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Question Bank Cum Chapterwise Reference Book

Including Many Solved Question Papers

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Question Bank – (Previous Year Solved Question Papers)
Question Paper—June, 2019 (Solved) 1-3
Question Paper—December, 2018 (Solved) 1-3
Question Paper—June, 2018 (Solved) 1-5
Question Paper—December, 2017 (Solved) 1-3
Question Paper—June, 2017 (Solved) 1-4
Question Paper—December, 2016 (Solved) 1-6
Question Paper—June, 2016 (Solved) 1-3
Question Paper—December, 2015 (Solved) 1-3
Question Paper—June, 2015 (Solved) 1-4
Question Paper—December, 2014 (Solved) 1-4
Question Paper—June, 2014 (Solved) 1
Question Paper—December, 2013 (Solved) 1-4
Question Paper—June, 2013 (Solved) 1
Question Paper—December, 2012 (Solved) 1-6
Question Paper—June, 2012 (Solved) 1
Question Paper—June, 2011 (Solved) 1
Question Paper—June, 2010 (Solved) 1

S.No. Chapterwise Reference Book Page

1. International Monetary System and Institutions 1

2. International Financial Markets 12

3. International Banking 21

4. International Transactions and Balance of Payments 29

S.No. Chapter Page

5. Foreign Exchange Markets 36

6. Determination and Forecasting of Exchange Rates 42

7. Currency Risk Management 50

8. Measuring and Managing Transaction Exposure 60

9. Measuring and Managing Translation and Economic Exposure 69

10. Corporate Strategy and Foreign Direct Investment 81

11. International Project Appraisal 95

12. Cost of Capital for Foreign Investments 104

13. Political Risk and Tax Aspects 110

14. Desiging Global Capital Structure 118

15. International Cash Management 133

16. Foreign Trade Financing 147

17. Project Export Financing 156

( Solved )

Time: 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks: 100

Note: (i) Answer any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1. Discuss the respective roles of IMF and may decrease due to changes in the relative value of
World Bank bringing out the differences clearly. the involved currencies.
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-1, Page No. 4, Q. No. 3. Foreign exchange risk arises when a company
Also Add: Bretton Woods established both the engages in financial transactions denominated in a
IMF and the World-Bank. The IMF was given powers currency other than the currency where that company
to force even its largest and the most influential is based. Any appreciation/depreciation of the base
members to observe the stabilisation/adjustment rules. currency or the depreciation/appreciation of the
The IMF dealt with short-term aspects of economic denominated currency will affect the cash flows
activity ranking the financial measures to facilitate emanating from that transaction. Foreign exchange
high levels of employment and income. It did not risk can also affect investors, who trade in
address itself to the problem of long-term international markets, and businesses engaged in the
development of the international economy. The World import/export of products or services to multiple
Bank was created, therefore, to perform this function. countries.
Its task was to assist and supplement private Foreign currency exposure is the extent to which
international investment. It was an international the future cash flows of an enterprise, arising from
development finance institution. It served countries domestic and foreign currency denominated
at different levels of development and with different transactions involving assets and liabilities, and
political systems. It lent out of the funds placed at its generating revenues and expenses are susceptible to
disposal by the member countries. The charters of variations in foreign currency exchange rates. Foreign
these two institutions tried to create the basic currency risk is also the net potential gains or losses
framework of national institutions required to manage which can arise from exchange rate changes to the
the economic and financial behaviour of a large foreign currency exposures of an enterprise. It is a
number of countries who were economically subjective concept and concerns anticipated or
interdependent. forecasted rate fluctuations together with the
Q. 2. What is the foreign exchange risk? How assessment of the vulnerability of an enterprise to such
do the companies identify and manage such risks? fluctuations.
Select any one kind and state the method available It is important to manage currency risk to reduce
to manage it. its impact as this may threaten the very viability of a
Ans. Foreign exchange risk refers to the company. Hence, currency risk is required to be
losses that an international financial transaction may controlled to reduce the fear of an adverse price, for
incur due to currency fluctuations. Also known as locking in cost and revenues and also for forecasting
currency risk, FX risk and exchange-rate risk, it the cash flows well in advance. Currency risk is well
describes the possibility that an investment’s value managed with the application of derivatives.

Derivatives are financial instruments whose value firm. Terminal value is more difficult to
changes in response to the changes in underlying estimate than in the case of domestic projects.
variables, and hence the name. The main use of Such value to the parent company may differ
derivatives is to reduce risk for one party. The diverse from the valuation put on the facilities by
range of potential underlying assets and pay-off potential buyers in the host country or from
alternatives leads to a huge range of derivatives third countries.
contracts available to be traded in the market. It may be mentioned that NPV technique of
The action of managing the risk is referred to as project appraisal is as much applicable in cash of
hedging. Hedging is a strategy designed to minimize
international project appraisal as it is in case of
exposure to an unwanted business risk, while still
domestic project appraisal. However, in view of the
allowing the business to profit from an investment
unique complexities as indicated above. Adjusted
Present Value International Project Appraisal (APV)
Also Ref.: See Chapter-7, Page No. 55,
technique is found more suitable for appraising
Q. No. 1 and Chapter-8, Page No. 63, Q. No. 1.
Q. 3. (a) Discuss the variables which are international projects.
required for international project appraisal. (b) List out important difference between
Ans. Appraisal of international projects involve domestic and international projects.
quite a few more complexities than domestic Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-11, Page No. 99,
projects. The variables that are unique to Q. No. 2.
international project appraisal are as follows: Q. 4. Under each of the following scenarios,
Cash flows from foreign projects may be whether the value of Indian rupee relative to
Japanese Yen will appreciate, depreciated or
subject to various restrictions that are
remain the same? Assume that exchange rates are
imposed by the host country.
free to vary:
Initial investment in the host country may
(a) Inflation is higher in India than in Japan.
benefit from a partial or total release of
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-6, Page No. 46,
blocked funds. Q. No. 3(b).
Cash flows from foreign projects must be (b) Prices in Japan and India are rising at the
converted into the currency of the parent same rate.
firm. Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-6, Page No. 46,
Cash flows generated from foreign projects Q. No. 3(c).
may replace revenue producing exports to (c) Indian wages rise relative to Japanese
the host country. wages which means that Indian productivity falls
Profits generated from projects undertaken behind Japanese productivity.
in other countries are subject to two taxing Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-6, Page No. 46,
jurisdiction: the host country and the parent Q. No. 3(f).
country. (d) Real interest rates are higher in India than
Profitability of foreign projects may be in Japan
enhanced from concessionary financing Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-6, Page No. 46,
Q. No. 3(d).
arrangements and other benefits provided by
(e) India imposes new restrictions on their
the host country.
ability to buy companies and invest in real estate
Foreign investment may contribute to the
corporate overall strategy of growth and
Give a very brief explanation to each to your
gaining foothold in markets to prompt
competitors. Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-6, Page No. 46,
Foreign investment may produce diversifi- Q. No. 3(e).
cation benefits to shareholders of the parent

