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SUBJECT: Science 7
GRADE & SECTION: Grade 7-Kupung Kupong DATE:
TIME ALLOTMENT: 60 minutes QUARTER: 4th Quarter

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of the relation of geographical location of the Philippines to its environment.

Performance Standards: The learners shall be able analyze the advantage of the location of the Philippines in relation to the climate, weather, and seasons.

Most Essential Learning The learners should be able cite and explain ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably. (S7ES-IVa-1)
Competency: At the end of this activity, the Grade 7 students should be able to:
1. Identify the natural resources found in the Philippines based on varied activities.
Specific Objective: 2. Explain the effects of some human activities on natural resources using the situation give; and
3. Share insights on ways to reduce the effects of human activities through class discussion.

A. Topic: Philippine Natural Resources
B. Materials:

Synchronous Face-to-Face Synchronous Online Asynchronous Online

 Internet Connection Visual aids (cut out pictures)  Internet Connection
 Mobile phone PowerPoint Presentation  Mobile phone/Laptop
 Laptop TV monitor
 PowerPoint Presentation Laptop

C. Reference:
DepEd Science 7 Learners Material
DepEd Science 7 Teachers Guide
D. Process Skills: Observing, Classifying, Communicating, Interpreting and Predicting
E. Values Integration: Cooperation, Appreciation and Reflection


Teacher’s Activity
A. Elicit A. Elicit A. Elicit

I will be showing to the class a big circle on the board and During the online class, the teacher will use the digital The learners will answer the following questions in
ask a volunteer to go in front and do the following: platform which is google Jamboard to answer the a yellow pad, after which they will take a photo of
 What are latitudes and longitudes? following questions: their work and send it in their Messenger Group
 Draw lines of latitude  What are latitudes and longitudes? Chats.
 Point out where you can find the EQUATOR  Draw lines of latitude  What are latitudes and longitudes?
 Describe the lines of latitude  Point out where you can find the EQUATOR  Draw lines of latitude
 Draw lines of longitude  Describe the lines of latitude  Point out where you can find the
 Point out where you can find the PRIME  Draw lines of longitude EQUATOR
MERIDIAN  Point out where you can find the PRIME  Describe the lines of latitude
Guide Questions: MERIDIAN  Draw lines of longitude
a) What is the relationship between the latitude of a place Guide Questions:  Point out where you can find the
and its climate? c) What is the relationship between the latitude of a PRIME MERIDIAN
place and its climate? Guide Questions:
d) What is the relationship between the
b) What does the globe represent? latitude of a place and its climate?
What does the globe represent?

What does the globe represent?

B. Engage B. Engage B. Engage
“BINGO” Game: During the online class, the learners will play a “BINGO”
Now we will have a game (BINGO). Game. The teacher will send a video link from
YouTube of the beauty and splendor of the
You can choose a partner to pair with. You may also help Game Procedure: Philippines. The students may watch the video in
each other and check each other’s answers. 1. Each student will use a unique bingo card with their available time and connectivity.
pictures given prior to the day of online
Are you ready? teaching
(Each of these things are made up of natural
Game Procedure: resources. Each picture IS arranged in columns
1. Each student will be given a unique bingo card with headed by a letter in the word BINGO.)
pictures of everyday objects. 2. The teacher will use the wheel of names to
(Each of these things are made up of natural randomly pick the letter with its corresponding
resources. Each picture IS arranged in columns natural resources.
headed by a letter in the word BINGO.) 3. Each student can cover or mark with a pen or
2. I will be using the wheel of names to randomly pick pencil one item on their card that is made from
the letter with its corresponding natural resources. that resource and is in the correct letter
3. Each student can cover or mark with a pen or pencil column.
one item on their card that is made from that 4. The teacher will continue to spin the wheel and
resource and is in the correct letter column. they will continue to play until someone gets
4. I will tell students that I will continue to spin the five in a row and yells, “BINGO!”
wheel and they will continue to play until someone
gets five in a row and yells, “bingo!” 5. Someone may open his/her mic and say “bingo”
5. When someone yells, “bingo,” somebody may check if he/she already completed the five in a row
their card to make sure that they have identified the pattern.
correct natural resource for each item used to make a The learners will answer the following
bingo. The winner may claim the prize to the teacher questions at home in a yellow pad and to be
during face-to-face classes. submitted in messenger GC:
The first student who got five in a row with correct
markers is identified as winner. Now, I will be showing you pictures of the beauty a) What are the things you have
and splendor of the Philippines. observed in the picture?
The winner may claim the prize to the teacher.
b) Talking about these things, and how
Now, I will be showing you pictures of the beauty and lucky we are to have such things.
splendor of the Philippines. What can you associate with the
word “resources”?

c) Define resources.

