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Michael Friedmann
KLA-Tencor Corporation, Migdal Ha’Emek, Israel

INTRODUCTION measurement tools. Light travels in a straight line. The

light wavelength is well defined and can be made very
For all practical needs, light travels in a straight line. This stable. The speed of light is a fundamental physical con-
fact has been used to draw lines in agriculture or for city stant. Metrology methods, in general, and length meas-
planning projects, to keep track of time with solar clocks, urements, in particular, take advantage of these simple
to measure height and angles in navigation and big con- facts. Methods based on triangulation or time-of-flight are
struction projects. used to measure distances from meters to thousands of
Modern engineering understands and uses nowadays kilometers. Methods based on interferometry or Talbot
a much more impressive number of optical laws for ac- effect can measure distances from meters to nanometers.
curate measurement methods. The velocity of a speeding An extensive description of length measurement methods
car is measured using the Doppler frequency shift of re- based on optical principles is given in Ref. [1].
flected light. The distance to the moon was accurately
measured based on the finite and well-defined speed of Triangulation-based methods
light. Light interference allows for precise surface shape
measurements in mechanical and optical workshops. Light property of traveling in a straight line and geom-
The semiconductor industry aggressively pushes fur- etry are the basics of triangulation-based length measure-
ther the imagination of optical engineers with its demand ment methods.
for fast and accurate measurements. Stadia is one of the simplest optical length measure-
Thin film thickness is determined with Ångstrom ac- ment instruments. The main components of the stadia are
curacy by measuring the spectrum and polarization of a telescope and a rotating mirror (Fig. 1). Suppose we
reflected light. want to measure the distance, R, between two points. At
By analyzing light diffraction on periodic structures, one point, we place the optical elements: the telescope,
engineers measure line widths five times thinner than the the beam splitter, and the rotating mirror. At the other
wavelength with better than 1-nm accuracy. point, we place a bar with a known length, W. The bar
The alignment of the tens of layers composing the ave- is placed perpendicular to the direction of observation.
rage microprocessor has to be better than a few tens of nano- Using the rotating mirror, we measure the angle, y, sub-
meters to produce a working device. Laser interferometers tended by the bar. First, the mirror is rotated until the two
are used to measure the position of the stage before print- images of the bar observed through the telescope are su-
ing a new layer. Automatic optical microscopes are used perimposed. Then the mirror is rotated until the two
to measure the alignment error with nanometer precision. opposite ends of the bar come together. The distance, R,
The material presented has been organized in two sec- can be calculated using the following formula:
tions. Classical optical metrology applications, such as
linear distance, angle, and velocity measurements, are W
R ¼ ð1Þ
presented in ‘‘Classical Optical Metrology.’’ y
Whenever possible, optical methods are the preferred
choice for the demanding measurements, which keep the Many variations of this simple technique are currently
microlithography process in control. Some of these cri- in use. Instead of using a reference bar, the length of
tical measurements are presented in ‘‘Optical Metrology baseline B can be used. First, the mirror is rotated to bring
in Microlithography.’’ in coincidence an object at infinity. Then an object lo-
cated at the measurement point is brought to coincidence.
If y is the angle difference between the two mirror po-
CLASSICAL OPTICAL METROLOGY sitions, the distance, R, is given by:
Distance Measurements R ¼ ð2Þ
Measuring distance implies comparison with a length Instead of rotating the mirror, other range-compensating
standard. The laws of optics provide a number of length techniques can be used.[1]

Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering 1307

DOI: 10.1081/E-EOE 120009491
Copyright D 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All rights reserved.
1308 Metrology

Fig. 1 Stadia layout. (From Ref. [1].)