Q. 5. Critically examine the role of govern- additional considerations, such as tax incentives and
ment of India towards FDI inflows in recent years. exemptions for foreign income, availability of
Is this policy adequate keeping in view the urgent foreign tax credits, use of tax treaties and anti-
need to attract FDI inflows? Discuss. avoidance measures.
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-10, Page No. 93, Generally, cross-border activities suffer a higher
Q. No. 10. tax liability on a worldwide basis than just domestic
Q. 6. A major concern of the multinational or single-country transactions. They are subject to
companies in investing abroad is management of tax in more than one tax jurisdiction. Moreover, the
political risks. How do the companies assess and taxpayer may have to cope with inconsistent tax
manage such risks? Explain laws, erratic tax authorities and high taxes in various
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-13, Page No. 112, jurisdictions. Proper tax planning is, therefore,
Q. No. 1. essential in an international business to reduce the
Q. 7. What is involved in tax planning by distortions that arise due to the lack of harmonization
multinational companies? What special in domestic tax systems. Without tax planning, it
consideration have to be kept unview while would suffer from excess tax payments and
planning? Discuss. additional tax compliance costs.
Ans. International tax planning is the art of Also Ref.: See Chapter-13, Page No. 113,
arranging cross-border transactions with the Q. No. 2.
knowledge of international tax principles to achieve Q. 8. Write short notes on the following:
a tax effective and lawful routing of business activities (a) Transfer Pricing
and capital flows. The planning process follows the
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-10, Page No. 90,
money flows in cross-border transactions, as they pass
Q. No. 7.
from the host country where they arise to the home
(b) Letter of credit
country where they eventually end. International tax
planning has been defined as a tax-driven proactive Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-16, Page No. 151,
arrangement of a person’s affairs to minimize his tax Q. No. 1.
results. It would normally be optimized when the (c) Special Drawing Rights
after-tax profit is maximized. International tax Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-1, Page No. 4,
planning examines the interrelationship of two or Q. No. 5.
more tax systems, the impact of juridical and (d) Spot and forward exchange rates.
economic double taxation, and the tax compliance Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-5, Page No. 39,
rules in more than one country. It also involves Q. No. 2 (a) and Page No. 38, Q. No. 2 (c).
( Solved )

Time: 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks: 100

Note: (i) Answer any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1. What are the salient features of the govern monetary relations among independent nation
present day International Monetary System? states. Under the Bretton Woods system each country
Explain and discuss the present exchange rate had an obligation to adopt a monetary policy that
system. maintained the exchange rate of its currency at a fixed
Ans. International Monetary System is a set of rate (plus or minus one per cent) in terms of gold.
rules, arrangements, practices and procedures on the Also, under this agreement, US dollar became the
basis of which different national currency transactions standard measurement for new monetary system.
are made worldwide. Such a system is essential to However, this system didn’t last for long. In the year
describe a universal standard of value for the world's 1973, to increase uncertainty and misalignment in
currencies. Important features of this system includes foreign exchange rate system, the world switched to
(i) To provide financial support to countries that floating rates.
faces serious financial and economic complexities The IMF created a new international reserve
using funds deposited with the IMF by institution’s asset known as Special Drawing Right SDR; in 1969
member countries; to support the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate
(ii) To limit irregularities in balances of expenses system. The SDR was defined as a basket of 5
and in the exchange rate systems of member countries currencies; including Deutsch mark, French franc,
which may weaken the development of trade and the Japanese yen, pound sterling, and U.S. dollar. Its
flow of capital worldwide. value is based on a basket of key international
The International Monetary System adopted currencies.
before 1914-18 world war was termed as gold Also Add: Exchange rates are determined by
standard. This system followed the exchange of gold demand and supply. But governments can influence
and sterling in return of an international debt. During those exchange rates in various ways. The extent and
this system, the Central Bank of a country could nature of government involvement in currency
exchange gold with its currency when presented to it. markets define alternative systems of exchange rates.
This system offered stability in settlements and There are three broad categories of exchange rate
automatic adjustment mechanism, which encouraged systems.
economic development and peace. Free-Floating Systems: In a free-floating
exchange rate system, governments and central banks
In the year 1944, Bretton Wood’s system of
do not participate in the market for foreign exchange.
monetary management established IMF and World
The relationship between governments and central
Bank. This encouraged commercial and financial
banks on the one hand and currency markets on the
relations among the world’s major industrial states.
other is much the same as the typical relationship
The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a
between these institutions and stock markets.
completely negotiated monetary order formed to

