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ACTBIO 2496 No.

of Pages 21, Model 5G

11 December 2012

Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx


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2 Review

3 Sintering of CaP bioceramics

4 Q1 E. Champion ⇑
5 Université de Limoges, CNRS, SPCTS UMR 6638, Centre Européen de la Céramique, 12 rue Atlantis, 87068 Limoges Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
2 2
10 Article history: Calcium phosphate ceramics have become of prime importance for biological applications in the field of 23
11 Received 27 July 2012 bone tissue engineering. This paper reviews the sintering behaviour of these bioceramics. Conventional 24
12 Received in revised form 22 November 2012 pressureless sintering of hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, a reference compound, has been extensively 25
13 Accepted 26 November 2012
studied. Its physico-chemistry is detailed. It can be seen as a competition between two thermally activated 26
14 Available online xxxx
phenomena that proceed by solid-state diffusion of matter: densification and grain growth. Usually, the 27
objective is to promote the first and prevent the second. Literature data are analysed from sintering maps 28
15 Keywords:
(i.e. grain growth vs. densification). Sintering trajectories of hydroxyapatite produced by conventional 29
16 Review
17 Sintering
pressureless sintering and non-conventional techniques, including two-step sintering, liquid phase sinter- 30
18 Calcium phosphates ing, hot pressing, hot isostatic pressing, ultrahigh pressure, microwave and spark plasma sintering, are pre- 31
19 Bioceramics sented. Whatever the sintering technique may be, grain growth occurs mainly during the last step of 32
20 Bone graft substitutes sintering, when the relative bulk density reaches 95% of the maximum value. Though often considered very 33
21 advantageous, most assisted sintering techniques do not appear very superior to conventional pressureless 34
sintering. Sintering of tricalcium phosphate or biphasic calcium phosphates is also discussed. The chemical 35
composition of calcium phosphate influences the behaviour. Similarly, ionic substitutions in hydroxyapa- 36
tite or in tricalcium phosphate create lattice defects that modify the sintering rate. Depending on their nat- 37
ure, they can either accelerate or slow down the sintering rate. The thermal stability of compounds at the 38
sintering temperature must also be taken into account. Controlled atmospheres may be required to prevent 39
thermal decomposition, and flash sintering techniques, which allow consolidation at low temperature, can 40
be helpful. 41
Ó 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 42


45 1. Introduction implants have been widely studied. Generally speaking, ceramic 63

processes consist of three main successive steps: powder synthesis, 64
46 Several ceramic materials have been commonly used in the shaping and sintering [5]. This last step consists of high-temperature 65
47 medical field for more than 40 years to repair diseased or damaged thermal treatment of a porous powder compact, but at a tempera- 66
48 hard tissue [1]. From the beginning of the 1970s, a first generation ture lower than the melting point. It leads to the final ceramic part 67
49 of ceramics, called bioinert ceramics, made of alumina, have been by elimination of pores contained in the shaped body. During this 68
50 successfully implanted. At the same time, increasing interest has treatment, several phenomena induce consolidation and densifica- 69
51 been devoted to calcium phosphate materials because of a chemical tion of the shaped part. At the same time, particle size and shape 70
52 composition resembling that of bone mineral. Thus, calcium phos- may change in a wide range. Reactions may also occur and change 71
53 phate ceramics (CPC) with expected superior biological properties the chemical composition and/or the phase composition of the fired 72
54 began to be investigated. CPC belong to the second generation of bio- product. Therefore, the sintering is of prime importance, because the 73
55 materials. They have been used in surgery from the 1980s [2–4]. final properties of the ceramic parts strongly depend on it. 74
56 They are called bioactive ceramics, a family that includes mainly As mentioned by De Groot [4], early use of calcium phosphate 75
57 calcium phosphate hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2(HA), tricalcium powder (TCP) in hard-tissue surgery was published in 1920 [6]. 76
58 phosphate Ca3(PO4)2(TCP) and biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP, a But sintering of hydroxyapatite powder compact in order to pro- 77
59 mixture of HA and TCP). Attempts to increase the biological response duce ceramic parts for medical applications was first reported in 78
60 and osseointegration of these bioceramics have recently led to the literature only in 1970 by Monroe et al. [7]. A synthetic powder 79
61 investigation of various chemical compositions, architectures and that had a Ca/P molar ratio of 1.54 was die pressed and further sin- 80
62 microstructures. Consequently, the processes used to tailor tered at 1300 °C for 15 h, resulting in a dense polycrystalline cera- 81
mic made of partially dehydrated HA and a-TCP. Because of the 82
similarities of this ceramic with the mineral composition of bone 83
⇑ Tel.: +33 555 87 50 23 63; fax: +33 555 87 50 23 04.
and teeth, this first prospective study demonstrated the possible 84
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1742-7061/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

2 E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

85 fabrication of CPC of interest for further dental or orthopaedic responsible for the effective pathway depends on numerous 149
86 prosthetics. From this date, numerous papers investigating CPC of parameters: chemical and physical properties of the material, 150
87 various chemical compositions as well as the use of different and composition of the gaseous atmosphere. Solid-state diffusion 151
88 sintering methods have been published. They aimed to produce during pressureless sintering in air, i.e. ‘‘conventional’’ sintering, 152
89 dense or porous parts or particles, coatings and, more recently, is generally involved in the consolidation or densification of CPC. 153
90 nanomaterials or three-dimensional (3-D) scaffolds for bone tissue Its physico-chemical features were studied mainly in the case of 154
91 engineering. A great number of these studies investigated the HA. To a much lesser extent, the use of additives to promote liquid 155
92 mechanical properties of sintered CPC. Indeed, low mechanical phase sintering or other assisted sintering techniques was also 156
93 reliability (strength, toughness) has always been and is still a crit- investigated. 157
94 ical limitation for the use of CPC in hard-tissue prosthetics. The
95 influence of porosity and composition of CPC on the mechanical 2.1. Solid-state pressureless sintering of HA 158
96 properties has been reviewed recently [8], and the dependence
97 on grain size for dense materials can be deduced from several As pointed out by Landi et al. [19], a first difficulty encountered 159
98 works [9–15]. A lot of emphasis is now being placed on nanomate- in the literature concerning the sintering behaviour of HA is the 160
99 rials or nanostructured materials, which brings specific difficulties definition of which material is called ‘‘hydroxyapatite’’. Because 161
100 because of the nanometric size of particles and their growth during the sintering behaviour is strongly affected by the chemical com- 162
101 high-temperature heat treatment. Sintering is fundamental, since position, some available data refer ambiguously to HA. This is par- 163
102 it provides the final microstructural design (grain size and shape, ticularly the case when calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite powders 164
103 porosity ratio, pore size) and chemical composition (of grains and (CaDHA) of general formula Ca10x(PO4)6x(HPO4)x(OH)2x, with 165
104 grain boundaries) of CPC that directly governs the mechanical 0 6 x 6 2, are used. Such compounds are characterized by a cal- 166
105 performance as well as the biological behaviour. Many papers de- cium-to-phosphorus molar ratio Ca/P < 1.667, and they decompose 167
106 scribe the sintering of CPC, but few have investigated the sintering into BCP above 700 °C [20]. They should not be considered as HA 168
107 behaviour itself, i.e. analysis of physico-chemistry and mecha- ceramics. In some studies, the term hydroxyapatite is even used 169
108 nisms. The sintering ability of a ceramic compound depends on when the sintered ceramic contains only TCP [21]. When reactions 170
109 various experimental, chemical or physical parameters. Only phys- occur during sintering, the resulting ceramic should not refer to the 171
110 ico-chemical parameters that are specific to CaP will be detailed initial precursor, but to the final compound. Moreover, the apatite Q2 172
111 hereafter. structure may incorporate various ions in each one of its crystalline 173
112 This review of the literature is presented showing more elabo- sites. So, only the stoichiometric chemical formula Ca10(PO4)6 174
113 rate sintering procedures. The range of microstructural features (OH)2, i.e. Ca/P = 1.667, should be considered as HA. This consti- 175
114 that can be offered by sintering is addressed. The cited references, tutes the first difficulty in the analysis of literature data because, 176
115 extracted from the Thomson Reuters Web of KnowledgeSM, were as will be highlighted, information on the chemistry of studied 177
116 selected for their relevance and interest to the topic. First, this pa- CaP is often missing or incomplete. 178
117 per focuses on general features of the sintering behaviour of stoi- At the macroscopic scale, the sintering ability is usually charac- 179
118 chiometric hydroxyapatite. Then, it presents: terized by thermomechanical analysis (TMA, or dilatometry). High- 180
temperature microscopy can also be used for a direct, situ, 181
119 (i) the influence of chemical composition on the sintering of characterization. 182
120 CPC, based on the behaviour of HA and TCP; the effect of Fig. 1 gives a characteristic plot of linear shrinkage vs. the 183
121 ionic substitutions or sintering aids and the influence of sin- temperature for a compacted sample of stoichiometric HA powder 184
122 tering parameters (atmosphere, time, temperature) are (Ca/P = 1.667). Its derivative curve is given in Fig. 2. Physical 185
123 addressed
124 (ii) the methods used to sinter these CPC; starting with conven-
125 tional sintering, several other techniques including two-step
126 sintering (TSS), hot pressing (HP), hot isostatic pressing Volume or grain
5 Superficial diffusion
127 (HIP), microwave sintering (MWS) and spark plasma sinter- boundary diffusion
128 ing (SPS) are discussed.
129 0
Linear shrinkage (%)

130 2. Sintering of HA
-5 HA
131 Sintering of a ceramic powder compact requires accordance CaDHA
132 with thermodynamic and kinetic conditions [16]. Its fundamentals TCP
133 and physico-chemistry have been widely described in the litera- -10 CO3-HA
134 ture. The following points are summarized from the books of Rah-
135 aman (latest edition) [17] and of Bernache-Assollant and co- -15
136 authors (French edition) [18].
137 Sintering will occur only when the driving force is sufficiently
138 high. It is possible if the total Gibbs free energy (G) of the system -20
139 is minimized (dG < 0) by decreasing the solid–gas surface area Asg(-
140 dAsg < 0) of high energy (csg), which is replaced by a solid–solid
141 surface area Ass (dAss > 0) of lower energy (css): 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
144 dG ¼ dAss css þ dAsg csg ð1Þ Temperature (°C)

145 The driving force of sintering relates to the decrease in surface Fig. 1. Thermomechanical analysis. Linear shrinkage of calcium phosphate com-
pacts vs. the temperature in ambient air for HA (Ca/P = 1.667), CaDHA (Ca/
146 and interfacial energies of the system by matter transport (atoms P = 1.535), TCP (Ca/P = 1.50), Si-HA (xSi = 0.5 mol) and in CO2 atmosphere for B-type
147 or ions), which can proceed by solid, liquid or gaseous phase diffu- CO3-HA (xCO3 = 0.95 mol), data from Refs. [22, 23, 57, 145] (specific surface area of
148 sion. Diffusion is thermally activated, and the limiting species initial powders = 30 m2 g1).

