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The story starts with fraternal twins they were born royals and spoiled with their parents
with gifs and power but forgot to teach them manners, and they grow up thinking they are ahead
of other people. They looked down on them thinking they are not worthy of their respect.

One day as they are exploring the city they did see a kid finding food in the trash, they
start whispering on each on each other planning something, Agambir called the kid and asked
what is he looking in the trash, the kid replied that she's hungry Agambir and Aurea smirk at
each other planning something, Agambir replied that he could give her food if she will kneel in
front of him.

The kid did think twice and hesitate, but because the kid was hungry and will collapse if
she could not eat and then she kneels, out of her knowledge that Aurea did pick some trash and
did not expect that Aurea will pour it on her head, the kid is shock and then a tear started to fell
on her eyes, Both Agambir and Aurea started to laugh and then Agambir kick her and said do
you really think will give you food? The kid can't even answer because she's shock of what
happened, and then they left still laughing.

As they passed another street Agambir spot an old woman walking towards them, the old
woman looks like she didn't sleep for a month, because you can see big and dark circle under her
eyes and looks so ugly, with her messy, big eyes and big nose with a big mole on top of it. Aurea
calls the old woman and starts bullying her. Calling the old woman ugly with no shame walking
down the street, saying the old woman should get lost and to never ever come back. Not knowing
that the old woman is enchantress exploring the city, the old woman looks disappointed and
angry, and then the old woman called them and said say sorry or else. Agambir then replied or
else what? mocking the old woman, we will never say sorry to people like you ugly and poor!
the old woman become more disappointed and angrier.

The old woman then say's that she will teach them two a lesson so they can realized how
important to have manners to be kind and learn how to respect even if you have more money or
more power. Agambir and Aurea then pushback by some energy and then they started laughing
hard Aurea then talk that's it? this is one example of being poor is weak and not worthy of our
respect. The old woman just stared at them and then walks away Agambir and Aurea is still
laughing so hard and then walks away, Agambir then said he's craving for some candy, so they
walk to buy some. Infront of the store Agambir called the young lady repeatedly but there is no
answer, Agambir started to get angry but then a little girl came over and started to buy and the
young lady did give her some, Agambir and Aurea did feel a little bit of a strange felling,
beacuse why did the lady didn't even take a look at Agambir and when the little girl came the
lady started to entertain her.

Agambir then shouts at the young lady that how come she got a nerve not to entertain
them, Agambir did see the little girl opening her candy and as she started licking it, Agambir
then suddenly hit it and it fell to the ground the little girl then started crying, Agambir didn't even
show any emotion, the little girl parents then came asking the little girl why did the candy fell
and then walks away. Agambir then thinks why the parents also did not look at him or them.
Agambir and Aurea then walk away not minding what just happened earlier, As they walked
down the street they see a door it's weird and also looks magical, they are tempted to open the
door because it's glowing. Aurea then said to Agambir to open the door so they can see what's

They entered a place full of people who is forming a queue. So, they got curious why the
people are forming a line. As they’re looking around the soldier announced something and that
they are looking for someone who’s going to fit the glass shoe. And out of curiosity they waited.
They always get annoyed because of the other girls. They really wanted to go but as what they
said they want to know who going to fit the shoe.
So, all the girls in line are gone. They got bored. As the soldier was gone, they start to
walk then suddenly Cinderella came. Cinderella wanted to try the glass shoe on, but the soldiers
are gone. They help Cinderella to get in and try the shoe. But as they entered the castle a lot of
soldiers appeared Aurea and they had a fought but at the end tried the glass shoe on and it fitted
the soldiers was shocked. The prince saw it he was so amazed. So as gratitude Cinderella gave
her old shoe to Aurea and Agambir as a gratitude. The prince and Cinderella walked away with
the white horse.


