.

“What, did it not work out?”

Ferdinando’s lover Louis asked.

“No. they want to talk about it,”

Louis grinned as Ferdinando showed him an email from the Everrich Museum of Art.

“Look, you don’t have to worry,”

Ferdinando Gonzalez looked at his lover Louis pitifully.

Louis, who had a strong body weighing 174 pounds has changed into a figure with bare bones and now
weighs only 75 pounds.

It was all the more regrettable that he lost all his bravado and is now having a hard time even speaking.

“By the way, how much is it all? It’s going to cost you some money. You said 130?”

Louis calculated the cost of displaying the works of Ferdinando Gonzalez, who requested 130 art
galleries around the world, and since no museum rejected the work of the great Artist, he had to
prepare 130 pieces of 79kg and 34kg candies.

Louis never bought candy in large quantities, and he was used to pounds rather than kilograms, so he
couldn’t know the exact price.

So Louis asked.

“How much is a kilogram?”

“About $25?”


Louis exclaimed.

It was only speculation because there are differences in prices from country to country, but considering
the cost of materials installed in 130 art galleries alone, it cost nearly $370,000.
Moreover, as time went by, maintenance costs increased astronomically.

It was hard to predict how much money it would cost because it would allow people to eat candy freely
and supply it indefinitely until the museum gave up.

“If I knew you were this rich, I should have gotten some more brandy.”

Ferdinando Gonzalez smirked at Louis’ joke.

“only brandy?”

“Yes, just brandy?”

There was silence between the two who laughed quietly.

Knowing that there was not much time left to talk like this, Louis wanted to share anything and
everything, even if it was meaningless.

“It’s a nice day,”

Ferdinando Gonzalez nodded his head.

“I’d love to get a tan.”

Louis opened his mouth after a brief interval.

“I’d like to ask you a favor,”

Ferdinando Gonzalez raised his eyebrows and didn’t say anything.

“If the hospital says I’m going to die, please bring me some brandy. I’m fighting against it now, but I
wanted to feel the luxurious taste at my last moment.”

“…Yes, let’s have a toast,”

Gonzalez replied with difficulty.

“What are you talking about?”

Louis said emphatically.

“Do you want to damage the already damaged liver? I’m the only one who’s going to drink.”


“Are you Jealous?”

Gonzalez shook his head at Louis’ absurd question.

Even in this situation, it was amazing that he brought up jokes.

“Anything else?”


“Anything you need?”


Louis turned around and looked at the drawer next to his bed.
“Open the drawer.”

“This one?”

“No. Bottom.”

Gonzalez opened the third drawer.

A small box was placed in the drawer.

Looking back, Louis was just laughing.

“What is this?”

” Open it.”

Gonzales opened the box.

He took out two rings sitting side by side and examined them.
The initials of the two men were engraved inside.


“I forgot.”

Gonzalez looked at the wedding ring carefully.

If his partner wanted to get married, Gonzalez would have done anything.

But, Louis did not want to make the position of his celebrity lover difficult, in a society where prejudice is
still prevalent.

It has been a long time since the Republican Party, which has many conservative figures, came to power.

Louis thought that if Gonzalez was found to be gay, it would be a major obstacle to his artistic activities.

Louis, who wanted his lover to be judged only by his work, dissuaded his lover from coming out, again
and again.
“Let’s put it on.”

Louis struggled to raise his left hand.

Gonzalez took out the ring and put it on Louis’ finger.

His thin ring finger looked more pathetic.

“The ring is huge. It used to be perfect.”

Louis laughed bitterly.

Gonzalez handed the ring to Louis and asked him to put it on his finger.

Louis barely lifted the ring and pushed it on Gonzalez’s finger.

“It fits.”

The pair grinned looking at each other.

As the time for the short visit came to an end, it was time to say goodbye.

Gonzalez got up.

“I’ll come tomorrow, too.”


When Ferdinando Gonzalez turned around, Louis hurriedly called to him,

“Hey, you have to take off your ring.”

Gonzalez smirked as Louis pointed at the ring.

“I don’t want to.”

“It’s mine now.”


“I told you, it’s mine?”

Ferdinando Gonzalez regretted what he had been trying to ignore because of his position out of the fear
of criticism.

He followed Louis’ advice because he was afraid of losing his hard-won base, but he was able to solidify
his mind when he found out that Louis had hidden his desire to marry for a long time.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden? Leave it now.”

Ferdinand Gonzalez shrugged.

“I don’t want to.”


[Visibly thin Ferdinando]

[Who shared the ring with the artist of the century?]

[Caroline Streak, “The World’s Simultaneous Exhibition is a reflection of the times.”]

[Ferdinando Gonzalez, World’s Simultaneous Exhibition]

Ferdinando Gonzalez, an American artist who led conceptual art, will present a new work.

Ferdinando Gonzalez said he is under contract with 130 art galleries around the world, adding that the
works are not sold and are displayed semi-permanently.

Officials said Ferdinando Gonzalez did not want any compensation.

Meanwhile, Ferdinando Gonzalez has been in public for the first time in two months after losing his
proud solid muscles, drawing fans’ concerns.

The news about Ferdinando Gonzalez is buzzing.

It may be natural because he is recognized as a leading artist along with Henry Marceau and Aunt Mirae.
It is also an exhibition at 130 art museums at the same time.

Come to think of it, Aunt Mirae was also planning simultaneous exhibitions around the world, and I
wonder how the two will present their works.

As I thought about it in my own way, the flight attendant brought me in-flight meals.

Chicken cooked along with tomato salad, pasta, and broccoli with cheese and dressing.

“Will Gonzalez’s work be exhibited in Korea?”

I was on my way back to Korea and wondered if I would be able to see it in Seoul too, so I asked

“It will be. I heard he commissioned the WH Art Museum.”

It is the museum where my first individual exhibition was held with the help of Uncle Bang.

It’s near my house, so I don’t think there’ll be a problem looking around.

Grandpa doesn’t eat and thinks hard about something.

“What’s wrong, grandpa?”

“No, let’s eat.”

His face was full of worries and he was lying.

When I kept looking at grandpa, he was forced to tell me the reason.

“I promised not to tell anyone.”

If that’s the reason, it can’t be helped.

I nodded and moved the broccoli out from my plate and got scolded by grandpa.

“Little Hun, you shouldn’t be picky. You should eat everything.”

“It doesn’t taste good, grandpa.”

“It’s good for your health.”

“Grandpa doesn’t eat asparagus either.”

When I fought back with facts because I didn’t want to put that green monster in my mouth.

I wanted to tell grandpa that there’s something that everyone doesn’t want to eat.

But instead of understanding, grandpa took the asparagus and ate it in one bite.

“See? It’s now your turn.”

I don’t like it, so I stared at the green monster for a while and forced it into my mouth while closing my

To hide the taste, I dipped it in pasta sauce.

After finishing off the green monster, I looked at its companions paprika, water parsley, and garlic.

I don’t know why I should eat them, I can live by just eating potato pizza.

Grandpa groaned when I roughly chewed and swallowed because I didn’t want to feel the taste or

It seems to be too much.

After eating, and watching the news, I fell asleep….


– Ferdinando Gonzalez’s plans for simultaneous exhibitions around the world are expected to be

I woke up as I heard something about Ferdinando Gonzalez.

I checked the time and it seemed like I slept for about four hours.

– Some of Ferdinando Gonzalez’s backers have expressed their intention to stop the sponsorship.

‘What are they talking about?’

When I rubbed my eyes and looked at the monitor, the phrase [Ferrinando Gonzalez, shocking coming
out] was displayed at the bottom.

I didn’t understand what the newsreader was saying since it was reported when I was sleeping.


Grandpa was frowning while watching the news.

I took off one earphone and asked.

“What’s going on, grandpa?”

Grandpa breathed heavily and replied.

“Do you remember the promise I told you a while ago?”

“…It was about Gonzalez. I promised that I won’t tell anyone that he’s gay.”

I was surprised.

It was surprising that he was gay, but there was something that surprised me even more.

I felt disappointment in the world which has developed a lot and has yet to escape from the
brainwashing of the dogmatic church.

“So they’re not going to sponsor?”

Grandpa nodded.


The Whitney Biennale was full of really diverse works.

Everyone respected each other in a very free atmosphere regardless of genre, form, and voice.

In such a diverse society, I don’t understand why they are stopping the sponsorship just because he was
Love your neighbor as yourself is the first and great commandment of the bible and I don’t why they are
forgetting that and following other things.

When I conveyed my thoughts, grandpa sighed again.

“A person or group behaves more conservatively when it gets difficult.”

I think I know what grandpa meant.

This was the case in the 14th and 16th centuries when feudal society changed and guns and cannons
were invented.

Rather than adapting to a changing society, they tended to over-emphasize chivalry to promote a sense
of privilege, creating a discipline that knights must do so, even though it does not match reality at all,
and gradually degenerated into a closed society.

A Spanish writer also satirized it with a novel called Don Quixote of La Mancha, saying ‘Christianity as a
whole continues to decline. All that remains now is a place that strongly promotes doctrine.’

“What does that have to do with Gonzalez’s work?”

“Because it has a strong influence. Even without that, the awareness of LGBT people around the world
has improved a lot, and the conservatives feel a sense of crisis when celebrities like Ferdinando join in.”

Do they think of it as a threat to their survival?

“Was it supposed to be hidden?”

“Even if it is legally permitted, the people who oppose it are strong. Especially from a vulnerable
position, it’s scary.”

It would be a great barrier for an artist whose life depends on his reputation.

– Meanwhile, the Everrich Museum of Art, which had decided to exhibit his work, has announced that it
will completely destroy the contract.


– With many museums expressing support and withdrawing their plans, attention is being paid to the
success of Ferdinando Gonzalez’s simultaneous exhibitions around the world.

I don’t know about religion.

I don’t know about politics.

I don’t know about LGBT either.

But what I know is forcing people to do something that they don’t like is an act of violence.

As an Artist, I want to help a fellow artist, who tries to display the artwork that will be the last of his life.


174 lb is approximately 79 kg and 75 lb is approximately 34 kg.

New York State has legalized gay couples’ marriages since July 24, 2011.

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Chapter 139

Chapter 139
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 139

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On March 26, 1885, I received a telegram saying that my father died.

I wanted to achieve something big and visit him proudly, but everything was in vain.


Since when did I stop saying I love you?

Was it the time when I started going out with Sein? Or was it since the day I decided to become an

I’m not sure, but I haven’t seen my father’s face since I met Sien, no, since I let her go.

I intentionally avoided him fearing what would pop out of his mouth.

He only kept his resentment boiling in his heart, and it kept eating his soul.

Now that I couldn’t see or talk to him, the words that I couldn’t speak to him are hovering around my
Father. Father. Father

Beyond the smoke of the cigarette, I saw the Bible that my father gave me.

My father, who was a clergy at Dutch Reformed Church, always wanted me to continue his path.

At one time, I even tried to walk the same path as my father, but I couldn’t.

The more I studied theology, the more I found that the church is in contrast to God’s grace, holy words,
and salvation.

So, rather than being in church, I decided to become a preacher to spread the gospel to the poor.

I stayed in the mining town of Borinage, Belgium, hoping that the lives of miners would improve even a

I told the mine owners that they should love their employees, but nothing changed.

No one followed God’s teachings to love their neighbors.

The powerful were obsessed with small doctrines and kept saying everyone was equal before Lord only
with their mouths.

Blinded by greed, they swallowed the blood of the poor regardless of the Lord’s words.

I had no choice but to follow Jesus, who was willing to go to the lowest place.