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 3

TB TB T T atures that can be deduced from derivative plots of TMA 213

curves (Fig. 2): TB, temperature at which the shrinkage 214
begins; TM, temperature at which the sintering rate is max- 215
imum. The main values of TB and TM for HA are 750 °C 216
TB and 1050 °C, respectively [19,22–24]. 217
(iii) In the final stage of sintering (from a relative density of 218
Sintering rate (K )

-0,04 90%), the isolated pores may disappear altogether, leaving 219
a fully or nearly fully dense ceramic. 220

-0,08 Then, during cooling to room temperature, the sample retracts 222
in accordance with the expansion coefficient of the sintered cera- 223
mic. As shown hereafter, pressureless sintering of HA is generally 224
HA - Ambient air performed in the temperature range 1100–1250 °C. In this domain, 225
-0,12 TCP - Ambient air densification occurs without formation of any liquid phase. Struc- 226
SiHA - Ambient air
tural investigations have confirmed that no secondary phases, 227
HA - CO2
either crystalline or amorphous, are formed [25]. Indeed, HA re- 228
HA - Argon
-0,16 mains stable up to 1350–1450 °C in ambient air [26–28], the 229
temperature depending on the partial pressure of water vapour 230
400 600 800 1000 1200
[28]. Only partial dehydration of HA into oxyhydroxyapatite may 231
Temperature (°C)
occur [27–30] according to a reversible reaction: 232
Fig. 2. Derivative plot of TMA for some CaP, data from Refs. [22, 23, 57, 145] 233
(specific surface area of initial powders = 30 m2 g1). Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ2 $ Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ22y Oy þ yH2 OðgasÞ
ðReaction1Þ 235
186 parameters, such as powder grain size distribution, specific surface
At the microscopic scale, solid-state diffusion in crystalline sol- 236
187 area of powder or compacity of shaped body, may change sintering
ids, which is responsible for sintering, requires the presence of 237
188 ability and kinetics. They are common to all ceramic systems [17],
point defects within the crystal structure, and matter motion 238
189 and their influence will not be detailed hereafter. The data plotted
may proceed through several different diffusion pathways involv- 239
190 in Figs. 1 and 2 were registered using the same experimental proce-
ing superficial, volume or grain boundary diffusion. Superficial dif- 240
191 dure with CaP powders having a similar surface area (30 m2 g1),
fusion is a mechanism that induces consolidation of a powder 241
192 which makes comparisons possible.
compact without densification, while volume or grain boundary 242
193 In the first step, up to 750 °C, intrinsic expansion of the pow-
diffusion is associated with densification. 243
194 der compact occurs. Then, at higher temperatures, densification
195 begins and proceeds by elimination of pores contained in the initial
196 powder compact. The sample shrinks to reach its maximal bulk 2.1.1. First stage of sintering: superficial diffusion 244
197 density. At low temperatures, from 400 °C, the surface area of HA pow- 245
198 The sintering of a powder compact is generally divided in three der compacts begins to decrease (Fig. 4a) [22,31–33]. The grains 246
199 sequential stages [17,18]. weld through the formation of strong chemical bonds, resulting 247
in the appearance of necks between grains (Fig. 3a). These phe- 248
200 (i) In the initial stage the interparticle neck forms and grows. nomena occur without densification up to 700–800 °C, as illus- 249
201 This stage can occur with a light or without densification, trated in Fig. 1. They correspond to the first stage of sintering, 250
202 and it lasts up to a relative density of 65% of the ‘‘theoret- leading to the consolidation of the initial powder compact through 251
203 ical’’ (i.e. the value of fully dense material). A simple model superficial diffusion. The rate of isothermal surface decrease due to 252
204 of spherical particles [17,18] can be used to schematize the superficial diffusion in CaP apatites of general formula Ca10x(- 253
205 initial powder compact and the changes that occur at the PO4)6x(HPO4)x(OH)2x, with 2 P x P 0, was analysed and quanti- 254
206 microscopic scale during this stage (Fig. 3a and b). fied as follows [22,33]: 255
207 (ii) In the intermediate stage, densification is generally assumed 256
208 to occur by the shrinking of the pores. Pores remain open m ¼ dS=dt ¼ kðT; Ca=PÞ  ðPH2 O Þ0:68  S8 ð2Þ 258
209 and constitute a continuous phase. This stage covers the
210 major part of sintering, and it ends when the pores pinch where S is the surface area, PH2 O is the partial pressure of water 259
211 off to become isolated, which corresponds to an increase in vapour, and k is a function of the temperature and CaDHA 260
212 relative density to 90%. It is characterized by two temper- composition. 261

Fig. 3. (a) Adjacent spheres model: consolidation by superficial diffusion (1) and formation of necks between grains. (b) Secant spheres model: consolidation and
densification by volume (2) or grain boundary (3) diffusion. (c) Coalescence and grain growth by grain boundary sliding.

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

4 E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

(a) 1.1 the Ca/P molar ratio was first reported by Asada et al. [36]. The 285
authors attributed this result to the formation of biphasic mixtures 286

1 (HA–TCP) above 800 °C, but superficial diffusion at lower temper- 287
atures can be hypothesized. This mechanism can be particularly 288
active when CaDHA powders are used for the sintering of BCP or 289
0.9 TCP ceramics. Recently, Lukic et al. [37] showed that a faster heat- 290
ing rate resulted in a higher densification of BCP ceramics. They 291
0.8 hypothesized that such an ‘‘unusual’’[sic] behaviour could be due 292
to the delayed formation of b-TCP when a fast heating rate was 293

0.7 used. But, it should also be explained by less grain coalescence in 294
CaDHA due to superficial diffusion in the early stage of sintering. 295


0.5 CaDHA (Ca/P = 1.535)

2.1.2. Intermediate and final stages of sintering: volume or grain 296
0.4 boundary diffusion 297
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 At the end of the first stage of sintering, the ceramic body can be 298
Temperature (°C) described as a skeleton of weakly bounded grains crossed by a net- 299
(b) 60 work of open pores. Then, at higher temperatures from 750 °C, 300
HA - Air the thermal energy supplied to the compact allows activation of 301
CaDHA (Ca/P = 1.535) - Air volume or grain boundary diffusion of higher activation energy 302
55 HA - 2.24 kPa water vapour in oxygen
than superficial diffusion (440 kJ mol1 [35]). When densification 303
Specific surface area (m .g )

HA - 6.80 kPa water vapour in oxygen


begins, initial necks grow, forming grain boundaries [38], the total 304

pore volume decreases and the sample shrinks (Fig. 1). At the same 305
time, the total interfacial energy of grain boundaries (dAsscss; Eq. 306
45 (1)) also decreases by grain growth that occurs through grain 307
boundary migration [39]. At the end of this second step, the cera- 308
40 mic body contains only residual closed pores (Fig. 5d). In the third 309
and last step of sintering, closed pores may be reduced to ideally 310
produce a fully dense ceramic. 311
The sintering mechanisms of HA was investigated by Landi et al. 312
[19], who studied isothermal densification in the 940–1020 °C 313
30 temperature range. For relative bulk density <85%, volume diffu- 314
sion was predominant at low temperatures and for short times 315
25 (T < 1000 °C, t < 30 min), whereas grain boundary diffusion was 316
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 found at higher temperatures or for longer times. For higher rela- 317
Time (min)
tive density, the densification mechanism could not be identified 318
Fig. 4. (a) Normalized surface reduction of HA [31] and CaDHA [22] in ambient air in the last stage of sintering, because grain growth occurred simul- 319
vs.temperature. (b) Surface reduction at 600 °C of HA powder in various atmo- taneously with densification. 320
spheres and CaDHA powder in ambient air, data from Refs. [22,33]. The driving force of sintering due to interfacial energy also de- 321
pends on surface curvature. Matter moves from convex (r > 0) to 322
concave (r < 0) surfaces (Fig. 3a). This curvature contributes to 323
262 Thus, water vapour in the sintering atmosphere catalyses sur- grain boundary migration and grain growth. Ideally, a final equilib- 324
263 face reduction of HA at low temperatures (Fig. 4b). Influence of rium with flat grain boundaries should be reached. Using a simple 325
264 moisture on the thermal behaviour of some other ceramic oxides two-dimensional model (more complex 3-D models exist, but they 326
265 was also reported [34]. The temperature dependence of k is due are not necessary in this paper), the final microstructure can be 327
266 to the thermal activation of superficial diffusion. Depending on schematized by hexagonal grains with ideal equilibrium angles of 328
267 the experimental procedures of determination, values for activa- 120° at the junction of three adjacent grains(see example in 329
268 tion energy of superficial diffusion were estimated to be Fig. 11) [25,40]. 330
269 120 kJ mol1 [33] or in the range 190–290 kJ mol1 [35]. For stoi- Fig. 6 gives a tentative sintering map of HA, i.e. plot of grain size 331
270 chiometric HA, the rate of surface area reduction remains low, vs. the densification ratio, independently from sintering parame- 332
271 the value of the rate constant k at 700 °C being only 9.2  103 ters. The methods used to measure the density and grain size are 333
272 vs. 1.35 for Ca/P = 1.535 (i.e. x = 0.79 in the chemical formula of Ca- indicated in Tables 1–4. The Archimedes method is the most versa- 334
273 DHA) [22]. In this last case, superficial diffusion at low tempera- tile for density measurement and is commonly used. Grain size is 335
274 tures is high and leads to important grain coalescence before usually determined from scanning electron microscopy image 336
275 densification begins. The number of grains decreases, and their size analysis using either the linear intercept method or the equivalent 337
276 increases by grain boundary sliding (Figs. 3, 5a and b). These re- disc diameter that has the same surface as the grain. 338
277 sults relate to the concentration of calcium and hydroxide vacan- For better clarity, only some trajectories are drawn (Fig. 6a). 339
278 cies in the HA lattice, which increases with decreasing Ca/P ratio, Variability in the literature data is evidenced because experimental 340
279 thus facilitating matter motion. The total solid–gas interfacial en- procedures (heating rate, temperature and time) change from one 341
280 ergy is drastically reduced (dAsgcsg; Eq. (1)). Consequently, the study to another (Table 1). More influential physical characteristics 342
281 driving force for further sintering at higher temperatures drops. of green powder compacts (initial grain size, specific surface area, 343
282 The densification process slows down (Fig. 1; Ca/P = 1.535) and compaction ratio) may also vary in a wide range or are even not 344
283 the final microstructures are made of coarse grains with irregular given in the available papers. Nevertheless, the main trends can 345
284 shape (Fig. 5c). The lower sinterability of apatite on decreasing be clearly defined: 346

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 5. Grain coalescence at low temperature in CaDHA after calcination at (a) 400 °C and (b) 700 °C [22]. (c) Typical microstructure of a BCP ceramic sintered from CaDHA
powder with initial Ca/P = 1.535 (1250 °C, 30 min, ambient air) [22]. (d) Microstructure of pressureless sintered HA (1250 °C, 30 min, ambient air) [22].

347 (i) Pressureless sintering of HA to produce nearly fully dense which pores become closed and the advancement of HA dehydroxy- 386
348 ceramics (relative bulk density P98%) without significant grain lation reaction at this temperature. Considering this last point, the 387
349 growth (average grain size 61 lm) requires a temperature in the sintering atmosphere should also play a role in the densification 388
350 range 1100–1250 °C (Table 2). Lower temperatures do not allow process. This is discussed in Subsection 2.1.3 389
351 the highest relative densities to be reached, and the highest 390
352 temperatures promote grain growth (see temperature domains in (ii) Grain growth in stoichiometric HA occurs mainly during the 391
353 Fig. 6b). As mentioned above, in this temperature range, only last stage of sintering, typically when relative bulk density is >95%, 392
354 partial dehydroxylation may occur during sintering (Reaction and it is particularly active at very high sintering temperatures, 393
355 (1)), leading to ceramics made of oxyhydroxyapatite [14,15,30]. from 1250 °C (Fig. 6b). This result agrees with the general behav- 394
356 Some authors reported on the effect of dehydroxylation on sinter- iour of ceramic powder compacts during sintering. Grain growth, 395
357 ing. As it proceeds without apatite decomposition, it induces the which usually occurs through grain boundary migration, is inhib- 396
358 formation of hydroxide vacancies (noted VoOH ) and oxide ions ited because of grain boundary pinning by the network of open 397
359 O2 (O0OH ) replace hydroxide ions OH (OHxOH ). Thus, the dehydr- pores in the intermediate stage of sintering [39]. In the final stage, 398
360 oxylation equilibrium (Reaction (1)) can be written as the pinning phenomenon is drastically decreased, because only 399
361 small residual closed pores are present, which enhances grain 400
363 2OHxOH ¼ O0OH þ VoOH þ H2 OðgasÞ ðReaction2Þ growth. Several authors calculated apparent activation energy 401
(Ea) for grain growth during sintering. Values vary from 402
364 Kijima and Tsutsumi [30] hypothesized that the creation of hydrox- 120 kJ mol1 up to 240 kJ mol1. This variability can be explained 403
365 ide vacancies increases reactivity and consequently enhances partially by the varying stoichiometry of the investigated HA 404
366 sintering. Royer et al. [15] showed that sintering modifies the dehy- (i.e.Ca/P = 1.62 [10], 1.64 [35], 1.67 [9,44,50], 1.51 or 1.77 [47]). 405
367 dration process. In the last stage of sintering, when residual pores The kinetics of grain growth in CaDHA differs from that of stoichi- 406
368 are closed, the weight loss due to dehydration stops. Exchanges ometric HA, as evidenced from the dashed line trajectories in 407
369 with the atmosphere are then restricted to the surface. Therefore, Fig. 6a. Moreover, these values of apparent activation energy Ea 408
370 the final OH stoichiometry of the bulk apatite depends on the pore for grain growth are calculated from the slope of ln G (where G is 409
371 closing temperature. A consequence of the dehydroxylation reac- the average grain size) vs. 1/T, whereas it is formulated as follows 410
372 tion during sintering at very high temperatures would be the in the case of normal grain growth [39]: 411
373 creation of residual pores resulting from the release of H2O gas that 412
374 remains trapped inside the bulk material. This phenomenon can be Gn  Gn0 ¼ Kt expðE0a =RTÞ ð3Þ 414
375 hypothesized to explain a light decrease in density, often registered
376 when an ‘‘optimal’’ temperature of densification is overshot (see so- where G and G0 are the average grain size after and before sinter- 415
377 lid line trajectories in Fig. 6a) [9,14,15,30,47,48]. The formation of ing, n is the kinetic grain growth exponent, which depends on the 416
378 fine pores was demonstrated by Liu and Chen in a recent paper diffusion mechanism, T is the temperature, t is the time, E0a is the 417
379 [49] through annealing experiments of fully dense HA produced ‘‘real’’ activation energy for grain growth, and K and R are constants. 418
380 by SPS. When water vapour is trapped in closed pores during the According to this grain-growth model, grain size is temperature 421
381 last stage of sintering, it acts in what the authors called an ‘‘anti- and time dependent. The grain size distribution must be similar for 422
382 densification process’’. Further densification is limited by water va- any period of time. In this hypothesis, the normalized distribution 423
383 pour diffusion through the bulk material near the surface. Finally, is invariant as a function of time [51] and the average grain size G 424
384 maximum densification depends on two main thermodynamic can be used as a unique variable to characterize grain growth 425
385 and kinetics parameters that are correlated: the temperature at [52,53]. If the initial grain size G0 can be neglected in Eq. (3), the 426

