3 Appendix 2 - Service Level Agreement

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Service Level Agreement

for EMTS

Network Field Maintenance Service


Service Level Agreement

The Contractor represents and guarantees that all services provided in accordance with this agreement will be
performed in a good and workmanlike manner. In the event that during the service period EMTS reasonably
determines that any work has not been performed in a good and workmanlike manner or in accordance with
the specifications, EMTS shall promptly notify the contractor, and the contractor shall take prompt remedial
action to correct the defective services at the contractor’s cost and expense.

1.1 Failure Classification and Priority Classes

In order to standardize on the allocation of priorities for failure handling, the priorities have to be established as
follows and are reflected in the paragraphs below:
The description is intended to give an indication for the classification of a specific network element
categorized by their status as *VIP, 3G,4G,2G only, Enterprise, TX only, Hub sites with connecting sites
> 20, Shops, etc. However, EMTS shall have the right to define the priority of each site, which can be
updated from time to time based on EMTS discretion.
In addition, at EMTS discretion, bid winner may be assigned one or more cluster priority sites (E.g. Cluster 1,
priority 2 sites, as shown in the table below) and payment would be applicable according to the **related
cluster priority pricing quoted by the bidder in Table A of the ‘Payment and Pricing’ worksheet imbedded in
Appendix 3 of this RFQ.
The table below shows the percentage priority assigned to each cluster.

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4
Priority Priority
Clusters No of Sites % of Sites % of Sites % of Sites % of Sites
Cluster 1 496 26% 49% 21% 4%
Cluster 2 498 28% 53% 14% 5%
Cluster 3 515 16% 38% 28% 18%
Cluster 4 467 5% 41% 11% 43%
Cluster 5 538 6% 41% 18% 34%
Cluster 6 542 3% 24% 8% 64%
Cluster 7 537 2% 38% 11% 48%
Cluster 8 664 8% 54% 17% 20%
Cluster 9 401 7% 26% 0% 67%
Cluster 10 366 1% 27% 6% 66%


* Priority levels to be defined and finalised with the bid winner.

**All quotes would be negotiated and final applicable cost agreed by both parties.
Availability times

1.2 Attendance / Availability times

The table below describes the availability times of the processes.

O&M Services Duration

NOC Field Support 24/7
Field Service on-site 24/7
Field Service on call-out 24/7
Facility Service on call-out 24/7

1.3 Response and Neutralization Times

01 Response Time
The Response Time is defined as the time between the problem, fault or incident occurrence time
and the time at which the contractor personnel will respond to the trouble ticket logged by the NOC
or SOC.

02 Neutralization Time*
The Neutralization Time is the time between the response time and the time the effected service is
restored. This means that the equipment is operational again, a work around, correction or
permanent solution was supplied.

03 The Contractor shall solve each (Hardware) incidence within predefined target timeframe.

*Note: The travel time shall be included in the Neutralization/final solution time

1.4 Spare parts Management service SLAs

 Please note that the SLA range defined is the standard obtainable for EMTS’s operations.

 The SLA table captures the following major metrics:

 Turnaround time: The time duration (in days) from when a faulty part is received by the contractor
at a designated location assigned by EMTS, to when the repaired part is available at the designated
location or onsite.
 There are four different SLA levels defined for response time, recovery time and Neutralization time
for each SLA classification based on severity of the problem/issue raised
 The four different severity levels are, each of which are described at the end of the document for
your reference:
 Emergency
 Critical
 Major
 Minor

1.5 More about SLA

 EMTS shall provide the tools to calculate the SLAs, and Availability in accordance with the
requirements as set forth in this Schedule. Should any reports be based on statistical aggregation
and statistical counters interpretation then this shall be detailed by the Contractor to EMTS and
shall be subject to the EMTS’s approval.

 SLA values shall be calculated by EMTS on measurements or statistics collected during a

calendar month, starting from the first day of the month to the last day of the month.

 SLA values may be modified from time to time. New SLAs may be added. The composition
SLAs may be modified. The formula may also be modified, enhanced or added with new factors.
This shall be mutually agreed except for cases related to regulatory requirements required by NCC
(Nigeria communication commission) in which EMTS request will override any agreement.

 SLAs may be improved for clusters covering priority areas and high traffic areas, which shall later
be defined and agreed upon between EMTS and the Contractor.

 Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily and ad hoc Performance meetings must be requested at
specified times as defined by EMTS.

Basis for measurement of Service Levels

 The Contractor’s Field Maintenance Manager shall collect reports and manage problems, during
the cause of monthly maintenance services. This shall be tracked and monitored by both parties
then reconciled monthly against EMTS NOC information to exclude all irregularities and

 There shall be responsibility relief for issues beyond the contractors’ natural control. This would
be defined upon contract negotiations.
 The appended file provides detailed SLA targets.
Service Credit Scheme
Penalties shall be applied based on target SLA performance not achieved on a monthly basis.
Other service credits would be applicable in addition, in the event that the contractor does not

carry out some aspects of the maintenance. More details are included in the attached file to this
Appendix 2.


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