Governments may regulate stock markets to prevent Ans. A futures contract is an agreement to buy
fraud, but stock values themselves are left to float or sell an agreed upon quantity of an underlying asset,
in the market. The concept of a completely free- at a specified date, for a stated price. Futures contracts
floating exchange rate system is a theoretical one. can be bought and sold on practically any commodity
In practice, all governments or central banks or financial asset. Futures contracts give the buyer
intervene in currency markets in an effort to an obligation to purchase an asset (and the seller
influence exchange rates. an obligation to sell an asset) at a set price at a future
Managed Float Systems: Governments and point in time. Futures contracts are standardized,
central banks often seek to increase or decrease their meaning that they specify the underlying commodity’s
exchange rates by buying or selling their own quality, quantity and delivery so that the
currencies. Exchange rates are still free to float, but prices mean the same thing to everyone in the market.
governments try to influence their values. For example, each kind of crude oil (light sweet crude,
Government or central bank participation in a for example) must meet the same quality
floating exchange rate system is called a managed specifications so that light sweet crude from one
float. Countries that have a floating exchange rate producer is no different from another and the buyer
system intervene from time to time in the currency of light sweet crude futures knows exactly what he’s
market in an effort to raise or lower the price of getting. The ability to trade futures contracts relies
their own currency. Typically, the purpose of such on clearing members, which manage the payments
intervention is to prevent sudden large swings in the between buyer and seller. They are usually large banks
value of a nation’s currency. and financial services companies. Clearing
Fixed Exchange Rates: In a fixed exchange members guarantee each trade and thus require
rate system, the exchange rate between two traders to make good-faith deposits(called margins)
currencies is set by government policy. There are in order to ensure that the trader has sufficient funds to
several mechanisms through which fixed exchange handle potential losses and will not default on the
rates may be maintained. Whatever the system for trade. The risk borne by clearing members lends
maintaining these rates, however, all fixed exchange further support to the strict quality, quantity and
rate systems share some important features. delivery specifications of futures contracts.
Q. 2. Define yield curve. How is it Q. 5. What are the motivations of companies
constructed? What is its utility? How does the investing abroad? What are the risks they face and
interest rate risk influence the yield curve? how do they manage them?
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-3, Page No. 27, Q. No. 5. Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-13, Page No. 115,
Q. 3. What are the foreign exchange markets? Q. No. 4 and Page No. 112, Q. No. 1.
What is their most important function ? How is Q. 6. What are the main DCF and non-DCF
this function performed? techniques of project appraisal ? Discuss their
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-5, Page No. 39, Q. No. 1. respective merits and demerits.
Q. 4. (a) An Indian company manufacturing Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-11, Page No. 99, Q. No. 3.
commercial vehicles sells nearly 75% of its output Q. 7. Discuss the significance and need of
abroad. It has a subsidiary in Germany
proper cash management in MNCs. What are the
manufacturing components. About 80% of
objectives? A centralised or decentralised cash
German output is imported in India to be used in
management which is most appropriate for MNCs.
commercial vehicles.
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-15, Page No. 140,
Does the company face foreign exchange
Q. No. 1,
risks? If so, what kinds? And how? Explain.
Also Add.: Hence centralised cash management
Ans. Yes, the company face foreign exchange
is most appropriate.
risks in form of currency risks.
Q. 8. Write short notes on the following:
Also Ref.: See Chapter-7, Page No. 55,
(a) Nostro and Vostro Account
Q. No. 1.
(b) Discuss the future contracts with Ans. “Nostro” and “Vostro” are two different
examples. terms used to describe the same bank account. The

terms are used when one bank has another bank’s account, acts as caretaker for the account and is
money on deposit, typically in relation to sometimes referred to as the “facilitator” bank.
international trading or other financial transactions. (b) Currency options
A Nostro account is a reference used by Bank A Ans. A currency option is a contract that gives the
to refer to “our” account held by Bank B. Nostro, is buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell
a shorthand way of talking about “our money that is a certain currency at a specified exchange rate on or
before a specified date. For this right, a premium is
on deposit at your bank.” The Nostro account is the paid to the seller, the amount of which varies
record of the bank that has money on deposit at depending on the number of contracts if the option
another bank. These accounts are often used to is bought on an exchange, or on the nominal amount
simplify settlements of trade and foreign exchange of the option if it is done on the over-the-counter
transactions. Nostro accounts differ from standard market. Currency options are one of the most
demand deposit bank accounts in that they are usually common ways for corporations, individuals or
held by financial institutions, and they are financial institutions to hedge against adverse
denominated in foreign currencies. movements in exchange rates. Investors can hedge
Vostro is the term used by Bank B, where bank against foreign currency risk by purchasing a
currency put or call. There are two main types of
A’s money is on deposit. Vostro is a reference to options, calls and puts.
“yours” and refers to “your money that is on deposit Also Ref.: See Chapter-8, Page No. 63,
at our bank.” A Vostro account is like any other Q. No. 3.
account held by a bank. The account is a record of (c) Forfeiting
money owed to or maintained by a third party, Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-16, Page No. 150,
typically another bank, but it can be either a company Q. No. 5.
or an individual. (d) Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
For both Nostro and Vostro accounts, the Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-12, Page No. 106,
domestic bank, i.e., the bank that is holding the Q. No. 2.
( Solved )

Time: 3 Hours [ Maximum Marks:100

[Weightage: 70%
Note: (i) Answer any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1. Give a detailed account of finance and After considering the various sources in which
treasury functions in a company fully involved in the long-term requirements of the funds can be met,
international business. Is it different from that of a the next question which arises is that what should be
company engaged in domestic business only? Explain. the proportion in which the various sources of long-
Ans. Finance is the most significant function in term finance should be used in order to raise the
required amount of capital. Capital structure refers to
virtually every business activity. The success of
the mix of sources from which the long-term funds
business activity depends upon the success of its
required by a business are raised, i.e. what should be
finance function. From academic point of view, finance
the proportion of equity share capital, preference share
is the subject which is considered to one of the most capital, internal sources, debentures and other sources
technical ones, having a very wide scope and having of funds in the total amount of capital which an
constantly changing rules and regulations. Therefore undertaking may raise for establishing its business.
one should get acquainted with the basics of finance, An important issue facing multinational
despite the hardships involved in the process. enterprises involves establishing appropriate capital
Funds brought outside the company through a structure levels for their foreign operations. An
bond or equity offering. This asset class plays a important goal of this exploratory study is to identify
significant role in number investors’ portfolios, and some of the major determinants of capital structure
the basic concepts are important for every investor to among U.S. foreign subsidiaries. This study takes a
know. In addition to foreign bonds, loans and equity, unique approach to this issue by using questionnaires
MNCs do raise funds from other sources also. to collect data on the capital structure decision of
These other sources include Euro-dollar markets, foreign subsidiary managers. Several estimator models
regional and international financial institutions like were used to identify the factors that influenced the
World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African capital structure decision of the foreign subsidiary
Development Bank, and subsidies from host country
The results of this study found that age of
government. A financial market is a mechanism that
subsidiary and financial risk were important factors in
allows people to easily buy and sell (trade) financial
determining a foreign subsidiary’s capital structure.
securities (such as stocks and bonds), commodities These findings were also true when all relevant
(such as precious metals or agricultural goods), and variables were considered in the logarithm form and
other fungible items of value at low transaction costs when an alternative risk variable was considered. In
and at prices that reflect the hypothesis. Financial addition, it was learned that total asset turnover and
markets have evolved significantly over several ownership structure were important factors in
hundred years and are undergoing constant determining subsidiaries debt ratios.
innovation to improve liquidity. Also Ref.: See Chapter-14, Page No. 128, Q. No. 3.