The curtains opened revealing Aurea and Agambir in front of a dark and creepy castle in
a stormy night, a thunderstorm clapped frightening Aurea so she suggested that maybe they
should go inside the castle and seek shelter Agambir didn't agree at first that Maybe the owner
will accuse them of trespassing but then another thunder came, Aurea couldn't take it anymore
and said that if Agambir doesn't go in she'll be going inside the castle alone. Agambir not
wanting his sister to get hurt by going in there alone follows her inside.
When they got in it was eerily quiet, except for the upcoming thunder outside, and so
dark they could barely see anything as they were looking around a voice echoed through the
hall,they were frightened, Agambir said to his sister to stay behind him and he then proceed to
ask who was there then the voice came again and said that he was a candle and just near them.

They looked at the table beside them and saw a candle and a clock, Aurea yelped and
snuggled into her brother more meanwhile Agambir apologized of them going inside the castle
without permission and said that they'll leave immediately but the candle and clock forgives
them and the clock said that since a storm is coming they could stay over, the twins thanked
them both and the clock offered himself to give them a tour around the castle as they were on
their tour the saw a room the was slightly open so they took a peek and saw a beast and a girl
they seem to be talking when the beast pulled out a mirror and gave it to the girl saying that what
she says the mirror will show it to her so the girl ask the mirror to show her, her father and what
she saw made her quickly leave so the beats just let's her but after she left they saw how the beast
got sad and sat on a chair they realized that maybe the beast loved that girl and was thinking that
she must be leaving him forever they felt bad for him , then the beast sang his sadness to a song
(Ever more).

After he ended the song he spotted the twins peeking from the door and asked them what
they were doing inside , they apologized for trespassing and said that they just wanted to seek
some shelter from this upcoming storm and that the kind candle and clock man let them in the
beast forgives them and said that it's alright and even asked if they were hungry and order all the
people or should I say things to cook meals for them and the twins had the biggest meal they've
ever had they even got to meet Mrs. Pots and her child chip they had a small party and they
talked and talked all the time after the meal they had the beast led them to their own room he was
kind to them throughout the night after they only got to sleep for a few minutes when they were
awoken by a loud commotion outside when they looked at the window they saw the whole town
marching into the castle with pitchforks and fire.

Aurea and Agambir hurriedly went downstairs seeing that the townsfolk has got in a they
help fight the people when Agambir yelled at Aurea to check at the beast, and she obeyed her
brother. She went to the top of the castle and that's where she finds the beast and Gaston fighting.
She barged in their fight when she saw the beast already weak. Aurea moved swiftly behind
Gaston and kicked him in the back. Gaston swung his sword with his left energy, Aurea dodged
but wasn't quick and the sword made a cut in her shoulder this angered Aurea so she yelled at
him a how dare you with a deadly voice. Aurea moved swifter than anything Gaston had
expected, Aurea kicked his sword causing Gaston to lose grip and for Aurea to take hold of the
sword. Stunned by her skills on how to fight Gaston ran away he can't fight anymore the sword
was in her hands. Aurea then went to the beast seeing a deep wound in his stomach and it was
just in time that belle came.
The curtains opened revealing Aurea and Agambir in the middle of the forest, Aurea was
amazed at how beautiful it is that she started running around and ended up laying down on the
grass laughing, Agambir told her that they've got to get going and Aurea agreed. As they were
walking around the forest, they saw some knights looking for someone, A thief maybe. Not
wanting to get accused of being the thief. They hid in the bushes Luckily for them they hid right
when the knights came, As they hide in the bushes they listen to the knights conversation. And it
was true the knights were talking about a thief that escaped. The commander of the knights
ordered the knights to look around and spread out and maybe they'll find the thief.

All the knights obeyed and went looking but the commander stayed where the twins were
hiding. And by accident Agambir stepped on a branch that made a loud noise. The commanders
head perked up and started looking around, He spotted them in the bushes and yelled for the
other knights to come back and help him catch them. Both of them started running as fast as they
could but they weren't fast enough because one knight caught up with them. Aurea yelled for
Agambir to run faster but one knight caught up to Agambir.

