Amor Nel 64426572 CHL26O1 Children's Literature Assignment 2

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Amor Nel

Assignment 2
Question 1:
1.1) Children’s literature: books or written words
written by adults with illustrations or pictures
used for the purpose of entertainment or
instructions for children. An example would be a
story book like little red riding hood.
1.2) Context: the type of stories children enjoy
because they can relate and identify themselves
with it, meaning the immediate environment
that’s familiar to the child. An example is a story
about a child growing up in the city, a city child
would like this story but a child living on a farm
wouldn’t like that story because they can relate
to it, it is not familiar to them.
1.3) Emergent literacy: a process which starts at
birth through which children learn certain skills
to help them to read and write in school. They
learn to understand and use language to express
themselves, their ideas, thoughts and their
emotions to communicate with others. Children
watch people around them read and write and
soon hold a book to act as if they are reading,
they scribble on paper which demonstrates to us
their emergent literacy development.
1.4) Africanisation: a process where the teacher
must take the children’s cultures and context
under consideration when teaching children’s
literature, the teacher should choose stories
that are suitable to the diverse backgrounds,
cultures and context of the classrooms.
1.5) Genres: refers to the type of literature and
characterised by the form( the content of the
book), style and content of the literature, they
are distinguished from one another from their
function and features. Examples of literature
genres are drama, fiction, poetry, nursery
rhymes and nonfiction.
Question 2:
* Appropriateness of the book: how appropriate is the
book regarding the children’s age and interest?
* Appeal of the book: would the child find the book
appealing so it can have an impact on the child’s life.
*Matching the text and illustrators: does the text and
the illustrations in the book match each other? In a
good book both the text and the illustrations are found
enjoyable by the learners
* Illustrators: the illustrations should be captured by
the text action, did the illustrator capture the actions in
the text successfully?
* Mood of the story: do the illustrations in the text
make the children eager to know what happens next?
2.2) Reasons why teachers have to choose books for
their classrooms:
* To read stories for the class, children love to hear
stories that trigger their imagination, stories connect
us culturally, help us to see beyond ourselves and
addresses our human frailties. Most books have morals
to teach children something.
* For the children to read aloud or to place the book in
the library for them to read independently, this will
help them make associations with concept and to
elaborate on themes. As the children get older the
books complexity will increase.
*For group reading with large groups, you will need a
large book with big pictures so everyone can see them
from a distance and enjoy them together.
* Books can help build confidence like a predictable
book that helps a beginning reader to build confidence
to develop a love for reading.
*a specific selection of books and genres are chosen to
enhance certain language skills like word recognition,
phonemic awareness, comprehension, fluency and
Question 3:
Type of description purpose
Literal This refers to the The purpose of literal
comprehension straightforward comprehension is to
meaning of the texts use it as a base to
like: dates, time, teach comprehension
locations, vocabulary because questions
and facts. can be answered
directly from the text.
Evaluation This requires the The purpose is to
Comprehension learner to give a help the learner think
comprehensive or critical and to teach
global judgement more advanced
about some aspect of comprehension.
the text.
Personal This requires learners The purpose of
Comprehension to respond personal
emotionally to the comprehension is to
text with feeling. The respond with feeling
answers are not in towards the text and
the text but must relate to it. They
come from the need to be able to
reader reflect a literal
understanding of the
Prediction The learners are The purpose is so the
comprehension required to use the learners use the text
content of the and their own
passage and their thinking(knowledge)
knowledge of the text in a systematic
to determine what fashion to determine
happens next or the what can or will
end of the text. happen next in the

Question 4:
Cognitive Milestone Parent/teacher
Development reached role and
Sensorimotor stage In the sensorimotor The parents role is
stage there are two to interact with their
milestones namely: child and expose
Object performance them to different
where the infant children’s literature
realises that objects as early as the
exist even if they can child’s birth.
no longer be seen(
which is a sign that
their memory is
developing), and
Early language
development- which
is a sign that they
are developing some
symbolic abilities.
Preoperational stage Children think about Teachers and
things symbolically parents role is to
and their language read children stories
use mature. When of different genres,
their memory and parents can ask
imagination children to re-tell
develops they are the stories from
able to understand previous days.
the difference
between past and
future and ingage in
concrete operational The child’s The parents role is
stage preadolescence to make
stage characterised opportunities for
by the appropriate conservation tasks
use of logic. They an example would
solve their problems be to throw water
in a logical fashion, into a cup and then
their thinking is less use a bigger cup and
egocentric and do throw the first cup’s
better at water into it, then
conservation tasks ask the child if the
and they are more water is more or less
aware of external or exactly the same
events amount? And read
literature books that
are age appropriate
Formal operational The child thinks in The parents role is
stage an abstract manner to help their
to manipulate ideas children breaking
in their head, down concepts step
without any by step and then
dependence on allowing them to
concrete think and draw to
manipulation. their own
knowledge while
giving them the
confidence to
explore themselves.

Question 5:
5.1) I have chosen Danville for this question because
it has been in the news lately and it just breaks your
heart when this place was one of the rich places and
now it’s a place you don’t want to be caught in. The
people in this community suffer a lot, they live in
horrible home conditions, they do drugs, most of the
population is unemployed and there is a lot of
The children are so skinny you can see their bones
from their flesh, a definite case of malnutrition.
Children have bruises on them from living in harsh
violent conditions and with dysfunctional families
who get drunk on any cent they earn or buy drugs.
Children are taught to fight and swear from as little
as two years old, most teens get pregnant which is
the cause of the up flair in the population, some of
these people have lost everything and are forced to
live on the street, and only receive money or food
when they are begging.
5.2) The book I chose to raise children’s awareness
of the social problems identified in the community is
“The hundred dresses” by Eleanor Estes a book that
won a Newbery Medal in 1945 and is always a
winner, this book addresses a classmate who
ridiculed by bullies for wearing the same dress to
school every day, while other learners stand by and
do nothing to help.

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