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

6 E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

(a) investigated grain growth kinetic vs. temperature in HA, it is diffi- 438
Jarcho [9] Asada [36] Mazaheri [46]
Akao [11] Akao [41]
He [42]
De With [10] Ca/P = 1.62
cult to conclude whether temperature or time is predominant 439
Fateeva [24] (Table 2). Recently, a new type of sintering cycle, called ‘‘two-step 440
Laasri [14] He [42] Fanovich [47] Ca/P = 1.77
Asada [36]
Royer [15] Lin [43] Fanovich sintering’’ (TSS) was investigated as a novel way to prevent grain 441
Gross [44][47] Ca/P = 1.51
Fateeva [24] Gross [44] Barralet [48] growth during densification. It is detailed in Subsection 2.1.4. 442
Kijima [30] Ramesh [45]
2.1.3. Influence of sintering atmosphere 443
6 1000°C Vacuum [54,55], inert gas (N2, O2, Ar) [32,38,56,57], carbon diox- 444
1050°C ide [57] or moist air was used as the sintering atmosphere 445
1100°C [10,37,44,54,57]. Generally, moisture was introduced in the sinter- 446
5 1150°C ing atmosphere to prevent dehydroxylation of HA (Reaction (1)). 447
Average grain size (µm)

1200°C Some authors showed a slightly better sinterability of HA in vacuum 448

1250°C than in air [54,55]. Conversely, sintering is delayed in moisture [54]. 449
1300°C These results agree with the hypothesis that sintering would be 450
enhanced by the creation of lattice vacancies resulting from the 451

3 dehydroxylation of HA (Reaction (2)). Dehydroxylation is delayed 452

by increasing the partial pressure of water vapour [58]. Similarly, 453
as shown in Fig. 2, whereas there is no significant difference when 454
2 ambient air or inert atmosphere is used, the presence of carbon diox- 455
ide delays sintering. This can be explained by a detrimental effect of 456
A-type carbonate in HA (i.e. carbonate in the OH site of the apatite) 457
1 on the diffusion of limiting species [57]. A-type carbonate results 458
from the carbonation reaction that occurs from 800 °C during heat- 459
ing HA in a CO2-containing atmosphere according to the reaction 460
0 [59]. 461
80 85 90 95 100 462
Relative bulk density (%) Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ2 þ yCO2ðgasÞ $ Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ22y ðCO3 Þy þ yH2 OðgasÞ
ðReaction3Þ 464
It can be hypothesized that the mobility is reduced by A-site 465

1000°C carbonation because of the great size and the more negatively 466
6 1050°C charged carbonate ions. 467

1100°C Moisture may also affect grain growth. As detailed in Subsection 468

1150°C 2.1.1, it promotes grain coalescence at low temperatures when 469

5 superficial diffusion is active (Eq. (2)). It may result in CaP ceramics 470
Average grain size (µm)

with coarse grains when starting from CaDHA powders, while it 471
does not seem to have an effect when stoichiometric HA is sintered 472
4 1300°C
(see Refs. [10] and [44] in Fig. 6 and Table 1). 473

3 2.1.4. TSS 474

Grain growth occurs mainly during the final stage of sintering. 475
Based on this fact, Chen and Wang [60] proposed a new sintering 476
2 method called ‘‘two-step sintering’’ (TSS). This method consists of 477
suppressing grain boundary migration responsible for grain 478
growth, while keeping grain boundary diffusion that promotes 479
1 densification. This would be effective in exploiting the difference 480
in kinetics between grain boundary migration and grain boundary 481
diffusion. Practically, a modified heating schedule, including two 482
0 steps must be defined. In the first step, the sample has to be heated 483
80 85 90 95 100
up to a temperature sufficiently high to reach a critical relative 484
Relative bulk density (%) bulk density of 70%. Then, it must be rapidly cooled and held at 485

Fig. 6. (a) Pressureless sintering trajectories of HA and (b) data domains for a given
a lower temperature until densification is completed. This ap- 486

sintering temperature. proach was applied by Mazaheri et al. for the sintering of HA 487
ceramics [46]. The sintering data from this study are plotted in 488
Fig. 7. (Experimental conditions for data from Fig. 7 are summa- 489
427 apparent activation energy becomes Ea ¼ E0a =n. But the diffusion rized in Table 3.) The average grain size remains slightly smaller 490
428 mechanism, i.e. the value of n, may change during sintering. This than those of conventionally pressure less sintered HA ceramics, 491
429 is the case when the system passes from the intermediate to the though the difference does not appear really significant (Table 2). 492
430 final stage of sintering at 95% of relative density (Fig. 6b). These
431 two domains, in which grain growth greatly differs, should be 2.2. Liquid phase sintering of HA 493
432 treated separately. Finally, the values of apparent activation energy
433 Ea given in the literature should be taken with care, because they In liquid phase sintering, the objective is to promote densification 494
434 do not give the real activation energy E0a . of HA and prevent grain growth by the presence of a liquid phase 495
435 Like maximum densification, grain growth depends on thermo- created from sintering additives. Two main mechanisms can be 496
436 dynamic and kinetics parameters that also relate to the tempera- effective, viscous rearrangement or the dissolution–precipitation 497
437 ture at which pores become closed. But, as no study formally process [61,62]. 498

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),

11 December 2012
Table 1
Experimental procedures for pressureless sintering trajectories of HA; data plotted in Fig. 5.

[Ref.] First author, Sintering conditions Characteristics of initial powder

publication year
Atmosphere, temperature, time, heating rate Preparation (supplier) Calcination Composition Ca/P molar Average grain size G0 Specific surface Green density Method
ratio (lm) area (m2 g1) (% dth)
[9] Jarcho et al., 1976 Air, 1100–1190 °C, 1 h, About 20 °Cmin1 Wet precipitation , filtration Stoichiometric HA 1.67 0.02 DNA Filtered cake + drying
[10] De With et al., Moist oxygen, 1100–1250 °C, 6 h, 60 °C h1 Commercial powder (Merck, Germany) HA + impurities (Mg, Na) DNA 65 +5 wt.% H2O CIP (50)
1981 1.62
[11] Akao et al., 1984 Air, 1100–1300 °C, 1 h, DNA Wet precipitation LM, filtration 800 °C, HA + 0.3 wt.% MgO DNA DNA DNA +3 wt.% PVA UDP (DNA)
3 h + grinding
[14] Laasri et al., 2010 Air, 1000–1300 °C, 3 h, 5 °C min 1
Wet precipitation LM, washing Grinding Stoichiometric HA close 0.1 90 +Dispersant Casting

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

in ethanol to 1.67 (55)
[15] Royer et al., 1993 Air, 1000–1300 °C, 5 h, 100 °C h1 Wet precipitation LM, filtration Stoichiometric HA 1.667 DNA 18 CIP (>55)
Spray-drying + 800 °C, 5 h
[24] Fateeva et al., Air, 1100–1350 °C, 2 h, 4 °C min1 Wet precipitation LM 900– HA 1.67 <2 4.4 +20 wt.% PVB UDP (63)
2001 1000 °C + grinding in ethanol
[30] Kijima et al., Air, 1050–1450 °C, 3 h, 15 °C min 1
Wet precipitation LM, washing HA DNA 0.16 DNA CIP (DNA)
1979 900 °C, 3 h
[36] Asada et al., 1988 Air, 1000–1250 °C, 3 h, 500 °C h 1
Wet precipitation LM, washing HA 1.665 DNA DNA Centrifugation + drying
[41] Akao et al., 1981 Air, 1100–1300 °C, 4 h, DNA Wet precipitation LM, filtration HA 1.69 DNA DNA UDP (DNA)
800 °C, 3 h + grinding
[42] He et al., 2008 Air, 1100–1250 °C, 2 h, DNA Commercial powder (Merck, Germany) Highly pure HA DNA 0.05–0.1 DNA UDP (DNA)
[43] Lin et al., 1989 Air, 1200 °C, 1–10 h, 5 °C min1 Wet precipitation LM, washing Na-HA 0.06 29.9 UDP (51)
[44] Gross et al., 2004 Moist air, 1150–1250 °C, 2 h, 5 °C min1 Wet precipitation LM, washing, 900 °C, HA DNA 0.15–0.35 9 CIP (DNA)
1 h + grinding in ethanol
[45] Ramesh, 2008 Air, 1000–1300 °C, 2 h, 2 °C min1 Wet precipitation LM, washing HA 1.67 DNA 71.2 CIP (DNA)
[46] Mazaheri et al., Air, 800–1100 °C, 1 min, 0.1 °C s1 Commercial powder (Plasma Biotal Ltd., HA DNA Rods 0.09 length and DNA CIP (51)
2009 UK) 0.025 width
[47] Fanovich et al., Air, 1000–1300 °C, 1 h, 50 °C min1 up to Commercial powder (Sigma Chem Co.) HA 1.77 1.51 DNA (agglomerates) DNA UDP (50)
1998 800 °C,10 °C min1 up to 1000 °C, 5 °C min1 500, 1000 °C
up to Tsintering
[48] Barralet et al., Air, 1300 °C, 0–24 h, 5 °C min1 Commercial powder (Plasma Biotal Ltd., HA DNA DNA UDP (46)
2003 UK)

DNA, data not available; CIP, cold isostatic pressing; UDP, uniaxial die pressing.
laboratory made.

No. of Pages 21, Model 5G

Table 2

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),

11 December 2012
Sintering conditions and characteristics of nearly fully dense HA ceramics (relative bulk density P98%) with fine grain size (61 lm).