The knight grabbed Agambir by the back of his shirt causing him to stop running and by
this time Aurea had stopped running. The knight forces Aurea to surrender and Agambir yells at
his sister to just keep running. Aurea not wanting to leave her brother behind builds up the
courage to fight the knight. Scared but she did it for her brother and with few deep breaths she
kicked the knights stomach causing the knight to let Agambir go but the knight eventually got up
and started to fight her. The knight called Aurea names and said he's gonna take her to the
dungeon. But Aurea continued to fight the knight and as they fought the knight reached for his
sword but then Agambir jumped in and pushed the man so hard to make him fall and they made
this their chance to run as they ran they then stopped to take a deep breath seeing they outrun the

Agambir thanked Aurea for being so brave and having the courage to fight off the
knight, Aurea said that she needed to, she needed to save her brother and told her brother to
promise that they will get out and break this curse together. And there and then they made their
biggest promise to each other. Eventually they decided they have to get going as they were
walking, they spotted a bright light near a tree stump curiosity got the best of them that they went
near the light and there they found a beautiful woman, Brushing her long blonde hair that was
glowing brightly She then began to sing (kanta naay ballerina diri)
After she sang her hair got back to its original color and ballerinas exited, she then
spotted the two and waved them in. The twins introduced themselves and complimented her, she
introduced herself as Rapunzel and thanked them for the compliment. Aurea wanted to touch her
hair and she nodded to her but told her to be careful as to not pull it, Aurea nodded and was
amazed at how soft her hair was. A few minutes later of them chatting suddenly two big men
appeared behind them and grabbed Aurea then covered her mouth both Rapunzel and Agambir
turned around.

The man then told them to give them the tiara or they'll take her instead, this enraged
Agambir he then told Rapunzel to get behind him and he'll deal with this he then told the men if
they want the tiara, they'll have to get through him first. They smirked at Agambir and got ready
to fight him. As they fought one of the men swung his sword, but Agambir dogged it, spinning
around him. He pushed his sword into him, lunging closer, Agambir barely dogged it which
caused a muffled scream from Aurea and for his shirt to be torn, this angered him more that he
straightly punched the man in the face hard causing him to fall back dizzily. The other man had
enough and wanted to do this on his own. He then suddenly brought his sword down to where he
was moving, Luckily, he blocked the sword almost clashing again his skin again and another
from the women’s. Agambir moved swifter than anything the men had expected, Agambir
kicked his sword causing the man to lose grip and for Agambir to take hold of the sword.
Stunned by his skills on how to fight both men ran away.

Aurea ran over to her brother checking if his ok and so did Rapunzel. They calmed down
a minute later and Rapunzel thanked Agambir a hundred times and to thank them even more she
gave them a strand of her hair and said that many people think her hair is magical and can help
cute injuries or wounds and maybe it could help them at times of what happened earlier at first
they didn't want to take it but she insisted and said that they helped her very because if it wasn't
for them she wouldn't be here anymore.

Both said welcome and that it was nothing and they needed to do it. After they take the
strand of hair off her hands another blinding light came and there appeared the door, Rapunzel
realize that maybe both of them are not from her world and was just there to save that time but
still she bid her goodbyes as well as the twins and they exited.


They entered a forest full of trees, plants, and animals. As they were walking, they are
hitting the plants with their feet. As they were walking Aurea smells something fishy, so she
finds it and found that it was a beautiful plant with an ugly odor.
So, as she saw the plants she hit it the stick that she saw. Agambir do not hit it, but Aurea
didn’t listen to him. So as Aurea was hitting the plant. Someone appeared and he was so angry.
She asks why was Aurea hitting the plants she just rolled her eyes and said “Why? Its none of
your business”. Because of what she said the girl got angry. So, the girl said that “You need to
learn a lesson”. They both stared at each other. Agambir replied to her “And why are going to do
that?” The girl said that if they will not follow what she said they can’t get out of the place.
So, both of them was scared because maybe what the girl said was true and they don’t
know where they’re going to go. So, they just followed what the girl said. So, the girl ordered
them to plant, and the place was so big, but they don’t have a choice to do it. So, 3 girls and 2
boys came with a garden tools and plant with them. So, they started as they’re planting the 3 girls
and 2 boys started to dance which made angry, they are not helping them angry. So, they just
ignored them. As they were planting, they felt thirsty, so they ask the 3 girls and 2 boys, but they
didn’t reply and continue to dance. So, they just ignored their thirstiness.
After they planted Pocahontas came. After that Pocahontas sang. After Pocahontas sang,
she talked to Aurea and Agambir and asked what they have learned. Both of them answered and
said that they’ve learned how to love the nature because it’s so hard to plant so we better love the
nature. So, Pocahontas got happy because of what they’ve said. So as a gift of what they’ve done
Pocahontas gave the feather to them. They thanked Pocahontas and waked away.