Guide Questions:
a) What are the things you have observed in the Guide Questions:
picture? c) What are the things you have observed in
the picture?
b) Talking about these things, and how lucky we are
to have such things. What can you associate with d) Talking about these things, and how lucky
the word “resources”? we are to have such things. What can you
associate with the word “resources”?
Based on your answers, we can define resources as Based on your answers, we can define resources as things
things used by people to survive or satisfy needs. used by people in order to survive or satisfy needs.
C. Explore C. Explore C. Explore
The class will be divided into 6 groups. Each group will
be composed of 4-6 members. The class will be divided into 6 groups using Team The students can choose their group
Picker Wheel member according to barangay. Each group
Each group will have a designated area on the board. will be composed of 4-6 members.
Each group will have a designated area on the
What to do: google Jamboard. Each group will write their answers in a
 List down as many as you can the examples of yellow pad.
resources you have in mind in just 60 seconds. What to do:
 List down as many as you can the examples of What to do:
The group with the greatest number of examples will resources you have in mind in just 60 seconds.  List down as many as you can the
have a prize. examples of resources you have in mind.
The group to have the greatest number of
We have already familiarized ourselves with the examples will have a prize. The group to have the greatest number of
natural resources we have in our country. examples will have a prize.
We have already familiarized ourselves with the
Today, you are going to brainstorm on how people natural resources we have in our country. We have already familiarized ourselves
destroy natural resources. with the natural resources we have in our
Today, you are going to brainstorm on how country.
Now, I want everybody to remain in your group and people destroy natural resources.
listen to the instruction. The group will be going to brainstorm on
Now, I want everybody to remain in your group how people destroy natural resources.
Each group will be given an illustration. They will be and listen to the instruction.
shown a BEFORE and AFTER of a certain situation or
activities. Afterwards, they are going to determine the Each group will be given an illustration. They will Each group will be given an illustration.
effects of these activities to our natural resources. Each be shown a BEFORE and AFTER of a certain They will be shown a BEFORE and AFTER
group will have their own assigned situation based on situation or activities. Afterwards, they are going of a certain situation or activities.
the given illustration. to determine the effects of these activities to our Afterwards, they are going to determine
natural resources. Each group will have their own the effects of these activities to our natural
GROUP 1 assigned situation based on the given illustration. resources. Each group will have their own
assigned situation based on the given
GROUP 1 illustration.

Human activity: When roads are built, mountains are Human activity: When roads are built, mountains Human activity: When roads are built,
blown off using dynamite. are blown off using dynamite. mountains are blown off using dynamite.


Human activity: Rice fields are turned into residential Human activity: Rice fields are turned into Human activity: Rice fields are turned into
or commercial centers. residential or commercial centers. residential or commercial centers.


Human activity: People cut too many trees for lumber Human activity: People cut too many trees for Human activity: People cut too many trees
or paper or building houses. lumber or paper or building houses. for lumber or paper or building houses.
Human activity: More factories are being built to keep Human activity: More factories are being built to Human activity: More factories are being
up with the demands of a fast-growing population and keep up with the demands of a fast-growing built to keep up with the demands of a fast-
industrialization. population and industrialization. growing population and industrialization.

Human activity: Uncontrolled mining and quarrying for Human activity: Uncontrolled mining and GROUP 5
the purpose of getting precious metals and stones and quarrying for the purpose of getting precious Human activity: Uncontrolled mining and
gravel. metals and stones and gravel. quarrying for the purpose of getting
precious metals and stones and gravel.
Human activity: Plastics and other wastes are Human activity: Plastics and other wastes
thrown into canals and other waterways are thrown into canals and other
indiscriminately. waterways indiscriminately.

Human activity: Plastics and other wastes are thrown
into canals and other waterways indiscriminately.

Now, everybody needs to visualize the given Each group will visualize the given
illustration on how people destroy natural illustration on how people destroy natural
resources, you can now start writing down the resources, write down the effects in a
effects. You only have 5 minutes to finish the yellow pad to be submitted in a google
activity. drive..

