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March, 2023
I hereby declare that this report written in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award
of a Bachelor of Information Technology degree of Kampala International University is my
very own work has never been submitted anywhere else for any purpose.

This is to confirm that the content of this project report is a representation of what Name
established after conducting his independent study. This piece of work has been read, closely
monitored and approved by;


The School of Mathematics and Computing

This piece of work is dedicated to those who have extended their helping hands to make me
achieve this today and worked so hard and tirelessly to ensure that I attain this level of

Among all include my beloved parents and guardians, my cooperative supervisor

SUPERVISER and other lecturers who have given me knowledge through my academic
period, beloved friends from whom I have always consulted and shared productive ideas and
above all to the Almighty God who has always blessed and given me wisdom.

I give glory to the almighty God for his blessings, unfailing love, protection, strength and
confidence He provided to me which enabled me to persevere and go through all the challenges
that came in my academic pursuit particularly the project work.

My sincere heartfelt appreciation goes to my supervisor for the resourceful guidance and highly
constructive ideas, the time and patience extended to me in the process of this project.

I am grateful to my beloved parents for their struggle to provide finances for my entire course,
their love, care and encouragement. May God bless them abundantly.

I also wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the lecturers at the school of computing
and information technology whose teachings gave me the road map for this project.

Finally, I extend my appreciation to all my friends who in one way or the other have helped
me expand my capacities in the preparation of this project which required tremendous amount
of time and support. I am really grateful my friends.

DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ i
DEDICATION ......................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... x
1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Study.................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem statement ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3.1 Specific Objective of the study. .................................................................................... 2
1.4 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 Content Scope ............................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Period Scope ................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.3 Geographical Scope ...................................................................................................... 3
1.4.3 Significance of the Study .............................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................................... 4
LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Website: ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 World Wide Web ............................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Web browsers ................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Importance of a Website .................................................................................................. 5
2.5.1 Announcing the Web Site ............................................................................................. 5
2.5.2 E-commerce. ................................................................................................................. 5
2.6 Electronic business ........................................................................................................... 6
2.6.1 Benefits of E- business .................................................................................................. 6
2.6.2 Limitations of E-business.............................................................................................. 7
2.7 E-commerce versus e-business ........................................................................................ 8
2.8 Internet ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.8.1 A brief history of Internet ........................................................................................... 10
2.9 Existing Systems ............................................................................................................ 11
2.9.1 Retail Pro: ................................................................................................................... 11

2.9.2 Lightspeed Retail: ....................................................................................................... 11
2.9.3 Square for Retail: ........................................................................................................ 11
2.9.4 Vend: ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.9.5 QuickBooks Point of Sale: .......................................................................................... 11
2.9.6 NCR Counterpoint: ..................................................................................................... 12
2.9.7 Prodigy POS:............................................................................................................... 12
2.9.8 ShopKeep: ................................................................................................................... 12
2.9.9 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................. 13
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................. 13
3.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Research Methodology .................................................................................................. 13
3.2.1 Iterative Model ............................................................................................................ 13
3.3 Study Area...................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Study Population and Sample Size ............................................................................. 14
3.4.2 Sample Size ................................................................................................................. 14
3.5 Data Collection Methods ............................................................................................... 15
3.5.1 Observation ................................................................................................................. 15
3.5.2 Interviews .................................................................................................................... 15
3.5.3 Questionnaires ............................................................................................................. 16
3.6 System Analysis ............................................................................................................. 16
3.6.1 The Existing System ................................................................................................... 16
3.6.2 Weakness of The Existing Approach .......................................................................... 17
3.6.3 Strength of The Existing Approach ............................................................................ 17
3.6.4 Proposed System ......................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Requirements ................................................................................................................. 17
3.7.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................ 17
3.7.2 Non-functional Requirements ..................................................................................... 18
3.7.3 Requirement Specification. ......................................................................................... 18
3.7.4 Software Requirement................................................................................................. 19
3.7.5 Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................. 19
3.7.6 Software Specifications............................................................................................... 19

3.8 System design methods .................................................................................................. 20
3.9 System implementation, testing and validation methods. .............................................. 20
3.9.1 System implementation methods ................................................................................ 20
3.9.2 System testing methods ............................................................................................... 20
3.10 Conclussion .................................................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................................... 22
SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................... 22
4.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 System design ................................................................................................................ 22
4.1.1 A simple flow chart for the borrowing process: ......................................................... 23
4.2 Architecture Design. ...................................................................................................... 24
4.2.1 Level 0 Context Diagram ............................................................................................ 25
4.3 Data Modelling .............................................................................................................. 25
4.3.1 Entities and Attributes ................................................................................................. 25
4.3.2 Logical Database Design ............................................................................................ 25
4.3.3 Physical Database Design ........................................................................................... 27
4.4 Relationship ................................................................................................................... 28
4.4.1 Modelling Relationships Between Entities ................................................................. 28
4.4.2 Entity relationship diagram ......................................................................................... 29
4.5 Implementation of the system ........................................................................................ 29
4.5.1 Functions provided by the System .............................................................................. 29
4.5.2 Functions provided to the Admin................................................................................ 30
4.5.3 Functions provided to the Employees. ........................................................................ 30
4.5.4 Functions provided to the Cashiers. ............................................................................ 30
4.5.5 Functions provided to the Vendors. ............................................................................ 30
4.5.6 Project tools................................................................................................................. 30
4.6 Results ............................................................................................................................ 31
4.6.1 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 31
4.6.2 Sample Screenshots of the Design and Developed System. ....................................... 31
4.7 Testing and validation of the system. ............................................................................. 36
4.7.1 System Testing ............................................................................................................ 36 User Testing ............................................................................................................. 36 Modelling /Unit Testing ........................................................................................... 36

vii Integration Testing ................................................................................................... 37 Security Testing ....................................................................................................... 37
4.7.2 System Validation ....................................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER FIVE...................................................................................................................... 39
DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................... 39
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 39
5.2 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 39
5.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 40
5.3 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 40
REFERENCES......................................................................................................................... 41

DFD - Data Flow Diagram

ERD - Entity Relationship Diagram

GB - Giga Byte

GH - Giga Hertz

JAVA - Just Another Virtual Accelerator.