Q. 2. Explain the salient features and present Structural Disequilibrium: It takes place due to
day working of International Monetary System. What structural changes in the economy affecting demand
are its major weaknesses? Discuss. and supply relations in commodity and factor market.
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-1, Page No. 2, Q. No. 1. Structural disequilibrium in balance of payments
persists for relatively longer periods; as it is not easy
Also Add:. Ref:. The first modern international
to remove structural imbalance in the economy.
monetary system was the gold standard. The gold
Some of the important causes of structural
standard provided for the free circulation between disequilibrium are as follows:
nations of gold coins of standard specification. Under 1. If the foreign demand for a country’s products
the system, gold was the only standard of value. The decline due to the discovery of cheaper
groundwork of the gold standard is that a currency’s substitutes abroad, then the country’s export
cost is supported by some weight in gold. Under the will decline causing a deficit.
gold standard system and based on its gold value, all 2. If the supply position of a country is affected
participating currencies were convertible. Because due factors like crop failure, shortage of raw-
currencies were convertible in gold, then nations materials, strikes, political instability, etc, then
there would be the deficit in the balance of
could ship gold among them to adjust their “Balance
of Payments.”
3. A shift in demand due to the changes in tastes,
Also Add: Ref.: See Chapter-1, Page No. 7, fashions, income, etc, would increase or
Q. No. 4. decrease the demand for imported goods
Q. 3. Distinguish between cyclical and structural causing a disequilibrium in the balance of
disequilibrium in balance of payments. What are payments.
methods available to restore equilibrium? Discuss. 4. Changes in the rate of international capital
Ans. Cyclical Disequilibrium: When movements may also cause structural
disequilibrium is caused due to the changes in trade disequilibrium.
cycles, it is termed as cyclical disequilibrium. It is 5. A war also results in structural changes which
may affect not only goods but also factor of
possible that different phases of trade cycles like
production causing a disequilibrium in balance
depression, prosperity, boom, recession, etc, may
of payments.
disturb terms of trade and cause disequilibrium in Let us discuss few methods to restore equilibrium:
balance of payments. For instance, during boom “Net transfers” determines the country’s balance of
period, imports may increase considerably due to indebtness which may have a positive or negative
increase in demand for imported goods. During value. The instant impact on BPO is considered to be
recession and depression, imports may be reduced favourable, if the inflow of international debt is greater
due to fall in demand on account of reduced income. than the outflow including payment of interest or
During recession exports may increase due to fall in repayment of debt. However, the BOP is referred as
price. During boom period, a country may face deficit trained if the outflow value exceeds the inflow, but the
total quantum of indebtness would be reduced. Also,
in its Balance of Payments (BOP) position on account
in both the case, the most crucial factor is that the
increase in imports. However, during recession its
external assistance is completely and appropriately
export may increase, and as such balance of payments utilized.
position may show surplus. Also, the importing Various adjustment policies are adopted for
countries may face cyclical changes. For instance, controlling the situations where the country is faced
there may be recession in the importing countries, with a massive or persistent unfavourable balance on
which in turn would reduce demand for imports. current account or capital account or balance of
Therefore, the demand for exports will decline and indebtness. These adjustments may be unilateral,
the exporting country may face a trade deficit, which bilateral, regional and multilayer adjustments. These
in turn may affect BOP positions. may further include inter alias, fiscal policies, monetary

policies, and commercial policies. This also includes In spot market, currencies are traded for settlement
exchange rate adjustments. Devaluation acts as a after two business days. However, in forward market
double- edge weapon and is widely used as a remedy. contracts are made to buy or sell currencies for future
Only in the case if the price elasticity of demand is delivery. Unlike a stock market, where all participants
greater than the value for a country's export abroad have access to the same prices, the forex market is
and for its import at home, it may deliver the goods. In divided into levels of access. These participants are
other cases, the position of BOP/BOT may further commercial banks, brokers, customers, MNCs and
worsen. central banks.
Introduction of the common currency or the It is important to manage currency risk to reduce
creation of the Rupee Area is considered as the best its impact as this may threaten the very viability of a
regional solution. Also, free multilateral convertibility company. Hence, currency risk is required to be
of all currencies for the whole world is considered to controlled to reduce the fear of an adverse price, for
be an effective solution for BOP difficulties. locking in cost and revenues and also for forecasting
the cash flows well in advance. Currency risk is well
Q. 4. How do the changes in the exchange rate
managed with the application of derivatives.
affect export-import business of a company? What
Derivatives are financial instruments whose value
measures do these companies adopt to deal with the
changes in response to the changes in underlying
changes? Explain.
variables, and hence the name. The main use of
Ans. The price at which one currency is traded in
derivatives is to reduce risk for one party. The diverse
exchange for another in the forex market is known as
range of potential underlying assets and pay-off
the exchange rate between the two currencies. In the
alternatives leads to a huge range of derivatives
free market these prices move up or down according
contracts available to be traded in the market.
to demand and supply, whereas in regulated markets
The action of managing the risk is referred to as
exchange rates are regulated or controlled. Forex
hedging. Hedging is a strategy designed to minimize
markets are indeed at least partially regulated as each
exposure to an unwanted business risk, while still
government tries to stabilize the exchange rate for their
allowing the business to profit from an investment
domestic currency against other major currencies.
A foreign exchange transaction is a contract to
Derivatives can be based on different types of
buy or sell a quantity of one currency in exchange for
assets such as commodities, equities (stocks), bonds,
another at a specified time for delivery and settlement
interest rates, exchange rates, or indexes (such as a
and at a specified price (exchange rate). These
stock market index, Consumer Price Index (CPI), or
transactions take place in foreign exchange markets.
even an index of weather conditions, or other
In terms of counter parties and settlement dates, the
derivatives. Their performance can determine both the
forex transactions are classified in many categories as
amount and the timing of the pay-offs. There are
trade transactions, interbank transactions, spot
various derivative instruments like forward contracts
transactions, and forward transactions.
and forward rate agreements, future contracts,
Various foreign exchange quotations play an
currency option, currency swaps and interest rate
important role in the foreign exchange market. These
are direct, indirect or cross rates. And can be expressed
Futures contracts are special types of contracts
in European terms or American Terms. Direct quotation
that obligate the seller to deliver the commodity on a
is the price of one unit of a foreign currency quoted in
specific date in the future. For this reason, many people
terms of the home country’s currency. Indirect
confuse future contracts with forward contracts. While
quotation is just the reverse. It is the price of one unit
the basic concepts are similar, there are actually many
of the home country currency quoted in terms of
differences between future contracts and forward
foreign currency. The exchange rate for any non-dollar
currencies is then calculated from their respective
One of the primary differences between a futures
dollar exchange rates, to derive a cross rate.
contract and a forward contract is the fact that
Foreign exchange market also has two segments.
forwards can only transact when they are purchased
One is spot market and the other one is forward market.