I guess my father didn’t like my choice.

I didn’t do anything wrong.

I just wanted to live with the poor and needy and support them.

I blamed my father for not understanding it, and I resented him.


Why does this hurt?

Why do I regret not speaking to him when I vowed not to see him again?

Words and emotions that couldn’t come out of my lips flow down.

Once everything flowed down, I let go of the sadness that kept coming up.

One day, two days, three days.

After crying for a long time, I was able to gather my mind and organize my thoughts.

It was only now that I realized that love takes precedence over morals and beliefs.

My father, who scolded me for meeting a prostitute, and me, who shouted at him for not seeing her as a
woman, just had different opinions.

We were just different from each other, and is it okay to break the relationship between the father and
the son because of that difference?

No, it’s not.

Rather than regretting it, it would have been better if we acknowledged our differences and tried to love
each other for what they are.

Putting the Bible that my father gave me on the canvas, I painted a candle that was blown out with a
heart of regret that he is no more.

Émile Zola’s 『The Joy of Life』, which was placed in front of the bible, may not represent the life my
father wanted, but that’s my path.

It is a pledge and a regret that I will no longer hate and resent my father.

Although we didn’t understand each other till the end, it doesn’t mean I didn’t love my father.

I love you, Father.


I remembered the day I regretted not reconciling with my father.

I couldn’t say I love you, or I’m sorry, or thank you.

Life is short, and it’s a pity that many spend time hating each other instead of loving each other in that
short time.

I wanted to find a way to help even if it’s a little bit, so I asked grandpa one more time.

“Is there no other way, grandpa?”


Grandpa said, rubbing his hands.

“If you try to persuade either side, you end up fighting with them.”


The reason I separated from Anton Van Raffard and Paul Gauguin was that I wanted to change them.

It happened because they denied me.

Even if I’m right, the conflict will arise.

It would be nice to admit that we are different, but to do so, we have to understand each other deeply.

Will they ever understand Ferdinando Gonzalez?

I really don’t know.

I kept thinking as I got off at Incheon Airport and got home, but I couldn’t find the answer.

I don’t know if I still have the courage to fight against the strong.

My entire life has been ruined because I refused to follow the mainstream.

But what’s clear is that even though I’m afraid of my life repeating itself, I don’t have even the smallest
courage I had in my previous life.

I don’t have the energy to do that.

I want to help one person to prepare for the last work of his life.

Jang Mirae, who visited Ko Sooyeol’s house, went to see Ko Hun.

The studio door was closed, so she knocked on the door a few times, but there was no response.

Carefully she opened the door.

Inside, Ko Hun was looking at his smartphone with his chin in his hand.

“Hey Little guy, your aunt is here and what are you doing without showing your face?”

Jang Mirae approached Ko Hun.

She laughed when she saw the smartphone playing the baby shark song.

“Aunt Mirae.”

Ko Hun took off his earphones.

Jang Mirae asked anxiously because his worries were reflected on his face.

“Hey little Hun, what happened?”


Ko Hun swallowed his words as he turned off his smartphone.

When Ko Hun mentioned what happened to Ferdinando Gonzalez, Jang Mirae leaned on the desk with
her arms crossed.

Ko Hun expressed his desire to help Gonzalez.

“But I don’t know what to do,”

Jang Mirae, who just nodded and listened to Ko Hun without interrupting, smiled.

“It’s a little different. I’ve been through that before.”

“Aunt Mirae too?”


Jang Mirae organized her thoughts and told the story.

It may be a little difficult for a child, but she thought Ko Hun might understand it.

“There was a contest where all rookies wanted to win awards. I got banned at that contest.”


“At that time, the daughter of the president of the association received the grand prize that I should
have received.”

Ko Hun blinked at Jang Mirae’s words, but soon recalled her work and nodded.

“I was so angry that I threw a bucket full of paint and water on the judges.”

Ko Hun didn’t know how big the bucket was, but when Jang Mirae said she threw a heavy thing, Ko Hun
could understand how angry Jang Mirae was.

Jang Mirae shrugged her shoulders.

“And then I became a bad person, even though I was the victim.”

Ko Hun comforted Jang Mirae by placing his hand on the back of her hand.

“At first, I was confident. But from then on all the exhibitions refused to display my paintings, and a
strange rumor started circulating around along with people who started cursing me on the Internet. I
was cornered.”

“It must have been hard.”

“Yeah. If Teacher didn’t help me, I might have given up on Art.”

“How did grandpa help Aunt Mirae?”

“He advised me to go and study abroad,”

Ko Hun thought for a moment.

Avoiding the problem could also be a solution, but he didn’t understand whether it will solve the
fundamental problem.

Moreover, it cannot be applied to Ferdinando Gonzalez’s situation.

“At first, I didn’t like it because I wondered why I should run away. Don’t you think so too?”

Ko Hun looked up in wonder.

“As I studied abroad, there were people who recognized me little by little, and as the number of fans
increased, Korean people also started looking at my works without prejudice.”


“I think Teacher wanted to let me know this. No matter how much someone attacks with evil intentions
and tries to crush you with power, they cannot bring down an Artist who is loved by fans.”

Jang Mirae grinned, looking at Ko Hun.

“I wouldn’t have known this if Hae, Sooj, and Teacher weren’t by my side.”

Ko Hun nodded.

It was neither a politician nor a capitalist that could give strength to an Artist. It was the people who visit
the art museum.

As Jang Mirae said, without the help of influential people such as Ko Hun’s parents and grandfather, she
would have been swept away by prejudice, but even that help would have been useless if Jang Mirae did
not try on her own.

Jang Mirae’s work was loved by the public, and today she was an Artist representing Korea.

Ko Hun believed Ferdinando Gonzalez, who created the [untitled-perfect lover], would surely surprise
the world once again and be loved.

Ko Hun realized that even if he didn’t do anything great, just trusting and supporting the person would
help them and it was the most important thing.

Jang Mirae asked while looking at Ko Hun, who nodded his head as if he had decided on something.
“What do you think, little Hun?”


“Ferdinando? I wonder why you wanted to help him. You guys aren’t even close, right?”

Ko Hun closed his eyes to organize his words.

“It’s unfair, disturbing one’s freedom of expression.”

Jang Mirae responded.

“That’s true, whether the expression is in the form of words, Art, literature, or music. No one has the
right to stop someone from expressing themself. But, isn’t it the same for the other side too?”

Jang Mirae mentioned the people who were criticizing Ferdinando Gonzalez.

Aren’t they expressing what they think?

“There will inevitably be a conflict because what everyone thinks and pursues are completely different
from each other.”
Jang Mirae said while she lay face down on the desk.

“I thought I should express myself without violating other people’s freedom, but….”

Ko Hun finished Jang Mirae’s words in a voice full of conviction.

“….it isn’t easy,”

Jang Mirae slowly raised her upper body.

“It is natural and true that freedom should not be violated while pursuing it…”

Ko Hun continued while Jang Mirae looked at him without blinking.

“If we fear violating others’ freedom, then we all have to be silent. Everyone has to stop expressing
themselves because there will be someone who has a different idea and because there will be a conflict
one day. Is such a society really a healthy society?”

Jang Mirae shook her head when asked by Ko Hun.

“It’s good to acknowledge that we are different, but that’s not easy. While trying to express yourself,
you may end up getting hurt by other people’s words and actions, which can lead to injustice.”

“That’s right.”

“But it’s too precious. How can you live giving up on being you? How can you live without expressing
yourself? There are things, even if you think the world might not accept, you have to keep moving
forward if you believe in it. If you do that, you may find and meet someone who thinks and feels the
same as you.”

Ko Hun said while smiling despondently.

“I know… It’s hard,”

Ko Hun said sullenly thinking about his long-cherished thoughts.

“It would be nice if we could cherish each other and embrace each other.”


“Is it too ideal?”


Jang Mirae shook her head.

“There may be an answer or maybe not, but I want to keep trying until I find one.”


She wondered about the way Ko Hun took the problem, which she was having a hard time finding an
answer to.

And she was also surprised to see him trying to find the answer in his own way.

It was so touching that he wants to try even if I couldn’t solve it.

“Little Hun? You’d better not try to find the ideal answer. In fact, the answer may be one, several, or

That’s what Ko Hun always said to Cha Sihyeon.

Ko Hun nodded and replied.

“The important thing is to try to find the answer. If you stop thinking, you’ll be dead.”

“That’s right.”

Ko Hun desperately experienced that everyone had their own answers and it could lead to conflict with
each other.

Ferdinand Gonzalez’s case was not a new one, but a reminder of memory.

The memory of a stubborn painter who once tried to persuade and correct others.

In the past, his relationship with many people has been distorted, and he thought his way of pushing his
ideals might have been wrong.

The thought of accepting them as they are and loving them made him more mature when he faced the
same problem as then.

When the freedom of two people collide, the small courage to see the other person as they are, sprouts.

The way Ko Hun treats paintings and people, introduced in Van Gogh Reborn!, is depicted as a setting
where he regrets and reflects on his words and actions in the past. That’s also the reason why he did not
break his relationship with Henry Marceau despite fighting a lot.

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Chapter 140

Chapter 140
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 140

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After discussing with grandpa and Uncle Bang, I decided to participate in the special exhibition at the
French National Art Salon.

Although it was a short exhibition for four days from December 14 to 17, 2028, there was no reason not
to participate considering its purpose and popularity.

In addition, thanks to Henry Marceau’s recommendation, the French National Art Association was
considerate of many things.

The work I want to display can be hung with just a notice in advance, and if I want an independent place,
I can rent a small gallery located in Haut-Marais, in Paris.
The fee was only 20 percent of the sale of the work, which was better than any exhibition ever held.

“Is there anything left?”

It is not certain whether the work will be sold.

I wonder if this will cover the promotion cost and venue rental cost.

“It’s not a profit-making event,”

Uncle Bang added that not only Henry Marceau but also many people support the French National Art

It is fortunate that there are so many artists and art lovers.

One thing that bothers me is that I was not selected through the Salon contest but through a special

When I looked for it roughly, all the special recommendation targets were not winners of the contest.

“Uncle Bang, is it okay to participate without winning the contest?”

“Yes, there’s no such rule. Do you want to participate in the contest?”

“I don’t know.”

Even though it’s a salon exhibition created by artists to become independent of power, I don’t like my
work being judged.

Even if the procedure was handled fairly, the judges are also human, so they are inevitably subjective.

I’m not comfortable ranking the works based on the standards of certain people.

At the same time, I don’t like being criticized for taking the help of Henry Marceau because I didn’t have
the confidence in winning the contest.

When I told my worry to grandpa, he burst into laughter.

“Then we can compete fairly and win. At least the conditions are the same.”

I got confidence hearing grandpas’ words.

I also wonder how far I can go with my current skills.

If it’s the National Art Salon Exhibition in France, famous people will gather and it will be a good

I made up my mind.

“I’ll do it.”

“Will you be all right, Hun? You might miss a good opportunity.”

“I don’t want to lean on Marceau. I want to get the chance with my own strength.”

Uncle Bang grinned and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll let them know that.”

There is no profit for Uncle Bang from this work, yet he is giving me his complete support.

I’m really grateful for Uncle Bang.

Next year, he and I should prepare to make more profits.

“Uncle Bang, let’s do something that makes a big profit next year.”

“Big profit?”

“Yes, I made less money this year, so, it will be hard for Uncle Bang.”

“Oh, that’s fine. There was the Schminke job, there will be an auction at the Whitney Biennale, and the
number of views on the New Tube is also coming out well.”