Both Aurea and Agambir found themselves in the streets of the Arabian city of Agrabah.
Aurea fell in love with things there and started venturing Agambir just let her be but still keeping
an eye on her he was lost in his thoughts when he heard a yelp he looked around spotting Aurea
helping a woman up after bumping her and making her things fall he went over there hearing
Aurea repeatedly saying sorry to the woman but she forgives he and that it was a simple

Aurea helps the pickup her thing and putting it in her basket the woman thanks her and
walked away. Agambir walks over to Aurea and pats her on the back he then suggested they
should look around after a while of venturing both Aurea and Agambir found Aladdin trying to
find Abu they helped him and introduces themselves and suggest on helping he thanks them and
ask who were they and that he haven't seen them before and they explained their situation.

Aladdin understands them and said that they all make mistakes all the time and not being
kind to people they chatted a little bit while walking and after a few times they've finally found
Abu. After they found him and the magic carpet they were able to return to the palace, sneaking
into the palace. They find the Genie, who warns them he can't help them since Jafar holds the
lamp. Aladdin tries to sneak up on Jafar to steal back the lamp while the other two were looking
out for any signs of danger. Then Jasmine saw and began questioning herself about who’s
Aladdin two accomplice was but decided to shrug it off for now She then realized Aladdin's plan
and uses Jafar's wish for her to be in love with him as an excuse to pretend suddenly enraptured
with Jafar to distract him.

However, Jafar sees Aladdin and Aurea and Agambir's reflection on Jasmine's tiara and
knocks Alladin first then tries to hit Aurea, but Agambir protects his sister and fights with Jafar.
As Jafar and Agambir fought Jafar then hits, he's head causing him to black out, Aurea screamed.
Seeing Aurea distracted by his passed out brother Jafar then traps Jasmine in a large hourglass
where she will eventually be submerged in sand and die. Aurea tried to break Jasmine free but

Jafar then transforms himself into a giant cobra to terrorize Aladdin who has now woken
up and tries to fight back valiantly but failed. Jafar then picks up aurea and tries to suffocate her
and while trapped in Snake Jafar's coils, Aurea has an epiphany and cons Jafar into using his
third wish: telling Jafar that no matter how powerful he gets, the Genie will still be more
powerful. Jafar falls for the ruse and wishes to be turned into a genie himself, which Genie
complies with. Jafar then changes form which frees Aurea who was out of breath nearly passing
out,A now awoken Agambir runs to his sister's side. Enraged by what Jafar has done to his sister
he loses all his respect for everything, He grabs a nearby sword and he builds up his courage to
fight Jafar With all his might he then ran and plunged the sword in his side which caused snake
Jafar Hiss .

Alladin runs to Aurea who is still looking so pale he then picks her up bridal style then
runs he puts her down carefully then goes to Jasmine's hourglass and breaks her out before she
suffocates. As Jafar revels in his newfound power, Agambir then plunges the sword in his side
causing him to fall down, Jafar already weak returns back into a genie then Agambir reminds
him that being a Genie also means becoming a servant to whomever holds the lamp, Agambir
picks up the lamp then Jafar is suddenly shackled and is sucked into the new lamp created by his
wish and is trapped.

Agambir ran to his sister again and caresses her head repeatedly saying that she's alright
now and he's gone Aurea cried into his twin’s shoulder still shaken by what happened to her.