and on the settlement date. When it comes to futures, Q. 7. Explain the various Non-DCF (Discounted
however, the can actually rebalance every day. Since Cash Flow) and DCF techniques of Project Appraisal.
forwards cannot rebalance, it is possible for a large Which of the technique is considered to be the best
differential to develop between the delivery price and in your view? Discuss.
the settlement price. This is particularly true if the Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-11, Page No. 99, Q. No. 3.
price of the underlying asset changes drastically. As a Q. 8. What factors influence the design of world
result, investment in a forward contract is far riskier wide corporate capital structure? Briefly describe.
than forwards. Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-14, Page No. 128, Q. No. 4.
Since futures are rebalanced on a daily basis, the Q. 9. Write short notes on the following:
credit risk of this type of investment is virtually (a) Regional Development Banks
eliminated. This is because the person holding the Ans. During seventies and eighties a tendency
futures contract must update the price to be equivalent was noticed among countries to concentrate on
to how much a forward would be purchased for on the regional cooperation. During this period many
same day. As a result, the amount of additional money development banks were set up at, regional level.
that is due on the settlement day is usually very small. Asian Development Bank: Multinational
Furthermore, the futures-settlement failure risk is development finance institution was founded in 1966
actually carried by the exchange rather than by the by 31 members to promote the social and economic
individual. progress of Asian and pacific region. The Bank gives
A currency swap is a form of swap. It is most special attention to the needs of the smaller or less-
easily understood by relationship with an interest rate
development countries and priority to regional, sub-
swap. An interest rate swap is a contract to exchange
regional and national projects and programmes. The
cash flow streams that might be associated with some
African Development Bank ADB is a regional
fixed income obligations-say swapping the cash flows
multilateral development and bank, engaged in
of a fixed rate loan for those of a floating rate loan. A
promoting the economic development and social
currency swap is exactly the same thing except, with
progress of its Regional Member Countries (RMCs)
an interest rate swap, the cash flow streams are in the
in Africa. The Bank was established in 1964.
same currency. With a currency swap, they are in
different currencies. The European Investment Bank (EIB) offers
That difference has a practical significance. With funds for certain public and private projects in
an interest rate swap, cash flows stirring on concurrent European and other nations associated with the
dates are netted. With a currency swap, the cash flows common market. It emphasizes loans to lesser
are in different currencies, so they can’t net. Full developed regions in Europe and to associated
principal and interest payments are exchanged without members in Africa. The Inter-American Development
any form of netting. Bank (IADB) the oldest and largest regional
With the globalization of trade and relatively free multilateral development institution was established
movement of financial assets, risk management in December 1959 to help accelerate economic and
through derivatives products has become a necessity social development in Latin America and the
in India also, like in other developed and developing Caribbean. Atlantic Development Group for Latin
countries. America is an international private investment
Q. 5. Why has it become important for the company dedicated to the development in Latin
companies to engage in international cash America.
management? What are the major issues involved? The AFESD is an Arab regional financial
Give a detailed account. institution, having an independent juridsdiction. Its
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-15, Page No. 140, Q. No. 1.
objectives are to assist member countries in eliminating
Q. 6. How do the governments assist their
development constraints, increasing absorptive
exporters in financing exports? Discuss the
institutional framework and the schemes. capacity and achieving higher rates of growth; and
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-17, Page No. 163, Q. No. 1 to foster economic integration and cooperation
and Page No. 164, Q. No. 2. among member countries. EBRD was established in

1991. It exists to foster the transition towards open jurisdictions. Proper tax planning is, therefore,
market oriented economies and to promote private essential in an international business to reduce the
arid entrepreneurial initiative in the countries of distortions that arise due to the lack of harmonization
central and Eastern Europe. in domestic tax systems. Without tax planning, it
would suffer from excess tax payments and additional
(b) International Tax Planning
tax compliance costs.
Ans. International tax planning is the art of (c) Foreign Exchange Regulations in India
arranging cross-border transactions with the Ans. The first foreign exchange regulation Act in
knowledge of international tax principles to achieve India was enacted as a temporary measure in 1947,
a tax effective and lawful routing of business activities but was placed on statutory book in 1957. In the light
and capital flows. The planning process follows the of the experience gained the entry of foreign capital in
money flows in cross-border transactions, as they the form of branches and concerns with substantial
pass from the host country where they arise to the non-resident interest in them and the employment of
home country where they eventually end. foreigners in India the Foreign Exchange Regulation
International tax planning has been defined as a tax- Act (FERA), 1973 was enacted on the recom-
driven proactive arrangement of a person’s affairs to mendation of 47th report of Law Commission. The
proceedings under FERA are quasi-criminal.
minimize his tax results. It would normally be
The FERA 1973, was reviewed in 1993 and a new
optimized when the after-tax profit is maximized.
Act called Foreign Exchange Management Act
International tax planning examines the
(FEMA), 1999 (enforced w.e.f. 1.6.2000) was enacted.
interrelationship of two or more tax systems, the The objective of the Act was to facilitate external trade
impact of juridical and economic double taxation, and and payment and to promote the orderly development
the tax compliance rules in more than one country. It and maintenance of foreign exchange market in India.
also involves additional considerations, such as tax FERA was an Act to consolidate and amend the law
incentives and exemptions for foreign income, regulating certain payments, dealings in foreign
availability of foreign tax credits, use of tax treaties exchange and securities, transactions indirectly
and anti-avoidance measures. affecting foreign exchange and the import and export
Generally, cross-border activities suffer a higher of currency, for the conservation of the foreign
tax liability on a worldwide basis than just domestic exchange resources of the country and the proper
or single-country transactions. They are subject to utilization thereof in the interest of the economic
tax in more than one tax jurisdiction. Moreover, the development of the country.
taxpayer may have to cope with inconsistent tax laws, (d) Capital Asset Pricing Model
erratic tax authorities and high taxes in various Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-12, Page No. 106, Q. No. 2.
( Solved )