I understand that we will be getting money from Schminke and Whitney Biennale, but I don’t
understand why the number of views on the New Tube has anything to do with money.

Many people Sponsored me some money, but I don’t think that’s a lot.

“Do I get money from broadcast?”

“Yes, it hasn’t come to fruition yet, but it’s growing well. There are already 30,000 subscribers.”
Uncle Bang explained that the more people watch the video, the more I can receive revenue from
advertisers or from what the premium users pay.

“How much did we get?”

“It’s still small. 400,000 won?”

I agreed to give 10 percent for outside activities when signing the contract with Uncle Bang, and the
same goes for the income from NewTube.

I suddenly felt sorry for Uncle Bang because I was satisfied with the money I earned.

He couldn’t even buy two plates of potato pizza a month with that money.

I want to do something more for Uncle Bang who quit the job that he used to do well for me.

Moreover, even if I don’t have to sell paintings, if I have a way to make money, I will be able to work in a
more stable environment.

“How can I make more money on NewTube, Uncle Bang?”

“More views are the best. You have to upload videos often.”

“I only did it three times, is it okay?”

“Actually, I ran out of things to edit now. haha!”

I should do it today.

I don’t have to think about what to do because I decided to paint watercolors with Sihyeon today.

“Uncle, I’ll do it today.”

“You don’t have to strain yourself.”

“No, I’m not. It’s fun.”

Just being able to talk to people who like my paintings is good enough for me.

After doing it several times, I learned how to turn on the broadcast, and thanks to this, Uncle Bang, who
manages the chat window, doesn’t have to stay here.

It seems like Sihyeon has also arrived.

The doorbell rang and when I opened the door, he came in with a strong greeting after a while.


“Oh, Sihyeon, it’s been a while. How are you doing?”

“Fine, grandpa Ko!”

Grandpa welcomed Sihyeon.

“Hun, then contact me as soon as you got ready.”

“Okay, Uncle Bang.”

Uncle Bang nodded and said goodbye waving his hand.

“When are you going to do the show?”

“About an hour later.”

“Okay, I’ll prepare it.”

Sihyeon glanced at Uncle Bang.

He bowed with a smile on his face.

He was so well educated that he greeted Uncle Bang while being shy.

“Let’s go in.”

“Hun, I practiced a lot.”

“Are you good at drawing now?”

“I drew a lot.”
When I entered the studio, Sihyeon took a picture book out of his bag.

Seeing him confident makes me feel better.


“Is it Pretty!?”

I found a nice blue color tree.

It hasn’t been long since I taught him the principle of making colors, and I think he has learned well.

It was a very nice blue tree, he may have mixed it himself or found his favorite color among the paints
on sale.

“It’s pretty.”

I don’t think it’s important to draw it well because it’s important to get exposed to various works.
I can really relate to what Sihyeon was thinking.

“But why didn’t you add water?”


“Yes, to the Paper. See, that’s why it’s buckling.”

Sihyeon tilts his head.

“What’s buckling?”

I think I should explain it from the beginning.

“Watercolors have a lot of water, so if you don’t do the Plastering, the paper will bend like this.”

“What’s Plastering?”

“Come here.”
I found the watercolor paper that I had prepared in advance to use with Sihyeon today.

“You have to apply water and spread it out and dry it so that it doesn’t change even if you draw on it

“Are you stretching it out in advance?”


He’s smart and quick to understand.

“Use this today.”

“How do you make it? If you take this tape off, won’t it tear the paper off?”

“You have to peel it off with a knife.”


It’s different to understand it with your head and see it personally.

I took out one more piece of watercolor paper that grandpa bought me.

“Why is this paper different?”

“It’s cotton paper.”

“What’s the difference?”

“It’s barely discolored, and it’s strong. It’s easy to give gradation even if it’s dried.”

I’m pretending to know, but I too didn’t know about it, I just delivered grandpa’s explanation.

“Grandpa said, It’s best to draw watercolors on a sheet of cotton paper.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“I didn’t know either.”

I applied enough water to the back of the paper.

After putting the paper on the panel, the front side was also covered with water, and when I looked up,
Sihyeon was looking at the duct tape in a strange way.

“I’ve never seen such a big tape.”

“Grandpa bought me a big one. They say they use it for a long time once they buy it.”

“Should I bring scissors?”

“It tears well with hands.”

I ripped the tape and stuck one side close to the drawing board.

I put the tape on all four sides.

“It’s already coming up here.”

“It’s drying and spreading.”

Sihyeon nodded, with his eyes wide open.

“If you dry it like this, even if you draw with watercolors later, the paper won’t buckle and it smudges

“Did Grandpa Ko say it?’


I shared what happened in the United States as we prepared to paint.

Sihyeon made a fuss when he heard that I had recovered my memory.

“That’s great! Great…”

He suddenly stopped talking and looked very worried.


“Hun’s daddy and mommy…”

He worries about my parents, what a thoughtful fellow.

“It’s all right”

“Not all right.”

Yes, it’s not all right.

I want to go back to that time if I can.

I would have faked illness and told them not to go out on that day.

We wouldn’t have been hit by the truck if I had delayed it for a minute.

“It’s okay because I cried a lot. It’s been a year, I’ve been to the grave, and I’m with my grandpa. If I keep
feeling sad, Papa and Mama will be even more upset.”

Sihyeon stared at me and suddenly hugged me.

I was embarrassed, but I wanted that.

As I was being comforted, grandpa bought snacks.

“Guys, let’s eat watermelon.”

He blinks when he saw us hugging each other.

“I’m being comforted.”

Grandpa smiled looking at us.


The cold watermelon from the refrigerator boasted fragrant and sweet nectar.

“Is it okay for you to draw with me later on the show?”

“Un. What should I do?”

“You can do it as usual.”

“Don’t I have to say that? Hit the Subscribe and like button.”

“It’s okay if you don’t.”

“No! You have to say that. What do I do? I’m suddenly nervous. Is this really going to be aired? Is my
outfit okay? What if I make a mistake?”

“What mistake?”

It’s a little funny to see him panicking.

“My drawing. Won’t they curse me if I can’t draw properly?”

“They won’t.”

Come to think of it, some people asked me what underwear I wore or what I did with Henry Marceau
throughout the broadcast, and there’s no guarantee that they won’t curse.

“No. Maybe they will?”

“Oh, no. Then I’ll stay out of the camera.”


“I’ll be embarrassed if you show my face.”


“Never. Can you promise me?”

Why is this guy so suspicious of me?

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Chapter 141
Chapter 141
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 141

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I left my finished watermelon plate in the sink.

I’m going to put the drawing paper on the desk today, so I installed the camera above so that the picture
can be seen well.

I think this will happen a lot, so I’ll have to ask Uncle Bang to buy me another camera tomorrow.
“Till which place will be visible?”

Sihyeon sat next to me and checked the monitor.

He nodded satisfactorily only after making sure that he and his paper were not in the frame.

When I turn on the broadcast, people start to come in little by little.

Hey Hoonie!

How long has it been? Please do the broadcast frequently.

If you start broadcasting at 2, many people can’t see you live.

Where’s your face? Look at me.

Did you enjoy your trip to America?

Wasn’t this an eating show channel?

There is no food in sight, only a brush, and paper.


There are fewer people than before, but people seem to see it regularly.

I didn’t think it was hard for people at work or school to watch because of the early hours.

“I’ll think about it. When would be a good time?”

I asked when it was most convenient to watch the broadcast.

7’o clock. I think it’s best to watch while eating dinner.

Please do a full 24-hour broadcast.

I thought you stopped the broadcast, but you’re doing it again. Did Bang Taeho run out of money?

Is this broadcast to make money?

10 pm. It’s best to fall asleep while watching it.

Morning! Morning!

” Evening 7 o’clock sounds good.”

People who were watching from different time zones started posting fire emoticons.

They do it when they don’t like something.

I think that’s how they express their feelings, like feeling angry.

“24 hours? I don’t think I can do it for a whole day.”

Uncle Bang deleted the question asking whether he had run out of money.

I explained that I can’t do it at 10 p.m. because I have an appointment with grandpa at that time.

“Am I doing this to make money? Of course, the job is to make money.”
The chat window exploded when I answered, it was to make money.

Ahh… Don’t go after money😱

There’s nothing I can’t say to you. After all, everyone in the world is after money.😏

Tu dis quoi? en français (What did you say? Say it in french)

Money is good💴 💴 💴

Everything has value in this world. You do something to get something in return, let it be money or

As Hun said, if you’re doing a job then it is to make money. If one doesn’t seek money after work he’s a

What happened to the money you got from selling [Frost Wheat field]? Did you spend all of it?

“I have a lot of money. Like Marceau, I want to build a gallery, and like Marceau, I want to help Artists
living in difficult circumstances. I want to live drawing paintings with like-minded people, so I want to
earn more money.”
[Baek Yujin Sponsered 1,000 won]: I’m poor, so I can only give you this much.

“Why are you giving me money if you’re a beggar? Uncle Bang, how do I give back this?”

When I asked Uncle Bang, who was watching the broadcast, people posted a series of giggling emojis.

Sihyeon, who was next to me, also laughed.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Being poor doesn’t mean that person is a beggar.”

“She said she’s poor. Then, she must be a beggar. It’s not something you can say casually.”

Sihyeon can say this because he doesn’t know how miserable poverty makes people.

I turned to the chat window.

😂😂😂😂😂 No, I’m not a beggar.

If a viewer who gives 1000 won is a beggar, I don’t know what it is for those who watch it for free ☺️☺️

parle en anglais(Speak in english)

He was just trying to be a beggar 😂😂.

If you want to make money, you have to ask for more! 😆😆

Who is next to you?

“I thought she was a beggar when she said she’s poor. Anyway, thank you, but you don’t have to give
me money. Uncle Bang said I can get money if I upload this video.”

I looked at the camera and said to everyone.

“You’ll have to watch it a lot. Please watch it a lot.”

By the way, why is Henry Marceau keeps telling me to broadcast in French or English?
“People in Korea don’t understand what I’m saying if I speak French. I don’t want to do a show just for
you, Marceau?”

What’s happening?🤯

Henry must be here again. 😄😄

Is Hun angry because Henry told him to speak in French, maybe Henry should learn Korean? 🥳

Rather than French, I think English is better, there will be more viewers if the show is in English. 🧐🧐

There is also the NewTube subtitle option.

“Is it better to speak English?”

“I think so too because there are many people who speak English?”

Sihyeon replied while I watched the comments from the viewers.

Of course, It would be easy for me to do it in English than in Korean, but most of the people who watch
my broadcast are Koreans. so I asked everyone who was watching.
“Does everyone speak English?”

But, most of the response was negative.

That’s a bit too much😥

I’m already having a hard time with the painting talk, but now in English, I can’t. 😢😢😢

If I had to put English subtitles in the video to be uploaded on NewTube, I should film it separately.

“Marceau, there are a lot of people who don’t know English. So, if you want to watch the show, learn

Hahaha, Poor Henry😭😭😭

So cold 🥶

Poor Henry, even though he’s the No.1 fan of Hun.😅😅

If it’s the Henry Marceau I know, he might just learn Korean.

I suggest he start learning from Korean drama and K-pop 😂

It will be hard for the fans from other countries, but it can’t be helped.

Henry Marceau kept calling me, but I sent a message saying I would call him after the broadcast because
I knew that the conversation would end in a fight.

“I’m going to draw with watercolors today. Someone asked me who was next to me, It’s a friend from

“We’re best friends,”

Sihyeon replied while hiding from the camera.

He laughed when comments such as “Your voice is cute” came up in the chat window.