Time-of-flight methods well-defined distances from the object, along the pro-
pagation direction.[3] This phenomenon can be used to
The speed of light is a fundamental constant. This makes measure the distance between the grating and a reflecting
light propagation a tool for accurate distance measure- surface (Fig. 2) For plane wave illumination, the distance
ment. The meter itself is defined as the distance traveled between the grating object and the image is given by the
by light in 1/299,792,458 of a second. following formula:[4]
Time-of-flight methods measure distance by counting
the time it takes light to travel to the targeted object and np2
d ¼ ð5Þ
back. The principle is simple. A sharp pulse of light is 2l
sent toward the target. The time interval, Dt, taken by where n is the order of the self-image, p is the period of
light to travel to the target and back is measured elec- the grating, and l is the wavelength of the illumination.
tronically. The distance, D, is given by: In a simplified setup, the Moiré pattern formed be-
tween the returning image and the grating object can be
1 used to identify the position of the image.
D ¼ cDt ð3Þ
2 This method is used to measure the liquid level in
where c is the speed of light. containers.[5]
This method has been used in a famous experiment to
accurately measure the distance to the moon.[2]
In another method, the amplitude of the beam is Interferometric measurements
modulated at a frequency, o. The phase difference, Df,
between the outgoing and the returning beam is used Interferometric techniques are used to control position in
to calculate the distance, D: high-accuracy movement systems over a range of hun-
dreds of millimeters. The setup is based on a Michelson
cDf c2p
2D ¼ þn ð4Þ
o o

where n is a positive integer. The ambiguity of the meas-

urement can be eliminated using two or more modulat-
ing frequencies.

Talbot effect

The Talbot effect can be observed when we illuminate a

grating object with coherent illumination. Images of the
grating object appear, with no need for imaging optics, at Fig. 2 Length measurement using Talbot effect.
Metrology 1309

The interferometer generates a number of n interfe-

rograms for each state of the phase shifter. The PSI al-
gorithm builds from the n images a complex-valued
synthetic image. For monochromatic illumination, the
absolute value of each pixel in the complex image re-
presents the reflectivity of the surface. The phase of each
pixel in the complex image is related directly to the to-
pography of the surface.
The theory and sources of error in PSI are well docu-
mented. The most common errors in PSI include mis-
calibrated and nonlinear phase shifters, detector nonlinea-
Fig. 3 Interferometer for length measurement. (From Ref. [1].) rities, detection quantization, vibration and air turbulence,
and frequency mixing.[11–17]

interferometer (Fig. 3). Corner cube retroreflectors make

the system insensitive to small lateral vibrations and ro- Angle Measurements
tations of the moving arm. The position of the moving
cube is monitored, counting fringes with two detectors. Angle measurements based on reflection are measuring
The two-detector configuration allows discriminating the the angle between the normal directions of the surfaces
direction of movement. involved. An autocollimator, which is basically a tele-
Coherence probe microscopy (CPM), based on white- scope with an illuminated reticle, can be used to assert
light interferometry, is used to measure submicron height perpendicularity to a reflecting surface as shown in Fig. 5.
steps with nanometer accuracy.[6–9] The basic setup of the The working principle and the applications of the auto-
CPM technique is shown in Fig. 4. A Linnik interfero- collimator are well described in Ref. [18]. Small devia-
metric microscope is performing vertical scans at every tions from perpendicularity are measured directly by the
sampling point. The detector, which is optically conju- autocollimator. If x is the distance between the image of
gated to the observation plane, is measuring the coherence the illuminated reticle and the center of the measurement
signal. The height of the surface is measured by tracking reticle and f is the focal length of the objective lens, then
the maximum envelope or the phase of the signal. the tilt angle, a, is given by:
Phase shift interferometry (PSI) is a classical method x
for measuring surface topography.[10] The resolution of a ¼ ð6Þ
the method is measured in nanometers. At the heart of the
method is an interferometer with a phase-shifting element The resolution of commercial autocollimators is about 0.1
in one of the arms. arc sec and the accuracy is around 1 arc sec.

Fig. 4 CPM.
1310 Metrology

Fig. 5 Measuring small angles with the autocollimator.