JS - JavaScript

HTML -Hypertext Mark-up Language

MB - Mega Byte

XML - Extensible Markup Language

RAM - Random Access Memory

ROM - Read Only Memory

DBMS - Database management System

The purpose of this project was to develop a Supermarket management system for Dejavour
Supermarket Limited. The researcher collected data through interviewing the company's
employees and customers/clients met at the Supermarket's main branch, and observing how
the previous system was functioning from where I based myself to come up with the project
report and system. Because of the nature of this study, data was further collected from
secondary sources like literature review. Results from data collected indicated that the system
being used was inefficient in tracking, storage and retrieval of supermarket sales and stock
information which led to delays in decision making for the management. Therefore, to solve
the above problem I designed, implemented, tested and validated a well functioning
Supermarket management system for Dejavour Supermarket. The system developed is now
able to efficiently track, store and retrieve supermarket sales against stock information in a
timely and convenient fashion, thus decision making was enhanced. The research examined
ways of expanding the product selling systems to improve on existing systems. Future research
work is also needed on how to build better products and inventory management systems to
improve efficiency, reliability and user-friendly systems.


1.0 Introduction
Dejavour supermarket is a supennarket located in Kanyanya along Gayaza road. After its
inception dejavour supermarket has been using a manual file-based information system to
manage inventory stock and sales information. Purchasing information, vendor and regular
customer information has been stored in books and on paper receipts. At first this seemed to
work perfectly but as competition in the business increased and the number of customers and
vendors increased, the whole process became slow and less efficient. At times fewer
inventories would be purchased leading to shortage of services to the customers or at times
losses may not be realized and total sales would be hard to calculate. Management thus decided
to make a change and institute a Supetmarket management system that will allow easy storage
and viewing of supermarket inventory stock and sales information to make timely decisions
(Olong, 2007).

1.1 Background of the Study

Electronic supermarket management systems have become increasingly popular across the
world due to their ability to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance customer service.
In developed countries such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, electronic
supermarket management systems are widely used by supermarkets of all sizes (Valladares,

In Africa, electronic supermarket management systems are becoming more common,

especially in countries like South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria. However, the adoption rate is
still relatively low, and many supermarkets still rely on manual systems (Kojima, 2016).

In Uganda, most supermarkets still use manual systems, but there is a growing interest in
electronic supermarket management systems due to their potential to improve operational
efficiency and customer service. Dejavour Supermarket is a local grocery store in Uganda that
has been in business for the past ten years. The store has been facing challenges in managing
its inventory, sales, and customer data due to the manual system in use (Olong, 2007).

To address these challenges, Dejavour Supermarket has decided to implement an electronic

supermarket management system. The system will automate the management of inventory,

sales, and customer data, improving the store's efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, the
system will enable the store to provide better customer service and generate reports and
analytics to aid in decision-making processes.

Overall, the implementation of an electronic supermarket management system at Dejavour

Supermarket is expected to enhance the store's competitiveness and help it to remain relevant
in a rapidly evolving retail industry.

1.2 Problem statement

The management and tracking of supetmarket sales and inventory stock information at
Dejavour supermarket has been problematic due to the use of manual file-based information
system both in handling stocking and selling daily inventory of the supermarket as the number
of customers and supermarket size expanded. Management has found it very hard to make
timely decisions due to poor information storage and retrieval of supermarket sales and stock
information (Nuwagaba, 2012).
Much as dejavour supermarket can record the sales and stock for their inventory, it is difficult
to make and quickly view reports on domestic statistics for their inventory because of numerous
problems associated with their information systems The problem this project will address thus,
is poor information tracking and inventory management to increase efficiency of information
management to enhance the decision making process which has always been dragged down by
untimely provision of information to management at dejavour supermarket (Olong, 2007).

1.3 Main Objectives.

The main objective of this study is to develop a Supermarket Management System for dejavour
supermarket, which will make it possible for dejavour supermarket management to easily view
inventory stock and sales information recorded in the management system.

1.3.1 Specific Objective of the study.

i. To collect and analyze data from dejavour supermarket
ii. To design a management system for dejavour supermarket
iii. To implement an automated inventory tracking system for dejavour supermarket
iv. To test the designed system for any errors and validate its functionality

1.4 Scope of the Study

1.4.1 Content Scope

The project’s focus is made on all operations done by management as well as sales and stock
of the supermarket, sharing information within dejavour supermarket and its stake holders like
Vendors and suppliers. Specifically, this covers information access for the management.

1.4.2 Period Scope

The study staffed on February/2023 and ends on April/2023

1.4.3 Geographical Scope

The study is conducted at dejavour supermarket located in Kanyanya along Gayaza road.

1.4.3 Significance of the Study

The project is to make operations at dejavour supermarket to be run on accurate sales, vendor
and stock information.
The project is to go a long way in improving on the provision of vital information to the right
people especially the management at the right time for management purpose. Developing a
supermarket system for dejavour supermarket would provide seamless and critical information.
which is a key requirement.
The relevancy of the project primarily focuses on the Management, stock recorders and sellers
who will be the core users. This will in turn lead to faster decision making, data entry and
viewing by reducing on data inconsistencies, improper storage and increased paper work.


2.0 Introduction
This chapter entailed literature about E-business, websites, their benefits and the impact on
businesses that employ them through different electronic activities.

