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Ludhvia Hidayah

Meyke Laura M
Nabila Putri

Assignment Week 5

Unit 2: A place to stay

Take off
1. Match the options in the questionnaire with the pictures
= b.1
c. 3
d. 5
e. 2
f. 4
2. Which two options would you choose? Why?
= B and E
3. Which option has no picture?
4. What do you think this option means?
= These options mean something that people would expect from the hotel. All the things from
hotel that makes people comfortable enough to stay there.

1. The questionnaire in take off was given to the guests of a major Hotel company. Why do
you think the company did the survey?
= Because this survey has to be done for the ease of the guests. They have to know what kind
of hotel that makes the comfortable enough while staying there. They wanted to make the
hotel that feels like home.
2. Who do you think the company sent the result to?
= To the staff at the local training school

1. Which of the results do you find most surprising?
= I think the most surprising result are the option B. Because not a few people try to hide
themselves in a hotel, which I think it’s surprising.
2. Why is it difficult to define what ‘luxury’ means to individual guests?
= Because it is depending on their own standards of its luxury itself. Some of people thinks
that luxury is about the high-end services and some of people think luxury is five class
facility, so on and so forth.
3. There are many ways a hotel can make itself a ‘home’. Can you think of three?
= The comfortable bed, the origin dish that taste like home food, the good Wi-Fi.
4. What can a hotel do to be seen as a real ‘office away from the office’?
= The hotel can provide a room that used only for work purposes, with the office’s facility
such as projector, white screen, whiteboard or glass board, Wi-Fi, and any other offices
5. Can you think of examples of film stars or pop stars ‘letting their hair down’?
= I think of Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello when they still dating back then, there was a
paparazzi catch the walking on the streets with a really comfortable shirts, and with a messy

3. Which is most important for you when you travel away from home- feeling comfortable,
feeling secure or letting your hair down?
= I think the most important thing is feeling comfortable.

New arrivals
1. H
2. J
3. B
4. A
5. L
6. I
7. K
8. D
9. F
10. E
11. C
12. G

Procedure 1 – individual arrivals with reservation

1. Identification
2. Preferences
3. Voucher
4. Walk in
5. Swipe
6. Room Rack
7. Registration Card
8. a key card

Hotel Services

1. 1

2. Write T(true) or F (false)

1) T

2) T

3) F

4) T

5) F

6) F

3. Prepositions of places

● The car parks

● The ground floors

● Breakfast room
● First floor

● The comfort of your bedroom

Hotel Information

1. Make a list of all the services a hotel can offer in the following areas:

➢ Eat and Drink: Breakfast room, City View Restaurant, Cordon Bleu Restaurant.

➢ Recreation and relaxation: Swimming pool, Gym, Wellness and sauna, gift shops

➢ Business services: Business corner, Lounge and reading area, Meeting point, Meeting room,

➢ Room services and facilities: Gym, Wellness and sauna, Hairdresser’s

➢ Local transport and other services: lifts

2. Take responsibility for one of the five areas. Write the text for the information for your services.

City View Restaurant: The hotel has a restaurant on the top of the floor. The restaurant theme is
Cappadoccia, so, you can enjoy the city light from the restaurant. The restaurant has 50+ menus for
you. The food is also available for you to takeaway to enjoy it in your bedroom.

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