Monodisperse Droplet Generators As Potential Atomizers For Spray Drying Technology PDF

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Drying Technology: An International Journal

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Monodisperse Droplet Generators as Potential

Atomizers for Spray Drying Technology
a a a a
Winston Duo Wu , Kamlesh C. Patel , Samuel Rogers & Xiao Dong Chen
Biotechnology and Food Engineering Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Monash
University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Version of record first published: 05 Dec 2007.

To cite this article: Winston Duo Wu , Kamlesh C. Patel , Samuel Rogers & Xiao Dong Chen (2007): Monodisperse Droplet
Generators as Potential Atomizers for Spray Drying Technology, Drying Technology: An International Journal, 25:12, 1907-1916

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Drying Technology, 25: 1907–1916, 2007
Copyright # 2007 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373930701727176

Monodisperse Droplet Generators as Potential Atomizers

for Spray Drying Technology
Winston Duo Wu, Kamlesh C. Patel, Samuel Rogers, and Xiao Dong Chen
Biotechnology and Food Engineering Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Monash University,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

decades to achieve high production rates, better quality

Spray drying is a widely used unit operation for manufacturing product, lower energy requirements, and economical
powders of different characteristics. Many technological improve- design of equipment.[5] Spray-drying technology is still
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:53 21 April 2013

ments have been made in the last few decades, and a great amount open to both theoretical and practical research in order
of research work is still being conducted. Recently, the hybrid spray- to model various phenomena occurring during spray dry-
drying technique was reported, which combines the ink-jet tech-
nology with spray drying in order to produce particles of uniform ing, improve the product quality and the energy efficiency,
characteristics.[1–4] The monodisperse droplet generators (MDGs) minimize the wall deposition and the overall product
have certain features that make them attractive for use as atomizers loss, and design and test new engineered products.
in spray-drying operations. In this article, a comprehensive intro- Four main processing steps are involved with spray dry-
duction to a variety of monodisperse droplet generators is provided. ing: atomization, mixing of hot gas and spray, evaporation
The advantages and limitations of these generators are discussed.
The fundamental equations for predictions of the average droplet from droplets, and collection of the dried product.[6–8] Each
size are summarized. The discussion given in this study is aimed step is carried out considering the chemical and physical
at the development of a hybrid technology that marries a suitable properties of the feed, the dryer design, and the requisite
MDG with the existing spray-dryer technique (yet with some mod- quality of the final product. Atomization, which facilitates
ifications) to manufacture the product with uniform characteristics the droplet formation and determines the size and the size
containing micro- to nanosized particles.
distribution of droplets, plays an important role in achiev-
ing the desired characteristics of the final product. The
Keywords Atomizer; Droplet generators; Droplet size distri-
bution; Identical particles; Monodisperse spray; commonly used atomizers in dairy and other food indus-
Spray drying tries are rotary atomizers, pressure nozzles, and pneumatic
(two-fluid) nozzles.[6,7] Sonic atomizers are recently
employed to small-scale spray-drying plants.[8] These
INTRODUCTION atomizers produce polydisperse sprays to generate large
Spray drying is a mature industrial operation, widely surface area for favoring rapid heat and mass transfer.
used for manufacture of high-quality particulate materials The higher feed-handling capacity of atomizers is realized
in many industrial sectors ranging from food to dairy, by offering the greater kinetic energy to the process of
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and ceramics. Spray dryer pro- droplets generation, leading to uneven disintegration of
ductivity ranges from as little as a few hundred grams to bulk liquid into a spray of individual droplets with a poly-
several tons of powder per hour per dryer. The fundamen- size distribution. The typical ranges of droplet size during
tal principle in lab-scale and industrial-scale dryers is the spray drying with the rotary atomizers, pressure nozzles,
same, although the purpose of powder manufacturing two-fluid nozzles, and sonic atomizers are 1–600, 10–800,
and the quality of the powder produced during lab-scale 5–300, and 5–1000 mm, respectively.[8]
drying and industrial-scale drying can be different. The polydispersity of the spray inside the drying cham-
Remarkable research was conducted in the last four ber leads to complex droplet trajectories and collisions of
droplets with other droplets and the dryer walls. Each
droplet may follow a different route inside the drying
Correspondence: Professor Xiao Dong Chen, Chair of chamber and experience different temperature-time and
Biotechnology and Food Engineering Group, Department of humidity-time profiles. This causes variability in the resi-
Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton Campus, dence time distribution for particles in the dryer. With
Room 206, Building 36, Victoria 3800, Australia; E-mail: dong. existing spray-drying technology, each particle in the dried