2.1 Website:
A website is a collection of related files for example hypertext markup language and, graphic
files. These files are supported by World Wide Web.
According to Williams (1999), a web site is the internet location on a computer or server on
which hypertext document is stored (Williams, 2000).
Cailliau etal (2001) stated that a website is a collection of web pages, images, videos, and other
digital assets that are hosted on one or several web servers, usually via internet, cell phone or
local area network (Murray, 2013).
In relation to my project, the website will contain; home 'page, about use, orders log in, offers
contact us plus other related files and complements like images. ·

2.3 World Wide Web

This is a set of standards for storing, retrieving, formatting and displaying information using a
client/server architecture and dynamic link among documents. The World Wide Web consists
of pages which can be accessed through a web browser. The two types of web pages which are
commonly used are; dynamic and static web pages (Ihlenfeldt, 1994)

2.4 Web browsers

Williams (1999) defined a web browser as graphical user interface software that translates
HTML document and allows you to view web pages. Therefore, in order to access a website,
you use web browser and site's address. The most popular ones today are; internet explorer,
Netscape and Mozilla. (

2.5 Importance of a Website
If you are into business, an owner of small, medium or big company, then you need to own a
website for many reasons as analysed below.
There are approximately 970 million internet users, 15% of world's population. Thus, it's the
most efficient way to get potential customers from all over the world. There are competitors in
every business. This is like going for a business exhibition on the internet. You can stop
competition in any business but at least make you identify so that your, potential customers are
given a chance of comparing and subsequently buying your products or engaging your services
with the help of a professional business website.
Websites have no boundaries as far as place or region or country is concerned. It's international.
If you have a website then you have something international that overcomes the limits between
countries and continents (Williams, 2000).

2.5.1 Announcing the Web Site

Amon (2000) states that the best site is useless if nobody knows how to get one, the domain
name should be everywhere your company logo is. Be present in all Search engines and online
directories. Add meta - tags to your web pages, which give general information on the content
of a certain webpage and contain a set of keywords that increase success of finding a particular
web page in search engine. Get attention of the press and use traditional media to promote tour
website. There are many strategies to increase the visibility of your offerings. Find other sites
that share a similar target audience and exchange banner advertising and links.
However, there is no intention hosting this website on a web server since it is only designed
for fulfillment of academic requirement (Bardin, 2000).

2.5.2 E-commerce.
According to forester (2009) E-commerce consist of primary distributing, buying, selling,
marketing and serving of products and services over electronic · system such as the internet
and other computer networks.
The information technology industry might see it as an electronic business application aimed
at commercial transaction. It can involve electronic funds transfer, supply change management;
marketing online, electronic · data interchange. Automated inventory management system and
automated data collection system. It typically uses E-book database and mobile phone.
Wen Joseph eta! (2001) defined E-commerce as buying and selling of products and service via
computer networks, mainly the internet (Mutz, 2005).

E- Commerce offers functionality and new ways of doing business that no company can afford
to ignore.
Napier eta I (200 I). define E-commerce as the process of buying and selling of products and
services across a telecommunication network.
The initial development of E-commerce begun in 1960s and 1970s when banks began
transferring money to each other electronically using electronic funds transfer (EFT), and when
large companies began sharing transaction information electronically with their suppliers and
customers via electronic data interchange (GOH HUAT CHOON, 2006).

2.6 Electronic business

According to Laugersterner (2003) he defined electronic business as broadly business process
that relies on an automated information system today. This is mainly done with web-based
technologies. Electronic business method enables companies to link their internal and external
data processing system more efficiency and flexibility to work more closely with suppliers and
partner and to better satisfy the needs and expectations of their customers.

According to Daniel Amor (2000), one of the first to use the term E-business was IBM in l997.
IBM defines E-business as a secure, flexible and integrated approach to delivering
differentiated big value by combining the systems and processes that nm core business
operations with simplicity and reach made possible by internet technology.
E-business is doing business online. E-business is any process that is empowered by an
information system (Meckel, 2004).

2.6.1 Benefits of E- business

Companies in Uganda that are doing business online are extending their existing businesses
and creating new E-businesses so as to utilize the following in-built advantages as stated by
Napier (2001).
Expand the market. E-business has facilitated many companies in Uganda to reach narrow
market segments which are widely distributed. Therefore, customers that 'are bound by the
constraint of physical location due to poor transport and communication can also be reached
hence increasing sales opportunities through the power of internet.

Acquire greater business visibility. Internet has enabled many businesses to enhance their
images and get their names in front of potential buyers. In early days many companies created
websites that were a little more than a company's brochure. Today companies use the power of
internet to be recognized hence increasing credibility of the business. Maximize customer
relationships and improve responsiveness. Internets being the ultimate tool for communication,
companies that do business online are able to stay in touch with their customer's needs and
provide information to enrich their customers' online hence building customer loyalty (Swift,

Many people in Uganda lack sufficient time and resources to visit company's premises in case
of their needs. But with internet closer relationships can be maintained reduced costs. One of
the most important factors inherent in doing business online is the potential to reduce costs
associated with gathering and maintaining information from customers as well as broadening
their awareness. Sustaining a business in Uganda through radio advertisement, television
advertisement, television advertisement and news papers is quite expensive with provision of
much more limited information thus a need to go online (Swift, 2001).

Operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week from one virtual market space. Despite the many
insecurity cases in Uganda and time constraints, E-business enables customer to shop at any
time and from any place that offers them convenience.

2.6.2 Limitations of E-business

• Setting up, maintenance and running costs. Few businesses in Uganda are able to set
up a website and sustain it on internet.
• High level of computer illiteracy. Inherent usage of computers is not prevalent in
Uganda since few people are able to use internet and browse through websites.
• It’s therefore because of this obstacle that very many businesses cannot go online since
there are shortage skilled employees and customers to run and exploit Business
• Geographical restrictions, users in remote places and highlands are less likely to
benefit from E-business since very few people have computers with no internet cafes.
Thus E- business lacks a platform in such areas

• Difficulty in integrating the existing system of business with e-business system since
buyer’s desire to touch and feel products before purchase. And this is due to higher
levels of insecurity in Uganda that are prevalent on many websites.
• Insufficient telecommunication capacity or bandwidth. This makes computer to slow
down when. downloading.

