Understanding The Self Reviewer

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1. ____________ it is one of the constituents of the self according to William James in his book
It is the most intimate version of the self because of the satisfaction
experienced when thinking of ones ability to argue and discriminate
2. _____________ the book of William James
3. ______________ the ability use moral sensibility and conscience may be seen through the
expression of religion , its belief and practices .
4. _____________-work on the definition of religion , as asset of cultural belief and practices
that usually includes some or all of basic characteristic
5. _________________ is the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or
sacred law
 There are three fundamental characteristic of rituals according to Penner ( Britannica

6. __________They believes that life is not a bed of roses, instead , there are suffering pain
and frustration , when people suffer, they want to experience the goodness of life and avoid
 Customs and practices
 Two type of meditation practices

7. ____________aim at developing insight into reality,, acquiring wisdom is by studying

Buddha’s teaching
8. Through the reflection of _________ buddhist can achieve a deeper understanding of life.
Buddhist believe in non-violence and practices
9. The dharma principles
 Right view right –
 Right intentions
 Right concentration
 Right speech
 Right effort
 Right action
 Right livelihood
 Right mindfulness
10. Buddhist celebration
 February-
 May –
 July-
 October-
 November-
11. ____________They believe in trinitarian God ,
12. ____________ the selection of book , which is divided into two. The old and new testament
13. ______________ it symbolizes the birth in Christian world
14. _____________- is an act of remembrance of Jesus Christ sacrificial love
15. Christmas and resurrection( __________) are the two major celebration in Christianity ,
usually in December 25
16. The resurrection Sunday (______________)
17. They covers a wide range of traditional beliefs and religious group
They believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, governed by ________
18. ___________ is a concept where the reincarnated life depend on how the life was spent
19. __________sacred scripture of Hindus
20. ____________________________- are two other important text of the Hindus
21. ____________________________ are the most celebrated festivals of Hindus
22. ________________the festival of light
23. _____________ festivals of nine night which celebrate the triumph of good or evil
24. _____________ Muslim believed in Allah , who is their one God , they believe in the unity
and universality of God
25. Muslim have a strong sense of community _________ and an awareness of their solidarity
with all muslim worldwide, Islam means submission to God
26. Mohammed was born in ___________and received revelation from God through the
27. __________the holy book of Islam
28. The five pillar which are the foundation of Islam
 ____________statement of faith there is no but God the one true God and Mohammed
is his messenger
 ___________the prayer that is practiced 5 times a day
 ____________the monetary offering for the benefit of the poor
 ________the yearly pilgrimage to Meca
 _____________the fasting , ramadan is the 9 months of Islamic lunar calendar
29. __________ the celebration at the end of Ramadan
30. ________celebrated within the completion of the pilgrimage, the haji
31. Two major festival in Islam ____________________
32. ___________ they believe in the God of Abraham , the same God that liberate the Hebrew
slave from Egypt to Canaan , the promised land through the leadership of Moses and later
33. ___________ the sacred scripture of the Jews
34. The five major festivals
 _____________--the new year
 _____________the day of atonement
 _____________passover
 _____________ Pentecost
 _____________ tabernacles . the Jewish sabbath begins on Friday evening at sunset and
is an important time when families gather for the sabbath meal
35. Another extensive study of self can be found in the work of ______________
36. Dr. Frankl published a book about___________
37. _____________is a psychotherapy introduced by Dr, Frankl
38. ____________he is the father logotherapy
39. _______________ to find meaning of life starts with holding a future goal
40. _______________ a meaningful life is a life with suffering , to find meaning of life is to
recognized suffering .


The definition of love according to Dr. Frankl

- love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality
- Costello 2015 captured Frankl message , the ultimate ,,, the ultimate secret on the spiritual
foundation of life is that love is salvation and joy eternity ,’the ultimate factor to find the
meaning of life is love.

According to the Phil. Cons., Filipino citizen are those whose fathers or mothers are citizen of the
Philippines, those born before Jan. 17 1973 of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship
upon reaching the age of majority

The Filipino hospitality

- Filipinos welcomed their guest and tourist as if they are their own brothers and sisters , they
always make their guest feel at home, offering them something to eat or even a place to stay . r

Respect for elders

- Filipino great their elders by kissing their hands while saying “ mano po” and constantly using po
and opo in conversation

Cheerful personality

- Filipino have a habit of smiling and laughing a lot , they smile when they are happy or sometimes
even when they are so sad or angry


- Attitude of filipino can be seen as an extension friends


- Is the spirit of communal unity and cooperation of Filipinos

Bahala na attitude

- Is the Filipino famous version of the famous line hakuna matata meaning no worries , the phrase
is said to have originated from bahalana

Maatana habit

- This is the Filipino term for procrastination . it was derived from a longer Filipino phrase called
Mamay ana meaning dawdling things
Ningas kupon

- Is a filipino term for flame and kugon is the Filipino term for cagon grass that easily burns out
after it is put into flames, Ningas Kugon refers to the attitude of eagerly starting things but
quickly losing eagerness soon after experiencing difficulty

Laziness is a common among filipino , that is wy Filipino is regarded as ‘Juan Tamad or lazy Juan


- Most Filipino hold on to their prides as if they are most precious than keeping a good
relationship with family and loved ones

Crab Mentality

- This is a toxic traits among Filipino where one resent the achievements of another, instead of
feeling happy for that person

Filipino time

- Filipino have this common attitude of arriving late at commitments , dinner or parties especially
if they are meeting someone close to them

 Proverb or salawikain
- Saying that conveys lessons and reflection on Filipino practices , beliefs and tradition
- Damania Eugnio , regarded as the mother of Philippines Folklore , classified proverbs into six
 Superstition
- Some of these may be influenced by belief from other cultures, but Filipinos have retold these
superstition according to their own experience and they sometimes end up even more
 Myth and legends
- These aims to explain the origin of things , at the same time , teach a valuable lesson
 Heroes and cons
- Heroes serve as a reminder of patriotism and nationalism as they have sacrificed their lives for
the sake of their country’s freedom and progress .

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