A setup for the alignment of a mirror at a specific angle Velocity Measurements

from a reference surface is shown in Fig. 6. A precision
prism featuring the desired angle is set on the reference Speckle metrology
surface as in Fig. 6a. An autocollimator is used to capture
the normal to the desired surface. Then the mirror as- Laser speckle photography (LSP) is an optical method
sembly replaces the precision prism as in Fig. 6b. The used to measure displacement, rotation, and velocity of
position of the mirror is adjusted until the autocollimator moving objects or fluids. A thorough review of the evo-
confirms the perpendicularity of the surface within the lution of LSP together with the theory of speckle inter-
given tolerances. ferometry and data processing solutions are given in
A method to measure small wedge angles for optical Ref. [20].
flats is described in Fig. 7. First, the left surface of the flat In LSP, the moving object is illuminated by coherent
is aligned perpendicular to the axis of the reference auto- laser light. A camera records on the same frame two su-
collimator as in Fig. 7(a). The measurement autocolli- perimposed images of the illuminated surface separated in
mator provides the first reading, b1. Then the optical flat time by a small and known delay (Fig. 8). The recorded
is rotated 180° as in Fig. 7 (b) and the procedure is re- image can be analyzed offline.
peated. The second reading of the measurement autocol- The amplitude of the Fourier transform of the recorded
limator is b2. The wedge angle, a, is given by: image is a field modulated by a frequency proportional to
the displacement of the moving object. By measuring the
a ¼ ðb1  b2 Þ=2 ð7Þ modulating frequency, the displacement and the velocity
of the object can be estimated.
The same technique with slight variations can be used In Ref. [21], the Fourier transform is performed op-
to measure prismatic error for polygon prisms with any tically over the whole image and gives information on the
number of faces. global displacement of the object.
Autocollimators together with polygon prisms are used Localized velocity information can be obtained by per-
in the manufacturing of high-accuracy divided circles;[19] forming a local Fourier transform. The localized Fourier
they are also used in angle measurements. transform can be performed optically. For this, a narrow

Fig. 6 Alignment of a mirror at a given angle using a precision prism.

Metrology 1311

Fig. 7 Optical flat wedge angle measurement.

laser beam analyzes the recorded image. A Fourier lens at The link between the frequency shift, Df, and the ve-
simple free-space propagation performs the Fourier trans- locity, v, of the object in study is given by the following
form. The velocity at every point is calculated from the equation:[22]
spatial frequency of the fringes.
Df ¼ ðk2  k1 Þ  v ð8Þ
Doppler velocimetry
where k1 and k2 are the wave numbers of the incident
Electromagnetic radiation reflected by moving objects and the reflected radiation, respectively (Fig. 9).
undergoes a Doppler frequency shift. Measuring the fre- The frequency shift is measured by combining the
quency shift is the basis of any laser Doppler velocime- scattered light with a reference beam. The frequency of
try method. the reference beam is artificially shifted in order to gen-
The method has been initially used to measure ve- erate a beating signal in combination with the scattered
locity fields for fluids flow.[22–24] Variations of the beam. The beating signal is then demodulated by fast
same principle are used to measure the velocity of solid electronics. An extensive review of the different setups
bodies.[25] used for laser Doppler velocimetry, the detectors used in

Fig. 8 Laser speckle interferometry setup.

1312 Metrology

reaches the test structure. The reflected light, now

elliptically polarized, passes through an analyzer before
it reaches the detector. The reflectivity as a function of
polarization is measured. For each measurement point,
two ellipsometry parameters are generated: the amplitude
ratio, tan c, and the phase difference, D. The two
parameters are mathematically defined by:
r ¼ tan ce jD ¼ ð9Þ
where rp,s are the complex reflectivities for p and s
polarization, respectively.
A theoretical physical model[36] is used to link between
layer characteristics (refractive index, n; extinction index,
k; and thickness, t) and the measurements.
Fig. 9 Optical Doppler effect. (From Ref. [1].) Matching the data to the model is a challenging task;
it has been approached in a number of ways.[37–44] Also,
the study of the systematic and random errors for ellip-
demodulation, and the signal processing techniques is sometry measurements has been the subject of many
given in Ref. [1]. papers.[45–47]
The main difference between the different methods A particular case of the setup described before is the
is the technique used to shift the frequency of the refer- nulling ellipsometer.[33,34] In this configuration, a com-
ence beam. pensating plate is introduced after the polarizer in the
The most common, although expensive, method is incident arm of the ellipsometer. The retardation intro-
based on the use of Bragg cells.[26] Other methods use duced by the compensator at the working wavelength is
Kerr cells[27] or Pockel cells.[28] Another method uses d = p/2. The polarizer and the analyzer azimuth angles are
stabilized double frequency lasers.[29,30] modified until the detector registers minimum intensity.
Using the azimuth angles of the polarizer (yp) and ana-
lyzer (yA), the ellipsometry parameters can be calcu-
lated using:
D ¼ 270°  2yP ð10Þ
Thin Film Thickness
The number of measurements can be increased in order
The structure of every microelectronic device is basically to improve precision, accuracy, and general robustness
a sandwich of tens of different layers. The electrical of the measurement. To this goal, many variations of
characteristics and the thickness of each layer must be the concept described above have been designed.
kept within a tight window to produce a working device
with the designed performance.
Layers with a thickness between a few nanometers to
a few microns have to be measured with sub-Ångstrom
precision. For example, for a gate layer of 2-nm thick-
ness, the metrology precision (3s) has to be less than
0.0081 nm.[31]
Ellipsometry and reflectometry in different flavors are
the optical tools of choice for this task.
The potential ellipsometry has for thin film charac-
terization has been early recognized and thoroughly
A generalized setup, including a rotating polarizer/
analyzer ellipsometer first described in Ref. [35], is
shown in Fig. 10. Linearly polarized light is reflected by
the layered test structure. In some configurations, the
incident light passes through a compensator before it Fig. 10 Generalized setup for ellipsometric measurement.
Metrology 1313

