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NS Lab Accreditation No.

: 08/065-66
VAT/PAN No : 300124309
"Training For Success"

Regd No 5180/052/053 Tel : 977 -1-4475674. 441A156
Fa\ No: 97 7 -1 -4479M2

WATER Engineering & Training Centre (P.) Ltd.
Loborotory. R & D on Totol ent, Treotment & ConsultoncY

Test Re ote

No. 11 Co. Ltrl. Source: Upper Sanjen Dam U/S, Date: 0110712019 J

Time: ?:45 AM, W€ather: Sunny

Analvzed date: 14lu8t2D1.9'20rca12019
Date of Receipt:
No' ofsamples:
Sampled by: client
, , ,o"utioo,*t'Io , , , :
Param€ters Units 1 wHocv]

5 (10) (Max) 80.0 2130 s., APHA, 23'o PDIIIoN

TurbidiE NTU 5
1500 (Max) 26.0 zsro g., apuA EotuoN
Conductivity uS/cm
1000 1000 16.0 25+o c., e?Ha, EDlttoN
Total Dissolved Solids mg/l
49.0 z:+o o., ,qtHA, z3'EoltloN
Total Suspended Solids me/l
6.5 - 8.5 6.5-8.5+ 6.6 45oo-H* B., APHA, 2:d EoltloN
oc 26.6 2550 B., APH,A" 23'd EDITIoN
Lab T€mD€rature
59.4 zs4o o. atge, z:'d EottloN
Sand & Silt me/l

mgi I as CaCOr
500 500 (Max) 16.0 z:+o c., epue, z:'d romoN
Total Hardness
mg/l as CaCOI
500 8.0 23zo 8.. APHA,23'o EDITIoN
Total Alkalinity
250 250 2.O 45oo-cr B, APIIA, 23dEDITI0N
Chloride ms/l
<5.0 45oo-soo2 c. APttA, z:'d gottloN
Sulphate me/l 250
50 1.1 45oo-No3- B., APH-A, 23'd BDIIIoN
Nitrate me/l 50
2.8 45oo o D, APUA 23dnoruo1
Orsanic Matter mg/l
mgll 0.3 0.3 (3) (Max) 4.2 3ttr c., argA zld Botlott
mg,{ 05 02 0.06 311l c., APHA 23'c EDITIoN
of Water & Waste Wate''
APHA: Americar Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination
not available'
* These values show lower and upper limits,0 values inthe parenthesis refers the acceptable values only when altemative is

u per wHo guideline value Irun coltent is high ilue to associaled suspended mdtle* /
commenr: TurbitliE anil hon are high
sedimenl contenls.


by ," ii.!*o"i" i..p*in"a. Endorsetr€nt of tne product i6 neith'r

Not : ,. Th. r6utt ef6r onty to th6 r! t6.t d of ths sampt.s provt{t6d to our ta Etory d colecH
nor imDll€d. pembsion to B'
2 anv duotietion of rht! rcoort can nor b€ G6d a. didgncG in ue cou.l of l!v, .nd 6hor d not b€ u!6d in anv adverti'ing modiE wlthout Prior wdtten
i. n'e toi"r tialtttty or our companv lor th. Product 13 limit€d lo ths invoiced amounr onrv'
NS Lab Accreditation No : 08/065-66
VAT/PAN No.:30012430S
"Training For Success"

Regd No 5180/052/053
fel | 977 -1-4475674, 4419156
Fax No: 977-'1-4479642

WATER Engineering & Training Centre (P.) Ltd.
Loborotory. R & D on Total Woter Monogement, Treofrnent & Consultoncy

Test Re ficofe

Name of Sender: Sino Hydro Bureau No. 11 Source: Upper Sanjen Dam U/S, Date:
Time: 7:5E AM, Weather: Raining
Sample No: 5la 10161077
Date of R€ceipt: 1410E12019
Analyzed date: 1410812019-20108D019
No. of Samples: 01
Sampled by: Client
Location: Rasuwa

zl30 B.. apHA. 23'o BotrtoN

25 to g., Apua, 23'd EolttoN

2540 D., APHA, 23'dEDITIoN

45oo-If B., APHA, 23'o EDITIoN

z:+o o. alne, z:'deotrloN

45oo-ct B, APHA, 23'o EDITIoN

45oo o D, APHA, 23'dEDITIoN

:t t t c., apge, z:'dpotttoN
31 I I c.. APHA. 23'o EDITIoN
APIIA: American PubLc Heatth Association. Standard Methods for the Examlnation of Water & Waste Water,
WFIO GV World Health Organizalion Guidelino Value, 2006 Update, NDWQS: National Drinking Water Quality Standard, 2062 (Nepal),
* These values short lower ard upper limits,0 Values in the parenthesis refers the acceptable values only when altemative is not available.

Con rnenl: Tutbidiv snd Ircn arc high as per llHO gufuleline valae. Iron coitent is high due to ussociated suspended matlers /
sediment contenfi.

Nore:.t. The resutr rter onty ro rhe p.6met€E€rr ot rho 6ampres poyid.d to our laboratory or coll€cted by 6 for analysls as sPEifod. Endo@rnt of tho Prduct is noither inrerd
2 aq, d;Cication of this report c6n not b6 u6ed a. evideme in th6 coun or r and should not tE used in€ny adverlbins m.dla withouthriorwnften Peml66ion to u5
3. Th6 total llablllty ol our company for the product is limiled to the invoiced amount only,
NS Lab Accredrlat on No : 08/065 66
VAT/PAN No 300124309
Regd No 5180/052/053
ccess" rel | 977 -1-447 5674. 441A156

Fax No: 977-1-4479642

Engineering & Training Centre (P.) Ltd.
Lof)orolory. R & D on Toto I Woter Monogernent, Treolment & Consulioncy

Test Re rtif icote

Name of Sender: Sino Hydro Bur€au No. 11 Co. Ltdl --- Source: Upper Sanjen Dam U/S, Date: Ol/}tl2llg
Sample No: 519 10761077 Time: 9:30 AM, Weather: Sunny
Date of Receipt: 1410812019 Analyz€d dste: l4l08l20l9.20108n0l9
Sampl€d by: Client No. ofSamples: 01
Location: Rasuwa

2l3o e., atu,a, EottloN


zsto e., APHA z:'deontoN

2550 B., APHA. 23d EDITIoN

2540 D. APHA. 23'd EDITIoN

2340 c., APHA" 23d EDTIoN

45oo-No3- B.. APHA. z3dEDITIoN

45oo o D. APHA. 23'd EDITIoN
3 I c., APHA, 23'dEDITIoN
3 tI I c., APHA, 23'd eontoN
APIIA: American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water & Waste Water,
WHO GV: World Health Organizalion Guideline Value,2006 Updale, NDWQS: National Drinking Water
Quality Standard, 2062 o{epal),
* These values show lower and
upper limits, 0 Values in the parenthesis refers the acceptable values only when altemative is not available

Commenl: Turbidity and Ircn are high as per llHO guideline value Irun cotltent is high due la assocfuted suspended maflers ,/
sedimenl conlenls,


Authorized Signature

2 Anv duPli6ation of this rePon can not be used as €vidonce in the coun of hW and should not be u*d in any advordsing m6dia wirhour'prior wr ts pemission ro us.
3. The iotal liabitity or our company ror th€ product i3 timited ro tho invoic€d s;ount onry.

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