Times Up!
May I request each group to paste their work on
the board?

Now, everybody needs to visualize the given

illustration on how people destroy natural resources, Guide Questions:
you can now start writing down the effects. You only c) Do you know of other activities that destroy or
have 5 minutes to finish the activity. cause the depletion of natural resources?
What can you do to conserve resources?
Times Up!
May I request each group to paste their work on the

Guide Questions:
a) Do you know of other activities that destroy or cause
the depletion of natural resources?
b) What can you do to conserve resources?
D. Explain D. Explain D. Explain
The teacher will further discuss the lesson on Philippine
Natural Resources. Using the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will The teacher will send the PowerPoint Presentation
further discuss the lesson on Philippine Natural in the group chat and the learners will download
(Presentation of the lesson) Resources. and read the lesson in their available time and
Since we are talking about resources, Philippines as an connectivity.
archipelago, is considered to be rich in natural resources.

Natural Resources - are materials created in nature that

are used and usable by humans. They include natural
substances (e.g., soil, water) and energy supplies (e.g.,
coal, gas) that serve to satisfy human needs and wants.

Resources are characterized as renewable or

nonrenewable; a renewable resource can replenish
itself at the rate it is used, while a nonrenewable
resource has a limited supply. Renewable resources
include timber, wind, and solar while nonrenewable
resources include coal and natural gas.

We are blessed with the presence of different water


What are these water forms?

What is the importance of these water forms?

The presence of water in a specific environment is said to
be accountable for supporting high biodiversity in that
area. Biodiversity means the presence of various plants
and animal life in particular area.

Can you name some plants and animals we can find in

our country?

Those species that you have mentioned are all common.

Since our country is rich also in biodiversity, Philippines

is considered to be the home of endemic species.

Endemic species – these are the species that can be

found in a certain area and not in any other place.

What endemic species do you know which exist only in

the Philippines?

Where can we find them?

Very Good!

We also have mineral deposits in our country.

What are the minerals that you know?

Where these minerals are located and or can be found?

Philippine mineral deposits are classified as either

metallic or non-metallic

Gold, Copper, Chromite, Iron, Manganese, Nickel are

some metallic minerals. Marble, Clay and Silica are some
non-metallic minerals we have in our country.

Where do we usually use metals?

Yes, indeed!

Mineral deposits can be found were volcanoes of

trenches are present. We have many volcanoes in the
Philippines and most of them are active.

Can you name some of the famous volcanoes?

Because of the presence of numerous volcanoes in our

place, our country belongs to “Pacific Ring of Fire”.

Aside from that, we also have energy resources.

The tropical climate and the geological conditions also

provide several possibilities to get clean and cheap

Do you know which energy resources are due to these


What are some of these energy resources?

Were the following included in your list- solar energy,

heat from the ground (geothermal energy), hydrothermal
energy from falling water), wind energy, and natural gas?

Do we have examples of energy resources here in Iloilo

City? Or in any other places in the Philippines?

E. Elaborate E. Elaborate (During online class) E. Elaborate
The teacher will show to the class different pictures The teacher will show to the class different
showing utilizations of natural resources. pictures showing utilizations of natural resources. The teacher will send the activity via google form
link and then they will answer the following:
The teacher will ask a volunteer to give his/her answer. The teacher will ask a volunteer to give his/her
PREDICT THE FUTURE! Direction: Analyze the picture below and explain
Direction: Analyze the picture below and explain whether the PREDICT THE FUTURE! whether the utilization is sustainable or not.
utilization is sustainable or not. Direction: Analyze the picture below and explain
whether the utilization is sustainable or not.
_ ____________________

_ ____________________
_ ____________________
_ ____________________

____________________ ____________________
_ _
All resources used by humans, including fuels, metals,
and building materials, come from the Earth. Many of All resources used by humans, including fuels,
these resources are not in endless supply. It has taken metals, and building materials, come from the
many thousands and millions of years to develop and Earth. Many of these resources are not in endless
accumulate these resources. supply. It has taken many thousands and millions
of years to develop and accumulate these
To conserve natural resources is to protect or use them resources.
wisely without wasting them or using them up
completely. Conserving natural resources can make them To conserve natural resources is to protect or use
last and be available for future generations. This is what them wisely without wasting them or using them
sustainability of natural resources means. Each one of us up completely. Conserving natural resources can
should think about how to make things sustainable. make them last and be available for future
generations. This is what sustainability of natural
resources means. Each one of us should think about
how to make things sustainable.
REMEMBER: The lives of future generations depend on
how we use natural resources today.