2.7 E-commerce versus e-business

With the commercialization of internet, electronic commerce became ecommerce, the buzz
word for buying and selling products and services on the internet. Today many people use the
term e-commerce in broader sense, encompassing not only buying and selling but also delivery
of information or products, providing customer service before and after sale, collaborating with
business partners and enhancing productivity within the organization. Others prefer the term
c-business to indicate the broader spectrum of business activities that can be conducted over
Internet. Most people use c - commerce and e-business interchangeably but E - business can
be used to indicate the widest spectrum of business activities using internet technologies (Fillis,

Dave Chaffey (2005) defines E-marketing as applying digital technologies which form online
channels web, email, database to contribute to marketing activities aimed at achieving
profitable acquisition and retention of customers through improving customer's delivering of
integrated targeted communication and online services that match their individual needs.
The web and E-mail communications should be personally tailored to individual buyer based
on information obtained in research.
Online channel should be used to support the whole buying process to sale and further
development of customer relationship where this is appropriate (Swift, Accelerating customer
relationships: Using CRM and relationship technologies. Prentice Hall Professional., 2001).

Benefits of E-marketing.
E-marketing uses the internet as platform that allows firms to adopt to the needs of customers,
reduces transaction costs and allows customers to move from time to time and location-based
behaviours towards non-temporal and non-locational behaviours (Sheth, 2005).

E-marketing can create interactions by customizing information for individual· customers that
allow customers to design products and services that meet their specific requirement.

Innovative Web marketing ideas.

Na pier (2001) stated that just as growth of e-business encourages the development of new
business models, it also encourages the growth of new marketing ideas to promote examples
of an e-business model whose business model successfully exploit the net work effect by using
innovative marketing idea is Hotmail (Valladares, 2022).

Marketing strategy on the web (Amor 2001)

A strategy for marketing on the internet should follow the subsequent rules.
• Brands- Your website becomes your most important brand.
• Change- The rules on the internet are changed.
• Conciseness- Keep your pages short and Spread information on several Pages
• Finances-Try new markets with low advertising pricing schemes.
• Free give-away-Create freebee offerings for loyal customers.
• Global village-Think global, but localize

2.8 Internet
Napier et al (2001) defined Internet as a public worldwide network of networks, connecting
many small private networks.

Millions of people use internet to shop for products and services, conduct research, keep up to
date with current events and send e-mail. More and more businesses are using the internet to
conduct their business activities. According to Amor (2000), the Internet offers a whole range
of new technologies to increase your marketing activities and also offers a much higher degree
of interaction. Customers and partners have different expectations; they expect that your
offerings was available 24 hours a day, without interruption and they can ask questions
whenever they feel like. People expect to be able to ask questions directly and if you are not
able to fulfill the expectations of your customers and the customers of your ·customers, then
you should not go onto the web. But this would mean immediate death of your business.

2.8.1 A brief history of Internet
The internet originated in 1960s, when the United states Department of Defense developed a
network of military computers called ARPANET [Advanced Research Projects Agency
Network]. Quickly realizing the usefulness of such a network, researchers at colleges and
universities soon began using it to share data. In the I 980s the military portion of early Internet
became a separate net work called the MILNET Meanwhile the National Science Foundation
[NSF] began overseeing the remaining military portions, which is called the NSFnet.
Thousands of other government, academicians, and business computer networks began
connecting to the NSFnet. By the late 1980s, the term internet had become widely used to
describe this huge worldwide "network of networks" (Napier et al 2001).

Feedback and online surveys

Amor (2000) asserted that every site should offer the possibility for customer feedback. A
feedback form should be provided on a separate feedback page that enables a customer to
choose the reason for feedback and enter a statement of usefulness to the website. Some fields
for the name, e-mail address and feedback should be included. The feedback can be directed
automatically to the appropriate department.
Feedback also helps customers to express their needs better and customer care centre was able
to help much faster and respond to the needs of customer. The surveys can be combined with
a prize in order to make it attractive to people and make· them more willing to give more
information such as their address. Therefore, feedback will enable a business to know
customers' opinion regarding their performance.
Morrison (2000) stated that along getting information about vendor's products and services,
online customers need to be able to submit inquiries, select items for purchase, and submit
payment information.
Hence this project will embark on the ability for the website to track customers' inquiries,
complaints, preferences and process customer orders through merging a website and a database

2.9 Existing Systems

2.9.1 Retail Pro:

Retail Pro is a widely used supermarket management system that offers features such as
inventory management, sales tracking, customer management, employee management,
purchase order management, and reporting and analytics. It also includes tools for e-commerce
and mobile POS. One of the gaps of Retail Pro is that it can be expensive for small businesses.

2.9.2 Lightspeed Retail:

Lightspeed Retail is a cloud-based supermarket management system that provides inventory
management, sales tracking, customer management, employee management, and reporting and
analytics. It also includes tools for e-commerce and mobile POS. However, one of its gaps is
that it may not be suitable for larger businesses (Chandru, 2019).

2.9.3 Square for Retail:

Square for Retail is a popular supermarket management system that offers inventory
management, sales tracking, customer management, employee management, and reporting and
analytics. It also includes tools for e-commerce and mobile POS. One of its gaps is that it may
not be customizable enough for some businesses.

2.9.4 Vend:
Vend is a cloud-based supermarket management system that provides inventory management,
sales tracking, customer management, employee management, and reporting and analytics. It
also includes tools for e-commerce and mobile POS. However, one of its gaps is that it may
not be as feature-rich as some other systems (Marr, 2019).

2.9.5 QuickBooks Point of Sale:

QuickBooks Point of Sale is a widely used supermarket management system that offers
inventory management, sales tracking, customer management, employee management, and
reporting and analytics. It also includes tools for e-commerce and mobile POS. However, one
of its gaps is that it may not be as scalable as some other systems.

2.9.6 NCR Counterpoint:
NCR Counterpoint is a supermarket management system that provides inventory management,
sales tracking, customer management, employee management, purchase order management,
and reporting and analytics. It also includes tools for e-commerce and mobile POS. One of its
gaps is that it can be expensive for some businesses (Mateescu, 2019).

