Critical Reading

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1. Harini – 202112500554
2. Alin Juhaelin – 202112500521
3. Silva Zulfatulail – 202112500506
4. Laila Syabina – 202112500503
5. Nurul Aisah - 202112500484

1. Examples for 8 tones:

1. Critical Tone:

Like nature, the ‘love’ of this film is curious and compelling but without romance.
There is no sadness or joy, no redemption. The love between Catherine and
Heathcliff is not between souls, they share no closeness, it is the love of instinct and
physical necessity. In other words, Arnold’s Wuthering Heights is completely without
charm, seemingly oblivious to its audience; it cannot be liked or disliked.

2. Cynical Tone:

I do not know about you, but to me, 90% of the movies you can see in cinemas
nowadays are dull.

3. Sarcastic Tone:
• "You're not one of those people who takes forever to answer texts, are
• I'll sure be glad to get back to the campus. It's deadly around here. The
biggest thing that's happened all spring vacation is a big flap about a charity
dinner How can anyone believe in these so-called charity causes!
The Van Hilary’s, you know, the moneybags on the Hill, gave a huge dinner
party, which nobody could eat because somehow the food was spoiled. The
party was for charity, but I'm sure the Van Hilary’s wouldn't have thought of
anything charitable unless they needed a big write-off on their income taxes.
As for the food, it was probably spoiled long before the party began. These
do-gooders give me a pain. Who do they think they're fooling, anyway?
Charity? There's no such thing as charity. Nobody cares anything about
anyone except number one - me! Just spell charity that way - n-u-m-b-er o-
n-e spells m-e. m-e, m-e!

4. Solemn/Somber/Serious Tone:

Evolution is better than revolution. And peaceful protest is better than rebellion.
The Arab world has seen revolutions and rebellions in the last three years in Tunisia,
Egypt, Libya and the ongoing tragedy of Syria.
It has been those countries that have accepted the need for incremental change, like
Jordan and Morocco that have retained their stability. A common theme in all these
countries has been the demand for dignity: that people should not be humiliated by
violent suppression, but participate effectively in their governance. Responding to
this demand is essential.
5. Ironic Tone:
• The fashion designer has no sense of fashion.
• The pilot has a height phobia.
6. Sentimental Tone:

I've been in the capital city for about 5 years. I came here with the aim of looking for
a decent job with a decent salary too. But unfortunately, not long after I came here,
there was an outbreak of Covid-19, so it was very difficult for me to get a job and
money. I even got kicked out of the apartment because I couldn't pay my monthly
bills. And in the end, I intend to return to my hometown, but my parents still told me
to keep looking for work in the capital city

7. Satirical Tone:
“Wow, you could win an award for cleanliness!” (Real condition: his room is so

8. Humorous Tone:
Rika just had an accident that broke her hand. Then he went to the doctor to treat
his hand. When he got there Rika asked the doctor "When my hand is healed can I
play the piano?"
And the doctor replied "of course"
"That's great. I could never play the piano before!"

2. Five sentences that have negative connotation meaning:

1. He's arrested because of his corruption scandal in his office. He's such a rat.
2. He's so chicken because he's very scared to do the rock climbing.
3. Johnny is a snake in my office. He always abuses his power for his own benefit.
4. Mrs. Ayu is a very cheap woman. She never gives a donation for the poor in my town.
5. The stench of my mother cooking filled the kitchen. (Stench implies that the cooking
smells bad)

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