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Name (s): Justine Bofill, Angeline Supsup, Alleah Balingit, Stephanie Casabuena, Miguel

Lim, Noel Angelo Mendoza

Course/Section: B127 Date Submitted:January 18, 2023

Format #1

Supporting SDGs: SDG 3: s

Slide Topic Image Script

Slide 1 (LIM) A pleasant afternoon
to each and everyone.

My name is Miguel
Lim from CBSMA-
B127. Today, I will
be talking about a
very timely and
relevant issue that we
are confronted with.

Economy is a vital
concern in society
because it determines
how resources are
allocated and how
wealth is distributed.
A strong economy
can provide
opportunities for
individuals and
businesses to
succeed, while a
weak economy can
lead to widespread
unemployment and
Slide 2 (Balingit) The economy also
plays a crucial role in
shaping a society's
overall well-being. A
healthy economy can
provide people with
access to basic
necessities such as
food, housing, and
healthcare, as well as
opportunities for
education and upward
mobility. It can also
lead to increased
social and political

Slide 3 (MENDOZA) Inflation in the

Philippines has been
relatively high in
recent years. The
average inflation rate
from 2015 to 2021
was around 3.5%, but
it has been on an
upward trend in
recent years, rising to
as high as 5.2% in
2021. The main
drivers of inflation in
the Philippines have
been food and fuel
prices, as well as
supply chain
disruptions caused by
the COVID-19

Slide 4 so on and so forth… In 2019, the inflation

(CASABUENA) rate in the Philippines
was at 2.5% and by
2020 it began to rise
and reached an
average of 2.9% due
to the pandemic.
However, in 2021 it
began to increase
more rapidly,
reaching a peak of
5.2% in August 2021,
which is the highest
inflation rate
recorded since the
Financial Crisis of
Slide 5 (BOFILL) so on and so forth… The objective of
measuring inflation is
to determine the
overall effect of
changes in price for a
variety of goods and
services. It enables a
single value
representation of the
rise in the cost of
goods and services
over time in an
economy. Measuring
inflation is important
because it allows
businesses, and
individuals to make
informed economic
decisions and to
understand the impact
of inflation on the
economy and society.

Slide 6 (SUPSUP) so on and so forth… As prices grow, fewer

goods and services
may be purchased
with a given amount
of money. The
general public's cost
of living is affected
by this loss of
purchasing power,
which ultimately
slows economic
growth. According to
economists' common
overview, prolonged
inflation happens
when a country's
money supply
expands faster than
its economy.

Slide 7 (LIM) so on and so forth… Philippine annual

Inflation data reached
8.0% in November
2022, Marking
Country’s highest and
fastest inflation in 14
years Since
November 2008 on
back of higher food
prices according to
Philippines statistics
Authority. It was
reported that the
number beat Renter’s
estimates of 7.8% and
was higher that
October inflation
soared 7.7% ,Listed
primarily by Costlier
Food Prices.

Slide 8 (BALINGIT) so on and so forth… During the "ber"

months (specifically
October through
December).A sharp
increase of the
inflation rate of
certain products was
implemented. The
most problematic
being the sudden
increase in the price
of onions. This led to
a massive public
outcry and an
involuntary boycott
of the public from
consuming the
Slide 9 (MENDOZA) so on and so forth… As people begin to
prepare for the end-
of-year holidays, they
tend to spend more
money on gifts, food,
decorations, and
travel. When demand
for goods and
services increases,
businesses may
respond by raising
their prices in order
to maximize their
profits. It can also
lead to reduced
supply of goods, as
businesses are not
able to produce
enough goods to meet
the increased
Slide 10 so on and so forth… Another factor that
(CASABUENA) can contribute to
inflation are supply
chain disruptions. As
people begin to
prepare for the
holidays, there is an
increase in the
demand for goods
and services, but
supply chains can be
disrupted by things
like weather events,
labor strikes, and
other unforeseen
issues. When supply
chains are disrupted,
it can cause prices to
rise, which can also
contribute to

Slide 11 (BOFILL) so on and so forth… Inflation can be a

problem for society
in a number of ways.
Some of the main
ways that inflation
can negatively impact
society include:
Reduced purchasing
power: When
inflation occurs, the
prices of goods and
services rise, which
can make it more
difficult for people to
afford the things they
need. This can be
problematic for
people on fixed
incomes, such as
retirees, who may
find it harder to make
ends meet.

