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November 10th, 2022 – Net and Gross of Earning

1. In 2018, Greta earned $32 000. She paid tax of 24% on these earnings. Work out the amount she
paid in tax.
2. Ferdy earns $150 per week. He has $132 left after he pays his tax. Calculate what percentage of
his $150 he pays in tax.
3. Here is part of Thomas’ monthly pay slip.

Work out the Total Deductions.

Work out Tomaz’s earnings after deductions.
4. From number 1, known that Tomaz earned £26 000 in the 2018/2019 tax year. He did not pay any
income tax on the first £10 000 that he earned. He paid income tax at the rate of 20% on the rest
of his earnings. How much income tax did Tomaz pay in this tax year?

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