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Chapter 4: Product & Service Design

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 3:31 PM

- Quality function deployment - Voice/feedback from the consumer

- Strategy product and service design
○ Translating consumer needs and wants from surveys, etc
○ Refining existing products
○ Formulate quality goals
○ Construct and test prototypes
○ Document Specs
○ Translate ideas into process specifications, how to achieve the wants and needs
- Key Questions
○ Is there a demand for it?
○ Need for it?
○ Market Size/Demand Profile, Forecastable?
○ Can we do it? Are we capable of producing goods or providing services
○ Does it make sense from an economic stand point (ESG, profit, etc.)
- Idea Generation for Re-Design
○ Supply Chain Based
○ Competitor Based
○ Research Based

OMIS 108 Page 1

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