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Merve Öztürk


March 27, 2023


T.S: Everyone has challenges when it comes to writing, and mine is no


1. Topic S. : The right words are very important to start writing.

a. I think for hours when I need to write.

b. I have a perfectionist nature.

2. Topic S. : The next challenge I have is continuity.

a. I have a structure that gets bored quickly.

b. My completion is usually late.

3. Topic S. : There is also the fear of being disliked.

a. Encountering bad feedbacks

b. Writing is more of a passion than a necessity for me.

My Writing Experience

Everyone has challenges when it comes to writing, and mine is no different. I

have experienced the difficulties that almost everyone experiences.

For example, inspiration. The right words are very important to start writing

because the first sentences affect the readability of the writing the most.

Sometimes I think for hours when I need to write an article about or

completely independent of myself. I think the reason for this is because I

have a perfectionist nature.

The next challenge I have is continuity. I found the right words and put the

right sentences, but the rest? Yes, this is where the real difficulty begins.

Since I have a structure that gets bored quickly, it often becomes impossible

for me to finish my writings, and I don't think I can get over it easily.

Especially if it is an article that I have to write as a homework, my

completion is usually the day before the deadline.

Writing is more of a passion than a necessity for me. My account on

Wattpad, an online writing platform, has as many drafts as I forgot the

number of. Of course, all of the reasons I listed above are among the reasons

why these drafts remain as drafts, but there is also the fear of being disliked.

You work so hard to write and you dare to publish your articles; Imagine

encountering bad feedbacks while you wait excitedly. Terrible, isn't it? I had

experienced this.

To summarize, writing is fraught with many difficulties. I also have many

bittersweet experiences on this subject, but I still want to continue writing as

much as I can. On Wattpad or the traditional way with pen and paper.

Whatever it is, writing is like therapy for me.

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