“I don’t know much about watercolor, so it won’t be a lecture. Today, I’m going to try something
The flat brush was coated with water and applied evenly on watercolor paper.

“It’s pretty when the watercolor spreads naturally. If you apply water and paint first, it looks natural.”

I took out the yellow color and mixed it with water and spread it on the paper.

When I looked at the chat window, there were many questions about what I’m drawing.


Sihyeon looked at me strangely.


“How can you draw love?”

“I’ll try.”

Sihyeon’s face and chat window were full of question marks.

Some asked whether I was going to draw a heart or a love symbol.

I said, putting a few more yellow dots.

“Do you happen to know that Ferdinando Gonzalez’s work will be exhibited at the WH Art Museum from

I thought many people would know because they were interested in art, but it didn’t seem to be the

Half of the people knew and half didn’t know.

“You should definitely go. He’s a great Artist.”

“Ah, he’s the one who put two clocks at the Whitney Biennale, right?”


I answered Sihyeon while checking what he drew.

Following me, Sihyeon also put a lot of dots on the wet paper.
What kind of work is it?

There has been a lot of buzz about Ferdinando in America lately.

Pourquoi êtes-vous au concours ?(Why are you in the contest?)

I think it has something to do with him coming out as gay.

There were some art galleries that didn’t want to exhibit Ferdinando’s work because he was gay.

Si vous participez à un concours, personne d’autre ne peut obtenir un prix !(If you go to a contest, no
one else can get an award!)

Wow… Is there still such kind of discrimination even these days?

But isn’t it up to them to say whether they want or don’t want to exhibit it?

People who watch my broadcast itself are divided like this, and it was obvious what America will be like.
But it’s nice to see everyone sharing their opinions.

And, I answered the question asked by Henry Marceau.

“There’s no guarantee that I’ll win an award. There are so many wonderful Artists.”

Henry Marceau tends to overestimate me.

There are so many people who draw well like grandpa, Aunt Mirae, and Henry Marceau, so I can’t be
sure that I’ll get an award.

I don’t know if Some viewers understood what I was talking about, so I explained the situation to them.

Henry too sometimes says the right thing 🤣.

If our Hun doesn’t get an award, then no one can get the award. 😡😡

What happened? I don’t understand the context of the conversation.

Henry Marceau allowed Hun to participate in the special exhibition using his influence, but Hun decided
to participate in the contest. If he wins the contest, he will be able to participate in the special

Why did Hun refuse an easy road?

Everyone is misunderstanding.

“I just didn’t want to rely on Marceau. Most of the paintings I’ve released so far have been bought by
Marceau. I don’t want to use his name to enter the exhibition. And I don’t have confidence that I’ll win
an award?”

I’ve never won an award before.

Now, I have a small reputation, but in this era, there are really great artists.

Not only grandpa, Aunt Mirae, and Henry Marceau, but also art students at Korea University draw really
great pictures.

No one can guarantee that I will survive in a fair competition.

Instead of adding water to the paint, I started putting many dots by adding only the paint.
Dense dots spread and naturally form a gradient.

Little by little, they took shape.

The ball was drawn by making it the lightest in the middle and thickening the concentration as it went

Sihyeon tilts his head looking at the picture.

“What’s this?”

“Wait a minute.”

I checked the chatroom because the paint had to dry a little.

What’s that?

It’s like a marble.

[Fan ID sponsored 10,000 won]: Please sing a song.

I can’t get the hang of it.

Isn’t it a lemon candy?

“Sir. Fan ID, thank you.”

He was the one who encouraged me for the test last time.

“I don’t know a lot of songs.”

“You know the shark song.”

“I can’t sing that.”

Sihyeon said something useless, so people started asking me to sing the shark song in the chat window.

You can listen to it by searching on YouTube.

They say they want to hear me sing.


I’m embarrassed.

I think the sponsored money is too short for him to sing.

Wow… He’s so shy… So Cuteeeee. 😍😍😍

Stop bothering him, you punks!

[Jean Francois Mirae sponsored 100,000 won]: Sing Sing Sing

I thought he didn’t know how to make money a while ago, but it seems like he’s a genius at making

Oh, my God. So much money

Is he not going to sing even after getting 100,000 won?

If I get 100,000 won, I would sing all day.


“I’ll play the music for you.”

I don’t know whether Sihyeon is ignorant or cunning.

When Sihyeon took out his smartphone, saying he would play music, the door opened.

“Little Hun, are you going to sing?”

Grandpa came in and the Live became a total mess.

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Chapter 142

Chapter 142
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 142
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Henry Marceau smirked as he watched Ko Hun’s personal broadcast.

His ability to handle watercolor paints was mediocre.

Although he had the rhythm of drawing, he was only at the level where he could understand the
characteristics of watercolor paints with his head.

Henry Marceau was happy that there was something even Ko Hun couldn’t do.

“Well then.”

He sneered at the little boy who impressed him with every painting he drew.

Right now, there were two things that irritated Henry Marceau.

One was, that he couldn’t understand what Ko Hun was saying, and the second was, Ko Hun’s refusal to
the special exhibition.
Through the chat, he could understand that Ko Hun was thinking about rejecting the invitation and
applying for the contest, but other than that he couldn’t understand anything as Ko Hun still continued
broadcasting in Korean.

Along the way, there seemed to be a talk about Ferdinando Gonzalez, but he couldn’t figure out what he
was saying.

Until now, it was enough for Henry Marceau to just look at the painting drawn by Ko Hun, but not today.

When Henry Marceau was about to turn off the Live feed, suddenly, Ko Hun started singing.

Baby Shark, do do do do do do

Henry Marceau narrowed his eyes.

“What is he doing?”

He was dumbfounded.

He couldn’t understand why he thought of singing after drawing that pathetic watercolor painting.
“Yeah. What is he doing? It’s cute.”

Michelle Platini poked Henry Marceau in the back with her foot.

“He is out of his mind. If he wanted to play coloring, he should have done it with the coloring book I gave

Henry stopped suddenly as he was turning his head.

The gaze of Michelle looking at him was unusual.



Michelle asked back, opening her eyes wide.

Henry had no idea why she was suddenly doing this, after having breakfast and lying in bed for about an
hour without saying a word.
It seemed strange because last night, she stared at him with a lovely gaze after falling in love with the
pedicure he gave her.

Michelle shook her head after reading Henry’s thoughts.

“Watch a lot.”

“I don’t have to watch it.”

When Henry Marceau told her to turn off the TV, Ko Hun’s singing stopped.

At the same time, the screen became transparent and the entire room came into view beyond the TV.

The infrared keyboard that was reflected on the bed table also disappeared.

Michelle opened her mouth when the TV rolled into the ceiling.

“Why? Look more.”

“Why look at something you don’t even understand? The painting is a mess.”
Henry Marceau got up and picked up the bottle of water on the table.

“Why don’t you learn?”


“Korean. As Hun said, most Koreans watch the show. How can he speak French in that show?”

“I don’t watch it. It’s not fun.”

Michelle wanted to ask why the hell he was watching a show that wasn’t fun from dawn on the once-a-
month day when they were together.

She just didn’t bring it up because her pride didn’t allow it.

Michelle asked as she moved her eyes to her smartphone.

“And don’t bother Hun. I’m proud of him.”

“What are you proud of ?”

“Well, he wants to compete and get the chance without your help and have an exhibition. How
commendable is that child.”

As Michelle said, the Louvre National Art Salon Special Exhibition was a stage that artists around the
world wanted.

After Henry Marceau took the position of director of the French National Art Association in 2024, it was
recognized as the most prestigious competition of the year as well as the oldest salon exhibition.

Famous artists also wanted to participate in the Louvre National Art Salon special exhibition, but they
were not qualified, so they swallowed their regrets.


Henry Marceau snorted.

“If that guy accepted it, it doesn’t mean that someone else’s opportunity is lost, but now it will. I
purposely prepared it that way, but he kicked it?

“…… ”
Michelle knew that Henry was angry because Ko Hun rejected his favor, even though he was citing other
people’s opportunities.

She shrugged her shoulders.

“just in case? I wonder if Hun can win the prize.”

“Say something that makes sense,”

Henry said with a straight face.

“He knows it very well. He says he’s going to participate in the contest because he knew very well that
he would win the grand prize. If he doesn’t have that certainty, why would he turn down such an

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Why do you hate him so much?

“You know it very well that Hun didn’t want to take your help because he didn’t want the special
treatment? But why are you twisting it in a way that you make him a villain?”


Henry Marceau stopped talking for a moment.

From his first painting [Sunflower] to his latest work [Bullet], Henry Marceau couldn’t help but admit
that Ko Hun was a genius.

He couldn’t think that the brat he was supposed to overcome would be pushed back by someone.

“…because he’s good.”

Michelle frowned at Henry’s words.


“That’s enough.”

Henry Marceau turned his head.

Michelle, who was looking at his back, smiled softly.

She didn’t think there would be a crack in the belief of the man filled with self-love and pride.

Michelle thought Henry was confused by the unknowingly rising sense of inferiority, even though he
acknowledged Ko Hun.

Michelle wrapped Henry’s neck.

“I think your drawing is much better”

There was no response.

Michelle sincerely loved Henry Marceau’s paintings more, so she gave him confidence once more.

“You’re the best.”

Henry didn’t answer for a while and then opened his mouth.
“Of course,”

Hearing the heart-warming voice, Michelle smiled and kissed Henry.

“I have to participate.”




Michelle was very perplexed.

“Wait. What do you mean by participating? What about the opportunities for others you were talking
about just a while ago?”

“It’s none of my business.”

Henry Marceau’s eyes burned with conviction.

As Michelle expected, he was bewildered by the unfamiliar feeling in his heart.

A sense of inferiority

Henry Marceau could not acknowledge the inferiority complex.

It was impossible to tolerate the state of being jealous of someone and denying oneself.

He wouldn’t have considered participating if it was a different contest.

Fortunately, the jury for the Louvre National Art Salon consisted of really talented and prestigious artists
and critics that Henry Marceau regarded highly.

Michelle stopped him.

“Where the hell is a person who participates in the contest he organizes?”

“It’s organized by the government.”

“It’s just the name! Do you think people are stupid?”

Michelle shouted in frustration.

This year’s budget for the National Arts Association of France consists, of 28% from donations from
individuals and organizations, 22% from government subsidies, and 9% from membership fees for artists
belonging to the association.

The remaining 41 percent were supported by Henry Marceau.

Since taking office as a director in 2024, Henry Marceau has been donating a large sum of money, and in
fact, the French National Association of Arts has been run by Henry Marceau.

Every French artist knew that.

If Henry Marceau were to participate, they couldn’t help but vote in his favor.

At Michelle’s point, Henry Marceau thought for a while and opened his mouth.

“Put it up anonymously.”

“It won’t have my name, then it will be fair.”

“What are you going to gain by participating anonymously? At the award ceremony, it’s going to be
revealed anyway, then people will think of the whole thing as a sham.”

“I don’t need the prize. All I want to do is beat Ko Hun.”

Michelle looked at Henry and sighed when she confirmed that he really meant it.

She knew that she couldn’t change his decision once he decided on something.

“Do as you please.”

Michelle lay down on the bed and picked up her smartphone.

While she was reading the news, she noticed an article.

[Ko Sooyeol gives up the position of dean of Korea University]

Artist Ko Sooyeol, who impressed the world with his bold and dynamic painting style, will step down as
dean of the College of Fine Arts at Korea University on the 3rd of next month.

The art community is looking forward to seeing him, who has lived as an educator so far, predicting that
he will work as an artist again.