Time: 3 Hours [ Maximum Marks:100

[Weightage: 70%
Note: (i) Answer any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1. Distinguish between balance of payments rights, social clauses like child labour and human rights
and balance of trade, giving specific illustration. What and adjudication of complaints and disputes over 100
are the methods available to a Government to correct in number during the first three years 1995, 1996 and
adverse balance of payments? Is devaluation a viable 1997.
option? Discuss. Also Ref .: Chapter-4, Page No. 35, Q. No. 4.
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-4, Page No. 33, Q. No. 1. Q. 2. What were the major weaknesses of
Also Add : Various adjustment policies are Bretton Woods System which led to its breakdown
adopted for controlling the situations where the in 1971? Has subsequent amendments in IMF
country is faced with a massive or persistent articles succeeded in removing these weaknesses ?
unfavourable balance on current account or capital Discuss.
account or balance of indebtness. These adjustments Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-1, Page No. 7, Q. No. 4.
may be unilateral, bilateral, regional and multilayer Also Add : The IMF created a new international
adjustments. These may further include inter alias, reserve asset known as Special Drawing Right SDR;
fiscal policies, monetary policies, and commercial in 1969 to support the Bretton Woods fixed exchange
policies. This also includes exchange rate adjustments. rate system. The SDR was defined as a basket of 5
Devaluation acts as a double edge weapon and is currencies; including Deutsch mark, French franc,
widely used as a remedy. Only in the case if the price Japanese yen, pound sterling, and U.S. dollar. Its value
elasticity of demand is greater than the value for a is based on a basket of key international currencies.
country’s export abroad and for its import at home, it After the failure of the Bretton Woods system in
may deliver the goods. In other cases, the position of 1971, most of its member countries formed an
BOP/BOT may further worsen. agreement in 1972 to establish stable exchange rates
Introduction of the common currency or the by preventing exchange fluctuations. Thus, European
creation of the Rupee Area is considered as the best Monetary System (EMS) formed by EU countries
regional solution. Also, free multilateral convertibility defined European Currency Unit (ECU). Resultant
of all currencies for the whole world is considered to from a basket of variable amounts of the currencies
be an effective solution for BOP difficulties. The IMF of the EU nations, the ECU formed the unit of
and other multilateral agencies have strived towards accounting used to determine exchange rates among
this end since 1945. Following the appearance of the national currencies. The most important part of
GATT, the quarter century can be looked upon as the EMS was the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). This
golden age of global trade. On the other hand, the meant that the exchange rate of any member nation
WTO accord which was operational in the year 1995 could not fluctuate more than 2.25 per cent from a
is considered to have shifted the focus from trade to standard point. This was intended to assist stable trade
investment. This also includes, intellectual property without the fear that sudden fluctuations in the values

of currencies would diminish trade and promote the If the payment date happens to fall in a new
development of trading barriers between member month, while the last day upon the interest
nations. In 1990, due to reunification of east and West is calculated is the previous month then the
Germany, economic disturbances affected EMS. interest payment date will be the immediate
At the beginning of 1999, a single currency preceding business date.
“Euro” was adopted by the same EU members for The borrowers issue international debt
foreign exchange and electronic payments. With the instruments in the form of Promissory Notes, Bonds
advent of the euro, the ERM was revised and common and Papers. The borrowers depending upon the
economic policy was created amongst the member different needs require funds. These needs are
nations. Lately, in the year 1997, Asian financial crisis classified on the basis of the length or period for which
had hit the world economy. The crisis started in the borrowings are needed, amount of currency
Thailand. This country had fixed exchange rate required and the currency in which the borrowings
against Dollar. This crisis is also referred as IMF are raised. One of such instruments is Euro Notes.
crisis. The main reason behind issuance of Euro notes is to
Q. 3. How do you measure and manage structure debt instrument and place it in the market
transaction risk? How is the transaction risk with short-term maturities. For e.g. 3 to 9 months. In
different from translation risk? Explain giving
such cases, if the short-term market is unable to offer
suitable illustrations.
the required liquidity to the issuer, it becomes the
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-7, Page No. 55, (a)
responsibility of the underwriting bank to support the
‘Transaction Risk’ and (b) ‘Translation Risk’.
Q. 4. Discuss the nature and genesis of Global liquidity for the agreed period of the facility.
Financial Markets. What purposes do they serve? Euro commercial paper is a kind of short-term
Also discuss some of the major financial investment loan issued by a bank in the international
instruments used in the markets. money market, denominated in a currency that differs
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-2, Page No. 12, from the corporation’s domestic currency. A Eurobond
‘Introduction’ and Page No. 15, Q. No. 5. is international bonds that are denominated in a
Q. 5. What is the most important rationale of currency not native to the country where they are
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? What are the issued. Mid- term notes serve as an alternative to short-
dangers of FDI ? Discuss. term investments in commercial paper market and
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-10, Page No. 91, Q. No. 8. long-term borrowings in Bond market. Hence they
Q. 6. Discuss Euro Markets and explain in are termed as MTN or Medium-Term Notes. Whereas,
brief various instruments of Euro Markets. Floating Rate Notes (FRN) are those instruments
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-2, Page No. 17, Q. No. 1. whose rate of interest varies with prevailing market
Also Add : Euro markets operate independently rates. This term stands for intermediate to long-term
and can offer higher profits. They have two modes security whose rate of interest is pegged to a short-
of calculating the interest rates: (i) 365 day year is term rate and then adjusted accordingly.
used for British pound sterling, Kuwaiti diner, Q. 7. Define cost of equity. If risk perceptions
Belgium franc and Irish pound, (ii) 360 day year for
change what happens to cost of equity? How equity
all other currencies. Euro market operates at two rates
cost of capital for foreign project is arrived at?
for a given period as LIBID and LIBOUR. Euro
market also has follows some principles as: Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-12, Page No. 107, Q. No. 1
The first day of the period is included rather and Page No. 108, Q. No. 4.
than the last day for calculating the interest. Q. 8. Explain the various ways of assessing and
If the interest payment falls on a non- managing political risk by multinational corporations.
banking day, it will shift to the next business Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-13, Page No. 112, Q. No. 1.
day. Q. 9. Write short notes on the following:
Interest period can be lightened or shortened (a) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
depending upon whether the last day is a (MIGA)
holiday. Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-13, Page No. 117, Q. No. 3.