1908 WU ET AL.

product may have a different shape, size, density, porosity, The technology of monodisperse droplet generation was
moisture content, and nutrient content. first developed to improve the resolution in ink-jet applica-
The wide droplet size distribution increases the energy tions such as ink-jet printers and ink-jet recorders.[14]
requirement as well as the particle size distribution in the Theoretical research commenced more than one century
final product. Control over droplet characteristics during ago, although in the last three decades the application of
atomization is somewhat restricted. This is objectionable micron-sized monodisperse droplets has extended to a
in certain industries where a uniformity of particles is cru- broad and increasing range, such as chemical deposition,[15]
cial; for example, functional food products, pharmaceuti- microcapsules production,[16] DNA arraying,[17] polymer
cals, and catalysts.[9] The accuracy of the simulation work electronics manufacture, controllable drug release, and
and the reproducibility of the lab=pilot-scale validation industrial printing.[18,19] The MDG is the key component
research are also negatively influenced by the size distri- for generating monodisperse micron-sized droplets. An
bution of droplets and the polydispersity of the spray.[10] attractive characteristic of MDGs is their ability to pro-
Small and uniform particles have recently become duce a single stream of droplets or a monodisperse spray
requisite in many applications, such as high-efficacy drug while keeping control of the droplet trajectory. Line dis-
microcapsules, nutraceuticals, functional food ingredients pensing of droplets is possible and commonly used in office
(e.g., flavors, antimicrobials, preservatives, vitamins, and ink-jet printers. The concept of line dispensing was found
antioxidants), catalysts, etc. Some products in biological to be very useful for production of uniform lactose parti-
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:53 21 April 2013

and pharmaceutical industries require highly spherical cles using the single stream drying approach developed
particles for their final applications. For instance, spherical by Patel and Chen.[1–3] Another attractive feature of
and uniform particles are highly suitable for the colloidal MDGs is that they can be easily grouped in one mechanical
drug delivery and dry formulation vehicles because they assembly to use them for bulk production of droplets; for
provide a practical means of maximizing the efficacy of the instance, ink-jet cartridges and multiple-nozzles arrays.
drugs and controlling their release kinetics.[11] Nano- to If the monodisperse droplets can be generated for spray
micron-sized spherical particles are widely used as signal drying, particles can be manufactured with a narrow size
reporters (or probes) to detect biomolecules in DNA assay, distribution. In addition, uniform size and simple trajec-
immunoassay, and cell bioimaging.[12] Nanoparticulate lyco- tory can make the droplet drying process more analyzable
pene and carotenoids are becoming commercially available and controllable and reduce the interparticle and particle-
in the market as food ingredients. Weiss et al.[13] concisely wall collisions that result in wall deposition, corrosion, pro-
reviewed existing and future applications of nanoparticles duct loss, and energy wastage. If the flow pattern of the hot
in food and biotechnology fields. Micron- and nanosized gaseous medium could be also practically simplified for
spherical particles are likely to offer several advantages such individual droplets, production of same characteristic
as higher bioavailability, greater effective exposure area, and particles would be expected. To fully take advantage of
enhanced efficacy and safety during utilization compared to the MDG, the feed-handling capacity must be extensively
that of their traditionally manufactured counterparts. enhanced. Although there are still some concerns with
One way to restrict the nonuniformity of the product is the advancement for drying of monodisperse sprays, the
to have droplets with the negligible size distribution and application of MDG has a great potential to improve the
simple, yet predictable trajectories. Recently, Patel and controllability of the droplet drying process and dramati-
Chen[1–3] have published a series of reports on a smart dry- cally promote the overall quality of the spray-dried
ing technique, which utilizes a single stream drying product. It is expected that the MDGs combined with
approach. They introduced an ink-jet device, one type of spray-drying technology will provide an alternative to
monodisperse droplet generator (MDG), to a conventional practical-scale productions with feed-handling capacities
lab-scale spray dryer in order to produce particles with uni- of at least 1 L per hour.
form characteristics. This approach seemed to offer good This research article is intended to review the governing
control over the droplet trajectory, size distribution, and theory of droplet formation and existing methods of pro-
collisions. This lab curiosity of Patel and Chen[1–3] may ducing monodisperse droplets. Several commercial MDGs
be further extended to manufacture ‘‘smart’’ particles at a being utilized in various fields are also discussed for two
production rate that allows commercialization for applica- criteria: reducing the size of monodisperse droplets and
tions such as development and testing of new products and enhancing the feed-handling capacity of MDGs. The dry-
drying of heat-sensitive materials. In this article, several ing-relevant issues are also discussed with respect to the
MDGs are discussed that may be incorporated to the disintegration of a liquid jet into individual droplets, stab-
spray-drying technology as atomizers in order to produce ility of droplets during drying, and other limitations of
particles with uniform characteristics. Emphasis is given the technique with the view of developing a combined
on reducing the size of monodisperse droplets and increas- monodisperse droplet generation technique and spray-
ing feed-handling capacity while using MDGs as atomizers. drying technology.