Korea University said it will hold an individual exhibition to mark the retirement ceremony of Ko

It will be the first time in 19 years to see Ko Sooyeol’s works.

It will be exhibited for two weeks from August 3 at the Seoul Museum of Art in Korea.

“It seems like Sir. Ko Sooyeol will be retiring.”

Henry turned his head.

“There will be an individual exhibition from the 3rd of next month”

Michelle showed her smartphone.

Henry, who took it, nodded after reading the article.

“10 years is too late.”

The work that Ko Sooyeol left when he was young came as a big shock to him.

For Henry Marceau, who was not very interested in Oriental art, Ko Sooyeol’s newly established Korean
painting’s energetic strokes showed another world he had never thought of.

As Ko Sooyeol stopped working as an Artist and began to walk on the path of an educator, countless
people felt sorry for him.

Henry Marceau was one of them.

He frowned as he tried to hand over his smartphone to Michelle.

[Ferrinando Gonzalez fighting the disease!]

Ferdinando Gonzalez, who participated in the Whitney Museum event yesterday, was taken to hospital
in critical condition.
Ferdinando Gonzalez, who made his public appearance in three months, was noticeably haggard and the
investigation confirmed that he had Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Ferdinando Gonzalez, who had already been diagnosed three months ago, has cleared up all his assets,
according to sources.

The Louis Foundation, founded by Ferdinando Gonzalez, works to maintain the exhibition of his last
work and to support the poor.

The art world was shocked by the sad news of Ferdinando Gonzalez, a symbol of the modern art world.

Ferdinando Gonzalez’s last work will be on display at 90 museums around the world from Aug. 1.

[An artist who became a victim of political strife ahead of the U.S. presidential election]

Ferdinando Gonzalez, a young American artist, has been embroiled in controversy since coming out.

The incident occurred when several art museums, which were in talks with Ferdinando Gonzalez,
notified him of the suspension of the contract.
As a result, the art community and sexual minorities protested, and public criticism spread.

As a notable contemporary artist in America, things related to Ferdinando Gonzalez have spread to

Republican figures argued that the museums also had the right to whether to exhibit or not to exhibit
Gonzalez’s works, and Democrats strongly criticized the Republican Party for staying in the DADT, which
was already abolished 17 years ago. 1)

As the media battle rages ahead of the presidential election, when it was revealed that Ferdinando
Gonzalez had AIDS, a Republican congressman said, “Look, the end of homosexuality is always unhappy.
Even now it’s not late, we have to cure the disease called homosexuality.”

A Democratic senator who objected to this, sparked another controversy, saying, “The museums that
refused to exhibit Ferdinando Gonzalez’s work and drove him into a madman should pay reparations.”

In the art world, Ferdinando Gonzalez is being victimized in a political battle, while the art community
was appealing to see the last work of an artist representing the United States as it is without any

Ferdinando Gonzalez was rushed to a hospital yesterday and was said to be fighting with death.

“What’s wrong?”
Looking at Henry’s unusual expression, Michelle asked anxiously.

She stood up and saw the smartphone screen, side by side with Henry.

Michelle covered her mouth at the news of Ferdinando Gonzalez’s struggle with the disease.

She couldn’t help but be surprised at the ordeal for the great artist who achieved the popularization of
conceptual art that had been isolated from the public.


1)Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), byname for the former official U.S. policy (1993–2011) regarding the
service of homosexuals in the military. The term was coined after Pres. Bill Clinton in 1993 signed a law
(consisting of statute, regulations, and policy memoranda) directing that military personnel “don’t ask,
don’t tell, don’t pursue, and don’t harass.” When it went into effect on October 1, 1993, the policy
theoretically lifted a ban on homosexual service that had been instituted during World War II, though in
effect it continued a statutory ban. In December 2010 both the House of Representatives and the Senate
voted to repeal the policy and Pres. Barack Obama signed the legislation on December 22. The policy
officially ended on September 20, 2011.

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Chapter 143

Chapter 143
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A novel to your taste

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Canvas 143

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When I had no choice but to sing, Sihyeon who was next to me sang the chorus, and also changed the
angle of the cam.

The chat window got covered with musical notation symbols.

‘What’s grandpa doing? Is he filming?’

Beyond the smartphone, I could see grandpa smiling happily.

It’s embarrassing.
It reminds me of the trauma of being forced to dance and sing when I was in kindergarten.

I won’t forgive the people with ID [Fan ID] and [Francois Mirae].

“Don’t give me money anymore. I won’t take it.”

I don’t understand why everyone is laughing when I’m complaining.

As I was trying to change the cam angle to the original, I kept hearing notifications that someone has
supported me.

[Baek Yujin Sponsored 1,000 won]: One more song for the beggar.

I want to see your friend’s face.

Let’s go, one more song.

“I won’t.”
[Supreme Court Judge Sponsored 1,000 Won]: Fun fact, the Last Lyric ‘Oh Ye’ is an exclamation that is
not listed in the Standard Korean Dictionary.

Please sing a duet with Henry.

I guess it’s 10,000 won per song.

[Jean-François Mirae sponsored 1,000 won]: I’ll buy you jjajangmyeon, how about a dance?

[Kim Jiwoo donated 1,000 won]: Hun, is it okay to add the edited version of the song to my article about

As I was about to ask Jean Francois Mirae to stop sending me money, there was a message from the
journalist Kim Jiwoo.

If he posted something like this as an article, I would never see his face.

“Mr. Kim, If you were to write something about this, I would never give you an interview.”

Viewers started posting fire emoticons hearing my reply.

“Media oppression.”


Sihyeon flustered a little, and the chat window was filled with words about oppressing the media.

I calmed down after a while and sat down in my seat.

I laid down the cutter knife to release the power and scraped off the paint little by little. As the paint
peels off, white lines appear.

“The surface of the candy is smooth. So, scratching like this gives a similar feeling to it.”

“I never thought it could work with watercolors.”

Sihyeon watched it curiously.

“You have to be able to control your strength. Otherwise, the paper will tear.”

As I checked the chat window while working, I saw that everyone was complaining that they couldn’t
see the picture because it gets blocked by my head.
“It’s almost finished now.”

Saying that I took out the clock parts I prepared in advance.

“Hun, what’s this?”


“I know it’s a clock, I asked why you’re taking this.”

“Because I’m going to use it in the painting. Here you go, I got yours too.”

Sihyeon blinked and alternated between the clock parts and the painting.

“Did you buy all the parts?”

“Yes, I bought it all.”

I guess I have almost every component of a clock.

After answering Sihyeon’s questions, I went near the painting and made a hole in the middle of the
candy I drew.

Inside the hole, I inserted the hour hand, minute hand, and second hand.

Since I bought simple-to-assemble clock parts, it wasn’t difficult to assemble them. Once I put the
battery in, I think the clock will start moving.

“Is it okay like this?”


Sihyeon also finished assembling the clock in his candy picture.


It’s cute, but I don’t understand the meaning of it.

Do you want to eat hamburgers?

Set the time.

You have to put numbers to know what time it is.

Is it not a candy drawing?

I like the beautiful clock-themed candy.

“It’s a candy clock, and I’m not going to draw numbers on it. Sihy, can you bring your painting here.”


Sihyeon bought his painting and placed it next to my painting and showed it to the camera.

“Ferdinando Gonzalez hung two clocks side by side at Whitney Biennale. There was no title, but the
subtitle was [Perfect Lovers].”

When I looked at the chat window, few people knew about it and there were a few who didn’t know
about it.
“In the clocks that looked similar, he put on new batteries at the same time and made them show the
exact same time. On the first day, when I looked at it, it showed exactly the same time, but when I went
there a while ago, one clock stopped and the other clock was moving, but very slowly.”

“Did one clock stop?”

Sihyeon asked a question at the perfect time, which made it easier for me to explain.

“I think it was planned that way. I think it means that even if two people spend all their life together,
one day they will drift apart.”

Someone in the comment section said that ‘if they drifted apart they aren’t Perfect Lovers’.

“It may look like that. But for me, Gonzalez, who said he and his lover are perfect even after knowing
that is cool. It was as if he was saying that even if they are apart, they will remain Perfect Lovers.”

I got to know the meaning of the work more deeply after I got to know more about Gonzalez through
grandpa and the media.

“These days I even wonder whether the Lovers in the subtitle meant his lover.”

“What are you saying?”

“They say that art of the present time is contemporary art, and although they are grouped together like
that, in fact, all artists live in different times..”


“Each artist influences each other to form the perfect contemporary art, however, most of the artists die
even before seeing their art influencing others.”

“That’s sad.”

“It can’t be helped.”

Each person lives in a different time, and each person’s beginning and end are different.

Nevertheless, their art is contemporary and influences others who know very little about them, like how
I was influenced by my grandpa, Aunt Mirae, Henry Marceau, and Ferdinando Gonzalez.

Just like how Henry Marceau was influenced by my grandpa and me. Even though we do not share the
same view, we inspire each other.
Even if Ferdinando Gonzalez dies, his spirit will remain on one side of my heart.

“I don’t know if anyone saw the article. Gonzalez has a partner named Louis. It said he was fighting a big

I heard it, too.

He made it thinking about his dying lover.

[Untitled] is a ‘perfect homage’ for his lover.

Is this a Ferdinando Gonzalez commercial?

Oh, I’m worried. I’m worried that there might be people who will criticize Hun for his take on this

Ferdinando Gonzalez is a hypocrite. If you want to be gay, you can do it alone. Did you have to reveal

There’s an idiot above.

I don’t know whether he’s a hypocrite, but according to the article published just now, Gonzalez also has
AIDS. The end of homosexuality is always bad. The most regretted it.

“Thank you for worrying about me. Actually, I’m scared, too. I can be hated for talking about things that
have nothing to do with me.”

It can be scary. I’m a person who sells works using my fame, reputation, and popularity.

Whether I sell paintings, broadcast like this, or do advertisements like the contract with Schmincke,
everything is based on my image.

If the public perception of me deteriorates, I lose my source of income.

I’ll be hated like what happened in the past. That’s why I was afraid to support Ferdinando Gonzalez.

According to grandpa and Aunt Mirae, there will be a lot of people who will hate me for this.

“You said the end of homosexuality is always bad, maybe that’s right.”

I said it clearly and carefully.

“But who decided that? How do you know if it’s good or bad?”

Uncle Bang warned some viewers who had a fight.

I continued, asking him not to block them in the chat.

“My grandpa and Aunt Mirae told me, the reason why freedom is good is not that it produces better
results, but because it is precious in itself.”

In France in the 19th century, many people died in search of freedom. They knew that they had to find
freedom for themselves, no one else would do it for them.

The process was not smooth. A person who advocated freedom coveted power, and in the process, a pig
wearing a human mask ascended to the throne.

French citizens, who killed all the aristocrats to gain freedom, learned another fact when they suffered a
crushing defeat in the war that followed because they had no commander and no order.

They did not know that the freedom they so longed for comes with a huge responsibility.

You can enjoy your freedom only if you can be responsible for your actions.
Therefore, it is a crime to take away the freedom of others, for whose actions you can’t be responsible.

“The person who hates homosexuality is wrong. I’m not saying that. I think I know how painful it is for
one when they lose someone they love. So… …I want to cheer for him, and his work that was made from
the pain of love.”

I don’t know what I can do for him, for a great artist like Ferdinando Gonzalez who has fought all his life
to connect the esoteric genre of conceptual art with the public.

I cannot give him words of premature comfort, right now all I can do is watch over him from a distance.

I don’t want to say weird things like asking the American Democrats to protect him.