REMEMBER: The lives of future generations

depend on how we use natural resources today.

F. Evaluate Evaluate (Synchronous online via Google Forms) Evaluate (Synchronous online via Google Forms)

I. Directions: Read the following questions carefully. The leaners will take the assessment using the provided The leaners will take the assessment using the
Choose the correct answer from the given choices. link and they should finish the test in the scheduled date provided link and they will finish their activity in
and time. their convenient time.
1. Which of the following practices will help
protect our environment? I. Directions: Read the following questions carefully. I. Directions: Read the following questions
A. Burning of wastes Choose the correct answer from the given choices. carefully. Choose the correct answer from the
B. Reusing paper bags given choices.
C. Dumping trash in rivers 1. Which of the following practices will help
D. Using too much fertilizers protect our environment? 1. Which of the following practices will help
2. What do you call the practice of using A. Burning of wastes protect our environment?
resources wisely without wasting or using B. Reusing paper bags A. Burning of wastes
them up completely so that the future C. Dumping trash in rivers B. Reusing paper bags
generations can benefit from them? D. Using too much fertilizers C. Dumping trash in rivers
A. Availability 2. What do you call the practice of using D. Using too much fertilizers
B. Biodiversity resources wisely without wasting or using 2. What do you call the practice of using
C. Productivity them up completely so that the future resources wisely without wasting or using
D. Sustainability generations can benefit from them? them up completely so that the future
3. What is the best example of using resources A. Availability generations can benefit from them?
wisely? B. Biodiversity A. Availability
A. Throwing old clothes C. Productivity B. Biodiversity
B. Burning cardboards and papers D. Sustainability C. Productivity
C. Collecting rainwater for cleaning purposes 3. What is the best example of using resources D. Sustainability
D. Turning on the electric fan for the whole day wisely? 3. What is the best example of using resources
1. Which of the following practices will help protect our A. Throwing old clothes wisely?
environment? B. Burning cardboards and papers A. Throwing old clothes
A. Burning of wastes C. Collecting rainwater for cleaning purposes B. Burning cardboards and papers
B. Reusing paper bags D. Turning on the electric fan for the whole day C. Collecting rainwater for cleaning purposes
C. Dumping trash in rivers 1. Which of the following practices will help protect D. Turning on the electric fan for the whole day
D. Using too much fertilizers our environment? 1. Which of the following practices will help
A. Burning of wastes protect our environment?
2. What do you call the practice of using resources wisely B. Reusing paper bags A. Burning of wastes
without wasting or using them up completely so that the C. Dumping trash in rivers B. Reusing paper bags
future generations can benefit from them? D. Using too many fertilizers C. Dumping trash in rivers
A. Availability D. Using too many fertilizers
B. Biodiversity 2. What do you call the practice of using resources
C. Productivity wisely without wasting or using them up completely 2. What do you call the practice of using
D. Sustainability so that the future generations can benefit from them? resources wisely without wasting or using them
A. Availability up completely so that the future generations
3. What is the best example of using resources wisely? B. Biodiversity can benefit from them?
A. Throwing old clothes C. Productivity A. Availability
B. Burning cardboards and papers D. Sustainability B. Biodiversity
C. Collecting rainwater for cleaning purposes C. Productivity
D. Turning on the electric fan for the whole day 3. What is the best example of using resources wisely? D. Sustainability
A. Throwing old clothes
4. Your school is celebrating the Earth Day in support for the B. Burning cardboards and papers 3. What is the best example of using resources
protection and conservation of Earth’s natural resources. C. Collecting rainwater for cleaning purposes wisely?
The following are programs that your school should D. Turning on the electric fan for the whole day A. Throwing old clothes
advocate, EXCEPT B. Burning cardboards and papers
A. River cleanup and tree planting 4. Your school is celebrating the Earth Day in support C. Collecting rainwater for cleaning purposes
B. Conducting a “waste-free lunch” for the protection and conservation of Earth’s natural D. Turning on the electric fan for the whole day
C. Frequent use of plastic bags in canteens resources. The following are programs that your
D. Creating art materials from recyclable trash school should advocate, EXCEPT 4. Your school is celebrating the Earth Day in
A. River cleanup and tree planting support for the protection and conservation of
5. Kyla is studying in a school located near a river. She saw B. Conducting a “waste-free lunch” Earth’s natural resources. The following are
her friends throwing garbage in the river. Although hesitant, C. Frequent use of plastic bags in canteens programs that your school should advocate,
Kyla finally decided and told her friends that throwing D. Creating art materials from recyclable trash EXCEPT
garbage in the river is definitely wrong. Do you approve A. River cleanup and tree planting
Kyla’s decision? Why? 5. Kyla is studying in a school located near a river. She B. Conducting a “waste-free lunch”
A. Yes, her teachers will be impressed. saw her friends throwing garbage in the river. C. Frequent use of plastic bags in canteens
B. Yes, throwing garbage will pollute the water. Although hesitant, Kyla finally decided and told her D. Creating art materials from recyclable trash
C. No, her action will not change the attitude of her friends. friends that throwing garbage in the river is definitely
D. No, her friends will surely hate her for reprimanding wrong. Do you approve Kyla’s decision? Why? 5. Kyla is studying in a school located near a
them A. Yes, her teachers will be impressed. river. She saw her friends throwing garbage in
B. Yes, throwing garbage will pollute the water. the river. Although hesitant, Kyla finally
C. No, her action will not change the attitude of her decided and told her friends that throwing
friends. garbage in the river is definitely wrong. Do you
D. No, her friends will surely hate her for approve Kyla’s decision? Why?
reprimanding them A. Yes, her teachers will be impressed.
II. Directions: B. Yes, throwing garbage will pollute the water.
C. No, her action will not change the attitude of
A. Based on the lesson, identify 3 natural resources found her friends.
in the Philippine. (3 pts.) D. No, her friends will surely hate her for
II. Directions: reprimanding them
B. Read the question below and write your answer briefly
and concisely. Rubric for scoring will be provided. (5 C. Based on the lesson, identify 3 natural resources
pts.) found in the Philippine. (3 pts.) II. Directions:

