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Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

Provider Capability
0. booking Sal Scripts
Version 2.0 / November 2022

Capability Demo Scenario

Version History
Script Version Outline Capabilities Demo scripts enhanced
2.0 Initial version to share 3 of the Initial script.
variants of how virtual
appointments can be managed
The Challenge The Solution The Products
Modern healthcare organizations have Enhance patient engagement (IPS). PowerApps Portal
data coming from a myriad of sources. Power BI
Patients input their personal The Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare enables Azure Health Bot
information when first contacting their enriched data to flow securely through every Teams – Bookings
primary care providers, who then point of care to continuously improve Virtual Appointments
augment that information with clinical patients’ experiences and health outcomes
data about the patient’s health. Health • Personalized care: Increase patient
providers can also compare their engagement by encouraging more
patients’ data against population active participation through
health data to understand how personalized experiences.
broader trends affecting patient • Patient insights: Drive better
populations are relevant to their health outcomes by establishing a
patients. And while healthcare 360-degree view of each patient to
organizations’ primary goal may be to create tailored care plans.
serve patients and deliver the best care • Virtual health: Expand care access
outcomes possible, they must also and offerings by enabling secure,
manage operational data to maintain compliant virtual consultations with
their facilities, enhance the efficient chat, video, and voice.
delivery of care, and deepen patient
How to use this Demo Asset
This Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare shared tenant demonstration focusing on Virtual health experiences leverages real-
time interactions between two personas – A Patient, Care provider and Practitioner.

The Demonstration highlights three of the options available for instigating a virtual appointment. They begin via the
sample Patient PowerApps portal, but then pivot to highlight different capability options that could be leveraged by an

The demonstration flow begins as a Patient through the Patient portal. It will then highlight the first scenario of
leveraging a PowerApps portal to instigate an Appointment. The second scenario will then be triggered through an
interaction with the Azure Health Bot to send the Patient to a Bookings webpage. The resultant scenario will then result in
a virtual appointment being triggered from a link in an email sent to the patient’s inbox.

Demo Credentials and Environments

Demo Persona Background
Patti Thomson has been a patient of Contoso
Healthcare for a number of years. Over this time, she
has agreed to share her digital activity and health data
Patient Patti Thomson through a wearable device.
Outlook: /

Patient Portal: pthomson / MCFHp@000

Matija Presh has 10 years of experience helping

Patients at Contoso Healthcare as a General
Care provider Practitioner. She takes pride in always practicing
Matija Presh
agent empathy when she consults with patients.

Jasmine applies her medical expertise to address

patients’ health concerns. She is the primary care
Practitioner Jasmine Miller provider for Contoso Healthcare Day Clinic.

Preston specializes in Pulmonary issues at Contoso

Practitioner Preston Morales
Component Environments Capability Scenario
Patient Portal A sample Power App Portal used to highlight a range of
interactions with a Provider.
Microsoft Teams Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Teams is used to facilitate virtual
appointments between patients and care providers.
Virtual Clinic The Virtual Clinic application is utilized to help clinics manage
the queues of waiting patients needing to speak to a
Bookings Portal The Microsoft Teams Bookings Application is used as an
example how a web page could be used by a practice to
manage appointment booking by a patient.
Microsoft Outlook Use the patient credentials provided from the right-hand side
popup window when you launch the CDX experience card.
These credentials will be unique for every new session to

Please Note: The Patient portal has to be opened in an InPrivate browser session. The ideal approach is to use the Edge
profiles and create a profile for each persona.
Enhance Patient Engagement
Virtual Health

Patient Portal Creating a virtual Appointment: Scenario 1.

Talk Track:
Local account sign in
Patti uses the Patient Portal to review her details, but can
also easily schedule her next appointment, an annual
checkup, to be virtual. It has been frustrating for Patti that
she has had to miss so many appointments due to
problems with transport, so she’s relieved this won’t be a
blocker going forward.

1. Navigate to Patient Portal (

and click sign in.
2. Enter Patient’s credentials into the username and
password fields (do not select Azure AD)

The sample patient portal is highlighting a number of
potential options available to manage how a Power App Portal
could be utilized. Registering a new patient, redeem invitation
are both suggestions of how a Provider could be engaging
new patients to use the Portal.
If appropriate, for use with security aspects such as two-factor
authentication, an Azure AD can be leveraged. For our
example we are simply using a standard username and
password approach.

Schedule New appointment 3. Click Appointments from the left-hand menu

4. Click Schedule New
Virtual appointment 5. Select Virtual Appointment

If required for a quick demonstration, use the instant
virtual appointment to trigger a teams call

Reason 6. Select the reason pulmonary

The template approach highlights how a Power App
portal could be leveraged by a patient. Choosing to
either select an appointment by their preferred
provider, or focusing on the reason for the

Contoso Health clinic 7. Select locations as Contoso health clinic

For a Provider organization that has multiple physical
practices, electing to choose by location enables the
association of healthcare providers by location.
This can be utilized further through the use of resource
scheduling and Home health.

Date and time 8. Choose a date and time

9. Click Next

Individual providers could be configured using Home
Health and the Resource scheduling to determine
characteristics such as the providers areas of
specialisms (skills), work hours, and appointment slots
through a day.
Confirm appointment 10. Check Complete appointment
11. Click on Confirm Appointment

In this example, we are simply using the ‘complete
appointment’ as a confirmation tool. However, this could
also be utilized to insert T&Cs relevant to a practice that
the patient has to agree with prior to confirming the

Outlook: virtual appointment email confirmation 12. In a new browser tab, navigate to Outlook
( and click on sign in.