PRINCIPLES OF DROPLETS GENERATION where Bo and Bo0 are Bond number based on the inside
Droplets are formed when the balance of forces on a liquid and outside diameter of the nozzle at the orifice, respec-
jet breaks. There are normally two groups of forces influen- tively, and K is constant (which is 0.37 for the case of a
cing the process of droplet formation; the first group belongs water jet issuing in stagnant air). Both gravity and inertia
to motive forces (i.e., gravitational force, inertial force, effects are included by introducing the Bond number into
electrostatic force, mechanical force, and aerodynamic force) the equation, which was shown to be in good agreement
and another group is for drag forces (i.e., surface tension with experimental results.
force and viscous force). For different systems, the types of For a continuous breakup of a non-viscous liquid jet
forces involved can be varied to facilitate droplet formation. with adequate surface tension and low relative velocity,
However, four kinds of forces, which are gravitational force, Rayleigh[21] obtained the following:
inertial force, surface tension force, and viscous force, always
exist. To analyze the force balance on the droplets during d ¼ 1:89d0 ð3Þ
monodisperse droplet generation, certain dimensionless
numbers are used, which are presented in Table 1. This means that the average droplet diameter d is roughly
For the simplest case, which refers to the state of ‘‘drip- twice the liquid jet diameter d0, which may be considered as
ping,’’ the gravity force and the surface tension force on the equivalent to the orifice diameter. If the disturbance to the
droplet have to reach the equilibrium state for disinte- jet is amplified by additional influences, such as electrical
force or mechanical force, the droplet size may be reduced.
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:53 21 April 2013

gration of the liquid jet into individual droplets. In a math-

ematical form, this process can be described as: The Rayleigh theory represents the upper bound of actual
  size of droplets broken up from a liquid jet. This has been
p 3  6d0 r 1=3 widely accepted in subsequent developments to be a first
q  g d ¼ p  d0 r ) d ¼ ð1Þ
6 qg approximation for developing mathematical theories to
illustrate the droplet disintegration mechanism for many
Apparently, the dripping mechanism is concerned with
droplet generators including some current commercial ones
large droplets and relatively low velocity conditions. When
(Inotech, Inc., Switzerland).
a liquid jet issues from a nozzle, the equilibrium between
To take the viscosity of the liquid into account, a more
the surface tension and gravity cannot be maintained,
generalized Weber theory can be used for low-velocity
and thus the dripping state gives way to a jetting state. This
laminar jet breakup scenarios. The Weber theory was orig-
transition is described by the Weber number. By extending
inally extended from the Rayleigh theory. The optimum
a Taylor’s model, Clanet and Lasheras[20] obtained a criti-
disturbing wavelength (kop) and the average droplet diam-
cal value for Weber number at which the transition from
eter based on the consideration of surface energy to break
the dripping state to the jetting state occurs:
up the jet into droplets were described as:
Wec ¼ 4 1 þ KBo0 Bo  ð1 þ KBo0 BoÞ2 1 pffiffiffi 3l
Bo kop ¼ 2p 1 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
TABLE 1 d ¼ 1:5kop d02 ð5Þ
Dimensionless number governing the process of droplets
generation, where q is the density; r0 is the characteristic When the viscosity and=or velocity of a liquid jet are
length, l is the viscosity of the fluid, v is the characteristic further increased, the governing mechanism of jet breakup
velocity, and r is the coefficient of surface tension of the can be classified into four primary regimes—Rayleigh jet
fluid breakup zone, first wind-induced breakup zone, second
wind-induced breakup zone, and atomization zone. This
Bond number qgr20 Gravity=surface classification, schematically shown in Fig. 1, is based on
(Bo) r tension force the relative importance of forces involved in the system,
lv such as viscous force, surface tension force, inertial force,
Capillary number (Ca) Viscous force=surface aerodynamic force, etc.[22] A combination of Ohnesorge
tension force number and Reynolds number is the most commonly
Reynolds number (Re) Inertial force=viscous accepted criterion of this classification for the steady ejec-
qr0 v2 tion of a liquid jet through a single, circular orifice into
Weber number (We) Inertial force=surface the quiescent air. Reis et al.[23] studied the piezoelectric sin-
tension force gle-nozzle droplet generator and concluded that the nor-
Ohnesorge number (Oh) Viscous force=surface malized drop volume ejected was shown to be a function
ðqr0 rÞ1=2 tension force of the Ohnesorge number at the orifice.
1910 WU ET AL.