Slide 12 (SUPSUP) so on and so forth… High inflation can

create uncertainty in
the economy, as
people and businesses
may find it difficult
to plan for the future.
During times of
individuals and
businesses may be
less likely to make
investments or spend
money, which can
slow down economic
growth and lead to a
decline in

Slide 13 (LIM) so on and so forth… Inflation can also

lead to an increase in
income inequality, as
those who own assets
that are able to retain
their value (such as
real estate or stocks)
tend to benefit more
than those who rely
on their income from
wages and salaries.
When income
inequality is high, a
small group of people
hold a large
proportion of wealth
and income, while a
large group holds a
small proportion.

Slide 14 so on and so forth… Saving money can be

(BALINGIT) hard during times of
high inflation because
the value of money
decreases over time
as prices for goods
and services increase.
When inflation is
high, the purchasing
power of money
decreases, which
means that the same
amount of money can
buy less than it could

Slide 15 so on and so forth… High inflation can

(MENDOZA) make a country's
goods and services
more expensive for
foreign buyers, which
can reduce
decrease demand for
exports, increase the
cost of imports and
lead to trade deficit,
and reduce foreign
investment, which
can have negative
impacts on the
country's economy
and growth.

Slide 16 so on and so forth… There are several

(CASABUENA) ways to address
inflation, depending
on the underlying
cause of the inflation
and the overall state
of the economy.
Some common
include: Aiming to
always be one step
ahead. Even if you
have not yet
experienced the
effects of inflation,
start planning today.
Think ahead.
Determine your
current costs and the
cost of your future
Afterwards, establish
a budget and adhere
to it to prevent

Slide 17 (BOFILL) so on and so forth… Second,

reduce your
expenses. You have
to stretch your
resources to the
utmost. Reevaluate
your spending to
separate the
necessities from the
non-essentials. This
will assist you in
setting priorities and
ensuring that your
fundamental needs
are addressed even
when prices rise.
Additionally, you
might wish to look at
less expensive
options to your
standard selections.
You can set aside a
tiny amount of
money over time to
fund key needs.

Slide 18 (SUPSUP) so on and so forth… Third is to

assess options for
revenue. Increasing
your cash flow is a
sensible move that
will help you beat the
odds brought on by
the rising cost of
commodities. Search
for employment
opportunities if
you're unemployed.
Finding strategies to
boost your income
will help you get
through and budget
for periods of
prolonged inflation.

Slide 19 (LIM) so on and so forth… Fourth we have the

use of Fiscal Policy.
The government can
use fiscal policy to
prevent inflation by
balancing budgets,
increasing taxes or
cutting spending. The
government can
change its tax rates to
increase revenue or
efficiently manage
expenditure. An
inflationary gap is
created when the
demand is higher
than the supply. 

Slide 20 Fifth is the the

(BALINGIT) monetary
significant monetary
way to curb Inflation
is to control the
money supply in the
economy. If the
money supply goes
down, the demand for
goods will reduce,
causing a price fall.
Another way to curb
the money supply is
when the government
int withdraws specific
paper notes or coins
from circulation.

Slide 21 And lastly, the

(MEND0ZA) supply-side policies.
Government can
implement policies
that improve
productivity such as
investing in education
and training,
infrastructure, and
technology, which
can be used to
increase the supply of
goods and services,
which can help keep
the prices of the
products low. 

Slide 22 During the pandemic,

(CASABUENA) those who were
knowledgeable and
prepared for any
eventualities were
able to survive and
thrive. The same can
be said in this
situation. Through an
effective financial
literacy program,
Filipinos will be able
to make sound
financial decisions,
avoid incurring debt,
and most importantly,
achieve financial

Slide 23 (BOFILL) And lastly,

the monetary
significant monetary
way to curb Inflation
is to control the
money supply in the
economy. If the
money supply goes
down, the demand for
goods will reduce,
causing a price fall.
Another way to curb
the money supply is
when the government
int withdraws specific
paper notes or coins
from circulation.
Lowering the lending
rate for commercial
banks allows money
circulation to be
Slide 24 (SUPSUP) Everybody has dealt
with inflation.
Consequently, you
shouldn’t panic about
it. Inflation is
inevitable. It has
happened in the past,
it’s happening now,
and it will continue to
happen in the future.
At this point, it’s
already part of our
lives. So instead of
dwelling on it, simply
make the most out of
your money.
As long as you make
responsible decisions,
work hard and be
responsible, then you
have absolutely
nothing to worry