2.9.7 Prodigy POS:

Prodigy POS is a cloud-based supermarket management system that offers inventory
management, sales tracking, customer management, employee management, and reporting and
analytics. It also includes tools for e-commerce and mobile POS. However, one of its gaps is
that it may not be suitable for businesses that require more advanced features (Rubini, 2018).

2.9.8 ShopKeep:
ShopKeep is a cloud-based supermarket management system that provides inventory
management, sales tracking, customer management, employee management, and reporting and
analytics. It also includes tools for e-commerce and mobile POS. However, one of its gaps is
that it may not be as customizable as some other systems (Sahay, 2016).

2.9.9 Conclusion
Conclusively, today's world modem technology is inclusive of E-commerce and marketing
which are subsets of E-business and the most efficient way to reach potential customers is by
going online and boosting the existing awareness of the company. Taking into consideration
of what the mentioned authors talk about Websites, E-business, marketing and c-commerce,
will make the business successful in this internet age.


3.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the research design and methodology for developing an electronic
supermarket management system for DeJavour Supermarket. The chapter describes the study
area, population, and sample size, as well as the data collection methods used. The existing
system is analyzed, and the proposed system is presented.

3.1 Research Design

The research design for this study is a case study. The case study method is suitable for
investigating a complex phenomenon in its natural setting. In this case, the electronic
supermarket management system for DeJavour Supermarket is examined in depth.

3.2 Research Methodology

The research methodology used for this study is the iterative model. The iterative model
involves repeating a series of steps until a satisfactory result is achieved. In this study, the
iterative model is used to develop and refine the electronic supermarket management system
for DeJavour Supermarket.

3.2.1 Iterative Model

The iterative model comprises four main stages: planning, analysis, design, and
implementation. Each stage involves a cycle of activities, including requirements gathering,
system design, coding, and testing. The results of each cycle are used to refine the system until
the desired level of functionality is achieved.

I used Iterative methodology because it is notably compulsory to recognize the Iterative

model’s benefits before executing it in the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). This
model’s significant benefit is that it is executed while the preceding phases of the software
development process permit developers and testers to determine design or functionalities
defects as quick as plausible, which permits them to get restorative actions in the insufficient
budget (Singh, 2017).

The figure below shows the SDLC of the Iterative methodology.

Figure 3. 1shows the SDLC of the Iterative methodology

3.3 Study Area

The study area for this research is DeJavour Supermarket, located in the central business district
of the city. DeJavour Supermarket is a large retail store that sells a wide range of products,
including groceries, clothing, electronics, and household items.

3.4.1 Study Population and Sample Size

The study population for this research is supermarket employees, including managers, cashiers,
and inventory clerks. The sample size for this study is determined using the sample size
calculator, which considers the size of the population, level of precision, and confidence level.
A sample size of 50 is selected for this study.

3.4.2 Sample Size

The sample size will be estimated using the formula (Slovene's formula).

where n = Number of samples, N = Total population and e = Error tolerance.

e is the marginal error which is constantly 0.05

Slovin's formula is written as:

1 + 𝑁𝑒2
At least 30% of the total population is representative (Shahrokh Esfahani, 2014). Thus, the
study will be conducted on a convenience sample size.

The sample size for this study is 50, which is a representative sample of the study population.

3.5 Data Collection Methods

Data is collected using three main methods: observation, interviews, and questionnaires.

3.5.1 Observation
Observation is used to collect data on the existing supermarket management system. This
method involves observing the system in operation, documenting its features and functions,
and identifying areas for improvement.

During this period, I took the opportunity to look carefully at how DeJavour Supermarket
conduct business vendors, products they normally purchase, where they like to purchase from
and the amounts they are willing to pay for services. Some other observations made were the
mode of payment which was mostly cash.

3.5.2 Interviews
Interviews are conducted with supermarket employees to gather their perspectives on the
existing system and their requirements for the new system. Interviews are also used to identify
challenges and opportunities associated with the new system.

I used two interview techniques in my research. These are the structured and unstructured

Structured Interview:

In the structured interview, a laid down format or procedure was followed. This was conducted
with some supermarket attendants and people with knowledge about the Inventory systems and
the supermarket industry. Some of the questions I asked are;

i Can you describe the main features and functions of the previous system used by
Dejavour Supermarket, and how it was used to manage inventory, sales, and other
business processes?
ii What were some of the challenges and limitations of the previous system, and how did
these impact the efficiency and effectiveness of Dejavour Supermarket's operations?

iii How did Dejavour Supermarket maintain and update the previous system, and what
kind of resources (e.g., staff, budget, technology) were required to do so?
iv How did employees of Dejavour Supermarket use the previous system on a daily basis,
and what kind of training or support was provided to ensure that it was used correctly
and efficiently?
v Can you describe any specific examples of how the previous system led to errors or
inefficiencies in Dejavour Supermarket's operations, and how these issues were

Unstructured Interview:

The unstructured interview was conducted without any officially written questions to be asked
or format to be followed. Information was basically derived from interviewees through
conversations along lines that led us to the kind of information I needed. Some of the
individuals I conducted this interview on were people well versed in issues concerning the
suppermaket industry and some suppermaket attendants.

3.5.3 Questionnaires
Open ended and closed types of questioners was used to elicit the appropriate responses from
the targeted population. Researcher used questionnaire because they are cheap compared to
interview and they can help get information easily from large population.

Questionnaires are used to collect data from supermarket customers, including their shopping
habits, preferences, and feedback on the existing system.

3.6 System Analysis

The existing supermarket management system is analyzed in this section, including its
strengths and weaknesses. The proposed system is also presented.

3.6.1 The Existing System

The existing supermarket management system at DeJavour Supermarket is a paper-based
system that involves manual inventory tracking, cash register operations, and employee
scheduling. The system is prone to errors and delays, and it does not provide real-time data on
sales or inventory levels.

3.6.2 Weakness of The Existing Approach
The weaknesses of the existing system include its manual operations, lack of real-time data,
and high potential for errors and delays.