multiple-nozzle plate and controlling liquid jet parameters

can be promising tools.

Size Reduction of Monodisperse Droplets

For achieving the droplets of smaller size, the most
direct way is to decrease the orifice diameter of the nozzle.
However, this concept is limited by the higher costs and the
increased risk of clogging during operation. Another
option is applying more frequent disturbances to the liquid
jet, which is limited by the higher power consumption.
Keeping the Ohnesorge number and Reynolds number
FIG. 1. Four different breakup regimes (Rayleigh jet breakup zone, first within the Rayleigh jet breakup zone is a key idea to facili-
wind-induced breakup zone, second wind-induced breakup zone, and tate reduction in the droplet size while maintaining mono-
atomization zone) governed by different droplets breakup mechanisms.[22] dispersity. Physical properties of the liquid to be jetted
become important here to keep the Ohnesorge number
With the higher velocity of the liquid jet, the effect of and Reynolds number within the Rayleigh jet breakup
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aerodynamic forces becomes increasingly important, while

the relative influence of surface tension force is lessened.
The breakup of droplets from the jet may become unstable Hydrodynamic Droplet Generator (HDG)
leading to formation of droplets of smaller and polydistrib- Gravitational force and inertial force serve as driving
uted size. To get monodisperse droplets, the liquid para- forces in this kind of droplet generator. The critical Weber
meters such as density, viscosity, and surface tension of number (Wec) determines whether the state of liquid is
the liquid and the velocity of the liquid jet that make up dripping or jetting types. Under the small We, the fluid
of Reynolds number and Ohnesorge number must be con- dynamics are in a dripping regime. Droplets grow to a size
trolled within the Rayleigh jet breakup zone. at which the gravitational force overcomes surface tension
The size of droplets generated by MDG can be theoreti- and viscous forces. Ejection of a single droplet with a drip-
cally predicted and can be reduced by introducing distur- ping state is schematically shown in Fig. 2a. The dripping
bances during the droplet generation process. Both mechanism relies on the gravitational force as the main
Ohnesorge number and Reynolds number of droplets, driving force; thus, the diameter of droplets ejected is
however, should be limited to a certain range to obtain tended to be much larger than that of the nozzle. With
droplets of uniform size, although this may come at the We rising, the state of jetting replaces dripping, which is
expense of the production capacity. For a single nozzle illustrated in Fig. 2b and Fig. 2c.[28] Accordingly, the effect
producing uniform monodisperse droplets, the capacity is of gravitational force as driving force partially gives way to
limited by the small volume and velocity of droplets. More the effect of inertial force; thus, droplets can be ejected
detailed theories on disintegration of a liquid jet for droplet before the size grows as big as in the dripping state. The
generation can be obtained from Goedde and Yuen,[24] HDG with the droplet generation driven only by the gravi-
Eggers,[25,26] and Lin and Reitz.[27] tational force and the inertial force as motive forces is not
able to stably form fine droplets with uniform size.
Based on some knowledge discussed above, the recently
developed droplet producing methods aim to generate dro-
plets to be as small, monodisperse, reproducible, and con-
trollable as possible. Reducing the size of monodisperse
droplets and enhancing the production rate are the main
issues for the application of MDG to spray-drying tech-
nology and will be discussed here. To ensure convenient
and clear discussion, in the part of reducing droplet size,
the existing droplet formation methods were classified,
from the theoretical models to the practical technologies,
based on various mechanisms and corresponding forces
involved in the droplet formation process. As far as FIG. 2. Different states of jet perturbation with different Weber
the feed-handling capacity is concerned, application of a numbers. (a) We ¼ 0.063, (b) We ¼ 1.73, and (c) We ¼ 2.3.[28]

