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Henan Eaglestar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Operating Instruction
Note: The following instructions can be operated via the keypad and parameter lock

Common Operations
1. Setting the Unit Price:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“PRICE”+“Figure (new price)”+“Parameter Lock 1”
Note:1) Setting successfully the code 888888 will be displayed on the keypad, new price will
be displayed on the LCD;
2) The valid unit price setting range is 0.01-999.99;
3) There are two parameter locks on the main board, Hereinafter called lock1 lock2.
2. Inquiring Accumulated Liters, Accumulated Sales, Accumulated Data for the
Current Shift and other Accumulated Data:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “RECALL” + “RECALL” + “RECALL” + “RECALL”
Note: 1) The first recall is for accumulated liters, LCD displays LL
2) The second recall is for accumulated sales, LCD displays PP
3) The third recall is for accumulated data for the current shift LCD displays AA
4) The fourth recall is for other accumulated data.
3. Inquiring the Program Version Number:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “PRICE”
Note: The LCD screen will display the version of software.
4. Inquiring the Last or Previous Transactions:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “RECALL” + “RECALL” ……”
Note: There are two recall modes: one time recall and maximum 255 times recall, Pls follow
the Item 14 to switch between the two recall modes
5. Setting the Closing Time for Main valve of the Solenoid Valve:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“PRICE”+“PRICE”+“RECALL”+“Figure (0-99)”+“LOCK 1”
Note: The default closing time is 30, which means 0.3 liter
6. How to Unlock the Fuel Dispenser, if Nozzle Lifted Several Times but No Fueling?
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“PRICE”+“PRICE”+“PASSWORD(default 9876)”+“LOCK 1
Note: Normally the keypad will show error code 555555 in the lock condition.
7. Setting the Times Allowed for Lifting Nozzle but No Fueling:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “LITER” + “SALE” + “FIGURE” + “LOCK 1”
Note: Any figure you want can be input to meet your required times.“0” means unlock forever
8. How to Lock and Unlock the Nozzle:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“RECALL”+“LITER”+“ LOCK2”
Henan Eaglestar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
Note: When lifting the nozzle, the keypad displays code 999999, the nozzle is locked.
9. Rounding up to the Next Integer Operation
Instruction: During the fueling press “.” to round up.
10. Printing Receipt Operation:
Instruction: After fueling, put the nozzle back and press “.” to print.
11. Resetting the Accumulated Data for the Current shift :
Instruction:“CANCEL”+“PRICE”+“SALE”+“SALE”+“PASSWORD (default 8888)”+“LITER”
12. Setting the Flow Coefficient:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “LITER” +” PASSWORD (default 9876)” + “LITER” +
“figure (1000-1200)” + “LITER
Note: 1) The valid coefficient setting range is 1000-1200, the default coefficient is 1000
2) Setting successfully the code 888888 will be displayed on the keypad
13. Fueling under the Monitor Mode:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “LITER” + “PASSWORD” + “RECALL”.
Note:The password will be delivered from back office.

Uncommon Operations

14. Switching between one time recall and multi-time recall:

Instruction: “CANCEL”+“RECALL”+“ Figure (0、1、2)”+“LOCK 1”
Note: 1) There are two recall modes: one time recall (the last transaction displayed only);
and multi-recall (the previous 255 times transaction displayed)
2) Figure “1” means the one time recall
3) Figure “0” and “2” means multi-time recall to display from the last to the
previous transactions
4) Figure “2” means multi-time recall to display from the previous 255 time to the
last transaction
15. Setting the Fueling Mode for Preset:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“RECALL”+“PRICE”+“ Figure(0、1)”+“LOCK 1”
Note: Figure 1 means liter preset mode; Figure 0 means amount preset
16. Setting the Waiting Time When the Dispenser is off, if there is Lifting Nozzle but No
Fueling :
Instruction “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “SALE” + “ Figure (30—180)” + “LOCK 1”
Note: Figure 30-180 is seconds, default 120.If lift nozzle but no fueling in 120 seconds
the fuel dispenser will be off
Henan Eaglestar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
17. Changing the Parameter Password of the Fuel Dispenser :
18. Resetting the Parameter Password of the Fuel Dispenser:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “LITER” + “LITER” + “1234” + “LITER”
Note:After resetting the initial password will be 9876
19. Changing the Date and Time Password of Fuel Dispenser:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “LITER” + “FORMER PASSWORD” + “.” + “New
20. Resetting the Date and Time Password of Fuel Dispenser:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “LITER” + “LITER” + “5678” + “LITER”
Note: The initial password for the date and time is 8888
21. Setting the Minimum Displayed Liter Value:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“PRICE”+“PRICE”+“SALE”+“Figure(0-10)”+“LOCK 1”
Note: 1) The valid liter setting range is 0-10 (default 6), use “Figure /100” to calculate
by real liter
22. Setting the Initial time value of counting
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“RECALL”+“SALE”+“FIGURE”+“LOCK 1”
Note: figure from 0∽10S.
23. Setting the Dead band Value(only when reached to this specified value the
dispenser will start counting) of Dispenser:
Instruction: “CANCEL” + “PRICE” + “SALE” + “LITER” + “FIGURE (default 3)” + “LOCK2”
24. Setting the Fixed Parameters:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“RECALL”+“LITER”+“LOCK 1”
25. Setting Current Date & Time
Instruction: “CANCEL” +” PRICE” + “SALE” + “SALE” +” PASSWORD (8888)” +”
Note: The way to input the date and time are as the sample:YYMMDD-170921
26. Setting the “Operation Days”:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+ “PRICE”+“LITER”+ “PASSWORD(8888)” + ” PRICE” + “figure
Note: 1) Please confirm the current date and time of the fuel dispenser are correct
2) The figure “0” means no operation days limitation