(b) Transfer Pricing in which the company or individual is resident applies

Ans. Transfer pricing is essentially an outcome tax on all income earned by the company/individual).
of globalization. A distinctive part of International This would lead to a double taxation in the hands
taxation, it has come to mark the legal responses to of the company in so much of the profits earned in
business’ profit maximizing tendencies. To give a
one country are being subjected to taxation in two
prelude to Transfer pricing, International taxation is
countries. In order to mitigate this wasteful costs
to be understood. This is one specific branch of
taxation which taxes the profits arising from Inbound (because ultimately taxes are costs of doing business),
Investment (i.e. taxation of income earned by a foreign countries are obliged to enter into double taxation
company in a host country) and Outbound Investment avoidance agreements (DTAAs, also called DTCs or
(i.e. taxation of income earned by a domestic country Double Tax Conventions) wherein under one of the
abroad). The purpose of international taxation is to countries forgoes its right to tax and therefore tax is
ensure that the earnings of a company from a foreign effectively levied only in one jurisdiction, which
company neither go tax free nor are doubly taxed. would be determined under the DTAA.
To illustrate, let us suppose a premises that an Now why this leads to transfer pricing is obvious.
Indian company has a branch in Singapore and that it Under the DTAA, generally one only country can tax.
earns a hefty business income from that branch. Now
However what is not determined here is the rate at
since the income earned in respect to that branch has
which the country would tax. Therefore, despite the
been sourced or earned from Singapore the natural
tendency of Singapore government will be to impose DTAA, countries remain free to charge the rate of tax
a tax on that portion of income of the Indian company which they generally would be charging in other than
which is attributable to business in Singapore. This international tax situations. For illustration, the rate
levy by Singapore is called as ‘Source Taxation’ for it of tax in India is higher than that imposed under UAE.
seeks to levy tax only on the portion of income which Here, since the objective of the business is to reduce
is sourced from/in Singapore. the costs (and tax being a cost to the business), the
Now once the income has been subject to tax in transactions sought to be done between the two would
Singapore, it comes in the hands of the Indian company sought to be done in a manner which brings out the
in India as the profits earned by its branch are minimum possible tax implication thereon. It is in this
technically and legally a part of the profits earned by context that Transfer Pricing gains solid ground.
the Indian company. Since the Indian company is (c) Regulatory and Institutional Framework
legally and factually situated in India, the Government for Financing Project Exports in India
of India will be inclined to tax the profits of the Indian Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-17, Page No. 159, Q. No. 3.
company fully and exclusively (this is called the (d) Forfaiting
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-16, Page No. 154, Q. No. 4.
‘Residence Taxation’ principle wherein the country
( Solved )

Time: 3 Hours [ Maximum Marks:100

[Weightage: 70%
Note: (i) Answer any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1. What do you mean by International becomes the tail that wags the dog, in a manner of
Monetary System? What lessons can be drawn speaking.
from the experience of working of the Bretton While the impact of a currency’s gyrations on an
Woods System? economy is far-reaching, most people do not pay
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-1, Page No. 2, Q. No. 1,
Page No. 7, Q. No. 4. particularly close attention to exchange rates because
Q. 2. (a) Discuss the risk differences between most of their business and transactions are conducted
Domestic and Foreign Financial Markets? in their domestic currency. For the typical consumer,
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-6, Page No. 44, Q. No. 2. exchange rates only come into focus for occasional
(b) What do you mean by LIBOR? Why is it activities or transactions such as foreign travel, import
known as most popular rate in foreign exchange payments or overseas remittances.
A common fallacy that most people harbour is
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-2, Page No. 14,
Q. No. 3(i). that a strong domestic currency is a good thing,
Q. 3. In a global economy, all firms, because it makes it cheaper to travel to Europe, for
irrespective of the degree of their involvement in example or to pay for an imported product. In reality,
international business get affected by changes in though, an unduly strong currency can exert a
exchnage rates. Is it true? If so, how? Give your significant drag on the underlying economy over the
arguments. Also explain any two important
long-term, as entire industries are rendered
Ans. Currency fluctuations are a natural outcome uncompetitive and thousands of jobs are lost. And
of the floating exchange rate system that is the norm while consumers may disdain a weaker domestic
for most major economies. The exchange rate of one currency because it makes cross-border shopping and
currency versus the other is influenced by numerous overseas travel more expensive, a weak currency can
fundamental and technical factors. These include actually result in more economic benefits.
relative supply and demand of the two currencies, The value of the domestic currency in the foreign
economic performance, outlook for inflation, interest exchange market is an important instrument in
rate differentials, capital flows, technical support and a central bank’s toolkit, as well as a key consideration
resistance levels and so on. As these factors are when it sets monetary policy. Directly or indirectly,
generally in a state of perpetual flux, currency values therefore, currency levels affect a number of key
fluctuate from one moment to the next. But although
economic variables. They may play a role in
a currency’s level is largely supposed to be determined
the interest rate you pay on your mortgage, the returns
by the underlying economy, the tables are often
turned, as huge movements in a currency can dictate on your investment portfolio, the price of groceries
the economy’s fortunes. In this situation, a currency in your local supermarket and even your job prospects.

The exposure is classified into three types of foreign Companies (HFCs) and Non-Banking Financial
currency exposure: Companies (NBFCs) that are exclusively involved in
Transaction Exposure:The simplest kind of financing of infrastructure sector for on-lending to
foreign currency exposure which anybody can easily borrowers up to 50 per cent of their owned funds under
think of is the transaction exposure. As the name the automatic route cannot borrow under External
itself suggests, this exposure pertains to the exposure Commercial Borrowing (ECB). Apart from that
individuals, trusts and Non- Profit making
due to an actual transaction taking place in business
organizations are not eligible for grant of money under
involving foreign currency. In a business, all
ECB Regulations. However, NGOs can borrow
monetary transactions are meant for profits as its end money from overseas organizations and individuals
result. There are all the chances of that final objective that are qualified to receive money under External
getting hampered if it is a foreign currency Commercial Borrowing (ECB) Regulations.
transaction and the currency market moves towards International businesses have the same funding
the unfavorable direction. sources as most organizations, for larger organizations
Translation Exposure: This exposure is also this primarily revolves around debt and equity. For
well known as accounting exposure. It is because the small organizations, debt and equity are often
exposure is due to the translation of books of accompanied by venture capital and crowd-sourcing
accounts into the home currency. Translation activity (particularly in the startup world).
is carried out on account of reporting the books to Larger Organizations
From the perspective of larger organizations,
the shareholders or legal bodies. It makes sense also
formal analyses of projected cash flows (as discussed
as the translated financial statements show the
above) coupled with traditional forms of funding is
position of the company as on a date in its home the most common approach to international business
currency. funding. This includes:
Q. 4. What do you mean by “Loan Loans–Bank loans are a form of debt, often
Syndicate”? Explain its working and significance with a relatively low cost of capital. Loans
in detail. granted over a given lending period and paid
Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-3, Page No. 25, Q. No. 2.
back in installments. In the case
Q. 5. How do the companies borrow from
abroad? What are various sources of external of bankruptcy, these debts are among the first
funds in financing international operations? repaid upon liquidation of assets (hence the
Ans. In fact, most people have to borrow capital lower risk and lower cost of capital).
at some point or the other. A well hidden secret is Issuing Bonds–Organizations can also issue
that you can borrow money at a cheaper interest rate bonds, which are another form of debt.
if you borrow from a foreign lender, usually. At half Bonds debt securities investors can purchase
the interest as compared to India, sometimes. If you which will mature over time. The rate of
compare the interest rates in developed countries and return and time to maturation can vary. These
India, it will be obvious to you how profitable can it are also lower costs of capital as they are
be for an Indian business to borrow money from from paid out before equity in the case of a
Japan, EU or USA as compared to any domestic bankruptcy.
lender. One can take commercial loans in the form Equity (Shares)-Issuing shares is another
of bank loans, buyers’ credit, suppliers’ credit, funding source, particularly for larger and
securitized instruments (e.g., floating rate notes and publicly traded organizations. By issuing
fixed rate bonds, non-convertible, optionally equity, organizations can essentially sell
convertible or partially convertible preference small fractions of organizational ownership
shares) availed of from non-resident lenders is as an asset for investors, who are betting on
referred to as External Commercial Borrowings the success of the organization. These are
(ECB). Financial intermediaries such as banks; riskier, most costly and less reliable sources
Financial Institutions (FIs); Housing Finance of income compared to debt.