Hence, more disturbances should be involved during the a three-microchannel junction. The microchannels can be
process of droplets generation. machined on a silicon plate using a dry etching process.
Xu and Nakajima[31] fabricated such a nozzle with inlet
Electro-Hydrodynamic Droplet Generator (EHDG) channels having 100 mm in width, which was tapered down
The electro-hydrodynamic droplet generator (EHDG) to 50 mm near the junction of the three inlet channels. The
uses electrostatic force in addition to gravitational force simplified version of the three-microchannel junction
and inertial force to accomplish droplet generation. When geometry is a T-junction microfluidic device (TMD), which
electrostatic and surface tension forces balance each other, is another droplet generator that uses the shear force. The
the meniscus becomes conical, forming a Taylor cone. The TMD can be fabricated on polymer plate such as a poly-
apex of the cone ejects a thin jet, which subsequently methyl methacrylate (PMMA) plate by using an end
breaks up into droplets with the size approximately close mill.[32] The channel for disperse and continuous phases
to the jet size. The concept is schematically illustrated in can be of different diameters. A typical T-junction arrange-
Fig. 3. The droplets are smaller than the orifice diameter ment is schematically shown in Fig. 4b. Another device
and have a narrow size distribution. The EHDG with a where the shear force is used to produce a droplet is a
single nozzle was recently expanded to incorporate multiple straight-through microchannel (SMC), which is schemati-
jets in the system for achieving higher production cally illustrated in Fig. 4c. This device can be fabricated
capacity.[19,29] However, the specific requirements for by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) of the microelectro-
mechanical system (MEMS).[30] They are mainly utilized
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:53 21 April 2013

liquid properties, the extreme complexity of electrostatic

field arrangement applied in multiple jets EHDGs, and as emulsification devices by permitting different liquids to
the relatively high cost to generate uniform droplets may flow in a continuous phase channel and a dispersed phase
hamper the industrial application of EHDGs. channel. The gas, such as air, can be replaced a disperse
phase fluid in order to produce hollow droplets (bubbles)
Mechano-Hydrodynamic Droplet Generator (MHDG) or particles. The flow rates of liquid in continuous phase
The mechano-hydrodynamic droplet generator (MHDG) and dispersed phase play a determinant role in TMD
introduces additional mechanical force to the liquid jet to and SMC. It was shown that monodisperse droplets of
influence droplet breakup. This section will discuss two 9–16 mm could be formed by controlling the flow rate of
such resources of mechanical forces: shear force applied both continuous and disperse phase fluids.[30–32]
by another fluid and vibration force generated by piezo- The size of monodisperse droplets formed by TMD and
electric materials transducer (PZT). SMC could be 2–3 times bigger than that of the outlet
There are a few droplet generation methods currently channel. To reduce the droplet size further, Link et al.[33]
being investigated in laboratory that use shear force to successfully developed a sequential T-junction microfluidic
facilitate disintegration of droplets from the bulk fluid device (sTMD), schematically shown in Fig. 5, which could
or the liquid jet. Three such methods are depicted in passively break up the liquid into small droplets with the
Fig. 4.[30–32] Figure 4a depicts the droplet generator having size comparable to the outlet channel width without

FIG. 3. A schematic diagram of a multiple jets EHDG. (a) A sectional view and (b) a full view. The homogenizer between the feed tube and nozzles
was placed to control the velocity of the bulk liquid to each nozzle.[19,29]
1912 WU ET AL.
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FIG. 4. MHDGs with shear force as driving force to form droplets. (a) Three-microchannel junction droplet generator.[31] (b) T-junction microfluidic
device (TMD).[32] (c) Straight-through microchannel (SMC).[30]

