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Research Important Tool in Education

Research is a pivotal point in widening knowledge for it creates new discoveries that
generate something worthwhile. In education, research procures numerous gains such as
academic promotion. Since higher position entails a better pay, educators began to be
competitive as they notice that it brings forth a greener pasture to their professional career.
Another reason would be the academic requirement set by the institution. Some
universities require their professors or educators to publish research for the contribution to
their university’s quality education and reputation. Each person may have different
motivation of conducting research, but either way the researcher massively benefits the

On the opposite side of the coin, many educators dislike research due to its long
tedious process. According to Sir Nelson, a combination of deepened skills and profession
are required in it. Research is a systematic process of investigation, thus one must follow a
specific system or method. Apart from that, you will have to learn and apply the ethics in
conducting research so not to cause greater damage or trouble as you socially engage with
the people involve. Research is mentally, physically and emotionally laborious it needs full
attention and effort that’s why people detest research. In spite of this, research hastens our
research skills and knowledge as we go through its process. In a wider aspect, research is the
reason why we live in a progressive, innovative, and efficient way of living. Without these
discoveries we will be stuck in a non-industrialized lifestyle.

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