[Ref.] First author, publication year Sintering conditions Atmosphere, heating rate (°C min1), temperature (°C), time Characteristics of sintered ceramic
Relative density (%) Average grain size G (lm)
[9] Jarcho et al., 1976 Pressureless sintering
Air, 20, 1100, 1 h 99.6AM 0.284Li
[15] Royer et al., 1993 Pressureless sintering
Air, 1.7, 1150, 5 h 98AM 0.60Li
[30] Kijima et al., 1979 Pressureless sintering
Air, 15, 1100, 3 h 98.9AM 0.89Li
[42] He et al., 2008 Pressureless sintering
Air, DNA, 1250, 2 h 98.4AM 0.84
[44] Gross et al., 2004 Pressureless sintering
Moistair, 5, 1200, 2 h 98.0 0.40Li
Moist air, 5, 1250, 2 h 99.1AM 0.49Li
[45] Ramesh et al., 2008 Pressureless sintering
Air, 2, 1100, 2 h 98.4AM 0.50Li
Air, 2, 1150, 2 h 99AM 0.90Li
[46] Mazaheri et al., 2009 Pressureless sintering
Air, 6, 1000, 1 min 98AM 0.50Li
98.8AM 0.19Li

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Two-step sintering
Air, 0.1 °C s1, 900 °C, 1 min, cooling 1 °C s1 down to 800 °C, 20 h
[48] Barralet et al., 2003 Pressureless sintering
Air, 5, 1300, 0 min 98.4HP 0.90Li
CO2, 5, 1300, 0 min 99.3HP 0.65Li
[12] Halouani et al., 1994 HP—20 MPa (graphite die)
Argon, 15, 1100, 30 min 98.8AM 0.20Li
Argon, 15, 1200, 30 min 99.5AM 0.40Li
[74] Raynaud et al., 2002 HP—20 MPa (graphite die)
Argon, 20, 1200, 30 min 98.9AM 0.40ED
[77] Hirayama et al., 1987 Post-HIP—196 MPa
Argon, DNA, 1050, 4 h 99.8AM 0.32Li
[78] Wakai et al., 1990 Post-HIP—203 MPa
Argon, DNA, 1000, 2 h 99.9 0.64Li
[79] Takikawaet al., 1996 Post-HIP—200 MPa
Argon, DNA, 1100, 1 h 99.6GM 0.42Li
[80] Uematsu et al., 1989 HIP—100 MPa (glass capsule sealed under vacuum at 600 °C)
–, 800–1000, 2 h 100AM 0.10
[91] Nakahira et al., 2003 SPS—30 MPa (graphite die) Argon, 100, 700, 5 min
Argon, 100, 800, 5 min 99.2 0.30
98.5AM 0.80
[92] Guo et al., 2005 SPS—50 MPa (graphite die)
Vacuum, 100, 825, 3 min 98.6AM 0.13 length–0.098 width
Vacuum, 100, 950, 1 min 98.4AM 0.21 length–0.17 width
[131] Chaudhry et al., 2011 SPS—100 MPa (graphite die)
DNA, 200, 1050, 3 min 100 (traces TCP) 0.221
[133] Wang et al., 2007 Pressureless sintering

No. of Pages 21, Model 5G

Air, DNA, 900, 2 h 99.4 0.083

DNA, data not available.

Archimedes method.
geometrical measurement and weighing.
helium pycnometry.
linear intercept method.
equivalent disc diameter.
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 9

2.2.1. Viscous flow of intergranular glassy phase allowing HA grain 499

rearrangement, therefore favouring porosity elimination 500

+3.5 wt.% PVA UDP

Method (% dth)
This approach has been used for processing glass reinforced HA 501
Green density

matrix composites with enhanced mechanical or biological perfor- 502

Powder DNA

Powder DNA

Powder DNA

Powder DNA
mances [63–66]. Various glass compositions were studied in the 503


CIP (51)

CIP (60)
system SiO2–P2O5–CaO–Na2O. The addition of glass retards densi- 504

fication [67,68] and grain growth [63–65]. Nevertheless, it is diffi- 505
cult to conclude unambiguously on this last point because, in these 506
studies, grain sizes are given vs. the sintering temperature, and 507
Specific surface area

there are no available data relating grain size to the relative density 508
of sintered samples in order to build up sintering maps. Sintering is 509
performed at very high temperatures (i.e.1200–1350 °C for at least 510
(m2 g1)

1 h) and HA transforms partially into TCP. The mechanism by 511





which TCP is formed is not clearly described, but its presence is 512


hypothesized to originate a strengthening of the material. When 513
the glass composition contains sodium, other crystalline phases, 514
Rods 0.50–0.10 length

Rods 0.45 length, 0.18

Average grain size G0

Rods 0.09 length and

such as CaNaPO4 or CaSiO2, can be formed during sintering [66]. 515

The authors hypothesized that sodium would diffuse into the HA 516
Rods 0.10 length

structure, inducing HA transformation into CaNaPO4, while CaSiO2 517

0.025 width

would nucleate in the glassy phase. 518






2.2.2. Formation of a eutectic with HA, allowing interface dissolution of 519

HA in the liquid, matter diffusion through the liquid and redeposition 520
Composition Ca/

onto the grain surfaces 521

This mechanism requires the existence of a eutectic composi- 522
HA 1.667

tion between the additive and CaP. Among the known binary sys-

HA 1.67

HA 1.67

HA 1.67
P ratio

tems, Li3PO4 (in the composition 60 wt.%) forms a eutectic at 524





1010 °C with Ca3(PO4)2 [69]. From this basis, alkali cations, lithium 525
Li+ (in the form of phosphate Li3PO4 [69], carbonate Li2CO3 [70] or 526
Wet precipitationLM Spray-drying
Characteristics of initial powder

nitrate LiNO3 [47,71]) and sodium Na+ (in the form of metaphos-
Wet precipitation LM, filtration

Commercial powder (Bioland,
Commercial powder (Plasma

Commercial powder (Taihei

Wet precipitation 800 °C,

phate NaPO3 [70] or phosphate Na3PO4 [24,70]) were investigated. 528

Addition of lithium enhances densification. It provokes the par- 529
Preparation (supplier)

Calcination + grinding

tial decomposition of HA with formation of b-TCP at 900 °C below 530

Wet precipitationLM

Wet precipitationLM


Wet precipitationLM
Chemical Co, Jpn)

the eutectic point. A possible decomposition reaction of HA can be 531

Biotal Ltd., UK)

1 h + grinding

deduced from the work of Ababou and Bernache-Assollant [70] 532


when Li2CO3is used: 533


Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ2 þ 3Li2 CO3 ! 2Li3 PO4 þ 2Ca3 ðPO4 Þ2 þ 4CaO
þ 3CO2 þ H2 O ðReaction 4Þ 536
Pressureless presintering 1100 °C, 2 h, air Post-HIP 1100 °C,
Pressureless presintering 1050 °C, 2 h, air Post-HIP 1000 °C,

Then, a liquid phase can form by reaction of TCP with lithium phos-
TSS 0.1 °C s1 up to 900 °C, 1 min cooling 1 °C s1 down to

Experimental procedures for sintering trajectories of HA ceramics; data plotted in Fig. 6.

SPS 700–1200 °C, 5 min, vacuum, 30 MPa, 100 °C min1

phate at 1010 °C.

Pressureless presintering 960 °C, 2 h, vacuum Post-HIP,

HP 1000–1250 °C, 30 min, argon, 20 MPa 15 °C min1


SPS 700–1200 °C, 5 min, argon, 30 MPa, 100 °C min1

Addition of NaPO3 leads to a reaction that results in the forma-

Temperature, time, atmosphere, stress, heating rate

HP 1100–1120 °C, 30 min, argon, 20 MPa 20 °C min

DNA, data not available; CIP, cold isostatic pressing; UDP, uniaxial die pressing.

tion of b-TCP, but there is no evidence for the formation of any li- 540
quid phase [70]. 541
Sodium phosphate Na3PO4 seems to be an effective additive to 542
enhance sintering of HA. A shift of 50 °C to lower temperatures 543
HP900–1000 °C, 1–2 h, argon, 20 MPa

is observed in the presence of Na3PO4 [24]. But the additive does 544
not seem to affect grain growth strongly. This would agree with 545
1050 °C, 4 h, argon, 196 MPa

the work of Santos et al. [65], who indicated that there was no evi- 546
dence for any control of grain size by the glassy phase (in the sys- 547
tem SiO2–P2O5–CaO–Na2O) during sintering. Nevertheless, this 548
Sintering conditions

2 h, argon, 203 MPa

1 h, argon, 200 MPa

800 °C, 0–20 h, air

hypothesis must be taken with care, because very few results are 549
available. The formation of CaNaPO4 is always observed after cool- 550
ing to room temperature [24,70], and the lattice parameters of HA 551
change, indicating partial substitution of Na for Ca in the crystal 552
structure. The following mechanism is proposed [70]: 553
Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ2 þ xNa3 PO4 ! Ca10x Nax ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ2x
[12] Halouani et al., 1994
[46] Mazaheri et al., 2009

[74] Raynaud et al., 2002

[91] Nakahira et al., 2003

[93] Eriksson et al., 2011

[75] Veljovic et al., 2009

[78] Wakai et al., 1990

þ 2xCaNaPO4 þ 2xNa2 O þ xH2 O ðReaction 5Þ 556

[77] Hirayama et al.,

[79] Takikawa et al.,

laboratory made.
[Ref.] first author,

Suchanek et al. [72] investigated numerous sintering additives.

publication year

H3BO3, CaCl2, KCl, KH2PO4, (KPO3)n and Na2Si2O5 did not enhance 558
densification and induced the formation of secondary phases. 559


K2CO3, Na2CO3 and KF enhanced densification by formation of a li- 560

Table 3

quid phase, but b-TCP or CaO were formed. These sintering aids 561

form a liquid phase at low temperature that favours grain 562

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),

11 December 2012
Table 4
Sintering conditions and characteristics of TCP and BCP ceramics.

[Ref.] First author, Powder preparation (supplier) Sintering conditions Characteristics of initial material Characteristics of sintered
publication year (Ca/P, average grain size G0) ceramics
Phase composition Relative density (%) Average grainsize G
[13] Destainville et al.,a Wet precipitationLM Filtration 740 °C, 30 min HP 900–1100 °C, 30 min, 20 MPa b-TCP (Ca/P = 1.50) b-TCP (T = 1050 °C) 99.7AM 0.65ED
[107] Bandyopadhyay Commercial powder (Monsanto, CA) Ball milled, Pressureless sintering 1250 °C, TCP TCP + 2.5 wt.% ZnO TCP (a or b not specified) 89.3GM 94GM 9.7 1.9
et al., 2007 5 h + UDP 3 h, air TCP (a or b not specified)
[144] Akao et al.,a1982 Wet precipitationLM Filtration, 800 °C for Pressureless sintering 1100– Apatite (Ca/P = 1.51) apatite (Ca/ b-TCP (T = 1200 °C) b- 99.4 DNA 1.59 ± 0.69Li
3 h + grinding + 1 wt.% corn starch + UDP 1300 °C, 1 h, air P = 1.51) TCP + HA (T = 1250 °C) 2.23 ± 0.94Li
[147] Zhang et al., 2008 Wet precipitationLM Washing + 10 wt.% PVA + 800 °C SPS 880 °C, 3 min, vacuum, b-TCP (G0 = 80 nm) b-TCP 99AM 0.2
for 2 h 50 MPa
[148] Douard et al., 2011 Wet precipitationLM Washing, 750 °C for Pressureless sintering 1100 °C, b-TCP (Ca/P = 1.51) b-TCP + 0.95 wt.% b-TCP b-TCP + amorphous 99.7AM 98.0*,AM 1.60 ± 0.69ED
30 min + UDP 2 h, air Si silicon rich phase 0.50 ± 0.20ED
Spray pyrolysisLM Grinding, 600 °C for 1 h