3.6.3 Strength of The Existing Approach

The strengths of the existing system include its simplicity and ease of use for employees and

3.6.4 Proposed System

The proposed electronic supermarket management system for DeJavour Supermarket is a
computerized system that includes features such as real-time inventory tracking, point of sale
operations, employee management, and sales

3.7 Requirements

3.7.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements describe what a system should do or accomplish. Here are some
potential functional requirements for an electronic supermarket management system:
i Inventory management: The system should be able to track inventory levels, receive
and process orders, and generate reports on stock levels and sales trends.
ii Point of sale: The system should allow customers to make purchases using various
payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile payments.
iii Promotions and discounts: The system should be able to apply promotions and
discounts to products, such as buy-one-get-one-free offers or percentage-off discounts.
iv Employee management: The system should be able to manage employee schedules,
time and attendance, and payroll.
v Vendor management: The system should be able to manage vendor relationships,
including ordering, receiving, and tracking shipments.
vi Accounting and finance: The system should be able to generate financial reports, such
as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
vii Online ordering and delivery: The system should be able to accept and process online
orders, including delivery or pickup options.

3.7.2 Non-functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements are the characteristics of a system that describe how it operates,
rather than what it does. Here are some potential non-functional requirements for an electronic
supermarket management system:
i Performance: The system should be able to handle a large number of transactions
simultaneously without significant delays or crashes.
ii Reliability: The system should be available and operational 24/7, with minimal
downtime for maintenance.
iii Security: The system should have robust security measures in place to protect sensitive
customer and business data, such as encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection
iv Scalability: The system should be able to accommodate an increasing number of stores,
products, and customers without sacrificing performance.
v Usability: The system should be easy to use and intuitive for employees and customers,
with clear and simple interfaces.
vi Accessibility: The system should be accessible to people with disabilities, including
those with visual or hearing impairments.
vii Compatibility: The system should be compatible with various hardware and software
configurations, including different operating systems and browsers.
viii Maintainability: The system should be easy to maintain and update, with clear
documentation and support from the vendor.
ix Disaster Recovery: The system should have a disaster recovery plan in place in case of
unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or cyber-attacks.
x Compliance: The system should comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as
data protection laws, tax laws, and consumer protection laws.

3.7.3 Requirement Specification.

Requirement specification describes the software and hardware requirements that the system
should poses.

3.7.4 Software Requirement
Table below shows the software specifications that a machine running the Electronic
Supermarket Management System should poses.

Software Minimum system requirements

Operating system Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, all ubuntu versions and marc

Database management System MySQL

Server Wamp, Xamp, Lamp

Web browser Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera

Table 3. 1Software Requirement

3.7.5 Hardware Requirements

The table below describes the hardware requirements that a machine running the Electronic
Supermaket Management System should poses.

Hardware Minimum System Requirements

Processor 2.4 Ghz processor speed

Memory 512 mb Ram (1 Gb Recommended)

Disk space 500GB (including 80gb for database management system)

Display 800*60 colors (1024*768high color – 16 bits recommended)

Table 3. 2 Hardware Requirements

3.7.6 Software Specifications

This includes the software package that we will use in the development of the Electronic
Supermarket Management System.

Microsoft visual code: This is the text editor that we will use for developing the new system
using the programming languages especially HTML and PHP.

3.8 System design methods
This section describes the system design in relation to the structural topology, how different
processes interact with each other, and the relationships between different entities. In this
section the following tools will be used; architectural design, context diagram and data flow
diagram, flow chart and entity relationship diagram.

3.9 System implementation, testing and validation methods.

3.9.1 System implementation methods

The following tools and technologies will be used to implement the system:

CSS3, BOOTSTRAP5, HTML5 and JAVA SCRIP was used for front-end

a) PHP was used for back-end and scripting.

b) MySQL was used for database management system (DBMS) because it is fast, reliable,
easily integrated with PHP and runs on various platforms.

c) Apache was used for server.

3.9.2 System testing methods

System testing will be done by the researchers to ensure that the system is free of errors. The
following methods of systems testing will be used to test the system:

3.10 Conclussion
In conclusion, this study aimed to analyze the existing electronic supermarket management
system used by Dejavuor Supermarket and propose an improved system to address its
weaknesses. Through the research methodology, which included observation, interviews, and
questionnaires, the study identified the weaknesses of the existing system, including slow
checkout process, limited payment options, and inadequate inventory management.

The proposed system addressed these weaknesses by introducing a faster checkout process
using barcode scanners and integrating multiple payment options, including mobile payments.
It also implemented a more robust inventory management system, including real-time tracking
of stock levels and automatic reordering of products when stock levels run low.

The iterative model used in the research allowed for continuous improvement of the proposed
system based on feedback from stakeholders, ensuring that the final system was tailored to the
specific needs of Dejavuor Supermarket.

Overall, the proposed system is expected to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve
customer satisfaction for Dejavuor Supermarket. It is recommended that the supermarket
implements the proposed system as soon as possible to maximize its benefits.



4.0 Introduction
This chapter covers the system study, implementation, validations and the design of the system.

System design strains to give a more detailed and clearer picture of the process modelling phase
of the system using tools such as the context diagrams, level 1 diagrams, and data dictionaries
as well as the modelling phase while deploying tools such as the conceptual data model, and
the entity relationship diagram.

4.1 System design

This section describes the system design in relation to the structural topology, how different
processes interact with each other, and the relationships between different entities. In this
section the following tools were used; architectural design, context diagram and data flow
diagram, flow chart and entity relationship diagram.

Development Methodology

I used Iterative methodology because Iterative development is a type of software development

process that makes progress through successive refinement through Product Increments. The
Developers creates the product although knowing that many parts are not completed. The team
works on the parts that are not completed and enhances the product till the product is finished
and satisfactory. After each iteration, the customer's feedback is taken into consideration and
the software is improved as they add more details to the product. Taking an example of building
a search function for a website, at first, the website would contain basic search criteria which
could be later enhanced by adding more options in the next iteration. In iterative processes, the
developer first makes a minimally viable product, and later uses customer feedback to enhance
the product, and continues the process through multiple iterations till the customer is satisfied.
(David Addrerson, 2000).

