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Flight Mechanics 2
In this lesson: Force and moment equations in body frame with weight vector components
expressed in the body frame.
Learning outcomes: (By the end of this lesson, you should be able to . . . ) Write down the Lesson
three force and three moment equations governing the evolution of a rigid body in body frame.
Describe the notations that we are following.

Governing equations with gravity terms

To write down the transnational governing equations, let us express all the
forces in body frame.  
⃗F = 
 Fy 

Fz body
Fx = Fxaerodynamics + Fxpropulsion + Fxgravity
We have Fxgravity = −mg sin Θ, and call X = Fxaerodynamics + Fxpropulsion . Using
similar definitions, we have

Fy = Y + mg cos Θ sin Φ

Fz = Z + mg cos Θ cos Φ
Similarly, let the moment vector be expressed in the body frame as
 
⃗ =
M  My 

Mz body

Call Mx = L, My = M, and Mz = N .
Now, in our new notations, the transnational and rotation equations can
be written as

X = m(U̇ − RV + QW ) + mg sin Θ

Y = m(V̇ − PW + RU ) − mg cos Θ sin Φ

Z = m(Ẇ − QU + PV ) − mg cos Θ cos Φ


L = Ixx Ṗ − Ixz Ṙ + QR( Izz − Iyy ) − Ixz PQ

M = Iyy Q̇ + RP( Ixx − Izz ) + Ixz ( P2 − R2 )

N = − Ixz Ṗ + Izz Ṙ + PQ( Iyy − Ixx ) + Ixz QR

Thus, we see that in the governing equations that describe the motion of
an airplane, we have eight variables now, but we only have six equations.
Therefore, to solve the set of equations, we need additional equations. In
particular, we need equations of the form Θ̇ = . . . and Φ̇ = . . . that describe
the evolution of Θ and Φ.

Last updated: February 21, 2023

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