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

[149] Itatani et al., 1994 Pressureless sintering 1070 °C, b-TCP + HA b-TCP 96.1 DNA
5 h, air
[150] Tampieri et al., Commercial powder (Jesse-Shirley, UK) Pressureless sintering 1220– HA + CaHPO41:1 M b-TCP + a-TCP + HA b- 91–92.2AM 100AM DNA 1–2
1997 1260 °C, 1 h, air HP 1150 °C, 1 h, HA + CaHPO41:1 M TCP + 10 vol.% HA
30 MPa
[152] Jarcho et al.,a1979 Wet precipitationLM Washing, 750 °C for 30 min Pressureless reaction sintering Sulfate doped TCP b-TCP (T = 1200 °C) 99.7AM 0.483
1000–1250 °C, 1 h then 4 h at
990 °C
[153] Ryu et al., 2002 Solid-state reaction at 1100 °C + ball milled for 24 h Pressureless sintering 1200 °C, b-TCP b-TCP + 0.5–3 wt.% Ca2P2O7 b-TCP + 42% a-TCP b-TCP 87*,AM > 95AM DNA DNA
in ethanol, CIP 2 h, air
[155] Carbajal et al., 2012 Solid-state reaction at 900 °C, 2 h + attrition + CIP Pressureless sintering 1100– b-TCP b-TCP + 0.25 wt.% ZnO b-TCP + a-TCP (T = 1100 °C) 90 92 DNA DNA
1250 °C, 12 h, air b-TCP + a-TCP (T = 1250 °C)
[156] Xue et al., 2008 Wet precipitationLM Filtration + grinding + 650 °C, Pressureless sintering 1250 °C, TCP TCP + 1 wt.% MgO TCP + 0.3 wt.% b-TCP + a-TCP b-TCP b- 82AM92.9AM91.8AM99.3AM DNADNADNADNA
for2 h + UDP 2 h, air ZnO TCP + 1 wt.% MgO + 0.3 wt.% TCP + a-TCP + glassy phase
[157] Banerjee et al., 2010 Commercial powder(Berkeley Advanced Pressureless sintering 1250 °C, b-TCPb-TCP + 1 wt.%MgO + 2 wt.% b-TCP + a-TCPb-TCP 96.17AM97.26AM 2.62 ± 0.142.33 ± 0.18
Biomaterials Inc., CA) + milled for 6 h + UDP 2 h, air SrO
[158] Fielding et al., 2012 Commercial powder(Berkeley Advanced Pressureless sintering1250 °C, 2 h, b-TCPb-TCP + 0.25 wt.% b-TCP + a-TCPb-TCP + a-TCP 90.8 ± 0.8AM94.1 ± 1.6AM DNADNA
Biomaterials Inc., CA) + milled for 6 h + 3-D printing air ZnO + 0.5 wt.% SiO2
with binders
[159] Seeley et al., 2007 Commercial powder(Berkeley Advanced Pressureless sintering1250 °C, 4 h, b-TCPb-TCP + 1 wt.% TiO2b- b-TCP + a-TCP + HAb- 66*,GM81*,GM68*,GM 35.63
Biomaterials Inc., CA) + milled for 6 h + UDP air TCP + 0.5 wt.% Ag2O TCP + a-TCP + HAb-TCP + a-
[160] Seeley et al., 2008 Commercial powder(Berkeley Advanced Pressureless sintering1250 °C, 4 h, b-TCP + 2 wt.% NaFb-TCP + 3 wt.% b-TCP + a-TCP + HAb-TCP+a- 80*67* 7.176.63
Biomaterials Inc., CA) + milled for 6 h + UDP air CaO TCP+HA
[36] Asada et al., 1988 Wet precipitationLM Washing Pressureless sintering 1000– CaDHA (Ca/P = 1.64) BCP (95 wt.% HA + 5 wt.% 97 GM
1250 °C, 3 h, air, 500 °Ch1 TCP)T = 1250 °C
[74] Raynaudet al., a2002 Wet precipitationLM Filtration HP 1100–1200 °C, 30 min, Ar, CaDHA (Ca/P = 1.617) BCP ((71 wt.% HA + 29 wt.% 99AM98.8AM 0.25ED0.8ED
20 MPa, 20 °C min1 TCP)T = 1100 °CT = 1200 °C

DNA, data not available; UDP, uniaxial die pressing; CIP, cold isostatic pressing.
laboratory made.

No. of Pages 21, Model 5G

Archimedes method.
geometrical measurement and weighing.
linear intercept method.
equivalent disc diameter.
Normalized to the theoretical density of b-TCP (3.07 g cm3).
Sintering trajectory plotted in Fig. 9.
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 11

563 rearrangement during the early stage of sintering. The creation of Halouani [12] HP Takikawa [79] post-HIP
564 OH vacancies (VoOH ) due to K+ or Na+ substitution for Ca2+ in the Raynaud [74] HP Nakahira [91] SPS
565 HA lattice may also contribute to better sinterability by facilitating Veljovic [75] HP Eriksson [93] SPS
566 solid-state matter diffusion. Only mixtures of sodium phosphates Hirayama [77] post-HIP Mazaheri [46] TSS
567 with atomic ratio (Ca + Na)/P = 1.67 appeared effective and did Wakai [78] post-HIP
568 not forma secondary phase. This could be explained by the forma- 800°C
569 tion of Na-substituted HA Ca10xNax(PO4)6(OH)2x for this particu- 850°C
570 lar value of (Ca + Na)/P molar ratio. But no liquid phase was 900°C
571 observed with this additive, so that the better sinterability was 950°C
572 attributed to the formation of OH vacancies in the Na-substituted 1000°C
573 HA. This case corresponds rather to the solid-state sintering of a

Average grain size (µm)

574 substituted HA. 2
575 Finally, the liquid phase sintering of HA with additives always
576 leads to the formation of secondary chemical compounds either
577 amorphous or crystalline. 1.5 1250°C
578 2.3. Solid-state assisted sintering of HA
579 From the beginning of the 1980s, several authors attempted to
580 use ‘‘physically’’ assisted sintering techniques. Thus, HP, HIP, MWS
581 and, more recently, SPS or ultrahigh-pressure sintering (UHP) have
582 been investigated. All these techniques provide an additional driv- 0.5
583 ing force (pressure, electric/magnetic field) that is expected to pro-
584 mote densification and prevent grain growth by decreasing
585 sintering temperature and/or time. The main objective is to im- 0
586 prove the mechanical reliability of HA itself by producing fully 80 85 90 95 100
587 dense ceramics with fine grains or by incorporation of a second Relative bulk density (%)
588 ceramic phase in the HA matrix. In this last case, assisted sintering
Fig. 7. Trajectories for assisted sintering of HA.
589 appears necessary, because the presence of a second phase drasti-
590 cally slows down or inhibits sintering of the HA matrix. This phe-
591 nomenon is well known in ceramic–ceramic composites when ultrahigh-pressure method (ULTHP), alternative HP method 626

592 inert reinforcing inclusions (particles, fibres or platelets) are used performed under very high pressure (2–5 GPa), to produce nearly 627

593 [73]. The sintering of CaP matrix based composites will not be de- fully dense transparent HA ceramics with fine microstructure 628

594 tailed here, only the influence of additional pressure (HP, HIP, (average grain size G  200 nm) at a temperature of only 435 °C 629

595 UHP), electrical field and pressure (SPS) or microwaves on the sin- under a pressure of 3 GPa. 630

596 tering of HA is presented.

2.3.2. Microwave sintering 631
597 2.3.1. HP, HIP and UHP Microwave sintering of ceramics differs from conventional sin- 632
598 HP and UHP allow application of a mechanical uniaxial com- tering because the heat is generated internally within the material 633
599 pressive stress on the sample. They require the use of a die, which by electromagnetic radiation instead of originating from an exter- 634
600 limits the possible shapes of samples. In HIP, a gas pressure is iso- nal source [83]. This provides numerous advantages, among which 635
601 statically transmitted to the sample encapsulated in a deformable are reducing the temperature and time by fast heating and there- 636
602 container, which allows sintering of complex shapes. Very few fore obtaining ceramics with fine grains [84]. Fang et al. [85,86] 637
603 studies have been devoted to the sintering of pure HA by HP or first investigated MWS of HA at the beginning of the 1990s. They 638
604 HIP. So, only partial results are available. produced either porous or dense material. At 1200 °C, the grain 639
605 Data for hot-pressed HA are given in Fig. 7 [12,74,75]. The appar- size of HA conventionally sintered for 2 h was close to that mea- 640
606 ent activation energy for grain growth during HP was 122 kJ mol1 sured after 10 min of MWS at the same temperature (1 lm). 641
607 [12]. A first attempt to densify HA by HIP, using the encapsulation But, the sintered density was slightly higher using MWS [86]. 642
608 technique was published in 1982 [76]. Two powdery samples were The authors hypothesized that hydroxide ions in HA might have 643
609 sealed in gold capsules, and 2.7 wt.% water was added to one cap- played an important role in enhancing densification. The highest 644
610 sule. HIPing was then performed at a very low temperature relative density reached 95% after MWS at 1300 °C for 10 min, 645
611 (i.e.550 °C for 3 h under 140 MPa), which resulted in HA ceramics but important grain growth occurred, the average size reaching 646
612 with 74% and 71% of relative bulk density without and with water 3 lm. Other works gave somewhat similar results [45,87,88]. 647
613 addition, respectively. Because the use of a gas pressure requires Relative density increased from 87.5% to 94.5% with increasing 648
614 encapsulation of green compacts (generally in glass capsules and MWS temperature from 900 to 1200 °C (15 min holding time). At 649
615 under vacuum), an alternative post-HIP method has been the same time, grain size increased from 0.24 lm to 1.59 lm 650
616 investigated. It includes initial pressureless sintering to reduce [87]. Ramesh et al. [45] used MWS at very high temperatures 651
617 porosity, followed by post-HIPing without encapsulation. Sintering (1300 °C) to obtained ceramics with 98% relative density and an 652
618 trajectories are also plotted in Fig. 7 [77–79]. (Associated average grain size of 2 lm. Most of the published papers concluded 653
619 experimental parameters are given in Table 3.) that MWS was efficient when applied to HA ceramics. But, from 654
620 In comparison with pressureless sintering, HP or HIP allows very these results, it appears that MW sintered ceramics hardly reach 655
621 high relative densities to be reached with limited grain growth due a relative density above 95% with grain size >1 lm, which is worse 656
622 to lower sintering temperature and time (Table 2). This is the reason than pressureless sintering (Table 2). Moreover, as grain growth 657
623 why HIP was used to produce transparent HA ceramics [80,81]. occurs mainly above this relative density (see sintering trajectories 658
624 Such optical properties require pore-free material with very small in Fig. 6a) conventional pressureless sintering remains obviously 659
625 grain size. For this reason, Tan et al. [82] used a low-temperature superior to MWS. 660

