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Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care


AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of factors that affect health and wellbeing

AO2 Interpret health indicators

AO3 Design a person-centred health and wellbeing improvement plan

AO4 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how to overcome obstacles relating to health and
wellbeing improvement plans

The assessment
2 hours
60 marks
You can’t take any notes into this one

To start with

Let’s try some bits from an exam paper.

1. Read this carefully, highlight anything to do with environmental factors

2. Now, highlight anything to do with emotional factors
3. Now, highlight anything to do with lifestyle factors
The physiotherapist has asked you to review the information about Marc.

1 (a) Explain two environmental factors that could have an effect on Marc’s health and wellbeing.
Use the information provided. (4)








(b) Explain two emotional factors that could have a negative effect on Marc’s health and wellbeing.
Use the information provided. (4)








(c) Explain two lifestyle factors that could have an effect on Marc’s health and wellbeing.
Use the information provided. (4)







Read the case study about Nabil

Nabil is 14 years old. He lives in a large block of flats in the middle of a busy city. Medical history Nabil has
had a poor diet for the last five years. As a result, his growth and weight have been affected. He often feels
tired and lacking in energy.

Family, friends and social interactions

Nabil is from Syria. He lives with his aunt who has no family of her own but there are other young people
from Syria in his neighbourhood. Nabil’s aunt takes him to see the general practitioner (GP) regularly and to
the school nurse clinic at the community health centre. Nabil speaks limited English.

Day-to-day life

Nabil goes to the local secondary school. His school is one mile away and Nabil gets the bus to school.
Nabil used to play football in Syria, but he has not made any friends in his new school or neighbourhood.
He tends to stay inside the flat and play computer games on his own. Nabil’s aunt has difficulty getting him
to go to bed at a reasonable time and she then has difficulty waking him up in the mornings

What are the important issues you can see about lifestyle?





The Eatwell Plate (UK Government, 2018)

Diet & Nutrition

Nutrients Needed Purpose Examples

Fats (Saturated and Unsaturated) Saturated: butter, met fat
Unsaturated: vegetable oil
Source of energy Sugars: sweets & cakes
Starches: pasta, potatoes
Proteins Growth and repair of cells &
Vitamins Help the body to function Dairy products, fruit, vegetables

Minerals Dairy products, fruit, vegetables
& fish
Calcium – for strong bones
Iron – for haemoglobin to
transport oxygen and CO2
around the body.

Effects of a good diet

A ………………………………………………………….. allows children to grow up healthily

Into adulthood a good diet will enable people to heal after ……………………………………… …………………..

Will enable people to lower their risk of:

 …………………………………
 Heart disease
 …………………………………
 Cancer
 Depression
 …………………………………

Foods have energy in them, poor nutrition can contribute to: 

 stress 
 tiredness and
 …………………………………
Lack of nutrients

Anaemia Rickets

Lack healthy ……. blood cells Lack vitamin …………………………..

Makes you feel ………………………. Vitamin D comes from ………….

Shortness of …………………. ……………………………………………….

Caused by not eating enough Affects children when they

iron rich foods, e.g., green leafy ………….
Can cause pain, fragile bones
and ……………………………….

Exam Question

Roy is 45 and lives alone. He does not bother to cook proper meals as he this it's not worth the effort for
one person.

He buys frozen pizza and chips and has a takeaway three times a week from the local Indian restaurant.

On a recent trip to see his doctor Roy was told he was obese and should change his diet.

What foods should Roy eat to reduce his weight?

What could happen to Roy if he does not lose weight?

Higher grade task

Create a magazine article explaining the impact of a poor diet and describing a good diet.


The role and benefit of exercise

As part of the exam, you will not only have to know about the role of exercise, but you will have to create a
plan for a person to enable them to get healthy.

ANY Physical activity
#Types of Exercise

Everyday Activities Recreational Activities Competitive Sport

Benefits of physical activity/ exercise (write just a couple of each)

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

Risks of a lack of physical activity/ exercise

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social


increases the risk of:

Heart disease


Risks of low physical activity

 Obesity  Cancers
 ………………………………..  ………………………………..

 Weak muscles  Diabetes Type 2

 ………………………………………………  Poor sleep

 Lower bone density

Suitable physical activity for different people

Children & young people 5-18 Adults 19-64 years Older adults 65+ years

Case Study

Twins, Sam and Ella are very different.

Sam is very sporty, he enjoys running, cycling and walking the family dog. He gets mainly 7s and 8s in his
schoolwork and is always bursting with energy.
Ella, on the other hand, is more interested in gaming and watching box sets of tv. She complains that she
sleeps poorly and is struggling to get 4s and 5s at school.

Link the impact of the twins' diet on their PIES





Today will be looking at the impact of:

 Alcohol on health
 Smoking & Nicotine Use on health
 Drugs on health

Alcohol & Health

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

Alcohol Units

No more than ………….. units a week

Do not ……………………………………………

Who needs to adjust their alcohol consumption?