13. Log in with the patient’s email credentials.

14. Verify there is an email appointment confirmation

for Patti Thomson, it includes all details about the
virtual appointment that was scheduled in the Patient


- Email might take a few minutes to show in Patti’s

- The sample Power App portal is highlighting a lot of
how a portal could be leveraged in conjunction with
Resource scheduling capabilities. If could be that a
Provider has their own established web experience
for patients. In this instance, capabilities such as the
Data Integration Toolkit could be utilized to provide
data interactions with Care Management and Home
Technical Details
Patient portal:

Healthcare: Microsoft Teams Bookings App Creating a virtual Appointment: Scenario 2.

Talk Track:
After speaking with a nurse practitioner, Patti has decided that
she needs to book another virtual appointment to track her

15. Return to the Patient Portal home page.
16. Go back to the Patient Portal and click on Let’s chat!
17. Enter the following messages as Patti Thompson, one
line at a time, continuing to the next line after you get
a response from the Azure Chat Bot “Let’s chat”:
I twisted my knee when running.
Book an appointment

18. Click on the link provided by the chat bot


The Chat bot experience is sharing a URL to the Bookings App

for Teams. The Microsoft Teams bookings App enables a web
app to function as a front end to booking appointments with

19. Select the following options:

Virtual visit
Staff: Preston Morales
Healthcare provider: General practitioner
Name: Patti Thomson
Email: enter patient’s email provided above, for

20. Choose a date and time in the future, click Book and
verify the bookings details.

Technical Details

Patient Portal: Documentation

Azure Health Bot: Documentation
D365 Customer Service: Documentation
Microsoft Bookings: Documentation

Teams Talk Track:

Once Patti Thomson has completed requesting her
Patient’s inbox: email appointment confirmation appointment, a confirmation will be sent to her inbox with
the complete details and an option to Join an appointment
21. In a new browser session, navigate to Outlook
( and click on sign in.

22. Log in with the patient’s email credentials. For


23. Verify there is an email appointment confirmation

for Patti Thomson; it includes all details about the
virtual appointment that was scheduled in the Booking
24. Click the Join your appointment button.

Patient will join the meeting 25. Enter Name, if prompted

26. Click Join now
27. The patient will wait in the lobby until the practitioner
admits Patti Thomson.

Practitioner’s calendar – join meeting 28. In a new in-private browser session, navigate to
Microsoft Teams ( and click on
sign in.

29. Log in with the Preston’s credentials,

30. On the left-hand side, click on Calendar
Note: If the Calendar app isn’t displayed on the left-
hand side, click on more options (…) and search for
the Calendar app.
31. Select Patti Thomson’s scheduled appointment from
his calendar and click Join
Note: Make sure to join the same appointment that
Waiting in the lobby – admit Patti Thomson scheduled.
32. Click Join now
33. Click to Admit Patti Thomson to the virtual visit
appointment call
34. On the left-hand side, the Practitioner Preston
Morales clicks on Teams

Whilst in the call with Patti Thomson, Preston can locate her
patient details from Care Management.
Scheduled Virtual Appoinments 35. From the Teams list, locate Contoso Healthcare
36. Within this Team, select the channel – General
37. In the Channel – General. Locate the Tab –
Scheduled Virtual Appointments.
38. Locate a Patti Thomson patient record from the list.

Patti’s record Preston Morales whilst speaking with Patti Thomson now has
her details available, which he can quickly review and see
recent Test results, active conditions before scrolling down the
view to assess more information.
Preston also has the opportunity to start to record notes
regarding virtual appointment -either via a related
Appointment EMR option, or as part of the patient interactions
as a new note.

Virtual Clinic Script

Patient Portal Creating an instant virtual Appointment: Scenario 3.

Talk Track:
Patti Thomson is concerned about an ongoing sensation with
her knee, rather than make a future appointment she wants to
join the Virtual Clinic option at her provider and speak to the
next available care provider.

39. Navigate back to the Patient Portal

Schedule New appointment 40. Click Appointments

41. Click Schedule New
42. Select Instant Virtual Appointment
Reason 43. Select a Reason – such as Pulmonary

44. Scroll down from the personal information page and

click Next

The personal information page is an example of how a

patient’s information can be re-verified prior to joining the
queue, along with any predetermined emergency contacts.

Insurance 45. Select Insurance

For some individuals/Countries. It’s important to identify

upfront any Insurance policy details that should be associated
with the virtual call.

Join queue 46. I agree to Terms of Service and click Join queue

Note: Once the patient has joined the queue, the view will
change to the Teams lobby view (as highlighted in a previous
scenario). Patti Thomson will wait in the queue until a
practitioner elects to join her call.
Virtual clinic application 47. In a new in-private browser session, navigate to
Virtual Clinic app ( .
48. Log in with the practitioner credentials, using
Jasmine Millers credentials shown at the beginning of
the scripts.
49. Click Dashboards

Note: Make sure the view is selected as Instant

Virtual Appointments Dashboard

Join Meeting 50. Click Join Meeting from the latest appointment

- Teams meeting will open in a new window

Feedback request
To improve the content, demo data, flow and approach of this demo asset, we would really appreciate you taking a few
minutes to share your experience.

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