In one version, the analyzer is rotated and the com- There are basically two approaches to optical CD
pensator is fixed.[48] For each position of the analyzer, the measurements, spectroscopic reflectometry[59,60] and
detector measures the intensity, ID, of the reflected light.
The signal measured is periodic and can be described as:
variable angle scatterometry.[61–64]
The setup of the spectroscopic reflectometry is de-
scribed in Fig. 11. A linearly polarized, broadband spec-
ID ¼ I0 ð1 þ a cosð2yA Þ þ b sinð2yA ÞÞ ð11Þ trum light source is projected onto a grating target. The
grating is composed of lines with geometric character-
The Fourier coefficients a and b are than used to calculate istics identical to the lines inside the device. The reflected
the ellipsometric parameters tan c and cos D. light is collected and analyzed by a spectrometer. The
In another configuration, the polarizer and the analyzer measured signal is the reflectivity of the target as a func-
are fixed, and the compensator is rotated.[49] tion of wavelength. By using this technique, measurement
The polarization modulation ellipsometer uses a com- precision better than 1 Å for line width and 0.01° for
pensator for which the retardation can be modulated sidewall angle were reported.[59]
in time.[50] The setup of the variable angle scatterometry is de-
Spectroscopic ellipsometry is now the most advanced scribed in Fig. 12. The monochromatic linearly polarized
ellipsometric technique. In spectroscopic ellipsometry, light source and the detector arms are rotated simulta-
the single detector is replaced by a spectrometer, and neously, keeping angle y the same in both arms. The
broadband illumination source is used. For all that mat- measurement signal is reflectivity as a function of the
ters, a spectroscopic ellipsometer is equivalent with a few measurement angle. The analyzer controls the polariza-
hundred monochromatic ellipsometers, one for each re- tion of the reflected light. In some configurations, both s
solved wavelength. The large amount of data provided and p polarizations can be measured simultaneously.
in parallel by a spectroscopic ellipsometer makes it the The reflectivity signal has to be mapped back to the
tool of choice when measuring very thin layers (2 nm grating parameters: pitch, duty cycle, sidewall angle,
and below). thickness, refraction, and extinction parameters for all the
Last but not least, the ellipsometer in its different layers involved. Computation of light diffraction by a
configurations is small and robust enough to be inserted grating is a deterministic process and can be carried on in
directly inside the process chamber, enabling in situ a number of ways.[65–67] Retrieving the grating parame-
process control.[51–55] ters from the reflectivity signal is an inverse problem and,
therefore, a significantly more challenging task.
Critical Dimension (CD) The usual approach is to build a theoretical library of
expected signals and compare the measurement results
The minimum feature size printed on a layer in a mi- with the signals in the library (Fig. 13). The signals are
crolithography step is called the CD of the layer. The CD built theoretically for all the expected values of the free
value of certain layers controls the performance of the parameters. Methods using regression instead of library
final device. For example, the CD of the gate layer for search have also been reported.[68] In such a method, the
a microprocessor device controls the operating speed. direct problem is calculated in real time, for every
Today, a typical minimum feature size is below 100 iteration of the regression algorithm.
nm. The acceptable manufacturing tolerance is 10%. To
enable process control, the accuracy of the metrology tool
has to be better than 10% of the tolerance value. This Layer Alignment Metrology
means that the measurement performance of the CD met-
rology tool has to be better than 1 nm. Placing multiple layers on top of each other within
Bright field microscopy and interferometric meth- reasonable alignment limits is a skill used, e.g., to print
ods[56–58] were the tools of choice for CDs wider than 1 colors on paper or fabric. The microlithography process in
mm. When printed features got smaller than the optical the semiconductor industry raises the same challenges
diffraction limit, scanning electronic microscopes (SEMs) faced by offset printing in typography and textile industry.
took over. Offset color-printing misalignment generates unpleas-
However, as it happened a number of times in the ant effects to the eye. In the case of microelectronics
history of optics, new optical methods have emerged production, misaligned layers generate faulty devices. In
ready to complement the slow and expensive SEM. both cases, the immediate effect is a production yield drop.
CD measurement methods based on spectroscopic re- A thorough review of alignment error metrology in the
flectometry and scatterometry are now already in use in semiconductor industry is given in Ref. [69]. Only the
production facilities. These methods also provide data on optical techniques used to measure and control layer
other important CD parameters such as height and side- misalignment are described here. The processed results of
wall angle. the misalignment measurement are fed back to the
1314 Metrology