I don’t want to wrap up by saying some nice words, I just want to make sure he doesn’t feel lonely in his
last days. I know how it feels. I just want to say that he will be remembered by someone and his work
will always stay with me. Even if we did not share the same time, his work’s influence will always be in
my work.

“It’s better not to draw numbers!”

Sihyeon, who was staring at the candy clock next to me, raised his head and said.
When I wondered what he would think, he brought up the same idea as mine.

“This way we don’t know when it stops.”


I think I’ve lived another day.


When I opened my eyes, the manager urgently called the doctor.

The doctor who came in asked me a few questions.

I don’t know if it will be tomorrow or a week later, but I feel like I won’t be able to wake up again one
day when I fall asleep.

I regret not being with Louis for another minute while barely holding onto the string of consciousness.
I’m glad I did everything I could. The Louis Foundation will display [79kg and 34kg] as long as asset
managers do their part. They will also help artists who are in a difficult situation every year.



“I want to talk to Louis.”

The manager shook his head with a sad face as he struggled to speak.

That guy, he seems to be trying to go ahead without saying goodbye.

“Honestly. Tell me,”

The manager swallowed his saliva a few times before answering.

“He’s unconscious. It’s going to be hard now.”

“…….I see.”
It’s just something that I’ve prepared for a long time now. At least, I don’t think I’ll be left alone for long.

My throat is tight.

My heart is breaking.

We’ve always been together. I thought we would be like that as we grow old, but thinking that I could
no longer see that sly smile, I am going crazy, and at the same time, I wonder if I really did everything I

What I’ve been doing for 10 years will be forgotten without meaning after I die.

Wouldn’t [79kg and 34kg] be considered just trash?

In the end, I’m not sure about any of them.

Boo-oong~ Boo-oong~

The manager checks his cell phone and asks carefully.

“It’s Sir Ko Sooyeol.”

It’s difficult even to nod.

– Ferdinando!

“…. Sooyeol.”

Did the manager contact him? Or did the reporters already publish my story?

Yeah, I collapsed during the event, so of course, the reporters did.

The face of Sooyeol reflected over the phone clearly shows signs of sorrow and worry.


Ah… My eyes keep closing.

“… hope you draw more, Sooyeol.”

Are my words being conveyed properly? Is my voice coming out properly?

“To Hun, Show a better world, and to more people.”

– You…

“Give my thanks to Little Hun. [79kg and 34kg], I wouldn’t have thought of it if it wasn’t his [Sweet

At first, the word “chocolatism” felt playful.

I couldn’t go in person because I wasn’t feeling good, but through the virtual exhibition, I could see how
wonderful the name Caroline Streak gave.

It was the sweetness that conveyed the happiness.

Unadorned love without a single lie.

I thought there was nothing like chocolate to achieve [79kg and 34kg].
It was an idea that was inspired by Hun’s work, although it was changed to candy due to the problem of
stacking large quantities and storage.

– Don’t leave us like this. If you hurry…


There’s something more important than meeting one more time.

“… Will it work?”

I’m scared.

It’ll be pretty noisy the day I die.

It reminds me of the words a character spoke in my favorite anime I saw as a kid.

– When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers from a disease? No! When he
ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten!
Maybe there will be someone who remembers me a year later, right? Maybe 10 or 20 years? Won’t my
existence be erased by people who are jealous of me?

I keep getting anxious.

– I’ll take responsibility for your work.

Sooyeol promised faithfully.

I can trust him.

I’m a little relieved.

“Tha..nk yo..u.”

By placing candy as much as Louis’ weight in various art galleries, visitors will enjoy it freely.

Louis and I will live in them forever.

Even if it is empty, like the sun that rises again tomorrow morning it’ll be filled again, it’ll remain forever.
– Little Hun, Little Sihyeon. Can you hold it for a second?

Sooyeol turned the camera and showed two boys holding a painting of a clock.

One was a wonderful painter I got to know last year and the other was an unknown child.

I ended up smiling.

“That’s… Co..ol.”

I never thought the last artwork I’d see was a recreation of my work.

It’s also the work of a young genius who will create his mark in the future art world.

Although I’d spoken to him only once, it makes me feel like he was someone I’d known for a long time.

It’s a shame that I couldn’t share the same time with that child. If we had more time, we could have
gotten more inspiration from each other
– The title is Ferdinando and Louis.

I was surprised by the young artist’s words.

– This is Ferdinando. This is Louis.


I won’t be forgotten.

I won’t be forgotten as long as that child remembers me, even if people who are jealous of me erase my
existence, my traces will remain in the world of Ko Hun and that child’s work.

“…It’s an… honor.”

I hope that the future of those children will be filled with hope and courage that will not yield to any

“I need to rest.”

– I know. See you tomorrow.


I don’t think there will be one for me.

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Chapter 144

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[The hero of modern art passes away]

– The person behind the popularization of concept art is no more.

Ferdinand Gonzalez, a symbol of contemporary American art, passed away at the age of 39.

Born in Cuba in 1989, he escaped from Cuba with his mother in 1994 and settled in Florida, USA.

No one welcomed his mother, he also lost his father and brother during the escape.

Florida, which ran out of refugee aid funds, failed to provide any support to Gonzalez’s family, and
Gonzalez had to spend his childhood in a wrecked car at a junkyard.

In 2003, he lost his mother and began wandering, living as a pickpocket, and was imprisoned.

Then, in 2006, Ferdinando Gonzalez, who was looking for a place to escape the cold, tried to enter the
Whitney Museum of Art, where free admission was possible, but was stopped by security personnel.

Ko Sooyeol, who was working on the exhibition schedule at the time, defended Ferdinando Gonzalez’s
right to see the work.
“It was a snowy day, and I was looking for shelter because it was so cold. I probably wouldn’t be where I
am today if Sooyeol hadn’t given me warm cocoa.” these were the words Ferdinando once said in an

Ko Sooyeol helped Ferdinando Gonzalez find a job, and Gonzalez began to get to know art by working as
a cleaner at the Whitney Museum of Art.

Having never studied art professionally, he saw the works of the Whitney Museum of Art and learned
that he could do art even if he could not paint, and held his first solo exhibition at the Whitney Museum
of Art in 2018.

He was well-received by critics for giving meaning to things we use in daily life, such as hanging two
round mirrors side by side or hanging curtains on a window, but the public reaction was cold.

The following year, the Whitney Museum of Art produced a mini-documentary about his daily life, and
people’s evaluations changed.

In a scene in the documentary, the director asks him why he was giving a part of his income to homeless
people instead of spending it on his work.

“Gonzalez, didn’t you say you didn’t have enough money to buy materials?”

“Yes, I had to buy light bulbs.”

“Then do you know that homeless man?”


“Then why did you give him the money?”

“I can make work without money, but he starves without money.”

In the documentary, Gonzalez gave a homeless man the money he had to buy 100 light bulbs and later
released [Untitled: Lighthouse,] which consisted of only one light bulb.

Those who sympathized with his goodness stepped up for him, who did not get a good chance after the
failure of the first exhibition.

The winter of 2019, when Gonzalez’s second solo exhibition was held, was the moment when a symbol
of relational aesthetics and conceptual art was born.

Ferdinando Gonzalez said that anyone can become an artist in their lifetime and that art should be
understandable to anyone, arguing that our lives are huge art and that each of us is the subject of art.
The final work of the deceased great artist will be on display at 90 art galleries around the world at the
same time from August 15.

– Any Stresemann (The Times)

The news of Ferdinando Gonzalez’s death shocked the world beyond the United States.

The success story of Ferdinando Gonzalez, who was a refugee and could not adapt to American society
and could not even receive a decent education, was considered the 21st-century version of the
American dream.

For Americans who felt cultural inferiority in Europe, Ferdinando Gonzalez was the pride of the United
States, along with Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Keith Haring.

July 27th. The United States, which had been noisy due to political strife, was silent on the day of his


– Okay, listen to your aunt until grandpa comes back.

“Yes, don’t worry, grandpa.”

I wanted to comfort grandpa before hanging up, but I didn’t know what to say.

When grandpa arrived in New York, he went to the hospital room where Louis and Ferdinando were and
stayed together.

It was said that they held hands until the end and closed their eyes together.

The two clocks he hung moved at the same time and stopped at different times.

Gonzalez and Louis came to this world at different times but left together.

I watched a broadcast in memory of him, hoping that no one would disgrace him, at least today.

– Ferdinando Gonzalez never sold a single piece of work in his lifetime.

I didn’t think of it because I heard his name everywhere in the art world, but he, like me, entered the art
world at a late age.

The fact that he had been active for only 10 years and passed away at an early age overlaps with my
What did he want to say at the end?

Was [Ferdinando and Louis] made by me and Sihyeon a little comforting?

Grandpa must be very sad.

He must be feeling frustrated by the consecutive shocks.

As I was thinking like that, I heard the door open.



I thought it was okay to be alone, but when I see Aunt Mirae, I feel sad.

I think she’s the same. There was no trace of her usual confident, bright face.
Until the jajangmyeon came, we sat side by side and watched the memorial broadcast of Ferdinando

The panelists were comparing Ferdinando Gonzalez to Andy Warhol and Keith Haring.

I was surprised to hear that three artists representing the United States were gay.

“It’s not surprising.”

Aunt Mirae said, hugging her knees.

“There are so many homosexuals around us. Maybe they’re hiding it.”


I listened to Aunt Mirae, thinking that there were many homosexuals among artists.

“This is what an economist named Richard Florida said, [The society where more gay people gather, the
more prosperous the society will be].”

“…… on what grounds?”

That’s ridiculous.


Aunt Mirae stretched her knees.

“Homosexuality is said to exist outside the diversity society allows. So the society that accepts
homosexuals can accept all kinds of people.”

This seems plausible.

If they accept homosexual people without difficulty, they will not pay much attention to hair color, skin
color, or dialect.

“For a society to develop, it is advantageous to have a variety of people rather than excellent people.
Even genetically.”

This means that not just a few excellent people, but a diverse group of people can develop.
“So what’s important is not how many homosexuals there are, but a society that can embrace a variety
of people is healthy.”


“Isn’t it something that’s in line with the liberal theory we talked about before? Don’t you think so?”

Aunt Mirae said society flows in a better direction when each person’s freedom is recognized.

It means just as when I drew [Sunflower] after acknowledging Jo Sok’s [Painting of Sleeping birds], Henry
Marceau drew [Shadow] after acknowledging [Guest].

We move forward if we acknowledge each other.

It’s the same thing with Ferdinando Gonzalez’s [Untitled: Perfect Lovers], which I couldn’t understand at
first, but now deeply embedded in me that I created [Ferdinando and Louis].

I can now sympathize with Jill Deleuze’s words that all painters summarize the history of painting in their
own ways.

The world is no longer narrow.

Now people can connect to people irrespective of their blood, age, and country where they live.

You can meet and interact with people who share the same views as you.

It’s a world where various people get to know each other.

I hope that the message left by Ferdinando Gonzalez will reach as wide and remain as long as possible.

– Meanwhile, the Everwich Museum of Art, which refused to exhibit Ferdinando Gonzalez’s work, has
begun to support the Louis Foundation, putting an end to the division of the art world.


August 1st. Paris, France.

Muslim boy Vida Lavani wandered around the Marceau Gallery.

In the morning, he heard from his friend that he had brought candy from the Marceau Gallery, so he was
looking around.
“Is it true?”

Vida Lavani was worried that his friend might have said it to tease him. He thought there was no way
there would be a place that gave away food for free.

However, the boy, who was eating bread and soup, could not give up his lingering feelings and carefully
watched the people entering.