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

12 E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

661 2.3.3. SPS Thus, Mg was found to favour the thermal decomposition of HA 724
662 SPS is a ‘‘flash sintering method’’ in which an electric current is into a biphasic mixture of HA and TCP [97,98]. The decomposition 725
663 applied simultaneously with a compressive stress to a die contain- temperature decreases with increasing Mg content from 840 °C for 726
664 ing the initial powdery sample [89]. In this respect, it resembles 0.6 wt.% down to 660 °C [97] or even 300 °C [111] for 2.4 wt.%. This 727
665 HP, but the sample is directly heated by the applied electric cur- can be explained by the much smaller ionic radius of Mg2+ in com- 728
666 rent, which results in very rapid and efficient heating. This tech- parison with Ca2+, which implies that only a very low amount of 729
667 nique should present numerous advantages over conventional Mg can substitute for Ca in the HA lattice (i.e. 0.4 wt.% according 730
668 sintering (faster heating rate and heat transfer as for MWS with to [112]). Co-substitution of a second ionic species (carbonate 731
669 application of a mechanical compressive stress). It is expected to [98] or silicate [100]) was investigated in order to introduce addi- 732
670 lower temperature and shorten the holding time required for den- tional structural changes that may stabilize Mg substitution. This 733
671 sification and, consequently, to overcome the problem of grain allowed an increase in the thermal stability of co-substituted HA 734
672 growth in nanostructured materials. Moreover, the electric current containing up to 1 wt.% of Mg up to 1200 °C and to sinter without 735
673 in SPS can also create polarization, a process that usually requires thermal decomposition. 736
674 post-sintering operating [101], thus combining two processes into The case of strontium is different, since it can fully substitute for 737
675 one. calcium in the apatite lattice. Sr-subsituted HA was heated up to 738
676 Several authors have investigated SPS of pure HA to produce 1250 °C without thermal decomposition [103], but the sintering 739
677 dense HA ceramic pellets with enhanced mechanical and/or bio- behaviour was not detailed. In another study, HA was doped with 740
678 logical properties [90–92], transparent ceramics [93,94] or as SrO [101], but the stoichiometry of HA powder was not controlled, 741
679 post-sprayed treatment of HA coatings [95]. Fig. 7 gives trajectories which led to biphasic HA–TCP materials after sintering at 1200 °C. 742
680 for SPS of HA drawn from available data. As for conventional pres- This was also the case when ZnO was used as HA dopant [101,107]. 743
681 sureless sintering, grain growth is effective when the relative den- Finally, it is difficult and speculative to state a clear interpreta- 744
682 sity reaches 95%. Apparent activation energy of grain growth was tion from these literature data, each case must be seen as particu- 745
683 found to be 184 kJ mol1 [90], which is of the same order of mag- lar. The sintering of these CPC will not be detailed. 746
684 nitude as that for pressureless sintering or HP. SPS allows for the
685 production of nanostructured HA ceramics with microstructures 3.1. Carbonated hydroxyapatite (CO3-HA) 747
686 similar to those obtained by HP or HIP. The main differences are
687 that a lower temperature (800 °C against 1000 °C) and much Carbonate (CO2 
3 ) can substitute either for OH in the so-called
688 shorter holding times (5 min against >30 min) are necessary. At ‘‘A site’’ of HACa10(PO4)6(OH)22y(CO3)y or for PO3 4 in the ‘‘B site’’ 749
689 very high temperatures (1200 °C), SPS leads to important c-axis of HACa10x(PO4)6x(CO3)x(OH)2x. These substitutions lead to a 750
690 growth of HA crystals, resulting in coarse acicular grains [91,94] general chemical formula for AB-type carbonated hydroxyapatite 751
691 that tend to lie in planes perpendicular to the direction of the ap- (CO3-HA): Ca10x(PO4)6x(CO3)x(OH)2x2y(CO3)y [57]. 752
692 plied compressive stress [94]. This phenomenon is encountered B-type carbonation, generally measured using C–H–N elemental 753
693 during uniaxial compressive stress assisted sintering (HP) of cera- analysis, can be achieved during the synthesis of powder by wet 754
694 mic materials with hexagonal crystal structure [96], and it was also chemical precipitation [57,113,114]. The difficulty in the sintering 755
695 observed after ULTHP of HA [82]. of carbonated HA is to prevent B-type decarbonation that occurs 756
696 Though the effect of pulsed electric current on the sintering at low temperatures, from 600 °C [115,116]. A CO2-gas-contain- 757
697 mechanisms of HA is not clearly understood, SPS appears to be ing atmosphere is required [57,114,117,118]. The thermal stability 758
698 an interesting method of producing nanostructured dense HA of B-type CO3-HA depends on the temperature, the CO2 gas pres- 759
699 ceramics. But, because of the applied compressive stress, limita- sure and the B-type carbonate content (i.e. the value of x) and can 760
700 tions similar to those encountered with HP arise. The gain in grain be predicted from thermodynamic calculations [119]. This allows 761
701 size (100–300 nm vs. 400 nm for pressureless sintering; Table the stability domain to be defined at equilibrium, and the maxi- 762
702 2) cannot lead to subsequent improvement of the mechanical mum temperature at which sintering would be possible without 763
703 properties of HA that remain a critical factor, especially concerning degradation of the initial CO3–HA to be predicted. For example 764
704 the fracture toughness, which hardly reaches 1.5 MPa m1/2. Never- (Fig. 8; note that the plots of this figure should not be confused with 765
705 theless, SPS appears very promising for consolidation at very low an experimental plot obtained from heated samples), in pure CO2 766
706 temperatures of CaP ceramics made of thermally unstable calcium flowing gas (P CO2  1 bar), a B-type CO3-HA containing x = 0.4 mol 767
707 nanoparticles, such as nanocrystalline apatites, whose behaviour is of carbonate would remain stable up to 1100 °C, whereas this tem- 768
708 detailed in Section 4. perature would only be 800 °C in air (P CO2  0:4  103 bar). The 769
thermal stability decreases with increasing carbonate content. Sim- 770
ilarly, the experimental sintering temperature also decreases with 771
709 3. Sintering of substituted HA B-type carbonation (Fig. 1) [57,117]. These results can be linked 772
to the concentration of ionic vacancies (VoOH and V00Ca ) within the apa- 773
710 Numerous ions or ionic groups can enter the crystal structure of tite lattice created by the B-type carbonate substitution, which fa- 774
711 apatite, which gives rise to a great family of chemical compounds. vours matter mobility by diffusion. 775
712 Several ionic substitutions of biological interest in HA have been Additionally, A-type carbonation occurs by exchange with 776
713 investigated. These substitutions may change the thermal stability hydroxide ions when heating in carbon dioxide atmosphere 777
714 and sintering behaviour of HA. Particular attention is given here to according to the following chemical equilibrium: 778
715 the substitution by carbonate, fluoride or silicateanions. To a much 779
716 lesser extent, the production of HA ceramics substituted or co- Ca10x ðPO4 Þ6x ðCO3 Þx ðOHÞ2x þ yCO2ðgasÞ $ Ca10x ðPO4 Þ6x ðCO3 Þx
717 substituted by various cations such as magnesium [97–101], stron-  ðCO3 Þx ðOHÞ2x2y ðCO3 Þy þ yH2 OðgasÞ ðReaction 6Þ 781
718 tium [101–106], zinc [99,101,107], bismuth [108], potassium [109]
719 or yttrium [110] has been reported. The sintering of these metallic The composition of the A site (value of y) depends on the tem- 782
720 (co)-substituted HA also remains only partially investigated. More- perature and pressures of CO2 and H2O. It can be calculated at the 783
721 over, in most studies, the sintering is performed at very high tem- thermodynamic equilibrium from the equilibrium constant of 784
722 peratures (P1250 °C) or using HA of uncontrolled stoichiometry, Reaction (6) [57,120]. So, in addition to CO2 gas, a partial pressure 785
723 which leads to thermal decompositions and multiphasic ceramics. of water vapour in the atmosphere is helpful to control A-site 786

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 13

787 composition. While B-type carbonation decreases the sintering Some authors attempted to analyse the mechanisms of sinter- 850
788 temperature, A-type carbonation induces a light shift to higher sin- ing of Si-HA. From the calculation of activation energies, Putlayev 851
789 tering temperatures (see Fig. 2, HA in CO2 atmosphere). Finally, AB- et al. [35] stated that silicon would slow down the formation of 852
790 type CO3-HA ceramics with controlled composition and fine grains contacts between particles, owing to reduced grain boundary 853
791 can be fully sintered at low temperatures (T 6 900 °C) in mixed mobility during the first stage of sintering. Then, in the second 854
792 flowing atmospheres containing partial pressures of CO2 and H2O stage of sintering, silicon would promote densification through 855
793 vapour [57,114,117]. grain boundary diffusion enhanced by the formation of hydroxide 856
vacancies in the Si-HA lattice. This interpretation is based on the 857
794 3.2. Hydroxyfluorapatites calculation of activation energies from shrinkage curves. Gibson 858
et al.’s [124] hypotheses are more complex. The changes in electric 859
795 Fluoride ions can substitute for hydroxide in the apatite lattice. charges due to the substitution of PO3
4 by SiO4 ionic groups could
796 Thus, hydroxyfluorapatites (F-HA) have the chemical formula greatly modify binding energies and interaction forces between 861
797 Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2xFx. The sintering of F-HA differs slightly from ionic groups in the HA lattice. This could limit the mobility of OH 862
798 that of pure HA. It appears much more complex to analyse because groups that are instrumental in the sintering of HA and be the 863
799 it depends on the fluoride content, with equal amounts of fluoride origin of the observed general lower sinterability of Si-HA. The 864
800 and hydroxide ions (x  1) observed to greatly reduce the sintering favourable role of hydroxide vacancies on diffusion would be 865
801 [44,121]. Gross and Rodriguez-Lorenzo attributed this behaviour to inhibited. Increasing the temperature to high enough values would 866
802 hydrogen bonding between more electronegative fluoride ions and then improve the mobility of OH, so that the behaviour of Si-HA 867
803 hydroxide ions, which would decrease the mobility of these species matches that of HA with a deviation of 100–150 °C. When densi- 868
804 [44]. It is also in agreement with a densification mechanism con- fication occurs, the shrinkage rate seems to be higher for Si-HA 869
805 trolled by the mobility of species present in the hydroxyl columns than for pure HA (Fig. 2) [23], which would confirm the hypothesis 870
806 of apatites. Similarly, hydroxide vacancies enhance the diffusion, of Pulayev et al. [35]. 871
807 whereas A-type carbonates lower it (see Subsection 2.1). For x < 1 Finally, Si-HA appears as more refractory compounds than pure 872
808 or x > 1, the behaviour resembles that of pure HA. Only a slight de- HA, which agrees with the behaviour of other silicate apatites such 873
809 crease in the densification can be noticed with increasing fluoride as La9.33(SiO4)6O2 or Ca9Nd(PO4)5(SiO4)F2, which require high 874
810 content, while grains grow more [44]. Gross and Bhadang also sintering temperatures [128,129]. 875
811 studied the sintering of biphasic mixtures of hydroxyapatite and
812 fluorapatite [122]. A single F-HA solid solution was formed from 4. Consolidation of nanocrystalline apatites 876
813 the biphasic mixture. The hypothesized sintering mechanism is
814 the same as that stated for the sintering of F-HA solid solutions The use of nanosized particles is a common strategy in struc- 877
815 [44], implying the mobility of F and OH ions in the hydroxyl col- tural ceramic processing. These particles are characterized by a 878
816 umn. But, with the use of biphasic mixtures, the sintering rate was great surface area, which would increase the driving force of sin- 879
817 lower, owing to reduced mobility within the interfacial zones be- tering by higher surface free energy (Eq. (1)). Sintering at lower 880
818 tween hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite particles. temperatures could be used [130–133]. Xu et al. [130] used nano- 881
819 Though the sintering behaviour of F-HA remains little docu- particles 12 nm in size that were densified up to near full density 882
820 mented and not totally clear, the above studies indicate that, in by SPS at 1100 °C for 3 min. The resulting ceramic was a biphasic 883
821 the presence of fluoride ions, volume or grain boundary diffusion mixture of HA and TCP with a grain size of 0.5 lm. Similarly, 884
822 is less active than grain boundary motion. Chaudhry et al. [131] obtained fully dense HA (containing traces 885
823 As for HA or A-type CO3-HA, the atmosphere can influence the of TCP) with average grain size 220 nm from nanorods (length 886
824 sintering of F-HA. Though its effect on densification has not been 165 nm, diameter 39 nm) after SPS at 1050 °C for 3 min (Table 2). 887
825 quantified, a wet atmosphere may induce volatilization of fluoride The total surface free energy of a powder also depends on its 888
826 according to the following reaction [123]: surface energy csg (Eq. (1)). Interestingly, in order to increase the 889
driving force of sintering, Wang and Shaw [133] used the specific- 890
829 Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 F2 þ xH2 O $ Ca10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞx F2x þ xHF ðReaction 7Þ
ity of HA nanorod morphology (length 50 nm, diameter15 nm), 891
830 This reaction does not create vacancies in the apatite lattice, but the surface of which is composed mainly of {0 0 1} crystallographic 892
831 changes the fluoride stoichiometry. planes of high surface energy (1.16–1.54 J m2 against 1.1 J m2 for 893
{1 0 0} planes). This allowed for the sintering of dense ceramics 894
832 3.3. Silicon substituted hydroxyapatite (Si-HA) with very fine grains (G  80 nm) at only 900 °C (Table 2). But 895
more generally, the individual effect of particle size on the sinter- 896
833 Silicon can substitute for phosphorus in the HA lattice, leading to ing of CaP is impossible to characterize precisely from the 897
834 the chemical formulae Ca10(PO4)6x(SiO4)x(OH)2x. A typical shrink- literature data. It is included in the results presented in Subsection 898
835 age plot of Si-HA powder compact vs. the temperature is given in 2.1 (see Tables 1 and 2). 899
836 Fig. 1. The general trend is that silicon substitution decreases the sin- For some years, a new approach has been investigated using 900
837 terability of HA [23,100,124–126]. TM shifts to higher temperatures nanocrystalline apatite particles analogous to bone mineral that 901
838 as the silicon content increases (Fig. 2) [23,126]. Densification of Si- can be synthesized by wet precipitation under so-called ‘‘bioin- 902
839 HA requires higher temperatures than HA. But, at the same time, the spired’’ conditions [134–136]. These have very high specific surface 903
840 presence of silicon also reduces grain growth [23,35,124]. A diffi- area and a low crystallinity associated with the presence of a hy- 904
841 culty comes from the fact that the temperature of thermal decompo- drated surface layer, which contains highly mobile non-apatitic 905
842 sition of Si-HA decreases with the increase in silicon content (Fig. 9). ions [134]. Enhanced bioreactivity and a major role in biomineral- 906
843 This decomposition leads to a-TCP and/or silicocarnotite Ca10(- ization are expected because of these properties. It would therefore 907
844 PO4)4(SiO4)2 [23,100,125]. From the literature data, it appears hardly be interesting to produce ceramic parts that would preserve these 908
845 feasible to fully sinter Si-HA containing high amounts of silicon properties. But, whatever the sintering technique may be, in most 909
846 without decomposition. Dense (relative density >95%) and single studies the temperatures used were high enough to transform the 910
847 phase Si-HA ceramics containing up to a limit of 0.5 mol of silicon initial particles to anhydrous and well-crystallized grains 911
848 (i.e. 2 wt.%) with a fine microstructure (G  0.5 lm) have been [137,138]. Novel innovative techniques of flash sintering, such as 912
849 produced within the thermal stability region (Fig. 9) [23,100,127]. SPS, appear very promising in order to consolidate nanostructured 913