changing the volume fraction of the dispersed phase. The generator at a speed of 100 KHz, but at the cost of higher
potential coalescence phenomena among emulsion dro- power consumption. The droplet diameter can be as big
plets, however, need to be addressed for the drying as twice the orifice diameter. On the other hand, DOD
purpose. droplet generators are able to efficiently eject droplets
PZT-driven MHDGs have been widely utilized in ink-jet with a frequency up to 2 KHz. Droplet generators in a
printing applications. There are two primary methods to DOD mode produce a single droplet for each voltage
run these kinds of droplet generators, continuous mode pulse. Droplets can be formed with sizes comparable to
and drop-on-demand (DOD) mode. Both operating modes the orifice size by controlling the waveform pattern used
can produce fine and monodisperse droplets using mechan- to excite PZT. Formation of satellite droplet can be
ical disturbances originated by a voltage-induced PZT. avoided by adjusting the pulse characteristics such as
With the continuous mode, it is possible to run the pulse amplitude, width, rise=fall times, and frequency. A
comprehensive review of PZT-driven devices was done
by Le.[14] As far as the spray-drying technology is con-
cerned, a selection between a continuous mode and a
DOD mode can be made based on the required pro-
ductivity and the final size of the particles to be achieved.
The droplet generator with a continuous mode is prefer-
able over a DOD model for drying operations where
the higher productivity is more important compared to
the smallness of the particle.
Based on the principle of the continuous mode droplet
generation, Inotech, Inc., Switzerland, has developed an
encapsulator system using a single or multiple nozzle that
allowed two different fluids to pass through a concentric
nozzle. This kind of nozzle can process high viscous liquids
(max. 300 mPa  s for 0.5-mm orifice diameter nozzle). A
typical setup of the encapsulator system is shown in
Fig. 6. This encapsulator with a single nozzle of 195-mm
FIG. 5. Sequential T-junction microfluidic device (sTMD) where diameter has been successfully utilized to capture highly
droplets of the size comparable with the size of outlet channels are formed concentrated cell suspensions in 250-mm hydrogel with
by passive breakup.[33] a viscosity of 240 mPa  s and a production rate of

In general, MDGs with both continuous and DOD modes

can theoretically form fine and monodisperse droplets for
spray drying, but practical applications cannot be realized
until the yield of droplets is greatly enhanced.

Feed-Handling Capacity Enhancement for MDGs

For a single nozzle, the parameters of liquid phase must
be kept within the Rayleigh jet breakup zone or first wind-
induced breakup zone to obtain stable monodisperse dro-
plets. This puts constrains on allowable flow rate and limits
the capacity of a single nozzle. To achieve higher through-
puts from MDGs, the number of nozzles in the system
must be dramatically increased. To create multiple jet
monodisperse droplet generators, both the manufacturing
aspects and the control of liquid jet parameters should be

Manufacturing of the Multiple-Nozzle Plate

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FIG. 6. A schematic diagram of the encapsulator designed by Inotech, Inc.

The use of a multiple-nozzle plate permits multiple
streams of monodisperse droplets to be generated simul-
taneously. For the successful operation, one has to ensure
36 mL=h.[34] This system can readily be tested to serve as an that every nozzle in the system is as identically manufac-
atomizer in spray dryers. tured as possible. The size error distribution of nozzles
MDGs operating with a DOD mode have better con- manufactured using different methods was investigated
trollability on droplet generation frequency and droplet by SpectraTM, Inc. Compared to laser drilling methods,
size and are also readily available in the market. MicroFab DRIE fabricated silicon nozzles (150 M-Class Jet Modules,
Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX) has fabricated a range of SpectraTM, Inc., USA) had smaller errors regarding their
droplet generators that can be operated with a DOD mode orifice size.
to eject fluids of different characteristics and temperatures. After considering the individual nozzles, the whole
The low productivity and high operating costs limit their arrangement of nozzles within one nozzle plate is another
use to the lab-scale applications. issue. The geometrical arrangement of nozzles on the plate
The use of a laser-drilled hole as an orifice to form is also very important for the stability of liquid jets and
droplets has recently attracted more attention with the cur- droplets in the chamber. Nozzles can be placed in a circular
rent development of laser technology. Similar to the glass plate using a square pattern, concentric circles, or concen-
capillary or the nozzle, the laser-drilled hole on a steel sub- tric polygons. Fabrication of such a mechanical assembly
strate can generate small droplets with the size comparable with a few hundred individual devices may be very complex
to the orifice size. The fluid ejection and disintegration of and expensive. Brenn[36] designed a laser-drilled orifice
droplets from the orifice can be facilitated by a piezoelectri- plate with 62 holes in a common piezoceramic block to
cally driven actuator and an appropriate feed pressure con- form multiple streams of monodisperse droplets with the
troller. Alternatively, a silicon nozzle fabricated by DRIE flow rate up to 13.8 L=h. It was proposed that the mutual
is assembled as a microfluidic dispenser by SpectraTM, distance between two orifices be at least 3 times the nozzle
Inc. (USA). This kind of generator can produce droplets diameter to prevent coalescence among neighbor parallel
with as small volume as 1 pL (< 10 mm in diameter) from streams. Patel and Chen[1–3] proposed a design of a mul-
a 21.5-mm orifice diameter. tiple-orifice plate with either laser-drilled holes or individ-
As previously mentioned, reducing the nozzle size to get ual PZT-driven MDGs using a triangular arrangement
smaller droplets is not always practical. A waveform on a circle plate in context to drying operations. Each hole
pattern, which is the core technology of these various or nozzle was surrounded by an air-dispensing hole
PZT driven MDGs, can also control the droplet size down through which the hot air could be blown in a cocurrent
for a given nozzle of size ranging from 20 to 200 mm. Chen fashion, as shown in Fig. 7a. In the current market,
and Basaran[35] proposed a new pattern of waveform, SpectraTM, Inc., has developed M-class print-head modules
called waveform-3, which enabled a reduction in droplet with a die consisting of 304 addressable jets individually
radius by more than a factor of 2 compared to the droplet powered by a PZT, as shown in Fig. 7b. Many arrange-
size generated through the same orifice with a PZT ments are possible depending on the type of the droplet
activated by traditional waveform-1 and waveform-2. generation and the specific requirement.
1914 WU ET AL.