While smaller organizations have access in the country. What steps are necessary to ensure
to debt as well, they generally have FDI flows in India?
less collateral available and therefore very Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-10, Page No. 83,
little financial leverage. In these situations, Q. No. 3 and Page No. 93, Q. No. 10.
procuring funding for a global venture is Q. 7. Managing political risks in the countries
exceptionally difficult. The startup world they operate, is an issue of major concern for
is full of interesting options to procure MNCs. How do they manage such risks? Explain.
capital, including: Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-13, Page No. 112,
Venture Capital (VCs)–A popular term in Q. No. 1.
the Silicon Valley and other technology Q. 8. (a) What is the importance of project
hubs, VCs accumulate capital from a export to our country?
number of speculative investors and seek Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-17, Page No. 163,
strong business opportunities still in the Q. No. 1.
startup phase. Winning capital from a VC (b) What are the different types of risks which
can be quite lucrative, as the amount of an entrepreneur has to face on the area of project
capital invested can be high (high enough exports?
to justify international operations). VCs Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-7, Page No. 55, Q. No. 1.
would generally be represented by a board Q. 9. Write short notes on the following:
who would assess the viability of the (a) Balance of Payments
business as an investment, and determine Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-4, Page No. 30, Q. No. 1.
terms (ownership by investors) and returns. (b) Exchange Rate Forecasting
Angel Investors–Angel investors are Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-6, Page No. 47, Q. No. 2.
similar to VCs, but can actually be quite (c) Special Drawing Rights
varied in format and motivations. Angel Ans. Ref.: See Chapter-1, Page No. 4, Q. No. 5.
investors are more often individuals with (d) Global Capital Structure.
capital to spare who have taken Ans. There are different financing patterns used
an interest in a particular business or by various countries. As the 1980s ended there was a
product. They may act as advisers or talk of Tokyo, becoming the financial capital of the
objective investors, they may simply love world and it was fashionable to ask whether other
the product or they may have countries should be adopting Japan's Industrial policy
investment incentives (most commonly and financial systems. It has come to be observed that
both). debt ratio norms vary among different countries.
Crowd-sourcing–Websites like Kick- It is common to assert Japan's economy must
starter and Indiegogo are unique and undergo a 'Globalization'. There has been no
modern formats, where potential business comparable transformation between Europe and
ideas can garner capital and support prior United States.
to producing a given product or service. The impact of the 1986 modify in U.S. interest
This interesting model allows a high allocation policy on the speculation and financing
number of people to invest a small amount decisions of American multinationals. An empirical
of capital, which cumulatively may be
study is carried out in order to classify the corporate
enough to ‘kickstart’ a venture
financial patterns of non-financial firms in seven
(international or otherwise). Reimburse-
Continental European countries for the period 1991-
ment in the form of credits, t-shirts, early
access to the product and other incentives 2001. We test econometrically the thesis of a common
are often used to motivated small trend toward disintermediation and find that cross-
investments. country differences in the use of short-term bank debt
Q. 6. Explain the role of Foreign Direct have been reduced whilst differences in the use of
Investment in promoting economic development medium and long-term bank debt have remained

unchanged. In Continental Europe, banks tend to An important issue facing multinational

become more reluctant to finance the day-to-day enterprises involves establishing appropriate capital
business of non-financial firms. These facts suggest structure levels for their foreign operations. An
that changes have been pushed by banks rather than important goal of this exploratory study is to identify
pulled by markets. some of the major determinants of capital structure
Development of financial markets in various among U.S. foreign subsidiaries. This study takes a
countries brings out significant differences. unique approach to this issue by using questionnaires
Funds brought outside the company through a to collect data on the capital structure decision of
bond or equity offering. This asset class plays a foreign subsidiary managers. Several estimator
models were used to identify the factors that
significant role in number investors' portfolios and
influenced the capital structure decision of the
the basic concepts are important for every investor to
foreign subsidiary managers.
know. Here, we explain how bonds work, and we The results of this study found that age of
describe the different types of bonds, including subsidiary and financial risk were important factors
corporate, municipal, treasury, agency, zero-coupon, in determining a foreign subsidiary’s capital
and junk bonds. In addition to foreign bonds, loans structure. These findings were also true when all
and equity, MNCs do raise funds from other sources relevant variables were considered in the logarithm
also. form and when an alternative risk variable was
These other sources include Euro-dollar markets, considered. In addition, it was learned that total asset
regional and international financial institutions like turnover and ownership structure were important
World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African factors in determining subsidiaries debt ratios.
Development Bank, and subsidies from host country Other topics covered up are the general theory
government.a financial market is a mechanism that of capital structure and discussed diverse issues
allows people to easily buy and sell (trade) financial faced in designing world technical ones, having a
securities (such as stocks and bonds), commodities very wide scope and having constant-wide corporate
(such as precious metals or agricultural goods), and and foreign subsidiary capital structure. The
other fungible items of value at low transaction costs minimization of cost of capital approach to global
and at prices that reflect the hypothesis. Financial capital structure is recommended. The unit closes
markets have evolved significantly over several with a discussion of innovative methods of financing
hundred years and are undergoing constant innovation through interest rates futures, swaps, forwards rate
to improve liquidity. agreements and interest options and their
After considering the various sources in which implications for designing world wide corporate and
the long-term requirements of the funds can be met, foreign subsidiary capital structure.
the next question which arises is that what should be Finance is the most significant function in
the proportion in which the various sources of long- virtually every business activity. The success of
term finance should be used in order to raise the business activity depends upon the success of its
required amount of capital. Capital structure refers to finance function. From academic point of view,
the mix of sources from which the long-term funds finance is the subject which is considered to one of
required by a business are raised, i.e. what should be the most technical ones, having a very wide scope
the proportion of equity share capital, preference share and having constantly changing rules and
capital, internal sources, debentures and other sources regulations. Therefore, one should get acquainted
of funds in the total amount of capital which an with the basics of finance, despite the hardships
undertaking may raise for establishing its business. involved in the process.

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