4.1.1 A simple flow chart for the borrowing process:
Figure below is a flow chart representing a systematic flow of how system users interact with
the system.


Account SAVE

Account MODIFY




Customer Bill Payment

Purchase Bill payments

Figure 4. 1 A simple flow chart for the borrowing process

4.2 Architecture Design.
Architectural design involves decomposing the system into various subsystems. It shows how
database system and the graphical user interface communicate with each other.

Figure 4. 2 Architecture Design.

4.2.1 Level 0 Context Diagram
Figure below shows the level 0 context diagram which is the starting model for the structure
analysis of the system. It shows the scope of the study.

Figure 4. 3 Level 0 Context Diagram

4.3 Data Modelling

Data modelling was achieved by identifying the data requirements, entities and their respective
attributes that make up the system and modelling the relationship between the entities.

4.3.1 Entities and Attributes

4.3.2 Logical Database Design

The logical design of a system is an abstract representation of the data flows, inputs and outputs
of the system. It is a graphical representation of a system showing the system’s processes and
the flows of data into and out of the processes. This is often conducted via modelling using an
over abstract (and sometimes graphical) model of the actual system.

Table name Logical Design of the table in the Database

tbl_ customer CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `customer` ( `customer_id` int

NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `phone_no` bigint NOT NULL,
`zipcode` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`customer_id`), KEY
`fk_zipcode` (`zipcode`)) ENGINE=InnoDB

tbl_employee CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `employee` ( `employee_id` int

NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `phone_no` bigint NOT NULL,
`role` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`zipcode` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY
KEY (`employee_id`), KEY `fk_ezip` (`zipcode`)) ENGINE=InnoDB

tbl_product CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ` product` ( `name_id` int NOT

NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `price` int NOT NULL,
`quantity` int NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

Tbl_ address CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `address` (`zipcode` int NOT
NULL, `state` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`district` varchar(255) NOT
NULL, `city` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`zipcode`),
UNIQUE KEY `zipcode` (`zipcode`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT
CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

Tbl_user CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` ( `user_id` int NOT NULL
AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB

Tbl_billing_counter CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `billing_counter` ( `bill_no` int

`employee_id` int NOT NULL, `bdate` datetime NOT NULL
UNIQUE KEY `bill_no` (`bill_no`), KEY `fk_bcid` (`customer_id`),
KEY `fk_beid` (`employee_id`)


CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

Tbl_ payment CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `payment` ( `payment_id` int NOT
NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `customer_id` int NOT NULL, `pdate`
`amount` int NOT NULL, `mode` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `bill_no`
int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`payment_id`), KEY `fk_pbno`
(`bill_no`), KEY `fk_pcid` (`customer_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB

Table 4. 1 Logical Database Design

Table 4. 2 Logical Database Design

4.3.3 Physical Database Design

The physical design is a kind of system design. It is a graphical illustration of the system,
representing external and internal entities of the system with to and from data flow. It is also
related to the concrete input and output of the system. This deals with how the input data are
provided, processed, and how the output is displayed. In the physical design, one looks at the
most effective way of storing and retrieving information.

Table User.

Figure 4. 4 Physical Database Design

Table Employees / Supermarket Attendants

Table Product

4.4 Relationship

4.4.1 Modelling Relationships Between Entities

An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an entity relationship model, is a
graphical representation that depicts relationships among people, objects, places, concepts or
events within an information technology (IT) system.

4.4.2 Entity relationship diagram
The illustrations below show the description of the various relationships between the entities
using ERDs.

Entity Relationship Diagram for an Electronic Supermarket Management System.

Figure 4. 5 Entity Relationship Diagram for an Electronic Supermarket Management System.

Entity Relationship Diagram for an Electronic Supermarket Management System.

4.5 Implementation of the system

4.5.1 Functions provided by the System

The Electronic supermarket management System provides different function to its users
depending on their roles. The system prompts the users for their usernames and passwords, the
users provide their credentials then the system validates the user. After, the user can use the
system for various tasks depending on his or her roles or groups.

4.5.2 Functions provided to the Admin.
i Manage and update the supermarket's database
ii Manage and update the supermarket's website and social media accounts
iii Monitor and analyze sales data
iv Manage and schedule employee shifts
v Generate financial reports and analyze financial data
vi Manage the supermarket's budget and expenses

4.5.3 Functions provided to the Employees.

i Check and manage inventory levels
ii Receive and process orders
iii Update product information and prices
iv Manage customer complaints and inquiries
v Generate sales reports and analyze sales data
vi Manage and schedule employee shifts

4.5.4 Functions provided to the Cashiers.

i Scan and process customer purchases
ii Accept payments and provide change
iii Manage cash drawers and perform cash reconciliations
iv Assist customers with inquiries and complaints
v Keep track of inventory levels at checkout

4.5.5 Functions provided to the Vendors.

i Manage their own product inventory and prices
ii Receive and process orders from the supermarket
iii Provide product information and promotions to the supermarket
iv Manage product delivery and logistics
v Manage invoices and payments from the supermarket

4.5.6 Project tools

The tools below were used for developing the system.

i. MYSQL: Is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases. I used

MYSQL for developing the database of the system.

ii. PHP: The Hypertext Processor (PHP) is a scripting language that allows processing at
the server side. PHP helped me to get information from the interface to the database
and also retrieve data

iii. HTML: I used HTML for the creating web pages

iv. CSS: I used CSS for styling of our system.

v. Bootstrap: I used Bootstrap for making our system responsive and I also used bootstrap
to manipulate CSS and HTML hence forming the beautiful pages that are viewed by
the users. allowing users to access the website from devices ranging from smartphones
to computers.

4.6 Results

4.6.1 User Interfaces

4.6.2 Sample Screenshots of the Design and Developed System.

1. landing page

Below is the landing page that serves as a login page, typically the first page that a user sees
when they visit a website or application. The main purpose of this page is to verify the user's
identity and grant them access to the site's content or services.

