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Ryan International Group of Institutions

SST/ IV / Lesson 1/ Domains of the Earth / WS01
Subject Social Studies
Topic: Domains of the Earth
Sub Topic: Layers of the Earth, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Biosphere
Learning Outcomes of worksheet/Assignment
Upon completion of this worksheet, students will be able to:
 Learn about the four domains of the Earth-lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.
 Learn about the layers of the Earth.

A. Fill in the blanks choosing from the option given in the bracket

[lithosphere, four, hydrosphere, core, atmosphere , ecosystem]

1. The Earth can be divided into ________ main domains.

2. The land masses or solid portions of the earth form the ____________
3. The _________ is the central part of the lithosphere.
4. The ______________ consists of all the water bodies found or the surface of the
5. The layer of air surrounding the Earth is called the _____________
6. An ________________ is a complex community of living and non-living things
functioning as a single unit.

B. Label the layers of the Earth

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