Once again, thank

you and

D1s-prD. (2022, December 6). Ph gov't to alleviate inflation with continued targeted
subsidies, measures to boost food production - neda. National Economic and Development
Authority. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

D1s-prD. (2022, August 8). Gov't to ensure food security, reduce transport costs to combat
inflation - neda. National Economic and Development Authority. Retrieved January 15,
2023, from

Team, T. I. (2022, November 22). What causes inflation? Investopedia. Retrieved January
15, 2023, from

Floyd, D. (2022, August 31). Effects of inflation explained: Is inflation bad? Investopedia.
Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

LeeYingshan. (2022, December 7). Philippines' inflation soars to 14-year high, fueling
expectations of more rate hikes. CNBC. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from
Name:Justine Bofill, Angeline Supsup, Alleah Balingit, Stephanie Casabuena, Miguel Lim,
Noel Angelo Mendoza
Course/Section: B127 Date Submitted: January 18,2023
Format #2

Supporting SDGs:

A pleasant morning/afternoon to each and everyone. My name is miguel Lim from

BSMA - B127. Today, I will be talking about a very timely and relevant issue that we are
confronted with.

Economy is a vital concern in society because it determines how resources are allocated
and how wealth is distributed. A strong economy can provide opportunities for individuals and
businesses to succeed, while a weak economy can lead to widespread poverty, unemployment
and inflation.

The economy also plays a crucial role in shaping a society's overall well-being. A healthy
economy can provide people with access to basic necessities such as food, housing, and
healthcare, as well as opportunities for education and upward mobility. It can also lead to
increased social and political stability.

Inflation in the Philippines has been relatively high in recent years. The average inflation
rate from 2015 to 2021 was around 3.5%, but it has been on an upward trend in recent years,
rising to as high as 5.2% in 2021. The main drivers of inflation in the Philippines have been food
and fuel prices, as well as supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2019, the inflation rate in the Philippines was at 2.5% and by 2020 it began to rise and
reached an average of 2.9% due to the pandemic. However, in 2021 it began to increase more
rapidly, reaching a peak of 5.2% in August 2021, which is the highest inflation rate recorded
since the Financial Crisis of 2008.

The objective of measuring inflation is to determine the overall effect of changes in price
for a variety of goods and services. It enables a single value representation of the rise in the cost
of goods and services over time in an economy. Measuring inflation is important because it
allows policymakers, businesses, and individuals to make informed economic decisions and to
understand the impact of inflation on the economy and society.
As prices grow, fewer goods and services may be purchased with a given amount of
money. The general public's cost of living is affected by this loss of purchasing power, which
ultimately slows economic growth. According to economists' common overview, prolonged
inflation happens when a country's money supply expands faster than its economy.
Philippine annual Inflation data reached 8.0% in November 2022, Marking Country’s
highest and fastest inflation in 14 years Since November 2008 on back of higher food prices
according to Philippines statistics Authority. It was reported that the number beat Renter’s
estimates of 7.8% and was higher that October inflation soared 7.7% ,Listed primarily by
Costlier Food Prices.

During the "ber" months (specifically October through December).A sharp increase of
the inflation rate of certain products was implemented. The most problematic being the sudden
increase in the price of onions. This led to a massive public outcry and an involuntary boycott of
the public from consuming the product.

As people begin to prepare for the end-of-year holidays, they tend to spend more money
on gifts, food, decorations, and travel. When demand for goods and services increases,
businesses may respond by raising their prices in order to maximize their profits. It can also lead
to reduced supply of goods, as businesses are not able to produce enough goods to meet the
increased demand.

Another factor that can contribute to inflation are supply chain disruptions. As people
begin to prepare for the holidays, there is an increase in the demand for goods and services, but
supply chains can be disrupted by things like weather events, labor strikes, and other unforeseen
issues. When supply chains are disrupted, it can cause prices to rise, which can also contribute to

Inflation can be a problem for society in a number of ways. Some of the main ways that
inflation can negatively impact society include: Reduced purchasing power: When inflation
occurs, the prices of goods and services rise, which can make it more difficult for people to
afford the things they need. This can be especially problematic for people on fixed incomes, such
as retirees, who may find it harder to make ends meet.