POS Configuration
Henan Eaglestar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
27. Setting the Nozzle ID.:
Note: 1) Setting successfully the code 888888 will be displayed on the keypad, ID No.
will be displayed on the LCD;
28. Setting On Line/Off Line Mode of the Fuel Dispenser:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“PRICE” +“PRICE”+“LOCK 1”
Note: 1) Before setting please check the current mode from the keypad code with
“CANCEL”+“PRICE” +“PRICE”. “0” means Off line, 1 means On line
2) Rotate the lock 1to switch mode between on line and off line
29. Setting Off-line Communication Mode between POS and Dispenser:
Introduction: “CANCEL”+“RECALL”+“SALE”+“SALE”+“LOCK 1”
Note: 1) There are two communication modes under the off-line mode: POS can be
communicated with the dispenser or they cannot be communicated.
2) Before setting please check the communication mode under the off line first. “1”
means there is communication between POS and dispenser “0” means there is
no Communication
3) Rotate lock 1to switch mode between communication and no communication
30. Setting Save and Upload the Transaction Data to Back office under Offline Mode:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“PRICE” +“PRICE”+“LITER”+“LOCK 1”
Note: 1) There are two modes under the off-line: to save and upload or to not save and
2) Before setting please check the save &upload mode under off line first. “1”
means save and upload the data to back office “0” means not save and upload.
3) Rotate lock 1to switch mode between uploading and no uploading.
31 Setting the Connection Mode between Main Board and Back office:
Instruction: “CANCEL”+“PRICE”+ “SALE”+“RECALL”+“LOCK 1”
Note: 1) There are two connection modes: Single connection and multi-connection mode
2) Before setting please check connection mode. “1” means single connection
mode “0” means multi-connection mode.
3) Rotate lock 1to switch mode between single and multi-connection mode.

Meaning of error code displayed on the keypad

Error code will be displayed on keypad display if some mistakes occur; there are six
different conditions of error code:
1. After power on the pump, Keypad error code:
Error code Meanings
Henan Eaglestar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
333333 Configuration data reading failure
444444 Memorizer operation failure
555555 Nozzles hang on
666666 Memorizer data operating failure
2. When nozzle lifting, the dispenser is not work
Error code Meanings
111111 Unit Price is 0
222222 Dispenser locked by back office
333333 Dispenser stopped by the back office
444444 Operation days expired
555555 More than 6 times lift the nozzle but no dispensing
666666 The time is too short to lift the nozzle again after
last lifting
777777 Off-duty, cannot fuel
888888 The dispenser is under monitor mode
999999 Nozzle is locked
131313 Sensor problem
181818 Offline data queue is full, please switch to the on
line mode and upload the transaction data
3. When inquiring or input date and time, keypad error code:
Error code Meanings
111111 Wrong format
After doing the final step (press sale), keypad error code:
Error code Meanings
111111 Saving failed
222222 Beyond the range
888888 Save successfully
4. When setting parameters, keypad error code:
Error code Meanings
111111 Saving failed
222222 Beyond the range
888888 Save successfully

5. After fueling finished, Keypad error code:

Error code Meanings
333333 Memory failed
444444 Data configuration failed
Henan Eaglestar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Description of Jumpers
Function Requirement Jumper Number Short or
No Decimal P2- 5:6 Not short
Setting the decimal places P2-13:14 Short
for unit price and sale; Note:
1 decimal P2-5:6 Short
the decimal places of
place P2-13:14 Short
amount should be consistent
with the decimal place of 2 decimal P2-5:6 Not Short
unit price, but the decimal place P2-13:14 Not short
places of sale can be 2 at 3 decimal P2-5:6 Short
place P2-13:14 Not short

2 decimal P2-3:4 Not short

Selecting the decimal places place

for liter 3 decimal P2-3:4 Short


Setting the sensor rotation clockwise P2-9:10 Not short

direction anticlockwise P2-9:10 Short

7-7-5 P2-7-:8 short

Selecting the LCD Digits 6-6-5 P2-7:8 Not short

6-6-4 P2-17:18 Short

Unit price setting ways Note 1 P2-19:20 Short

Note 1: Cancel+ Price+0987+Figure(New Price)+Lock1

Display digits and Range of Totalizer

Sale 6digits
(665) Digits of display
Liter 6 digits

Sale 0.00-42949672.95
Range of electronic totalizer
Liter 0.00-42949672.95

Digits of Unit price 5 digits

Sale 7digits
(775) Digits of display
Liter 7digits
Henan Eaglestar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Sale 0.00-99999999.99
Range of electronic totalizer
Liter 0.00-99999999.99

Digits of Unit price 5 digits

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