Since "any of the resources that we have today are not in D. Read the question below and write your answer E. Based on the lesson, identify 3 natural
endless supply, as a student in what way can you help briefly and concisely. Rubric for scoring will be resources found in the Philippine. (3 pts.)
conserve and protect our natural resources? provided. (5 pts.)
F. Read the question below and write your
answer briefly and concisely. Rubric for
scoring will be provided. (5 pts.)

G. Extend G. Extend G. Extend (Asynchronous online)

The learners will be provided a template to answer their The learners will be provided a template to answer
Direction: Make a waste audit in your home. HOME WASTE AUDIT for 3 days and upload the file via their HOME WASTE AUDIT for 3 days and upload
Record the types and amount of wastes your Google drive in a specific time and date. the file via Google drive.
family generates daily for 3 days. At the end of
three days, determine what type of wastes you
generate the most and write a short reflection Direction: Make a waste audit in your home. Direction: Make a waste audit in your home.
essay on what you can do to reduce your Record the types and amount of wastes your Record the types and amount of wastes your
wastes. Refer to the template below for your family generates daily for 3 days. At the end of family generates daily for 3 days. At the end of
home waste audit. three days, determine what type of wastes you three days, determine what type of wastes you
A. Direction: Make a waste audit in your home. Record the generate the most and write a short reflection generate the most and write a short reflection
types and amount of wastes your family generates daily for essay on what you can do to reduce your essay on what you can do to reduce your
3 days. At the end of three days, determine what type of wastes. Refer to the template below for your wastes. Refer to the template below for your
wastes you generated the most and write a short reflection home waste audit. home waste audit.
essay on what you can do to reduce your wastes. A. Direction: Make a waste audit in your home. A. Direction: Make a waste audit in your home.
Refer to the template below for your home waste audit. Record the types and amount of wastes your family Record the types and amount of wastes your
generates daily for 3 days. At the end of three days, family generates daily for 3 days. At the end of
determine what type of wastes you generated the three days, determine what type of wastes you
most and write a short reflection essay on what you generated the most and write a short reflection
can do to reduce your wastes. essay on what you can do to reduce your
Refer to the template below for your home waste audit wastes.
Refer to the template below for your home waste

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