FIG. 7. Two designs of a multiple-nozzles plate for generating monodisperse sprays. (a) A circle multiple-nozzles plate with a triangular arrange-
ment.[1] (b) M-class print-head module with a die consisting of 304 addressable jets individually powered by a PZT (SpectraTM, Inc.).

Controlling Liquid Jets liquid. The gas turbulence along with polydisperse droplets
During formation of monodisperse droplets using a inside the drying chamber can lead to undesirable agglom-
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multiple-nozzle plate, the most important parameters to eration, wall deposition, product loss, and energy wastage
be controlled are the ejecting velocity and disturbing and can result in extreme complexity for analyzing and
frequency of the liquid jet, which have a crucial impact controlling the drying process. For minimizing these pro-
on the final droplet size and the size distribution. The jet blems with the existing spray-drying technology, the mono-
velocity and disturbing frequency for all the nozzles should disperse droplet generators can be a useful tool to produce
be kept identical. A homogenizer consisting of baffles, monodisperse sprays of uniform droplets. However, the
beads, frits, or other obstructions can be set between the current scale of production is likely to be sacrificed due
fluid feed reservoir and the inlet of nozzles to balance the to the very small feed-handling capacity of the MDGs.
pressure on the liquid for all the nozzles, thus keeping their The single-droplet generators are currently able to produce
velocities as identical as possible (see Fig. 3a).[29] The scale- a few milligrams of powder per hour. The throughput for
up process can be more easily realized for PZT-driven MDGs may be elevated by using multiple MDGs in a sin-
MDGs. Multiple dispensers with one PZT for each nozzle gle assembly or multiple MDGs working parallel in an
can be assembled in a group and controlled individually. individual assembly. It is common to group several hun-
The multiple streams generator, similar to the M-class dred ink-jet devices in a single mechanical-hydraulic plate
print-head modules designed by SpectraTM, Inc., is cur- to produce multiple streams of uniform droplets for print-
rently being utilized in the research fields of chemical ing applications. If an effective multiple-nozzle design is
deposition and biomaterials printing. As multiple jets are constructed for the purpose of drying, then production
simultaneously generated through individual nozzles, capacities up to a few kilograms of powder per hour may
coalescing phenomena between droplets of mutual streams be achieved.
or the same stream must be prevented. The droplet trajec- In the laboratory, drying of monodisperse droplets may
tory and the distance between two droplet streams, as well allow measurement of several droplet characteristics (e.g.,
as between two neighbor droplets within the same stream, droplet size, size distribution, and trajectory) during pro-
should be well controlled, especially if the stream of cessing.[1–3] This feature makes the drying process more
droplets is traveling down into a chamber of moving gas. analyzable for developing a suitable drying kinetics model
and also for scale-up or scale-down purposes. In addition,
it is expected that the process optimization would be rela-
tively easy with drying of monodisperse spray compared
DISCUSSION to the traditional spray-drying process due to the higher
Production of uniform particles in micron- and even reproducibility advantage with drying of monodisperse
nanosize is targeted by a wide range of practical fields, droplets. Application of MDGs as atomizers for spray dry-
including spray drying. The throughput of current spray ing operations may also offer several advantages from pro-
dryers can be over 20 tons per hour, although poor con- cess control to product quality, in particular, desirable
trollability over the particle size distribution and several spherical particles, negligible particle size distribution,
associated problems restrict their application for manufac- and better predictions of process parameters and energy
turing of specialized products. The main reason for the requirements. Furthermore, the final product is expected
large particle size distribution is the poor performance of to be more efficiently collectable from the cyclones due
atomizers that generate polydisperse sprays from the bulk to uniform characteristics of the dried particles.