After calming down Aladdin thanks for helping him defeat Jafar. Aurea and Agambir
decided to stay for a while and help Aladdin and Jasmine to clean the damage that was cost. As
they were cleaning a helper had trouble about something and Aurea offered to help her, Agambir
watched from afar seeing how his sister changed over these past few things they've gone through.
He was also happy after being told by Aladdin that he was going to propose to jasmine Agambir
was happy for and wished them a good life. After cleaning Aurea and Jasmine were in the
balcony while Aurea talked about some problems, she had about the times she wasn't allowed to
speak up and was forced to do everything her parents said Jasmine gave her advice through a
song (I won't be silenced)
Aurea burst into and thanked Jasmine for understanding her after that they went down
seeing Aurea's brother getting ready for them to leave she bid her good-byes to jasmine and
Aladdin, then Aladdin grabs the lamp and gave it to them saying they might need or they could
use Jafar to cast some wish for them as they take the lamps from his hand a glowing light
blinding them came and a door showed up.

Aladdin thanked them again and both Aurea and Agambir bid their goodbyes and waved
at them both a smile before heading to the door and exiting.

The curtains opened revealing both Aurea and Agambir in the tiny Tuscan town of
Collodi. Both had a small argument about Aurea’s attitude but both of them soon ended their
argument and went on with their journey. They venture the town for a while when Aurea found a
woman selling some bread, feeling hungry she left Agambir behind and went to the bread stand
and since she had no money, she made up a lie that made the woman give her 5 pieces of bread
which in result made her appearance ugly, she thanks the woman and smirk evilly.

When she got back to her brother’s side, he was confused and started asking her as to
where she got the money to buy the bread or where she got the bread and asked as to what
happened to her appearance. Aurea then admits to her brother with a proud voice, Agambir did
not lie what Aurea did so he lectured her about lying and forced her to tell the woman the truth
and apologize for lying. Agambir then finally said something about her appearance and told her
that she looked like a donkey.

Aurea panicked and felt embarrassed at how she looks so her brother convinced her to
maybe apologize to the woman and that will make her appearance change back to normal. Aurea
did what her brother told her to and indeed her appearance changed back to normal. They then
started walking around the town again when they saw a child running towards them asking for
help saying that someone was chasing him they saw some barrels nearby and hid him there, after
they hid it was right on time when a man named stromboli came towards them asking if they saw
a child running, them not wanting the child to get kidnapped lied and said ‘’no’’ after that
stromboli thanked them and left after he was gone they pulled out the child out of the barrel,
Pinocchio thanked them and introduced himself to them the twins said welcome ad also
introduced themselves to him as well, Agambir asked on where he lived when stromboli came
out of his hiding place and caught them. Stromboli, Honest John, and Giddeon tied them and put
[separately] in a bird cage, then they were thrown inside the caravan.

Pinocchio then said that there might be someone who can help them Aurea asked who,
but Pinocchio just whistled three times for jiminy cricket to hear him. Jiminy arrived and finds
all three of them tied and in a bird cage, he tried unlocking the bird cage but isn’t strong enough,
jiminy then sad that there was only one thing that could help them, and it was to call out to the
blue fairy. In order for her to hear them was to the song called ‘’When you wish upon a star’’
luckily the twins know that song since they have heard people sing that song in those streets of
their hometown so they sang and as they sang ballerinas came then there was a star a bright star
coming closer to them.

After they sang the ballerinas were gone, then a few seconds later poof a blue smoke and
the fairy was there. She looked and realized what the four of them into, so she asks them what
happened. Pinocchio not wanting to admit that he was naughty tells a series of lie, but when
every lie his nose grows longer, disappointed fairy asked the twin but they did the same and tells
a series of lie which results of them also growing different kind of animal body’s, disappointed
the fairy told them that she knows they’re lying but still forgave them and helped them out of the
caged but warns them that this is the only time she’ll help them so they best better tell the truth.