Fig. 11 Spectroscopic reflectometry setup for CD measurements.

projection tool in the form of offset, scale, and other the optical design has stringent specs for illumination
correctable parameters. uniformity and asymmetric aberrations, and the algo-
In microlithography, the margin of error is defined rithms are designed to take full advantage of the sym-
relative to the design rule, which is the typical dimension metry assumption.[71–74]
of the features printed on the layer. A rule of thumb The residual optical-related asymmetries, resulting
generally accepted by the semiconductor industry is that from imperfect illumination and optical assembly, are
the overlay (misalignment) budget is roughly one-third of partially calibrated by measuring the tool-induced shift
the design rule. For example, for 120-nm design rule, the (TIS). For this, the overlay target is measured twice; first
overlay budget is about 40 nm. To control the overlay at 0° and then rotated by 180°. TIS itself is defined as:
budget, the metrology tool has to be 10 times more
accurate, which brings us to a performance number of 4 OVL0 þ OVL180
TIS ¼ ð12Þ
nm. This value would suggest that the best tool would be 2
an electronic or an atomic force microscope; yet, again,
an optical solution is preferred due to speed and The calibrated overlay values (OVL) are given by:
measurement robustness. The industry’s standard overlay
tool is a bright field, high-magnification microscope,
usually operating in the visible spectrum. New optical TIS calibration cannot eliminate all the sources of over-
approaches based on scatterometry are also mentioned in lay measurement errors.
The usual approach to measure misalignment between
two layers is to print special marks on each layer and to
measure the distance between them after printing the
layers. An example of a typical mark is shown in Fig. 14.
To understand the complexity of the task this tool faces,
one has to consider the size of the marks which is
typically between 10 to 30 mm, the resolution limit of the
imaging optics which is more than 200 nm, and the
sampling rate defined by the CCD pixel size which is
roughly 100 nm. Despite these conditions, measurement
precision of less than 2 nm is currently demonstrated.
A priori knowledge about the overlay mark, the quality
of the optics, and the strength of the algorithms play a
crucial role in achieving the needed performance. The
basic assumption used by the measurement algorithms is Fig. 12 Variable angle scatterometry setup for CD
symmetry. The overlay mark is designed to be symmetric, measurement.
Metrology 1315

Fig. 13 Scatterometry CD signal library for a process latitude of 50 nm in CD and 20 nm in resist thickness.

The asymmetry of the overlay mark generates a dif- The introduction of recognized overlay calibration
ferent kind of overlay error called wafer-induced shift standards helps in sorting out the measurement uncer-
(WIS). A simple formula for overlay errors is given below: tainties introduced by TIS, WIS, and the measurement
algorithms. A lot of efforts have been invested lately,
OVL Error ¼ TIS þ WIS þ f ðTIS; WISÞ ð14Þ mainly by NIST researchers, in this direction.[80–82]
Separating the effects of TIS and WIS is an ongoing
research process with no closed solution until now.[75–79]

There are many reasons optics is so involved in all

types of measurements. Light propagates in a straight
line with constant speed. The interaction between light
and light is well understood and explained by interfero-
metry laws. The interaction between light and matter is
governed by a plethora of physical laws from diffraction
to photoelectric effect.
Optical measurements are accurate and fast, but ne-
ver cheap. Most of all, optical measurement methods
are sophisticated and ingenious. Each one is a unique
technique, the result of a long research process or of a
sudden moment of inspiration.


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