Some theoretical and practical aspects of existing level before gaining random trajectories. Charging of
MDGs that may potentially be utilized as atomizers for particles could be another option to avoid collisions; how-
spray-drying technology were reviewed here. According ever, this would introduce some complexity and extra costs.
to the governing theory on droplets formation, it was noted
that the controlled frequency and the amplitude of disturb- SUMMARY
ance on a liquid jet can reduce the droplet size for the In this review article, we have presented a need for pro-
nozzle of a given orifice size. Monosized droplets generated ducing spherical and identical particles and some MDGs
from a single MDG can be realized at the expense of pro- that can be applied as ‘‘smart’’ atomizers to the spray-
duction rate owing to the fine volume and the small droplet drying technique. An attractive feature of these droplet
formation rate. The mechano-hydrodynamic droplet gen- generators is the ability to produce spherical droplets with
erators (MHDGs) were found to be the most suitable a negligible size distribution and a controlled drop trajec-
compared to HDGs and EHDGs to generate small and tory. MDGs as atomizers, if incorporated to the drying
uniform droplets for spray-drying technique. The method chamber, uniform, spherical, and reproducible particles or
of generating a monodisperse spray has been extensively microcapsules of diverse morphology and microstructure
used for various printing technologies and is rapidly being may be generated. In particular, MDGs, especially PZT-
utilized for many other applications. The Biotechnology driven MHDGs, seemed to have high potentials to serve as
and Food Engineering Group at Monash University, atomizers in spray dryers at a reasonable production
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:53 21 April 2013

Australia, seemed to be the first to propose the application capacity. Furthermore, the drying can be facilitated by incor-
of PZT-driven MHDGs to spray dryers and have success- porating only a small volume dryer because the drying time
fully obtained spherical and uniformly sized lactose parti- would be very small for droplets with the size in the order of
cles using a newly developed lab-scale ink-jet spray dryer a few microns. The use of these atomizers may be limited at
(IJSD).[1–3] The IJSD using multiple streams of droplets this stage to the lab-scale only due to the very small pro-
is under development within the same group to achieve a ductivity. There is a large scope of work that needs to be
larger throughput. carried out to look at the detailed hardware and software
The success of this technology relies on the consistent aspects of the whole idea and the related lab=pilot-scale
performance of the MDGs and the behavior of monodis- setups. A detailed research work is under progress
perse sprays in the drying chamber. There are certain con- within the same research group at Monash University,
cerns with applying the method of monodisperse droplet Australia.
generation to the spray-drying technology. The commonly
encountered problem was the blockage of the nozzle during NOMENCLATURE
operation, especially for MDGs of small orifice diameters Bo Bond number (based on the inner diameter of the
and for liquids having suspended particles of diameter orifice)
greater than the critical diameter, which is generally 5% Bo0 Bond number (based on the outer diameter of the
of the orifice diameter.[37] The blockage problem may be orifice)
more severe under drying conditions due to drying out of Ca Capillary number
the liquid at the orifice. However, it may be overcome by d Average diameter of droplets (m)
filtering the concentrated feed and offering a flow of low- d0 Diameter of the liquid jet (m)
temperature air around the nozzle tip. g Gravitational constant (9.8 m=s2)
It is essential to ensure the stability of monodisperse Oh Ohnesorge number
droplets inside the drying chamber for production of uni- Re Reynolds number
form particles using MDGs. The stability of monodisperse r0 Characteristic length (m)
droplets is affected by various atomization, drying, proces- v Velocity of the liquid jet (m=s)
sing, and design parameters such as feed pressure, feed We Weber number
properties (viscosity and surface tension), pulse characteris- Wec Critical Weber number
tics for driving PZT actuators, location of the device in the
Greek Symbols
drying chamber, position of the device with respect to the
kop Optimum disturbing wavelength (m)
air distribution plate, location of the air dispersing holes,
l Viscosity of the liquid (mPa  s)
air droplets contacting methods, air flow patterns inside
q Density of the liquid (kg=m3)
the chamber, air properties and flow rates, geometry of
r Surface tension coefficient of the liquid (N  m 1)
the drying chamber, and position of the fluid-bed dryer
(if any). Care must be taken to control the drop trajectory
inside the chamber for avoiding interparticle and particle- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
wall collisions.[38] One way to avoid collisions is to guaran- This is to acknowledge that the work is mainly sup-
tee that particles are dried up to a safe moisture content ported by ARC Discovery Grant DP0773688. The first
1916 WU ET AL.

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