The login page typically includes a form where the user can enter their login credentials, such
as a username and password. There may also be options for resetting a forgotten password or
creating a new account if the user is a first-time visitor.

Figure 4. 6 landing page

2. Item page:

This page is where you can view and manage all the items available for sale in the supermarket.
Each item will have a unique identifier, a name, a description, a price, and possibly other
attributes such as the category it belongs to, the vendor that supplies it, and the quantity in
stock. From this page, you can add, edit, or delete items as needed.

Figure 4. 7 Item page:

3. Vendor page:

This page is where you can view and manage all the vendors that supply goods to the
supermarket. Each vendor will have a unique identifier, a name, a description, and possibly
other attributes such as their contact information and the products they supply. From this page,
you can add, edit, or delete vendors as needed.

Figure 4. 8 Vendor page:

4. Sale page:

This page is where you can record all the sales transactions that take place in the supermarket.
For each sale, you will record the customer who made the purchase, the items that were
purchased, the quantity of each item, the price, and any applicable discounts or taxes. From
this page, you can also view reports on sales trends and other metrics.

Figure 4. 9 Sale page:

5. Customer page:

This page is where you can view and manage all the customers who shop at the supermarket.
Each customer will have a unique identifier, a name, a description, and possibly other attributes
such as their contact information and purchase history. From this page, you can add, edit, or
delete customers as needed.

Figure 4. 10 Customer page

6. Search page:

This page is where you can search for specific items, vendors, customers, or sales transactions
based on various criteria such as name, ID, price, or date. You can also filter your search results
by category, vendor, customer, or other attributes.

Figure 4. 11 Search page:

7. Reports page:

This page is where you can generate various reports on sales trends, inventory levels, vendor
performance, customer behavior, and other metrics. These reports can help you make informed
decisions about stocking, pricing, marketing, and other aspects of running the supermarket.
You can also customize the reports to include specific data points and time periods.

Figure 4. 12 Reports page

4.7 Testing and validation of the system.

4.7.1 System Testing

This was done through deployment of the developed An electronic supermarket management
system, with an intention of discovering its weaknesses and strengths, thereby concluding
about its compliances with its intended specification and functionality.

The following testing strategies were deployed. User Testing

A group of target users were selected to examine the systems functionality and make any
feasible recommendations. Modelling /Unit Testing

System testing was done after the system was duly coded. Individual modules of the system
were checked to ensure they are fully functional units before merging them.

This was done by examine each unit, each script was checked to ensure that it functions as
required and that it performed exactly as intended.

36 Integration Testing
The success of each individual unit gave me the go ahead to carryout integration testing.
Different system modules were put together to make a complete system.

Integration testing ensured modules were compatible to be integrated to form a complete

working An electronic supermarket management system. Security Testing

This was a process that was intended to reveal flaws in the security mechanisms of our system
to protect data and maintain functionality as intended. For example, authentication of the
system could only allow registered users access to the system information.

In-case the user tries to log into the system using a wrong user credentials, the system shows
an error message telling the user that you have input a wrong username or password and should
try again or create a new account as shown in the figures bellow.

On submitting an empty form, the system will inform the user that this is a required field.

Figure 4. 13 On submitting an empty form, the system will inform the user that this is a required field.

on submitting a wrong information on login form, the system will inform the user that the data
input is wrong.

Figure 4. 14 on submitting a wrong information on login form

4.7.2 System Validation

The system was presented to the users and feedback was got in regards to the performance of
the system and to determine whether the system met user’s needs. Most of the users were
satisfied with the system and concluded that the system satisfies their needs and it is easy to
use. The system was found to be effective in helping Dejavour Supermarket managers to
manage their inventory easily and faster.



5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will present a discussion, conclusion and recommendations for an electronic
supermarket management system based on the case study of Dejavour Supermarket. The aim
of this project was to develop a user-friendly and efficient system for managing supermarket
operations including inventory, sales, customer information and employee management.

5.2 Discussion
In this section, we will discuss the key findings and results of the project.

Firstly, the electronic supermarket management system has provided Dejavour Supermarket
with numerous benefits. The system has made it easier to manage the inventory, track sales,
and provide customer data. The system has also improved the efficiency of the checkout
process, resulting in shorter wait times for customers. Additionally, the system has made it
easier to manage employee schedules and workloads.

Secondly, the system has several features that contribute to its success. For example, the system
provides real-time data on inventory levels and sales, making it easier for the supermarket to
restock items when they are running low. The system also allows employees to quickly and
easily search for products and check prices, which saves time and reduces errors. Furthermore,
the system enables the supermarket to manage customer data and provide personalized offers
and promotions.

Thirdly, the project has highlighted some challenges associated with implementing an
electronic supermarket management system. For example, the initial investment required to set
up the system can be high, and it may take some time for the supermarket to see a return on
their investment. Additionally, the system requires regular maintenance and updates, which
can be time-consuming and costly. Finally, there may be resistance to change from employees
who are accustomed to traditional manual systems.

5.3 Conclusion
In conclusion, the electronic supermarket management system has been a successful project
for Dejavour Supermarket. The system has improved the efficiency of supermarket operations,
resulting in cost savings and a better shopping experience for customers. The system also
enables the supermarket to better manage their inventory, sales, and customer data. However,
the implementation of the system has presented some challenges, which should be considered
before undertaking a similar project.

5.3 Recommendations
Based on the findings and conclusions of the project, we have the following recommendations
for Dejavour Supermarket and other organizations considering implementing an electronic
supermarket management system:

Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis before investing in an electronic supermarket

management system to ensure that the investment is financially viable.

Communicate the benefits of the system to employees and provide training and support to
encourage their adoption of the new system.

Regularly review the system and update it as needed to ensure that it remains efficient and

Ensure that the system is secure and that customer data is protected.

Consider integrating the system with other business systems to provide a comprehensive view
of supermarket operations.

Overall, an electronic supermarket management system has the potential to provide numerous
benefits for supermarkets, but it is important to carefully consider the costs and challenges
associated with its implementation.

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