All the gallery visitors were dressed neatly and had relaxed expressions.

Lavani, who could not check the inside of the gallery, sighed while wiggling his fingers.

‘That’s right.’

He had to go inside to get the candy, but he didn’t dare to go in there.

His friend must have been the same, so he was convinced that the words of his friend that he received
the candy must have been a lie.

The moment Lavani gave up and turned around, Michelle Platini called the boy.

A startled Lavani turned around.


Michelle smiled at the boy who was so flustered.

“Weren’t you going to come in?”

“Oh, no. Well, I…”

Michelle was told by an employee that a boy was seen lurking in front of the gallery.

When she came out to find out what was going on because she heard that he was there for more than
30 minutes, she understood the situation roughly.

The boy was wearing thick pants even in the summer, and even the length was not right, so he had to
fold the pants.

“Watch and go.”

Michelle said kindly.

“Oh, no. It’s that.”

Lavani was speechless. At the same time, Michelle was sure that the boy wanted to see the gallery.

“It’s okay. It doesn’t cost money to look around. Do you like Henry Marceau?”

“……I do, but…”

Lavani hesitated.

Michelle asked, tilting her head so that the boy could speak comfortably.


“Candy… …will you give it to me?”

It was a small voice that seemed hard to hear.

Michelle replied with a smile because she could see how shy the boy was.


The boy’s face flushed red.

“Come on in.”

Michelle beckoned and urged Lavani to take the candy at ease.

Lavani, who was forced to enter the gallery, shrugged his shoulders and looked around.

As he walked he often made eye contact with someone and lowered his head. Even so, he hurried his
steps, fearing to miss the kind adult who said he could have candy.

Michelle, who guided Lavani to Ferdinando Gonzalez’s work [79kg and 34 kg] turned around.

“You can take it from here.”

Lavani opened his eyes wide when he saw candy piled up on the corner of the wall.

There were countless candies like the one his friend was showing off in the morning.

Lavani alternated between the kind adult and the candy, and Michelle nodded slightly.

Lavani carefully picked up one candy and nodded to Michelle.

“Thank you,”

Michelle said with a smile.

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s from a guy named Ferdinando Gonzalez.”

“Ferdinando Gonzalez…….”


Michelle pointed to the information board next to [79kg and 34kg]. The phrase “Take as much as you
want” was written in Ferdinando Gonzalez’s handwriting.
“It means take as much as you want.”

Michelle translated the phrase written in English into French.

“It’s okay to come every day, so come with your friends. While you’re here, also look at the paintings.”

“Mademoiselle, can I really do that?”


Michelle grabbed a handful of candy from [79kg and 34kg] and recommended it to Lavani.


1)It is different from the life of Felix Gonzalez Torres (1957-1996), a real person who became the motif
of Ferdinando Gonzalez.

2)A quote from economist Richard Florida.

“Homosexuality is the last frontier of diversity in our society and the area that embraces gay
communities welcomes all kinds of people.”

Richard Florida ranked cities where gay people live densely to measure the openness and diversity of
society. As a result, it was found that the more gay people lived, the more advanced industries are

Meanwhile, studies have shown that species with one excellent gene remain extremely vulnerable to
environmental changes and diseases.

This means that various genes must be combined with each other to adapt to environmental changes
and external threats.

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Chapter 145

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[American society silenced by the death of a great artist]

[A Republican Senator who attended Ferdinando Gonzalez’s funeral said, “It’s to honor the artist I

[Caroline Streak, “How The Great America Was Organized.”]

As I waited for grandpa in the airport, I read an article about Ferdinando Gonzalez on the Internet.

Ferdinando Gonzalez’s death seems to have ended the fight between those seeking political power.

I was relieved to hear that.

The art historian Caroline Streak condoled Ferdinando Gonzalez’s death, saying the United States was
able to be great because it was a society where diverse groups coexisted.

She also quoted a letter Gonzalez left behind.

There were only two lines, and the text stated that [79kg and 34kg] were deeply influenced by my first
solo exhibition, “Sweet Happiness”.

In her writings, Caroline Streak argued that harmony and chocolateistic acts that convey happiness
based on communication were the most necessary things in today’s harsh world, and what art should
strive for in this age.

Aside from other words, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement that we need harmony, not hatred.

A fight will break out if you start blaming others for your problems.

As grandpa said, it would be in the same context that each country shows a nationalistic tendency as the
economy becomes difficult.

If this continues, something irreversible will happen someday.

One must love as much as possible.

Even if it’s hard to understand the other person, you need to have a conversation.

Isn’t that little courage made one grow little by little?

I believe so.

With that thought in mind, as I was about to put down my smartphone, I saw an article about a solar

“Total solar eclipse?”

There was an explanation in the article that the moon covers the sun, but the picture was strange.

Almost like computer graphics.

Could this really happen?

“Aunt Mirae.”
I showed Aunt Mirae the picture of the total solar eclipse.

“Is this true?”

“It’s a total eclipse.”

She nodded in response.

“Where can I see it?”


Aunt Mirae scanned the internet for information about the total solar eclipse and shrugged.

“It was seen in Australia last week.”

“Can’t we see it in Korea?”

“I don’t think it’s easy. Although partial solar eclipses were often seen.”
I really want to see it once.

I’m so excited just by looking at the picture, so I wonder what it would be like to see it in person.

“Oh, you can see it.”


“September 2nd, 2035


“In Goseong.”

“Where is Goseong?”

“In the north of Gangwon province?”

I have to wait 7 years to see it, and I can’t even see it in Seoul.
I missed a good opportunity.

Even if I had known about it, I wouldn’t have had the time to look at it last week.

“Regardless of the location, it can be seen every 18 months. Do you want to see it?”


[Frost Wheatfield], [Mask], [Bullet], and [Ferdinando and Louis] were all works that expressed ‘concepts’
with a purpose.

It has been a long time since I’ve wanted to draw a subject purely with images like a solar eclipse.

“It seems like the perfectly hidden image can’t be seen in a single place for a long time. Maybe a few
minutes tops.”

Everything was in a hurry, whether it was the earth, the moon, or the sun.

As I was disappointed while looking at the picture of the total solar eclipse, grandpa’s plane arrived.

When I waved at grandpa, he happily ran up to me and hugged me.

I was out of breath from his hug.

“Have you been eating well? Did you apply lotion regularly? What about brushing? Did you miss

Despite only being apart for a week and having daily video calls, he was so happy to see me.

He seemed to be more energetic than I expected.

“I did everything, grandpa.”

Due to my fear of not being able to eat delicious food due to the gums, like what happened in my last
life, I brushed my teeth, but I sometimes forget about lotion.

“Is Grandpa…”

As I tried to ask if he was all right, I swallowed my words when I saw the sadness in his eyes.
Instead, I just hugged him for a while.

To me, the death of Ferdinando Gonzalez was the death of an outstanding artist, but for grandpa, it
must be a big wound, because he lost a friend.

Maybe I should give him a lot of hugs for the time being.

Grandpa stroked my head and stood up to greet Aunt Mirae.

“Did Hun cause any trouble?”

“No. He just drew pictures all day.”

Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, Aunt Mirae clapped her hands.

“Ah, but he did eat some snacks in secret.”

How did she find out?

When Aunt Mirae went to work, I planned meticulously and ate only a small amount so that it would not
be discovered, but how did she find out?
A look of panic washed over me as I looked up at my grandpa, who was staring at me.

“That’s why your cheeks got chubby.”


While having dinner with Aunt Mirae, the topic of grandpa’s retirement ceremony came out.

While I was more interested in the exhibition than the retirement ceremony, the University seemed to
have prepared more than I expected.

According to Aunt Mirae, they rented one of Seoul’s largest movie theaters.

“700 seats?”

Grandpa asked back in amazement

“It’s too small.”

“It’s not small. Even if you guys rent a big place, no one will come. Just cancel it.”

“What do you mean no one will come, Teacher? There were too many people coming, so we are
planning on giving tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.”

Aunt Mirae complained that she had a hard time trying to persuade the students and graduates who
expressed their intention to participate.

“Everyone must be busy. Why are they wasting their time on an old man’s retirement ceremony?”

“We haven’t met each other in a while because of our busy lives, so taking this opportunity we’re
planning on having a reunion. If it’s not the teacher’s retirement ceremony, no one will come.”

Aunt Mirae knows how to deal with grandpa.

He would have stubbornly refused if she had said everyone was coming out of respect for grandpa, but
now he didn’t say much because she said it was like a reunion.

Grandpa also seemed excited about meeting his students.

“How many are coming?”

According to Nari, about 2,000 people will come.”

“2,000 people?”

Like grandpa, I was also surprised.

This means that approximately 2,000 people have contacted and confirmed their attendance, which
means the actual number will be higher.

Once again, Grandpa looked great.

“Did grandpa teach a lot of people?”

“No, not that much.”

As far as I know, grandpa taught students himself for about 14 years.

I don’t know how many people take the oriental painting major, but I think it could not be 2,000 people.
“If you look at the entire art university, it’s a lot more. You didn’t just give lectures on oriental painting
alone, Teacher.”


As grandpa blew his breath in embarrassment, Aunt Mirae felt sorry for him.

“It’s a bit disappointing that we filled the seats of outsiders first. Students should only be able to meet
you at the art gallery.”

“What does that mean?”

“At the faculty meeting, we were asked to set up seats for famous people first, then fill them with

“No, why did you invite other people to an inside celebration?”

“At first, I also felt the same way. But when I looked at the list, it was hard to tell them not to come.”

“Even if the president wanted to come, you should have refused. Do you have the list?”
“Wait a minute.”

Aunt Mirae opened her smartphone and showed it to grandpa.

I went to my grandpa’s side because I was also curious.

[2028 Dean of Korea University of Fine Arts, retirement ceremony list]

Lee Eung-gyeom, president of Korea University

Bae Jinki, dean of Korea University’s College of Humanities

Kwon Daesik, Dean of the College of Social Sciences.

Most of them were related to the University. The names of each university and department faculty were
written one after another.

Grandpa doesn’t seem to mind his co-workers coming.

Choi Young-soo, president of the Korea Arts Association

Na Jung-woong, Director of the Korea Arts Association

Lee Sung-jin, Member of the National Assembly of the Justice Party.

Kim Dong-yoon, Member of the National Assembly of the Democratic Party.

Lee Ji-young, Member of the National Assembly of the Democratic Party.

Park Eun-soon from the Republican Party

Seoul Mayor Gil Sang-soo.

Besides the National Assembly members and the mayor, I don’t know what the Korea Arts Association

“What does the Korea Arts Association do, grandpa?”

“They pretend to protect the rights and interests of Korean artists.”


“Yes, pretend.”

Come to think of it, I cannot remember grandpa or Aunt Mirae mentioning the association positively.

“Why are these people coming to my retirement ceremony? I don’t even know their faces.”

“I heard they’re alumni.”

“I don’t treat political people as alumni.”

When I saw Aunt Mirae, she just smiled.

As I kept looking at it, it seemed that many artists were coming, including Kim Hyungwoo, an artist
whose schedule was changed because of grandpa.

There were also many people who personally knew grandpa.

Foreigners such as Martin Janssen, the chairman of the Van Gogh Foundation and grandpa’s friend, and
Richard Phillips, the product designer, were notable among them.


There was also Henry Marceau.

“Why did you call this guy?”

Grandpa jumped up.

“They contacted us first.”

“Don’t do that, grandpa. He’s a strange person, but not a bad person.”

When I defended Henry Marceau, grandpa clicked his tongue.

“I hate arrogant people the most.”