High inflation can create uncertainty in the economy, as people and businesses may find
it difficult to plan for the future. During times of economic uncertainty, individuals and
businesses may be less likely to make investments or spend money, which can slow down
economic growth and lead to a decline in employment.

Inflation can also lead to an increase in income inequality, as those who own assets that
are able to retain their value (such as real estate or stocks) tend to benefit more than those who
rely on their income from wages and salaries. When income inequality is high, a small group of
people hold a large proportion of wealth and income, while a large group holds a small
Saving money can be hard during times of high inflation because the value of money
decreases over time as prices for goods and services increase. When inflation is high, the
purchasing power of money decreases, which means that the same amount of money can buy less
than it could before.

High inflation can make a country's goods and services more expensive for foreign
buyers, which can reduce international competitiveness, decrease demand for exports, increase
the cost of imports and lead to trade deficit, and reduce foreign investment, which can have
negative impacts on the country's economy and growth.

There are several ways to address inflation, depending on the underlying cause of the
inflation and the overall state of the economy. Some common solutions include: Aiming to
always be one step ahead. Even if you have not yet experienced the effects of inflation, start
planning today. Think ahead. Determine your current costs and the cost of your future objectives.
Afterwards, establish a budget and adhere to it to prevent overspending.

Second, reduce your expenses. You have to stretch your resources to the utmost.
Reevaluate your spending to separate the necessities from the non-essentials. This will assist you
in setting priorities and ensuring that your fundamental needs are addressed even when prices
rise. Additionally, you might wish to look at less expensive options to your standard selections.
You can set aside a tiny amount of money over time to fund key needs.

Third is to assess options for revenue. Increasing your cash flow is a sensible move that
will help you beat the odds brought on by the rising cost of commodities. Search for employment
opportunities if you're unemployed. Finding strategies to boost your income will help you get
through and budget for periods of prolonged inflation.

Fourth we have the use of Fiscal Policy. The government can use fiscal policy to prevent
inflation by balancing budgets, increasing taxes or cutting spending. The government can change
its tax rates to increase revenue or efficiently manage expenditure. An inflationary gap is created
when the demand is higher than the supply. 

Fifth is the monetary policies.One significant monetary way to curb Inflation is to control
the money supply in the economy. If the money supply goes down, the demand for goods will
reduce, causing a price fall. Another way to curb the money supply is when the government
withdraws specific paper notes or coins from circulation.

And lastly, supply-side policies. Government can implement policies that improve
productivity such as investing in education and training, infrastructure, and technology, which
can be used to increase the supply of goods and services, which can help keep the prices of the
products low. 
During the pandemic, those who were financially knowledgeable and prepared for any
eventualities were able to survive and thrive. The same can be said in this situation. Through an
effective financial literacy program, Filipinos will be able to make sound financial decisions,
avoid incurring debt, and most importantly, achieve financial goals.

The Central Bank of the Philippines has responded to rising inflation by raising interest
rates to curb demand and cool the economy. However, this can also lead to a decrease in
economic growth. The government also implemented measures such as price freeze and
subsidies to help mitigate the impact of rising prices on the most vulnerable sectors.

Everybody has dealt with inflation. Consequently, you shouldn’t panic about it. Inflation
is inevitable. It has happened in the past, it’s happening now, and it will continue to happen in
the future. At this point, it’s already part of our lives. So instead of dwelling on it, simply make
the most out of your money. As long as you make responsible decisions, work hard and be
financially responsible, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about.


D1s-prD. (2022, December 6). Ph gov't to alleviate inflation with continued targeted
subsidies, measures to boost food production - neda. National Economic and Development
Authority. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

D1s-prD. (2022, August 8). Gov't to ensure food security, reduce transport costs to combat
inflation - neda. National Economic and Development Authority. Retrieved January 15,
2023, from

Team, T. I. (2022, November 22). What causes inflation? Investopedia. Retrieved January
15, 2023, from

Floyd, D. (2022, August 31). Effects of inflation explained: Is inflation bad? Investopedia.
Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

LeeYingshan. (2022, December 7). Philippines' inflation soars to 14-year high, fueling
expectations of more rate hikes. CNBC. Retrieved January 15, 2023, from

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