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

14 E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

initial apatitic tricalcium phosphate intob-TCP followed by powder 951

grinding to increase powder surface area can be applied to favour 952
further densification. 953
The main difficulty encountered in the sintering of b-TCP comes 954
from the b ? a phase transformation that occurs at 1150 °C. It is 955
accompanied by a sudden dilatometric expansion (Fig. 1), which 956
creates mechanical stresses inducing cracks within the sample 957
[149,153]. This leads to a low mechanical reliability of TCP ceram- 958
ics sintered above the transformation temperature [74]. Another 959
point is that the reverse transformation a ? b during cooling to 960
room temperature does not occur in the same conditions as the 961
b ? a transformation, a-TCP being generally present in the cooled 962
ceramics heated above the transformation temperature. Slow 963
kinetics of the a ? b transformation is often encountered in dime- 964
tallic phosphate compounds Me2(PO4)3 [154]. According to the 965
work of Monma and Goto [142], an annealing treatment of TCP 966
for at least 5 h at 850 °C would be necessary to complete this trans- 967
formation. To overcome these difficulties, some authors used MgO 968
[99,151], ZnO [99,107,155], MgO–ZnO [156], MgO–SrO [157], 969
SiO2–ZnO [158] or Ca2P2O7 [153] additives to increase the high- 970
temperature limit of b-TCP. Similarly, the influence of TiO2, Ag2O, 971
Fig. 8. Calculated isobaric curves of decarbonation equilibrium of B-type CO3-HA in NaF, CaOor SiO2 addition on the sintering of b-TCP has also been 972
CO2 atmosphere, after Ref. [119]. reported [107,148,159,160]. All these additives were also chosen 973
because they were expected to improve the biological and/or 974
mechanical properties of sintered ceramics. 975
914 ceramics at very low temperatures (T 6 200 °C) under high com- Table 4 and Fig. 10 display the literature data on sintered b-TCP 976
915 pressive stress (P > 100 MPa) without total degradation of the ceramics. As stated above, impurities may greatly change the tem- 977
916 initial properties of biomimetic nanoparticles [139,140]. Under perature at which the b to a phase transformation occurs. Informa- 978
917 such unusual temperature conditions, solid-state matter mobility, tion about this purity should be provided, which is not the case in 979
918 which is classically involved in the sintering, is unlikely to occur. most of the studies presented in Table 4. Only the Ca/P ratio or the 980
919 Though the mechanism inducing consolidation remains unclear, crystalline phases identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) are given. 981
920 the mobility of ions within the surface hydrated layer of nanopar- So, the so-called ‘‘pure’’ TCP used hereafter refers to the observed 982
921 ticles should play an important role. In addition to the driving force crystalline phase and not to the chemical composition. Pressure- 983
922 due to the pressing stress and to the presence of a great number of less sintering of pure TCP appears somewhat similar to that of 984
923 structural defects in such nanocrystals, this surface layer could act HA (Fig. 1). Densification begins at TB  750 °C and the sintering 985
924 as a secondary liquid phase favouring diffusion. rate is maximum at a TM of 950–1000 °C (Fig. 2), a temperature 986
which is slightly lower than that for HA (TM  1050 °C) 987
[145,146,148]. The sintering trajectories (Fig. 10) indicate that, as 988
925 5. Sintering of b-TCP for HA, grain growth occurs mainly during the last stage of sinter- 989
ing from 95% of relative density. Though it is often stated that 990
926 The sintering of TCP is much less reported than it is for HA. b-TCP is difficult to sinter without the b ? a phase transformation, 991
927 a-TCP and b-TCP are the two crystalline varieties of interest in bio- literature data (Table 4) show that nearly fully dense b-TCP can be 992
928 logical applications. b-TCP is the thermodynamically stable form at produced at a temperature as low as 1100 °C without excessive 993
929 low temperature. It transforms into a-TCP in the temperature
930 range 1120–1170 °C [141,142]. b-TCP is generally preferred in sin-
1 2.8
931 tered ceramic implants, while a-TCP is more commonly used in
Relative density = 98.9% [23]
932 bone graft cements because of its hydrolysis properties [143].
Relative density = 95% [100]
933 TCP powder can be synthesized by aqueous precipitation of a Ca- Relative density = 96% [127] 2.4
934 DHA Ca10x(PO4)6x(HPO4)x(OH)2x with x = 1 (i.e. Ca9(PO4)5 0.8
Silicon content, x (mol)

(HPO4)(OH)—apatitic tricalcium phosphate) [144–148]. Then,

Silicon content (wt%)

936 b-TCP can be obtained after calcination >700 °C, which induces
937 internal condensation of hydrogenphosphate groups according to 0.6
938 the following reaction [20]:
Stability domain 1.6
of Si-HA
Ca10x ðPO4 Þ6x ðHPO4 Þx ðOHÞ2x ! ð1  xÞCa10 ðPO4 Þ6 ðOHÞ2 0.4 1.2

941 þ 3xCa3 ðPO4 Þ2 þ xH2 OðgasÞ ðwith x ¼ 1Þ ðReaction 8Þ

942 Spray-pyrolysis [149] as well as solid-state reactions at high tem-
943 peratures between biphasic mixtures of HA and CaHPO4 [150,151],
944 HA and a sulfate precursor [152], CaHPO4 and CaCO3 or Ca2P2O7
945 and CaCO3 [142,153] have also been used to produce b-TCP directly
946 by reaction sintering. As detailed in Subsection 2.1.1, when CaDHA is 0 0
1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400
947 used, superficial diffusion at low temperature may be detrimental to
Temperature (°C)
948 the sintering. In this case, a high heating rate in the intermediate
949 temperature domain (from 400 up to 800 °C) in order to reduce grain Fig. 9. Experimental decomposition curve of Si-HA in air (after Ref. [23]) and
950 coalescence or a precalcination above 700 °C to decompose the experimental literature data.

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 15

Destainville [13] TCP, HP Asada [36] BCP and TCP, such materials can be seen as biphasic composites in 1030

Akao [144] TCP Raynaud [74] BCP, HP which the minor phase acts as inert inclusions embedded in a ma- 1031
Jarcho [152] TCP trix of the major phase. As mentioned previously, inclusions act as 1032
2 inhibitors of matrix sintering [73]. Consequently, high tempera- 1033
tures are required to produce nearly fully dense BCP ceramics by 1034
pressureless sintering. Temperatures of at least 1250 °C are com- 1035
monly used [36,163–169]. These temperatures are superior to that 1036
of the b hat to a-TCP phase transformation. To overcome this prob- 1037
1.5 1100°C
lem, magnesium was added to stabilize b-TCP up to higher temper- 1038
Average grain size (µm)

atures and allow sintering of BCP ceramics at 1300 °C without 1039

formation of a-TCP [170]. Alternatively, in agreement with the 1040
work of Monma and Goto [142] an annealing dwell at 900 °C for 1041
24 h during cooling after sintering >1250 °C can be used to com- 1042
plete the reverse a-TCP to b-TCP transformation [169]. Assisted 1043
sintering such as HP [74,171] or TSS [172] can also be efficient at 1044
fully densifying b-TCP below the temperature of phase transforma- 1045
tion (Fig. 10, Table 4). Moreover, grain growth can be limited using 1046

0.5 these last techniques (see the example in Fig. 11b and c [171]). 1047
Though the chemical reactions that occur during the formation of 1048
BCP from CadHA have been well described in Ref. [20], the mor- 1049
phological aspects are missing. It was shown using selective area 1050
electron diffraction (SAED) [171] that BCP ceramics resulted in a 1051
0 mixture of HA and TCP grains, TCP grains being slightly coarser 1052
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 (0.5 lm) than HA grains (0.1 lm) (Fig. 11), but the way they 1053

Relative bulk density (%) form and grow has not yet been elucidated. 1054
Another approach in BCP processing is to sinter at low temper- 1055
Fig. 10. Sintering trajectories of TCP and BCP. atures (T 6 1100 °C) by either conventional sintering 1056
[162,164,173–175] or MWS [167,175,176]. In such cases, micropo- 1057
994 grain growth (e.g. average grain size G  1–2 lm; Fig. 11a). HP rous ceramics are obtained. This corresponds to a recent trend in 1058
995 [13,150] and SPS [147] of pure TCP have also been investigated order to develop micro- and macroporous CaP ceramics with supe- 1059
996 with the aim of fully densifying pure b-TCP at a temperature below rior biological properties, micropores being expected to induce 1060
997 the phase transformation. The results are summarized in Table 4. bone formation (e.g. osseoinduction) [177–180]. In this approach, 1061
998 Tampieri et al. [150] used reaction sintering between HA and CaH- the sintering is not completed and, owing to the resulting porosity, 1062
999 PO4 powder mixture. After HP at 1150 °C (1 h, 30 MPa) dense b-TCP the mechanical reliability is generally low [181]. The use of specific 1063
1000 containing 10% of unreacted HA was obtained. Phase pure b-TCP shaping processes, such as hetero-coagulation with pore-forming 1064
1001 was produced from CaDHA powders at 1050 °C [13] and 880 °C polymeric microspheres [182,183] could be helpful for controlling 1065
1002 [147]. Because they require lower temperatures, these assisted sin- pore size and porosity. This could also constitute an interesting 1066
1003 tering techniques (HP and more particularly SPS) allow this grain alternative to incomplete sintering. 1067
1004 growth to be limited and hence produce b-TCP ceramics with
1005 grains of submicrometre size (Table 4) [13,147]. 7. Microstructural design of sintered CaP ceramics 1068
1006 The use of additives to stabilize b-TCP up to higher temperature
1007 does not lead to better results, so they do not appear necessary to The microstructural design of sintered CaP ceramics includes 1069
1008 this purpose. Moreover, they generally lead to polyphasic ceramic numerous physical and chemical components: grain size, grain 1070
1009 materials in which phase composition and proportions are poorly shape, grain orientation, porosity ratio, pore size, chemical compo- 1071
1010 controlled. Similarly, stoichiometry variations lead to impure TCP sition of grains and grain boundaries, and surface charge. Accord- 1072
1011 that may contain either HA (Ca/P > 1.50) or calcium pyrophosphate ing to the sintering maps (Figs. 6, 7 and 10) the range of 1073
1012 Ca2P2O7 (Ca/P < 1.50) after sintering [22,145]. These impurities also microstructures that can be offered by sintering appears somewhat 1074
1013 influence the sintering behaviour, the sinterability increasing with restricted. Microstructures are generally made of equiaxed grains 1075
1014 the Ca/P ratio [22,146,161]. Though the presence of HA has only (see examples in Figs. 5 and 9–11), whose size may vary from a 1076
1015 little influence, Ca2P2O7 reduces the densification and induces fast minimum of 100 nm for nearly dense materials. A monomodal 1077
1016 and abnormal grain growth [22,146]. grain size distribution associated with normal grain growth is ob- 1078
served [23,74,148]. Only ‘‘prolonged’’ sintering may induce abnor- 1079
1017 6. BCP ceramics mal growth with bi- or multimodal grain size distributions (see 1080
inset in Fig. 10, for example). So, it could be stated from the sinter- 1081
1018 BCP ceramics made of a mixture of HA and b-TCP have been ing maps that CaP are not difficult to sinter. But, the final micro- 1082
1019 investigated as bone substitute materials for 20 years, leading structural design of ceramics also depends on the chemical 1083
1020 to commercially available products of various HA/TCP phase ratios composition and physical properties of powders, and on the char- 1084
1021 [162]. These ceramics are usually produced from the sintering of acteristics of the shaped body before sintering. Moreover, the 1085
1022 HA/TCP powder mixtures or from a single phase CaDHA powder development of new systems, such as nanostructured ceramics 1086
1023 that thermally decomposes into the biphasic mixture according or multi-materials raises new issues. 1087
1024 to Reaction (8). In this last case and as for apatitic TCP, superficial
1025 diffusion at low temperature must be prevented. 7.1. Influence of chemical composition 1088
1026 At higher temperatures (T > 800 °C) densification of a biphasic
1027 compact proceeds. The sintering ability of BCP is much lower than The chemical composition of CaP is a crucial parameter, because 1089
1028 that of pure HA or b-TCP. An example of sintering trajectory is gi- a great number of ions can enter their crystal structure. These ions 1090
1029 ven in Fig. 10. As no evidence exists for any mutual sintering of HA can be voluntarily incorporated during the synthesis of powders or 1091

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

16 E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Fig. 11. (a) Typical hexagonal grain with flat boundaries (TCP, pressureless sintering, 1200 °C, 2 h) [40]. (b) Microstructure of fully dense BCP (88% HA–12% b-TCP hot pressed,
1100 °C, 20 MPa, 30 min) [171].