I have nothing to say about that.

Ah… By the way, I said I would call him after the last broadcast, but I couldn’t because I didn’t have time

I forgot about it, but since I remembered I should give him a call.

“It should be a simple party, why has it grown this big?”

“Everyone wants to meet Teacher. After all, it might be the return of the artist Ko Sooyeol.”

Usually, it would feel sad when one was retiring, but in the case of grandpa, everyone seemed to be

“Then, what’s the schedule?”

“The ceremony starts at WH Cinema tomorrow at 6 p.m. and the party is scheduled on the third floor of
the same building from 9 p.m.”


“You know that the Seoul Museum of Art will hold an exhibition the following day, right Teacher?”
Grandpa nodded his head.

I hope the day after tomorrow comes soon.

I’m also looking forward to seeing how much delicious food will be served at the evening party starting
at 9 tomorrow.

According to Aunt Mirae, I can enjoy the best buffet in Korea.

“I shouldn’t eat tomorrow.”

When I spoke with such hope, grandpa blinked his eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“If I want to eat a lot of delicious food at night, I should leave my stomach empty.”

“It starts at 9 PM”

If I can eat something delicious, I can starve for about half a day.
“It’s too late. Stay at home.”

“Yes. Your aunt will buy you a pizza. It’s hard to bring you home during the event, so Hun should stay at


They’re making ridiculous demands to make me give up on the delicious food.

However, even if I insisted on going, it would be difficult to overturn grandpa’s and aunt Mirae’s

In spite of this, there was a very effective way to persuade them, a way that was 100% successful with
Mom and Dad.

“Grandpa, Aunt Mirae, I’m scared to be alone at home.”

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A sad expression appeared on the faces of Grandpa and Aunt Mirae.

“Okay. We can finish it quickly and come back. Let’s go together.”

While I am embarrassed on the inside, it is surprisingly effective, and fortunately, it hasn’t raised any

And, I can enjoy the buffet.

We finished dinner talking about the total solar eclipse.

“Then, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, Teacher.”

“No, don’t bother about it, I’ll see you at the movie hall.”

When I came home after breaking up with Aunt Mirae in the parking lot, grandpa sighed as if he was a
little tired from the long trip.

While grandpa was taking a shower, I organized his luggage and made two citron tea that grandpa liked.

There was not only a good smell to it, but it was also sweet due to the fact that it was full of sugar.

When Grandpa came out of the bathroom after washing up, he was stunned to see the suitcase I had

“Hun, where did you put my clothes?”

“I put it in the washing machine.”

He smiled when I handed him the citron tea.

“Be careful of hot water. You might burn your hand.”

Whenever Grandpa thanked me, his words were always full of concern for me.

“Drink that, take your medicine, and get some rest, grandpa.”

“No, where are you going? Sleep with grandpa today.”

Grandpa brought up something unexpected.

Thanks to Sihyeon unlocking the parental control function on my phone, these days I fall asleep while
watching a New Tube drama or a Bob Ross video.

If we sleep together, I can’t see it.

I wonder if he wants to sleep with me because of being apart for a week.

“If you were scared to be alone, you should have told me quickly. What’s embarrassing about that?
Now, let’s spread the blanket.”

I didn’t expect this side effect.

My favorite trick to watch my mom and dad work, or to watch late-night shows, has gone awry.


When I contacted Henry Marceau, he said he was already in Korea.

In response to my question about the salon, he asked me to meet him for lunch and talk.

As a result, I decided to do so because otherwise, he would have come to my house.

“Grandpa, I’m going out for a second.”


“To meet a friend.”

“Friend? Sihyeon?”

Grandpa will be worried if I said I’m going to see Henry Marceau, but I don’t want to lie to him.

“It’s Henry Marceau.”

Grandpa blinked his eyes.

“You seem to be on good terms with him.”

He didn’t jump up and oppose it like before, and instead asked me what I was thinking.

In fact, I don’t have much to worry about since he respected my opinions – unless they were related to
Henry Marceau.

Perhaps grandpa believes me because I told him honestly without hiding anything.

“I don’t think he’s a bad person. I’m going to ask about the salon. He’s the director of the French
National Art Association.”

Although Grandpa was worried, he still nodded.

“If anything happens, make sure to call me. Where are you supposed to meet?”

“At the cafe in front of our house.”

“You don’t want me to come with you, right?”

“It’s all right. I’ll be back soon.”

I walked for about 3 minutes after getting out of our house.

When I reached the cafe where grandpa and I sometimes stop by to buy macarons, for some reason, the
quiet store was surrounded by stern people.

I opened the door and went inside.

As soon as I stepped inside, the owner of the cafe could not be seen, there was only Henry Marceau,
Michelle Platini, and Arsene.

Marceau wore ivory cotton pants and tucked his black shirt only in the front, revealing his brown belt.

The expensive-looking sunglasses and watches change every time I see them.

“Hello, Marceau, Michelle, Arsene.”

When I greeted him, Marceau turned his head and snorted, while Michelle and Arsene replied to my
greeting politely.

“How have you been?”

“I was fine. What about Michelle?”

“I’m always fine.”

It was cool that she always looked confident even though she didn’t show off or say anything.
“What about the others in the store?”

“I hate being disturbed.”

Henry Marceau opened his mouth.

I think he asked the cafe owner for permission.

With Michelle and Arsene, he wouldn’t have asked in a nasty way.

When Marceau winked at Arsene, a young man approached and showed the menu.

It was not the food sold in this cafe, and the price was not written.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a lunch menu. Even if you want anything that’s not there, they’ll prepare it right away if you ask for

It contained various foods such as swordfish belly bacon, Capricho goat cheese curds, smoked tomatoes,
grilled red-banded lobster, and pork with truffles mushroom.

To enjoy the buffet tonight, I was going to leave my stomach empty.

However, I ate breakfast because I couldn’t stand grandpa’s anger, but it would be hard to enjoy the
buffet if I eat like this for lunch.



“Aren’t you going to eat?”

“There’s dessert, too.”

Marceau and Michelle put me to the test. Maybe I should work out until evening and digest it.

“I’d like pork as the main dish, please. Rest, I’ll leave it to the chef’s choice.”
I didn’t know what food would be delicious, so I decided to only choose the main dish and follow the
chef’s choice.

When I finished ordering, Marceau raised his chin and asked.

“Do you have any questions?”

“It’s about the salon. I looked at the outline and it said that the judging method will be announced later
after selecting the judges.”

Henry Marceau raised one eyebrow and said.

“They’re being selected.”

Since the salon exhibition is in early December, the contest will have to be completed at least in

It’s August now, so I think it’s too late.

Even on Internet forums, there are many stories about whether there was a problem with the French
National Art Association Salon exhibition.
When he said it like that, Michelle explained.

“Originally, Artist Henry Marceau was appointed as a judge, but he refused this time.”

“Artist Henry Marceau?”

Even though Henry and Mitchelle were lovers, I wondered why they kept such a distance, but when I
looked around, I understood that it was because they kept it a secret from Arsene.

Michelle opened her eyes wide.

Since we decided to keep it a secret, I didn’t bother to ask and continued the topic.

“Why did you refuse?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

That I understand.
“Everyone would trust Marceau if he did it. Me too.”

He made a strange expression.

“I’d like to go out there at least once and check. But it’s not pleasant to evaluate someone.”

It seems like Henry Marceau also feels the same way.

If someone finds fault with a work that has been made with hard work, even if it is a legitimate criticism,
they will be hurt as long as they are human.

I don’t have the right to block their voices.

Critics tend to judge others too easily based on their own standards.

Based on my experience in the 19th century, I am not sure if there is a victim consciousness, but at least
I consider critics to be the kind that separates artists from the public.

They did not instruct me, nor did I paint for them.
My work can only be commented on by the person I wish to show it to, which are the artists and the
public living in the same era.

“I’d like Marceau to judge. I also enjoyed the comments you gave about the concept art last time.”

After struggling for over an hour to take pictures, I was surprised to find 10,000 comments the next day.

He surprised me by explaining how he conceived the work and what he couldn’t find.

In spite of the overbearing tone, he seemed to understand me deeply, so I hope that’s how it should be
when someone criticizes me.


Marceau refused.


“I don’t want to do it if I don’t want to do it, that’s it.”

Next to him, Michelle smiled as if she found this funny.

When I saw her smiling like that, I couldn’t say anything. It was like Henry Marceau’s pride was

“Did you fail in the selection process for the Judge?”


“I see. There is no reason for you to refuse. Becoming a judge must be difficult.”

Marceau twitched his lips.


Henry Marceau was agitated.

Considering that he grabbed and shook the French National Art Association and the exhibition at the
salon, it seemed ridiculous for him to be asked if he had been eliminated as a Judge.

“Don’t make me laugh. There’s nothing I can’t do.”

“Then why don’t you do it?”

Ko Hun tilted his head and asked.

Henry Marceau could not explain that he participated anonymously and was competing with Ko Hun.

“I’m busy.”

“What are you doing?”

Marceau, who was weak when it came to lying, could not reply and merely frowned.

“Look, if you don’t have anything to do, just do it. Other people will like it if they get evaluated by
Marceau. What you sent me last time made me very happy.”

Ko Hun was sincerely grateful for Henry Marceau’s appreciation and advice.

He thought it would be a beautiful thing if Henry Marceau showed his intelligence to those who were
trying to seize the opportunity to win the award.

Ko Hun blinked at Henry’s question.

“What made you so happy?”

“It would have been nice to twist the position of the person in the composition horizontally. I excluded it
because I thought it would not be possible to shoot, but when I asked Nolan, he said it would have been
possible somehow if I had tried.”

Henry Marceau coughed for no reason.

“Anyone can think of that.”

“I didn’t know.”

“……is that all?”

“The composition of the bullet penetrating the window was often used as a cliché, so the idea of using
glass as a mirror was also good.”
Henry Marceau was able to understand the process through which Ko Hun made the work, encountering
the points he had not yet come up with.

The process of two geniuses talking about one work and understanding each other gave another
inspiration to each other.

“What does that have to do with me being a Judge?”

“Reviews will be helpful. Like it did for me.”

If it wasn’t a hassle, Henry Marceau thought it wouldn’t be a problem.

Moreover, after the arrogant little boy admitted himself, he was flattered.

“Try it.”

When Ko Hun persuaded him once again, Henry Marceau suddenly came to his senses.

“I said no.”

Through this contest, he had to confirm that he had an edge over Ko Hun.
Ko Hun stared at Henry Marceau.

Although he knew he was stubborn, he didn’t seem to think badly of being a Judge, and there was no
reason for him to refuse.

“You failed, right?”


“People fail. Why are you so angry? Is it a personality problem?”

Michelle Platini, who was watching Ko Hun’s personality remarks, eventually burst into laughter.

Ko Hun, who saw the scene, was convinced that Henry Marceau was not selected as a judge and was
hiding the fact because of his pride.

“How nice it would be if you could be honest. If you change your tone, there will be no

“I didn’t fail, dammit!”

“Then what’s the reason?”

“It’s none of your business!”

“Come on, it’s not a problem if you can’t be a judge. Everyone knows that Marceau is great.”

The veins in Henry Marceau’s temple grew.

“Try it next time.”

“Shut up.”

Ko Hun stood up as if he understood Henry Marceau, who was not good at expressing himself and
patted him on the shoulder.

“If you express yourself honestly, everyone will like Marceau. Then, next time, you’ll be invited not only
for being a Judge but also for other things.”

The action provoked Henry Marceau.


“Yes, El Patron.”

“I take the part as a judge. Say it to them. Right now.”

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Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

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