Ed does not drink in the week, and drinks 14 units at the weekend.

Alice is pregnant and so will be sticking to 14 units a week.

Shula is 72 and has a small whiskey at night three evenings a week.

Smoking & Health

Why do people smoke?





Fill in the sheet

Impact of smoking on health

Vestibulum congue tempus

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social
Lorem ipsum

Vestibulum congue tempus

Lorem ipsum

Causes cravings which have emotional impact when unable to smoke


Passive Smoking

What is it?






Write a short paragraph to explain the impact of


Excess alcohol













Prescription Drugs Illegal Drugs

Illegal Drugs

Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens

Caffeine, cocaine, nicotine …………………………………………… …………………………………………….
Can cause ……………………………………… ……………………………………………. Can cause anxiety, memory loss,
………………………………………………………. Can cause sleep problems, panic attacks.
………………………………………………………. anxiety, memory loss,

Emotional & Social Effects

Physical Effects
Liver damage; Kidney disease
Breathing problems
.................................................................. Unstable emotional states
.................................................................. Money problems
Definitions, Personal Hygiene & exam questions
What is health?

Positive definition





Negative definition



Some definitions

The different ways of thinking about health and wellbeing.

Wellbeing is about how individuals feel about themselves, …………………………………………………………………………..


Health – ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Health and well-being is made up of four factors, physical, intellectual, emotional and social. These are the
factors that help us through the day and keep us going.

Physical health – ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Intellectual health – ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Emotional health – this is the ability to recognise emotions such as fear, joy, grief, anger etc. And to express
them appropriately. It also involves the ability to cope with stress, anxiety and depression.

Social health – ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Personal hygiene

How we deal with this can impact health

Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

Benefits of good hygiene

Reduces the chance of …………………………………………………………………………………..

Allows good …………………………………………………………………………………..

Increased …………………………………………………………………………………..

Remain …………………………………………………………………………………..
Exam Practice
You are a healthcare assistant at Bellevue Surgery.

Assessment You must complete ALL questions.

SECTION A: Assessing health and wellbeing

You are a healthcare assistant at Bellevue Surgery. You have been asked to assess the health and wellbeing
of one of the service users.

Read the information below and then complete the activities that follow.


Damien is 31 years old. He is a patient at Bellevue Surgery. Damien lives in a modern one bedroom
apartment in a large town. He does not have a garden, but he has a small balcony and there is a park a
short distance from his home.

Medical history

Damien has had breathing difficulties for most of his life. He was diagnosed with asthma when he was three
years old. Asthma is a chronic condition that needs regular monitoring. Damien attends the asthma clinic at
Bellevue Surgery twice a year.

Family, friends and social interactions

Damien is divorced. He has a daughter, Marie, who is five years old. Damien has a wide circle of friends
from school and work. He meets his friends twice a week to play cards and drink a few beers. On Sunday he
plays football in the local park if he is well enough.

Day-to-day life

Damien works in an office where he sits at a computer all day. He earns a low income and struggles to pay
the rent for his flat. Damien eats a lot of fast food and takeaway meals.

Bellevue Surgery has asked you to review the information about Damien.

1 (a) Explain two social factors that could have a positive effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing.

Use the information provided. (4)

1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................




2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................



(b) Explain one environmental factor that could have a positive effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing.

Use the information provided. (2)





(c) Explain two physical factors that could have a negative effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing. (4)

1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................




2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................




(d) Explain one economic factor that could have a negative effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing. (2)





(Total for Question 1 = 12 marks)

1 (a) Explain two social factors that could have a positive effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing.

1. One social factor that has a positive effect on him is that he meets his friends twice a week, this
means he has regular social interactions with people he knows and trusts so he will not feel lonely or
isolated from people or the world and will be happier.
2. On Sunday he plays football in the local park which will have a positive social effect because he may
meet new people and make more friends when he plays which will improve his self-confidence and
make him feel happier and more popular.

This answer got 4 marks.

(b) Explain one environmental factor that could have a positive effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing

Damien lives near a park which will have a positive effect on his physical health as he can go for walks and
get exercise here reducing his chance of a high BMI and high blood pressure.

This answer got 2 marks.

(c) Explain two physical factors that could have a negative effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing.


He eats a lot of fast foods and takeaway meals which contain a lot of fat and salts which are bad for your
body. it could cause Damien to become obese and very unhealthy.

Damien has asthma which makes it hard for him to take part in some strenuous activities this could make it
harder to maintain regular exercise.

This answer got 4 marks.

(d) Explain one economic factor that could have a negative effect on Damien’s health and wellbeing.


Since Damien struggles to pay the rent as he is on a low income then this will have a negative effect on him
as he will not have enough money to provide healthy food for himself.

This answer got 2 marks.

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