All of them told her what really happened, happy the fairy turns their appearance back to
normal. The fairy made Pinocchio’s nose broke into seven pieces then grow him a normal nose
then bid her goodbye and vanished. Pinocchio picks up the wooden nose and gave them to Aurea
and Agambir saying that maybe they’ll need it, not knowing what to do they accept it and all of
the escaped stromboli’s caravan and head home. After they’ve returned Pinocchio home another
door appeared, they said goodbye and exited.
It was a coronation night and the two characters visited. (The opening was Anna, and she
was singing (For the first time in forever) After Anna sang the two characters appear. So, there
were confused why was the place was full of people. So, they asked the person they saw. The
person answered them and said it was a coronation night. So, both of them just nod and out of
curiosity they want to know if who will be the next queen.

And after that Duke of Weselton noticed them because of the clothes they’re wearing.
Duke of Veselton asked if who they are and they answered Duke of Weselton with respect, but
Duke of Weselton throw them instead. As a soldier trying to get them out it stopped because the
attention goes to Anna and Elsa. And after that Anna cried and the people in the Arendelle
panicked. Aurea and Agambir came closer to Anna, Anna looked at them with a confused eyes
and asked if who they are. So, they told Anna and after that Anna get up and said she will be
going to find her sister. But Aurea and Agambir insisted that they will go too.

Anna didn’t agree but she has nothing to do with it because Aurea and Agambir insisted.
So, three of them finding Elsa. As they’re trying to find Elsa, they meet a friend and that is
Krisstof and his friend grand papi. So, as they found Elsa, but Elsa won’t go with them. But
Anna insisted so Elsa sing (Let it go). But as Anna talking Elsa can’t control his power and she
hit agambir on his heart. Aurea was shocked and started to cry. Krisstof and his friend brought
Agambir out and Aurea followed. Agambir is in critical condition grand papi checked him and
said that in order for him to survive someone should sacrifice his/ her life for him. Aurea cried
and cried, and Agambir said that no one should sacrifice their life for him.

Agambir slowly closed his eyes and Aurea cried and said she will be the one whos gonna
sacrifice a life for his brother. After she said that she hugged her brother tight and cried. But as a
tear dropped at the face of Agambir. Agambir started to open his eyes and saw Aurea crying. It
happens because of love. Aurea saw Agambir and cried then said, “I love you brother.”

After that Elsa and Anna came. And they go back to Arendelle. Anna and Elsa were so
happy. Aurea and Agambir said goodbye, Anna hugged them and says thank you. After that Elsa
talked to them and gived her gloves to them.
“Thank you and I’m sorry, I’m giving this glove as a symbol of my gratitude.”

As they walk inside the door, they found and old house it is place in the middle of the
forest outside the house there is a children dancing, but one kid spots them and then run inside
the house. Seconds later the kid, go out with his hands wrap around the enchantress hands, the
enchantress to then made a face and walked towards them the enchantress then talked saying
how come they survived everything with their attitude, Agambir hand everything that's given to
them ,they give it to the enchantress for peace offering.

Agambir and Aurea felt embarrassed, Agambir then speak that they want to say sorry for
them being a bully. Enchantress then asked what they have learned, Aurea then talk about so
many things they learn that they never really know their entire life. The enchantress then nod's
and say's that now they know how to be patient, to respect nature, learn selflove, kindness, and
courage, to be honest and learn dignity they should apply it to themselves and to never ever look
down anyone again, thinking you are more privilege then them. Agambir and Aurea nod's and
replied that they were really sorry for what they have than done to her , now they know that it's
not good hurting someone's feeling, and that they feel really guilty of what they have than done
not just to the enchantress but to people they bully and hurt.

As the enchantress felt their seriousness, she and her hand to break the curse and says
may this become a lesson to them that they will never forget and will ingrave in their mind their
entire life. The enchantress then walked away, Agambir and Aurea then felt a relief, Agambir
then talked that they need to change, that it will be better for them and to everyone else. Aurea
agreed and that indeed it is the biggest lesson that they ever learn, Agambir then smile and said
they better go home Aurea then shouts HOME!

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