1092 can be due to impurities. Dopants can also be mixed with CaP ture is seldom reported in the literature, though it can greatly 1127
1093 powders. The thermal stability of such systems as well as the influence the final properties of CaP ceramics. The thermal decom- 1128
1094 chemical reactions that could occur may greatly change the sinter- position of substituted CaP or the reaction with additives or dopants 1129
1095 ing behaviour and, consequently, the final microstructural design can form amorphous phases or films, or crystalline particles segre- 1130
1096 of ceramics. gated along the grain boundaries. As these phases may be present 1131
1097 It was shown using Rietveld analysis that, during the sintering of in very low amounts, structural analyses using transmission elec- 1132
1098 a CaDHA, the HA phase formed from the thermal decomposition of tron microscopy (TEM) and/or selective SAED coupled with energy 1133
1099 the CaDHA (Reaction (8)) remained non-stoichiometric, even after dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) are required to determine their loca- 1134
1100 12 h at 1200 °C [184]. Thus, the relative proportions of HA and TCP tion and chemical nature. As mentioned in Section 2.1, no secondary 1135
1101 phases present within the samples and their actual composition phases, either crystalline or amorphous, formed along the grain 1136
1102 could vary, depending on the sintering temperature. This could be boundary after sintering of pure HA at 1250 °C [25]. Only one study 1137
1103 of interest for the development of novel multi-phasic ceramics, pro- demonstrated from TEM that phase pure silicon substituted HA, i.e. 1138
1104 vided the chemical changes are mastered. More generally, particular without any intergranular phase, containing up to 2 wt.% of silicon 1139
1105 behaviour can be expected during the sintering of multiphasic or could be produced after sintering at 1200 °C for 4 h [100]. It was also 1140
1106 multilayer materials. Such systems could be seen as composite shown using SAED and EDS that silicon could hardly enter the b-TCP 1141
1107 materials. If there is no (or too low a rate) mutual (inter-) diffusion lattice and that it forms an amorphous silicon-rich phase [148]. In 1142
1108 between the two phases, one can only expect the formation of a most studies, only XRD patterns are used to analyse the chemical 1143
1109 more or less chemically strong interface between grains or layers. composition, which is insufficient to state the real microstructural 1144
1110 This seems to be the case for BCP made of HA and TCP. If there is mu- design of doped or substituted CaP. 1145
1111 tual diffusion between the two phases, the final product differs from
1112 the initial blend. In this field, the works of Gross et al. [44,122] on hy- 7.2. Physical properties of powders and characteristics of shaped body 1146
1113 droxyfluorapatites showed that it is possible to change the chemical
1114 composition by solid-state diffusion from a biphasic hydroxyapatite According to Tables 1, 3 and 4, the size, surface area, morphol- 1147
1115 and fluorapatite mixture into a solid solution hydroxyfluorapatite. ogy of initial powders as well as the green density of samples may 1148
1116 Such an approach would be particularly valuable for the develop- vary in a wide range. All these parameters may influence the sin- 1149
1117 ment of chemically graded or multilayered CaP ceramics that could tering ability of CaP. 1150
1118 be shaped from various techniques, such as tape casting, coatings or Various particle morphologies and sizes, from nanospheres or 1151
1119 3-D (ink jet) printing. Particular surface features can also be pro- nanorods to spherical or fibrous micronic crystals, can be produced 1152
1120 duced from reaction sintering of coated CaP substrate. For example, [138]. In most cases, powders are synthesized using the wet pre- 1153
1121 Nair et al. [185] sintered HA substrates coated with a silica solat cipitation method (Tables 1, 3 and 4), which generally leads to 1154
1122 1200 °C, which resulted in a triphasic outer surface layer containing nanorods with a high specific surface area, typically >50 m2 g1 1155
1123 HA, TCP and CaSiO4. Similarly, surface charge can also be changed by (Tables 1 and 3). 1156
1124 the use of dopants [101]. These powders can be sintered without any preparation before 1157
1125 Multiphasic systems also point to the importance of interfaces shaping green compacts (usually produced using uniaxial die 1158
1126 and/or grain boundaries. Surprisingly, this feature of the microstruc- pressing or cold isostatic pressing; Tables 1, 3 and 4). It was clearly 1159

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 17

1160 shown in several works that, during heating, rod-shaped HA 8. Summary and concluding remarks 1225
1161 nanoparticles grow from 700 °C [133] and become equiaxed at
1162 900 °C [44,133]. A similar result was found after SPS of HA powders The sintering of hydroxyapatite ceramics has been widely stud- 1226
1163 at 825 °C for 3 min or 950 °C for 1 min under a uniaxial compres- ied for about 40 years. The parameters involved in the densifica- 1227
1164 sive stress of 50 MPa [92]. Only SPS at very high temperatures tion and grain growth have been identified. The hydroxyl 1228
1165 (1200 °C) for a long time (10 min) allowed the production of micro- column, which may contain hydroxide ions, vacancies or substi- 1229
1166 structures made of coarse elongated grains of HA with a length (c- tuted ions, plays an important role. Through the advancement of 1230
1167 axis of crystals) >50 lm [91,94]. Such particular textured micro- the dehydroxylation reaction, lattice vacancies enhance both grain 1231
1168 structure resulted from an important grain growth that occurred coalescence in the first stage of sintering at low temperatures and 1232
1169 during this ‘‘prolonged’’ sintering. Thus, very low temperatures densification during the intermediate stage at higher tempera- 1233
1170 should be used to preserve the morphology of initial particles tures. During the final stage, when pores are closed, dehydroxyla- 1234
1171 Q3 and develop microstructures made of nanosized (need-like) grains. tion can also inhibit densification because of trapped water vapour. 1235
1172 Moreover, a texturation effect can be obtained using an additional Substituted ions may change interaction forces within the lattice 1236
1173 applied uniaxial stress (SPS). Indeed, itcan induce a preferred ori- that change the ions’ mobility and the sintering ability. But, what- 1237
1174 entation of elongated particles (in the c-axis direction of crystals), ever the composition of CaP may be, the transition point between 1238
1175 which tend to lie in planes perpendicular to the direction of the ap- the phenomena promoting densification to those favouring grain 1239
1176 plied stress [140]. growth occurs at 95% of relative bulk density. 1240
1177 Several treatments, including washing, drying, calcination, Grain growth occurs simultaneously to the densification pro- 1241
1178 grinding, addition of binders (such as polyvinyl alcohol PVA cess. But it is particularly active during the last stage of sintering 1242
1179 [11,79,147] or polyvinyl butyral PVB [24]) or granulation by spray and promoted by high temperatures. Densification techniques 1243
1180 drying [15,75] (Tables 1, 3 and 4) can be performed before shaping other than conventional solid-state pressureless sintering, such 1244
1181 and further sintering. Washing with distilled water or ethanol is as HP, HIP, MWS, SPS or TSS, have been investigated for producing 1245
1182 used to remove the by-products contained in the powders synthe- CaP ceramics with fine grains. Similarly, numerous sintering aids 1246
1183 sized by the wet methods. Such a treatment should not significantly were studied. Enhancement of the mechanical reliability could be 1247
1184 alter the solid particles, and there is no clear evidence in the litera- expected from these approaches, but it still appears insufficient 1248
1185 ture for any direct influence of powder washing on the further sin- and, as reviewed by Wagoner Johnson and Herschler [8], the very 1249
1186 tering ability. Nevertheless, because of the low solubility of CaP, a low toughness of CPC still remains critical for load-bearing applica- 1250
1187 very small decrease in the particle size could occur during washing. tions. Moreover, these mechanical properties will degrade to a sig- 1251
1188 The most significant effect is a modification of particles’ surface nificant extent after implantation, as was shown after soaking in 1252
1189 charge, which depends on the nature of the solvent. The low dielec- liquid medium [181,189]. This relates directly to the bioactivity 1253
1190 tric constant and surface tension of alcohol induce a very low ionic of CPC, which is induced by their solubility in body fluids and re- 1254
1191 strength of the solution and an enhanced wettability of particles, sorbability through osteoclast activity. From this point of view, 1255
1192 which results in loosely bonded particles [44]. Thus, washing with simultaneously improving the mechanical and biological proper- 1256
1193 ethanol should be more favourable than with water for further deag- ties could even appear contradictory. Finally, optimized pressure- 1257
1194 glomeration of particles. Similarly, freeze-drying of powders after less sintering (in a controlled atmosphere when necessary) 1258
1195 washing can be preferred to conventional heat-drying, which leads remains the most useful and the reference technique for producing 1259
1196 to a strong agglomeration [186,187]. Deagglomerated particles dense CPC with a fine microstructure. Nevertheless, alternative 1260
1197 and a high surface area are favourable, and it is well known that, sintering methods have not been investigated as much as conven- 1261
1198 for enhanced sintering rates and the attainment of high density, tional sintering. Their optimization should lead to further improve- 1262
1199 the particles must be homogeneously packed with high packing ments. This is particularly the case for TSS and flash sintering 1263
1200 density [17]. The influence of the green density and powder surface techniques or low-temperature consolidation, which should be 1264
1201 area on the sintering rate of CaP has been reported in several works helpful for producing ceramics with a controlled nanoscale grain 1265
1202 [21,86,132,138,188]. In order to adapt the powders’ properties to the size or with nanostructured microstructures. 1266
1203 shaping processes, a calcination treatment is often performed before Numerous works aiming to improve biological behaviour have 1267
1204 sintering. It induces grain growth and surface area reduction. been devoted to the addition of second phases or of substituted 1268
1205 Further grinding after calcination to break particle agglomerates or ions in HA, TCP or BCP. In many studies, the final composition of 1269
1206 aggregates is necessary. For the same reason as during washing, ceramics after sintering is for the most partun controlled (exact 1270
1207 ethanol can be preferred to water as a liquid medium during the nature, proportions and distribution of chemical species and 1271
1208 grinding or ball milling of the powder [14,24,44,153]. Some shaping phases). Some authors even use the term ‘‘HA’’ to describe other 1272
1209 processes, such as tape casting or rapid prototyping (3-Dprinting, chemical compounds. As recently exposed in the case of silicon 1273
1210 stereolithography), require slurries containing a high volume [190], one must be cautious with regard to the conclusions that 1274
1211 fraction of polymeric binders, which may also reduce the packing state-enhanced biological properties due to a particular substi- 1275
1212 density of ceramic particles and consequently the sinterability. tuted chemical element or doping chemical compound, because 1276
1213 Finally, the main difficulties come from the development of new its location and the whole microstructural design of the sintered 1277
1214 objects and microstructures and, more particularly, in the case of ceramic is rarely characterized accurately. Important microstruc- 1278
1215 nanostructured and/or multi-phasic materials. Nanometric parti- tural changes may be induced (presence of either amorphous or 1279
1216 cles are generally highly agglomerated, which is not favourable to crystalline second phases, intergranular phases, grain boundaries 1280
1217 homogeneous and high-density packing. This difficulty is increased of various thickness and composition), which should also contrib- 1281
1218 with rod-shaped particles. Moreover, they are generally metastable ute to the biological behaviour. 1282
1219 with a high thermal reactivity. Because of grain growth during sin- Currently, new trends have arisen in the field of CPC. They are 1283
1220 tering, nanoceramics (i.e. with grain size <100 nm) can only be pro- mainly oriented towards superior biological properties through 1284
1221 duced by flash sintering or consolidation at very low temperatures. the development of multiscale micro–macroporous architectures 1285
1222 In this field, new approaches, including various shaping methods (as with complex shapes, multi-materials combining various CaP, 1286
1223 those mentioned earlier) before sintering should help to provide composites, hybrid materials or biomimetic nanopatite ceramics. 1287
1224 new geometries as well as micro/nano-structural designs. To this end, very low temperature consolidation using innovative 1288

Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),
ACTBIO 2496 No. of Pages 21, Model 5G
11 December 2012

18 E. Champion / Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Champion E. Sintering of CaP bioceramics. Acta Biomater (2012),

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