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Act 1:

Announcer: Many years ago in a faraway town in the Middle East, , three wise men,
met Balthazar, Gaspar and Melchior. They talked about the great astronomical event
announced and how fascinating it would be to be in the place indicated by the comet
where the new king would be born.

Balthazar: Hey...

Gaspar: What's going on? (He says looking at him curiously, along with the other one).

Balthazar: Some villagers just told me that our king has been born.

Gaspar: Really?! (He exclaims anxiously and excited at the same time) We've been
waiting for this moment for so long, I'm so excited!

Balthazar: So, what are we waiting for? Let's go and see him

Melchior: Yes! (He exclaims with excitement) and let's bring our best and finest
presents to the new king of kings (The other men began to walk anxiously).

Act 2:
Announcer: The wise men began to prepare the trip, however, they thought it would
be a good idea to give another present which was not material, and since the new king
was a baby, they thought of giving him a little bit of innocence, so after much thought
and searching, they saw a little boy playing a melody with a drum in the street, and
agreed that music would be a wonderful gift, so it would be a great idea to take him
wiith them.

Gaspar: Hey drummer boy, come here....

(The drummer who was playing in a corner, look at the king with confusion)

Drummer: Are you talking to me sir?

Gaspar: Yes, to you,…come here, we want to talk to you and make a proposal
[The boy approaches the king and pays close attention to his speech].

Drummer: What is it? what do you call me for?

Melchior: Do you know that the new king is born? Don´t you?

Drummer boy: Really? what a thrill!

Gaspar: Of course, it's exciting. So we're going to visit him, and we were wondering if
you want to go with us?

Drummer: (makes a surprised expression) me?...but I'm just a simple drummer...what

could I give the new king...?
Balthazar: We will bring him some very fine presents, worthy of royalty.

Melchior: We are going to honor so we will be heading to our journey… and we want
you to join us.

Drummer: (His expression blurred and he lowered his head) of course I want...But I
have nothing to give to him....

Balthazar: you can show your respects to him.

Melchior: Or you could make something you are passionate about and give it to him as
a gift.

Drummer: (The drummer kept silent thinking) I could play my drum for him! I could
give him my music as a gift (he said excitedly).

The three magicians: Excellent! It will be a great gift

Gaspar: So...Will you join us?

Drummer: Yes, of course...of course I will!

Melchior: Great, you must do your best and prepare a great melody.

Act 3:
Announcer:...And they began their journey on camels laden with presents, just
following the light from that announced comet. After a long journey, they finally
arrived in Bethlehem, and after much questioning and looking at the sky, they came to
the manger where the new king was sleeping....

[The wise men enter in a line with their presents in their hands, and the drummer
walks behind them].

Announcer: After the three men gave their presents to the new king, the drummer
was the only one left to deliver his. The wise men encourage him to approach by
opening the step and stand in front of the family.)

Drummer: (He approaches somewhat shyly to Mary and Joseph) Lady and Lord, I am as
poor as you are, and I have no fine presents to give, but I´d like to know if I could play
my drum for the child king and give him a beautiful melody.

Mary: (She nodded smiling) Yes of course, and it would be a beautiful gift for our son.

Joseph: Go ahead, we are all ears for you.

Drummer: (He approaches the baby and shows him the drum) It will be an honor to
play my drum for you... (bowing to the baby before he begins to play his drum).

[The drummer began to play his drum.]

[Jesus begins to smile]

Once he finished, he smiled proudly for his work.

Joseph: Wow, that was very beautiful, it was a magnificent and meaningful gift, we
thank you very much.

María: you are a very talented boy, you must be very proud of your generosity and

Drummer: thank you for letting me play my melody to your son, I did it with much love
and respect.

Joseph: that's what really matters, if the presents are fine or simple does not matter,
the important thing is that they must come from your heart and the effort and passion
that goes with them, more worth than the gold itself… and think that acts like this one
will be written in history and everyone will know the valuable gift that a small
drummer gave us.

(all the characters remain motionless while the announcer finishes her words)

Announcer: and that was how a poor drummer turned a simple melody into a
wonderful gift that would be inscribed in the history of mankind.

(at the end of the words, all rejoin and bow to the audience and leave the stage)

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